≠ Camps that specialize in Stem/Steam, Arts, Sports & More! Take a Hike! Family-Friendly Trails Inspector General Lucy Lang on serving New York families while raising a family of her own may 2023
Powered by Pocono Springs Camp
May 2023 | Westchester Family 3 Thornton-Donovan School’s Summer Challenge 100 Overlook Circle, New Rochelle, NY | 914.632.8836 I www.td.edu An energetic, exciting and well-balanced summer activities program of sports, recreation and education designed to meet Challengers from ages 3–14. PROGRAM DATES: July 3–August 25, 2023 7:30am–4:00pm Ages 3–14 • Co-ed OPEN HOUSE DATE: Sunday, May 7 • 1–3pm
4 WestchesterFamily.com | May 2023 M Ay 2023 WestchesterFamily.com contents F eaTUR es 26 | i nspector General lucy l ang on serving New York families while raising a family of her own sToRies & ColUmns 6 | editor’s letter 8 | a sk the e xpert My child wants to be a vegetarian 10 | a sk the e xpert Why do kids get nosebleeds? 12 | c amp Thriving at summer camp in the arts, sports, and STEM/STEAM programs 18 | family Day o ut Exploring the Hudson River Museum 22 | local Springtime outdoor markets to visit across Westchester 24 | education The history and method of a Montessori Education 30 | family Day o ut Family-friendly hiking trails Family FU n 28 | c alendar All the fun events and activities for May Di R e CTo R ies 14 | s ummer Program listings 20 | arts for Kids listings 25 | m ontessori s chool listings on the cover Photo: Yumi Matsuo | yumimatsuo.com Hair & Makeup: Buffy Hernandez | buffysaintmarie.com Cover Story Written by: Jeannine Cintron Produced by: Donna Duarte-Ladd pg. 26 pg. 22 pg. 18 pg. 28 pg. 24
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May 2023 | Westchester Family 5
Blooming in May
May is when we think about Mother’s Day, and with that in mind, we can’t help but reflect on the joys and challenges of parenting.
This month Deputy Editor Jeannine Cintron writes about mother and Inspector General Lucy Lang (page26)and her passion for serving New York families while raising her family.
In Westchester, we have access to the gorgeous (page 18) Hudson River Museum. Located in Yonkers — this picturesque spot
located on the banks of the Hudson River is a must visit for all New Yorkers.
With summer just around the corner, we want you to absorb the outdoors with a family-friendly hike (see page 30) and help your kids to explore art, sports, and STEM/ STEAM this summer. Check out our camp and summer program listings on page 14 and make this summer one to remember!
Publisher: Clifford Luster
e xecutive Director: Donna Duarte-Ladd
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6 WestchesterFamily.com | May 2023 editor’s note Share your feedback and ideas about family life in New York! Email us at editorial@newyorkfamily.com and tag us at #newyorkfamily get in touch
New York Family is published monthly by Queens Family Media, LLC. Reproduction of New York Family Media in whole or part without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. All rights reserved. ©2023 Queens Family Media, LLC
n ina Gallo Photography
May 18, 2023 | 3:00 pm (virtual)
Open a world of opportunities to your child with bilingual education in English and German at GISNY
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May 2023 | Westchester Family 7 cognitive growth and positions them for long-term academic success. WWW.GISNY.ORG | admissions@gisny.org | 50 Partridge Rd, White Plains, NY 10605 | (914) 948-6513
Now welcoming Kindergarten and 1st Grade! The John Cardinal O’Connor School helps children who learn differently thrive. Call Sister Jeannie at (914) 591-9330 or email admissions@johncardinaloconnorschool.org to make an appointment today! The John Cardinal O’Connor School invites parents to learn about our affordable language-based academic curriculum for children in grades K-8 with learning disabilities, speech or language impairments or other health impairments. Our certified special-education teachers use multi-sensory teaching techniques and blended learning in small classes to help children thrive academically, spiritually, emotionally and socially in our supportive school community. JCOS is a Catholic elementary school that welcomes children of all faiths. Do You Know a Child with Learning Disabilities?
My Child Wants to Be a Vegetarian
A guide for concerned parents
By Kaitlyn Riggio
Vegetarian diets are on the rise all over the world. Statistics have shown that roughly five percent of the population in the United States follows a vegetarian diet. And these numbers aren’t limited just to adults: around five percent of youth ages 8 to 17 describe themselves as vegetarian.
Reasons why people choose to follow a vegetarian diet are varied and can include things like health reasons or ethical reasons. If your child decides they want to follow a vegetarian diet, there are plenty of ways you can support them, even without becoming a vegetarian yourself.
We sat down with pediatrician Dr. TJ Gold from Tribeca Pediatrics to talk about what parents can do if their child decides they want to pursue a vegetarian diet.
My child told me they want to be a vegetarian. What should I do? Off the bat, it’s important to go into the
conversation with an open mind and think about letting children, especially teens and adolescents, make their own choices when it comes to food.
“This conflict with teenagers and parents is always something we want to avoid,” Gold says. “We want to give kids autonomy with that so that they’re truly learning how to make those good choices.”
That said, it’s still important to provide support and oversight. For example, have a conversation with your child about why they want to become a vegetarian and what that means in terms of food choices going forward.
Gold says sometimes adolescents and teenagers don’t want to eat meat, “but their life is a potato chip and cheese pizza diet.”
“Technically, that’s a vegetarian diet, but just not eating meat doesn’t necessitate or guarantee that you have a healthy vegetarian diet,” Gold says. “There is a word in there called ‘vegetable.’”
While teens should have autonomy in what they eat, especially as they get older, parents should provide guidance to ensure that their kids are still getting the nutrients they need after switching to a vegetarian diet.
At the same time, parents should be aware of how much control they’re exercising over food choice.
“Kids aren’t going to follow things if it becomes a chore or it’s complicated or their parents are always having to follow them around and make sure they get things,” Gold says.
Gold recommends that parents talk to their kids about what their bodies need and giving them control within that guidance.
“I really want to enroll them,” Gold says. “And usually it’s just giving them some of these simple guidelines.”
How can parents make sure that their vegetarian children are still getting what they need from a nutritional standpoint?
Taking meat out of a diet can leave gaps in essential nutrients.
While taking supplements to fill these gaps is always an option, but Gold recommends getting what you need through food first.
“It’s not unnatural to supplement,” Gold says. “But I really want it to be eaten in the
8 WestchesterFamily.com | May 2023
ask the e xpert
food itself as opposed to having to pop pills.”
Gold outlined where some of these gaps can occur and provided recommendations on how to get those nutrients without meat.
Protein : Essential nutrients for the human body, protein is used to build things like muscles and organs in the body. Aside from meat, protein can come from things like dairy, eggs, beans, lentils, seeds and avocado.
Vitamin D : Vitamin D is important for bone health. It can be tricky to maintain adequate vitamin D levels, even for nonvegetarians, considering a large portion of our vitamin D comes from the Sun.
“The world is pretty sun-phobic, because of trying to have healthy skin and avoid skin cancer,” Gold says. “So we’re already starting off a bit vitamin D deficient.”
For vegetarians, “literally the only vitamin D source that exists naturally is mushrooms.” Gold says. “It’s not like mushrooms are always the big fan favorite for young kids.”
If you have a mushroom hater on your hands, look for things like milk with vitamin D added.
Vitamin B12 : Found almost exclusively in animal products, vitamin B12 is essential for things like red blood cell formation, nerve function and the production of DNA. It’s difficult for vegetarians to get enough vitamin b12 because it’s mostly found in meat.
To supplement, turn to foods like eggs, fortified cereals and nutritional yeast.
Iron : Iron is important for red blood cells and is commonly found in red meats. For vegetarians, look for iron in fortified cereals, eggs, leafy green vegetables, kidney beans and lentils.
An important thing to remember is that absorption of iron from plant based sources is much lower than the absorption from animal based sources.
Gold recommends squeezing lemons and limes onto leafy greens. The vitamin C from the lemons and lime “enhances the ability to get that iron out of the plant network of fibers,” Gold says.
