Science to Sage - Visionary Art (Autumn Skye) and Poetry (Karen Elkins)

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Science to Sage special edition 2/2020


visionary art & poems

Autumn Skye & Karen Elkins

The Heart Speaks Verses & Graphics by Karen Elkins Art by Autumn Skye

nature’s gift in the flow As I stilled my mind ideas would flow in poetic like verses on to my note pad. Over a few years, as I begin my book, InsideOUT, these concepts would come to me and then I would investigate. MOST of these "poems" are not in the book--I"m sharing "my downloads." They were insights into God's bliss, cycles, geometry and ancient connections. This turned out to be quite the adventure. We commune with the elemental forces of creation through our senses. The Divine gifts us a full sensory experience which is intrinsic within the spirit of the elements that creates us. Our spirit is our breath, our fire is our desire, and water holds our memory. Mother Earth gives us our ground, and aether the domain from which we descended. All is made of the same star stuff.”
 As above, so below, so within, so the soul.”—Hermes.

The visionary art is Autumn Skye's. I met her years back at an event in Vancouver, BC. Her amazing punctuates what is moving through me. Thank you Autumn for allowing me to play. Karen


Autumn Skye

“Each canvas takes me on a journey, and as my paintbrush follows, each time I am led back to my centre. I believe that the role of the artist is especially crucial at this challenging and exciting time. While the world is at the precipice of momentous change, artworks have the potential to be maps, and these maps can help guide humanity forward into new and positive ways of seeing and being. Through creativity we have the opportunity to transmute shadow and pain into visions of healing and wholeness. And so, I offer my artwork as a mirror, both an intimate personal refection and a grand archetypical revelation. Within these visions, may each viewer recognize their own sacred heart and cosmic divinity. And, through this recognition, may we remember the innate grace that dwells within.” Autumn Skye's childhood was spent traveling the boundlessly majestic landscapes of North America, developing a deep wonder for nature and the diversity of humanity. She's been translating this inspiration through artwork since she was old enough to hold a pencil. Recognizing her curious imagination, creativity was always supported by her family. Autumn Skye's meticulous and poignant paintings continue to gain expanding recognition, attracting collectors and students from around the globe. As a self-taught artist, she has dedicated innumerable hours in creative exploration. Her style gracefully weaves together refined realism, iconic imagery, profound symbolism, and subtle geometries. She teaches and exhibits worldwide, and otherwise now lives and paints on the beautiful Sunshine Coast of BC, Canada. Considering herself immensely blessed, Autumn Skye strives to support others through inspiration and creative empowerment.


Gallery Video - Visionary Art with Autumn Skye

The script woven through this painting is technically called Asemic Writing, a form of meditation, channeling, or creative writing beyond conscious mind. I refer to it as Heartspeak. In my process, the use of Heartspeak find it picks up where the limited conscious vocabulary of standard language and imagery lacks. The process allows the channeling of pure emotion to flow straight from source to hand, to paintbrush, and onto the canvas. Like the language of dancing or "speaking in tongues", Heartspeak does not limit meaning, but leaves worlds of emotional interpretation available to the viewer, that is both personal and universal.

about Karen elkins Karen has created many platforms for leading edge scientist, philosophers, inspired artists, and innovative thinkers the world-over. From designing promotional materials, publishing an online magazine, hosting events, or conducting interviews via her podcast or conferences, her creativity and passion is evident. Karen is also an award winning author in the area of science for her book Insideout: Revealing the Mysteries of Creation and the Wisdom to Live Consciously Connected. She is the publisher, researcher and designer of Science to Sage EMagazine. To-date Karen has produced over 60 editions. She has cocreated editions for Namaste Publishing, HayHouse and Shaloha Productions. For 2 years Karen hosted a radio show on the Awakening Zone where her magazine came alive interviewing icons such as Dr. Emoto, Dr. Gerald Pollack, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Wal Thornhill, John Stuart Reid, Freddy Silva and many more. She is currently doing a short series with SuperPowerExperts. She has done interviews at the Energy

Science and Technology Conference, Electric Universe, Tesla Tech, and Gerold Pollack’s Water Conference. She has also presented at three “alternative energy” conferences. Karen co-produced and promoted events in Vancouver, BC, for bestselling authors in the arena of science and consciousness, hosting Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lynne McTaggart, Micheal Bernard Beckwith, Freddy Silva and more. For 23 years, in Los Angeles, Karen had an advertising agency catering to the consumer electronics and the fashion industry. Clients included: JBL, Infinity and Harmon Kardon. Karen’s passion of education evolved out of being a parent and needing to engage in the arena of gifted and creative learners. This inspired an 8 year commitment co-founding Silbury Education for Gifted and Creative Learners and running the Vancouver Chapter of the Gifted Association. She was featured in Vision Magazine as a visionary in the field of education and has been on numerous radio shows including the CBC.





