(E-BOOK) Creators: Your Personal Journey

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All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical, without written permission of the author. NASA images used, are in the public domain. Images from Wikipedia have various copyleft, GNU and GFDL agreements. I am grateful to Big Stock Photo for their defining images. Other copyright images are with the written consent of the author, scientist or business.

Edition 1, September 2012

The great minds of our time are bringing a new renaissance. The fusion of ideas, disciplines, and cultures has always advanced civilization, be it from the renaissance of the Middle East to Middle Ages of Europe, again, we stand at this crossroad. The new convergence of cutting-edge science and ancient wisdom is bridging the heart and mind, science and spirituality, and East to West. Take a quantum leap in your understanding and unravel Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.— Albert Einstein


the mysteries of our humanity - science to sage. There is nothing new under the sun, it just waits our inquiry...ask and the door shall be open. Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. — Carl Sagan

My Inspiration

To my mom who is my biggest fan. She has given me the courage and support to walk this world pursuing my passions. To my son, Austin, who inspired me to create a school for him. This adventure was like going back to school myself. It helped me earn my degrees in the school of life and evolve in ways that I could never have dreamed. Without this gift none of these pages would have been conceived. Thanks to my special friend Josef Tyls who through our shared passion, guided and inspired me and shared his knowledge of some of the great men of this century. Josef is a genius and a beautiful soul. To Jeffrey Armstrong for his brilliance in teaching me where the science and sage meet. He is a Vedic scholar and teacher. Also to Michael Bernard Beckwith for his 12 years of inspired sermons to which I went religiously while I lived in Los Angeles.

I was awakened at 4 am by a voice, I’ll call it Source. It gifted the outline for this book and has guided and inspired me along the way. My quest was to know the heart and mind of God and to understand our designer universe.

Key inspirations for this book come from the works of Gregg Braden, Dr. Miceal Ledwith, Bruce Lipton, Richard Merrick and the late Walter Russell. They are to me where the mystical, the spiritual and science meet. You will observe their footprints, words and passion throughout these pages. Special contributors include: John Stuart Reed, Stuart Mitchell, Gene Webb and Stan Tenen. Also I give gratitude for all the other scientists and sages whose pioneering works weave together like a fine tapestry—thank you! With my deepest gratitude and fascination — Karen Elkins

The Dweller in the Innermost, by George Frederic Watts

Acknowledgment They say that an image is worth a thousand words ... and the knowledge in this book is a full palate of artists, photographers, mathematicians, sages and scientists who generously shared their insights through their speaking engagements, books, CD’s, DVD’s and Photos by ceiling Dany Fabien


on the internet. Without their passion and vision I would not have been able to create such a collective body. This gallery of works is a beautiful

Just as a note: the creators of the content I have assimilated throughout this book, do not or may not necessarily share my personal views on the tapestry.

symphony of where many disciplines meet. You can explore the ideas more in-depth in the Science to Sage on-line magazine or with the contributors themselves. Special thanks to my friends for their passion, humor, candor and expertise, and our fine dining along the way. To Alannah Ireland, and Earnest Newman for editing and proofreading, Josef Tyls for checking the science, his contribution to this book, and for our many hours of conversation.

Brief Introduction Consider this book a synthesis of scientific disciplines and spiritual principles, a 101 text. The new frontiers of science are validating ancient cosmic principles. Yet, some of these findings are still being questioned by the mainstream. However, they thread like a fine tapestry. This book also reveals my childhood fascination with God’s design studio where creation is masterminded. These pages will give insight into the genius of the Designer.

Ceiling by Phillip Maiwald - Fern by Luc Viatour - Sound water by Alexander Lauterwasser

Use this collective body of work as a guide with which to ponder the new science and ancient wisdom. Other Science to Sage resources events, live links on the website and an on-line magazine featuring my key influences, leading edge scientist, innovator thinkers, the spiritually minded and amazing artists - continue the journey with me, lets go deeper. www.sciencetosage.com Blessings, Karen


Table of Contents Acknowledgment ……………………………….4

7. The Nature of Spin………………………105

My Inspiration …………………………………..5

8. Sound Vibration & Creation .................124

Brief Introduction ……………………………….6

9. Celestial Influences……………………..146

Table of Contents ……………………………….7

10.The Mind and The Heart ……………….156

11.Story and Identity ……………………….176

1. The Reason to BE……………………………9


2. Nature’s Intelligence ………………………..21


3. As Above, So Below…………………………44

14.The Architect……………………………..212

4. The One and The Many …………………….59

15.The One Story ……………………………229

5. The Light and The Spectrum ………………64

16.Friend or Foe ........................................245

6. The Electric Universe ……………………….86

Closing thought .........................................272

The Master’s M i n d The Master Mind of this design Is electric and magnetic Full of possibilities A creative spark This is my divinity. It’s all entwined Like a web The internet A perfect connect. The Mind of God reveals Its thundering thoughts Lighting up the heavens My mind and my thoughts. Overwhelmed by its immensity Its force and conductivity It lights up the world From the sun, forms the stars

So I can reflect back the light in ME That was given by Him/Her As it nourishes me. Yet I can be reduced To a particle, then a wave From an Adam To emerging with Eve A perfect union My perfect mate We dance by design Like galaxies entwine Angels’ wings embraced. Whirling intensity through space The strength of this vortex This coming together Is fractal in expression Of expanding dimension

Transcending time and space.

Her heart’s pulse Expresses like me.

My radio wave My frequency The channels I tune in Creates my destiny.

This energetic display Rotates and circulates Around me, the earth the sun and spins the moon.

I’m a master creator Mixed in clay Bonded by chemistry My elements at play. Gravity holds my shape My geometric pattern My blueprint MyDNA My creation on display. This essence emanates from me A brilliant reflection A complete spectrum My aura, earth’s borealis A technicolor display. It’s not by chance that Mother Earth is the same as me Crystal in form Her battery

Some ask what God is I say he is a scientists and a mystic too He has left creating up to you It has been called free will He has given you a sphere of influence from which to view and you can see what orbits you It ‘s the perfect feedback loop Away and Welcome toPack seeClouds where you are Ay” by Edward Robert Hughes hooped. Karen Elkins


The Reason to Be

Your mind is gifted so you can experience knowledge. Your lips to give you a voice to share. Your heart is your inner light and guidance system. — Hermes

The One I am the Soul that exists in everything. I am the beginning the middle and the end of all lives...I am mind dwelling in, I am the One who never changes. I am manifest in all things and nothing moves without Me. — The Bhagavad Gita One intrinsic unity embraces all phenomena. —The Lankavatara Sutra I Am the one who is with you always.

I am the

Father, the Mother, the Son. I cannot be defiled or corrupted. I have to teach you those things that are and those things that will be, so that through this revelation you will perceive the perfection of humanity. —The Apocrypha of John

The Cosmic Connection You are a child of a cosmic story. Your ancestors and your family tree are what grounds you to this plane of existence. This web is complex, yet simplistic at the same time. Knowledge of this beauty will allow you to understand that you have never been abandoned. You may have just lost your compass on the way. To see yourself in this cosmic construct is to know your place within this epic story. Your true destiny is as a cocreator and as an expression of the Divine.

Catch the dream of this cosmic web. People conform to the earth. The earth follows the conventions of the sky: the sky emulates the Tao. The Tao conforms to its own nature. — The Tao Te Ching

The Nature of Our Reality Universal Intelligence Pervades Everything Man has always inquired into the nature of reality. Findings suggest that we live in a universe constructed of bioelectrical and magnetic impulses that are expressed as a sea of pure consciousness. The sea of dancing particles sends waves, forms shapes and creates patterns that reveal we live in an intelligent, creative and elegantly designed universe. To understand this blueprint of creation puts a new spin on our understanding of our place in the field of limitless possibilities and All that is manifest is filled with God. All that is un-manifested is filled with God. From God all things flow. All things come from Him, yet He alone does not change. — Isha Upanishad

allows us to see our interconnectedness within the web of life. Exploration through a scientific lens, with a fusion of the mystical, we can begin to comprehend what the ancients have voiced all along in their verses and songs.

Why are you Divine? Because You are an Emanation of the Creation Itself. The option you have is the stillness of the void or to make active and animate yourself, creating and manifesting into form your thoughts and desires.

There manifests itself in the fully developed being, Man, a desire mysterious, inscrutable and irresistible: to imitate nature, to create, to work himself the wonders he perceives. Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance. Man's Greatest Achievement, 1907 — Nikola Tesla

“All thinking is creative thinking. All thinking is creating that which it is thinking.” Nothing can be without the desire to be. — Walter Russell, The Universal One Learn from theses teachings, attain Gnosis, love life, then there will be no one to cause you sorrow but yourself. — The Apocryphon of James

Life is a Mini Lab for

Self Examination As we explore our universe, we can see that all things are interconnected and self referencing.

Self Referencing

This lens can be used to peep in or out. The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the universe, the bridge between all things and the mirror that shows us what we have created. — The Divine Matrix, Gregg Braden

Photo by Staecker

You are a Master Creator “I am that, I am.� You are what you create; you are your own creation and it is your universe in which you are the master. So often the question is asked, what is my purpose? What would a designer say? A masterful creator would be mindful and conscious of his every stroke, as one is known through their creation. Without a creator, a painter there is no art. This is the journey to selfrealization; it is realizing self, consciously at play.

Make Sense of Your World What a marvelous designer that gave you the perfect body to experience and sense your every thought and the pure joy of creating. Your body is your vehicle through which you realize your thoughts put into form. Your thoughts and your every word are dynamic and alive. These waves of consciousness manifested in a form, allow you to experience the divine creator you are. You experience your mind as thought, translated into feelings. Know that the sensations you feel in your body are vibrations...energy in motion.

Appreciate the grandeur you have been gifted from the master designer. You have been blessed with a beautiful garden in which to play.

This is your inner knowing— Intuition, your Insight.

It’s All About Spin Learn to love yourself, as this is the key to creating the personal formula you love. Your signature is visible in your imprint, your finger print, and your bodies’ design. The elements of the formula are the same, it's your spin that makes it distinct. NO ONE ELSE IS EXACTLY LIKE YOU.

You are a dynamic ball of fire with the power to manifest. People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with its own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive. — Joseph Campbell

The Web Within this cosmic web, We dance as a particle, A ripple in the wave, Expressing our light, Like a pearl on a string, Spinning our desires, On a silver thin web. — Karen Elkins

Luc Viatour(CC BY-SA 3.0) www.Llucnix.be

Natures Intelligence Two

Evening Mood, William-Adolphe

The Great Tao pervades all things. It caused all things to come into existence. — The Tao Te Ching

The Seed of Intelligence is Inherent in All of Us Each seed has a unique blueprint for its germination and its life cycle. Through a loving environment, we can nourish and cultivate our grandest expression. We must feel safe to take risks, to be creative, to miss the mark and to repeat the lesson until there is mastery. There is a plan from which you will unfold and experience your life. Your seed is your blueprint for life. See now...in this My body, the whole universe centered in ONE... — The Bhagavad Gita

We Come Connected What you associate with, you become. We only know who we are when we are in relationship. These relationships are our greatest mirrors, teachers and friends. They give a point of reference, a compass and comparison. I’m not this—I am that. He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye. — Buddha

There is No ONE of a Kind There is No ONE WAY There is no ONE of anything, be it types of people, plants, animals, or bugs. We live in a spectrum of color and a multicultural universe. We too often get caught up in a single point of view without looking at another’s perspective. Why do we judge, when we could otherwise become an explorer and get to know someone else's world. It is often said that one of the greatest gifts you can give someone is to listen. We all need to be heard, seen and felt. In the sky, there is no distinction of east or west; people create distinctions out of their minds and then they believe It’s All About Perspective

them to be true. — Buddha

Photo’s by/ Owl: Mochuelo/Ethers: JJ Harrison/Human: Petar Milosevic/Cat: Tim Vickie

The Cosmic One Sees Through Different Lenses Out of the One, there are many individual creative expressions. I am my own universe and my one song. I am infinite. I am that…experiencing self without limit. I AM that which cannot be measured or known, but I reveal Myself as I wish...I am the All, Since I exist in everyone. — Trimorpic Protennoia I Am in everything. I uphold the heavens. I Am the foundation which supports the planets. I Am the light that shines everywhere, that gives joy to souls. — Manichean psalm

You are molded from the clay of the earth as angels dancing with the elements. Everything constructed in our material world is made up of elements in varying proportions; hence the Periodic Table. Your personal make and model this time around is part of the encoded imprint you received at birth. In Vedic tradition, this imprint is identified by means of a dosha. Your nature, be it fiery, earthy, spacey or a combination of, is designed for your soul’s experience and unfolding during this lifetime. This Lela or play is our story until we begin to consciously create and liberate ourselves of this ‘matter’. What is your nature? The material body consists of fire, water, earth and air, this is our mortal and earthbound nature. OurSoul is nourished by fire and air. — The Wisdom of the Pharaohs

You are Elemental

Nurture Your Nature Each environment whether solar, governmental or a family system has evolved as a life form, which responds to its own climate and therefore, creates a distinct experience. Within a family each individual possesses the same blueprint, hence the stimulus package. Our temperament makes the difference in the stimulus and response. That is why not everyone in the family is exactly the same.

Photo by John Wong

Environmental Influences

...a radically new understanding has emerged at the leading edge of cell science. It is now recognized that the environment, and more specifically, our perception (interpretation) of the environment, directly controls the activity of our genes. Environment controls gene activity through a process known as epigenetic control... — Bruce Lipton

Circuits of Interconnectedness We go about our day through systems of networks. We seek to navigate our ‘WAY’ within a construct of hierarchies. The challenge is not to get caught in the maze. See yourself as part of the web, yet still the individual that you are. Note, there are many routes and mansions for the seeker.

Systems within Systems Like the Russian Matryoshka dolls, our worlds are like systems imbedded within systems. We are contained within the solar system and our body systems are contained within us. There are billions of cells dancing within our inner and outer space. Biblical references say that we are made “in the image of likeness of God.” We have been given our own universe, which is our body that we are the masters of. Doll carved by Zvezdochkin, painted by Malyutin

Thus, as the commander of our own star ship, we still receive commands from our Superior. As above, so below. Similar to outer space, there are neural networks (electrically charged) through which we receive signals within our body. The “big guy in the sky” does the same via his/her lightning charges and wireless network. Daily, our Mother Earth is bombarded with a million plus lighting strikes not dissimilar to our bodies receiving their share of electrical impulses from our heart and mind. These electrical charges give impetus to life. We are connected.

"Universal Man" illumination from Hildegard's Liber Divinorum Operum, 1165

The Schumann Resonance Earth and humans have a sympathetic frequency ...it is called the Schumann Resonance. This frequency operates at a range of approximately 8-Hertz, which is the same frequency at which the brain operates and is very close to the ALPHA rhythm. This frequency also acts like a tuning fork for the brain. It is our Mother Gia’s heartbeat as well. NASA discovered that astronauts who were isolated from this frequency became very disoriented and as a result, NASA insured that this frequency was incorporated into every launch. We are naturally and intimately connected and soothed by Mother Earth’s resonance, which can be compared to a baby resting on its mother’s heart. Step out and get grounded. Earth’s trees are like antennae to our outer sphere.

The awareness of our interconnectedness is important if we are to respect the inward and outer exchange that has been created for our benefit.

We and Mother Earth are Both Matter, Charged and Alive. We and Mother Earth are both formed from the one Light Source and crystalized into form. Crystals are used as transmitters and they keep time and store information. Mother Earth is 90% crystal at its crust. As we come together as one song we can resonate a common electromagnetic field. This field acts like one big wave and one massive subatomic particle. Mother Earth feels our every vibration. We can work as a collective consciousness through organizations like the Global Coherence Initiative (GCI). We can be of one mind and of one heart for a conscious purpose. GCI connects, educates, monitors and guides us for a coherent, heart-based and planetary vibration.

By Walden

The Gift of Mothers’ is LIFE... Breathes Me - Air Bathes Me - Water Warms Me - Fire Grounds Me - Earth Expands Me - Space Without this gift I could not experience self. I am grateful and respectful for what sustains and nurtures my journey. This experience called LIFE.

What We do to Our World We do to Ourselves

To see this web of interconnectedness is vital to our sustainable future and the mutual respect that is required. What we do to this planet, the very body that sustains us, we do to ourselves.

HUMANS and the PLANET are of equal measure – 70% water, 99.9% empty space, electric and dynamic.

What is your culture? What’s brewing in your dish?

What’s up in your world?

What are you cultivating?

Your are born into a culture...

but you are welcome to

sample different dishes!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Image:Ascomycetes.jpg

You’re Not Your “Genes”...

Your genes are only a blueprint or the frame from which to start, but it’s up to you to shapes them. Just like in a family, or call it your familiar, you can breakout of a negative pattern at anytime.

You frame your life

Your cells have your brand!... ...what is the self, what makes you you? ... ...where is your identify found? ...in your membrane...(memory/brain) You have never died‌ — Bruce Lipton

Your Signature is Unique From the cells in your body, to your unique geometry, to the orb of you, all of these are as distinct as your finger print.

Talk Nicely to Your Cells! Cells transit Information What you bring charge to will magnify.

So remember, you are electric and totally magnetic!

Your word is the directive, and where you make the connection. Relate = Relation+ship

It is our ultimate destiny to unfold to our fullest potential. If we are mindful each step can take us towards mastering a component of our life (skill) and nurture the innate intelligence that we ALL possess. Mastery is key and mastering some elements are easier than others. Like nature we must withstand the elements, be rooted to bud, reach for the sky to breakthrough and understand there are natural cycles and season.


Plant the Seed With generosity and kind words, always doing to others what is good, he treats all people as the same. His compassion for the world is like the hub that makes the wheel turn round. — Anguttara Nikyaya

If you have a seed of an idea, you must plant it to see it grow. All seeds have potential, but not all seeds have good soil. So tend to your garden well. The one big mistake most of us make is we don’t move on an idea--plant or water the seed. You have to nurture and tend to the idea if you want to see it grow...and no one else can do this for you. Life is about YOUR blossoming. Be a light that brings sunshine to all you meet and assist your budding friends to grow. Be supportive, it’s easy to be critical and judgmental but this only stunts one’s growth. Let Your Ideas Take Flight

Life is Like a Boomerang ...whatever you throw out, will always come back. This universal laws is impersonal. In the Eastern tradition this idea is called Karma. It is translated as the Law of Doing—action and reaction. Everything always comes back full circle.