While getting the right nutrients is important, don’t get bogged down in making sure your vegetarian kid eats the entire food pyramid every single day.
“It’s unrealistic, and I think it makes the whole process a little more anxietyproducing, especially for parents,” Gold says.
How can parents cooking for their whole family accommodate everyone, including their vegetarian kid? Family dinners don’t always have to center around meat. The vegetable can be at the center of the meal.
“There are so many exciting things we can do with vegetables,” Gold says. “The vegetable items themselves can be an entire meal.”
For dinners like this, Gold says the meat can be an additive for those who want to eat it, but dinners don’t have to be just side dishes for the vegetarian kid.
Parents can also get their kids involved in cooking dinner, whether that’s one dinner a week, a side dish or another arrangement that makes sense for the family.
Not everyone in the family has to become a vegetarian alongside your kid, but there’s plenty of ways to support your vegetarian child in their choice.
Green Chimneys School
May 2023 | Westchester Family 9
greenchimneys.org We Merged with Life the Place to Be! Come visit us at our new place! 2 Lawrence Street • Ardsley sportimeusa.com • 914.592.2111! EXCITING NEW BIRTHDAY PACKAGES & ATTRACTIONS Come Visit Us At Our New Place! FUN FOR ALL AGES! ARCADE-BUMPER CARS LASER TAG-KIDDIE ZONE BATTING CAGES-SUPER FLY FREE FALL-ROCK CLIMBING and SO MUCH MORE
Why Do Kids Get Nosebleeds?
An expert weighs in on how to curb them
Nosebleeds are a common issue, especially in kids and especially in the cold, dry winter months. But even knowing this, it can be scary to find that your kid has a bloody nose.
While many nosebleeds are one-off problems, other kids get nosebleeds pretty frequently. What causes nosebleeds, and when should you be concerned about them?
We sat down with Dr. Alyssa Hackett, pediatric otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat doctor) with ENT and Allergy Associates, to talk about what causes nosebleeds in kids and how to curb them.
One of the most common causes of nosebleeds in children is caused by the dryness in the air that occurs, for example, in the fall or when the heat gets turned on in your building in the winter months.
“That dryness is important because it can dry out the mucus membranes, specifically the ones that are in the very front of the nose, where there are some fragile blood vessels that can crack open and bleed,” Hackett says.
You also may notice that your child with seasonal allergies tends to get a lot of nosebleeds.
“It’s not that the allergies cause the nosebleeds,” Hackett says. “But if you’re constantly rubbing your nose, that will be a triggering point.”
Other families may notice frequent nosebleeds in their children during the summer.
“If you’re running around in the heat, your body flushes everywhere, including these blood vessels in the front of the nose,” Hackett says.
Overall, there are many factors that can trigger nosebleeds, and they’re not limited to a single season.
“We see nosebleeds year–round,” Hackett says. “Not just in the fall and winter.”
What Steps Can Parents Take At Home to Mitigate Nosebleeds?
Increasing the moisturization and cleanliness
of the nose can be helpful, especially in drier parts of the year. In winter months, mucus can dry up on the inside of the nostril on fragile skin.
“They can act like knives,” Hackett says. “They just sort of cut right through those blood vessels.”
Using an ointment like Aquaphor can help clean out some of this dried up mucus and add a protective layer to the inside of the nostril. A saltwater spray is also a good way to add moisturization into the nose throughout the day.
Hackett says the key to these at-home treatments is sticking to them.
“You have to be consistent with it,” Hackett says.
To build this habit, Hackett recommends keeping the bottle of nasal spray next to the hand soap in the bathroom and encouraging kids to use it after washing their hands.
This method adds the step into their bathroom routine and “it becomes a little less burdensome” than telling them to do it three or four times a day, Hackett says.
When Should Parents Be Concerned About Frequent Nosebleeds?
In a majority of cases, nosebleeds even as frequent as once a week is “more of an inconvenience rather than it is dangerous,” Hackett says. There are rare instances when frequent nosebleeds are indicative of a larger problem, but those cases are typically accompanied by additional symptoms.
For example, if you have a child who has easy bleeding and bruising in other places on their body, it could be a sign of some other blood disorder and it’s a good idea to get a pediatrician involved to run some blood work.
Hackett also mentioned if you have a teenage boy who gets massive one-sided nosebleeds, that’s worth getting looked at; it could be a sign of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, a rare tumor that generally affects teenage boys.
Even though most nosebleed cases aren’t cause for immediate concern, families can see a doctor and get reassurance at any point.
“Nosebleeds are a really common issue,” Hackett says. “So anytime families are worried, we’re always happy to check it out.”
10 WestchesterFamily.com | May 2023
Anxious Parents, Anxious Kids: Parenting Advice From the "World's Worst Mom"
With author Lenore Skenazy
Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 4 p.m. ET
It’s time to change the way we look at obstacles and stop making assumptions that our kids are incapable of clearing their own path in life. Join author, columnist, blogger and reality TV show host Lenore Skenazy, aka “The World’s Worst Mom,” for a talk laced with humor, wit and the unvarnished truth: Your kids can be independent. Skenazy will share simple but powerful ways anxious parents can counteract the urge to overprotect their children, move away from fear-based parenting, and give their bubble-wrapped children the freedom to develop confidence and resilience the natural way: through unstructured, child-directed play.
May 2023 | Westchester Family 11
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Thriving at CAMP in
the arts, sports, and STEM/STEAM Programs
By Serena norr
Camp season is quickly approaching. As your child is getting excited about a summer of fun and new adventures, as a parent, it is also exciting to have them have the opportunity to foster new skills. Camp is a time for kids to continually develop their social/emotional learning, boost their self-esteem, and tap into their creativity. And while many of us think of camps as roasting smores and water games, which is on point -summer camps also off programs such as art, dance, music, STEM/STEAM programs, and sports. These subjects help kids tap into new topics and freely explore!
Below, we are sharing examples of the many benefits of specialty programs at camp and how they will help your child soar this summer - and beyond!
Art Programs at Camp
Art programs at camp offer an incredible way for your child to express themselves and unleash their creativity. Alicia Skovera, Executive Director of the American Camp Association, NY and NJ noted, “Art is often one of children’s favorite school subjects, but it usually only happens once a week.”
At camp, kids can explore art through a variety of modalities. Alicia stated, “Art is offered daily with beading, jewelry making, painting, tie dying, ceramics, and more.” These multiple disciplines allow children to explore forms of art that they might not have access to at school or from supplemental programs. They will have the opportunity to test out new forms of expression and discover new ways to showcase their creative side.
Other artistic forms of expression your camper might enjoy at traditional or specialty camps are dance, theater, and music. Dance allows kids to express themselves through movement; theater helps kids engage and communicate with others; music can help with memory, focus, and group communication.
Alicia stated, “Campers can explore their creativity, express themselves through the arts, and discover a new favorite interest.”
There has been an enormous concentration on STEM/STEAM programming over the past few years. STEM focuses on science, technology, engineering, and math, while STEAM focuses on science, technology, engineering, math, and the arts.
These programs help foster a child’s creativity, encourage experimentation, develop their problem-solving skills, and help to develop their critical thinking skills as they engage in fun, educational, and interactive activities.
Alicia shared, “From science experiments to building challenges to rocketry, children can engage in experiential learning at camp without grades or homework!”
Some camps include STEAM/STEM activities such as coding, game making, animation, YouTube production, digital arts, video game design, 3D printing, and more. These modalities can help make learning fun and exciting and lay the foundation for the school year ahead and help enhance their passion/interest in these subjects.
“These hands-on activities foster creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking en-
gagingly and interactively, allowing children to learn something new daily,” Alicia added.
Sports at Camp
Sports are a huge part of summer camp where kids can try out new activities, move their bodies, and work as a team. Kids will also be able to exert independence, develop confidence, learn new skills, utilize strategic thinking, help with mental clarity, and further develop their communication skills.