The Thumbprint of God

The universal construct,

Love is golden,

Has the “Thumbprint of God”,

The perfect phi ratio,

It’s a fractal expression,

So when your heart and mind

The heart its divine dimension,

Are in perfect sync,

Revealing God’s loving expression.

This cascading wave, Has a coherent beat.

Through its logarithmic spiral, Our self-similar patterns connect, By an ethereal cord, Our hearts align, In an expanding void, In a quantum sea of bliss. This loving hoop, Is a feedback loop, You are a system within itself, You are God’s outward expression, Totally dynamic, magnetic and
 electric. You are his/her lover, When souls connect. That is the art of you, It is at the heart of you, It is encoded in you, As your deepest desire, For love to be expressed.

Two sides in the brain, Male and female, Intelligence and intuition, Matter and motion, Equally yoked, Heaven's spheres are embraced. Swirling and whirling, In the shape of a heart, The Sufi mystic, Dances in a trance, Spiraling and connecting To the heavens and the heart. This is God’s essence, The frequency of love. It keeps you in a spin, Longing for this higher dimension. This equation is “Gods Thumbprint,” Your individual expression, And his/her all inspiring LOVE.

Day one

Heart The angels that hover above The orb that resides within

Call you home inside To touch that sacred space At the intersection of your design

Where life longings rest Where deep seated desires Have their calling

Where the soul never sleeps Where the heart never dies

Akasha (or Akash, Ākāśa, आकाश) is the Sanskrit word meaning

Where God within resides At the heart of your design.

ether in both its elemental and metaphysical senses. It is space or spirit, the very first of the five elements of creation.

Poem by Karen Elkins

Where lives wisdom was gifted to me As the above was the same as me As galaxies spin their milky dew Our sperm starts life anew This seed of life when taken in Its vortex takes me in a spin This seed of life awakens me Opening the channel for divinity Creation is orgasmic by design Freeing my mind to transcend time As the quantum sea now swims within It awakens my mystical mind To know how sublime the design From the root of passion To cosmic bliss God is the lover that beacons me To surrender to his serenity Where He ignites the tree of life Its golden fruit and love so sweet Know the nectar of God is ecstasy. Karen Elkins

Art | Autumn Skye

This magical mystery Of life's design Resides in the mystical quantum design

The Myical Mind

Where there is not time Or separation between outer space or my mind

"Taṇhā - The Dance Of Longing"

Wonder when you play me

When you play your music I’m moved You play me Because of you I feel your rhythm Inside of me And it transcends me.

"The Call Of The River"

But it’s me that moves And it’s me reflecting back to you The me that is you.

Enlivens me It takes me in Deep inside my skin Aching to be quenched To be drenched.

You send shivers to my skin A longing within.

Karen Elkins

Art | Autumn Skye

It revives me


Solution “I have the ‘solution’ of the universe rushing through me. 
 It holds my memories, it's the tape recorder embedded in me, recording my words and thoughts and replays them back to me.

I have a choice to what waters I swim in, the words I let sink in, and the words I send.

The loving word is the only solution that brings resolution and peace within.”

~ Karen Elkins

Our Living Canvas mathematics is the Knowledge of the ONE’S equation Music is how we play the ONE’S measure and notes in time dance is how we embody the ONE’S movement and rhythm art is how we present the ONE’S vision, the full spectrum of his delight

our living canvas represents the ONE we pick to experience and express this Gift in this ONE life time ONE is no better than the’s all ONE’S creation and exploration revealing self to ONE another in measure, rhythm, cycles and time.
 Karen elkins

Art | Autumn Skye

the key There is a key To the hearts design It's the portal of love An opening to receive Life’s loving seed Into this sacred space Where two become one Where one loses oneself At heavens gates Where life is fused Where hearts melt Where stars collect In ecstasy.

