Long Island Family - May 2023

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≠ Camps that specialize in Stem/Steam, Arts, Sports & More! Take a Hike! Family-Friendly Trails Inspector General Lucy Lang on serving New York families while raising a family of her own may 2023





An immersive summer science program centered around STEAM

Robotics, Engineering & Coding

Life, Physical & Earth Science

Located in our three-story Science Center and Hydroponics Grow Lab on our 15-acre campus

Science Field Trips

2,4,6,8 Week Sessions

Morning program with the option to extend to a full-day program in our day camp

Transportation, Before/Aftercare & Lunch


NEW: Mechanical & Electrical Engineering & Robotics program for 6th – 8th graders(3 hour morning program)


631-499-8580 ExtremeSTEAMCamp.com DIX HILLS, NY
4 NewYorkFamily.com | May 2023 M Ay 2023 NewYorkFamily.com contents F eaTUR es 20 | Tech ChatGPT, what it is and why it’s banned in NYC’s public schools 24 | Tech Motherhood FOMO: the pressure of documenting family milestones on social media 26 | i nspector General lucy l ang on serving New York families while raising a family of her own sToRies & ColUmns 6 | editor’s letter 8 | a sk the e xpert My child wants to be a vegetarian 10 | a sk the e xpert Why do kids get nosebleeds? 12 | c amp Thriving at summer camp in the arts, sports, and STEM/STEAM programs 18 | education The history and method of a Montessori Education 22 | family Day o ut 15 best family-friendly hiking trails 30 | childcare Should I hire a nanny or a babysitter? Family FU n 28 | c alendar All the fun events and activities for May Di R e CTo R ies 14 | Summer Program listings 19 | m ontessori Schools listings 21 | arts for k ids listings on The cover
Cover Story
Produced by:
pg. 26 pg. 24 pg. 22 pg. 28 pg. 18
Photo: Yumi Matsuo | yumimatsuo.com Hair & Makeup: Buffy Hernandez | buffysaintmarie.com
Written by: Jeannine Cintron
Donna Duarte-Ladd
May 2023 | Long Island Family 5 Providing a wide range of services for individuals with autism across the US and Puerto Rico. Our mission is to help individuals with ASD reach their full potential by providing educational and therapeutic programs tailored to their specific needs. We are dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with ASD and their families. Reach out today to us today! https://gershautism.com/ info@GershAutism.com (631) 385-3342 Offering range of services, including: • Early Intervention • Preschool and K-12 • Life skills • Transition services for young adults

Blooming in May

May is when many of us naturally think about Mother’s Day, and with that in mind, we can’t help but reflect on the joys and challenges of parenting.

This month- Deputy Editor Jeannine Cintron writes about mother and Inspector General Lucy Lang and her passion for serving New York families while raising her family (page 26).

And parents are well aware that technology is part of not only our kids lives- but ours as well. This month, we share

on (page 24) Motherhood FOMO, and the pressure of documenting family milestones on social media.

Lastly, with summer just around the corner, we want you to absorb the outdoors with a family-friendly hike (page 22) and help your kids to explore art, sports, and STEM/ STEAM this summer. Check out our camp and summer program listings on page 14 and make this summer one to remember!


Publi S her: Clifford Luster

e xecuTive Direc Tor: Donna Duarte-Ladd

aSSociaTe Publi S her: Erin Brof

aDver Ti S in G Direc Tor: Stacie Goldberg

DePuT y eDiTor: Jeannine Cintron

DiGiTal eDiTor: Kaitlyn Riggio

e venTS manaG er: Shara Levine

r e P or Ter: Barbara Russo

Senior aDvi S er: Susan Weiss

Par Tner S hi P manaG er S :

Lauren Alperin, Lauren Anchin, Joan Bergman, Mary Cassidy, Suzanne Cirigliano, Chris Cunnington, Lori Falco, Shelli Goldberg-Peck, LynnMarie Hanley, Lisa Herlihy, Janine Mulé, Cara Roteman, Nina Spiegelman, Gwen Tomaselli

marke Tin G & STraTeGy Direc Tor: Rosalia Bobé

Sale S & marke Tin G coor D inaTor: Mykael Fields

marke Tin G aSS i STanT: Tilejah Gilead

ar T Direc Tor: Leah Mitch

web Develo P er: Sylvan Migdal

GraP hic De S i G ner S : Arthur Arutyunov, Connie Sulsenti

eD iTor S aT larG e:

Serena Norr, Cris Pearlstein

eD iTorial conTribuTor S : Jana Beauchamp, Mia Salas

eD iTorial i nTern S : Bailey Germain, Brian Zhang

ConTaCT inFoRmaTion

aDver Ti S in G: (718) 260-4554


circulaTion: (718) 260-8336


aDD re SS : New York Family Media/Schneps Media

1 MetroTech Center North, Third Floor Brooklyn, NY 11201

Pre S i D enT: Victoria Schneps-Yunis

ceo : Joshua Schneps

coo : Clifford Luster

New York Family has been awarded the PMA Gold Award for Excellence in Editorial and the Silver Award for Excellence in Design.

6 NewYorkFamily.com | May 2023 editor’s note Share your feedback and ideas about family life in New York! Email us at editorial@newyorkfamily.com and tag us at #newyorkfamily get i N touch newYorkFamily.com
New York Family is published monthly by Queens Family Media, LLC. Reproduction of New York Family Media in whole or part without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. All rights reserved. ©2023 Queens Family Media, LLC
n ina Gallo Photography

The Hagedorn Li�le Village School, Jack Joel Center for Special Children (HLVS), is a not-for profit program that provides services for infants and children up to 12 years of age with learning, language, social delays, motor impairments, and au�sm with no direct cost to families:

The Hagedorn Li�le Village School, Jack Joel Center for Special Children (HLVS), is a not-for profit program that provides services for infants and children up to 12 years of age with learning, language, social delays, motor impairments, and au�sm with no direct cost to families:

• Evalua�ons

• Evalua�ons

• Early Interven�on (Birth-3)

• Early Interven�on (Birth-3)



• CSE I�nerant Services

• CSE I�nerant Services

• ABA Home Programs

• ABA Home Programs

Related Services:

• Speech


• Parent Training

Related Services: • Speech • OT/PT • Parent Training • Family Support Services

• Family Support Services

Special Ed Classes:

Special Ed Classes:

• Preschool (3-5)

• Preschool (3-5)

• School age (5-12)

• School age (5-12)

• Inclusion

• Inclusion

750 Hicksville Road, Seaford, NY 11783

750 Hicksville Road, Seaford, NY 11783


• www.li�levillage.org

516.520.6000 • www.li�levillage.org

Funded and regulated by Nassau County (NCDOH) and Suffolk County (SCDOH) Departments of Health & NYS Educa�on Department

Funded and regulated by Nassau County (NCDOH) and Suffolk County (SCDOH) Departments of Health & NYS Educa�on Department

Providing Services for over 50 Years, The Hagedorn Li�le Village School, Jack Joel Center for Special Children (HLVS), is a not-for-profit program that provides services for infants and children up to 12 years of age with learning, language, and social delays, motor impairments, and au�sm with no direct cost to families: Early Interven�on (El) and Commi�ee for Preschool Special Educa�on (CPSE) services are for children who have or who are suspected of having a developmental delay or disability. Evalua�ons must be referred by NCDOH/SCDOH for El and/or to the local school district for CPSE. Services are provided based on an individual child's elegibility as established by NYS DOH and/or NYS

Providing Services for over 50 Years, The Hagedorn Li�le Village School, Jack Joel Center for Special Children (HLVS), is a not-for-profit program that provides services for infants and children up to 12 years of age with learning, language, and social delays, motor impairments, and au�sm with no direct cost to families: Early Interven�on (El) and Commi�ee for Preschool Special Educa�on (CPSE) services are for children who have or who are suspected of having a developmental delay or disability. Evalua�ons must be referred by NCDOH/SCDOH for El and/or to the local school district for CPSE. Services are provided based on an individual child's elegibility as established by NYS DOH and/or NYS ED department and local government at no direct cost to parents. Parents are responsible for fees/costs associated with children.