Photo by Guillaume Blanchard

Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; Everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law. — The Kybalion

We are Copycats Many achievements in science are a reflection of the body’s inner workings - INSIGHT! Everything from the computer, the lens, pumps, plumbing, valves, electricity, pistons, canals, joints, batteries, filtration systems, waste processing, to the vehicle itself, is a copy of the body’s inner design. Even a car’s piston is a reflection of how our cells operate.

Natures Smart Designs

Flying Machines

Great minds have always seen the inherent genius in nature. Leonardo da Vinci and our modern day Fritof Capra are examples of some of those ‘seeing’ minds. Visionaries see interconnectedness. A new movement called biomimicry is imitating nature’s grand designs. Through these insights we are beginning to engineer for efficiency, coexistence and sustainability. Biomimicry is the "new science that studies nature's models and then imitates or takes inspiration from these designs and processes to solve human problems. — Jane Benyus



Zephyris/CC 3.0

Life Flows Nature is not ridged, but is rhythmical. Nature abides by the dynamic forms of motion. This motion can be observed in the wave in the ocean, the sound wave or the movement of a snake, or a winding river.

Victor Schauberger inventor and naturalist states, water is a living substance. It moves like the wind via its currents, be it placid or torrent. The Principles of Rhythm...

Nothing rest; everything moves; everything vibrates.

I think the idea here is to “flow with the current.” Anything that does not bend breaks.

— The Kybalion Photo by Karl Herrmann

Water is a Perfect Analogy for Life Are you frozen in your emotions? Are you stuck in an eddy? Have you been swept away by the tide? Are you crying buckets of tears? Is your cup half empty or half full? Are you in a torrential, placid, rushed, or stagnant? Our human body is made up of approximately 70% water. It only stands to reason that it has a big influence on our nature. Water is also considered the solvent of the universe, and in the spiritual sense, the reason for baptism, and our daily bath--to be made new, and to be clean. So What do You Swim in? I Am the life of the world: I am the sap in the trees, and the sweet water that lies beneath the children of matter. — Manichean psalm As you see yourself in water or mirror, so see Me in yourselves. — Agrapha

Evening Mood, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1882

The Seven Cosmic Principles of Hermes The Principle of Mentalism THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental. The Principle of Cause and Effect Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law. The Principle of Correspondence HermesTrismegistus

As above, so below; as below, so above. The Principle of Rhythm Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.

The Principle of Gender Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes. The Principle of Vibration Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. The Principle of Polarity Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but halftruths; all paradoxes may be reconciled. — The Kybalion


As Above, So Below

There is no death. Only the changing of worlds. — Chief Seattle For what is death but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? And what is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered? — Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

A Cosmic Mind Field From this sea of consciousness, it’s mind that makes things matter. Water of the heavens still is water, and it still is light waves. No change whatsoever has taken place between the waters of earth and those of the heavens except a change of its condition from positive to negative preponderance. This change is due solely to a change of its direction in respect to its center of gravity. — Walter Russell In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. … — Genesis, 1. 1

We are a Big Bang

Life burst onto the scene with the Big Bang. All life, beginning with our cells is a cosmic explosion supported in the ocean of devotion. We are nourished and sustained in the womb of our mothers’ universe. Within this field of potential life emerges. As Walter Russell states “all life is sex” as it is a creative process of merging, exploding, to Delta Vision Roy van Heesbeen/Cell into anaphase


Birthed in Expanding Universes

Life comes from the void.

You, like the creator, can create in the image and likeness of self.

We are nourished and sustained in the womb of our mothers’ universe. Within this field infinite potential exists, and all life emerges from the seas’.

Life Emerges From the Seas’ As we exist in the abyss of the eternal waters’, we swim in the cosmic ether where thought creates a wave, where light reflects the projection of our immortal longings. Our electrical charge, our thunder, strikes with its whip into the mighty seas’. It stirs the primordial soup and from this impulse life is sparked and consciousness emerges from the mist. ...mechanism for building

In Ancient Egypt, creation myths are said to have arisen from an infinite lifeless sea, when the sun rose for the first time.

condensed masses is now experimentally verified. In order for it to work, all that is needed is water, light, and molecules/particles. Even if those entities bear the same charge, they will self-assemble into a condensed mass. This process is presumably the first step in producing the condensed mass that ultimately became the cell… — Gerald Pollack, Ph.D.

Images: NASA/ wikepida/Spiral by Richard Merrick copyright reserved.





Life Unfolds its Cosmic Design Within a cocoon, within a womb, within a shell, life reveals itself in a perfect harmonic ratio1.618033 – a golden ratio!

He is the Creator who creates himself. — The Kybalion

Cells division in your body

Evolution We develop in stages, all have ages, and cycles to evolve within.

Life is always rearranges us and this we cannot change! This metamorphous reminds us to not get stuck in one mode of expression or experience.

Dance gracefully through all the season, they have reasons and teach us dierent ways to let go.

Spheres of Influence

Everything is in proportion and relative, from the smallest atom and cell to our expanding universe. Nothing is an island unto itself. We live in a universe,

There are many spheres of influence, be it the solar, cellular, or universal. Matter is made up of atoms, composed of little dancing electrons which revolve around a nucleus in much the same fashion as the planets

within universes and within us there is

revolve around the sun. Consider that an atom (Adam) and Eve (the

another universe.

rising sun) gives meaning to the Dawn of Light; the birth of humanity.

The Light

Creates the Vortex

Creates Beings of Light

Light is the Portal for Life Life evolves and revolves around spin - micro to the macro. It’s the portal for light and life. Scientists call these portals wormholes, black holes or a torsion vortex, but anyway you look at it ... it is where life emerges. ...And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. — Genesis, 1. 1



North Pole Radiating an Auric Field

North Pole of Jupiter

Human Finger

Kirlian photograph

We are ALL Celestial Light Bodies All things emanate from an electro-magnetic field, and life’s essence is radiant. As above, so below. As within, so without. — Hermes

We’re Solar Cells Within A System

SunNASA, Moon Gregory H. Revera/CC 3.0, Moon fazes by Luc Viatour / www.Lucnix.be

As we flow within life's rhythm, we all have many faces and fazes, and flare ups from time to time, yet no matter what, it always seems to affects our electrical nervous systems.

'Sunbaker'' is an iconic photograph by Australian photographer Max Dupain

This may sound loony...but this design is built into all living systems.


Breath Circulates Like the universe itself, all life contracts and expands, It’s as basic as our breath. It is all rhythmic and perfectly in sync. This cosmic ether breathes its life into you. The Latin root of the word ‘spiritus’ means breathing and life. Therefore, the ‘spirit’ of our breathing—whether shallow, calm or heavy—is related to our inhalation and exhalation of life. NASA

Spirit sleeps in the stone,

From a sea of consciousness we emerge and then

breathes in the plant,

collapse back into the abyss. Again and again we

dreams in the animal

explode onto the scene, inhaling and exhaling; and

and awakens in man.

back into the pattern and matter of life.

— Ancient Hindustani Verse

Photo by Sandilya Theuerkauf, Wynaad

We are Infinite by Our Nature We are the Alpha and the Omega; life without end. Even our heart reflects this design. All life experiences the natural cycles of birth, creation and death. This idea is as old as time. It’s ‘chemistry 101’– solids, liquids, gases and plasma. All ‘matter’ gets recycled, re-birthed and reincarnated. We are always morphing and still breathing the same air as the dinosaurs. I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty. — Revelation 1:8



The Cosmic Egg ..is held together by spin

and starts with the heart beat.

The gravity holds the shell

She without her sun

And what is contained within.

Has no light to create form

Intelligence desires to matter

No galaxies, planets or harmonic

Heart desires to merge


The genesis of life is loves embrace

It’s the yolk and the white The male and the female

This is the origin of the golden egg.

He is the sun

He is the fire

She is the web

She is the desire

When they spin together

No rooster, no hen

Weaving their desire

No loving, no egg,

Their love creates life

No life can be formed without the

Again and again.

joining The scrambling of the egg.

The yolk without expression

Through the tension, the tantra

Without its whites

The pressure, the heat

Would be void of its planets, its

The combustion, the big bang

family, its kin.

From this climax, new life begins

Karen Elkins, InsideOUT


The One & The Many

As salt dissolves in water, we taste the water, but also the salt. Just so, the great Being which is without end or limit, and which consists only of Awareness, comes forth from such elements, and vanishes into them once more‌ — The Upanishads

Ether is made up of One substance differentiated by frequencies. It’s elemental, musical, mathematical and colorful in expression.

The Sea, the void of all the deep space, is a medium in which electromagnetic waves pulsate and bring aliveness to our universe. All matter = energy The universe is a multiplicity of changing effects of but One unchanging cause. — Walter Russell,The Universal One

Diagram is from Walter Russell’s Book - “The Universal One” The Periodic Table of the Elements

Works by Gert Buschmann

Matter Creates the Illusion of Separation It’s consciousness at play in the field. Eastern spiritual traditions speak of this as Maya.

It’s fundamental and elemental Essential Nature can be seen even by the novice, yet the novice does not recognize it. Seeing only a part, it is like he sees only one half of the universe. — The Surangama Sutra

As Consciousness We Emerge

A desire bubbles up, ignites a charge and crystalizes an idea into form. This allows us to ‘matter’ and engage and to transform. Depending on the particular perspective, any sphere, from a grain of sand to a planet, is its own little orb busily orbiting in some atmosphere. All light beings experience ‘oneness’ in their individuality. He is bodiless, yet embodied in everything. — The Being of Atum Author is Smial

It’s All Elemental We are chemistry in motion. We make bonds like atoms make bonds. We cluster into groupings like particles that arrange at certain frequencies. We come absorbed or evolved into a ‘chemical’ (bonded) system, i.e. family, country. Bonds are what keep us together, yet when we lose that connection and we are not in the same state, the bond is lost. This new state could be just a simple mood shift that is temporary or permanent. Life is pure chemistry and either there is heat or no heat! Energy or entropy. So if you have lost that loving feeling, consider that changing states is a natural part of life and our personal evolution. So if the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t wear it! Existence is unchangeable, still it can change, move and transform in itself infinitely. The existence is unchangeable, change oneself. — Ivan Rados, Author, Artists, Mystic

Light Body The angels that hover above The orb that resides within Call you home inside To touch that sacred space At the intersection of your design Where life longings rest Where deep seated desires Have their calling Where the soul never sleeps Where the heart never dies Where God within resides At the heart of your design. Autumn Skye Morrision

— Karen Elkins Autumn Skye Morrision


The Light and

The Spectrum

I Am the light which shines everywhere. I Am the All. All things have gone forth from Me, and all things shall return to Me. Cleave the wood and I Am there. Turn the stone, and you will find Me. — The Gospel of Thomas I Am the soul which dwells in the heart of all that exists. I Am the beginning. I Am the middle. I Am the end of all things which have life. — The Bhagavad Gita

In Genesis, it says Let there be Light, and Brahma speaks aham, I AM, creating the wave, the optical illusion and vibrating the universe into existence. I am a beacon to those who see Me. I am a mirror to those who look to Me. I am a door to those who knock on Me. I am a Way to you the traveler. — The Hymn of Jesus from the Acts of John

Matter and Mind and Light and Energy are Eternal.- — Walter Russell

The God Particle We are part and particle of God’s array. We are all elements of nature and our nature is elemental to how we experience our world. Be it chemistry, biology or physics--it is all just a description for a state of being. All is relevant to the one universal truth, the one mastermind of this “one” and the many within its design.

Emerging From Ripples in the Wave...

Light dispersion conceptual waves by Kieff

Stephan Legachev/CC 3.0

...in a kaleidoscope of colors where waves create patterns, this is where we play. Our lives are considered colorful and we are always on display! We color our world with feelings be it red hot, mellow yellow, or cool blue. We all have access to the full spectrum. It is up to us what mood and color we choose. What is your temper or call it your temperature?

Everything is on the Spectrum ...we are just a little more dense! Diatonic Rainbow by Richard Merrick

Visible light is explained in our high school text as an electromagnetic spectrum. This spectrum has waves which carry different amounts of energy. It is all about degrees. These waves can also be experienced through notes and colors. This spectrum doesn’t just equate to ‘out there.’ It also resonates within our body. It is inside and OUT.

Spinning Wheels of Light The Eastern chakra system matches the color spectrum to the light spectrum. The progression from red to purple indicates a higher vibration. An “Ascended” Master possesses the ability to go beyond the perception of the physical reality into the ‘field’ traveling beyond the illusion of the dense physical body. The word chakra comes from a Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “tuning”. These wheels of light are vortexes within, that correlate to our bodies’ energy and psychic expression. Their frequencies can be viewed by a CymaScope. The CymaScope uses the science of ‘cymatics’ to make sound visible by imprinting sound’s invisible vibrations onto the surface of ultra pure water to reveal its once-hidden geometric s t r u c t u re . " U s i n g J o n a t h a n Goldman's preferred convention, the CymaScope shows us the sound patterns of musical notes associated with each chakra. It’s By Richard Merrick vibration is also displays it geometric pattern. The Diatonic Standing Wave Model shows how these currents flow down your spin.

Courtesy of John Stuart Reid

The Multiverse So [Allah] decreed them as seven heavens (one above the other) in two days and revealed to each heaven its orders. And We [Allah] adorned the lowest heaven with lights, and protection. Such is the decree of the Exalted; the Knowledgeable. — Quran 41.12

'Sophia, the Holy Wisdom''} - Sophiology D-Kuru/Wikemedia Commons

Quantities of atoms are found in different states of matter that depend on the physical conditions, such as temperature and pressure. By varying the conditions, materials can transition between solids, liquids, gases and plasmas...and even our accession and return? The hypothesis of a multiverse within the construct of a 7 layer universe, seems very plausible. Within these dimensions there are layers of subtler energies and therefore less dense in matter. The other question that arises, if we are a projection of the source, coming from on high, then are we living in all of these layers at the same time? If so, then what is time? Prevalent within science and world religions is the idea of parallel universes and many mansion. The idea of ascending ladders, be it electricity, DNA or spiritual ideals is fundamental to nature.

Through the Reflection Light is Made Visible

Dispersive Prism Illustration by Spigget

It is a mystery. If you meet it, you cannot see Its face. If you follow It, you cannot see Its back. — The Tao Te Ching Surface is composed of triangles. —Plato

http://commons.wikimedia.org/ wiki/Special:Search/TimothyRias

We are a projection of source from our inner space to our outer space.

Encompassed in this triad is the formula for creation: light matter and energy. In its wholeness there is a beginning, middle and end. Curious, rainbows only appear if you are not facing them, you can never get to the end of them, and they don’t manifest at any one location. So consider that source is in everything, is everywhere, it’s all God and we are all a treasure.

Dispersive Prism Illustration by Spigget

Godhead The Godhead is considered the source of light. From the prism, the pyramid, the source of light is projected. This Godhead is called the House of God in the Hebrew text. The light of the sun nurtures your nature, as the Light of God nurtures your soul. "Matter is Energy. Energy is Light. We are all Light Beings." — Albert Einstein One is known in the light of what they do. There is but One universe, One mind, One force, One substance. The substance, or body, of God is light. The substance of all 'created' things is light. Light is the living substance of Mind in action. Life is the pulsing, electromagnetic oscillation of thinking mind. — Walter Russell, “The Universal One”

You are the Light of the World You are a light being of pure conscious energy. Matter is created from pure light. All life requires light to materialize. That is why you are the light of the world. The more illuminated one is, the greater the influence in your sphere. Empty yourself of darkness, so you might be filled with light and radiance. Remember that darkness is only an absence of light and you have to earn your halo. This idea transcends dogma and takes us to the mystical and the science of YOU. Light Shines Equally on All

Background image by Berthold Werner

The Crown is a Channel of Light As illustrated above, the Earth has a ‘plasma fountain’ at the Earth’s north pole. From the pole’s crown, gases are released and the green area shows the exchange of plasma pouring back into the atmosphere. Also note the displayed of its Northern Lights or aurora borealis. The human body, on an energetic level, also has a crown and while in the process of meditation, one can feel this exchange and energy infusion.

Parallel Realities

by Richard Redgrave

One way of relating to the notion of parallel realities is using the idea of parallel stories unfolding at the same time. A classmate you don’t associate with is having another reality that is separate from yours. You are both still in the school of life, yet neither of you relate to each other. You could also equate this to a neighbor, a country, etc. A further example is the idea of many kingdoms within a forest or the biblical reference to the many mansions. Each realm is undertaking its own work within its own world, yet is unaware of the other processes and is unaware of their interconnectedness. As we walk down a street there are perhaps hundreds of other people. Why do we fixate on only certain individuals? What mirror might they be reflecting back to us look, our judgment, our desires, our current state of affairs?

As we are beamed down from the one light source does that mean that all dimensions of reality are happening at the same time? And if so what is time? Or is time only perceived by the the speed of “light” in this reality? On this spectrum light (matter) is more dense and slow!

Mandelbrot set by Wolfgangberyer:www.wolfgangbeyer.de

The Matrix of Infinite Universes

Because You are unlimited, neither the lords of heaven nor even You Yourself can ever reach the end of Your glories. The countless universes, each enveloped in its shell, are compelled by the wheel of time to wander within You, like particles of dust blowing about in the sky. The srutis, following their method of eliminating everything separate from the Supreme, become successful by revealing You as their final conclusion. — Bhagavata Puran

The Mandelbrot Set reveals the nature of our fractal and holographic universe. Within these visuals you can see an ever-expanding universe of interlocking, yet individual expressions of the One Mind. Other names for this idea are alternative universes, quantum universes, parallel dimensions, alternative realities and alternative timeline. NASA

In the Wave Lies the

Secret of Creation That which man calls matter, or substance, has no existence whatsoever. So-called matter is but waves of the motion of light, electrically divided into opposed pairs, then electrically conditioned and patterned into what we call various substances of matter. Briefly put, matter is but the motion of light, and motion is not substance. It only appears to be. Take motion away and there would not be even the appearance of substance. — Walter Russell, In the Wave Lies the Secret of Creation

A Projection of the Dream

Damien Donnelly-DLP rainbow effect.