By Karen Elkins

The Master’s Mind

"Healing" "Beloved"

The Master Mind of this design Is electric and magnetic Full of possibilities A creative spark This is my divinity. It’s all entwined Like a web The internet A perfect connect. The Mind of God reveals Its thundering thoughts Lighting up the heavens My mind and my thoughts. Overwhelmed by its immensity Its force and conductivity It lights up the world From the sun, forms the stars So I can reflect back the light in ME That was given by Him/Her As it nourishes me. Yet I can be reduced To a particle, then a wave From an Adam To emerging with Eve

perfect union

"Remembering Eternity"

Art | Autumn Skye

A perfect union My perfect mate We dance by design Like galaxies entwine Angels’ wings embraced. Whirling intensity through space The strength of this vortex This coming together Is fractal in expression Of expanding dimension Transcending time and space. My radio wave My frequency The channels I tune in Creates my destiny. I’m a master creator Mixed in clay Bonded by chemistry My elements at play. Gravity holds my shape My geometric pattern My blueprint My DNA My creation on display. This essence emanates from me A brilliant reflection

"True North"

True North refers to the internal guide that navigates us successfully through life. It is our constant and steady bearing, the fixed point in a spinning world that is always available to us when we can calm our mind, listen, and trust the Compass of the Heart

A complete spectrum My aura, earth’s borealis A technicolor display. It’s not by chance that Mother Earth is the same as me Crystal in form Her battery Her heart’s pulse Expresses like me. This energetic display Rotates and circulates Around me, the earth the sun and spins the moon.

Art | Autumn Skye

Some ask what God is I say he is a scientists and a mystic too He has left creating up to you He has given you a sphere of influence from which to view and you can see what orbits you It ‘s the perfect feedback loop to see where you are hooped. By Karen Elkins

Light Body What is my ethereal body? It’s my light body That illuminates me It’s my divine spark The eternal me The orb that lives within me. It’s my vibration I leave in the wake My sphere of influence My circumference My radius. It’s the imprint of me My crystal My geometry My transmitter and receiver My soul’s record of me. The imprint in my sphere It’s like my thumbprint It’s distinct and clear. Some call it my Mer-Ka-Ba Body To me it’s my fire My chi that descends with me Down the ladder Bringing me back into matter Where gravity takes a hold of me Grounds me to this reality This world of duality.

Yet, in this density It’s hard to see What has been hidden At the heart of me. This orb within me My inner spark My inner vision Which often sends me premonitions. I call it my inner voice My inner wisdom My guidance system If and when I choose to listen. It feels like deja vue It’s what makes me sympathetic to you

A soul connect A fantasy unmet. So when I’m in your sphere It’s your inner chi that bathes me Like a wave that washes over me Awakening me to an old memory An ember still burning A story to be told Or yet, just another choice along the road. At the moment of death It’s the orb in me That ascends with me Recalling the dance of my last trance.

Your Voice It’s my light reflection A holographic projection My imprint to view. Who am I from this perspective? When I cross the line I see another dimension. I’m an orb Orbiting in a celestial body In a much grander sphere. A light creation A crystalized formation. From this view I can see The angels that hovered over me

The guardians that whispered to me The ghosts that sent chills through me. Yet, until my mind is still No more mind, no more matters I will recycle back into matter. Like waters rising into the mist Like a rain drop falling down I will be swept up by the tide Going with the current of my desires Only to be frozen back in time Reincarnating my karmic design One more time. Karen Elkins

Garden of Eden Once there was a garden for Eve And she was with Adam And paradise reigned supreme.

Then from the heavens, From outer space A battle ensued For this divine place.

It’s mentioned in the Bible and the Vedas too.

What came from the sky Was a golden disc Looked like the sun And we worshiped it.

From this earthly view These ancient astronauts looked like gods, Yet were shape -shifters and slithered too. These men were called...

Art | Autumn Skye

Phoenix Rising

Embodiment Art | Autumn Skye

The Naga, the Nephilim, The Anunnaki and Quetzalcoatl.

They so loved their women They created harems Their concubines High priestesses Temple maidens And prized virgins too.

They brought us civilization The sciences, the numbers Astronomy and alchemy Then cultivated us too.

These alien creators Were the white forefathers The Aryan race and the Dogons Bearded and wide eyed Of which you were of course inferior to.

Our human complexes are all the same From abandonment, self worth and separation. What kind of creator would play this game?

They were immortal, we were mere mortals They had their rituals and sacred texts We had Sunday, one day of rest.

Dawn's Witness

These pharaohs and gods Fractured us and scattered us By caste system and by race From the Tower of Babel ‘god’s’ plan was to confound us And take us as a slave race.

Servitude was our design They made it sound so sublime Serf to Slave it’s all the same.

It is a mind control game We’re inferior, they are superior Their stature was tall, we were small We fell in line, meek like sheep.

