Pearsall Construction

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Issue 116


Custom building at its best Pearsall Construction continues on its trajectory of impressive growth thanks to its dedication to quality, customer service and eye for detail

Trends What interior trends shaped homes last year? It appears that classy and timeless options have remained the popular choice

The professional’s choice Professional refinishing supplier NAPCO is defined by its rigorous commitment to product quality and an extraordinary emphasis on customer satisfaction


Custom building at its best Since 1997, Pearsall Construction has made a name for itself as one of Michigan’s leading custom homebuilding contractors

In the next three to five years, we will seize any opportunities that will allow us to grow, with a goal of growing 10-to-20 percent each year. That means we are prepared to almost double in size. It has been a rewarding journey to this point, and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for Pearsall Construction








ringing dream homes into reality

during high school. In 1995, I took on a

Tony explains. “We were contracted for a

has been Pearsall Construction’s

custom room remodeling project for a

four-year project that involved restoring

(Pearsall’s) mission for nearly 25

previous employer, with whom I had dabbled

the castle in a manner that replicated its

years. The company draws on

in iron working. Through word of mouth, one

original beauty, allowing you to step back

decades worth of experience, in order to

thing led to another, and I was accumulating

in time. It was an enormous success, and

exceed customer expectations each and

enough work to bring on a helper and

Pearsall’s working relationship with the

every time. Thanks to its focus on quality

pursue a career in the construction industry.

owners continues to this day, not only with

of service, workmanship and fair business

“Shortly afterward, I obtained my builders

practice, Pearsall Construction is now an

license and, thanks to my mother’s accounting

industry leader in the Michigan area, armed

background, formed my first LLC. I had taken

with an impressive portfolio of ambitious and

several jobs collaborating with local builders

helped Pearsall Construction make its mark

adventurous designs.

as a subcontractor but found it difficult to land

on the Charlevoix community. Having

projects that presented the challenge I sought.”

emerged as a highly capable, specialist

The history of Pearsall Construction is inextricable from the story of its founder and

attractions,” he adds. These are the early milestones that

homebuilder, Pearsall Construction

President, Tony Pearsall. Having learned the

Expanding operations

expanded its operations. “In addition to

tricks of the trade from his father, Tony built

Tony would not be without the challenge

our team of organized project managers,

the company himself, driven by a passion

he desired for long, as he was offered the

talented craftsmen, and paint specialists, we

for construction, and a desire to always be

opportunity to reconstruct a three-story

collaborate with local trade professionals to

challenged by new and exciting projects.

restaurant, with the aim of reinstating its

deliver a seamless process, from conception

As Tony relates: “As a child, I grew up in a

original vintage qualities in all their glory, in

to completion, for our clients.

home where we didn’t call any tradesmen or

1998. The success of this project catalyzed

repairmen. We simply built what we needed

Pearsall’s success, and in 2000 the company

always had my hands in every aspect of the

and repaired things as we needed to. My

began restoration work on an 85-year-old

construction process. By staying involved

father was a jack-of-all-trades who instilled in

historic castle.

and leading our team through the different

me the foundation for everything I do today. “I worked summers in custom construction


restoration but also with the addition of new


“The Castle Farms of Charlevoix, Michigan, was an incredibly important project for us,”

“Although we use subcontractors, I have

phases of construction, we are able to perform a variety of projects, from the

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR CLIENT, Pearsall Construction, on their stunning project featured in this issue.




Andersen® products rate #1 in quality and performance.* *2020 Andersen brand surveys of U.S. contractors, builders & architects. “Andersen” and all other marks where denoted are trademarks of Andersen Corporation. ©2021 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved.


to tackle a number of challenges; from complexities in the framing, and the construction of a custom floating staircase, to the procurement of expensive lakeside glass,” Tony discusses. “Overcoming these challenges and completing the build to specification was an incredible accomplishment. This custombuilt modern home was designed with a vast array of unique assets, and the Pearsall Construction team played an integral role in bringing that vision to life. “The open floor plan allows everything to flow, and exhibits a breath-taking, panoramic view of the lake. In the summer you can choose to relax in the custom Cedar outdoor living space with stone patio underfoot, watch television, or take in the many scenes smallest maintenance needs, and custom

and luxurious builds. Amongst its spotlight

the lake has to offer - all whilst enjoying a

commercial projects, to custom luxury

projects is Walloon Lake Modern, a bespoke

hand shaped, wood-fired pizza from the

homes, and everything in between. The wide

property located on the edge of Lake

stone fireplace oven.

range of our specialized services allows us to

Walloon, in Michigan. “Not only was this

maintain scheduling and quality throughout

a truly exhilarating build, but it was also

soak in the hot tub or take a dip in the lake

every project,” states Tony.

challenging from a structural standpoint. In

and then rinse off in the custom outdoor

order to complete this modern masterpiece,

shower that features a one-of-a-kind

our team at Pearsall Construction had

design. Regardless of your pleasure, Pearsall

Over the years, Pearsall Construction has completed on a number of unique



“Alternatively, it is possible to enjoy a

Construction, Inc. has an amazing ability to

two-story garage, with the option to park

dollar view of Lake Michigan, also known as

think ‘outside the box’ and make every space

vehicles in both the lower and upper level, as

Little Traverse Bay. There is also a glass foyer

usable, inside, and out,” he elaborates.

you approach.

floor onto which you can stop and enjoy the

“As you step out and walk around the

incredible space. The open floor plan invites

Open and collaborative

exterior of the home, don’t be surprised to

you to explore all the intricate details of this

The Pearsall Construction portfolio is full of

find your jaw wide-open as you stroll under

home, which features many modern interior

unique lakeside properties. Another one of

the walkway around the side, to be greeted

finishes, including a 16-foot-tall glass shower

the company’s more bespoke builds is Lake

with a cantilever patio with glass handrails

in the master bath, and handmade tiles. All

Michigan Modern, a personal favorite of

that reach over the inground spa, custom

these features make Lake Michigan Modern a

Tony himself, as he enthuses: “Lake Michigan

cut backlit artwork and a traversing stone

house that is truly one-of-a-kind.”

