Mind: Celestial, Relationships and Healing

Page 32

The creation of guilt and or denial

. The liver is identi ed with anger

When an inconsistency or con ict occurs between the outer actions of the person and the inner self or conscience, guilt is created.
 Again, if the ego wants to self perpetuate through its desires, which it does for self grati cation, hopeful ful llment and preservation of its existence, then it must bury or suppress the guilt or inconsistency with its inner self (conscience) brought on by the frustration of non ful llment and thus resentment leading to guilt or it will self annihilate or deny its own existence all together which it does not or will not do voluntarily while functioning from a lower self/ego experience.

• The kidneys are identi ed with fear

• The lungs are identi ed with grief, sorrow and loss

• The spleen/pancreas are identi ed with over-concern, worry and anxiety

• The heart is identi ed with excitement

The external perception or self identity is a mirror of its inner consciousness releasing through the consistency or inconsistency and on through the window of the conscience. The guilt experienced from resentment blocks the manifestation of the higher or inner consciousness through thoughts (thus actions) leading to confusion and discordance between inner peace, health, truth etc. and the outer manifestation of the same.

This is why if a person has anxiety it is known to be associated with the pancreas which functions as a blood sugar level regulator by secreting the hormones insulin and glucagon in an attempt at balance.

• The true feeling or the balanced perception associated with the pancreas is concern.

• Over-concern is a disturbed imbalanced emotion of concern.










Therefore, depending on the circumstance of the external involvement or thought process of the ego/mind and the emotion attached to it, will determine where in the body (correlating organ and glands) the guilt will be buried or suppressed.


There are correlating organs and glands that are identi ed with and for every ego centered, disturbed or unful lled emotion including; anger, fear, worry, anxiety, over or under-excitement and grief, sorrow and loss such as the following examples:


On the physical plane the anxiety condition can be alleviated by balancing blood sugar levels with proper food intake as described in the Function of the Pancreas on blood sugar levels, but the condition will return if the upstream causes are not corrected.


The world of duality with its laws of cause and e ect leaves no other choice but to pendulum swing to the negative opposite emotion of the sought after desire seeking self ful llment through the external perception of the senses.


The pendulum swing of opposites

• Over-concern leads to worry, which leads to anxiety and on to panic attacks as the emotions become more disturbed and suppressed.

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