We live in a holographic universe which is a dream of our making.

Our mind is the projector creating the form and

motion around us which is all illusionary. By its nature, this illusion is simply fleeting and is just an effect. This is an incredible ever-changing magical light show of our imagining.


Within the vortex of light, you might say, we are light

A light cone is the path that a flash of light,

travelers. From its center, our center, the NOW is where we

emanating from a single event (localized to a

create every moment. If we stay focused on the past events,

single point in space and a single

we stay frozen in that time. As light beings we are projecting

moment in time) and traveling in all

our reality as we perceive it at any given moment. Observe

directions, would take through

where you are transfixed, as this is where you are fixed.

space-time. — Author: /K.

Change your mind, get a new flash, a new direction.

Aainsqatsi - Wikepeida/Logistic Cobweb chaos.

T h e


P h o t o g r a p h y

Each human thought, each mood and feeling immediately affect the emissions. These emissions are expressed in the light, colors and fires, obviously visible for sublime vision. Human auras shine and play the shades of every possible paints and coloring. Pure, fine thoughts and feelings cause corresponding colorings; dark, low desires, experiences and passions cause dark, smoky, muddy, ugly forms of low fires. In his aura man brings health, pleasure and light for people that surround him, or illnesses, grief, suffering and darkness. — The Aspects of Agni Yoga, 1969.

Photo courtesy of Dr. Kontantin Korotkov

Light After Life Dr. Korotkov’s work reveals that our human energy field carries information in the

Healthy Person

physical, mental and spiritual states.His GDV Bio-electrography technique validates those that have suffered clinical death or have had religious experiences state. They recount that death is a process of separation of our mortal body to our immortal soul. The images on the left show the gas discharges, registered on

Near Death

Dr. Korotkov’s GDV machine. It clearly displays that there is light after life –which is also the name of his book. It demonstrates that the soul’s departure after death is a slow process. His experiments also reveal the difference states between those that have departed peacefully from those who have committed

After Death Authosphy

suicide or pass on suddenly. It is evident that those who have a smoother transition display less agitated GVD reading. Dr. Korotkov’s research beacons us, especially those in the West, to reexamine our fundamental beliefs about reincarnation--life without end.

Near Death and Past Lives The tunnel of light or vortex of light is a common thread many speak of after a near-death experience. With today’s modern medicine more people are being revived and telling their story.

Every nature that takes on form exists in and with all other forms. Each will return to its own original form and nature. — The Gospel of Mary (Magdalene)

These ‘returnees’ have a broad range of experiences from leaving/separating from their bodies, to extreme fear or serenity, to absolute dissolution, and of course the presence of light. Many see life after their near-death encounter as a gift. Some step more fully into their live’s purpose, others no longer fear death.

Past lives is an idea believed by a majority of the world’s population. Consider that there are far too many accounts of patients on the ‘couch’ who have recollections of past lives. Phobias are explained and healing happens. For me as a child, I pondered how life seemed so unfair. Now I can see that there is cause and effect, lessoned to be learned, or a state of mind. Again, we can change our world, if we just change our mind. This requires a change of state — a “state of mind”!

Ascent of the Blessed by Hieronymus Bosch (after 1490) depicts a tunnel of light and spiritual figures similar to those reported by near-death experiencers.

Where Have We Missed the Mark? On the spectrum of light where matter is less dense, things are easier to ...

transform and transcend. In this outer sphere where things are less about ‘MATTER’, is this where greater possibilities exist?

Jesus said ...he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do. Is a miracle about changing our ‘state,’ or our mind over ‘matter?’ Science is fixed on the material world. Spirit is fixed on the state. So restate your mission for remission.

Spontaneous healing is remission, a new vision.

Orbs in a torsion vortex photo by Dr. Miceal Ledwith Copyright M. Ledwith

Orbs in the Light Cells of light, spherically dance within and above. They are all Spirits, Angels, and Guides performing their busy work. Such are God’s Light Workers—big and small, working within the subtle realms of the various Universes beyond our seeing—at least for most! What is my ethereal body? It’s my light body That illuminates me It’s my divine spark The eternal me The orb that lives within me.

My transmitter and receiver My soul’s record of me.

It’s my vibration I leave in the wake My sphere of influence My circumference My radius.

Some call it my Mer-Ka-Ba Body To me it’s my fire My chi that descends with me Down the ladder Bringing me back into matter Where gravity takes a hold of me Grounds me to this reality This world of duality.

It’s the imprint of me My crystal My geometry A 19th-century depiction of ball lightning

The imprint in my sphere It’s like my thumbprint It’s distinct and clear.

Yet, in this density It’s hard to see What has been hidden At the heart of me. This orb within me My inner spark My inner vision Which often sends me premonitions.

Light Body Vehicle

I call it my inner voice My inner wisdom My guidance system If and when I choose to listen.

It’s my light reflection A holographic projection My imprint to view. Who am I from this perspective? When I cross the line I see another dimension. I’m an orb Orbiting in a celestial body In a much grander sphere. A light creation A crystalized formation.

It feels like deja vue It’s what makes me sympathetic to you A soul connect A fantasy unmet.

From this view I can see The angels that hovered over me The guardians that whispered to me The ghosts that sent chills through me.

So when I’m in your sphere It’s your inner chi that bathes me Like a wave that washes over me Awakening me to an old memory An ember still burning A story to be told Or yet, just another choice along the road.

Yet, until my mind is still No more mind, no more matters I will recycle back into matter.

At the moment of death It’s the orb in me That ascends with me Recalling the dance of my last trance.

Like waters rising into the mist Like a rain drop falling down I will be swept up by the tide Going with the current of my desires Only to be frozen back in time Reincarnating my karmic design One more time. Karen Elkins

Your current flows through me

Consumes me

I take a pause

As your electricity flows down my spine

I close my eyes

Tuning in I receive the tingling to my skin

Entangled minds

Receiving your intensity

It is immense to me

The feeling lingers with me

Tantalizes me

Awakens me

You felt so near to me.

Were you thinking of me?

Karen Elkins


The Electric Universe

That which you seek is within you... — Dialogue of the Savior

We are all electric creatures floating in the electric sea of this electric universe. Every electric thing in the entire universe breathes electrically into itself from the rest of the electric universe which is outside of itself. It also breathes out of itself into the rest of the universe. — Walter Russell, The Message of the Divine Iliad Image on the left is a “3D Lichtenberg Figures” also known as electrical treeing. This fractal discharge pattern is said to extend down to molecular structures. The statue is of Lichtenberg,

Electric Sea



healers and inventors, including Ben Franklin,

Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and Walter Russell, have been struck by lightning either figuratively or metaphorically. There is something about this ‘energy field’ that ignites genius! So astounding are the facts in this connection, that it

Tesla Top:Mandelbrot Set fractal written by Yannick Gingras - Bottom Image by Michael Bradshaw

would seem as though the Creator, himself had electrically designed this planet. — Nikola Tesla

The Electric Universe

By Luc Viatour

From the smallest particle to the largest galactic formation, a web of electrical circuitry connects and unifies all of nature, organizing galaxies, energizing stars, giving birth to planets and to our own world, controlling weather and animating islands in an electric universe. — David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill


We are Wired for Charge All living systems are designed, by their very nature, to send electrical charge through their veins and brains. These impulses give light to life and give life its charge. It is also the grooves by which information travels through the network form the individual to the cosmic mind. When you are with someone, are you ignited, sparked or charged by them? Do they light up your world or are they energy vampires?

We are charged by it, hardwired for it and emotionally moved by it.

Citynoise at en.wikipedia

Earth is One BIG

Electric Circuit The earth receives a fair dose of lightning strikes every minute and, like us, has a neuro-network that enlivens its body. Also like us, she receives the charge of life. This idea suggests that the earth is similar to humans with an energetic body and a looping energy field

Frequency of lightning strikes throughout the world, based on data from NASA

that flows from the inside out. Earth’s ionosphere also has positive and negative elements. The ionosphere is the male, while the ground is the female. Think of this as plugging in a toaster, where the source of energy has a receptacle in which it can charge and enliven its purpose. This idea is also like the plug to the electrical outlet. Does this remind you of anything else?

By. L Oliver Duffy

The Core of The Earth is an Electromagnet

Reach Out and Touch Someone All of life has an energy field that surrounds itself: from an atom, to a human, to our galaxy. They all have a donut-like shape that scientists call a torus field and it operates on the same principle as a battery.

By Walden

Source Needs a Re-Source in Which to Animate itself, it cells? In your cells are multiple batteries with plus and minus charges, separated... The question is, how are these batteries charged? The charge comes from incident radiant energy; light, heat, ultraviolet. All of these absorbed energies separate the charge. The energy that's coming in from outside builds this charge separation and order. This potential energy fills your cells. I think this energy is critical to an understanding of how your cells work.


In a nutshell, the water in each of your cells achieves its ordered structure from energy obtained from the environment, typically in the form of electromagnetic radiation, including sunlight and infrared heat. — Gerald Pollack

How is Your Battery? How are you charged; positively or negatively? Your charge dictates the quality of your life. It also affects those in your field of influence.

The human body is a battery, how are you charged? Sometimes

we feel more charged and at other times: we may feel that we need a

jumpstart. When the drive to create is not there, we have lost the juice and the sweet nectar of life. Our lights have gone out, our battery has drained. For some, the vehicle has sat in the driveway far too long, not risking any adventure, or having any desire. We have to get out and get around the block to get recharged. Consider that the right fuel is also needed for peak performance. Don’t let the battery get totally drained, because then it’s just too hard to start.

The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives.— Albert Einstein

+ -

It’s All About Energy It’s all about energy and how we use it, consume it, and produce it. Do you

waste, abuse,

create, steal or inspire others with your energy? Even as a collective like a country, how do we deal with energy resources? Do we use our own, take, or exchange with another? Do we leave another better off then when we left, or are they depleted? Each individual has more or less light and vitality. So, how do you run our own battery; is it sustainable and renewable? How do you harness it? Everything you eat and intake affects your field! Everything you send affects others. Energy exchange should feel like sunshine. Consider without victim D, our sunshine vitamin, our cells can develop cancer, just like societies.


positively charged exchange is what a-livens us, and that means ALL of us! We are solar cells, running on solar energy–-so shine!


Jon Sullivan photo.org

Charged Memories! Current Issues! What current issue do you feel rushing through your body when examining your life's charge? Is your current sphere of influence, love or judgment? What message are you sending through to your family, your work environment and your other networks? Consider whatever charge you have, be it good or bad, is what you ‘will’ and magnetize into your life. This is the Law of Attraction inaction. Remember that your every word is an e-motion and an e-ticket ride, which creates your reality. Ingrained Memories You don’t need to ‘set in stone’ bad ideas. They might become ingrained and put you into the wrong groove.

Charged State The ‘law of conservation of energy or matter,’ means that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Matter can only change states. So image yourself going through different states of e-motion. When there is no heat applied, no charge or friction, your relationships are in a state of compatible flow.

When heat, meaning energy, is applied to something, it begins to set things in motion. When the heat in our relationships increases, we begin to have a negative e-motion, hence resistance comes, friction sparks and for some, combustion occurs! If we get to the boiling point, we let off steam, we get burned, or fry one another. Combustion needs oxygen, fuel, mass and volume! So take a deep breath and go for a walk to release the steam instead.

War, be it from the inside or out will always get the better of us.

This gradual heating of our outer world is a manifestation of our unconscious internal combustion. Our intense resistance to being authentic fans its flames. When we cannot perceive our own internal heat, we also cannot perceive what the nature of “hell” really is. — Michael Brown, “The Presence Process”

How does information live within the very core of you?

You can feel it in your bones!

Crystalized Structures

The process is explained by a scientist as piezoelectricity. Our charged thoughts accumulate in certain matter such as crystals, bones and even our DNA. The information is literally squeezed or pressed into our bones by means of electrical charges. Thus, our core issues are fused and embedded into our very core. Your issues are also in your tissues. Every man is the builder of a temple, called his body, to the god he worships, after a style purely his own, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead. We are all sculptors, and painters, and our material is our own flesh, blood and bones. — Henry David Thoreau

...are your core.

Do Mind!

Are you unconsciously creating your old story or consciously manifesting your desired destiny?

Are you tapped into the field of infinite possibilities or just ‘re-act’ing?

When the Bible says, Thou shalt not judge ... consider that you have a powerful emotional ‘charge’ connected to whatever you manifest.

The field responds to the charge.

Dr. Jean Decety - University of Chicago

What Fires Together, Wires Together ...Dr. Joe Dispenza says. Reprogramming the mind requires focus. Like any star athlete, you have to imagine and rehearse the desired outcome in your mind’s eye. Yet, this process is not so simple. It requires more than a mere act of concentration, but rather a withdrawal into an inner space, where creation and receivership can occur from the field. You are the idea. Remember that you are the designer. Start by being the conscious creator that YOU are. Also know that

Today you are YOU that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is Youer than You. — Crankydragon, Dr. Suess

you must make the “charge” for the new more intense than the old program to create the overriding.

Dendrite Julia Set

Cosmic DNA The human machine, as well as ALL other living organisms are riddled with codes. Know that your DNA ladder informs your membrane (memory/ brain) on how to unfold. It does have a blueprint, but you still need to build the house. Note, these building blocks are arranged in a linear and spiraling structure like electrical wires that carry messages along its chain. These electrical charges make the cell part ‘charged’, giving rise to a neural impulse with causes a muscle to contract. This kind of power surge also rushes through our cosmos, as well as ourselves (cells). Remember it’s our “charge” to a situation that drives the energy up the ladder, So on the score card of life are you ascending or descending–hence Jacob’s Ladder, the stairway to heaven. I believe this is how God gives us free will. Consider that there is no JUNK, but that we need to turn on a few more switches to activate our fullest potential.

This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.

Electric force vector (E) and magnetic force vector (H) of a standing wave. Jacob's Ladder/by hughmitton.com/GNU 3.0


Remember what is above is so below, and so within.

The Tree of Knowledge ...is Hardwired into You. You are wired to fire, light up and make connections. Your DNA is an antenna and a receptor of signals. Antennas are also transducers and a receivers of electromagnetic waves--it’s all in the ether.

So with this basic understanding, have we placed a mental ceiling on where our antenna can roam? We employ this technology into the air waves, outer space and underwater.

Telepathic At the level of radio frequencies, making contact with the ‘field’ might be an option when you’re in-tune to that channel. The idea of remote control came to the great innovator Nikola Tesla when he was in communication with his mother, who had just passed. This phenomenon is not uncommon. There are many who pierce this veil. Many people speak of seeing or sensing loved ones that have passed on. Some times we know who is calling before the phone rings, or thing about some one and then they call. How wide is your bandwidth and are you open to receive? Tele is your phone, path your connection, empathic is to feel. To be on the right channel, is to be at a simpatico vibration.

Your wireless network Ruy Lestrade (me) www.flickr.com/semi-detached/ Share Alike 3.0

Extra Sensory Perception Extra sensory perception is what some call our 6th sense. It is the ability to sense beyond the known spectrum of our visible earthly realm. For indigenous peoples it is a part of their culture. Psychics have it and some who have been struck by lightning evolve greater antennas to the outer spheres. Children have a thinner veil between realities. That is why they often have ‘imaginary friends’. If they are super sensitive, they will often like to sleep in the parental bed for comfort and a feeling of protection. School can become overwhelming for their sensory systems due to too much noise, too much light, and with no understanding that others don’t see or sense what they do. Lynne McTaggart, an investigative reporter and author explains these ideas in her trilogy — “The Field, “The Intention Experiment” and “The Bond”. Join her on-line and be part of one of her healing intentions, that explains our bond to the field. W ith the use of dogs, Rupert Sheldrake researched this phenomenon. His findings show that a dog can sense from a distance when his owner is traveling home. EXTRA sensory perception also accompanies bats, dolphins and whales. Understand, we are all hard wired for it!

The Force is with YOU? ALL bodies have a life force; it’s part of our magnetic and electric field. The force within you is the measure of your body’s vitality and personal dynamics. Masters of the ages knew how to have activate this life force energy. It is within you and abound you--tap into the source. The Chinese refer to as chi, and when this energy/chi is constricted within the body’s meridians, it causes discomfort and is a signal for you to be mindful of what needs to be mended. Consider this your wake up call to get in the flow. This power source is known in Sanskrit it as prana, Japanese call it ki.

Cultivate Your Awareness of the Field As we walk in the world we wade through ‘fields’ of energy. Cultivating an awareness of what is yours and what is an-others is important. When you feel a rapport with someone, you’re on the same wave length. You might be so in sync that you will be able to pick up on their thoughts and their dreams. Their magnetic field can send shivers up and down your spin. Each emotional desire sent, represents a different bandwidth of subtle energy. Consider at times, that there are places you don’t want to go and people you don’t want to meet. Their waves of energy can send you into a mood swing. You don’t want to be receiving just Luc Viatour

everyones energy or whimsical thoughts—filter.

How You Play Me

When you play your music I’m moved You play me Because of you I feel your rhythm Inside of me And it transcends me. But it’s me that moves And it’s me reflecting back to you The me that is you. It revives me Enlivens me It takes me in Deep inside my skin Aching to be quenched To be drenched. You send shivers to my skin A longing within. Karen Elkins



He who sees himself only on the outside, not within, becomes small and makes others small. — The Gospel of Mani

All mass is constantly in motion. This is a universe of perpetual motion. Every mass is continually changing its dimensions in accordance with its relation to every other mass; The chemistry of the soul of all Walter Russell ideas is registered in master tones, known as inert gases; The soul is a matrix of the body just as the master tones are the matrices of the elements; The inert master tones of an octave of the elements contains a complete and exact record of every effect of motion within its octave. — Walter Russell These vortices register our every word, likened to our computer files. Our soul’s journey though time eternal, is stored in the field. Some refer to this as the Akashic field, or the Great Hall of Records.

The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe, book from Walter Russell


The Golden Spin The vortex and the toroid are the two fundamental forms in nature that express the movement of energy in the cosmos. It’s spiraling dynamics stirs and orchestras the unfolding of life. Within this caldron the alchemy of life is brewed. By all measure this formula reveals itself though the Fibonacci Viktor Schauberger

sequence, the golden ratio or call it Phi. This is not random but a master design. Viktor Schauberger like many great observers of nature was able to show in diagrams and his endless inventions the mechanics of our universe. Men like him are the fore-fathers of biomimicry.