Alicia stated, “Camp is the perfect environment for children to try new sports. Not only do sports at camp give children a chance to try out a new sport in a non-competitive environment, but sports also foster teamwork and keep kids moving. Many times, children go home from camp wanting to play a new sport at home after discovering it at camp!”
This includes the opportunity to enjoy a range of modalities such as swimming, basketball, soccer, climbing, tennis, running, baseball, gymnastics, horseback riding, and much more.
Summer camp will create a lifetime of memories and bring joy to your child’s life. A huge component is the many specialty programs that can help boost your child’s confidence, promotes their growth, and encourage them to try new things as they have fun.
12 WestchesterFamily.com | May 2023
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acres of adventure
s ummer c amp at a nn & andy’s
2170 Saw Mill River Road, Elmsford 914-592-3027
annandandychildcare.com/ summer-camp
Acres of Adventure Summer
Camp at Ann & Andy’s is a one to nine-week summer camp with an emphasis on outdoors for children ages 3 months to 14 years. They offer customized schedules, individualized attention and hot lunches including barbeque Fridays. All buildings are air-conditioned. Visit the website for more details. Call for open house dates. Tours by appointment only.
b oston leadership i nstitute
396 Washington Street Suite 117 Wellesley, MA info@ bostonleadershipinstitute.com bostonleadershipinstitute.com
BLI offers award-winning programs in Medicine, Engineering, Science, and Business in Wellesley, Waltham, and Boston. Three-week research
programs include Biomedical & Surgical Research, Astrophysics, Finance, Electronics & Robotics, and more. One-week options, available for middle and high school students, include Intro to Surgery, Forensics, Architecture, and Investment Banking. These are for students who would like to try out areas of STEM that they don’t often see in school. Day and residential options are available for all programs.
challenge c amp
Iona University
715 North Avenue, New Rochelle 914-779-6024
info@challengecamps.com challengecamps.com
Challenge Camp is an ACAaccredited day camp at Iona University in New Rochelle, offering summer enrichment learning opportunities for creative children ages 4-15. Over 120 STEM & Arts project based electives to engage and inspire your camper. Sports and on-site swimming options enable campers to challenge their minds and bodies.
chapel school s ummer Program
172 White Plains Rd., Bronxville 914-337-3202
directorofsummercamps@ thechapelschool.org thechapelschool.org
The Chapel School Summer Program was safely open for Care Bears (ages 3-6) and Explorers (ages 7-12) in 2020, 2021 and 2022, with record numbers of children experiencing fun and enrichment in a safe and nurturing environment! They are excited to be back and better than ever in 2023! Online registration is live.
cold s pring h arbor
l aboratory
DNA Learning Center
One Bungtown Road, Cold Spring Harbor 516-367-5170
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
DNA Learning Center (DNALC) provides biology-focused lab enrichment programs to students entering grades 6-12. Week-long in-person science camps are held at three loca-
tions: at the Dolan DNALC in Cold Spring Harbor, the DNALC NYC @ City Tech in Brooklyn, and the Regeneron DNALC in Sleepy Hollow. Led by experienced instructors, campers learn to use sophisticated laboratory and computer equipment to perform advanced experiments at grade levels beyond their peers. Scholarships are available!
Gym c ats Gymnastics
At Equalize Fitness
1 Odell Plaza, Yonkers 914-965-7676 gymcats.net
GymCats summer camp offers quality instruction for beginners through advanced gymnastics in a fully air conditioned facility that teaches gymnastics all year long! They offer individualized instruction and all campers are grouped by age. No experience is necessary; they specialize in teaching beginners! You can choose half day or full day and sign up for one week, multiple weeks or all 8 weeks. Spots fill up quickly so register online now!
Rye Council For Childcare, Inc.
Rye Presbyterian Church • Rye, NY 10580 914-967-6334
The Rye PlaySchool o ers morning classes of supervised play and learning for children ages 1 to 4 years. Led by quali ed teachers, the children learn to socialize in a warm, nurturing environment. They are engaged through art, games, music, reading, and free play, which stimulates physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growth. Their loving atmosphere helps ensure that each child’s rst separation experience is positive. Finally, and most importantly, they strive to unify all families as one Rye PlaySchool Family!
14 WestchesterFamily.com | May 2023 C amps Di R e CT o R y | Special Advertising Supplement
May 2023 | Westchester Family 15 DID YOU KNOW… YANKEES BASEBALL SUMMER CAMP IS COMING TO ARDSLEY & TARRYTOWN?! YANKEES.COM/CAMPS | INFO@YANKEESSUMMERCAMPS.COM | 212-381-7786 SAVE $50 WITH DISCOUNT CODE: NYYWC50 “This summer I’m going to learn to be strong!” Build Strength and Lasting Friendships at World Cup Gymnastics’ Superior Gymnastics Training by USAG Certified Instructors Skills Training on All Olympic Events Traditional Camp Activities Including Weekly Field Trips, Arts & Crafts & Summer Games State-Of-The-Art, Fully Air-Conditioned, 19,000 Square Foot Complex Call 914 Call 914--238 238--4967 4967 or register online at worldcupgymnastics.com worldcupgymnastics.com 170 Joan Corwin Way · Chappaqua · NY “This summer I’m going to learn to be strong!” Build Strength and Lasting Friendships at World Cup Gymnastics’ Superior Gymnastics Training by USAG Certified Instructors Skills Training on All Olympic Events Traditional Camp Activities Including Weekly Field Trips, Arts & Crafts & Summer Games State-Of-The-Art, Fully Air-Conditioned, 19,000 Square Foot Complex Call 914 Call 914--238 238--4967 4967 or register online at worldcupgymnastics.com worldcupgymnastics.com 170 Joan Corwin Way · Chappaqua · NY “This summer I’m going to learn to be strong!” Build Strength and Lasting Friendships at World Cup Gymnastics’ Superior Gymnastics Training by USAG Certified Instructors Skills Training on All Olympic Events Traditional Camp Activities Including Weekly Field Trips, Arts & Crafts & Summer Games State-Of-The-Art, Fully Air-Conditioned, 19,000 Square Foot Complex Call 914 Call 914--238 238--4967 4967 or register online at worldcupgymnastics.com worldcupgymnastics.com 170 Joan Corwin Way · Chappaqua · NY
h udson country m ontessori
s ummer c amp
340 Quaker Ridge Road, New Rochelle 914-636-6202
info@hudsoncountry.org hudsoncountry.org
Hudson Country’s camp is an eight-week program (June 26 -August 18) for ages 18 months to 12 years. With themed weekly schedules, campers engage in indoor/outdoor activities while learning and having fun. Activities include daily swim instruction (on-premise pool), sports, hands-on science, technology, art, field trips, music, dance and more. Flexible scheduling, full & half-day sessions and extended hours 7:30am-6:00pm available.
Justintime b aseball
s ummer c amp
Scout Field, Bronxville 914- 420-8418 justintimebaseball.com
coachjustin@ justintimebaseball.com
JustinTime Baseball in partnership with the Westchester County Parks & Recreation Department is proud to an-
nounce a new six week camp this upcoming summer! The camp will be designed to cover basic baseball skills from hitting, throwing and fielding and will also focus on instructional gameplay and sportsmanship. Their mission is allowing kids to reach their full potential in a positive, friendly environment. Exclusively for children ages 5-12. Each week of camp will be held at Scout Field in Bronxville, Mon-Thurs 9am-1pm
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i magine arts academy
Westchester: 56 Lafayette Ave., Suite #340 New York: 1133 Broadway, Suite #1015 888-MADD-SCI 914-948-8319 newyorkcity.madscience.org newyorkcity. imagineartsacademy.com
Mad Science and the Crayola Imagine Arts Academies offer kids full-day and half-day camp experiences that are sure to entertain and delight! They will be wowed by green glowing liquid, messages written in secret code, autonomous robots,
and mystery substances that change from solid to liquid in seconds. There’s something for everyone! They offer amazing week-to-week options at our locations in Armonk, Briarcliff, Brooklyn, Bronxville, Mamaroneck, Manhattan, Rye, Tarrytown, White Plains & Yorktown.
