Y2 HMWK HT5 23-24

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Northbrook Primary Academy - Homework

Class: Year 2

Half-term: Summer 1 (Monday 15th April- Friday 20th May)

Theme: Castles


• Choose and complete at least 6 activities over the course of the half-term.

• Hand in through Seesaw or bring into school.

• Each piece will be worth 1-10 house points.

• We expect you to complete each homework task with care.

• We expect you to complete each homework to the best of your ability.

• Good luck! We can’t wait to see your work.

Create your own song

Create your own lyrics for a song all about ‘friendship’.

Extra house points if you can create a melody to go with it!

Plant a seed or a bulb

Plant a seed or a bulb at home. Check on the plant regularly to see if it is growing. Keep a record of the lengths of the flowers stem!

Go on a mini beast hunt and look at their habitats.

In Science last term we looked at animals andtheir habitats. Have a look at where insects live. Can you drawtheir habitat? or Take photographs and share on seesaw.

Explore fractions

In Maths this half term we are learning about fractions of shapes. Can you cut your pizza into fractions? Or maybe a cake or pie?

We will be learning ½ ¼ 1/3. Send pictures on seesaw.

Create a fact file about a country in the UK. Choose a country in the UK and create a fact file of interesting facts about this country. You could also Include pictures to go alongside your fabulous facts!

Story setting

Think about a place you have been to before. Create a story setting using adjectives to describe this place. Was it busy? Or Was it peaceful?

Research a famous castle. Research a famous castle in London, Edinburgh, Cardiff or Belfast. Can you draw the castle and write facts about it?

Draw a castle and label the features.

Research castles and draw a picture of a castle. Remember to add the key features. Can you label the features that you have added to your castle?

Make a clock

In Maths this term we will be learning how to tell the time. Can you recap telling the time to o ’ clock and half past? Can you make your own clock to practise?

Answer the question

What is the difference between a seed and a bulb?

Make a model of a castle. create a model of a castle for a King or Queen. You could use junk modelling, lego or even cake!

Extra house points for creativity!

Children’s choice

Have your own homework idea linked to our topic or what we have been learning about. Extra points for creativity.

Maths Activities

• Practise telling the time to o’clock and half past.

• Practise counting in 2s, 5s, 10s. Can you count forwards and backwards?

English Activities

• Practise handwriting.

• Write stories.

• Read and spell the words for year 1 and year 2.

• Read 3x a week.

• Share your library book with your family. Remember you can change how often you need.

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