ED department and local government at no direct cost to parents. Parents are responsible for fees/costs associated with children.

May 2023 | Long Island Family 7

My Child Wants to Be a Vegetarian

A guide for concerned parents

Vegetarian diets are on the rise all over the world. Statistics have shown that roughly five percent of the population in the United States follows a vegetarian diet. And these numbers aren’t limited just to adults: around five percent of youth ages 8 to 17 describe themselves as vegetarian.

Reasons why people choose to follow a vegetarian diet are varied and can include things like health reasons or ethical reasons. If your child decides they want to follow a vegetarian diet, there are plenty of ways you can support them, even without becoming a vegetarian yourself.

We sat down with pediatrician Dr. TJ Gold from Tribeca Pediatrics to talk about what parents can do if their child decides they want to pursue a vegetarian diet.

My child told me they want to be a vegetarian. What should I do?

Off the bat, it’s important to go into the

conversation with an open mind and think about letting children, especially teens and adolescents, make their own choices when it comes to food.

“This conflict with teenagers and parents is always something we want to avoid,” Gold says. “We want to give kids autonomy with that so that they’re truly learning how to make those good choices.”

That said, it’s still important to provide support and oversight. For example, have a conversation with your child about why they want to become a vegetarian and what that means in terms of food choices going forward.

Gold says sometimes adolescents and teenagers don’t want to eat meat, “but their life is a potato chip and cheese pizza diet.”

“Technically, that’s a vegetarian diet, but just not eating meat doesn’t necessitate or guarantee that you have a healthy vegetarian diet,” Gold says. “There is a word in there called ‘vegetable.’”

While teens should have autonomy in what they eat, especially as they get older, parents should provide guidance to ensure that their kids are still getting the nutrients they need after switching to a vegetarian diet.

At the same time, parents should be aware of how much control they’re exercising over food choice.

“Kids aren’t going to follow things if it becomes a chore or it’s complicated or their parents are always having to follow them around and make sure they get things,” Gold says.

Gold recommends that parents talk to their kids about what their bodies need and giving them control within that guidance.

“I really want to enroll them,” Gold says. “And usually it’s just giving them some of these simple guidelines.”

How can parents make sure that their vegetarian children are still getting what they need from a nutritional standpoint?

Taking meat out of a diet can leave gaps in essential nutrients.

While taking supplements to fill these gaps is always an option, but Gold recommends getting what you need through food first.

“It’s not unnatural to supplement,” Gold says. “But I really want it to be eaten in the

8 NewYorkFamily.com | May 2023
ask the expert

food itself as opposed to having to pop pills.”

Gold outlined where some of these gaps can occur and provided recommendations on how to get those nutrients without meat.

Protein : Essential nutrients for the human body, protein is used to build things like muscles and organs in the body. Aside from meat, protein can come from things like dairy, eggs, beans, lentils, seeds and avocado.

Vitamin D : Vitamin D is important for bone health. It can be tricky to maintain adequate vitamin D levels, even for nonvegetarians, considering a large portion of our vitamin D comes from the Sun.

“The world is pretty sun-phobic, because of trying to have healthy skin and avoid skin cancer,” Gold says. “So we’re already starting off a bit vitamin D deficient.”

For vegetarians, “literally the only vitamin D source that exists naturally is mushrooms.” Gold says. “It’s not like mushrooms are always the big fan favorite for young kids.”

If you have a mushroom hater on your hands, look for things like milk with vitamin D added.

Vitamin B12 : Found almost exclusively in animal products, vitamin B12 is essential for things like red blood cell formation, nerve function and the production of DNA. It’s difficult for vegetarians to get enough vitamin b12 because it’s mostly found in meat.

To supplement, turn to foods like eggs, fortified cereals and nutritional yeast.

Iron : Iron is important for red blood cells and is commonly found in red meats. For vegetarians, look for iron in fortified cereals, eggs, leafy green vegetables, kidney beans and lentils.

An important thing to remember is that absorption of iron from plant based sources is much lower than the absorption from animal based sources.

Gold recommends squeezing lemons and limes onto leafy greens. The vitamin C from the lemons and lime “enhances the ability to get that iron out of the plant network of fibers,” Gold says.

While getting the right nutrients is important, don’t get bogged down in making sure your vegetarian kid eats the entire food pyramid every single day.

“It’s unrealistic, and I think it makes the whole process a little more anxietyproducing, especially for parents,” Gold says.

How can parents cooking for their whole family accommodate everyone, including their vegetarian kid? Family dinners don’t always have to center around meat. The vegetable can be at the center of the meal.

“There are so many exciting things we can do with vegetables,” Gold says. “The vegetable items themselves can be an entire meal.”

For dinners like this, Gold says the meat can be an additive for those who want to eat it, but dinners don’t have to be just side dishes for the vegetarian kid.

Parents can also get their kids involved in cooking dinner, whether that’s one dinner a week, a side dish or another arrangement that makes sense for the family.

Not everyone in the family has to become a vegetarian alongside your kid, but there’s plenty of ways to support your vegetarian child in their choice.

May 2023 | Long Island Family 9

Why Do Kids Get Nosebleeds?

An expert weighs in on how to curb them

Nosebleeds are a common issue, especially in kids and especially in the cold, dry winter months. But even knowing this, it can be scary to find that your kid has a bloody nose.

While many nosebleeds are one-off problems, other kids get nosebleeds pretty frequently. What causes nosebleeds, and when should you be concerned about them?

We sat down with Dr. Alyssa Hackett, pediatric otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat doctor) with ENT and Allergy Associates, to talk about what causes nosebleeds in kids and how to curb them.

One of the most common causes of nosebleeds in children is caused by the dryness in the air that occurs, for example, in the fall or when the heat gets turned on in your building in the winter months.

“That dryness is important because it can dry out the mucus membranes, specifically the ones that are in the very front of the nose, where there are some fragile blood vessels that can crack open and bleed,” Hackett says.

You also may notice that your child with seasonal allergies tends to get a lot of nosebleeds.

“It’s not that the allergies cause the nosebleeds,” Hackett says. “But if you’re constantly rubbing your nose, that will be a triggering point.”

Other families may notice frequent nosebleeds in their children during the summer.

“If you’re running around in the heat, your body flushes everywhere, including these blood vessels in the front of the nose,” Hackett says.

Overall, there are many factors that can trigger nosebleeds, and they’re not limited to a single season.

“We see nosebleeds year–round,” Hackett says. “Not just in the fall and winter.”

What Steps Can Parents Take At Home to Mitigate Nosebleeds?

Increasing the moisturization and cleanliness

of the nose can be helpful, especially in drier parts of the year. In winter months, mucus can dry up on the inside of the nostril on fragile skin.

“They can act like knives,” Hackett says. “They just sort of cut right through those blood vessels.”

Using an ointment like Aquaphor can help clean out some of this dried up mucus and add a protective layer to the inside of the nostril. A saltwater spray is also a good way to add moisturization into the nose throughout the day.

Hackett says the key to these at-home treatments is sticking to them.

“You have to be consistent with it,” Hackett says.

To build this habit, Hackett recommends keeping the bottle of nasal spray next to the hand soap in the bathroom and encouraging kids to use it after washing their hands.

This method adds the step into their bathroom routine and “it becomes a little less burdensome” than telling them to do it three or four times a day, Hackett says.

When Should Parents Be Concerned About Frequent Nosebleeds?

In a majority of cases, nosebleeds even as frequent as once a week is “more of an inconvenience rather than it is dangerous,” Hackett says. There are rare instances when frequent nosebleeds are indicative of a larger problem, but those cases are typically accompanied by additional symptoms.

For example, if you have a child who has easy bleeding and bruising in other places on their body, it could be a sign of some other blood disorder and it’s a good idea to get a pediatrician involved to run some blood work.

Hackett also mentioned if you have a teenage boy who gets massive one-sided nosebleeds, that’s worth getting looked at; it could be a sign of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, a rare tumor that generally affects teenage boys.