m osholu Day c amp
261 Arden Valley Road Southfields, NY 10975 845-243-0751
For 80 years, Mosholu Day Camp has been providing affordable quality camping to children ages 5-15 from all over the area. Sitting on beautiful Lake Cohasset at Harriman State Park, they offer children a place to develop, experience, and enjoy nature, while taking part in unforgettable summer activities like swimming, boating, sports, music, arts, and everything else you’d come to expect from an awesome summer day camp! Buses with A/C, full 8-week summer, multiweek options.
r ye Playschool
882 Boston Post Rd, Rye 914-967-6334
Rye is where children learn through play! Providing morning classes of supervised play and learning for children ages 12 months to 4. Children socialize in a warm, nurturing environment led by qualified teachers. There’s always time for social interactions, art, activities, music, reading and free play. Their loving atmosphere helps ensure each child’s first separation experience is a positive one. Their activities stimulate growth; physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively. Unifying the families into the Rye Playschool Family is of utmost importance.
thornton-Donovan s ummer challenge – s ummer of champions
100 Overlook Circle, New Rochelle 914-632-8836
Annemarie alicini@td.edu
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16 WestchesterFamily.com | May 2023 C amps Di R e CT o R y | Special Advertising Supplement
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the Summer Challenge has been a source of joy, entertainment, and enlightenment for boys and girls ages 3-14. Thousands of campers have learned to swim at T-D. The in-ground pool allows all campers to touch bottom on the shallow end. Instructional and recreational swimming occur daily as well as many other physical and cerebral activities.
world cup Gymnastics
s ummer c amp
170 Joan Corwin Way, Chappaqua 914-238-4967
This fun summer camp for youths ages 5 to 12 combines superior gymnastics training with a traditional camp experience ensuring each camper has the best summer. Their state-of-the-art complex allows room to engage in tons of recreational activities and gymnastics. Each week there are exciting themed activities involving arts & crafts, cooking, skills training and more. World Cup provides a safe,
nurturing environment where campers can be active, build strength, learn new skills, laugh, play, make new friends and build summer memories that last a lifetime.
yankees b aseball s ummer
c amps
Throughout New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut 212-381-7786
info@yankeessummercamps. com
Yankees Baseball Summer
Camps is the perfect opportunity for young ballplayers to connect with their favorite team while learning and practicing their favorite sport! Their baseball curriculum will help players of all abilities, experienced or beginner, develop both on and off the field. This year, they are excited to offer four complimentary tickets to a select regular season home game as a part of Yankees Baseball Summer Camps.
May 2023 | Westchester Family 17 Mosholu Day Camp/MMCC Located at Lake Cohasset in Harriman State Park 261 Arden Valley Road, Southfields, NY 10975 CALL 845.243.0751 VISIT mosholudaycamp.com EMAIL mosholudaycamp@gmail.com MAKE MEMORIES! SUMMER 2023 JUN 26-AUG 17 8 WEEKS OF FUN! WEEKLY OPTIONS AVAILABLE! REGISTER TODAY! mosholudaycamp.com BUSES with A/C! Swimming, boating, sports, music, arts, and everything else you’d come to expect from an awesome summer day camp! Need a place to hang out this summer?
Exploring the Hudson River Museum
By SerenA norr
In Westchester, we are lucky to have access to so many incredible cultural institutions like the Hudson River Museum. Located in Yonkers on the picturesque banks of the Hudson River, the Museum features exhibits that showcase works across a variety of mediums within the arts, sciences, and history.
This includes a permanent collection, featuring 19th century Hudson River School paintings, contemporary art installations, state-of-the-art Planetarium, Gilded Age decorative arts in Glenview, activities and events, and summer concerts for the whole family. Check out more below on what to see/ experience at the Hudson River Museum.
Gilded age Glenview: h istoric h ome tour
Another special part of the museum is that it is also the home of the Glenview historic home. This home was built in 1877 and on
the National Register of Historic Places. On the tour, families can see its six restored rooms, including a room with a 24-room dollhouse. The tour is ideal for kids ages 8 and up. Strollers are not permitted.
Planetarium at the h udson r iver m useum
Families can also enjoy ticketed shows at 12:30, 2, and 3:30pm on Saturdays and Sundays in the Planetarium. Some speciality events include The Sky Tonight, a free show (with museum admission) during the week where kids can learn more about visible planets, bright stars, comets, constellations, upcoming rocket launches. They also offer The Sky Tonight experience on the weekend as a separate ticketed experience. At the end of March, families can get a preview of the constellations and star clusters of spring.
e xhibitions to check out: Order / Reorder:Experiments with
Collections – until September 3rd
This exhibit showcases portraiture, figural studies, still life, landscape, and abstraction to see a reimagined and unexpected groupings of objects.
The Bierstadt Brothers:Painting and Photography – until September 19th
See the paintings and photography of Albert, Charles, and Edward Bierstadt who images captured of the American West.
s pecial events at the h udson r iver m useum
No matter what time of year you visit, there’s always something special to experience at the Museum. The events/activities are generally free (with museum admission).
Hudson River Museum
511 Warburton Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10701 914-963-4550
18 WestchesterFamily.com | May 2023
FamilY daY out
May 2023 | Westchester Family 19
Owned & Operated since 1973
months–14 years of age
by the Health Department
Call for a Tour and Appointment! 914-592-3027 • 2170 Saw Mill River Road, Elmsford, NY www.annandandychildcare.com (914) 238-0388 Come Have Fun! Monday - Friday 9:30 - 3:00 June 26 - August 4 3 and 6 week sessions ��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� 2023 bachtorock.com/scarsdale 914-721-6016 Bach to Rock’s Full & Half-day Music Camps Rock City World Tour (AGES 4–7) Glee Club (AGES 7+) Record a Demo (AGES 7+) Recording Arts
10+) Beat Refinery
10+) Beat Making
8+) Rock Band
7+) Westchester Family The Digital Edition Sign up for a free digital subscription at WestchesterFamily.com and we’ll send you an email when the new issue comes out! WESTCHESTERFAMILY.COM Hap�y Hal��we�n EVENTS FOR EVERY AGE! OUR PINK Orthodontics Straight Talk About Straight Teeth Cell Phone Addiction OUTSTANDING OCTOBER EVENTS +170
Age appropriate activities including: tween trips, bowling, swimming, golf, drama, sports, water slide, zip-line, climbing wall, arts & crafts, computers, air castle and more!
amadeus m usic, theater and a rt c amp
201 King Street, Chappaqua amadeusconservatory.com
Wizard of Oz! Performing arts
musical theater, music and art camp ages 5-14. Sing, dance, act, study two instruments with Amadeus faculty, create fine art, design/paint sets. Have fun with outdoor play and sports. Culminates in a musical performance in a theater. Camp fosters the joys of self expression and creativity. Camp runs
9:30am to 3pm, June 26 to August 4. - 3:00. 6 or 3 week sessions available. Session 1 is June 26 to July 15; Session 2 is July 18 to Aug 4.
b ach to rock m amaroneck
130 Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck NY 10543
914- 341-1457
Bach to Rock Scarsdale
(Opening Summer 2023)
969B Central Park Avenue, Scarsdale NY 10583
914- 721-6016
scarsdale@bachtorock.com bachtorock.com
Bach to Rock music camps give kids the chance to unleash their inner rock star — even if they’ve never played an instrument before! We offer spring, winter, and summer music camps for kids and teens, including week-long, partialweek, half-day, and day camps. Kids have a blast learning to play hit songs and performing with other campers! Our campers also get the chance to record their music in our state of the art B2R Studios!
c amp Pinebrook / Pinebrook s ummer a rts
1000 Pinebrook Boulevard, New Rochelle 914-813-8700
CampPinebrook.com/ Program/PSA
Pinebrook Summer Arts Camp (PSA), the premier program in Lower Westchester, is designed for 5th-9th grade campers who enjoy a variety of arts programming every day,
all day long. Accomplished and well-known local professional staff of teaching artists will lead classes in the areas of Fine Arts and Theatre. NEW Enrollment Options and Pricing! ONLY $900 per week! Choose 1 week, 2 weeks, etc., or all 8 weeks! Pinebrook Summer Arts Camp (PSA) is flexible!
crestwood m usic education center
870 Scarsdale Ave, Scarsdale 914-961-3497
Located in downtown Scarsdale. For over 35 years, CMEC has offered private lessons in piano, guitar, voice, strings, woodwinds, brass, drums and percussion instruments for students of all ages and levels. This world-class faculty will be providing a premier music education experience! CMEC has one of the most comprehensive chamber music and orchestral programs in the tri-state area as well as their well-renowned Suzuki and Jazz/Rock programs. CMED also hosts Starlight Starbright
Music’s Music Together classes for children from birth through kindergarten age!