So if you think you’re a free man Then think again... As you have been reduced and seduced to survive Subject to a royal blood line.

For them there is no country, no loyalty It’s the masters’ money game Where you are subject to cycles and ‘spin.’ Just when you think you’ve got it made The money falls out of your pockets again.


They will rape the earth and take the gold Their story is not new, but of old Their cover, yet to unfold Revealing the veil to no avail A deception so cold. It is time to question what is at play When what is sacred, is now profane. When the prevailing mindset Seduces our young women to go out on the streets not dressed elegantly, but packaged like meat, To our young men on the computer war games to fighting in the streets. The schools we create Are not about self-mastery or creativity It’s about rote and repetition The story of the victor droned into thee. Teaching us about borders The divisions between you and me.

Mourning Due

It’s designed to put us into a trance, A slave dance, This mindlessness is suicide to the soul As some check out Others step in tow.

Wild Abandon

Fierce Love Now is not the time to be meek

Or turn the other cheek For generations to come This will be our legacy. We have a choice Hell to heaven From rape, to love’s embrace

"Secret Garden"

From scarcity to abundance Mastered, to self mastery. A common goal for humanity Is to wake up to this tragedy In Unity ... Find our Divinity and return to Grace. Karen Elkins


Art | Autumn Skye


Mother | Earth The elements breathes me ~ air bathes me ~ water warms me ~ fire grounds me ~ earth expand’s me ~ space

feel me

Mother Earth, Cycles and Spins

Mother Nature Mother nature is up to it

beat her, and bleed her,

Consider there is no match for


and then ask her to bear fruit

a woman’s wrath.

Like the good old washing

so sweet.

When she starts to clean,


How much mother does is up

She does her washing,

There is only so much abuse a

Through showers, cycles and

women can take,


before she is broken,

The bigger the load,

and in disrepair.

the dirtier the laundry,

Some items get shredded,

Remember there is no

the heavier the setting,

Some get cleaned,


the more agitating the spin,

Depends on the fabric,

There is no spare.

It will feel more like a tornado,

And if the dial is set

to you.

or a tsunami,

at the right temperature,

Mother’s hearth is our home,

A whirlpool, or a whirlwind,

for your temperament.

Her garden our savory treat,

before we can reset her dial

For some it’s becoming a

back to normal again.

One thing is for sure,


what we put into the wash,

To get the best of her,

the fashions we wear,

Where there is no love or

Love and respect her.

reflects where and how we

respect for the women,

Then the showers will be mild.

played, and where we gained

there is nothing in the bread

No wobble.

our stains.

basket to eat.

A gentle cycle. A totally easy spin.

So in the Garden of Eve,

So don’t give her the full load,

we have dug too deep,

this is overload.

spilled her blood,

For when the load is uneven,

dirtied her waters,

she'll begin to wobble,

and polluted her streets.

she'll be quake’n and shake’n, to balance the weight.

We cannot rape her, 
 degrade her,

Karen Elkins

"Virtual/Reality" Within this cosmic web, We dance as a particle, A ripple in the wave, Expressing our light, Like a pearl on a string, Spinning our desires, On a silver thin weave. Karen Elkins


numbers & Shapes

From the Monad,

The formula starts with liquids, solids, and

The fountain of the eternal one


Comes chemistry, numerology and

Radiating and emanating your hue


Which is created from red, yellow and blue.

From the Monad and Dyad

Add one more to this equation

The Mother and Dad

Now you have direction and dimension

Matter to pattern

Earth, water, air and fire

Their uniting, their love

Your elemental chemistry at play

Co-creates another one.

Your composition and disposition Your dosha on display.

From the Vesica Pisces The portal for life

Intuition, emotions, thought and senses

As when 3 or more gather

Your Four Fold Nature is where Buddha

It’s the pyramid scheme for life.

gets a mention.

5 has a pentagon shape

Now, six has a hexagonal shape

It’s the pinnacle of you

Like a snowflake

It is life's unfolding rhythm that abides in

It’s wired to fired


Generating your battery.

It is also found in the sacred sound

Egyptian mythology

From the Tibetan to the Gregorian chant

Says its your Merkaba body

Offering you transcendent view.

Your light body that spins.

To your 5 senses

It stimulates your DNA

To experience the essence of you

Your blueprint

To your every thought

Your impulse for life

When spoken creates

Your desire to play.

Your crystalline structure The geometry of you.

With 7 chakras to ignite This is an Eastern’s delight. You evolve in 7 stages From mitosis, to the embryo 7 parts of your retina 7 layers to your skin 7 parts to your ear 7 cavities in your heart and... And from this chamber life starts. 7 is also about completion 7 days of creation 7 days of the week With 7 colors to view.

