Pace 4th grade Science Class

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Science Report 4th Grade


Hi! We’re Pace. Our ​4th grade science class ​studied fossils and various parts of the Earth’s structure. We decided to share our findings with the public. In this report you will find all of our discoveries and a few important details about each and everyone of us. ​The graphic above​ is a word cloud that shows many of the words we used to describe ourselves. We hope you get to learn as much as we did. Enjoy!

4-ESS1 Earth's Place in the Universe

Next Generation Science Standard 4-ESS1-1 Identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils in rock layers to support an explanation for changes in a landscape over time. Common Core Connection ELA / Literacy || W.4.7 | Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic. (4-ESS1-1) W.4.8 | Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources; take notes and categorize information, and provide a list of sources. (4-ESS1-1) W.4.9 | Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (4-ESS1-1) Mathematics || MP.2 | Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (4-ESS1-1) MP.4 | Model with mathematics. (4-ESS1-1) 4.MD.A.1 | Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a single system of measurement, express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Record measurement equivalents in a two-column table. (4-ESS1-1)


What environment can conglomerate​ form in?

Taslia Ramirez Melendez { Pace }

MEET Taslia

Grade 4th grade

Favorite Subject

Favorite Activity


Art and pe and dance

Person I most admire

What I want the world to know about me

The person i admire is my mom and dad

I want the world to know about me is that l’m cute and sweet

three words to describe me are…




What I would say to inspire a friend having a hard time.

I would sit with her and cheer her up and ask her do she want to be friends and give her stuff and be nice.

Why​ ​did I choose this topic?

I choose this topic beca​use the rocks are nice it has different kinds of shapes and colors and it has soft layers.



Taslia Ramirez Melendez


LA Tech /​ Pace ​ / Howard

What environment can conglomerate form in?

Conglomerate is a ​sedimentary rock ​ ​made of pebbles, larger rock, and sometime sand. The pieces are rounded in shape. Conglomerate can be many different colors, including gray, black, white and ten. Conglomerate have big rock and it look like sedimentary rock. Fossils are not common in conglomerate rock .the sediment piles up along river channels. Over time, the sediment turns into conglomerate in this environment.conglomerate have any color. Conglomerate have any color and it look like a mountains and it have trees.Fossil are formed when an organism dies and is buried in sediment to preserve it shape. A fossil has to be at least 10,000 years old. Different types of rock form around these fossil. Fossils are usually formed in sedimentary rock. Millions of fossil are found all over the world.fossil hunters need to have this knowledge so that they can find fossils and tach us all thing and help us see and think about like our health, architecture and invention.

PROCESS PIC | ​STUDENT EXPLORATION Students engaged in arts integrated activity where students embodied fossil tableaus and pantomimes.

Fossils and Rock layers

By Skyler Turner { Pace }

MEET Skyler



Favorite Subject

4th grade

Favorite Activity


Video games Call of dutyww2

Person I most admire

What I want the world to know about me

My dad

I’m good at EVERYTHING

Three words to describe me are...




What I would say to inspire a friend having a hard time. YOU GOT THIS! It might be hard. Just try your best and you can do ANYTHING. Nothing can stop you from doing what you need to do.

Why​ ​did I choose this topic?

I choose this topic because I learned this topic before. Rocks and fossils are cool. Rocks have cool different textures. Fossils have cool different shapes and sizes.Rocks come in different colors.Rocks help you know where fossils live.



Skyler Turner


LA Tech / Pace / Howard

What is the order of rock layers? / Why fossils are so important?

What is the order of rock layers? Sediment sinks through water and builds up then gets compacted by the sediment on top of it.The cement sticks the sediment together so the layer could get thicker. Over time the new sediment turns into a rock layer on top of the other rock layer already formed which means the rock layer at the bottom is the oldest and the rock and the top layer is the newest layer.