K ac Kisco a rt center
40 Radio Circle, Mt. Kisco 914-232-4843
Art & Imagination Camps (ages 3.5-5) geared towards the creative spirit of the young child. Kids Camp (grades 1-5) small groups enable students to receive individual attention in a family-like atmosphere. Teen Camp (grades 6+) each session will focus intensively on a topic, building the skills needed to explore the subject independently. After-school and weekend classes are also available.
m ad science & crayola
i magine arts academy
56 Lafayette Ave, Suite #340 New York
1133 Broadway, Suite #1015 888-MADD-SCI
20 WestchesterFamily.com | May 2023 a RT s F o R ki D s Di R e CT o R y | Special Advertising Supplement
summer ART camp one-week sessions for ages 3.5 yrs-18 yrs 40 Radio Circle Drive Mount Kisco, NY 10549 • (914) 232-4843
NEW! Pom Jazz, Tap & Tumble and Princess Party Pre-Ballet Hip Hop Ballet Jazz Musical Theater Contemporary 277 White Plains Road Eastchester, NY 10709 (914) 793-2799 studioboffice@aol.com studiobdance.com Call today to register! Join us for 5 week Summer Classes July 12th - August 19th and Flexible Daily Summer Camp offered Monday - Friday July 5th - August 25th Looking for Summer? NEW! Princess Party *NEW 4 Week Session* Just for June Our tiniest dancers (as young as 2 years old) can take Pre-Ballet and Hip Hop Hooray! New styles added such as Pom Jazz and Tap & Tumble! 4 Weeks for $99 Add a 2nd 4 week class for $69 Ages 2 & Up
Mad Science and the Crayola Imagine Arts Academies offer kids full-day and half-day camp experiences that are sure to entertain and delight! They will be wowed by green glowing liquid, messages written in secret code, autonomous robots, and mystery substances that change from solid to liquid in seconds. There’s something for everyone! We offer amazing week-to-week options at our locations in Armonk, Briarcliff, Brooklyn, Bronxville, Mamaroneck, Manhattan, Rye, Tarrytown, White Plains & Yorktown. Call today at 914-948-8319.
scarsdale b allet studio
10 County Center Road, White Plains
info@scarsdaleballetstudio. com
Join SBS for summer mornings of activity and creativity!
From 9:30am - 12:30pm Mon - Fri, Mini-Camp dancers ages 3-7 will be immersed in the magic of ballet with dance, arts and crafts, story-telling,
and more, taught by professional faculty. Each week culminates with an enchanting instudio mini-performance with costumes and sets. Additional classes for older children and adults will run afternoons and weekends. New, centrally located, spacious studios with free parking on site.
studio b Dance center
277 White Plains Rd, Eastchester 793-2799
Girls and boys ages 2 years old and up are nurtured and challenged by their highly qualified and enthusiastic staff. Facility features three spacious studios, comfortable waiting rooms, viewing windows, and a well-stocked boutique. Convenient classes allow siblings to dance at the same time. Pre-ballet, Tap & Tumble, Hip Hop, Pom Jazz, ballet & contemporary. Camp for ages 3 - 5 & 6 -10 Monday through Friday with drop in flexibility. Open Monday through Saturday.
May 2023 | Westchester Family 21
Located in Scar S da L e 870 Scarsdale Ave, Scarsdale • 914-961-3497 info@crestwoodmusic.com crestwoodmusic.com Providing World-Class Music Education Since 1987 for All Ages One-on-One Private Lessons • Piano • Voice • Strings • Woodwinds • Brass • Guitar • Percussion/Drums A Premier Music School with over 600 Students • Hybrid, Online and In-person Lessons Available • Toddler Classes & Suzuki Programs • Instrumental Ensembles; Chamber Music, Rock/Jazz Groups • Music Production Registe R FoR summe R 2023 NoW! Space is limited. Free tri A l le SS on! Just off BRP, I-287, & Central Ave in White Plains MiniSummerCamp Morning Sessions from July 3 - August 4 www.scarsdaleballetstudio.com Scarsdale Ballet Studio Arts & Crafts, Story-time, Music, and More! Professional Faculty & Spacious Studios Free Parking Afternoon & Weekend Classes for Ages 8-12 and Adults
Farmers Markets
Springtime outdoor markets to visit across Westchester
By SerenA norr
Spring brings much excitement in the air. One of our favorite ways to enjoy the outdoors and connect with the community is to visit many of the local farmers’ markets. In Westchester, we are lucky to have access to many markets to get fresh fruit and vegetables, meats, cheese, baked goods, and so much more. Many markets also tie in events for the kids with live music, crafts, and dance, where you can make a whole day out of your experience as you support local markets and explore a new town.
Mt. Kisco Farmers Market
Sundays, May 21st-October 29th, from 10:00am-2:30pm
The Mt. Kisco Farmers Market is gearing up for the 2023 market season. Patrons will find fresh produce, crafts, and fun community events. Located in the parking lot near the train station, the community can enjoy access to local vendors such as coffee, fresh produce, microgreens, farm-raised meat, and cheese. The market also showcases food demos from local vendors to educate about nutrition and food preparation.
The farmers market also offers unique craft and creative vendors such as artists, potters, authors, and graphic designers. They have jewelry, clothing, soap, hemp, locallypressed wine, and local and environmental non-profit organizations. Mt. Kisco Farmers Market also offers live entertainment, including performances from local dance schools, musicians, and a local radio station. Mount Kisco Train Station, 1 Kirby Plaza, Mount Kisco, NY 10549.
Hastings Farmers Market
Saturdays from 9:30 am–1:00 pm
The market offers farm-fresh produce and
goods in the commuter parking lot across from the Hastings-on-Hudson Metro-North station. Some vendors include Aya Hummus, Ash Hopper, Charlotte’s Home Kitchen, Bambino Ravioli, and more. Commuter parking lot, Hastings-on-Hudson Metro-North station, 29-1 Edgars Ln, Hastings-On-Hudson, NY 10706
Chappaqua Farmers Market
Saturdays, May 2023, from 8:30 am-1:00 pm Approaching its 13th season, the popular Chappaqua Farmers market offers access to a huge roster of local vendors, offering seasonal and local produce, fruit, meats, fish, baked goods and other farmers-market items. This includes Black Creek Permaculture Farm, Caradonna Farms, Bien Cuit Breads, Bohemian Baked, Asian Farmer Dumplings, Dobbs Ferry Lobster Guys, Second Mouse Cheese, Steadfast Farm, and R & M Farm, to name a few. The market also has music and partnerships with the Mt. Kisco Interfaith Food Pantry, where you can donate food every third Saturday of the month. Additionally, you can bring your old textiles (clothing, shoes, accessories and household linens) to be recycled with Green Tree. Chappaqua Train Station, Allen Place, Chappaqua, NY 10514.
Pleasantville Farmers Market
Saturdays, April 1st-November 18th from 8:30 am-1:00pm
As the largest year-round market in Westchester, you can find over 60 vendors offering a variety of fresh vegetables, meats, dairy
items, eggs, honey, root crops, apples, and baked and prepared foods. Operated by Foodchester, Inc, a volunteer-based not-for-profit, the Pleasantville Farmers Market has a commitment to foster pride in Pleasantville while also promoting a sustainable food system that offers wholesome, locally grown, and produced food to the community. Pleasantville Train Station, 10 Memorial Plaza, Pleasantville, NY 10570.