Josef Tyls with his Tesla Coil

How Does Energy Move? Since the beginning of recorded history mankind has witnessed the effects of hidden energy systems that affect and orchestrate the physical world. The most pervasive of all these movements in nature is the VORTEX or TORNADO. The Tornado movement is based upon a descending spiral that operates upon the mathematical formula 1.618 to 1 to .618, also called by the ancient peoples, The Golden Ratio, Golden Section, Golden Proportion and many other references to the divine order within the Cosmos.

Moving Between States of matter The Toroid or Torus being a doughnut shaped form at the epicenter or end point of the c o l l a p s i n g Vo r t e x f u n n e l . T h e s e t w o interactions create an effect which pulls and holds the form of our Milky Way galaxy which spirals around the Black Hole at the very center.

We are vortexes of energy, flowing from one “sea” to another “see” each revealing its story and spin.

The Vortex and Toroid are essential constructs in the dynamic field of the three dimensional universe, by which energy/plasma moves from and to, between all states of matter. In order to conserve energy and be able to move within a confined or the defined space, the motion of the movement must implode into a vortex pattern and come to equilibrium by expressing a toroid. Then flow out as an expansive vortex back to the universe to complete the energy balance. This current is moved when hot and cold air interacting like dual forces in nature.

The Movement of Creation The oldest text which best describes this movement and the creation of matter is in the Hebrew TORAH. And the similarity to TORUS is amazing.

In the first verse of GENESIS states:

‫ וְאֵת הָאֶָרץ‬,‫ אֵת הַׁשָּמַיִם‬,‫ ּבָ​ָרא אֱֹלהִים‬,‫ּבְֵראׁשִית‬ ‫א‬.

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

CC 3.O/Big Synagogue Museum - Poland

If we were to use a conversion number set for each letter of

this verse we would find an interesting new level of a mathematical statement, which better defines the process of creation. The verse contains specific instructions and coordinates as to the nature of the creation and exact movements to express the creation into form and function contained in the singularity of the matrix defined as GOD or the IT. — Josef Tyls

The hyper dimensional instructions are and state:

• The ‘IT’ which occupies the entirety of what IS, referred to as the Universe or Cosmos, and contained within the IT, at the exact coordinances defined by the vectors ‘X’, ‘Y’, and ‘Z’, in order to set a start point in three dimensional space. The ‘IT’ in its entirety moved into an implosive vorticular pattern. • Causing the creation of a TORUS at the focal point of the implosion vortex eye, and by this action, rotate upon the axis of the TORUS, in a manner that creates all the polar dynamics of duality. “The heavens and the Earth”. The in and out function of a revolving Toroid. • From the exit eye of the TORUS forms an exhaust vortex relieving the energy back to the universe.

Time Space Coordinates and the Tibetan wheel of time along with Pythagorean mystical symbols. All generate a pyramid structure.

The word tetrad, with its significance to 4 points relates to the compass and to space time. It is a triangular figure with a four base, with four rows with a triangular shape. Pythagoreans also that this formula was a mystical symbol. The Pythagorean oath also mentioned the Tetractys: "By that pure, holy, four lettered name on high, nature's eternal fountain and supply, the parent of all souls that living be, by him, with faith find oath, I swear to thee." The word Yahweh is transcribed into Roman letters as YHWH (four letters) and known as the Tetragrammaton, for which the original pronunciation is unknown. The most likely meaning of the name may be “He Brings Into Existence Whatever Exists", ... "I am that, I am". — Wikipedia

Physicists are suggesting that the ...

Shape of Our Universe is a Torus Shape Every atom, heart, tornado, magnet, apple, tree and galaxy spinning outward from its core, radiates a field of influence. Scientists hypothesize that there is only one universal torus encompassing an infinite number of interacting, holographic tori. This collaborates with the idea that we are a system within a system, a fractal, a fraction of the whole and holographic in expression.

These TORSION fields revolve from the Inside OUT.

Spin is the Activity of Life Life is movement, and movement distinguishes living matter form non-living matter, and this is done on a comic scale. Esoteric practices of the Sufi masters, to the flower of life or the yin and yang symbols are reflect this basic principle of life.

The seed of life holds us together within a cycle within a sphere within a spin within a particular reality within a galaxy a vortex of energy a fractal geometry a repeating pattern

The Seed of Life

again and again.

Karen Elkins

Our Sweet Spot The heart is the perfect feed-back loop from inside out! Notice that a vortex has a sweet spot. For our body, it is the heart. For the tornado, it’s the eye of the storm. When we are in our center, all is calm. If we are out on the fringe, we will get caught in the debris. This torus field also turns back onto itself to refresh, allowing for still, quiet reflection. Our thoughts and emotions create a feedback loop, known as torsion waves. From this, one may conclude that matter itself is not life, but it is the conscious That which you seek is within you... Dialogue with the Savior

energy field that activates the spin and thus, brings matter to life. As Buddha suggests, you are not your body but you are a manifestation of your mind.

Unified Theory Joining is not satisfactory when forces of matter and motion are unequally yoked. Sex is the apparent division of the father/mother substance of Mind into apparent opposites. The division is due to the opposite desires of electricity and magnetism, expressed in the action and reaction of the thinking process.- Walter Russell


Kundalini energy is explained as chakras which are vortices of subtle energy that receive and transmit energy. It is the energy between the two that creates the tantra, the tension.

Electromagnetic wave-Author-SuperManu/GFDL, CC-BY0uSA

Vedic Wisdom In Vedic wisdom, it takes both the Male and Female Divine for the creation of the universe. Shiva and Shakti together manifest the universe. Shiva is the pure being, existence itself, and Shakti the pure will to put everything into motion.

The Kabbalah The Kabbalah sees the human soul as mirroring the Divine. God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them, ...

These immortal longings are divine. A communion, back to bliss. We are orgasmic by design--entwined.

Hip Bone & Butterfly Women's Womb & Apple

Water Russell

Revisiting Duality The Balance of Opposites Hence all humans have a dual nature...immortal soul and a mortal body...the holy sacrament is reflected in the marriage of matter and spirit that creates the Cosmos. The sacred bond of love unites man and woman together, so that they my share their essential qualities with each other.— Timothy Freke & Peter Ganday, The Hermetica

Khadijah bint Khuwaylid and Mohammed

Mary Magdalene and Jesus Radha and Krishna These women were more than side characters in their men’s lives. They were passionate, purposeful, partner and lovers.

Women of the Divine The major religions and world philosophies, from their inception understood the notion of God’s force in creation—yin and yang, two opposing forces. You cannot have one without the other, electricity without magnetism. The marriage of energies is what makes the universe spin. To marginalize the significance of one of these forces makes our world wobble. Today the attitudes of cultures and households are out of balance with our understanding of science. Both dynamics are needed in equal measure and need to be respected in order for life to be balanced. Respect is the basis for any love. And love is the formula for God’s creation.

We are ALL Divine. Some of us just act more like it. He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye. —The Buddha

Mother Earth, Cycles and Spins Mother nature is up to it again,

Like the good old washing machine,

She does her washing,

Through showers, cycles and spin.

Some items get shredded,

Some get cleaned,

Depends on the fabric,

And if the dial is set,

At the right temperature,

for your temperament.

One thing is for sure,

What we put into the wash,

The fashions we wear,

Reflects where and how we played,

And where we gained our stains.

So in the Garden of Eve,

We have dug too deep,

Spilled her blood,

Dirtied her waters,

And polluted her streets.

We cannot rape her, degrade her,

Beat her, and bleed her,

And then ask her to bear fruit so sweet.

There is only so much abuse a women can take,

Before she is broken, and in disrepair,

Remember there is no replacement,

There is no spare.

Mother’s hearth is our home,

Her garden our savory treat,

For some it’s becoming a wasteland,

Where there is no love or respect for the women,

There is nothing in the bread basket to eat.

So don’t give her the full load,

This is overload,

For when the load is uneven,

She'll begin to wobble,

She'll be quake’n and shake’n,

To balance the weight.

For there is no match for a woman’s wrath,

For when she starts to clean,

How much mother does is up to you.

The bigger the load,

The dirtier the laundry,

The heavier the setting,

The more agitating the spin,

It will feel more like a tornado, or a tsunami,

A whirlpool, or a whirlwind,

Before we can reset her dial back to normal again.

To get the best of her,

Love and respect her,

Then the showers will be mild,

No wobble,

A gentle cycle,

A totally easy spin.

Karen Elkins


Sound, Vibration to Creation

Universal Mind exists like a vast and boundless ocean, Waves disturb the surface, but beneath, all is calm and eternally unmoved. Having no personality, all things exist in it. But due to the disturbance upon its surface, it became an actor playing many parts. —The Lankavatara Sutra

Science of Sound, Cymatics Cymatics was founded by Dr. Hans Jenny. It demonstrates the dynamic relationship between sound, vibration and creation. He shows the nature of how vibration shapes our universe. These vibrations also have cycles. Once they hit a particular frequency and complexity, they climax and recycle back to the beginning, in the same fashion that nature experiences its seasons.

Photo & Copyright Alexander Lauterwasser, Germany ::www.wasserklangbilder.de// Turtle Image by Jonathan Zander, GNU 3.0

A Harmonically Guided


Life comes to form as consciousness and vibrates with desire, a note expressed. Tones manifest in shapes, sound, and geometry and then we count them within relationships of patterns and proportions. The work of Richard Merrick points toward an atomic resonance as a structural guide for the emergence of life by way of predictable harmonic patterns found in organic chemistry.

A Cell Photo of turtley Kirt L. Onthank/Turtle

Our Words Give Birth to Form “The word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” — John 1, 1-3

Be of

Sound Mind

and Mind over Matter

You formulate with your words and it becomes your life's work. Your word is the blueprint and the genesis of your form.

The field just says...

Photo by Roger McLassus

yes! Similar vibrating objects are linked by resonance.

Your crystalized form—your body, acts like a transducer and receiver. Your body’s neuro-system is like a radio tuner. It selects channels that play your tune. Your frequency doesn’t always match your imagined desire.

When you meet someone, either a resonance occurs or not. Similar to a tuning fork, one either vibrates or does not vibrate at the same frequency. We are all broadcasting our inner world to the outside through vibrations. So when ‘Mr./Ms Right’ appears, your body says YES! Now you know why there is the instant connection. You attract what you are or what you judge, but either way, there is a connection.

By David Jordan

Photo/Liquid Crystal by Minutemen Solid Crystal by JJ Harrison/www.noodlesnacks.com

Drawing by Walter Russell, The Universal One

Crystals - 
 liquid to solid

All matter is crystalline. Crystals are the record in form of the state of motion of the potential which produced that form. Crystal are the frozen records in form of the genero/active effort of accumulating potential. All crystalline forms are records of tonal period-ices. —Walter Russell, The Universal One

Crystallization Chart Walter Russell, “The Universal One”

To the right, the image represents how the cusps of several astrological signs regard each other by aspect. This lattice reveals the geometry, and nature of our harmonic universe. What is your geometry in this space time? –1533 Hervagius edition of Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos, published in Basel. Latin text by Plato of Tivoli.

(c) Office Masaru Emoto, LLC

Thought Forms Dr. Emoto’s work vividly displays how our words, have a memory and a crystalized structure. Since our bodies are made of approximately 70% water, one can see how profound the quality of our ‘tone’, our resonance transmit our character.

It also shows how our vibration of our

words create, and shape our reality. This is why laughter can be healing and how water can be blessed. Crystal are also used in computers and our watches to store and transmit information. The adjacent photos displays water affected by loving or distorted words. Holy Water used in Baptism takes on an entirely new meaning when it is infused with prayer and blessed thought. Water also has the ability to clean, refresh, quench, resets and restores.

Transfer of Pure Light Water at interfaces is hexagonal and has the ability to support and protect the DNA from free radical oxidative damage, and allows the DNA to function and replicate without mutation. Thus, it insures the transfer of pure information in a harmonized manner. This hexagonal water is the transmission medium through which information is delivered from DNA to RNA via short bursts of photons (light). Others have termed this as bio-photon bursts, or bio-available photon interaction. — Gerald Pollack snowflake http://flickr.com/photos/39998519@N00/3211427354

Electrical Wires


Water is “the Solution”

The work of Prof. Benveniste, Dr. Ludwig and Prof. Schweitzer has demonstrated how water acts as a liquid tape recorder. Water stores and transmits electromagnetic vibrations. This emphasizes the fact that we are our thoughts spoken in words. Now that we know that water acts as our tape recorder, remember it can only playback what is input. So from the words we say to the words we let sink in are literally the “solution” we bath in. So the “solution” to any problem is within our bodies. Our words literally shape our world. This geometry forms bonds be it our chemistry to our relationships. You are not an others “solution”, but you can play a part in creating a better “solution” for themselves. Water is know as the solvent of the universe. It is natures healer.

Sound Ideas Bubble Up By John Stuart

You create infrared light when you speak. The atoms and molecules in the air are excited by the vocal folds in your larynx, creating a tiny pearl of acoustic energy that rapidly expands out of your mouth and rushes away at around 700 miles an hour. The atoms and molecules of air within this expanding bubble are bumping into each other, each collision transferring your voice vibrations to the nearest atom or molecule. As these ‘bumps’ occur they cause infrared light to be created due to the friction between the magnetic shells of the air particles. The infrared light carries with it the modulations of your voice that rush away at the incredible speed of 186,000 miles per second. Unlike the sound of a voice, which becomes inaudible after about one mile, the infrared light created by your voice rushes out into space where it travels for eternity, carrying your words or songs to the stars. Thus, there is a direct relationship between sound and light and in fact there can be no light in the Universe without sound because light is only created when atoms collide with each other, and such collisions are sound. So light and life owe their existence to sound.

Your DNA is Noted Nature has already discovered that the principles of sound and sequence are the perfect tools to build biological entities efficiently, expressively and musically. Wave genetics has successfully proven that without sound, DNA could not function and it is at this point that musicians and composers step in to provide an artistic expression to this data purely to bring these elements into the range of human hearing for a greater appreciation of the workings of creation. DNA music has been developed since the early 1970’s when Geneticists found it easier to read the ling strands of DNA code by assigning pitches to the 22 Amino Acids. — Stuart Mitchell, musician

Spread the Word...

Bubble diagram by Drake/CC3.0, Hydrodynamics simulation,Public Domain/US Gov.

Your thoughts bubble up and with your breath you give life to your word. What you speak and share it is carried by the currents prevailing winds--the airways. Nothing moves when the air is stagnate or still.

Water and a Fish

Carried by the Current Air and a Wing

Underwater Suit Fog (water particle) wind tunnel visualization of a NACA 4412 airfoil at a low speed flow (Re=20.000). The image is released to the public domain courtesy of Smart Blade GmbH (www.smart-blade.com)

Water and Ether, One is just a finer form of the other. From a fish moving through water, or an airplane wing maneuvering through air, the essence of space is just more refined. Consider how the Canadian Arm maneuvers in space.

Space Suit

Judas said, Tell us what existed before heaven and earth came into being. “The Lord said, “There was darkness, and water, and the Spirit came upon the water. Yet I tell you truly that what you are seeking is already within you... — Dialogue with the Savior

Sound Morphs the Field Photo of above water & Copyright Alexander Lauterwasser,Germany :

Ancient Yantra-Mandalas replicate the morphology of the field. Cymatics, spherical harmonics and hydrogen wave functions reveal, within their patterns, evidence of this phenomenon.

by PoorLeno

In the “Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar� a book by Jeffrey Armstrong, the Sanskrit mantras and songs are said to be an essential part of harmonizing the physical, energetic and mental bodies. In the Vedic tradition, vibration follows a logical cause and effect: whatever you listen to, you will think about: whatever you think about, you will speak about: whatever you do, you will become.

Photo & Copyright Alexander Lauterwasser, Germany ::www.wasserklangbilder.de

Copyright © 2011 Richard Merrick

Ancient Wisdom

Knights Templar used the alchemical sciences of sacred geometry and harmonic acoustics to construct hundreds of Gothic Cathedrals across Europe. This understanding of shape and sound was inspired by the Eastern hermetic knowledge. Their depth of insight is staggering. At the Rosslyn Chapel, Cymatics sound patterns abound as evidence of this wisdom. Thomas J. Mitchell and his son for 27 years studied the Roslyn chapel and discovered over 215 vibrational geometric patterns. Thirteen of these match the pitch and tonal qualities of music that was incorporated into the building’s architecture. These carvings of musical notes are often referred to as ‘frozen music.’

All that is in tune with Thee, O Universe, is in tune with me. — Marcus Aurelius

Johnstone/Galileo Space Craft/GFDL

Harmonic Nodal Points Vibration registers as harmonic waves, nodal points, and as a radius. This may be compared to one’s notion of Lay Lines and the planetary grid or the body’s neuro-path ways and meridians. This grid is woven into the very fabric of the universe.

Music of the Spheres Model ]evolving inside the “golden egg” of the Sun’s heliosphere current sheet. Richard Merrick states... The definition of a golden spiral is where each 90-degree turn on the spiral intersects a ring which is a golden section of the previous ring. The solar system is very close to such a spiral, but not exact. However, the average of all of the semi-major axes (including Ceres astroid belt) is almost exactly equal to the golden ratio. The variance of each orbit is described by a spherical harmonic wave called a Bessel wave that pushes each planet slightly inside or outside of this ideal golden spiral. Still, it is instructive to see the solar system according to this ideal model because it then can be understood as a kind of recursive egg geometry within a resonating spherical space. This model can then be applied as an ideal model for the human figure, as Vitruvius documented 2,000 years ago and Leonardo da Vinci popularized in his drawing. Copyright © 2011 Richard Merrick Related mythologies on creation stories refer to the “Golden Egg” and the “Cosmic Egg”.

Copyright Š 2011 Richard Merrick

Harmonic Interference Theory Harmonic Interference Theory represents a major breakthrough in our understanding of music and perception. Triggered by a moment of insight thirty years earlier, this theory explains how harmonics combine to form coherent geometrical patterns that our auditory system recognizes as http://www.interferencetheory.com/HarmonicTheory/Interference/Excerpts.html

simple shapes.