Why fossils are so important? Fossils can told stories about organisms a long time ago. Fossils are exciting they help geologists answer questions like: what organisms they ate how they moved around and many more geologists infer to answer there questions.Even though millions of fossils have been found around the world scientist say only 1% of organisms are fossils wich means organisms die with no trail but most who do leave a trail but organisms live in water and that’s because fossils usually form in sedimentary rock which forms in water.


What are ​megalodon​?



Grade 4th grade

Favorite Subject

Favorite Activity



Person I most admire

What I want the world to know about me

My dad

That I love dogs

Three words to describe me are...




What I would say to inspire a friend having a hard time.

Keep working on and you will succeed at things.

Why​ ​did I choose this topic?

I choose this topic because I want to know what is megalodon and were it lived and the food it eats and how it looks likes and those are my question.





LA Tech / Pace / Howard

What are megalodon?

A megalodon is a shark that is 18 meters and 59 feet long. A megalodon is the size of a tractor trailer. The megalodon has powerful jaws allow to eat. A megalodon is extinct shark and it is over 1,000,000 years old and it lived under the sea in the deepest parts of the ocean floor. It lives far far away from the edge of the ocean and it loves shrimp fish. A megalodon can even can kill a giant whale and it was the most deadliest shark ever. This shark can lived up to 100 or more years.

What can we learn from Dalmanites and brachiosaurus?






Favorite Subject

4th grade


Favorite Activity Play whith my babysisers

Person I most admire

What I want the world to know about me

My family

I want the world about that my family is on youtube

Three words to describe me are...

Top 1 man on earth

Respectable and PRIDE


What I would say to inspire a friend having a hard time.

I will help them when they have a hard time and tell them to get help from the teacher if they don’t feel good or they get sick.

Why​ ​did I choose this topic?

I choose this topic because I found a lot of fossil examples. I liked the one I found. I liked the shape, the tail, eyes and the mouth.





LA Tech / Pace / Howard

What can we learn from Dalmanites and brachiosaurus?

What can we learn from Dalmanites? It had a long spine and its body had about 11 different sections. Sometimes a fossil dalmanits is found curled into a ball and dalmanits had a flat head and body and a pointy tail. It had an extremely heavy body it could be 50,000 kilograms (110,000 pounds) scientists think this dinosaur stayed in a flat land areas. It was probably too heavy to climb up hills.

What can we learn from Brachiosaurus? It had a wide mouth and thick jaws with teeth shaped like little shovels. The shape of its teeth helped it tear leaves from plants. And it had an extremely heavy body. It could be 50,000 kilograms (110,000 pounds) scientists think this dinosaur stayed in a flat land areas. It was probably too heavy to climb up hills. And Each of its had a small claw at the end. Scientists have estimated that the primobucco was less than 30 centimeters(1 foot) across with its wings stretched out.

Some things that they have in common are a dalmant and brachiosaurus weigh the same.

Some things that are different between them are that a dalmant is a meat eater and brachiosaurus a plant eater.

Can dinosaurs fly?

Miron Joseph { Pace }

Why​ ​did I choose this topic?

I choose this topic because I wanted to know if dinosaurs could fly, so I did research at home and in school to find out.



Grade 4th grade

Favorite Subject

Favorite Activity



Person I most admire

What I want the world to know about me

My mom and dad

I’m funny

Three words to describe me are...



Hard working

What I would say to inspire a friend having a hard time.

I would say you are a good person you are someone I could look up to. Cheer up its ok.



Miron joseph


LA Tech / ​ Pace​ / Howard

Can dinosaurs fly?