White Plains Farmers Market
Wednesdays, April 21st- November 23rd from 8:30am-3:30pm
Located in the city’s heart on Court Street, the White Plains Farmers Market has been operated and run by the Bensidoun family for the past 60 years. Visitors can enjoy a diverse range of vendors, such as local roasters, bakeries, soaps, cakes, and more. Check their website often as new vendors are announced regularly. Court Street between Martine Avenue and Main Street, White Plains, NY.
Pound Ridge Organics
Friday-Sunday, various times. Opening date 4/21 This weekly market is so much more than just a traditional farmers’ market. They offer a weekly c.s.a with seasonal offerings from a local organic farm and a regular rotation of classes and educational events such as honey-bee management and bee-keeping. You can find organic fruits and vegetables, eggs, butter, milk, ice cream, hemp, herbs, dry goods, and more at the market. They also collect non-perishable food items for their pantry, which can be dropped off
22 WestchesterFamily.com | May 2023
anytime. No dogs are permitted. 22 Westchester Avenue, Pound Ridge, New York 10576.
Down to Earth Farmers Market
Friday-Sunday, various times
Located throughout Westchester and NYC, the Down to Earth Farmers Market features local farmers and local makers. This includes markets in Larchmont (Larchmont Train Station, Chatsworth Avenue/Myrtle Blvd, Larchmont, New York .), New Rochelle (Thomas Paine Cottage Museum, 20 Sicard Avenue, New Rochelle, NY ), Ossining (Parking Lot near the corner of Spring and Main Streets), Rye (Parking Lot on Theo Fremd Avenue), and Yonkers (Van Der Donck Park, 41 Dock Street, Yonkers, NY 10701).
Muscoot Farmers Market
Sundays, April 2nd-November 19th, from 9:30 am – 2:30 pm
Enjoy a fun day at the farm mixed in with shopping for local and organic goods at the Muscoot Farmers Market. This weekly market features over 20 vendors, including local and organic farms, pickles, pasta, baked goods, and more. When you’re done, check
out the nearby art gallery and stroll around the grounds looking at the cows, goats, chickens, and pigs. 51 NY-100, Katonah, NY 10536.
Tarrytown & Sleepy Hollow Farmers Market – The TaSH
Saturdays, Year-round, from 8:30 am-1:30 pm Enjoy live music, baked goods, organic fruits and vegetables and more at The HaSH. Held every Saturday in the beautiful Patriots Park, The TaSH regularly offers cooking demos, art projects, and kids’ activities. Patriots Park, U.S. 9, Tarrytown, NY.
Irvington Farmers Market
Sundays, Every 2nd and 4th Sunday, 9:30am – 1:00 pm
This weekly market offers stunning river views, live music, demos, and an incredible selection from local vendors such as FarmEats, Fearless Cook Food Truck, Great Joy Family Farm, Teagevity, Wave Hill Breads, The Wild Radish, and much more. This includes soaps, baked foods, cheese, fish, pretzels, dumplings, bread, kimchi, and more. Families can also bring their food waste to the market for composting. 101
Main Street, Irvington, NY 10533.
Bronxville Farmer’s Market
Saturdays , May 14th-November 20th, from 8:30 am-1:00 p m
The Bronxville Farmers Market offers a rotating selection of vendors, such as 3 x 3 Kitchen Provisions, Arlotta Food Studio, FarmEATS, Hidden Acre Farm, and more. Find fresh bread (including gluten-free options), cider, cheese, fish, jellies and jams, pickles, skin care products, coffee, and more. 1 Stone Place, Bronxville, NY 10708.
Nyack Farmers Market
Thursdays, April-December from 8:00 am-2:00 pm and January-March from 9:00am-1:00 pm
Visit the Main Street parking lot in downtown Nyack for a huge selection of local produce, pickles, ravioli, baked goods, wine, and more. Some vendors include Bill Batson Arts, Campanelli’s Poultry Farm, Dan Madura Jr. Farms, Doc Pickle, Olde York Farm Distillery & Cooperage, Orchards of Concklin, P & S Seafood, and R & G Produce, to name a few. The Nyack Farmers Market runs rain or shine. 119 Main Street, Nyack, NY 10960.
May 2023 | Westchester Family 23
— the
(by other parents), experienced nannies and childcare providers who want to work in New York City, Westchester, Long Island and Northern New Jersey. MommyBites.com We can’t wait to see you there! is now part of
provides expertly curated resources for all parents in the New York area, including
feature — our
nanny board
parents to
Choosing a Montessori Education
By Vered Ornstein
Montessori schools have been a hotbutton topic for years as they’ve become more popular in the American schooling system. While there are countless reasons to send your child to this alternative type of schooling, you may still need more of an understanding of how Montessori schools work. Of course, every child has unique and individual needs, but let’s look at the features of Montessori schools and how your child may thrive in a Montessori environment.
What is the Montessori Method?
The Montessori method was founded by an Italian physician named Dr. Maria Montessori in 1907. She observed that children in her care were able to teach themselves by taking the lead in hands-on activities, such as solving puzzles or preparing their own food. From these observations, she derived a method of teaching that aims to “follow the child”, allowing them to set their own pace for learning. While most conventional schools follow a curriculum set by teachers and administrators, the Montessori method entrusts the child to lead the way in their own education.
Montessori schools usually run on a set of 5 principles set forth by the Montessori method:
1. Children are shown respect
2. Kids have absorbent minds
3. Sensitive periods are critical for learning
4. Kids learn best in a prepared environment
5. Kids can teach themselves through auto education
The Looping System
Additionally, some Montessoris run a “looping” system, meaning that students learn in multi-age classrooms or stay with
the same teacher for two or more years, allowing teacher and student to build a strong bond and understanding of one another. Montessori also prides itself on the physical learning setting, and they consider the classroom environment to be just as important as the teachers and learning materials.
High Test Scores
The reward of attending a Montessori school is worth it for many families. The research surrounding the effectiveness of the Montessori method is still ongoing, but many studies indicate higher test scores and performance of Montessori students compared to students in traditional schools, especially low-income students. Across the board, students who attend a Montessori school score higher on social-emotional scales than their non-Montessori peers.
So, for whom exactly is Montessori the
right choice? Many parents choose this method for their child-led education and may know intuitively that their child may benefit from working at their own pace. The method of child-led education and allowing a child to set their own pace and curriculum can be incredibly beneficial for students who struggle with the structure of traditional schooling. Students who are neurodivergent or have a learning disability may also thrive in a Montessori environment. Additionally, the method shows encouraging results in helping underprivileged populations get ahead in their education and Montessori pride itself on racial and economic diversity.
The Montessori method has been around for more than 100 years, and its expansion in the US education system shows no sign of slowing down. If you’re interested in Montessori for your child, check out our Montessori directory to learn more about the choices available!
24 WestchesterFamily.com | May 2023
The history and method of this popular type of school
h udson country
m ontessori s chool
340 Quaker Ridge Road
New Rochelle, NY 10804
Hudson Country Montessori School inspires and promotes innate curiosity and a love of learning through our progressive Montessori pedagogy. Striving to help children grow into respectful, socially-adept and compassionate leaders. The curriculum is designed to empower students to become independent, creative thinkers and confident achievers. Private, co-educational school, toddlers (18 months) through 8th grade. Schedule a private tour today!
m ontessori s chool of Pelham m anor
1415 Pelhamdale Avenue, Pelham, New York 914-738-1127
pelhammontessori@gmail. com
montessorischoolpelhamny. com
Upholding a “tradition of excellence” since 1992, this school firmly holds to the principles of child development devised by Dr. Maria Montessori. Children ages 3 to 5 work with Montessori materials and exercises in a prepared environment progressing at their own rate, developing confidence, independence all while gaining a love of learning which is the hallmark of Montessori. Their small class sizes make it easy to find out how to best cater to a child’s unique learning needs. Prepare your child for a lifetime of learning. Call or email to schedule your personal appointment.