Using a spectral analysis of harmonic interference over an octave, Richard Merrick shows how reflective patterns on vibrated surfaces can be found in the growth patterns of the human anatomy, particularly our ears and brain. From this simple correspondence, perception of music is then explained as the natural process of anticipating and matching harmonic interference patterns against identical structures in our auditory system. When represented visually, music becomes organic geometries floating inside a harmonically structured space - exactly as our ears and brain understand it. But this is only the beginning. Richard Merrick goes much further to show how everything in nature can be described as crystallized harmonics. Drawing on the latest scientific research and cutting-edge theories in the fields of genetics, quantum physics and cosmology, a unified harmonic model is proposed for the study of coherence on both a micro and macro scale. Out of this emerges a grand scientific musical theory that reintegrates ancient harmonic science with quantum physics to explore the deeper mysteries neither can answer alone.

Copyright Š 2011 Richard Merrick

Harmonic Evolution ...is the missing link in Darwin’s Origin of Species. Recent studies on the mesoscopic structures of water and carbon, together with the latest geometric DNA mapping theories, suggest that life emerges and grows according to predictable harmonic patterns found in organic chemistry, preserving and propagating specific atomic geometries into living organisms. Based on this and the latest neurophysiological research, a harmonic Gaussian interference model for cellular entrainment is presented to explain the origin of common organic geometries, including cardioid, ellipsoid and spiral primitives, as well as 3-fold exo and 5-fold endoskeleton structures. From this, a recursive harmonic Hilbert space is defined for use in evolutionary classification, physiological analysis and organic simulations. Examples are provided, including a step-wise analysis of the human body. http://www.interferencetheory.com/HarmonicTheory/Interference/Excerpts.html

Similar Vibrations Sympathetic vibrations arrange themselves in the same shape like the kidney bean and the body’s kidneys. The kidney bean heals and maintains the kidney’s functions. Walnuts are also great brain food, tomatoes assist heart, olives assist ovarian function and avocados assists the womb and the cervix. http://motherofshrek.blogspot.com/2008/02/food-shapes.html

The ancient Chinese recognized these similarities. Homeopathic medicine is based on the same vibrational principles.

A Sound Design for Creation

Illustration of apple Pilularia globuliferao

Nature is a beautiful thing, It just evolves it self through shapes and patterns.

Harmonies of the Cosmos God is like a musician who creates the harmonies of the Cosmos and gives each individual his own particular part to play. If the music of life seems discordant to us, we should not blame the Master Musician, but ourselves. We are the out-oftune instrument which mars the beauty of his composition. Hermes reflects that when we devote ourselves to the spiritual path, we mysteriously become perfectly tuned.

The earthly part of the universe would seem rude and savage without sweet melodies. This is why Atum sent down the choir of muses to live amongst humankind and inspire music, so that men could adore Divinity with hymns praise, in polyphony with the psalms of heaven. — The Hermetica, The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs Gustave Moreau - Hesiod and the Muse


Celestial Influences

Arm yourself against the world. Make your defense strong so that the worldly things do not rob you of your birthright. Otherwise, the things you fear will surely take place. — The Gospel of Thomas

A 1610 portrait of Johannes Kepler by an unknown artist

Music of the Spheres Johannes Kepler, a German Renaissance astronomer and mystic, focused his life's work based on the five platonic solids, their harmonic ratios and how the five fundamental shapes correlated with the orbits and sound frequencies of the planets. Kepler recognized that the same harmonic principles that are found in the stars also relate to earth. NASA has recorded the planet’s tunes. Some sound like Gregorian and Tibetan chants. Each planet with its distinct color and size, like the size of various crystal bowls, emanate a distinct radio transmission—just like humans. Planets interact by bouncing waves and charged emissions off each other—just like people.

From NASA's Web site:

J u p i t e r - Yo u h a v e discovered the place in the universe for those who love Gregorian, or Tibetan chants or choirs singing in the harmony of happiness. JUPITER sounds are the ultimate "tuning fork" frequencies for meditation. A. 528 Hz & Jupiter's Electromagnetic voices & Alpha brainwaves.

The universal law of harmonics defines the proportional distances between the planets, the inner ear and the nautilus. The seven whole tones of the musical scale are the natural measure of harmony within the universe. I grant you that no sounds are given forth, but I affirm . . . that the movements of the planets are modulated according to harmonic proportions. — Johannes Kepler

Celestial Influences The Ancients of all cultures observed the influences of the planets. They considered the heavens, earth and humans as one single organism. Each planet, like people, has its own characteristics and temperament. So as we chart our life’s journey through the course of a year, using planetary influences, we can notice that the planetary frequencies affect our emotions. A common example is the effects of a Full Moon. During a Full Moon phase, emergency personnel always note an increase in their workloads. These Full Moon phases are noted for ‘lunatic’ behavior. Interestingly, the first syllable of the word ‘lunatic’ is derived from the Latin word “lune” for moon! As we rotate about the field of influences not all planet will resonance with YOU. It has been also noted that during solar flares the our personal atmospheres can also get heated up! Nature makes the human body so that its constitution resonates with the patterns of the stars, in such a way that they mutually affect one another”...”They penetrate our nerves and marrow, veins and arteries, even our innermost organs. — Hermes Within your mortal body, your immortal soul is designed like nature for rebirth and regeneration. This is where matter is merged and is married to spirit; thus our world of duality, hot and cold, male and female, in and out. Islamic Celestial Globe, 1630 A.D./CC 2.5

Destiny Your birth chart maps the frequencies that influence and dominate your ‘field’ at birth. These codes are mathematical in nature and will give a spin to your life. Imprinted into your cellular body (memory) is also a dance of ancestral patterns—your story, your mother’s disposition at birth and where you left off in your last life. Astrologically, the Three Magi were led by a heavenly star to the exact coordinate for the location of the birth of the New King, Jesus as recounted in all four New Testament Gospels. Jesus’ destiny was in the stars. Photo by Nina Aldin Thune

The notion of the influences of the heavens is as old as time and is incorporated in every culture. Astrology is used as the ‘guidance system’ for incarnations. It gives an individual the road map to navigate through his or her life purpose and challenges. The Universe is our university of life. Your birth date and location is not a coincidence. The Universe unfolds your destiny through a mathematical formula. Some individuals use the skills of an astrologer only to calculate a birth chart, whereas others add the assistance of a numerologist to unfold one’s destiny or life path.

A Course to Steer

A 17th-century fresco from the Cathedral of Living Pillar in Georgia depicting Christ within the Zodiac circle

: This 6th century mosaic pavement in a synagogue incorporates Greek-Byzantine elements, Beit Alpha, Israel.

Each charted course has coordinates which gives a particular perspective and angles on life. From the country you are born into, to your family, we all can be measure by degrees be it that we are moderated or extreme. Our schooling and stature is measured by degree! Each sailer (soul) with his vessel (body) has its baggage (story) and gear (skills) to navigate the different seasons and ebbing tides. Your every movement has a cause and effect. The Chinese regarded this belief as a dragon eating its tail; referring to one being caught in a karmic cycle of “cause and effect�. The choices you make, the challenges you take, calibrate the setting and the switches--a new equation for life. The possible combinations of charts and experiences are staggering, hence your individual finger print Perhaps we are to cycle and navigate this full wheel for a time and a season, ah h the university of life.

A Sign of the Times

The Lord Krishna in the Golden City from the Harivamsha/Public Domain

Prash Trivedi a Vedic Astrologer states, “these different Ages were characterized by use of common symbols by all the civilizations which happened to exist at that time in history. In my mind their is no doubt that all the cultures and civilizations past and present have a common origin. I also think that the science of astrology is the common link between the symbolism of all these cultures. This is the most simplistic approximate of the breakdown of the Ages after the Great Flood around 10,000 BC”.

Whenever there is decay of righteousness and exaltation of unrighteousness, O Bharata, than I Myself come forth for the protection of the good, for the sake of establishing righteousness, I am born from Age to Age.

10000 - 8000 BC : Age of Leo

8000 - 6000 BC : Age of Cancer

6000 - 4000 BC : Age of Gemini

4000 - 2000 BC : Age of Taurus

2000 - 1 BC : Age of Aries

1 - 2000 AD : Age of Pisces

2000 AD onward : Age of Aquarius

Public Domain

“The Christ (derived from the greek word Christos, meaning the "anointed one") who inaugurated the age of Pisces as the Jesus of Nazareth, himself says ; "When the Sign of Man shall come, he will enlighten you in all things.

Cycles and Rhythm Cycles are part of life and a rhythm in nature.

We ‘weather’ cycles be it our personal cycles - bio rhythms, moon cycles, a women's cycles, and life’s seasonal cycles. Earth also has its cycles as it also orbits around its fields of energy from solar flairs and the heating of the solar system. To see the earths changes we have to look no further then to the ocean’s floors to and notice the sunken cities and landscapes that have once been forest and now are deserts. From the North Pole’s core we can measure earths climate change from ice ages to our current age. This record records earths rhythm and spin. Ancients have given us clues to past fluctuations - floods, ice ages, and poler shift.

The Rift, the Shift

A moment of illumination

As we pass through the photon belt The center of light Our Milky Way galaxy We are sprinkled with pixy dust and it’s golden light

This golden light has a conductive design Jolting our minds Leaving us jittery Reflecting on our load

In truth this is the particle accelerator We all should be talking about

To much dark matter the Darth Vadir, the invader of our soul Its time for the light saber (savor) To fight for the heart spirit within The ancient myths has us transfixed And have manipulated and stolen our soul

For every 25,000 thousand years We align at this rift And on this rotation It accelerates our vibration Aligning us to higher consciousness This brings us back to center From our inner to our outer space It’s called the shift of the ages

One can feel its intensity Its laser precision As it casts out our shadow And brings things to light

Note their message is one of fear So stay clear And remember that God too resides within you And will protect you And guide you through Don’t get stuck in the old feed-back loop The old stories that replay in your mind This is the dragon chasing its tail And of the old reptilian mind This is the time for Self Mastery

These energy vampires have every resource in their purse For they have mined your mind and even earths gold http://flickr.com/photo/44124348109@N01/898622334

This is the test of this age To find our saintly grace And return to a loving space So as we pass through this particle accelerator The more coherent we are Body, mind and spirit we are The less bumpy the ride through the wave will be Remember your pure chemistry And what you have been bonded to will detach if it does not serve you This is pure alchemy More radiation, a higher vibration Recalibrating and mutating our DNA As the parts and particles of our life’s detach And there is nothing to hold, or bond to Within this gap it can be a touch frightening So remember what the Hopi’s predicted Do not cling to things of old

Flow into the river As your molecules let go And release what does not serve you For there is a promise of a Golden Age Which was predicated by the sages This is no time for judgement but to for-GIVE For these stories of old we were meant to sow It’s all part of this reality This world of duality Where shadow meets light The shadow side we played Was all part to the game The old crusades And our battle for light A perfect metaphor for life So what has been “Hermetically Sealed” Must be revealed This is the time to raise “WILL” our great spirits to raise

God has implanted a galactic center in you For as above, so within you And as we experience the poler shift And we are all of the one mind It will be a cosmic flip To a new transcript, Where the new polarity is light So shift into gear Rise your vibration And clean out your fears The old mind game is designed As a past illusions to just survive This matrix trip...here is a tip If if is not serving you it will put you in servitude and keep you frozen to THIS time. FOCUS on YOUR LIGHT by Karen Elkins

Pack Clouds Awayand Welcome Ay� by Edward Robert Hughes

Never in this world has hate ever cast out hate. Love alone wins over hate...with this and the knowledge that we will all die, how can you argue with each other? — The Buddha


The Mind & The Heart

Love your neighbor as yourself. —The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself. — Confucius

A Meaning Making Machine Our mind’s circuitry mimics a computer. Both are programed to be a ‘meaning making machine’. It seeks and downloads files of information in predictable and known pathways. From city cells, to family members, we are all linked by liquid crystals (transducers) which give the signals for the gate to open or to close, receptive or not receptive to an idea. This is the same method of how a computer chip works with key and keyboard, yet know you have to key in the data—it’s not random. The cell nucleus also acts like the hard drive that contains the software, body and mind. If you remove the floppy disk and install a new program, the computer still works, although it might need some downtime to adjust as it reloads! This also controls the central nervous system which is connected to our sensors - vision, hearing, taste, smell, pain, temperature and tactile sensations. This reminds me of “Hal” from the movie “2001 the Odyssey”. • WIRED FOR SURVIVAL






Calculate Your Every Move As life reveals its riddle and code, we can see that God doesn’t play dice. Your every move is like a chess game, as each play has a cause and effect. Your life is nothing but a series of calculated maneuvers. Some people are master gamesmen, others become a simple pawns in an others game. Being ‘on your game’ is important if you want to be your own master. Consider that, like a Rubik’s cube, every move you make shuffles the configuration and sequence of YOUR live’s game. Life is math

Photo by Eric Pouhier

Your inner and outer space is consider 99% void, I would suggest its limitless potential.

No Mind, No Matter While looking inside or sitting in meditation you become aware of your inner sound, and realize that in spite of the outer sounds or silence, the inner noise of your incessant thoughts continue...The deeper you

move into your inner silence, the higher you move in consciousness and into ultimate health of your being.. — Eliza Mada Dalian’s book, In Search of the Miraculous-Healing into Consciousness

Evolution is Consciousness All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.— Buddha

Taming our monkey mind is not an easy task. So much of what we think and do has been part of our ‘domestication’ as don Miguel Ruiz points out in his best-selling book “The Four Agreements.” To change our world—our reality, we need to look no further than ourselves. To change, we must do something NEW and step away from our predictable comfort zone.

A self-examined life is worth living. Our human experience is said to possess the divine attributes of love, reason and imagination, all the while challenging us to rise above our “elemental nature” and base animal instincts.

Your Inner Net The connection to YOUR ‘internet’ is as easy as plugging in. The feed is UP, always on-line and linked in. Just ASK. The key is in your inquiry and the answer is available 24/7! How did we get this idea? If we are made in the image of GOD...maybe we have access to the Source which is infinite and abundant. Genius is the bridge between man and God...He who wills may unlock its doors and know its ecstasy. — Walter Russell I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details. — Albert Einstein

What is Your Cause? Your call to action? Dare to dream and be the cause in your world. Your cause is a purpose that has meaning to you. As children, we seem to know our passions. We don’t want to come in from playing because we are entranced in our activity.

We come to this world

with gifts and desires. So be it. Your intent is your force and the power is in the action. There are two mistakes one can make along the road-to truth...not going all the way, and not starting. — Gautama Siddharta

Be Cause

THE ‘A HA’ MOMENT! Brilliance doesn’t come from a book, but in those A-HA moments. For some it comes in a dream, as an image, a flash, or for some it is described as being in the flow. It is beyond the intellectual mind, as an aspect of the intuitive. It is often referred to by Zen Buddhists as a satori and by Christians as a revelation. The key is the inquiring mind.

Being in the Flow How do you receive your inspiration? Mozart was in the flow. Einstein was inspired by images. Ben Franklin perceived his ideas in a flash. Descartes and Tesla through their dreams. Archimedes in the tub - Eureka!

Bruce Lipton Ph.D speaks of...

Imaginal Cells

inner or outer,

when under attack, visionaries emerge to override the system for its survival. In our outside world they are known as ‘cultural creatives.’ For our inner dimension this idea might also hold true. Einstein said, imagination is more important than knowledge. Prevailing knowledge can change, with new revelations. So step out with your imagination to better your world and those around you. The aliveness of our civilization, society, family and self are the indicators of our mental health. The need to conform kills the spirit and is one of the cancers of our society. Cells

Insight Deja vu Instinct Precognition Subconscious

Intuition Filling in the blank...

Inner Wisdom

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. — Albert Einstein

Mystical Mind Listen to your inner wisdom. Find your center and be still, LISTEN.

INtuition, INspiration, INsight The light of the body is the eye: if therefore your eye be single, your whole body shall be full of light. — Matthew 6:22 Accessing this living matrix can be done through your third eye. The access point was known to ancients and mystics as the pineal gland. The pinecone is often the icon for this idea. This is one divine channel that takes you beyond the physical spectrum. It is within our nature to be open and go beyond the current veil to the unlimited Mind

Mandelbrot set by Wolfgangberyer:www.wolfgangbeyer.de

The Heart of Universes’ .. he speaks within the human heart as a still, small voice, saying, `This is the way; walk therein.' Do you not comprehend that God dwells within you, that he has become what you are that he may make you what he is. —Urantia Book ...There is not discord amongst the inhabitants of heaven. All have the same purpose, one mind, one feeling—for they are bound by the spell of love into one harmonious whole. — Hermes The kingdom of God does not come in a way as to be seen. No one will say: Here it is! Because the kingdom is within you. — The Gospel of Luke

The universal construct, Has the “Thumbprint of God”, It’s a fractal expression, The heart its divine dimension, Revealing God’s loving expression. Through its logarithmic spiral, Our self-similar patterns connect, By an ethereal cord, Our hearts align, In an expanding void, In a quantum sea of bliss. This loving hoop, Is a feedback loop, You are a system within itself, You are God’s outward expression,

Totally dynamic, magnetic and electric. You are his/her lover, When souls connect. That is the art of you, It is at the heart of you, It is encoded in you, As your deepest desire, For love to be expressed. Love is golden, The perfect phi ratio, So when your heart and mind, Are in perfect sync, This cascading wave, Has a coherent beat. Two chambers in the heart, Two sides in the brain, Male and female, Intelligence and intuition, Matter and motion, Equally yoked,

Heaven's spheres are embraced. Swirling and whirling, In the shape of a heart, The Sufi mystic, Dances in a trance, Spiraling and connecting To the heavens and the heart. This is God’s essence, The frequency of love. It keeps you in a spin, Longing for this higher dimension. This equation is “Gods Thumbprint”, Your individual expression, And his/her all inspiring LOVE. Karen Elkins

The Heart of E-Motion The brain is the database and the heart is the pump that puts things into E-Motion. The heart is also the source of the body’s strongest electromagnetic field, which is 5000 times bigger than the brain. Its radius reaches outward 3 feet from the body and it travels at the speed of light. This field is called a torus field which radiates and connects to every other torus field. To activate the field, one must bring passion into the equation. Remember, the head is the database of predictable patterns for survival and the heart is connected to the innate wisdom of the Universal One. Your heart center has the power to unfold your deepest desires. Art is in the HEart. It is your reason to be, to create. Remember you are made in the image and likeness of the Creator. With good will for the entire cosmos, cultivate a limitless heart. — Karaniya Metta Sutta The Way is not in the sky, The Way is in the heart. —The Buddha

Is Your Heart as Light as a Feather? Judgement Day!

