s2s Artist and Philosopher, Ivan Rados - Infinity and Yantra's

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Yantra By Ivan Rados

Yantra meditation helps us clear the content of our consciousness so it can become a pure mirror, reflecting without interpreting. All That Is exists infinitely in this emptiness, this no-thingness. When the mirror of our consciousness is left without any content, this is enlightenment.

Yantras are inspired artworks and designs based on the principles of sacred geometry used for meditation. Each yantra design contains a centre point or “dot” from which geometric shapes and designs radiate. Traditionally, such symbols are used to balance the mind or focus it on spiritual concepts, and the act of meditating on a yantra is held to have spiritual benefits.

Imagination Did you know that the brain doesn’t distinguish between what’s real and what isn’t? We can harness this “incapacity” and use it to visualize whatever we wish to achieve.

The brain produces hormones that correspond to the sensations of actualization, as if what we were imagining were happening. Our subconscious mind, the giant driving force of humankind, reads these sensations as instructions concerning which direction to take in further creating our reality. For example, if we spend much of our time in fear, imagining the worst, our “naïve” brain coupled with our “narrow-minded” subconscious do their best to manifest fearful circumstances. But if we make a conscious choice to experience our inherent peace, joy, and love, the subconscious will lead us to these kinds of experiences. There’s a huge difference between experiencing our inherent peace, joy, and love, and fooling ourselves with an intellectual idea of peace, joy, and love. Intellect, the energy of the left-brain, is the “dry” part of our mind, creating thoughts but not actual experiences. It functions with logic, against imagination, and its conclusion is always the same: “This is foolishness.” If we believe our left brain, we may achieve some kind of mental clarity and direction, but we lose our aliveness. The right brain is the hemisphere of love and poetry. It’s intuitive, receptive, and full of creative possibilities. Infinite creativity is infinitely imaginative and works through this right brain. Imagination is the creative energy of our essence, our spirit. Imagination brings something from the unknown world into the known world, from the infinite into three-dimensional experience. By denying imagination, we create our own nightmare. During the day, we behave as if we had no imagination. But when we sleep, our dreams haunt us and are filled with fear because our imagination has been suppressed. We are asked to absorb everything we experience, then pour what we have absorbed into our imagination. In other words, we first become receptive, then imaginative, and finally creative. One caveat: imagination isn’t real but made of dream stuff. Only the experiencer, the observer, the witness—our One Self—is real. The trick is to remain aware of the one who is dreaming, so that we use our imagination but don’t allow ourselves to be used by it.

Existence is an exclamation of sheer joy, the welling up of joyful creativity that requires neither cause nor reason.


Our natural state is harmonious joy—a joy that springs from deep tranquility and stillness, free of tension, stress, anxiety, or fear. The materialistic life is one in which money, power, and prestige dominate. It is a feature of the egoic mind, which is only interested in our productivity, efficiency, and obedience, not in our joyfulness. In contrast, consciousness is all about joyfulness. The spiritual life is one in which joy simply radiates. If we want a naturally joyful life, all we need to do is ignore our mind and let our heart direct us. Restoring our heart to its rightful status as master is real spirituality. Perhaps you are suffering. The thing to be aware of is that we are not our suffering: we are ultimate joy. We are asked not to run from suffering, trying to forget, but to allow it to just “be.” Suffering isn’t our natural state: joy is. Since joy can neither be created nor destroyed, it blossoms whenever we are simply “being.” We then experience the natural joy contained in each moment. Because we are in the now, every cell of our body, every fiber of our being, nods in tremendous joy. The moment we try to experience joy instead of simply allowing it to arise, we have entered duality. The key to avoiding this is not to identify with joy, but just enjoy it. In other words, joy isn’t something we have to try to feel. All that’s needed is to embrace the now. Without any help from our thoughts or dreams, we find ourselves being spontaneously joyful. When we aren’t in the now, our joy turns into a conditional state in which we fluctuate between happiness and unhappiness. Joy isn’t the same as happiness. Whereas happiness and unhappiness come and go, joy is our birthright.

How do I meditate on a Yantra? 1. Position the yantra so its centre is at eye level and a comfortable distance away. Sit with your spine straight. If this isn’t possible, find a comfortable position in which you can remain alert. Breathe in and out slowly until your breath flows naturally. Begin with your eyes open, simply gazing at the yantra. It’s necessary to look only at the center of the sacred geometry yantra, focusing on the dot in the middle of the symbol, trying not to blink or blinking as little as possible. Gaze at the centre for fifteen minutes. The key is to maintain a receptive, alert frame of mind, without drawing any conclusions, and free of concepts or thoughts. As you feel yourself gathering consciousness, allow yourself to flow with the momentum of this consciousness. 2. When your awareness begins to shift inward, close your eyes. Now watch the yantra imprinted in your mind’s eye, allowing it to gradually guide you within. 3. Do nothing, and you will find yourself participating in pure consciousness without the mind defining it. In other words, you will feel no need to tell yourself such things as “this is the experience I have been seeking” or “this is what people mean when they talk about enlightenment.” 4. Forget about looking for results as you meditate. Meditation brings us to a place of sensitivity wherein we experience a great interconnectedness with All That Is. This sensitivity generates a loving intimacy with everything we see, smell, touch, taste, hear, and intuit. 5. Meditation doesn’t bring joy, but joy comes when we are meditative. To be joyous requires a drastic shift in our perception of reality and a drastic change in our way of life. When this occurs, we are born again and sensitivity pours innocently from our “empty” heart. When you are ready, you may wish to take a deep breath, begin to move your toes and fingers, open your eyes, and become aware of your surroundings once again.

Ivan Rados’ body (in his own words) was born in Former Yugoslavia. He is an established and internationally recognized artist, an energy healer and a contemporary spiritual guide and teacher; the author of the acclaimed book Health It’s All About Consciousness, and ‘Transform Your Life Through Sacred Geometry’ published by Namaste Publishing, Create Yourself – Secrets of Self Discovery & Healing with Sacred Geometry.

While Ivan claims he heals no-one;

Ivan Rados is not associated with any particular healing modularity and methodology, spiritual movement, religion or tradition. Ivan’s deep and authentic rooting in the unknown provides him the insight and ability to be of great service to the evolution of Consciousness in these most transformative of times. Ivan travels extensively, taking his knowingness throughout the world, teaching and facilitating classes, seminars and profoundly empowering healing/spiritual retreats. He has lived in Vancouver, Canada, since 2001.

ordinariness. They have healed from

he merely helps people heal themselves by the power of “Infinite Consciousness”, his healing journey reads like a book of miracles. He modestly



“ordinarinesses”. Those “touched” by him experience anything but many diseases & ailments and many continue seeing Ivan for ongoing spiritual guidance, growth and expansion of their consciousness. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ people/Ivan-Rados/1328923620 YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ ivanintronaut#g Homepage: http://ivanrados.com

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