s2s Artist - Laurent Costa - Microscopic Water Images

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Laurent Costa

WATER REVEALS microscopic


Laurent Costa is a lover of nature. After many years in Romance Switzerland, the watchmaker Laurent returns to live in his homeland. Committed to the preservation of the environment and especially the quality of the water, he decided to invest in this area . Time Is the awareness of our global heritage? This is at least the message that Lawrence wants to spend. The goal is to invest in education and the protection of nature, to have a better water management through small, simple and free daily actions , and also to allow access to drinking water everyone. But how to draw attention to this particular theme? To make its fun and original action Laurent chose the microscope as a working tool . And if the water had a message to convey? What would it be ?

We say water if we decided to photograph (like an x-ray ) in the heart of intimacy with appropriate microscopes ?

It is said that the water " flows naturally ." But what kind of source is it ? Would it not our own source we connect when we connect to the water?

It is to answer this question that Lawrence has become a unique photographer.

As of today , science realizes increasingly link that connects the experimenter with the object of the experiment. Both seem interrelated and interdependent .

Without knowing scientific protocol without particular job , freezing a little water on a glass slide , he photographed the crystals and then the water by itself after a few seconds. Why he did it come to this? This question will probably never be answered . This is not important , because as said so well Blaise Pascal , "The heart has its reasons which reason does not know ." Water can she give us an answer on what it is ? Is it a simple assembly of atoms ? Or is it a mirror that could reflect humanity and / or it makes him suffer ? In this case, it would make us a message through?

Does this could induce a communication can be established between the photographer and the cells of the water? Traditions tell us that our material world originated from water. Go in search of water would be there a way to go in search of its origins ? Laurent Costa offers to share his quest by giving you the benefit of his unique and original perspective. His pictures are the evidence of his research at the heart of the water and everyone is free to live them in his own way ... Pictures of crystals are very cold winter 2011-2012 . http://www.waterphoto.eu


building block of nature

Buddha’s Tree

As science progresses, it gives reason to nature.

As science progresses, it gives reason to nature.

As science progresses, it gives reason to nature.

water structure

Laurent Costa


Designed with wings to swim & fly

Buddha’s Tree

Natures ocean of complexity

morphing creation

Buddha’s Tree

Video’s Water Dancing with Mozart - Click here and Watch the video

Blue gold , essential to life and having characteristics similar to humans, would there be a connection with him ?

Water's intelligent designs are infinite, as are its marvels. Water is, after all, a liquid crystal, superconductor of sound, light, intelligence, and consciousness.Â

You can see yourself reflected in and through water. H2O reflects light and images like a mirror; uncanny since eightypercent (80%) of you is made from the same substance. Â


Image by Laurent Costa

More incredibly, snowflake-like ice crystals deliver personal messages to people who pray for them, as though the God of the Universe is broadcasting to communicate with each and every one of us. - Dr. Leonard

G. Horowitz


The Spirit of LOVE528 in You I have been honored to know and work with

A quick read of Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 reveals

Dr. Emoto on several occasions. We share

Water was there when God spoke

the same Water Science teachers, and a

c r e a t i o n ’ s fi r s t w o r d s . C r e a t i v e

belief that Water is "Liquid God"

consciousness then divided itself

sacrificing itself to hydrate our

into dominant versus submissive,

children with Supernatural

command and abeyance. The

Sustenance. Responding to

song “Let There Be Light” was

prayer in good faith, Water is

sung and the sun complied by

literally the greatest Liquid

illuminating itself, dividing itself

Messenger of LOVE in the cosmos.

from the darkness, to radiate at the center of our Solar System, and in a resonance

We believe that Creative Consciousness and the Holy Spirit outpours in Holy Water sourcing from many natural springs. We believe this Water produces miraculous

frequency at the heart of the electromagnetic color spectrum, in greenish-yellow, in 528nm of light, resulting from 528Hz frequency of sound.

healings in grateful and faithful recipients.

by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz

Imagine people healing every disease based



knowledge of the resonance of LOVE, administered best by pure hydrotherapies. Consider these advancements in

homeopathic medicine, for instance.


Image by Laurent Costa

Images by Laurent Costa Imagine the forthcoming evolution in healthcare, relying exclusively on liquid crystals of LOVE/528 resonating Sacred H2O for healing all ailments. Giving bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits a general “tune up;” as civilizations’ greatest, most powerful, immunization against every disease. This is like retuning your “Holy Spirit filled Temple,” with the greatest of good vibrations—puretone LOVE /528Hz. This can now be done by changing the molecular resonance and shape of Water molecules to relay this most powerful healing message—“LOVE is the Universal Healer.” This wisdom can be technically applied to orchestrate the vibrational transformation of your body Water, chemistry (alkalinity), and oxidative reductive capacity. These expressions depend upon applied musical mathematics (e.g., harmonics) primordially. Like stem cells give rise to new tissues and organs, the “good vibration” of LOVE528Hz can now be used to manufacture “musical homeopathics.” These superior, low cost, no risk, medicines would be most beneficial. Some would say the greatest invention in history, to radically reduce needless suffering. It is ironic that this possibility is generally neglected, when in fact, this is “The General Reality.” This creative chemistry was initially applied by God during the “Big Bang.” As a result, we now have what we call “Ocean Water,” really “Liquid God” salted with lava rock (i.e., primordial matter), resonating in the frequencies output by the “Table of Elements” like a symphony of orbs—atoms that comprise the minority of your makeup—minerals—twenty-percent (20%) of you.

