Coaxing Carbon - Akshatha Chandrashekar

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Coaxing Carbon

With three pairs of hands, you landed on Earth. Cosmologists theorized your arrival : dying stars created you, as product of three fused helium atoms, they say.

And you became an essential part of life on Earth. You became invincible.

Maybe you are omnipresent too.

You are a paradox for living.

As you facilitate photosynthesis, You are the reason life blooms.

But you can become t

Carbon monoxid

If you sever your tie with one o oxygen.

You rule earth’s timeline as Earth’s true historian,

Watching this planet become what it is today.

Archaeologists use your sibling’s traces,


To understand how humans have evolved over the ages.

With your alluring forms of existence, Allotropes,

Diamond, graphite, fullerene, graphene and many more

Same chemical structure but varying physical features, you manage to still capture the human’s attention.

Charming Oldie, I must say!

Oh, they didn’t see the devil in detail.

You made them fall into pits of,

After eons of your existence, You raised fuel from dead matter.

Filling the human’s mind with crazy desires for power.

Little did they know,

They were already your slaves.

Granting their wishes,

You held their reigns of development and growth.

Greenhouse Eect and Global Warming.

You laugh at their misery saying they got driven by greed.

Is that true?

You facilitated the revolutions at every phase,

Be it Humans, Industrial, or the Polymers era., Only you know the truth about the games you play.,

Humans started to see the price of their desire fullment. They learned your toxicity misaligns with their greed.

Sensing the loss of your power over them, You released your new minion,


To help you stay in the world of materials and matter,

Again, attracting humans with your fascinating properties, Stronger, Smarter, Lighter, From solar cells to electronics to cars and planes to medicine.

So, is this your level upgrade


True pact to make your living co-exist with humans

Now that you are scapegoated for their climate change

Because of your relationship with your friend, oxygen?


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