Weighing of the heart from the Book of the Dead, photo Jeff Dahl

In the beginning there was only the vast and quiet, endless, world ocean....These gods, in their nine-fold manifestation ... out of which emerged Schu and Tefnut. Thus had Ptah devised them: the seeing eyes, the hearing ears, the breathing nostrils, reporting everything to the heart. Ptah had devised the whole world in his heart...and thus it was.

Make sure that you are not only looking for someone that can understand you, but also someone that can passionately love you and that you can love passionately in return. Someone with whom you can share an expression of your love in full understanding. This is the spark of The Divine Creator that extends from Itself and is seen in the magnificent brilliance of your e y e s . Th e e y e s a r e t h e window to the soul. If you want to know your love, find them by the look in their eyes. — Goddess Ishtar William-Adolphe Bouguereau The abduction of Psyche


We create our relationships as part of our feedback loop. Relationships based on need exposes our wounds. To experience intimacy with another, we must first experience it within ourselves as everything is self-referencing. Intimacy requires one to be honest and fully accepting of self. We can only relate and take in love to the degree that we love ourselves. Consider that you may have not always been the best to yourselves or to another. Why? What aspect of self do you need to recover. You can't get this from someone else, you must possess it within your own heart—intome-see.

Root Issues During the first 7 years of life we are in a theta brain state, also known as a hypnotic trance. This frequency allows for the patterns of past generations to be downloaded. I think it is a way to insure that we start where we left off, with the experiences in our last life — since we are life without end. Healing issues of abuse, abandonment, addiction and scarcity, should be high on our priority list of must do’s. We are all divine, LOVE is the key and it begins when we start loving ourselves. To begin the journey in the Way...first, set yourself straight. You are your only master. — The Dhammapada

The Hero’s Journey ...starts from the inside and births to the outside. Our individual journey is one of co-creation with the Force of all existence. This re-source is within and surrounds us all. This mastery goes from the physical to the mystical. A hero’s journey is to discover the magnificence of who he/she is and to realize their divinity within. Conquer your fears and your ego mind by taking responsibility for your actions from negative to positive, from destructive to creative and from separation to communion. The EGO is the egg that exists alone, with no connection to its Source. It is said that the bigger the ego, the bigger the pain of abandonment.

Forgiveness is about Self As one gains mastery in life and leaves the life of victimhood behind, one must look into the mirror.. Myself creation, myself worth, myself love, myself judgement are on display. We carry our inner state with us – body, spirit and mind. Step one is to learn to love yourself and be the divine being that you are meant to be. Step two is to honor all others for their divine nature even if they don’t act divine. This doesn’t mean you have to play with them or resonate with them! Just have compassion for their journey. Step three starts with the imagining of your next desire. Knock and the door will open–believe it is so.

… I claimed myself and remade my life. Only when I knew I belonged to myself completely did I become capable of giving myself to another, of finding joy in desire, pleasure in our love, power in this body no one else owns. — Dorothy Allison, from Two or Three Things I know for Sure

In My Mystical Mind Where there is not time

Where creation is orgasmic by design

Or separation between the outer space or my mind

Freeing my mind to transcend time

This magical mystery

As the quantum sea now swims within

Of life's design

It awakens my mystical mind

Resides in the mystical quantum design

To know how sublime the design

Where lives wisdom was gifted to me

From the root of passion

As the above was the same as me

To cosmic bliss

As galaxies spin their milky dew

God is the lover that beacons me

Our sperm starts life anew

To surrender to his serenity

This seed of life when taken in

Where he ignites the tree of life

Its vortex takes me on a spin

Its golden fruit and love so sweet

This seed of life awakens me

Know the nectar of the God is ecstasy.

Opening the channel of divinity


Story & Identity

Some see the Self as wondrous. Others speak of It as marvelous. Others hear of It and wonder. Still others hear of It, but do not understand It at all.

— The Tao Te Ching

When you find your original face out of all the faces, you will find the exit! — Eliza Mada Dalian

We turn on the TV and go to the movies to see the endless replays of variations on the standard themes. We all have our favorite kind of movies. In your own ‘reel’ of life, what is your movie filled with? Drama, comedy, romance, suspense, or horror? Or, do you turn on the TV and watch (reality TV or fantasies) someone else’s show? Make a decision to be a ‘star’ in your own movie and write your own script. You might have to recast a few roles and step up to the idea of being THE LEAD. You might need a makeover and a new wardrobe. Yet, there are plenty of fashion consultants and shopping malls for assist. Watch out for the old script sneaking in. You might need a few takes before you get it just the way you’d like, but it is worth living life when you love your role.

BECOME THE OBSERVER In the beginning of every relationship, you get a trailer, the best frames of the movie—call it the promo. You can decide if the teaser is tantalizing enough. It is also an opportunity for you to become the observer in your own movie. Step back and see yourself in real time. Are there parts you want to retake? Or, step into another role. The movie, “Ground Hog Day” illustrates this idea perfectly. The idea is that you have to keep playing the same scene—until you get it right. Life is a series of episodes and each episode offers you a choice. You are FREE to choose. You will it, you do it, you react and replay it. It is said that when we die, there is a private screening, a review! Hope you will enjoy the show.

We Don’t Have Another’s Choice We are not the movie director for others. We are but side characters in their drama. We too often think, if only they would change, then our lives would be different. Our cast of characters are either willing or unwilling to rewrite their script. Your choice is to play or not to play.

Our life is about self mastery. It’s not about being the master of another. Life is like arriving late for a movie, having to figure out what was going on without bothering everybody with a lot of questions, and then being unexpectedly called away before you find out how it ends.— Joseph Campbell

Become a Master of Light Your reflection is your projection.

Your lens is your point of view.

Don’t cast your shadow.

Don’t block others’ light.

Be a Light Source.

It is wisdom to know others: it is enlightenment to know oneself. To conquer others is power: to conquer one’s self is strength. — The Tao Te Ching

Personal Style We are all a cast of characters, qualified by the uniqueness of our personal style. Naming is defining the qualities of the creation. But naming often creates a limited or false perception. Yet without definition, a chair is just a chair. How we decorate it, shape it, color it and style it...well, now we have something worth talking about!

By what standard do you name it? We each have our own style of what we present to the world. Just remember...it’s only us who can define self for self. We cannot control how others label or think of us. We are all raised with different standards and therefore have different lenses. So, enjoy your creation. Remember, it’s not for everybody and not everyone wants the rocking chair...at least, not yet.

I’m-press-ion Is a Lasting Mark We always leave people

with an impression.

How do you impress? This impression can ‘frame’ a


part of your life or another.


I’m pressing this idea on you,

because we are all impressionable.





By absorbing the projections of others, you let them define or confine you. Don’t.


Our body is the messenger of our disconnect and discontent. Eckhart Tolle calls this our ‘pain body’. We manifest issues in our tissues. Too often we go through life not being heard or seen,: and sometimes we just plane ignore our own bodies cry for help.

‘The ‘Pain Body’

Consequently we can carry too many unaddressed issues around like old baggage--life time, after life time.

Your thoughts are “your personality and your personal reality” say’s Dr. Joe Dispenza.


one way to let go is to look at your beliefs what are stored in your body. Witness YOUR thoughts. Others are the mirror into your mind. Changing your thoughts will change your reality.

What Commands are You Sending to Your Body? The living organism you are in charge of, your body, is building its structure in accordance to its life stimuli and your commands. So how is your self-talk and self-image these days? Are you in love with yourself, or are you engaged in self sabotage? The people along our journey give us insight. They are the mirrors to our mind. “So don’t shoot the messenger,” as Michael Brown says. If all your body systems are not on ‘go’ you might want to see where you are restricting the flow. What thoughts are pervasive and needing to heal? What shifts are required so you don’t take yourself out of the game of life?

Your Body is Listening. What are Your Thought?

"All is Vanity" by C. Allan Gilbert. Life, death, and meaning of existence are intertwined.

Whole or Shattered? It has been said many times, we should look into the mirror before we judge. Judgment is hell. It enslaves us and extinguishes our own light and that of others. They are your mirrors and reflect your whole, shadow and shattered sides. Picking up the pieces can often be a lifetime of work or a one minute choice. Peace comes when you have reached Self-reflection and not projection. When one sees all beings in the Self, and the Self in all beings, he hates no one. —The Upanishads I AM that which cannot be measured or known, but I reveal Myself as I wish...I am the All, since I exist in everyone. —Trimorphic Protemnoia, Jesus

Five Ancient Mirrors of Relationships 1st - Reflections of the Moments 2nd - Reflections of What We Judge in the Moment 3rd - Reflections of What we’ve Lost, Given Away, or Had Taken from Us 4th - Reflections of Our Dark Night of the Soul 5th-Reflections of Our Greatest Act of Compassion 5 Ancient Mirrors — Gregg Braden from his book The Divine Matrix


We are born into a family and cultivated into roles, customs, cultures, costumes and love of country. Each of these territories is looking for ‘brand loyalty’ and a ‘buy in’. Each has a flavor, an icon, a flag and/or a family crest. These icons give us an identity, a status and define our place in space. These identities also give us a point of comparison to others. With these boundaries and territories, we create limitations. Crossing the line just might result in character assassination. Yet, technology is giving us a new world view. From space, we are simply a dot in the grand gallery of our universe. The borders of ‘old’ do not appear as defined from this vantage point. These past investments of identity have kept empires thriving in dominance. The button pushers are the ones that have not developed good boundaries. They are the dominators, the true terminators of individual rights. To be divine doesn’t mean to be a sheep and to be maneuvered like a pawn on a chess board where only the kings and queens, or the ruling elite are the winners. Remember, you are a resource of the source. What if they staged a war and nobody showed up? Peace would prevail.


Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.— Joseph Campbell

Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real. — Deepak Chopra Pack Clouds Away and Welcome Ay” by Edward Robert Hughes



The structure of the inner world of mind and language mirrors that of the outer world of matter and vibration-geometry and numbers-field and particle. — Arnold Keyserling

Language of Light ...is a thought expressed and reflected in the wave. Our alphabet unfolds through the 2-torus, a vortex of spin that gives life to everything. As vortices rotate through the full color spectrum, each light beam and band of color correlates to a resonance. Just like the notes on a musical scale, each has a temperament by way of its tone. Also with the alphabet each letter has a character, hence a personality.

Tibetan letter “A”, is the symbol of the body of light. It also the pyramid, the prism, and Stan Tenen’s tent of light.

As we spin through the cycles of 12 be it solar systems, hours in a day or the musical scale, it’s all about measure or keeping rhythm with time. The alphabet with its cast of characters represents the quality of an expression. Our essences and resonances come from our core — inside out. It is a transmission, a frequency, sent by light from one to another. Just like our DNA that receives signals that inform, we send signals that inform. We communicate by means of the light spectrum.

This is all there is. Sending and receiving the quality of a tone and a character. This is what shapes our world and our destiny. Language is the light of the mind. — John Mill

What’s in a Name The science of numerology is the marriage of language and mathematics. It also is specific to the geometry and the numbers and letters vibrational quality. This Ancient Art of numerology is used around the world from India, China, Babylon, Egypt and, also within the religions of Judaism and Christianity. The significance of names and numbers is recognized in many religious and mystical texts. The Bible makes name changes for individuals to create a new destiny. Even the mathematician Pythagoras created a chart for discerning the meaning of numbers. Numerology is one of the doorways to understanding your life's purpose, and your strengths and weaknesses. Consider that everything revolves in a cyclical systems. To be in sync with your own personal rhythm gives one a tool in which to flow through life with greater ease and understanding. So when considering the numbers 1-9 the idea is the same. Another way to view this is in the planting seasons; The Christian Trinity Trikaya, three bodies of Buddha Beelshamen formed a triad with the lunar god Aglibol and the sun god Malakbel ("Messenger, or, Angel of the Lord").

everything starts as a seed and goes through stages before it can be harvested. This tool teaches mindfulness, also suggesting that what you reap, you sow.

Divine is the Design ...that holds you in its angel wings, like the palm of its hands.

The Language of Light is also know a s the Languages of the Gods.

It is also the instrument which reveals you from the inside out.


Stan Tenen of the Meru Foundation, demonstrates that the Hebrew alphabet is based upon the human hand. The hand gestures show differentiating of self from other, and inside from outside. The alphabet also links the inner world of the mind with the outer world of experience. In separate research, he has shown that the torus knot woven on the torus generates the Hebrew letters. It seems you just can’t get away from the ONE...He has left His formula everywhere and it has a spin on it.

Š10 December 2010, Tenen/Meru

The I Ching, like the Morse Code, sends its communication via interruptions of the flow of light by a switch—on or off, yes or

The Morse Code

no, to be or not to be, I agree or disagree. It is also the state of communication within our relationships.

We are either present or not.



The Binary Code The binary system is interesting in that it is created with only the zero and the one. Sounds like the code for life. We start from the “0 point” then multiply by 1‘s. A self replicating systems The I Ching is also based on a binary system using the yin and yang. The I Ching uses 64 trigrams, our basic computer started with 64 bits and bites. This also relates to the Egyptian Wedjat, also know as the Eye of Horus.

Attribution: Benoît Stella alias BenduKiwi

From the One come our beginning Two is the making and the joining Three is the new creation Four is when it begins to MATTER Five is unfoldment Six is structure and conductivity Seven is completion Eight is the harvest of the fruits of our labors Nine is introspection and spiritual connection



Numbers Thirteen

Knowledge of a basic law gives a feeling of sureness which enables the artist to put into realization dreams which otherwise would have been dissipated in uncertainty. —Jay Hambidge

Monad/One From the ONE seed all things spring and vibrates into existence. We unfold in stages and by an intelligent design.

L. Shyamal cc-by-sa-2.5

If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly,] our whole life would change. — Buddha This is the oneness and wholeness of creation.

From a The

flower of life

contains all wisdom found

that Self Replicates, a Perfect Pattern Emerges

in the universe; all the

and Life is Formed

vibrations of matter, light, sound, thought, emotions, spirit and soul lie within this geometric structure. — Ivan Rados

Flower of Life, by Anon Moos

Single Idea,

Cell Division


The Monad and the Dyad are called the parents of numbers and are the source from which all numbers multiply. This also represents the coming together of two forces. • Force and motion

Spin is what makes everything go around and generates the conductive nature of our universe and its life force. Through this joining we can compare and contrast, creating friction and tension, which is the tantra of life.

• Magnetism and electricity • North and south • Light and dark • Female and male • Electron and proton • Hot and cold • Yin and Yang

Matter | Pattern MATER= MOTHER, PATER = FATHER Mater is the Latin word for Mother, which gives rise to matter. Pater is the Latin word for father, which evolves pattern. The marriage of Mater and Pater creates form out of matter and pattern. Our body has two sides Two eyes Two nostrils Two ears Two hemispheres’ of the brain Two hands Two feet Two knees Two private parts... ...and two sexes.


The Birth of Life Comes from the Womb, The Vesica Piscis The Vesica Pisces represents the joining and the passageway which gives birth to new life. It also regenerates the ‘root relationship’ underlying the shapes and patterns of the natural world. Three is the formula for creation.

Three is the piece of the equation which we could call the primordial soup. When 3 or more are gathered things begin to take shape. Through this construct, the chemistry factory emerges. This is the primary formula for life.

• Liquids, solids and gases • Light, energy and mass = E=mc2 • Length, width and height • Past, present and future • Life, birth and death • 3 primary colors that make all colors • 3 primary notes produce the seven note musical scale • The trinity is most religions

Ecstasy There is a key To the hearts design It's the portal of love An opening to receive Life’s loving seed Into this sacred space Where two become one Where one loses oneself At heavens gates Where life is fused Where hearts melt Where stars collect In ecstasy. By Karen Elkins

Autumn Skye Morrision

Jesus is sitting within the womb of the universal goddess.

Four Matters


Jewish Faith

Public Domain

Kaaba in Mecca/Middle East

Four is the number that gives shape to matter. The cube or the square is also the icon for earth. You can also see it is the prevalent in the major world religions. In Hindu and Buddhist religions, the mandala is symbolic of the fourfold nature of the Self. It is a journey through the four elements that are composed of sense, emotion, thought and intuition. Man has a destiny to gain mastery over his elemental nature—solid (earth), liquid (water), gas (air) and plasma (fire). The Hebrew word adama means earth, so we must be the atoms of earth - bonded by frequencies and the place where we square off. Many indigenous tribes do ceremonies honoring the 4 directions, or 4 corners - north, south, east and west, and the 4 pillars.

We are a star Great Dodecahedron

Your design unfolds by its 5 fold nature.

Elvis/MGM Studio

The star is associated with excellence, power and authority. Most rating systems are based upon 5 stars, such as 5 star hotels and motels..........and then there are the movie stars, rock stars and super stars.

The 5 platonic solids create all forms and structures in n a t u re . T h e 5 t h platonic solid is the dodecahedron, which relates to the ethers.

Circle of Fifths/Pitch class space star

The 5 sides of a Pentagram are at the ratio of 1.618 , known as phi. The Pentagram is also considered the supreme symbol of life.

In music, the fifth is the interval found in sacred music, as it harmonizes well with t h e h u m a n b o d y. This is the pentacle of the Gregorian chant.

Nature’s geometry shows how 5 is a number for regeneration. Looking at a broccoli you can see the pentagonal clustering. This is the rhythm of which vegetables grow, with a five fold rhythm and from the inside out. 5 Senses 5 Extremities 5 Major Organs 5 fingers and toes 5 facial features

We are Light Bodies



These hexagonal patterns have electromagnetic or piezoelectrical properties. As Dr. Bruce Lipton suggests, this explains the conductivity of DNA and its ability to send and receive signals. This structure is replicated in snowflakes.


Six the hexagon shape, is where life takes on its charge and gives life structure, function and order.