Water is "Liquid God"

This is the secret science and sacred intelligence underlying the glorification of Water throughout the ages. In every theology, philosophy, religion, or aboriginal devotion, Water is quintessential. This understanding explains why a jump in the Ocean is a prayerful baptism; optimally refreshing and spiritually renewing. The molecular structures of your organic chemistry, your sacred geometric design, actually change, increasing genetic expression to manifest you in “the image of God.” And this reaction occurs every instant by reason of intelligent design and its musical-mathematical orchestration. You are the manifestation of your energy content at any given moment. This message is present in the real da Vinci code, and in da Vinci’s famous “Vitruvian Wo/man” drawing. There are four arms, four legs, and what appears to be a single head in “The Vitruvian.” Nine projections representing the nine note “Perfect Circle of Sound” that features LOVE/528 at the level of the image’s heart—a special frequency at the heart of the healing Water as well, since 528Hz is the “MI” note, or “MIracle” note in the original Solfeggio musical scale; and this specific resonance in your body Water is especially responsive to your heart-felt loving intention to heal yourself miraculously through faithful prayer.

The molecular structure of Water that enables this Divine capability, by no co-incidence, is a pyramid —a tetrahedron composed of oxygen and hydrogen. This chemistry delivers “Pyramid Power” universally. Each triangular molecule of H2O mates with another in solution, creating a marriage compelled by the Yin-Yang polarity of energy generated by the plus and minus charges on the H+ + OH- = H2O molecule. This molecular marriage also precisely reflects the sacred Name of the geometric Tetragrammaton that the Creator told Moses best identified Him. This revelation assures that the long forgotten mystery school chemistry is no longer a mystery, explaining why Moses’s Hebrew name means “saved by the Water;” and why Jesus, the Prince of Peace, a modeled Love, said “I AM the living Water.” The Hebrew name of the Living Water, “YahShuah,” made famous following his Water baptism, simply means “God Saves.” Note the similarity and simplicity in this message; that is, the aqueous Yod-Hey-Vov-Hey does all the “saving.” Recall that Water delivered Moses from evil at least twice, the second time when he purportedly united with the Water in faithful prayer, to part it for him and his followers, to free the enslaved persecuted people most of whom resented every step they took towards freedom.

“I AM the living Water.” - Jesus


Images by Laurent Costa

The Garden In the New Testament, YahShuah reportedly walked on Water to prove the power of faith in the “I AM” and in “I AM metaphysics.” Also recall that YahShuah began his healing ministry, today called “Christianity,” after John performed the Water baptism. This “saving” aqueous action of oxygen, element number 8, and hydrogen, element number 1, is sacred beyond measure. Oxygen is the most profound healing and cleansing element in the universe. Combined with element number 1, hydrogen—the source of all energy and electron donor for sustaining life—these two piezoelectric elements, hydrogen and oxygen, make Water the “life within the blood.* [Lev 17:11] Hebrew scholar Yosef Ben Schlomo HaKohen envisioned the Messianic Age as “an era of universal peace and spiritual enlightenment.” He quoted Isaiah 11:9: "for the earth will be filled with knowledge of HaShem as Water covering the sea bed."

"for the earth will be filled with knowledge of HaShem as Water covering the sea bed." - 11:9: Isaiah

In this reference, Water is more than a metaphor for the true Name of the King of the Universe. Water is synonymous with His Name; and with the Creator’s supreme intelligence in applied physics, manifesting throughout creation. Water is the “Creative Juice” of the Matrix. The Holiest of Holies is all wet. And so are you! This knowledge helps explain why people take their problems to “wishing wells,” famous for receiving and responding to prayers. This is most appropriate considering Water is the “Universal Solvent.” The Latin phrase “Solve-pollutee” references this capacity of Water to solve all life’s problems. So purify what is polluted in you, to rejuvenate that which is withering, and help to cocreate everything anew with this evolutionary knowhow. In recent years, NASA discovered Water in deep space and even in snow on Mars. The scientific consensus now holds that the glue holding the Matrix together is Water —the same liquid crystal superconductor of sound and light holding you together.

Water transposes the music of the Matrix through the metaphysics of spiritual sustenance, yielding a new you and a brighter earthly experience. To reinforce this truth within you, gaze at the ocean for a time. You will witness the Master Conductor and Master Composer of the Universal Orchestra transforming spirit into matter right before your eyes. This sacred scene reflects the best of physics, Water science, physical salvation, and spiritual evolution. Transformation of civilization must, therefore, honor this truth heralding the salvation message In Water, the power of baptism, and renewing the Holy Spirit flow of LOVE528 frequency of vibrational energy sent freely by God to humanity ceaselessly, to cleanse, inspire, and spiritually uplift everyone everywhere. This service best saves people from the “lower vibration” of dissonance generating degeneration and diseases.

Summarily, and in conclusion, salvation sources from Water and its three fundamentals: 1) The Cosmic Creator, that is, the Master Composer and Senior Conductor of the Universal Orchestra, says its time to clean up the Water within you, and around you. 2) The Holy Spirit of the Creator shall infinitely and freely broadcast renewing life and health, musically mathematically and lyrically; over a 528Hz frequency channel that is always accessible to your faithful heart actualizing your reality miraculously by prayer. 3) The Water—the creative juice through which the Creator’s Words flow to precipitate and animate you every instant (along with everything else), holds this personal message for you—“LOVE Yourself.” You are a miraculous manifestation of the God/ Water within you. This message is guaranteed to be most important, loving, empowering, and wise advice you have ever received.


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