Even though most nosebleed cases aren’t cause for immediate concern, families can see a doctor and get reassurance at any point.

“Nosebleeds are a really common issue,” Hackett says. “So anytime families are worried, we’re always happy to check it out.”

10 NewYorkFamily.com | May 2023

We Buy, Sell And Trade Gently Used Items!

We Buy, Sell And Trade Gently Used Items!

Bring in your nearly new kid’s stuff, and we’ll pay you cash on the spot for all items accepted.

Shoes and Accessories

• Casual and Dress Shoes • Sleepwear

All equipment and toys must be less than 5 years old and not to be recalled


• Changing Tables & Dressers

• Bassinets & Cradles

• Glider Rockers, Book Cases, Toy Boxes

Books and ToysBooksToys

• Children’s Books

• Infant-Preschool Toys

• Outdoor Toys

• Puzzles


• Newborn to Size 14 (0-12 months must have tags)

• Play Clothes

• Dresswear & Outerwear


• High Chairs & Swings

• Gates

• Pack N Plays, Bouncy Seats, Walkers, Exersaucers

Used Items Buy Back Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 9am-1pm Visit our Website at onceuponachildseaford.com


1089 Hicksville Road, Seaford 1/4 Mile North of Southern State Parkway (exit 29N, Rte. 107) Store Hours: Monday-Saturday 9am-6pm; Sunday 11am-5pm

Clothing must be in good condition, of current style, freshly laundered and neatly organized in boxes or other folding containers. Toys, equipment and furniture items must include all original parts, be clean and in good working condition, and meet all industry safety standards. Because the safety of children is a top priority of Once Upon a Child, we are unable to purchase recalled or retrofitted products. We reserve the right to refuse items based on condition, current inventory levels and past experience.

Bring in your nearly new kid’s stuff, and we’ll pay you cash on the spot for all items accepted. Shoes and Accessories • Casual and Dress Shoes • Sleepwear WE ACCEPT ALL SEASON CHILDREN'S APPAREL All equipment and toys must be less than 5 years old and not to be recalled Kid’s Stuff With Previous ExperienceTM Used Items Buy Back Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 9am-1pm Visit our Website at onceuponachildseaford.com 516-579-4200 1089 Hicksville Road, Seaford 1/4 Mile North of Southern State Parkway (exit 29N, Rte. 107) Store Hours: Monday-Saturday 9am-6pm; Sunday 11am-5pm • Changing Tables & Dressers • Bassinets & Cradles • Glider Rockers, Book Cases, Toy Boxes FurnitureFurniture • Newborn to Size 14 (0-12 months must have tags) • Play Clothes • Dresswear & Outerwear ClothingClothing • High Chairs & Swings • Gates • Pack N Plays, Bouncy Seats, Walkers, Exersaucers EquipmentEquipment • Children’s Books • Infant-Preschool Toys • Outdoor Toys • Puzzles Books and ToysBooksToys Clothing must be in good condition, of current style, freshly laundered and neatly organized in boxes or other folding containers. Toys, equipment and furniture items must include all original parts, be clean and in good working condition, and meet all industry safety standards. Because the safety of children is a top priority of Once Upon a Child, we are unable to purchase recalled or retrofitted products. We reserve the right to refuse items based on condition, current inventory levels and past experience.
Kid’s Stuff With Previous ExperienceTM

Thriving at CAMP in

the arts, sports, and STEM/STEAM Programs

Camp season is quickly approaching. As your child is getting excited about a summer of fun and new adventures, as a parent, it is also exciting to have them have the opportunity to foster new skills. Camp is a time for kids to continually develop their social/emotional learning, boost their self-esteem, and tap into their creativity. And while many of us think of camps as roasting smores and water games, which is on point -summer camps also off programs such as art, dance, music, STEM/STEAM programs, and sports. These subjects help kids tap into new topics and freely explore!

Below, we are sharing examples of the many benefits of specialty programs at camp and how they will help your child soar this summer - and beyond!

Art Programs at Camp

Art programs at camp offer an incredible way for your child to express themselves and unleash their creativity. Alicia Skovera, Executive Director of the American Camp Association, NY and NJ noted, “Art is often one of children’s favorite school subjects, but it usually only happens once a week.”

At camp, kids can explore art through a variety of modalities. Alicia stated, “Art is offered daily with beading, jewelry making, painting, tie dying, ceramics, and more.” These multiple disciplines allow children to explore forms of art that they might not have access to at school or from supplemental programs. They will have the opportunity to test out new forms of expression and discover new ways to showcase their creative side.

Other artistic forms of expression your camper might enjoy at traditional or specialty camps are dance, theater, and music. Dance allows kids to express themselves through movement; theater helps kids engage and communicate with others; music can help with memory, focus, and group communication.

Alicia stated, “Campers can explore their creativity, express themselves through the arts, and discover a new favorite interest.”


There has been an enormous concentration on STEM/STEAM programming over the past few years. STEM focuses on science, technology, engineering, and math, while STEAM focuses on science, technology, engineering, math, and the arts.

These programs help foster a child’s creativity, encourage experimentation, develop their problem-solving skills, and help to develop their critical thinking skills as they engage in fun, educational, and interactive activities.

Alicia shared, “From science experiments to building challenges to rocketry, children can engage in experiential learning at camp without grades or homework!”

Some camps include STEAM/STEM activities such as coding, game making, animation, YouTube production, digital arts, video game design, 3D printing, and more. These modalities can help make learning fun and exciting and lay the foundation for the school year ahead and help enhance their passion/interest in these subjects.

“These hands-on activities foster creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking en-

gagingly and interactively, allowing children to learn something new daily,” Alicia added.

Sports at Camp

Sports are a huge part of summer camp where kids can try out new activities, move their bodies, and work as a team. Kids will also be able to exert independence, develop confidence, learn new skills, utilize strategic thinking, help with mental clarity, and further develop their communication skills.

Alicia stated, “Camp is the perfect environment for children to try new sports. Not only do sports at camp give children a chance to try out a new sport in a non-competitive environment, but sports also foster teamwork and keep kids moving. Many times, children go home from camp wanting to play a new sport at home after discovering it at camp!”

This includes the opportunity to enjoy a range of modalities such as swimming, basketball, soccer, climbing, tennis, running, baseball, gymnastics, horseback riding, and much more.

Summer camp will create a lifetime of memories and bring joy to your child’s life. A huge component is the many specialty programs that can help boost your child’s confidence, promotes their growth, and encourage them to try new things as they have fun.

12 NewYorkFamily.com | May 2023
May 2023 | Long Island Family 13 NOW OPEN IN LAKE SUCCESS AND GARDEN CITY PARK! britishswimschool.com/lakesuccess britishswimschool.com/gardencitypark 718-576-1870

b eth Sholom Day c amp

401 Roslyn Rd, Roslyn Heights 516-620-2022

office@bethsholomdaycamp. com


Beth Sholom Day Camp, for children aged 3-15 years old, encourages children to try new activities, build friendships and develop skills in a safe and nurturing environment. Campers participate in a variety of activities - swim, sports, arts, science and more! American Red Cross swim instruction is offered in three heated pools onsite. The camp program includes Kosher lunch and 2 snacks daily and door to door bus transportation. New for 2023 - Towel Service!

c amps r u s

Locations in Baldwin, Bellmore, Deer Park, East Rockaway, Farmingdale, Hicksville, Melville, St. James, Syosset, Valley Stream, and Williston Park, 516-935-CAMP (2267)



At Camps ‘R’ Us, their mission is to provide Long Island families with an accredited, award-winning, and affordable camp experience. Family owned and operated, and celebrating 30 years in 2023, kids love spending their summer with friends, making meaningful memories, and developing positive relationships with their camp counselors. Families love having the peace of mind that comes with knowing their children are cared for in a safe, nurturing environment.

c amp Garden city

245 Stewart Avenue, Garden City, NY 11530 212-641-0438

campgardencity.com info@campgardencity.com

Camp Garden City is a day camp offering spring and summer programs to keep young minds engaged. They create a safe, fun-filled camp

experience to capture the magic of summer. Campers are encouraged to play, create and innovate. Their well-trained staff mold campers’ interests and talents into entrepreneurial pursuits. They have a professionally curated curriculum, including art, dance and soccer. Campers go on weekly trips to incredible sites across Long Island.

cold Spring h arbor l aboratory

DNA Learning Center

One Bungtown Road, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 516-367-5170 summercamps.dnalc.org

Hands-On Science Summer Camps! Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DNA Learning Center (DNALC) provides biology-focused lab enrichment programs to students entering grades 6-12. Week-long in-person science camps are held

at three locations: at the Dolan DNALC in Cold Spring Harbor, the DNALC NYC @ City Tech in Brooklyn, and the Regeneron DNALC in Sleepy Hollow. Led by experienced instructors, campers learn to use sophisticated laboratory and computer equipment to perform advanced experiments at grade levels beyond their peers. Scholarships are available!