Can dinosaurs fly? Well, there are some bird-like dinosaurs that may be able to fly. Meet Archaeopteryx. Archaeopteryx uses its wings to glide or just to keep he or she warm and it has three wings witch i think is for grabbing prey and cutting open prey and grabbing trees It grew the size of a large pigeon. It had large teeth that were needed to bite in to other skin and through flesh l and it had a long tail with feathers and it was hard.The archeopteryx​ may have used it wings to fly ha​ve used its wings to fly . i wonder if they hibernate get food for the winter . i wonder if they flew through the sky grabbed something and flew through the sky with the prey in its hand. And this bird like dinosaur went extinct about 125 million years ago and i wonder how was it shaped and what food did he eat.where did he live i think he lived in caves or underground holes or trees .what tactic did archaeopteryx use during hunting did they use a sneak tactic flying tactic and grabb it in the sky.

PROCESS PIC | ​STUDENT EXPLORATION Students engaged in arts integrated activity where students embodied fossil tableaus and pantomimes.

What does it take to become a fossil hunter?

Kymora Williams { Pace }

MEET Kymora


Favorite Subject

4th grade

Favorite Activity



Person I most admire

What I want the world to know about me

My mom

I love to read and playing with my friend.

Three words to describe me are….



What I would say to inspire a friend having a hard time.

It’ ok just do your best.


Why​ ​did I choose this topic?

I choose this topic because I wanted to know how to know become a fossil hunter .



Kymora Williams


LA Tech / ​ Pace ​ / Howard

What does it take to become a fossil hunter?

In order to become a fossil hunter, you need understand how fossils form and why they are important.You need to know all about fossils to become a fossil hunter.Fossil can help us answer questions.fossils are usually formed in sedimentary rock.fossils are formed when an organism dies.

Fossil hunters can learn alot about fossils that they did not know by looking at a fossil.they can find fossils that they never seen before.fossils can help us know if it was hot, cold,dry,and wet.fossils are over 1,000,000 years old.they bring the fossil to a lab so they can see what fossil it is.

What environments can mudstone​ form in?

Kenyada Butler { Pace }


Kenyada ___________________


Favorite Subject

4th grade

Favorite Activity


Art and making slime and dancing

Person I most admire

What I want the world to know about me

Nekelle and my family and my parents and friends

I want people to know that i am smart and a good person

Three words to describe me are...




What I would say to inspire a friend having a hard time.

I would go and cheer her up and play with her and give her something that she likes. Then, I would tell her that she’s smart and intelligent and that she’s a good person.

Why​ ​did I choose this topic?

I choose this topic because to help people know about mudstone and how it forms and what is used for.


Kenyada Butler



LA Tech / Pace / Howard

What environments can mudstone form in?

The clay that makes up mudstone is carried by slow moving water. The clay piles up in floodplains lakes or a deep part of the ocean.overtime the clay can turn into mudstone in these environments. Also mudstone is a sedimentary rock and it is mostly made of clay and they could be different colors and they are to tiny too see .mudstone is a sedimentary rock made mostly of clay a tiny sediment.the sediment that makes up mudstone is too tiny to see sometimes even with a microscope. Different types of rock form around these fossils. Fossils are formed when an organism dies and is buried in sediment to preserve it shape. Fossil hunters need this knowledge so that they can find fossils and teach us all these things and help us. A fossil has at least 10’000 years old called to be called a fossils. Fossils are usually formed in sedimentary rock.

How does one become a fossil hunter?

Jason Ramirez { Pace }

MEET Jason


Favorite Subject

4th grade

All subjects

Favorite Activity Play with my friends , playing games and playing soccer

People I most admire

What I want the world to know about me

My family and friend

I want to be friends with everyone

Three words to describe me are...



What I would say to inspire a friend having a hard time is

Never give up! Keep trying to do your best.


Why​ ​did I choose this topic?

I choose this topic because I want to know how to be fossil hunter and because fossil hunter have really special job. They use special tools to uncover them.




Jason Ramirez


LA Tech / Pace / Howard

How does one become a fossil hunter?

