Core Values

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The following list of behaviours has been drawn up to help staff. There are four categories of inappropriate behaviour. Some inappropriate behaviour such as using abusive language can fall into more than one category, depending on the context in which the language is used. Each time an incident is logged by staff, it receives a score that is automatically recorded. Category 1 behaviour receives a lower score than more serious behaviours. However, the system is designed to ensure that repeated or continual category 1 behaviour will default to category 2 and carry the appropriate sanction. This is not an exhaustive list and it is our intention to ensure that the electronic recording system contains a clear, concise and comprehensive list of behaviours. An important point to reinforce is that the logging of incidents and scoring system will allow repeat offenders to be identified and dealt with. Therefore, we should be able to pick up on students who, for example, continually disrupt lessons. On the first occasion, the incident should be logged and the sanction may only result in 10 minutes Time Owed. If a student continues to repeatedly disrupt, the level of sanction would be 30 minutes Time Owed with a School Leader or more senior member of staff. Following this, a further repeat may result in a period of isolation or a fixed- term exclusion. Clearly, parents may think it harsh that their son or daughter is being excluded for what might appear to be a minor/trivial offence such as lateness to lesson. However, the real reason for the exclusion would be for “repeated failure to comply with reasonable instructions, as set out in the Home/School Agreement.� The great advantage of the electronic logging of incidents is that they provide an excellent evidence trail to support our actions. Post-Exclusion Students will only be re-admitted to school following an exclusion period, upon completion of a satisfactory post-exclusion meeting between the parents, student and Learning Manager.

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