Modern honestly just makes me smile. As

walkway, all of which takes you through a

unique on the outside as it is on the inside,

lush landscape to the stone patio and fire pit.

this modern marvel offers a glimpse of the

“The interior greets you with a million-

Exhibiting the company’s aptitude for more traditional aesthetics is Round Lake Shingle, a timeless carriage house that is purpose-built

Wolverine Cabinet Company Wolverine Cabinet Company is the leading supplier of fine cabinetry for all of Michigan. Its success is due to three things: offering a high-quality product, at a competitive price, with an unsurpassed level of service. Since founder, Brian O’Connor, opened the doors in 2006, Wolverine Cabinet Company has grown to four locations – Wolverine, Petoskey, Traverse City, and Royal Oak. The growth is due to the partnership it has with its Amish-run factory, along with its relationships with designers and great builders like Pearsall Construction. Since Wolverine Cabinet Company gained the company’s trust, its working relationship continues to grow alongside Pearsall Construction. “Referrals from builders, designers, and previous clients is the best compliment we could ever receive!” says Tarynn Steele, President. She adds: “Our highly qualified team loves what they do, and their dedication is proof.” Make an appointment to see how Wolverine Cabinet Company can help you with your cabinet needs.




for its inhabitants. “The exterior features a

by an inset hearth and the detailed coffered

swooping roofline, Cedar shake siding, natural

ceiling. Adjacent is the kitchen and dining

possible without Pearsall Construction’s

stone, and radius arch top garage doors with

room, which makes for a very functional

open and collaborative approach. As

limestone trim, all of which is complemented

space. Escape to the second-floor master

homebuilding specialists, Pearsall’s team

by IPE deck tiles and custom handrails.

suite with a picture framed view of Round

seek out only the most informed and

Lake, between Lake Michigan and Lake

knowledgeable partners to help them

Charlevoix,” Tony illustrates.

ensure a gold-standard of quality.

“The living room has a couple of focal points; the granite fireplace is surrounded

None of these projects would have been

“Although we do offer general contracting, many of our projects were completed with our company acting as a ‘foundation to finish builder’, working for another general contracting company. I have always found it more effective to combine strengths with other companies rather than compete and fall short of the resources needed to reach the best possible outcome for a project,” Tony explains.

Aquatic venture Maintaining strong operational leadership was also a major asset for Pearsall Construction during the outbreak of Covid-19, from which the company managed to emerge stronger than ever. “I think the fact that all our projects have ended on a positive note during the pandemic is something to be proud of. We adapted work-from-home strategies for our office staff, provided the proper masks and sanitation for our employees, and limited crew sizes for at-risk team members. “ Those measures proved successful, and we are currently completing a lakefront remodel that originally budgeted at $500,000. When we opened certain areas of the house, we found rot and deficient workmanship that had been intentionally concealed. The final project



ended up closer to $1.5 million and still

upon, has only grown stronger, as the

The company is on a trajectory of impressive

produced one of the best testimonials we

company has become more experienced

growth, as Tony concludes: “In the next three

have today,” Tony reveals.

and specialized. Today, the business is

to five years, we will seize any opportunities

preparing to undertake an exciting new

that will allow us to grow, with a goal of

pandemic was of upmost importance to Tony,

aquatic venture, as Tony confirms: “We

growing 10-to-20 percent each year. That

as Pearsall Construction values the challenging

are currently working on the demolition

means we are prepared to almost double in

work and knowledge of its team second to

and reconstruction of a 6800-square-

size. It has been a rewarding journey to this

none. “I have often said that I am nothing

foot boathouse that had to be carefully

point, and I look forward to seeing what the

without the people around me. We work hard

disassembled and re-engineered. The

future holds for Pearsall Construction.” F

to pair the right teams with the right projects.

foundation of this project is currently going

To make sure our employees feel engaged

through the marine construction phase.

and excited to be on the team, we have paid

Once that is complete, we will commence

benefits, company outings, holiday parties, and

construction on the structure.”

Protecting his people throughout the

a payroll protection program,” Tony affirms. The desire to always be challenged, which Pearsall Construction was founded

The future of Pearsall Construction will no doubt be characterized by quality,

Pearsall Construction, Inc. Services: Residential Homebuilder

dedication, and a splash of designer flourish.

Affordable Flooring and More Affordable Flooring and More has been serving its community with quality service for 28 years. The friendly, professional, and knowledgeable staff will make the daunting task of a new build/ remodel not only enjoyable, but easy. From design to completion, the company is with you, taking care of all the details in-between. For all your flooring, tile, and window treatment needs, let Affordable Flooring and More put its expertise to work as it helps make your house into a home. At Affordable Flooring and More, your satisfaction is its number one priority, and its work is not considered done until you are satisfied.



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