Modern Home Builders Issue 105 April 2021

Page 6

Changing needs As Covid-19 altered the working landscape, increasing numbers of people had to start doing their jobs from home, and this has created a demand for more functional home workspace options says Lee Blythe


Buyers turned to building new homes. This

the kids, home gyms, larger pantries, in-law

spending more time in their

has created an incredible boom for new home

or Millennial suites, and large outdoor living

homes than ever before

construction that we expect to continue

spaces with fireplaces or fire pits.

in our lifetimes, people’s

through 2021 and beyond.

ith millions of people

expectations from their homes has taken

Buyers are out in force seeking bigger, more functional homes to accommodate their new

a dramatic cultural shift. Coupled with

remotely, we are seeing people moving from

historically low interest rates, many people

big cities to suburban and rural areas and from

are motivated to make the move to a new

apartments to single-family homes. People


want more space indoors and outdoors so

The demand for new workspace options

they don’t feel cooped up while spending

Life has changed dramatically for most people

more time at home.

over the last 13 months. More adults in the

Largely due to the uncertainty with Covid-19, most owners of pre-existing homes decided not to place their homes on the


Now that more people than ever can work

Owners expect more from their homes

lifestyles and needs.

workforce than ever need to be able to work

market. This reduced the inventory across the

than ever now. Popular features in the past

from home for a few weeks at a time (ie:


year include home offices, study spaces for

during a quarantine period) or permanently.


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