Destination Science


Nassau: Garden City, Manhasset

Suffolk: Babylon, Commack, Huntington Station, Sayville, Setauket info@destinationscience.org destinationscience.org

For 23 years Destination

Science has been the fun science camp for curious kids 5-11! This summer, become a robot engineer, explore coaster science, create a biobot and join the DS space force! Participate in 15 STEM activities weekly, make &

Syosset-OldWestbury-Farmingdale-Patchogue Southampton-Westhampton/Riverhead NassauCommunityCollege-SuffolkCommunityCollege

14 NewYorkFamily.com | May 2023 C amps Di R e CT o R y | Special Advertising Supplement
Enrolltodayat:FSCAMPS.COM SPORTS,SPECIALTY,STEAMEDUCATION FlexibleWeeklySessions-ExpertAdultCoaches State-of-the-ArtFacilities SkillDevelopment-DailyWaterActivities 914.273.8500 Scan tolearnmore
May 2023 | Long Island Family 15 ALL NEW 2023 Camp Themes! ∞ Rescue Robot Mystery Camp ∞ Artemis Moon Mission Camp ∞ BioBot & Roller Coaster Camp Use Code SAVE20 for an additional $20/wk! ends 6/01 DestinationScience.org 888.909.2822 hemes! mp mp Great Locations! Babylon, Commack, Garden City, Hicksville, Huntington Station, Manhasset, Setauket TheFunScience Day Camp For Curious Kids Ages5-11! Great Savings! bethsholomdaycamp.com ☼ 516-620-2022 ☼ Roslyn Heights Scan to learn more: New for 2023: Towel Service & Ultimate Ninja Warrior Course Call or email to schedule your tour! Fun for Ages 3-15 Transportation & Nut-Free Lunch Included Swim, Sports, Arts, Trips and more... Mention thisadtoget aspecialdiscount! summercamps.dnalc.org ONING GENETICS BIOTECHNOLOGY DNA DING FORENSICS CAMPS DNA LEARNING CENTER SCIENCE TODAY! On the web: SCAN ME! SCAN FOR WEBSITE CL B I OINFORMATICS CO D A T A SCIENCE ENROLLL Ontheweb: GET HANDS-ON WITH SCIENCE THIS SUMMER! • Entering grades 6–12 • Brooklyn, Long Island, & Westchester • Week-long day camps • Authentic lab experiences • Real-world applications • Dynamic instructors • Knowledge and skills for the classroom and beyond!

take projects, three science stations per day, plus games, challenges, silly songs and all the fun of camp! Destination Science Camp gets kids excited about science and builds great life skills including curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, cooperation, persistence and more! Register by June 1st and save $10 per week!

e xtreme STeam Science

k ids at Park Shore

450 Deer Park Road, Dix Hills 631-499-8580

ExtremeSTEAMScienceCamp. com


Does your child LOVE science and technology?

Kids can join this one-of-a -kind educational summer program featuring robotics, mechanical and electrical engineering, coding, science, art, and mathematics - all while having fun! Located in the three-story STEAM Science Center and

Hydroponics Lab on a 15 acre campus featuring scientific field trips. Their thematic 2-week sessions are geared to stimulate curiosity in science. A morning program is available with the option to extend the day and experience all of the amazing activities at Park Shore.

future Stars Summer

c amps

8 Long Island Locations Weekly Sessions 914-273-8500 fscamps.com

Future Stars offers 15+ STEAM Education, Arts and Specialty camps.

Everything from LEGO Robotics, 3D Printing and Drone Adventure, to Dance, Drama and Art. They even have an Adventure Camp program where campers go off-site and participate in exciting activities such as surfing, kayaking, indoor rock climbing, ropes courses and ninja warrior gyms.

With 8 convenient locations across Long Island and over 40 programs to choose from, there is something for everyone.

kenwal Day c amp

100 Drexel Ave., Melville 631-694-3399



Kenwal Day Camp is a family owned, traditional day camp where the main goal is to create a fun, safe environment in which ALL campers thrive. Their programs are supervised by teachers and college students, ensuring exciting, adventurous, fun filled days. Kenwal is the camp where your child can start at age 3, in a nurturing “camp within a camp” program. These campers are still thriving at age 16 in the Teen, CIT and Extreme Teen Overnight Travel Programs. Along their journey, campers will constantly be challenged in a

fun environment designed so that all campers succeed!

The long i sland m useum

1200 Route 25A, Stony Brook 631-751-0066 x212


educators@longislandmuseum. org

It’s time to register for the Long Island Museum’s 2023 summer camps! From gallery tours and hands-on experiences to art making and outdoor exploration, the LIM has it all. Students will enjoy summer days on the LIM’s grounds of lovely gardens, with a fountain framed by historic buildings as well as beautifully crocheted trees and the Museum’s latest sculpture installations. All camps are $200 for members and $225 for non-members. Financial Assistance, in the form of partial scholarships, may be provided.

Play. Create. Innovate.

16 NewYorkFamily.com | May 2023 C amps Di R e CT o R y | Special Advertising Supplement
We create a safe, fun-filled camp experience to capture the and talents into entrepreneurial pursuits. Curriculum includes art, dance and soccer. Campers go on weekly trips to incredible sites across Long Island! We’re so Social Follow us @newyorkfamily on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and tag us #newyorkfamily in your NYC adventures!

Par�ner wi�h Us

With author Lenore Skenazy

Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 4 p.m. ET

It’s time to change the way we look at obstacles and stop making assumptions that our kids are incapable of clearing their own path in life. Join author, columnist, blogger and reality TV show host Lenore Skenazy, aka “The World’s Worst Mom,” for a talk laced with humor, wit and the unvarnished truth: Your kids can be independent. Skenazy will share simple but powerful ways anxious parents can counteract the urge to overprotect their children, move away from fear-based parenting, and give their bubble-wrapped children the freedom to develop confidence and resilience the natural way: through unstructured, child-directed play.

Parents, Anxious Kids: Parenting
Worst Mom"
the "World's
Presents Register for FREE at NewYorkFamily.com/LIParentEd
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Choosing a Montessori Education

Montessori schools have been a hotbutton topic for years as they’ve become more popular in the American schooling system. While there are countless reasons to send your child to this alternative type of schooling, you may still need more of an understanding of how Montessori schools work. Of course, every child has unique and individual needs, but let’s look at the features of Montessori schools and how your child may thrive in a Montessori environment.

What is the Montessori Method?

The Montessori method was founded by an Italian physician named Dr. Maria Montessori in 1907. She observed that children in her care were able to teach themselves by taking the lead in hands-on activities, such as solving puzzles or preparing their own food. From these observations, she derived a method of teaching that aims to “follow the child”, allowing them to set their own pace for learning. While most conventional schools follow a curriculum set by teachers and administrators, the Montessori method entrusts the child to lead the way in their own education.

