General Catalogue 2018

Page 92

General classroom resources | Diaries My Homework Diary My Homework Diary provides children with structured A5 pages for noting homework tasks, and a spelling rule for the week, as well as grids for timetables, class rules and individual targets. A reference section provides information on the following: •M aths facts, including times tables, types of angles, shapes, measures and the 24-hour clock • E nglish facts, including punctuation and grammar rules • a glossary of Science facts • a list of Useful words in French, Spanish and German KEY STAGE   KS2 AGES RETAIL PRICE

7–11 £4.00

My Homework Diary 978 07217 1160 7

•H istory timelines covering prehistory, early history and the history of Britain •G eography facts, including continents and The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

My School Diary My School Diary helps to ensure strong home–school communication and encourages children to take ownership of their work. This A5 book includes: •H omework diary pages for the whole school year, featuring Date due and Comments boxes • a structured Reading log with space to record the book title, pages read and an adult’s observations •p ages for children to fill in their school timetable, class rules and personal learning targets •h elpful homework tips for children, parents and carers KEY STAGE   KS2 AGES RETAIL PRICE


•u seful reference pages, including a world map, multiplication square, punctuation pyramid and vocabulary lists.


My School Diary 978 07217 1299 4


To order call 01484 607080 or email

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