May 2023 | Westchester Family 25
m on T esso R i sCH ools Di R e CT o R y Special Advertising Supplement 18 MONTHS - 8TH GRADE 914.636.6202 www.hudsoncountry.org SCHEDULE A PRIVATE TOUR TODAY! Celebrating Our 50th Anniversary! Give Your Child the Best in Early Childhood Education 1415 Pelhamdale Ave. (at Shore Rd.) • Pelham, NY 914.738.1127 • montessorischoolpelhamny.com MONTESSORI - AGES 3-6 • TODDLERS - AGES 2-3 Register Now for 2023/2024 Call for Open House Dates MONTESSORI SCHOOL in PELHAM A Tradition of Excellence since 1973 MONTESSORISCHOO L ofNewRochelle inPelham, Inc
Inspector GeneralLucy Lang
on serving New York families while raising a family of her own
By Jeannine Cintron
At New York Family we rarely interview appointed officials. But New York State Inspector General Lucy Lang is no typical government official. Sure, we had a little extra security on our cover shoot because, well, she is a big deal. But she is also a native New Yorker and a mom of two who loves her job because she is passionate about the state she was born and raised in.
Lucy is so New York that she refers to her family as “interfaith” because she loves the Mets but her hubby is a Yankee fan. Her Instagram is dotted with family outings to classic New York institutions like the American Museum of Natural History, Coney Island and the Children’s Museum of Manhattan. Born, raised, and currently residing in Manhattan, Lucy is raising a young family in NYC, just like myself and many of you. She also has challenges, her youngest was recently diagnosed with Dyslexia (more on that in a bit) and at our cover shoot she was busy balancing the kids, work and home. Sound familiar?
She takes her job as mom seriously, but her family isn’t the only one she’s vowed to serve and protect. In her position, she’s tasked with protecting the most vulnerable New Yorkers. We sat down with Lucy to talk about her two biggest roles: as Inspector General of New York state, and as Mom.
You’re a busy mom! Do you find it difficult to balance career and family life? How do you do it all?
The amazing privilege of serving as Inspector General is that I have the
responsibility to ensure that the agencies’ systems and services that protect vulnerable New York families are doing so with integrity. And it is a tremendous privilege to be able to do that while also raising my own young family. I’m very fortunate to have a very supportive extended family, including my siblings and my parents, and my in-laws. And as your readers will know, it truly does take a village to balance a demanding professional life and the demands of young children. But I feel incredibly fortunate to have the support to be able to do it and the privilege to be able to do it.
What are some of the causes or issues that have become more important to you since becoming a parent? Probably a big question!
Yeah, it is but I’m glad that you asked. I have two brilliant children, one of whom happens to be dyslexic and I have been shocked to learn how much more remains to be done at schools of all kinds to support students with language-based learning differences. And really the true heroes amongst us, our literacy specialists and reading teachers are doing the hard work of building up the next generation of public servants and citizens. And I can’t say enough about how much I admire teachers who teach our kids to read and how much more we need to do to support young readers with a diversity of backgrounds, including with language based learning differences.
Do your kids realize their mom is such a powerhouse? Do they push you to achieve more and continue to be an inspiration?
My kids and the kids in our neighbor-
hood and community are undoubtedly the inspiration that keeps me going when the days feel long and the challenges seem insurmountable. Not long ago I ran for District Attorney, which was a grueling but incredibly moving experience. On election night, after I called my opponent to concede the election and offer him my congratulations, I went home and my son was asleep in my bed. I was crying and it woke him up. He asked what was wrong and I told him that I hadn’t won. And I thought, in that moment, I can either pull it together and put on a brave face for him or I can acknowledge that I tried something really hard and it didn’t work out the way I had hoped and planned. I chose the latter. And he remembers that moment very distinctly.
I think that the vulnerability of leadership is critical, both in a professional context and in a parenting context. And that’s something that I really carry with me, that I feel proud of, that I feel trying hard at things matters. And that success comes in many different forms.
You’re a native New Yorker! What are some of your favorite things to do with your family around the city?
I could go on about this forever because I love New York City! I also have grown to really love New York State so I make two lists. In New York City, we love Coney Island. We love the boardwalk and we even love it there in the winter. We did the Polar Bear Plunge this year which was a totally wild experience and an absolute hoot. My daughter was the bravest of the four of us. She was the first one in the water! It makes me so proud that I have a daughter who will just barrel into the
26 WestchesterFamily.com | May 2023
freezing cold waves on New Year’s Day.
We are major theater-goers; we love to go to theater on and off Broadway. I took my eightyear-old son to his first rock and roll concert this week. We went to see Bruce Springsteen at the Barclays Center, which was really awesome. We are an interfaith household, meaning I’m a Mets fan and my partner Scott is a Yankees fan, so we go to the Subway Series every year. I love New York City’s parks. We spend a lot of time in Morningside Park, in Marcus Garvey Park and in other uptown parks. I also have visited every beach in New York City and love them all for different reasons, but I would say that Far Rockaway is really our go-to favorite family beach.
And then New York State is just such a wealth of beautiful places for families to visit! The Thousand Island region has beautiful pebble beaches. In the parks across the state, the hiking and waterfalls are just extraordinary. I love New York bridges, so the Walkway Over the Hudson is a nice long family walk across and back. In fact, one of the coolest things about this job has been getting to know the North Country and Western New York and beyond, and it has been such a privilege getting to talk to New Yorkers who are very, very different from New York City residents. Learning about the diversity of New York State has been really remarkable and inspiring.
What are some ways you protect New York families in your position as Inspector General?
When I think about protecting vulnerable New York families, I think about our work with the State Department of Social Services and protecting SNAP benefits to make sure that folks have access to a fair system that functions the way it’s supposed to. I also think about the work we have been doing around unemployment insurance, to which during and post-pandemic there has been a tremendous amount of fraud committed – which is really coming at a cost to New Yorkers who need unemployment insurance and for whom the system was designed to help during a crisis time like the pandemic. So we’re particularly committed to rooting out corruption and fraud in those areas, because we know that they are of the utmost importance to New York families who are suffering, at a disadvantage or otherwise vulnerable.
Keep up with Lucy and the Inspector General’s office by following @NYStateIG on Instagram and Twitter.
May 2023 | Westchester Family 27
Photo by Yumi Matsuo
By ShAr A Levine
We S tche S ter
sPrinG crafts at lyndhurst 2023
when : May 5-7, Friday and Sunday, 10am–5pm; Saturday, 10am–6pm. where : Lyndhurst, 635 South Broadway, Tarrytown
aGes: All
what: Spend the day shopping for original items, witness craft demos, and enjoy fun family activities like interactive puppet theater, face painting, storytelling and more.
want to Go?: $12; $11 seniors 62 and older; $4 children 6-16; free for children younger than 6. artrider.com
woodfest 2023
when : Saturday, May 6, 10am–4pm where : Bethany Arts Community, 40 Somerstown Rd. Ossining
aGes: All
what: From handcrafted creations, to wood sculpture demos, to wood-crafting activities, you’ll enjoy a day of celebration with live music, art, activities, and games!
want to Go?: $10 per car. bethanyarts.org
clean river Project for riverkeeper sweep
when : Saturday, May 6, 10am–1pm
where : Westchester County Center Lot East, 198 Central Avenue, White Plains
aGes: All
what: Participate in real science through hands-on experiences and help keep the waterways and land clean.
want to Go?: Free. eventbrite.com
holi festival
when : Sunday, May 7, 11am–4pm where : India Center of
Westchester, 174 Brady Avenue, Hawthorne
aGes: All
what: Enjoy a fun filled afternoon celebrating Holi with food, music, color, water balloons, entertainment, games, raffles, prizes and more!
want to Go?: Free. indiacenter.us
family Day: learning center birthday celebration!
when : Sunday, May 7, 12–4pm where : Katonah Museum of Art, 134 Jay Street, Katonah
aGes: 3 and up
what: Enjoy a day of activities and crafts, music, garden games, and a birthday presentation featuring special guests and cupcakes.
want to Go?: Free.