Montessori schools usually run on a set of 5 principles set forth by the Montessori method:

1. Children are shown respect

2. Kids have absorbent minds

3. Sensitive periods are critical for learning

4. Kids learn best in a prepared environment

5. Kids can teach themselves through auto education

The Looping System

Additionally, some Montessoris run a “looping” system, meaning that students learn in multi-age classrooms or stay with

the same teacher for two or more years, allowing teacher and student to build a strong bond and understanding of one another. Montessori also prides itself on the physical learning setting, and they consider the classroom environment to be just as important as the teachers and learning materials.

High Test Scores

The reward of attending a Montessori school is worth it for many families. The research surrounding the effectiveness of the Montessori method is still ongoing, but many studies indicate higher test scores and performance of Montessori students compared to students in traditional schools, especially low-income students. Across the board, students who attend a Montessori school score higher on social-emotional scales than their non-Montessori peers.

So, for whom exactly is Montessori the

right choice? Many parents choose this method for their child-led education and may know intuitively that their child may benefit from working at their own pace. The method of child-led education and allowing a child to set their own pace and curriculum can be incredibly beneficial for students who struggle with the structure of traditional schooling. Students who are neurodivergent or have a learning disability may also thrive in a Montessori environment. Additionally, the method shows encouraging results in helping underprivileged populations get ahead in their education and Montessori pride itself on racial and economic diversity.

The Montessori method has been around for more than 100 years, and its expansion in the US education system shows no sign of slowing down. If you’re interested in Montessori for your child, check out our Montessori directory to learn more about the choices available!

18 NewYorkFamily.com | May 2023
The history and method of this popular type of school

countryside m ontessori School

354 Lakeville Road, lower level, Great Neck 516-466-8422

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May 2023 | Long Island Family 19
Countryside Montessori School offers children, 18 months to 6 years, a well-balanced and enriched curriculum which includes traditional subjects, art, and music. They are located on an estate-like setting with an outdoor playground and nature walks. Classrooms are fully equipped and spacious. Countryside Montessori is offering in-person camp for children ages 18 months to 6 years old. There are morning academics for the older children and playtime for all children. Now Registering for Camp

What it is and why it’s banned in NYC’s public schools

You may have seen a lot of news recently about ChatGPT and other advanced artificial intelligence (AI) programs that are skyrocketing in popularity. The technology has made waves in recent months and is already receiving its share of criticism.

In fact, since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, its usage has been banned in companies like Amazon, Verizon, and JP Morgan, as well as being banned from college campuses and schools around the country, including New York City public schools. This begs the questions, what exactly is ChatGPT? How does it work, and why is it sparking so much debate and discourse?

ChatGPT is the seminal product of OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research lab that was founded in 2015 by Elon Musk and other tech entrepreneurs. It uses AI and algorithms to generate responses to questions and simulate conversation. Its Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (GPT) is taught to understand human language by being fed a huge sample of text and information from the internet. Essentially, the more information that the AI is given, the more accurate and precise it’s able to be in its responses.

This is not new technology- for example, every Google search you make uses AI to predict what you’re going to ask and analyze your searches to direct you to the best results. What makes ChatGPT different from other AIs and chatbots is its accuracy and versatility in mimicking conversation and generating content and knowledge. Instead of merely answering a user’s question, ChatGPT is able to hold real dialogue, ask follow-up questions, argue different premises, and even correct its own mistakes.

Even more incredible is the AI’s ability to produce longform content. With just one detailed prompt, ChatGPT can solve mathematical equations, generate web copy or year-end reports, write film scripts, essays, proposals, and much more. It can serve as a tool to provide a jumping off point for a project, fix grammatical and structural

mistakes, or produce a complete and fully fleshed out paper of any length.

This is where complications arise surrounding the use of ChatGPT and other AI systems in school and in the workplace. Because the technology is so advanced and accessible to the public (it’s currently completely free to use), educators and employers alike are worried about the potential for an increase in plagiarized and nonoriginal work.

“While the tool may be able to provide quick and easy answers to questions, it does not build critical-thinking and problemsolving skills, which are essential for academic and lifelong success,” said Jenna Lyle, a spokesperson for the NYC Department of Education.

While this sentiment is shared among many educators, others believe that the system should be incorporated into teaching curriculums rather than banned from it, with some comparing the current panic around the chatbot to the early reaction to Google and the accessibility of information on the internet.

Engineers at OpenAI are aware of the concerns surrounding their product, saying in a statement, “We don’t want ChatGPT to be used for misleading purposes in schools or anywhere else, so we’re already developing mitigations to help anyone identify text generated by that system”. The company also claims that the system is not perfect, and that it may sometimes produce content that is inappropriate, inaccurate, or otherwise harmful, and should therefore never be used for advice or crucial projects.

The future potential and impact of ChatGPT and AI in general is unknown and constantly evolving. As these programs become more advanced and adept at performing human tasks, society will inevitably need to learn to accept and incorporate them into everyday life. While the list of institutions that have banned the usage of ChatGPT continues to grow, it is hard to know how attitudes will change in the coming months and years. For now, much like our AI counterparts, we will have to observe, learn, and adapt to this new era of artificial intelligence.

20 NewYorkFamily.com | May 2023

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Since 2012, One River School of Art + Design has transformed the summer camp experience by developing the most fun and compelling creative camps. With 90+ innovative weekly options, our program allows Teens and Kids to select from a wide range of studio art, digital art, and design experiences. *Manhasset location opening this July*

Directors: Carol & Geri Kushner

May 2023 | Long Island Family 21
a RT s F o R ki D s Di R e CT o R y Special Advertising Supplement
Piano, Voice, Flute, Clarinet & Saxophone Suzuki, Traditional and ABRSM Methods 90 Plandome Road, Manhasset, NY 11030 www.MiliMusic.com • 516.627.7052 June 23, 2023 Gala Concert REGISTER NOW Summer Private Lessons

15 Best Family-Friendly Hiking Trails

Hiking is a great way to get outside, be active and spend time with your family. This spring and summer head out and explore one of the many trails that Long Island has to offer. Wherever you end up going, remember to bring sunscreen and bug spray! Listed below are some of the best trails for families around Montauk, Riverhead, Huntington, Oyster Bay and Hempstead.

m onTauk h ikin G Trail S

Hither Hills Coastal Trail

164 Old Montauk Hwy, Montauk, NY 11954

3.3 miles

If you’re looking for a hike filled with beautiful ocean views from beginning to end, Hither Hills Coastal Trail is for you! This 3.3 mile trail runs right along the water. Enjoy listening to the peaceful sound of crashing waves the entire time. There are ticks in the area, so make sure to check yourself, your family, and your pets at the end of the hike.

Walking Dunes Trail

2.7 miles

Like the Hither Hills Coastal Trail, the Walking Dunes Trail is also near Montauk, but when you start this hike you will feel like you’re on a completely different planet. The Walking Dunes Trail is home to a constantly changing landscape of sand dunes. You’ll definitely want to bring bug spray along for this hike, especially during the warmer months of the year!

Battery 113 Trail

Camp Hero Parking, Old Montauk Hwy, Montauk, NY 11954 (parking is across from the old Radar tower)

2.1 miles

Pack some thrill into your next hike by heading down the Battery 113 trail in Montauk. This down-and-back trail leads to an abandoned WWII radio tower! After you’re done, head over and check out the Montauk Point Lighthouse nearby!

Shadmoor State Preserve

900 Montauk Highway, Montauk, NY 11954

2.5 miles

Close to the Montauk Library, Shadmoor State Park is a beautiful place to take your family for a day of hiking along the coast.

This trail has beach access and dogs are permitted before 10am. The views are worth it, but make sure to bring tick spray and stay in the middle of the path as you go! Recent reports reveal bugs and mud, so make sure to check back here to see if conditions change.

r iverheaD h ikin G Trail S Cranberry Bog Loop

3675-3815 Lake Ave, Riverhead, NY 11901

0.9 mile

Situated in the wetlands of Riverhead, Cranberry Bog is a great shorter hike for your kids. The Cranberry Bog Loop will take you across a wooden bridge and through an abandoned cranberry-growing operation. While you hike, keep an eye out for birds and fish!

