Y5 HMWK HT5 23-24

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Northbrook Primary Academy - Homework

Class: Year 5

Half-term: Summer 1 (Wednesday 17th April to Monday 20th May

Theme: Amazon


• Choose and complete at least 6 activities over the course of the half-term.

• Hand in through Seesaw or bring into school.

• Each piece will be worth 1-10 house points.

• We expect you to complete each homework task with care.

• We expect you to complete each homework to the best of your ability.

• Good luck! We can’t wait to see your work.

What is the weather like in A European Country? Make a bar or line chart of the temperature for each month (Jan to Dec). Then write up some interesting facts and findings you can see from your chart.

Draw a diagram displaying all the different phases of the moon. Label correctly.

Who were the different Greek Gods and Goddesses? What were they Gods or Goddesses of?

Create a poster aiming to encourage people to stop smoking/vaping, or to not start in the first place!

Create a poster about angles. It must display all the angles accurately drawn and labelled correctly.


Write a biography about Alberto Giacometti.

Draw a line drawing of somewhere familiar to you. Label or measure all the angles accurately.

Complete the maths problem solving sheets.

Provide information and a picture about an animal from the Amazon and its life cycle.

You will soon be in Year 6, not long to go! Set yourself 10 targets you would like to achieve by the end of Year 6.

Write an advert persuading people to visit the Amazon Rainforest.

Maths Activities

Practice your times tables on TT Rockstars.

English Activities

Read your reading book each day and a book of your own choice.

Create the Amazon Rainforest and its layers using practical equipment. What animal might live in each layer?

Spelling words for Year 5.

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