s2s Artist and Science, Alicia Hunsicker - Artist feature in Science to Sage Magazine

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ALICIA HUNSICKER A cosmic discussion about the nature of all things.

Divining with Nest and Egg


All organic forms are expressions of a divine force ...

Celestial Cartography

Mana Force

Embrace Anything is Possible

Heavenly Cascade


...each with its place and function in the journey of the whole...

Source Stream Alight

New Dimensions

Convergence in Cerulean Blue

Desire to Be

Organic Entanglement

There is a profound beauty in nature’s forms.

Harmonic Light Structure

Water Garden Whirlwind



...divine language showing our interconnectedness.

ALICIA HUNSICKER I am drawn to concepts being explored in Quantum Physics and how they relate to the energetic and spiritual realms that directly impact our minds, bodies and consciousness. There are many references to particles in my paintings, which are the fundamental building blocks of all things. Striving to understand them deepens our understanding of natures patterns, from the micro- worlds of atoms to the macroworlds found in the swirling galaxies of our universe. We are all interconnected. We are all ONE and all organic life is fully sentient, conscious, and aware. I am passionate about circles and lines that arc and swirl to create the structure of elegant forms, points of light, and the nature inspired patterns that I am captivated by while painting.


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