David A. Sarnoff Pine Barrens Preserve

606 Riverleigh Ave, Riverhead, NY 11901

4.6 miles

If you’re looking for a longer hike, David A. Sarnoff Pine Barrens Preserve in Riverhead is a great option! This hike will take you through a serene pine forest along sandy trails for miles. Just make sure to bring tick spray and apply it before you go!

Indian Island Park Point

Indian Point Rd, Riverhead, NY 11901

1.2 miles

Enjoy beautiful water views when you hike Indian Island Park Point Loop with your family! This generally flat trail is especially great because it provides access to a beach. Just be aware that there’s a daily parking fee. Current rates are available here!

h unTin GTon h ikin G Trail S

Rocky Beach and Warblers Loop


Warbler Lp Trl & Rocky Bch Trl, Lloyd Harbor, NY 11743

12 Target Rock Rd, Lloyd Harbor, NY 11743

1.6 miles

You’ll start in the woods and move towards Rocky Beach when you take Warblers Loop Trail! Dogs aren’t allowed on this trail, so you’ll have to leave your furry friends at home, but Warblers Loop is great for beginner hikers. On your way to the beach, you can also enjoy views of a brackish pond! Prepare to see deer or other wildlife on this


Caumsett State Historic Park Reserve

25 Lloyd Harbor Rd, Lloyd Harbor, NY 11743

5.1 miles

If you’re looking for another longer hike, start in the main parking lot and go all the way to Fresh Pond and back! This hike is the perfect distance for an energetic group, being a little over five miles long. Just like Warblers Loop, you’ll have to leave your pets at home for this trek.

oySTer bay h ikin G Trail S

Cold Spring Harbor State Park

95 Harbor Rd, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724

1.8 miles

About fifteen minutes from Oyster Bay and a few minutes from downtown Huntington, Cold Spring Harbor State Park is filled with hilly terrain and wonderful views. Start at the Cold Spring Harbor Trailhead, follow the trail until Lawrence Hill Road, turn around and hike back the same way for a total of 1.8 miles. Because of the hills, expect for this hike to take longer than others of similar distance on flatter terrain.

Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve

Chicken Valley Rd, Oyster Bay, NY 11771

1.1 miles

Located right inside Oyster Bay, the 1.1 mile loop at Hope Goddard Iselin Preserve is another great place to take your family! As you hike here, keep an eye out for chickadees, red foxes, native sunflowers and spicebush swallowtail butterflies. Dogs are welcome on this loop, but make sure they’re on a leash!

Sagamore Hill Nature Trail

12 Sagamore Hill Rd, Oyster Bay, NY 11771

1.5 miles

Follow the Sagamore Hill Nature Trail through an oak-tulip forest, salt marsh and beach for a hike that’s a little over a mile long! This short trail is awesome for kids, keeping them entertained the entire way through. As you walk, look for some of the many birds that call Sagamore Hill National Historic Site their home!

h em PSTeaD h ikin G Trail S

Hempstead Lake State Park Eagle Ave, West Hempstead, NY 11552

22 NewYorkFamily.com | May 2023
FamilY daY out

3.1 miles

At Hempstead Lake State Park, you can take an easy 3.1 mile hike with your kids along the water. Dogs are allowed on the trail, but make sure they are on a leash! Also, be mindful that the trail is a shared bridle path, so you may encounter horses during your hike. There is a partial closure on this route along the Southern State Parkway, but you and your family can still enjoy the other sections of this trail!

Norman J. Levy Park and Preserve

1600 Merrick Rd, Merrick, NY 11566

2.2 miles

The paved loop trail at Norman J. Levy Park and Preserve provides a nice hike for your family, accompanied by views of the water. Dogs are not allowed at this preserve, but the trails are stroller friendly. While you’re exploring, make sure to check out the preserve’s fishing pier and the herd of Nigerian dwarf goats on the property!

Valley Stream State Park

Valley Stream State Park Rd, Valley Stream, NY 11580

1.5 miles

There’s a paved 1.5 mile loop at Valley Stream State Park that’s perfect for families and accommodates wheelchairs and strollers alike. Like Norman J. Levy Park, no dogs are allowed here. As you walk, there are benches and tables along the trail to stop at, along with a big playground on the north side!

May 2023 | Long Island Family 23

Motherhood FOMO

The pressure of documenting family milestones on social media

Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. Social media can be great for anyone seeking advice on a whole range of topics. But sometimes, the constant scrolling can really become too much. We know a lot about its influence on kids, but what about the effects of social media on mothers?

It’s not uncommon for mothers to overshare their families’ lives on social media. Whether they’re an “influencer” or not, these highlight reels make it easy for their friends and followers to get caught in a comparison trap. In fact, a recent study even confirmed that moms who spend more time online engage in greater levels of social comparison. This can lead to an increase

in cortisol levels and in turn, overall higher stress and negative emotions.

While this shows up most often in first-time moms, moms with multiple kids experience this, too. From their own personal postpartum weight loss journey to their toddlers’ potty training timeline, there’s a ton of pressure to keep up with what seems to feel like a never-ending cycle that continues as children become teenagers, adults and eventually parents themselves.

Some therapists call this social media pressure “motherhood milestone FOMO” (an acronym for fear of missing out). Anisha Patel-Dunn, D.O., psychiatrist, Chief Medical Officer at LifeStance Health, and a mom herself, knows a lot about this topic. She’s been working with patients who are

dealing with this type of pressure. We spoke with Dr. Patel-Dunn, who shared tips for moms on how to cope and have a healthy relationship with social media.

Do you find that moms compare themselves to other mothers on social media? If so, is there a lot of pressure for them to keep up with what their friends, influencers and/or celebrities are posting/sharing?

There is a lot of parenting content on social media, whether from celebrities, influencers or our friends and loved ones. This content often presents as rules or advice for mothers, which can become overwhelming. Another side of this is that many people on social media only present their “best” moments. This is not an accurate representation of their lives. It’s understandable that moms might fall into a comparison trap, which can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety.

Can you talk a bit about what Motherhood Milestone FOMO is?

24 NewYorkFamily.com | May 2023
ask the expert

Motherhood is full of milestones including pregnancy and childbirth, a child’s first steps, their first words and more. If your own timeline or experience doesn’t match up with what you’re seeing friends or celebrities post about on social media, it’s not uncommon to experience feelings of being left behind or even inadequate. Comparison is a common challenge many people face in different aspects of their lives but, for mothers, societal expectations about what makes a “good mother” can make this even more difficult.

Can you explain how moms who spend more time on social media experience more stress and negative emotions?

For those who are experiencing low self-esteem, spending more time on social media and falling into a comparison trap can often exacerbate these feelings. Social media is designed to pull us in and capture our attention. And it can be incredibly challenging to break out of this cycle.

But there are surely positive aspects to social

Additional Tips

Dr. Patel-Dunn shared some additional tips for building a healthier relationship with social media:

• Be mindful of how you feel before, during and after engaging with social media. Get curious about this experience, and ask yourself what boundaries around social media might serve you best.

• Unfollow accounts that lead to an increase in negative emotions or feelings of comparison.

• If you notice yourself falling into a comparison trap, remind yourself that these glimpses of motherhood are not an accurate representation of what is going on in a person’s life.

• Focus on social media sites that offer a sense of community rather than comparison.

• Avoid using social media first thing in the morning or right before you go to bed at night. Give yourself breaks to be present throughout the day.

media, too. What are some benefits of social media for mothers?

I do think one of the silver linings of the last few years is that more people have become open and transparent about their mental health, and this is often seen on social media. It can provide an opportunity to

access a community of like-minded people that you may not be able to access in person depending on your location and personal situation. In that sense, social media can be an incredible benefit by connecting moms with peer support regardless of where they’re based.