Yet, the chess game of life is very black and white and checkered too. 8 x 8 is where you square o Calculating your every move From the pawn to the King Your ever play unfolds your scheme. The wisdom of the Tao and the I Ching Says your every move should be about mindfulness and mastery. 8 is also the binding factor of chemistry.

Dissolving the Space and Time Barrier

This gets you to 9

Your geometry

Where it is all about awareness and

It is evolutions unfolding design


It is all part of chemistry

The perfect triad, the trinity

And the rearranging of frequencies.

3 is the idea of you

It’s all revealed in the ancient texts

6 is the light in you

From the Hindu, to Hebrew

9 has the potential for bliss. Consider it your nature This is a time for reflection and recollection

and the formula of you.

A complete evolution and rotation. By Karen Elkins

This covers the spectrum Your crystalized essence


Art | Autumn Skye


The Rift, the Shift As we pass through the photon belt

To much dark matter

The center of light

the Darth Vadir,

Our Milky Way galaxy

the invader of our soul

We are sprinkled with pixy dust and it’s golden light

Its time for the light saber (savor) To fight for the heart spirit within

In truth this is the particle accelerator We all should be talking about

The ancient myths has us transfixed And have manipulated and stolen our soul

For every 25,000 thousand years We align at this rift

These energy vampires

And on this rotation

have every resource in their purse

It accelerates our vibration

For they have mined your mind and even

Aligning us to higher consciousness

your soul

This brings things to center

Note their message is one of fear

Inner to outer space

So stay clear And remember that God too resides within

It’s called the shift of the ages


A moment of illumination

And will protect you And guide you through

One can feel its intensity Its laser precision

Don’t get stuck in the old feed-back loop

As it casts out our shadow

The old stories that replay in your mind

And brings things to light

This is the dragon chasing its tail And of the old reptilian mind

This golden light has a conductive design Jolting our minds Leaving us jittery Reflecting on our load

Art | Autumn Skye


This is the time for Self Mastery This is the test of this age

For there is a promise of a Golden Age

To find our saintly grace

Which was predicated by the sages

And return to a loving space

This is no time for judgement but to for-GIVE

So as we pass through this particle accelerator

For these stories of old we were meant to sow

The more coherent we are Body, mind and spirit we are

It’s all part of this reality

The less bumpy the ride through the wave will

This world of duality


Where shadow meets light

Remember your pure chemistry

The shadow side we played

And what you have been bonded to

Was all part to the game

will detach if it does not serve you

The old crusades

This is pure alchemy

And our battle for light A perfect metaphor for life

More radiation, a higher vibration Recalibrating and mutating our DNA

So what has been “Hermetically Sealed” Must be revealed

As the parts and particles of our life’s detach And there is nothing to hold, or bond to

This is the time to raise

Within this gap it can be a touch frightening

“WILL” our great spirits to raise

So remember what the Hopi’s predicted

God has implanted a galactic center in you

Do not cling to things of old

For as above, so within you

Flow into the river As your molecules let go And release what does not serve you

Art | Autumn Skye

"True Harbor"

And as we experience the poler shift And we are all of the one mind It will be a cosmic flip To a new transcript, Where the new polarity is light So shift into gear Rise your vibration And clean out your fears The old mind game is designed As a past illusions to just survive This matrix is a tip If if is not serving you it will put you in servitude and keep you frozen to THIS time. FOCUS on YOUR LIGHT


by Karen Elkins

Regeneration Life is Alchemy It is the light and life’s chemistry It is the transmutation of elements

As above, so below, so within 
 Air, water, fire, earth space
 Gas, water, plasma, solids, ether
 It’s all the same MATTER What we do with it MATTERS This MATTER shapes our reality.

Inner technology to Outer Technology

Luc V

"Pietà" ”The word Pietà is italian for "pity", however it carries much more meaning, history, and potency than that simple definition: Pietà is a term used for a piece of art portraying the Virgin Mary holding and mourning over the dead body of Jesus, as in Michelangelo's famous marble sculpture in the Vatican. In this painting, the Whale symbolized the innocence, wisdom, selflessness, and sacrifice of Christ. The woman cradling the whale is the Holy Mother, the lifegiving Ocean, desecrated and dirtied, yet still pure, nurturing, and strong.

Pietà speaks to the greater archetypical story of grace, love, sacrifice, forgiveness.”

Art & Words | Autumn Skye


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