Diy mother’s Day tote bag
when : Sunday, May 7, 1–2:15pm where : Pelham Art Center, 155 5th Ave. Pelham
aGes: 5 and up what: Create a one-of-a-kind tote bag utilizing paint, stencils, and stamps, and leave with a beautiful tote bag that can be gifted to someone you love. want to Go?: $50, $45 Members. pelhamartcenter.org
Jcc community art celebration
when : Sunday, May 7, 2–5pm where : Shames JCC on the Hudson, 371 South Broadway, Tarrytown
aGes: All
what: Celebrate the art of over 50 local artists ages 4-99, participate in art-making, enjoy live music, and more. want to Go?: Free. (914) 306–9477, shamesjcc.org
children’s Day at the hammond museum
when : Sunday, May 7, 3–4:30pm where : Hammond Museum, 28 Deveau Rd, North Salem
aGes: 5 and up
what: Celebrate the Japanese festival of Children’s Day with an exploration through stories, a scavenger hunt in the garden, and art activities of good luck koi fish and other auspicious images.
want to Go?: Free with museum admission: $12; $8 seniors 65 and older and students with ID; free for
28 WestchesterFamily.com | May 2023
t he Hudson river museum hosts a Kite Festival on may 20.
children 5 and younger and members. hammondmuseum. org
Picks and Pickleball
when : Saturday, May 20, 12–5pm
where : Chilmark Village Park, 48 Macy Road, Briarcliff Manor
aGes: All
what: Play some pickleball and learn a few new moves while enjoying a selection of food trucks, a robust vendor village, and a bevy of kids’ activities and entertainment.
want to Go?: $15-$25; $10$20 for Briarcliff residents; free for kids younger than 12 with a ticketed adult. Pickleball: $45$55. picksandpickleball.com
Kite festival
when : Saturday, May 20, 1 – 4 pm
where : Hudson River Museum, 511 Warburton Avenue, Yonkers
aGes: All
what: Compete in high-flying contests, and play outdoor lawn games like cornhole, giant Jenga, lawn bowling, and more!
want to Go?: Free. (914) 963–4550, hrm.org
bon appé-treat
when : Saturday, May 20, 1–2pm
where : Muscoot Farm, 51 Route 100, Katonah
aGes: 6 and up
what: Make and feed a treat for the animals to enjoy while learning about their diets.
want to Go?: TBA. muscootfarm.org
elena moon Park and friends
when : Sunday, May 21, 3pm where : Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts, 149 Girdle Ridge Road, Katonah
aGes: All
what: Sing, dance, and clap along to northern Japanese sea shanties, Tibetan jump rope rhymes, Taiwanese train songs, lullabies in English, and many other unique songs.
want to Go?: $20; $10 child. caramoor.org
ridge Kids: haPiK
when : Tuesday, May 23, 10am–noon
where : Ridge Hill, 1 Ridge Hill Blvd. Yonkers
aGes: 3 – 4
what: Children will enjoy 2 hours of rock climbing, an indoor aerial course and more!
want to Go?: TBA. ridgehill. com
memorial Day Parade & ceremony
when : Monday, May 29, 10–11am
where : Church Street to the Rural Cemetery on N. Broadway, White Plains
aGes: All
what: Cheer on various organizations at this Memorial Day parade with a ceremony to follow.
want to Go?: Free. cityofwhiteplains.com
when : Sundays, 11 am, through May 7; May 6 & 7, 3 pm. where : New Victory Theater, 209 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036, New York
aGes: 4-7
what: Don’t sleep on this show about the sweet dreams of a small girl and her teddy as they adventure across land, sea and air.
want to Go?: Tickets start at $25. (646) 223–3010, newvictory.org
musical explorers family concerts
when : Saturday, May 13, 12 – 1 pm & 3 – 4 pm.
where : Carnegie Hall, 881 7th Avenue, Upper West Side
aGes: 4 – 8
what: Meet artists from around the world who lead this vibrant, highly interactive concert for children.
want to Go?: $15. (646) 477–8416, carnegiehall.org
story Pirates live on stage: the amazing adventure
when : May 21, 4 – 5:30 pm where : Town Hall, 123 W. 43rd St, New York City, NY 10036, New York City aGes: 5 – 12
what: See some of your favorite Story Pirates live at this comedy-improv performance while raising money for a good cause.
want to Go?: Tickets start at $35. storypirates.com
25th birthday celebration of everett children’s Garden
when : April 1-May 26, Tuesdays – Sundays, 10 am – 6 pm
where : The New York Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Boulevard, Bronx aGes: All
what: Celebrate 25 years of outdoor nature and science play, sing “Happy Birthday” to the caterpillars, revisit iconic activities, and more.
want to Go?: NYC Residents $4-$15; Non-residents $15-$35. nybg.org
family nature club: mother’s Day
when : May 14, 10:30 am –12:30 pm
where : Bronx Zoo, 2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx aGes: All
what: This Mother’s Day, connect your family to the local environment through unstructured free-play exploration and investigation. want to Go?: Free. bronxzoo.com
May 2023 | Westchester Family 29 MAY calendar
discover Family day at the Katonah museum on may 7.
celebrate Holi at the india center of Westhcester on may 7.
5 Family-Friendly Trails Enjoy spring with a walk at Rockefeller State Park Preserve
By: WeS tcheS ter FAMiLy
Spring is finally here and what better way to celebrate it than enjoying the outdoors. The Friends of the Rockefeller State Park Preserve invite tri-state area residents to enjoy the beauty of the 2,000-acre NY State Park that recently was named to the State Registry of Historic Places for its stunning views and one of a kind carriage road system.
Here are the Friends’ Top 5 suggested Spring Trail Picks for outdoor enthusiasts:
Raven’s Rock via Lucy’s Loop and Buttermilk Hill Trails
Raven’s Rock, Tarrytown, NY 10591
7.5 miles
Located in the Buttermilk Hill Area, this
area is largely forested. The narrow trail steeply descends from the ridge, ending at a deeply fissured and fractured cliff. Folklore surrounds this notable rock, including a mention in Washington Irving’s Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Thirteen Bridges Loop
2.8 miles
Located in the Eagle Hill Area, Thirteen Bridges Loop was purposefully designed to crisscross Gory Brook, to maximize the tranquil sound of running water. Hikers will enjoy mature hardwood forest and sunlight fields.
Brothers’ Path
1.1 miles
Located in the Swan Lake Area at the
entrance to the Preserve, this trail is ideal for strolling or walking dogs. Views of turtles, water lilies and migrating waterfowl surround, making it a great pick for families that will surely keep children entertained.
Witch’s Spring Trail
0.5 miles
Also located in the Eagle Hill Area, the shady trail along legendary Gory Brook features a high diversity of ferns. Visitors wishing to extend their hike can continue up to Spook Rock.
Foundation Loop
0.6 miles
Located in the Rockwood Hall Area, this trail leads to the remains of William Rockefeller’s estate. Panoramic views of the Hudson and stunning copper beeches and specimen trees are throughout. Great place to stop for a picnic lunch if you want to make a day out of it!
To view trail maps and see additional trail suggestions see: friendsrock.org/rspp-map
30 WestchesterFamily.com | May 2023
FamilY daY out
friends of rockefeller state Park Preserve
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CAMPS Learning doesn't have to end when school's out! Our camps keep kids engaged throughout summer and holiday breaks! Mad Science Camps Include: • Science experiments for kids ages 5-9 • Make-and-take activities each day • A variety of different themes to choose from that cover a wide-range of STEM subjects, from engineering to biology • Physical activity each day Sign-up for a Camp Today! Questions? Call 914-948-8319 or email info@madsciencenyc.com newyorkcity.madscience.org We Also Offer | Special Events • Workshops • After-School Programs • Birthday Parties Site Locations include: Armonk, Briarcliff, Bronxville, Brooklyn, Mamaroneck Manhattan, Rye, Tarrytown, White Plains & Yorktown Invent and Experiment Build Robots Play Detective and Crack Codes And don’t forget our sister brand art camps, The Crayola Imagine Arts Academy. Also available this summer!