May 2023 | Long Island Family 25
Partner with Us Want to reach engaged parents across New York City? Collaborate with the New York Family Media team to spread the word about your launches, promotions and news. Reach us by emailing info@newyorkfamily.com or calling 718.260.4554

Inspector GeneralLucy Lang

on serving New York families while raising a family of her own

At New York Family we rarely interview appointed officials. But New York State Inspector General Lucy Lang is no typical government official. Sure, we had a little extra security on our cover shoot because, well, she is a big deal. But she is also a native New Yorker and a mom of two who loves her job because she is passionate about the state she was born and raised in.

Lucy is so New York that she refers to her family as “interfaith” because she loves the Mets but her hubby is a Yankee fan. Her Instagram is dotted with family outings to classic New York institutions like the American Museum of Natural History, Coney Island and the Children’s Museum of Manhattan. Born, raised, and currently residing in Manhattan, Lucy is raising a young family in NYC, just like myself and many of you. She also has challenges, her youngest was recently diagnosed with Dyslexia (more on that in a bit) and at our cover shoot she was busy balancing the kids, work and home. Sound familiar?

She takes her job as mom seriously, but her family isn’t the only one she’s vowed to serve and protect. In her position, she’s tasked with protecting the most vulnerable New Yorkers. We sat down with Lucy to talk about her two biggest roles: as Inspector General of New York state, and as Mom.

You’re a busy mom! Do you find it difficult to balance career and family life? How do you do it all?

The amazing privilege of serving as Inspector General is that I have the

responsibility to ensure that the agencies’ systems and services that protect vulnerable New York families are doing so with integrity. And it is a tremendous privilege to be able to do that while also raising my own young family. I’m very fortunate to have a very supportive extended family, including my siblings and my parents, and my in-laws. And as your readers will know, it truly does take a village to balance a demanding professional life and the demands of young children. But I feel incredibly fortunate to have the support to be able to do it and the privilege to be able to do it.

What are some of the causes or issues that have become more important to you since becoming a parent? Probably a big question!

Yeah, it is but I’m glad that you asked. I have two brilliant children, one of whom happens to be dyslexic and I have been shocked to learn how much more remains to be done at schools of all kinds to support students with language-based learning differences. And really the true heroes amongst us, our literacy specialists and reading teachers are doing the hard work of building up the next generation of public servants and citizens. And I can’t say enough about how much I admire teachers who teach our kids to read and how much more we need to do to support young readers with a diversity of backgrounds, including with language based learning differences.

Do your kids realize their mom is such a powerhouse? Do they push you to achieve more and continue to be an inspiration?

My kids and the kids in our neighbor-

hood and community are undoubtedly the inspiration that keeps me going when the days feel long and the challenges seem insurmountable. Not long ago I ran for District Attorney, which was a grueling but incredibly moving experience. On election night, after I called my opponent to concede the election and offer him my congratulations, I went home and my son was asleep in my bed. I was crying and it woke him up. He asked what was wrong and I told him that I hadn’t won. And I thought, in that moment, I can either pull it together and put on a brave face for him or I can acknowledge that I tried something really hard and it didn’t work out the way I had hoped and planned. I chose the latter. And he remembers that moment very distinctly.

I think that the vulnerability of leadership is critical, both in a professional context and in a parenting context. And that’s something that I really carry with me, that I feel proud of, that I feel trying hard at things matters. And that success comes in many different forms.

You’re a native New Yorker! What are some of your favorite things to do with your family around the city?

I could go on about this forever because I love New York City! I also have grown to really love New York State so I make two lists. In New York City, we love Coney Island. We love the boardwalk and we even love it there in the winter. We did the Polar Bear Plunge this year which was a totally wild experience and an absolute hoot. My daughter was the bravest of the four of us. She was the first one in the water! It makes me so proud that I have a daughter who will just barrel into the

26 NewYorkFamily.com | May 2023

freezing cold waves on New Year’s Day.

We are major theater-goers; we love to go to theater on and off Broadway. I took my eightyear-old son to his first rock and roll concert this week. We went to see Bruce Springsteen at the Barclays Center, which was really awesome. We are an interfaith household, meaning I’m a Mets fan and my partner Scott is a Yankees fan, so we go to the Subway Series every year. I love New York City’s parks. We spend a lot of time in Morningside Park, in Marcus Garvey Park and in other uptown parks. I also have visited every beach in New York City and love them all for different reasons, but I would say that Far Rockaway is really our go-to favorite family beach.

And then New York State is just such a wealth of beautiful places for families to visit! The Thousand Island region has beautiful pebble beaches. In the parks across the state, the hiking and waterfalls are just extraordinary. I love New York bridges, so the Walkway Over the Hudson is a nice long family walk across and back. In fact, one of the coolest things about this job has been getting to know the North Country and Western New York and beyond, and it has been such a privilege getting to talk to New Yorkers who are very, very different from New York City residents. Learning about the diversity of New York State has been really remarkable and inspiring.

What are some ways you protect New York families in your position as Inspector General?

When I think about protecting vulnerable New York families, I think about our work with the State Department of Social Services and protecting SNAP benefits to make sure that folks have access to a fair system that functions the way it’s supposed to. I also think about the work we have been doing around unemployment insurance, to which during and post-pandemic there has been a tremendous amount of fraud committed – which is really coming at a cost to New Yorkers who need unemployment insurance and for whom the system was designed to help during a crisis time like the pandemic. So we’re particularly committed to rooting out corruption and fraud in those areas, because we know that they are of the utmost importance to New York families who are suffering, at a disadvantage or otherwise vulnerable.

Keep up with Lucy and the Inspector General’s office by following @NYStateIG on Instagram and Twitter.

May 2023 | Long Island Family 27
Photo by Yumi Matsuo


long island fairy festival

when : Saturday, May 6, 10 am – 4 pm

where: Sands Point Preserve, 127 Middle Neck Road, Sands Point

aGeS: All

whaT: Celebrate nature, the power of creation, and the magic of imagination with a Fairy House Walk, aerialists, opportunities to create fairy art, and more.

wanT To Go?: $85 per car up to 5 people (Children 3+ through adults); $100 per car for 6-8 people; walkins $15 per person. (516) 571–7901, sandspointpreserveconservancy.org

wizard academy at landmark on main Street

when : Saturday, May 6, 11 am – 1 pm

where: Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main Street, Suite 1, Port Washington

aGeS: All

whaT: You’ll have a magical time at this interactive performance featuring wizardry, comedic antics, and lots of surprises!

wanT To Go?: $28.90. Landmarkonmainstreet.org

Port Promenade

when : Thursday, May 18, 5 –10 pm

where: Port Washington, Main Street from Port Washington Blvd. to Library Drive, Port Washington

aGeS: All

whaT: Bring the family out for an evening of family fun with games, vendors, outdoor dining, live entertainment on three stages, shopping and more!

wanT To Go?: Free. portwashingtonbid.org

The 7th annual wantagh

Spring festival

when : Saturday, May 20, 10 am – 5 pm

where: Wantagh Train Station, along Sunrise (from Beech Street to Oakland Avenue), Wantagh

aGeS: All

whaT: The day will feature children’s rides, a giant craft fair, food court, and more!

wanT To Go?: Free admission. Lifairs.com

cradle- con: a comic, collectible and Pop culture con

when : Saturday, Starting May 20, Daily, 10 am – 5 pm, through May 21.

where: Cradle of Aviation Museum, Charles Lindbergh Boulevard, Garden City

aGeS: 9 and up

whaT: Celebrate all things comic book culture with local comic book creators,

cosplayers, gamers, and more.

wanT To Go?: $25-$30; $12-$15 kids; $40 Weekend Pass. (516) 572–4066, cradleofaviation.org

colonial craft Day

when : Sunday, May 22, 1:30 – 4 pm

where: Rock Hall Museum, 199 Broadway, Lawrence

aGeS: All

whaT: Learn the art of colonial handwriting using goose feathers pens, candle making, assemble your own corn husk doll, and create wampum beads bracelets using clay.

wanT To Go?: Free. friendsofrockhall.org

bethpage air Show

when : Saturday, May 27 and Sunday, May 28, 10 am – 3 pm where: Jones Beach State Park, 1 Ocean Pkwy. Wantagh

aGeS: All

whaT: Be there for this Long Island tradition featuring the United States Air Force Thunderbirds, United States Army Golden Knights, United States Marines F-35B Demo, and so much more!