The hexagon shape is central to electrical structures that transmit the impulse of life, via our DNA. The hexagon is the light and life of our bodies.

The Merkaba was an esoteric symbol of the Egyptians that represents the light body. MER=LIght, KA=Spirit, BA=Body. It is also the throne or chariot mentioned in the Bible. It is also the Star of David in the Jewish tradition, and the Yantra of the Eastern.

(Snow flakes by Wilson Bentley ; http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/historic/nws/ wea02087.htm ; Plate XIX of "Studies among the Snow Crystals

7 celestial bodies

7 main glands

7 colors of the rainbow

7 parts to the retina

7 numbers on the musical scale

7 parts to the inner ear

7 cavities of the heart

Seven is the number where life is fully expressed and complete.

7 main chakras

7 sections of the human body

7 parts to an embryo

7 stages of mitosis

7 layers of skin

7 days of the week

7 days of creation

7 stages of Alchemy

7 fold nature of crystals

Seven is the number of completion.

7 Seas

Seven year cycles also reveal our maturation patterns.

7 Continents

Seven, ah now you can rest.

Eight is Fate your connection to the infinite Maneuvering through our material existence is like the grand game of chess played out on an 8 X 8 board from king to pawn. The Asian culture believes that the number 8 is symbolic of good fortune in life. The 8-legged spider is the Master weaver. The Native Americans believe that as we weave, so do we weave the fate of the universe. In the procession of the periodic table, 8 is the shell that creates the stable structure. Particles also group in clusters of eight.


Infinity is our nature.

The chessboard is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of the universe, and the rulers of the game are what we call the laws of Nature. — Thomas Henry Huxley

Spider Olaf Leillinger -Knights Templar playing Chess.

Nine is the Pinnacle 9

Nine is the spiritual node

According to the work of Richard Merrick, nine is the ‘supertonic’ tone and he refers to it as the... Harmonic Center because all of the other harmonics appear to oscillate (or orbit) around this frequency rather than the fundamental itself. Nine is also the trinity of 3. From 3 life begins to form. From 6 life begins to have a charge. From the node and tone of 9, your body has the capacity to find its bliss. The spirit of the number nine is the pinnacle. Now if your heart has become as light as a feather your body is ready to ascend.

A piece of fractal art generated in Apophysis

This journey of life is about mastery. Every step of development offers a gift. Each number has an elemental key to its cycle. Each has a message on how to maneuver and unfold through it.

From the Monad, The fountain of the eternal one Comes chemistry, numerology and geometry. From the Monad and Dyad The Mother and Dad Matter to pattern Their uniting, their love Co-creates another one. From the Vesica Pisces The portal for life As when 3 or more gather It’s the pyramid scheme for life. The formula starts with liquids, solids, and gases Radiating and emanating your hue Which is created from red, yellow and blue. Add one more to this equation Now you have direction and dimension Earth, water, air and fire

Your elemental chemistry at play Your composition and disposition Your dosha on display. Intuition, emotions, thought and senses Your Four Fold Nature is where Buddha gets a mention.

5 has a pentagon shape It’s the pinnacle of you It is life's unfolding rhythm that abides in you.

To your 5 senses To experience the essence of you To your every thought When spoken creates Your crystalline structure The geometry of you. Now, six has a hexagonal shape Like a snowflake It’s wired to fired Generating your battery. Egyptian mythology Says its your Merkaba body Your light body that spins.

It is also found in the sacred sound From the Tibetan to the Gregorian chant Offering you transcendent view. It stimulates your DNA Your blueprint Your impulse for life Your desire to play.

With 7 chakras to ignite

From the pawn to the King

This is an Eastern’s delight.

Your ever play unfolds your scheme.

This covers the spectrum Your crystalized essence

You evolve in 7 stages

The wisdom of the Tao and the I Ching

Your geometry

From mitosis, to the embryo

Says your every move should be about

It is evolutions unfolding design

7 parts of your retina

mindfulness and mastery.

It is all part of chemistry

7 layers to your skin

And the rearranging of frequencies.

7 parts to your ear

8 is also the binding factor of

It’s all revealed in the ancient texts

7 cavities in your heart and...


From the Hindu, to Hebrew

This gets you to 9

Consider it your nature

7 is also about completion

Where it is all about awareness and

and the formula of you.

7 days of creation


7 days of the week

The perfect triad, the trinity

With 7 colors to view.

3 is the idea of you

And from this chamber life starts.

6 is the light in you Yet, the chess game of life is very black

9 has the potential for bliss.

and white and checkered too. This is a time for reflection and 8 x 8 is where you square off


Calculating your every move

A complete evolution and rotation.

Karen Elkins

In the fire Life begins Spontaneously erupting Again and again. Yet its hexagonal shape Has a conductive design... Its spark brings life From the unseen Into the light... Constructing colonies Where we work like bees Often nestled by the sea. We build our own structures Mimicking natures design... Building, maintaining and recycling with time. Karen Elkins

The Architect Fourteen

I believe geometric proportions served the Creator as an idea when He introduced the continuous generation of similar objects. — Johannes Kepler

“The Theory of Everything�

"An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything" by Anthony GarrettLisi is also know as the E8 Theory. This theory shows the geometry of space and how things unfold via gravity, particles and spin within the coordinates of this grid. You will see in the next few pages how this timeless geometry code demonstrated in numbers, angles, shapes, forms and ratios; and they ALL relate. Geometric symmetries are the foundation of whole cosmos as in atoms, snow flakes, pine cones, flower petals, diamond crystals, tree branching and nautilus shells. e8 graph of the Gosset 421 polytope as a 2-dimensional skew orthogonal projection inside Petrie polygon. It is an emulation of the hand drawn original by Peter McMullen -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:E8PetrieFull.svg Rosa Celeste: Dante and Beatrice gaze upon the highest Heaven, The Empyrean by Gustave Dore

The Webb of ONEness Like any master plan it must have a builder and a frame in which to unfold the plan. But unlike "An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything" Gene Webb’s notebook, suggest this pattern as an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) which pushes the gravitation field. This EMP pattern also shows the nature of spin, add frequencies and you bring form to structure. This intelligence is inherent in all nature which is electric and magnetic by design. This EMP pattern forms the atoms of each new element, the molecules, which are visible from the cells of your body, a pinecone, to the galaxy. Each nodal point acts like a light switch illuminating a DIFFERENT idea! This is where the concept of fractals, the flower of life and dimensions come in. From this single ideas that self replicates life unfolds. It stands to reason we will all get our light and juice from the ‘Source’? Gene Webb/copyright/Feb 2012

White light contains all colors in its ONEness.

We too often get fixated on one view or hue by compartmentalizing; it is like living in only one room. Great thinkers and innovators are divergent thinkers, as they see the whole.

Self Similar Antรณnio Miguel de Campos

We Evolve Piece by Piece Shape by Shape The notion of repeating patterns is pervasive in our known universe. Each element multiplies and self organizes. This is how life forms. We are a fractal reproductions of a genetic blueprint.

Fractal Design The blue, black image right, lower corner is called a Mandelbrot Set and is referred to as ‘The Thumb Print of God.’ It reveals the fractal nature of our universe. The word fractal was coined by Benoit Mandelbrot, who, while working at IBM, discovered this formula for life. The image on the left is an image of Christ from the Mid-13th century. How is it that an artist of that era had the wisdom to depict the fractal formula of life?

God as Architect/Builder/Geometer/Craftsman/Mid-13th C./Codex Vindobonensis

Thumb Print of God

We now understand that fractals can be experienced visually, mathematically and musically. The curious thing about fractals is that they have a feed-back loop, just like the torus field, that rotates inside out.

Five Basic Shapes of Life The core building blocks of life are the platonic solids. No matter how complex patterns become, they will always cycle back to one of these five shapes. ALL is made of repeating patterns. This wisdom was understanding and applied in ancient cultures in their religion, art, and architecture. This complexity is only Kepler's Platonic solid model of the solar system from Mysterium Cosmographicum (1596)

now being understanding with the use of microscopes and telescopes ... what did they have? Simple to the complex, geometry is the blueprint for life– micro to the macro.

Nature uses as little as possible of anything. — Johannes Kepler

What does it mean to be in the fold, or to unfold? How are we formed out of geometry? This is Gene Webb unraveling the mystery of how things unfolded out of a square into the fold. This is the dimension where thing begin to take form. From this single idea many patterns unfold. This is the concept of ONEness. From this demonstration one can see the many faces and the geometric nature of our universe. Origami is the real art-form.

From the

Same Creator The signature is everywhere. Everything is a pattern, from your skin to your life story. You like to think of yourself as unique and special, yet you can see that this formula creates all of life. We are all part of this tapestry of creation, expressing itself through different and repeating patterns. This is present in all body types and cellular structures. What is your make and model this ‘go around’?

We are All Pattern Makers

A Fractal Design If you want to hide something they say put it in plain view. Cultures around the world have found insights and various ways in which to analyze SELF first hand. Look no further than your personal universe. This reveals that every cell in our body has memory of the whole. When we think of the notion of fractals or a holographic universe, every part reveals the whole.

Our Life’s Story is Revealed in the Whole and in the Sum of Our Parts We are formed by universal principles; sound to shape, big and round, stocky and blocky, or curvaceous and sensuous. They give a clue to who you are and what resonates within you. Each angle and line creates the caricature of you; the formation and sound that vibrates within you. Be it your expression, up or down, sharp or soft, exaggerated or elongated, it’s all an expression coming as a reflection of your inner dimension. Your eyes, deep or wide, express a clue into your point of view. Your nose knows, be it wide or narrow, sharp or hooked, big or small. It’s still a perspective, yet can it allow for another expression?

Your container is shaped by tone. This resonance creates your form. You are a piece of art, pure geometry in motion, a reflection of your creation, your sound vibration, this is your life's work. — Karen Elkins

Australian Institute of Boy Mind Analysis and Psychosomatic Therapy-http://www.corepotentials.com/


Elements Astrology

Face reading

Body Organs = Feelings

Body Talk - Inner Wisdom

Body types = Doshas

Eyes = Iridology Ears = Health (Chinese/ French) Brain = Psychology Feet = Reflexology


Blood type = Origins Blood line = Ancestral Traits Handwriting Analysis Numbers=Numerology

Hand = Palm Reading

Names = Meaning of names/Bible

Finger = Print Figure

Birth Date = Astrology

Hair - Hair Analysis

Dream Analysis



You are Divine by Measure The human body is designed in accordance with the Golden Mean from the whole to the sum of its parts. This Phi Ratio is not just seen in the human scale, but touches the entire spectrum of all known organic structure.

Golden Ratio 1.618

...a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. — Masons

A yupana (Quechua for "counting tool") is a calculator that was used by the Incas. This was also understood in India.

Geometric Patterns

By Steven J. Dunlop - GFDL

Geometric patterns are ubiquitous in all the world’s religions. The spiritual experience one feels in a mosque, a temple or a church is created by its awe inspiring design. These inspiring structures reveal the nature and the construct of the cosmos. Their acoustical design fills our soul with the harmonics of the spheres. The Rosslyn Chapel is a record of this as it is is etched and recored into its structure!

A Pyramid Scheme

Pyramid’s are on everywhere from Asia to the Americas. Surely, this is proof that the gods had a ‘frequent flyer’ miles. Was their pyramid scheme used to build their colonies, so we’d work like busy bees, its a sound idea! Egypt was known as ‘Tah Bity’ meaning ‘The Land of the Bee’ and the great Pharaoh’s were known as the ‘Queen Bee’. In the colony bee’s are known to ‘hear’ these instruction through their legs and antennae and react to the Queen Bee’s orders accordingly. As if there is a transmission of thought embedded into the vibration itself. Some Bee’s in the colony, workers for example, receive different instructions on the same ‘wave-length’ as the Honey collectors or the Larvae guardians. Each group receive their commands through a frequency of vibration sent out by the Queen Bee. A ‘carrier wave’! A healthy, active hive of Bees resonate at around 190 Hz, it varies up to 250 Hz when they are swarming or aggressive. — Stuart Mitchell I wonder what frequencies (music) gets you move’n, agitated, or relaxed?


The stories of old are ONE

ONE creator,

ONE humanity,

ONE world,

ONE mind,

Various Balinese topengs (dance masks).

ONE universal song.

The ONE Story Fifteen

I have only one purpose: to make free, to urge him towards freedom: to help him to break away from all limitations, for that alone will give him eternal happiness, will give him the unconditional realization of Self. — j. Krishnamurti

“They are One People... ...and have one language and nothing will be withholden from them which they purpose to do.

So God said, Come, let us (who is us?) go down and confound their speech. And so God scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and confused their languages, and they left off building the city, which was called Babel...because God there confounded the language of all the Earth. — Genesis 11:5-8

Divided We are Conquered Why would a loving God choose to confound us, scatter us, divide and conquer us?

It is interesting that at this time

when many are seeking unity consciousness, know that together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

Floods Stories

Yu the Great Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet 11: Story of the Flood

Creation Stories Giant Lore Space Ships

The Deluge and the Bible

Sun Gods Enlarged Skulls Ruins pointing to the

One Story


It has been said that there are 100 common threads that have been identified

Advanced Technology

across cultures, religions, civilizations and continents. Starting with the flood stories how

Gods mating with women

‘forbidden’ archeology beckon a simple question, is the bible, ancient Sumerian and

of the earth

Vedic text, fact or fiction? We have been divided for so long in a fight for who is right!

Dragon Myths Pyramids of the World

could there be so many coincidences? New discoveries in science and the so called

Perhaps it is time to look at the similarities and work together to discover the one story. From this perspective we can begin to heal our planet. What I love is that we have so much in common, yet within all these stories there are beautiful artist distinctions.

Common Ground FloodsMonks Monasteries Levitation Healing the Dead

If we open up to a broader view we can see that from the courtyard of the Vatican to houses of worship around the world that there are so many of the same sacred symbols fused—incense, fashion, sacred geometry and the golden rule. Is there one original source? From east to west the great sages have levitated, done healing, among other feats. The sages understood our vibrational and conscious universe. The new frontiers of science are beginning to explain the bridge now between science and spirit.

Incense Sacred Geometry Parallel Parables

It is time we ALL take a quantum leap. Science does not belong to a religion but to humanity. Past wisdom can now be understood beyond the notion of blind faith, but now with a greater amount of understanding and certainty. To see these common bonds is to know that God is infused in everyone and everything. We are ALL made in the image and likeness of God or is it the gods? But no matter what we are ALL made from the same source—Light. Our essence is his projection, we are a resource of source—eternally divine and immortal, life without end.

The Vortex to Enlightenment Staff in Greece

Staff of Pope Vatican Court

Dionysus Staff Osiris Staff Pope’s Staff


Staff of Osiris


Leonard G., CC-SA


The Native American Dream Catcher


A World Symbol The Flower of Life is another marker that our creator touched the globe. Your will see this symbol of life under the paw of the lion in China, to India, Egypt, Turkey, and the Americas. The Flower of Life, like the spider who weaves its web, reveals nature’s construct. The ancients knew this and thought it depicted the fundamental forms of space and time. A derivative of the Flower of Life is the tree of life. This symbol has also been called the "cosmology" of the Kabbalah.

The rose window from Sainte-Chapelle, 15th c.


Nasr ol Molk mosque in Shiraz, Iran//http://flickr.com/photos/25182210@N07/2431018267


Mandela of the East


The Kaleidoscope of Life Ancient civilizations understood the construct of the universal design. The geometric flowering of life shows the unfolding nature from the One. And in this expanding universe, like a kaleidoscope, its nature is on displays with its rainbow hues. Again like the kaleidoscope, life is forever rearranging itself, revealing its endless potential. This web is the matrix of the eternal where she/he creates life without end. Time renews all things, time like a circle is where all points link, past, present future revolving in the heavens....The cosmos is constantly changing but in a measured way. - Hermes

Destruction of Leviathan







Celestial Messengers Winged celestial beings are found in various religions and mythologies with their main purpose to act as intermediaries between heaven and the earth. Within different traditions the enfaces might be a touch different but they are always guides, messengers and protectors. They are adorned with feathers, and their angelic glow and halo’s. They can also be refereed to as the sons of God, of which we are told some have fallen--enhance the battle of good and evil on earth. This story plays out in all traditions and religions. Another figure that looms in all cultures is that deals with the force of nature is the thunder god. Here are a few of the known ones - Zeus, Jupiter, Taranis, Thor, Indra, Lei Gong, Susanoo, Thunderbird, Tlaloc, Set, ‌

creatures as a tetrad (4 fold)... (1:4) "I

The Four Corners

looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came

These 4 beasts are associated with Assyrians, the

out of the North, a great cloud, and a fire

zodiac, the vision of prophet Ezekiel and it looks like

infolding itself ... the colour of amber.""the

the Chinese too.

likeness of four living creatures". (Ezekiel

The Four Creatures represent four fixed signs

1:5) Each of them had four faces and four

of the zodiac, the 4 faces, the 4 elements, and

In the bible it describes these living

wings, with straight feet with a sole like the sole of a calf's foot, and

the 4 seasons:

"hands of a man" under their wings. Each had four faces: The face of a

• Aquarius as the winged man, spring, air

man, the face of a lion on the right side, the face of an ox on the left side,

• Taurus as the ox/bull,summer, earth

and the face of an eagle. (Ezekiel 1:6-10)

• Leo as the lion fall, fire • Scorpio as the eagle, winter, water

Giants Among Men There were giants (also known as the Nephilim) in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. — Genesis 6:4 Where these the “men of renown”, the ‘men of blue’, from East to West, from Quetzalcoatl, to Amun? They all seemed to have possessed an appetite for women. Was the the birth of the demigod, and the hierarchical order. In many of these cultures women were no better than cattle, expected to perform ‘sexual offerings’ or rituals at the temple. Harems, concubines, and virgins were prized. Others were stoned, widowed or burned. Why would our loving God treat his creation with such disrespect? So the questions would be was it God or where they the demigods? The fallen angels run a muck? Also could this interference also be the missing link in Darwin’s big idea?

Destruction of

Cold Blooded?




