YR CO HT5 23-24

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Mathematics: Number


This half term, we will continue to write short sentences using sounds that we know using a capital letter and a full stop. We will also develop our think it, say it, write it, read it strategy as we progress to writing a simple narrative.

Personal Social and Emotional Development

This half term we are going to be considering how we can resolve conflicts within play. We will continue to build upon constructive and respectful relationships, developing our understanding of how others are feeling and how our actions may affect others. Reception – Summer 1

This half term, we will be exploring counting further and subitising up to 6. We will be exploring composition of numbers up to 10 and comparing numbers. We will also begin to explore track games.

Measure, Shape and Spatial Thinking. We will continue our work on spatial reasoning as well as beginning to match, rotate and manipulate shapes and patterns. We will also look at how shapes can be put together to build other shapes.


Animal Kingdom

We will continue our Phase 3 phonics. We will focus on blending our sounds into longer, more complex words which use sounds that we know.

Communication and Language

This half term, we will be looking at sequencing and organising the way we report on stories and events. We will be able to describe these events in some detail. We will use talk to communicate how things might work and organise our thinking.


Physical Development

In PE, we will be working with West Lancashire Sports Partnership to develop fundamental skills and movements. Within the classroom, we will be improving our writing and pencil control through handwriting activities and develop the foundations of a fast, accurate handwriting style. As the weather improves, we will also take part in large, outdoor games.

Expressive Arts and Design

Our artist for this half term is Wassily Kandinsky. We will be looking at his work and recreating some of his techniques. We will also have lots of opportunities to paint and create freely within provision, expressing our ideas and feelings through different media including printing with natural resources.

Understanding Our World

This half term our work is all about animals in our world. We will explore the different types of animals on our plants and how they live. We will begin to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and all living things. As part of our science work, we will identify the key features of a life cycle, raising butterflies within our classroom to see how they change over the half term. We will also learn about different habitats that animals have. We will spend some time outside, hunting for animals within our school environment and begin to understand how and why animals are important to our world. This will be reflected in our RE work, looking at what is special about our world and why some things are considered special.

Key Dates for Learning Opportunities

22nd Apr – Earth Day

23rd Apr – St George’s Day

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