wanT To Go?: Admission is free; $10 parking fee. bethpageairshow.com

Dan + claudia Zanes

when : Saturday, May 27, 2 pm where: Tilles Center for the Performing Arts, 720 Northern Boulevard, Brookville

aGeS: 3 – 8

whaT: This highly interactive concert will have you dancing and singing along as the duo performs homespun, artful, joyful music for everyone to enjoy.

wanT To Go?: $25. (516) 299–3100, tillescenter.org

138th memorial Day Parade

when : Sunday, May 28, 2:30

28 NewYorkFamily.com | May 2023
dan + claudia Zanes visit the t illes center for the Performing a rts on may 27.


where: Legion Square, Corner of Greenwich St. and Marvin St. Hempstead

aGeS: All

whaT: Join the community to commemorate Memorial Day and remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms.

wanT To Go?: Free. villageofhempstead.org


beach monitoring and clean- up walk

when : April 8-May 27, Saturdays, 10 am

where: Hallock State Park Preserve, 6062 Sound Avenue, Riverhead

aGeS: All

whaT: Volunteer as a family to clean up the beach and support marine conservation.

wanT To Go?: Free. (631) 315–5475, parks.ny.gov

baby Shower for wildlife

when : Sunday, May 7, 1 – 3 pm

where: Sweetbriar Nature Center, 62 Eckernkamp Drive, Smithtown

aGeS: All

whaT: Celebrate the busy spring baby animal season and meet some of the resident wildlife.

wanT To Go?: $10 per child and $5 per adult. (631) 979–6344, sweetbriarnc.org

STemtastic Star wars Day: may the 4th be with you!

when : Sunday, May 7, 2 – 3 pm

where: John Jermain Library, 201 Main Street, Sag Harbor

aGeS: 6 – 11

whaT: Play games and build your own lightsabers using circuits.

wanT To Go?: Free. johnjermain.org

Searching for eastern red-backed Salamanders

when : Saturday, May 13, 9 am where: South Fork Natural History Museum (SoFo), 377 Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike, Bridgehampton, NY

aGeS: 6 and up

whaT: Learn about the secret life of the Eastern Red-backed Salamander and search for these fascinating critters while learning about their life underground.

wanT To Go?: $15; $10 per child. This program fee will also provide non-members with free admission to the museum on a day of their choice. Members are free. sofo.org

all hands on Deck!

when : Saturday, May 20, 12 pm – 1 pm & 2 – 3 pm.

where: The Whaling Museum & Education Center, 301 Main Street, Cold Spring Harbor aGeS: All whaT: Celebrate National Maritime Weekend and discover the fascinating ways crews from Long Island worked together to sail the world, design a ship-in-a-jar craft, and more.

wanT To Go?: $10 participant; museum members $5 plus admission: $8; $6 seniors 62 and older and ages 4-17. cshwhalingmuseum.org

fleece & fiber festival

when : Sunday, May 21, 10 am – 4 pm

where: Hallockville Museum and Farm, 6038 Sound Ave. Riverhead aGeS: All

whaT: Check out shearing demonstrations, fiber artisans, and a petting zoo, along with food trucks, bake sale, and more!

wanT To Go?: $10. hallockville.org

memorial Day baby animal festival

when : May 27-29, SaturdayMonday, 10 am – 6 pm

where: Harbes Family Farm, 715 Sound Avenue, Mattituck

aGeS: All

whaT: Visit the Barnyard Adventure to spend the weekend with adorable baby goats and sheep, see the pig races, go on a hayride, and more. Plus, enjoy great food and live music!

wanT To Go?: $25.95. harbesfamilyfarm.com


when : May 27-June 17, Saturdays, 11 am

where: Theatre Three, 412 Main Street, Port Jefferson

aGeS: 3 and up

whaT: This classic love story

finds its power in a pumpkin, a palace, a prince and a young girl whose belief in herself can overcome any obstacle.

wanT To Go?: $10. (631) 473–5220, theatrethree.com

mosaic Street Painting festival

when : Sunday, May 28, 12 pm – 5 pm

where: East End Arts, East Main Street, Riverhead aGeS: All

whaT: Watch artists in action, participate in family-oriented activities, check out live performances, sample the local food trucks, and more!

wanT To Go?: Free admission. eastendarts.org

nyC wink

when : Sundays, 11 am, through May 7; May 6 & 7, 3 pm.

where: New Victory Theater, 209 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036, New York

aGeS: 4-7

whaT: Don’t sleep on this show about the sweet dreams of a small girl and her teddy as they adventure across land, sea and air.

wanT To Go?: Tickets start at $25. (646) 223–3010, newvictory.org

May 2023 | Long Island Family 29 MAY calendar
cradle-con: a comic, collectible and Pop culture con comes to the cradle of aviation museum in Garden city on may 20 to 21. enroll at the Wizard a cademy at l andmark on main street on may 6.

Should I Hire a Nanny or a Babysitter?

They both care for your kids and are responsible for keeping them safe, but there are significant differences between a nanny and babysitter. If you want to find the right childcare fit for your family, it’s important to fully understand how a nanny’s job differs from a babysitter’s job and vice versa.

What is a nanny?

A nanny cares for children when their parents are at work on a full-time or part-time basis depending on the family’s needs. Nannies are often an alternative to daycare or aftercare, though usually have more experience or training than your average after school or weekend babysitter. Because nannies typically spend a lot of time with your children at your home, they are naturally immersed in your family’s life. Nannies often prepare kids’ meals, help with homework, and may even take care of the kids’ laundry. Parents also have nannies take their children to activities, appointments, and playdates. They are responsible for taking care of children’s physical, social, and emotional needs.

What is a babysitter?

A babysitter provides childcare when parents are either at work or have personal engagements during the week or on the weekends. They typically care for kids at the family’s home and are less likely to take children out of the house. Babysitters may or may not be employed on a regular basis depending on the family’s schedule and needs. While babysitters may help kids with their homework, their primary responsibility is the physical and emotional well being of the kids in their care. Babysitters may hold other part- or full-time jobs, which could sometimes impact their availability.

Key differences between a nanny and a babysitter

Experience : Professional nannies care for kids as a career, they typically have more direct experience compared to babysitters. Nannies may also have deeper knowledge of

popular parenting styles and how to handle kids at different developmental stages. However, both nannies and babysitters can receive child-specific education or training, so it’s important to ask for relevant details when you’re hiring, especially if you are looking for your caregiver to have specific certifications or experience levels.

Schedules : For full-time or part-time childcare, your family definitely needs a nanny. If you need an on-call caregiver or someone to watch your kids only a few steady hours a week, a babysitter may best suit your needs. Babysitters often work with a few families at a time, so you may need to develop a relationship with more so you have options for childcare when you need coverage.

Pay : Nannies and babysitters may both require a minimum number of hours (for the week or workday, respectively), then charge based on hours worked, but nannies usually have a higher rate based on their experience and hourly employment status. How nannies and babysitters are paid differs, too. Nannies receive a W-2 along with sick time and

vacation days, whereas babysitters are usually paid in cash since their wages don’t typically meet the threshold for filing for taxes.

Responsibilities : A babysitter’s main job is to supervise kids and encourage play for the handful of hours they’re in charge. They may prep meals or encourage clean up, but any kid-related chores are second to ensuring everyone’s safety and wellbeing. A nanny, however, does much of what a parent does–think scheduling, meal prep, pep talks, rides, etc.–while providing physical, emotional and social support to the children they care for. They’re hands on and often need to guide and discipline children, which requires deeper understanding of childhood development and effective caregiving strategies.

Mommybites.com was founded in 2006. Now owned by New York Family Media, the number one parenting resource for New York families. Mommybites works hard on sharing resources for all moms and families in the New York area, including our most popular feature—our momgenerated nanny board,

30 NewYorkFamily.com | May 2023
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