These half humans played a dominant character in the seduction stories of our earthly kingdom. Too often “man” needed to retrieve their ‘precious’ maiden as they were either captured, raptured or raped. Women seem to have been fooled by the tricksters and paid the price. After these encounters they were considered ‘tainted goods’. Not a good thing when the woman is the carriers of the blood line. Interesting that the symbol for DNA, the snake on the staff, show us around the world. These ‘blue bloods’ were also the carrier of the name or notion of sin. Be it Sin, the son of the Anunnaki or the act of sin in the Bible, this fusion between the daughters of man and the sons of the gods was ‘evil’ and created bad blood, as well as instigating family feuds.

Codex Borbonicus, 16th century

The Buddha riding a seadragon, by Kunisada.

Universal Theme One of the 100 universal themes is the one of serpents or/and dragon-like creatures. Is this tale a reality beyond our scope of comprehension? Josef Campbell calls this the hero’s journey, yet to me it looks like a real human dilemma!! And again how is it that the whole world dreamed the same dream and painted the same picture? Also the constellation Draco seemed to be of some influence--hum. Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they were defeated and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world – he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. —“[8] Revelations

Woman entwined by God K's (K'awiil's) serpent leg/Public Domain

Inca, image by Brattarb/CC 3.0

GNU Fee Documentation

Photos:Stan Taylor seen in the Paluxy River bed.

Ancient temple wall in Indoniisa

Dragons and Dinosaurs...Same? So, did man walk in the time of the dinosaurs? Was George the dragon slyer, or dinosaur slayer? The Nile Mosaic of Palestrina.

Images of these ‘terrible lizards’ are present in temple carvings in Indonesia, rock cravings in South America, to mosaics art of Greek times. In Texas footprints of humans with dinosaurs are also part of the recorded history. These images show interaction and awareness of what they looked creatures looked like. If the earth once supported very large dinosaurs, then why not giant humans? These beasts of obvious burden, may have also, like a few humans, survived the great flood. How does this affect our understanding of timelines and history. It has also been surmised that the atmosphere and the gravity of the planet was different in pre-historic time. This would explain how they could support their large frames—interesting ideas to think about.

Megalithic Structures Could the giants of lore have built the megalithic structures? Just how did we evolve from apemen to super humans capable of building the ‘wonders of the world’? This confounds even the sharpest of minds.

Giant Foot Print Michael of the family Tellinger (unlimited)All rights reserved without prejudice - without recourse Stonehenge - http://www.flickr.com/photos/garethwiscombe/ 1071477228/in/photostream/CC Attrbution 2.0

And, there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. — Numbers, 13. 33 Stonehenge, The severe erosion on the fallen tall megalith, is conclusive geological evidence that Stonehenge is probably well over 1 million years old. How and why it is still in its place is merely a function of continued use and abuse by many civilizations over an extended period. — Michael Tellinger


Erosion of Time Remember the tale of lost civilizations; the time line of the Vedic scriptures suggest our universe is a billions plus years old. Carl Sagan suggested that this was just a lucky guess, but with all the Vedic sciences and the new frontiers of science we now know that this is not so. When we look to the Great Sphinx evidence suggesting that its water erosion pre-dates it to the last great Ice Age when Egypt was lush and fertile. Then look at the sunken city of Dwarka, remembered for being the home of Krishna. And then there is the submerged pyramids by Japan and


course the legendary tales of Atlantis. It appears we may only be referencing this cycle of time and not all the ages of man. The Greeks refereed to the 5 ages be it the Golden, Sliver, Bronze, Heroic or the Iron Age. The Aztecs called it the 5 Suns and for the Vedic wisdom it is known as Yuga’s.

Everything is determined by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust — we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper. — Albert Einstein


Friend or


I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself ... the colour of amber.

Come to My Mansion... It is said there are many mansions and scientist believe there are many galaxies, then consider, that when we look into the night sky and see billions of stars, that it would only be common sense to assume that we do not exist alone. Even on earth there are so many creatures that look entirely alien. StarWars and Star Trek depicted this idea wonderfully with their cast of characters. Lord knows there are plenty of characters in our own lives. Science states that opposing forces are what keeps us in motion. Perhaps this rule still applies to visitors, some possess the dark force and others the light. This is the epic story of the our planet. Then why not the universe?

http://flickr.com/photos/77516097@N00/1011034415/ faces with big eyed /Nazca Lines in Peru by Raymond Ostertag/Red Stone from Italy/Public Domain

Creation of Vibration We arePhotoabycreation of vibration with electrical impulses running through the neural network of our entire body. This Roger McLassus phenomenon is not exclusive to this body, but to our entire universe. All planets have harmonic frequencies and each planet has its own song. It only stands to reason, with some degree of common sense, that we are not alone in the universe. If we do not understand the basic construct of this universe, then we are missing the BIG picture. We are only a little ripple in the galactic pond.

"The Baptism of Christ", by Dutch painter Aert De Gelder, 1710

Victory stele of Naram-Sin/p/photo by Rama

Japanese and Australia, Greek, India, Hebrew

ALL cultures from China, Africa, Australia, the America's, Egypt and India attest to gods (God) descending from the heavens and gifting knowledge to advance civilization, and their own. The Pushpaka chariot that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother was brought by the powerful Ravana; that aerial and excellent chariot going everywhere at will .... that chariot resembling a bright cloud in the sky ... and the King [Rama] got in, and the excellent chariot at the command of the Raghira, rose up into the higher atmosphere. — Ramayana The Japanese word for Emperor, means ‘heavenly sovereign’. The yellow wheel icon= rising sun. Tawa for the Hopi = Sun Spirit.

Sun Chariots

Vedic Text

Santa Barbara, Califorina Cave Drawings


When they moved, the others moved; when they stopped, the others stopped; and when they rose from the earth, the wheels rose along with them; for the spirit of the living creatures [Cherubim] was in the wheels. — Ezekiel 10:17 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going. — John 3:8

Ancient Indian Vimas

Reexamining History There are too many books we hold as fact, yet we cherry pick what we choose to believe. Curious minds like those of Zecharia Sitchin, for example, have spent lifetimes exploring our history. Our prescribed sets of beliefs don’t align. Michael Cremo has written numerous books on ‘forbidden archeology’ and is an authority on abnormalities that don’t fit our current historical timeline. So when we look to past ‘stories” consider the idea of ‘cargo cults’ in the context of ancient mythology? During World War II when military would arrive on remote islands in the South Pacific, with Western technology/cargo, and then the war ended and the “goods” no longer arrived. Native tribe” created rituals and alters of sorts hoping for their return. You might just say they kept looking to the sky for their deities and they worshiped the pilots that came. So when we look to bible and Vedic text this idea could also be relevant. And if “they” did come, what might their agenda been? This notion does not dismiss the idea of a creator, or a force. Yet it just might give us a different perspective and a way of looking at some belief systems and who how we have worshipped.

These gods of ancient times describe themselves as descending from the ‘open sky’. In Sanskrit “div’,means sky, day, shine. It also relates to the word divine and divinity. ‘Deity’ is derived from the Latin world ‘dea’ (goddess) and ‘deus’ (god). The Dogon’s from Africa called these people Amma. The Egyptians call him Atum. The Hopi and Zuni

The mysterious hieroglyphs in Temple of Seti I.

celebrate Kachinas, gods from the sky. The

Sky gods

Chinese tell of the Han leader, Huangdi, arriving to Earth on a flying yellow dragon. South America

Destination Orion Pyramids in Egypt, South America and China are all aligned with the Orion Belt around 10,500 BC. Versions of these cultures story are the same, consider that they span across three continents! Quetzacoatl of South America and Enki of the ancient Sumerian teachings hail the Pleiades--ancient astronauts of lore?

Two daughters of Akhenaten; Nofernoferuaton and Nofernoferure, c. 1375-1358 BC

Ancient Influences

Many unusual elongated skulls of ancient humans appear around the world. They are found in Europe, Central and South America and Central Asia. Note the depiction of the eyes.

The sky gods in these ancient times where known as ‘Serpents of Wisdom’. Is this the origin of the blue bloods? Their knowledge gave-rise to our modern civilization, assisting early man to take a quantum leap into the sciences of astronomy, mathematics and agriculture. They are often depicted with elongated skulls, which have been discover around the globe. Some indigenous cultures went so far as to bind their skulls so they too could ‘have the look’. The legend of Quetzalcoatl or ‘the Great Feathered Serpent,’ state that he was a God who brought the teachings of peace to his part of the world. He appeared as a white God, blue eyed, with a beard. It is said that images of him are similar to Enki of the ancient Sumerian text. It is known that they where also waiting for his return. Now that sounds familiar! The ancient Sumerian tablets describe this “alien race” as the Anunnaki. It is said they came to mine for gold. The idea of GOLD is also a common theme.

Slaves to gods? Public

Were these so called gods the men of renown? Were they slave drivers who wanted to have their flock in tow? If one didn’t meet expectations, the gods would be flogged, cowering one into meekness. Consider that the scribes and rulers were educated, yet the common folk were not invited into the temples or taught the sacred text. The laborer was rewarded with only one day of rest. So what was their real aim? Was it REALLY to deliver you, or to keep you asleep as sheep, in worship and as a slaves? And this notion of slave, serf and servant was common in the ancient world. Ah h and what about the gods that ripped out hearts and asked for the sacrifice of children and reduced women to property. All this was done in the name of their God. The list of atrocities is long and deep. How do we justify this away? Have you ever wondered where the idea of a caste system and overlords came from? Don’t you just get tired of the same old rituals and feeling like you just aren’t getting heading and work’n like a slave? Beginning with our youth, our educational system expects a little child to do homework. I consider this parallel to working overtime; this is considered by many experts as unhealthy. We are conditioned to fall into line so early on. Under these kinds of regimens we will never learn to become our own master. The masters of old kept us in our place to maintain their power. When will we step into our power and become the masters of our own destiny? ALL is God and ALL is divine, this status and knowledge is not for a select-few.

Keith Schengili-Roberts

Star Wars Two of our most loved modern epics, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, were inspired by the Eastern and Western mythology of Thor and the story of the Song of the Lord in the Vedic scripture. StarWars introduces the idea of ‘the force’ being the field of energy in which we all exist. The tale of lost love takes us to our dark side, embodied by the character of Darth Vader and returns us to the Light by his love of Luke. StarWars represents the opposing forces of yin and yang which give us an understanding of universal spin. George Lucas also highlights the need for Yoda, the yogi to guide the way. Both the Eastern and the Western myths hint at a galactic perspective. The story creates extraterrestrial beings that fly in ‘chariots in the sky’. Many Vedic gods are half man, half animal just like StarWars characters, Chewbacca and the Wookee. The epic struggle depicted in StarWars is the same one that still rages today where the privileged few cast us into battle to play their games of greed and control.

A great series to watch or listen to is —The Power of Myth, Joseph Campbell

Lord of the Rings Unlike Star Wars, the “Lord of the Rings” drama plays out upon Earth. Its creatures are familiar to us because we recognize them from our lore and myths. The trilogy introduces immortal angel-like creatures who come to assist humans in a decisive battle for who will rule the world. Humans needed to deal with these giants of the underworld who possessed super human strength. These humans worked as slaves in the mines, for the demigods. These giants of the past were known as Nephilim in the bible and later became Gog and Magog to the Europeans. In both versions of the story, they were taken out by a big deluge. Pick your favorite flood myth, whether it be from the Bible, the story of Gilgamesh, or a host of other sources. The flood is ubiquitous. Virtually every aspect of “Lord of the Rings” has some familiar parallel. There were real life hobbits for which we now have skulls as proof. In shamanic practice, the trees don’t come alive, they are alive. There were creatures of old like enormous flying reptiles. In life, there is always someone who will give you hell, be it the hel of the Nors or the hell of Dante’s inferno. What resonates is that there is an element of truth to all of this. Why would every culture around the world share much of the same mythology and cosmology? We ought to reconsider how we think about our origins. We know that our planet has survived some epic shifts. Perhaps it is now time for a shift in thinking. How will we choose to relate to our stories? Why are we so riveted by past tales?

illustration by Arthur Rackham Photo by Ryan Somma/Homo floresiensis (the hobbit)

Garden of Eden Once there was a garden for Eve

They so loved their women

And she was with Adam

They created harems

And paradise reigned supreme.

Their concubines High priestesses

Then from the heavens,

Temple maidens

From outer space

And prized virgins too.

A battle ensued For this divine place.

They brought us civilization The sciences, the numbers

It’s mentioned in the Bible and the Vedas too.

Astronomy and alchemy Then cultivated us too.

What came from the sky Was a golden disc

These alien creators

Looked like the sun

Were the white forefathers

And we worshiped it.

The Aryan race and the Dogons Bearded and wide eyed

From this earthly view

Of which you were of course inferior to.

These ancient astronauts looked like gods, Yet were shape -shifters and slithered too.

Our human complexes are all the same

These men were called...

From abandonment, self worth and

The Naga, the Nephilim,


The Anunnaki and Quetzalcoatl.

What kind of creator would play this game?

They were immortal, we were mere

For them there is no country, no loyalty

Teaching us about borders


It’s the masters’ money game

The divisions between you and me.

They had their rituals and sacred texts

Where you are subject to cycles and

We had Sunday, one day of rest.


It’s designed to put us into a trance,

Just when you think you’ve got it made

A slave dance,

The money falls out of your pockets again.

This mindlessness is suicide to the soul

These pharaohs and gods Fractured us and scattered us

As some check out

By caste system and by race

They will rape the earth and take the gold

From the Tower of Babel

Their story is not new, but of old

‘god’s’ plan was to confound us

Their cover, yet to unfold

Now is not the time to be meek

And take us as a slave race.

Revealing the veil to no avail

Or turn the other cheek

A deception so cold.

For generations to come

Servitude was our design

Others step in tow.

This will be our legacy.

They made it sound so sublime

It is time to question what is at play

Serf to Slave it’s all the same.

When what is sacred, is now profane.

We have a choice

When the prevailing mindset

Hell to heaven

It is a mind control game

Seduces our young women to go out on

From rape, to love’s embrace

We’re inferior, they are superior

the streets not dressed elegantly, but

From scarcity to abundance

Their stature was tall, we were small

packaged like meat,

Mastered, to self mastery.

We fell in line, meek like sheep.

To our young men on the computer war

So if you think you’re a free man


A common goal for humanity

to fighting in the streets.

Is to wake up to this tragedy

Then think again...

In Unity ...

As you have been reduced and seduced

The schools we create

to survive

Are not about self-mastery or creativity

Subject to a royal blood line.

It’s about rote and repetition The story of the victor droned into thee.

Find our Divinity and return to Grace. Karen Elkins

Liberty To evolve takes freedom of expression and to explore at your core. When you are bound by limitations you are not at liberty any more. Your world is a prison and your true reason to be as a creator is extinguished. We have fought many battles in pursuit of liberty and too often, we have allowed others to have power over our destiny. What are you when another is your master and controls and regulates your destiny? This goes for your relationships and even our governments. Moving forward is an act of creation and there is nothing to resist but the compromise you place upon your soul — your compromise is often your demise. Don’t give away you dignity or your divinity. Be still and listen to the spirit within-it will tap you into the whole of the matrix, the holy spirit that resides within. Respect all of creation and do not harm.

photo by Nevit Dilmen/ 3.O Wikepeida

There are two paths that are forever; the path of darkness and the path of light. The one leads to the land of no returning. The other leads to sorrow. — The Bhagavad Gita

The Golden Rule So, lets say there were ancient astronaut, would it change our core values or principals? Would the Golden Rule still stand? Consider that the ancient text were on to something more valuable then we have fathomed.

Ancient India Hence, (keeping these in mind), by self-control and by making dharma (right conduct) your main focus, treat others as you treat yourself." Ancient Greece "Do not to your neighbor what you would take ill from him." – Pittacus

Did we evolve from apes, as per Darwin, or as the bible and the Eastern texts suggest, or are we a blending of other dimensional beings - the Gods, the Giants, and Angels? Sounds like the “Lord of the Rings” - the good, the bad and the ugly. All of us have an agenda, so why

Ancient Egypt "That which you hate to be done to you, do not do to another." Ancient China

not “foreigners.” Yes, I do mean spacey friends.

"Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself." – Confucius

Maybe its time not to be a slave to an old script, but


to understand that if we are made in the image and likeness, then we too are gods...mini gods in training! We need our training wheels before we can take flight.

Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful. —Udanavarga 5:18 Christianity "Therefore all things whatsoever would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them" - Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31.

Concluding Thoughts Ponder the idea that we have been invested in one story, yet with many cultural twists and different vantage points. This epic tale has been evolving and revolving us until now when we can see from outer space to our inner space there are universes within universes and there is a universe within us. The design is simple and yet complex. There is beauty and intelligence inherent in this Master’s design. We are fractal, mathematical, and musical unfolding in rhythm, cycles and time. We are colorful, with characters that express our views and hues.

“The Christ (derived from the greek word Christos, meaning the "anointed one") who inaugurated the age of Pisces as the Jesus of Nazareth, himself says; "When the Sign of Man

I always wanted to go to God’s designer studio, yet now I can see I don’t have to exist this existence to see it. Why? Because it all around me.

shall come, he will

I invite humanity to see the Master’s infinite variety and creativity. And to know He/She is also designed into your own galactic center. So listen to your INNER wisdom and tap your mind into the cosmic web for infinite possibilities.

things ."

Love your neighbor as yourself. — The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself. — Confucius

enlighten you in all

Award winning book 2019 in Science TRAILER PRESENTATION

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teaching the unified science of the new millennium. — Gregg Braden, New York Times bestselling author of Human by Design and The Divine





“Science to Sage InsideOUT - the Wisdom of the Designer Universe" is a visual guidebook designed to reveal the dynamic spiraling world of knowledge that unifies all things - science to sage, from the insideOUT. Scientific inquiry concludes we live in a universe constructed of bioelectric and magnetic impulses. Its dancing light particles sends waves, forms shapes, and creates patterns within a "sea" of pure consciousness revealing we live in an intelligent and elegantly designed universe. World philosophies speak of this quantum reality, and with the advancement of science, we can now see these cosmic principles and laws at work.

Science to Sage Magazine is a themed magazine based on the book. It allows experts, scientists, artist and innovate thinkers to expand on the concepts in the book and beyond. www.sciencetosage.com

See how the “Science to Sage InsideOUT - the Wisdom of the Designer Universe" book reveals this visual tapestry, beautifully weaving together the works and insights of scientist, sage, mystic, artist and photographer.


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