In order to be a fossil hunter you must know where to find fossils. Fossils give info about where they live, how they use to move, what they ate, and what the environment was like from 10,000 years ago or more. Fossils can teach us what type of rock they formed.some fossils give lots of infer about what type of food by looking at their teeth. I think to really be a fossil hunter you have to have the gear and you have to be ready for what happened to the fossil and you have to be very very careful with the fossils because the bones can break and you can’t put it back together. In order for something {fossil} to be a fossil it must be 10,000 years old or more to be a fossil, but fossils can be up to billions of years old. Millions of fossils are found in different places like national park or rocky canyon. These scientists are finding fossil in different environments.

Why are fossils important?

By Jamari Corbitt {Pace }


Jamari ___________________

Grade 4th grade

Favorite Subject

Favorite Activity



Person I most admire

What I want the world to know about me

My mom and dad and my friends

I like to play with my friends

Three words to describe me are...


Good sport


What I would say to inspire a friend having a hard time.

I would say that you are nice and helpful to others and you can do anything you can be who you want to be so you are a good friend and one day you would help someone one day and you make them feel better.

Why​ ​did I choose this topic?

I choose this topic because I really wanted to now why are fossils important so for some days at my house l have been looking at fossils at home l have been reading about fossils so l could learn more about them.



Jamari Corbitt


LA Tech / Pace / Howard

Why are fossils important?

Fossils tell stories about organisms that lived time ago. Finding a fossils is so exciting. Fossils give us information about the organisms that lived in the past. Over 10.000 years ago something made the dinosaurs die and even though millions of fossils have been found all over the world, scientists estimate that only 1% of organisms become fossils. That means most organisms die without leaving behind any trace most of the organisms that do leave behind fossils are ones that lived in water that’s because fossils usually form in sedimentary rock sedimentary rock usually forms underwater organisms are most likely to leave behind fossils if hard body parts and if they get covered with sediment quickly after an organism is buried in sediment it takes a very long time for fossils form Animal fossils agaricocrinus was type of animal that lived in the ocean it went extinct about 345 million years ago but some living organisms including sea lilies and feather stars are related to agaricocrinus had a sticky body part called a holdfast that held on to a rock out of the holdfast grew along stalk like the stem of a flower at the top of the stalk was a set of feathery arms that were grouped together like flower stems agaricocrinus waved these arms around to catch food in the water.

What environments can mudstone​ form in?

Alinson Videz { Pace }




Favorite Subject

4th grade Person I most admire Taslia, Sheyri, Jazlyn

Favorite Activity



What I want the world to know about me I want the world to about me i am a girl interested in studying i fighter for what I love

Three words to describe me are..




What I would say to inspire a friend having a hard time.

What I would say is keep going and fighting to make it through what happened.

Why​ ​did I choose this topic?

I choose this topic because​ I love learning about something new that I do not know this information before.




Alinson Videz


LA Tech / ​Pace​ / Howard

What environments can mudstone form in?

The clay that makes up mudstone is carried by slow-moving water the clay piles up in floodplains, lakes,or a deep part of the ocean over time, the clay can turn into mudstone in these environments mudstone is a sedimentary rock made mostly of clay, a tiny sediment the sediment that makes up mudstone is too tiny to see, sometimes even with a microscope mudstone can be many different colors, including gray, white, brown, black,red,and dark green fossils are very commonly found in mudstone.

How did the ​agaricocrinus live back then?

Zehk B. Greer { Pace }





Favorite Subject

4th grade

Favorite Activity


Video games

People I most admire

What I want the world to know about me

Jason, Rene, Skyler, and Jamari.

I love pokemon and video games

Three words to describe me are...



What I would say to inspire a friend having a hard time is

Don’t worry, your the best, your cool. Don’t give up


Why​ ​did I choose this topic?

I choose this topic because I was really curious as to how it lived back then. How did it hide back then.I was curious about what ate it,that’s why I choose this topic.



Zehk Greer



How did the agaricocrinus live back then?

How the agaricocrinus catches it`s prey: ​The agaricocrinus lived by using​ feathery​ ​( arms )​ or tentikul thingys to catch its prey .I bet that when it`s ( arms )were trying to catch it`s prey it`s ​sticky body​ was supporting it to catch it`s prey.based on what the fossil it looks like it ate soft things such as plants(algea ,seaweed) and soft animals.

How did they hide:​from the fossil it resembles as a plant so it might have hid with other plants and when plant eating animals come, there in for a supperise.

How was it born​:I know it was born from eggs.I don’t know how it layd it’s eggs,but i know it did.I know it was born from eggs because of its plant like body.

What ate it​:creatures such as sharks,mayby octipuses,and some types of whales,liked to eat it but it hid in plants so mayby some missed it.

How do ​fossils​ form?

Kyla Campbell { Pace }




Favorite Subject

4th grade

Favorite Activity



Person I most admire

What I want the world to know about me

Momo yolandis

I am cute

Three words to describe me are...



What I would say to inspire a friend having a hard time.

You’re smart


Why​ ​did I choose this topic?

I choose this topic because I wanted to know how fossils form. I did research at school to learn about fossils.



Kyla Campbell


LA Tech / Pace / Howard

How do fossils form?

A fossil form when an organism dies and is buried in sediment to preserve it shape a fossil has to be 10,000 years old to be called a fossil. But fossils can be millions of years old. Different types of rock form around these fossils. Fossils are usually form in sedimentary rock.







Favorite Subject


Favorite Activity



Person I most admire.

What I want the world to know about me

Mom and grandmother

Be famous

Three words to describe me are...


Soccer player


What I would say to inspire a friend having a hard time.

YOUR SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why​ ​did I choose this topic?

I choose this topic because ​I really like fossils and wanted to learn more about them. I was curious about how old they were, and which animals became fossils. I think fossils are important because they tell about the pass





LA Tech / PACE / Howard

Why the fossil is so important?

The fossils is so important because the people like the things found in rocks. IT has to be at least 10,000 years old to be a fossil. That is a long time. They move around the environments and if you get one, you can make money like 1000 dollars. Another reason is that are found all over the world. Some lived in the water. Fossils usually forms in sedimentary rocks and sedimentary rocks usually forms under water. I learn the fossils is important because the fossils help geologist answer question like what did ancient organisms eat and how were their bodies structured? Answers to these questions help geologist infer what places were like at one point in history, even million of years ago. Fossils are important because they help us understand what the world is like in the past. Fossils hunters need to have this knowledge so they can find fossils and teach us all this.

PROCESS PIC | ​STUDENT EXPLORATION Jonathan posing as a fossil during Ronald’s geologist news segment and then later conducting his own news segment.

Are Dalmanites a vertebrate animal? Â

By Jonathan Ruth {Pace }

MEET Jonathan

Grade 4th grade

Favorite Subject

Favorite Activity



Person I most admire

What I want the world to know about me

My Mom and Dad

I’m Famous

Three words to describe me are.




What I would say to inspire a friend having a hard time.

I would say, have pride. You are smart and brave. You have integrity.

Why​ ​did I

choose this topic

I choose this topic because I was interested in vertebrate organisms because they are like humans. I had an interest in vertebrate animals. Vertebrate animals are similar to humans. That is why it is important to me. h



Jonathan Ruth


LA Tech / Pace / Howard

Are Dalmanites a vertebrate animal?

What does it mean to be a vertebrate animal? A vertebrate animal is an animal of a large group that has either a backbone or spinal column, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes. For example, frogs and snakes are vertebrate animals. Is the Dalmanites a vertebrate animal? Dalmanites are a type of organism from a group called the trilobite that lived in the ocean. The dalmanites was extinct over 390 million years ago. Sometimes a fossil dalmanites is found curled into a ball. Its reminds me of a stingray because it has a tale that is flat like it. I think it is a fish or reptile because it looks like a stingray and a frog. It reminds me of a vertebrate animal. Since it has a long spine and it’s body had about 11 different sections, it must be a vertebrate animal.

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