Scan Magazine | Business Profile | House of Energy
Photo: Peter Halskov House of Energy works to integrate and develop the Danish energy market and assists members to seek funds for sustainable energy projects.
Integrating the energy sectors Almost 50 per cent of Denmark’s electricity today comes from renewable energy sources – the goal is 100 per cent. The Danish cluster organisation House of Energy tells Scan Magazine what it will take to reach that goal.
other countries don’t face it today, they will tomorrow, and that means that we are building significant expertise within an area that has great export potential.”
By Signe Hansen | Photos: House of Energy
With a member base of more than 400 companies and researchers, House of Energy works to integrate and develop the energy market regionally, nationally and internationally. “We want the transformation to 100 per cent renewable energy to be as fast and cost-efficient as possible, and this can only happen if companies in the energy sector collaborate with each other and with science and government institutions,” says cluster manager Preben Birr-Pedersen. “But it will also require an integration of the different energy sectors: electricity, gas and heating. Instead of working separately within each sector, we need to integrate them intelligently and ensure that all the players – from energy production, distribution and storage to the end users – work together.” 82 | Issue 110 | March 2018
One of the challenges with renewable energy is achieving a constant and stable supply of electricity, and this is why collaboration across sectors and borders is vital. The integration of energy systems, as it happens when excess electricity is, via electrolysis, transformed into gas or heating, requires a great extent of development, research and resources – but that is not, stresses BirrPedersen, an obstacle, but rather a reason in itself to pursue it. “To create a truly integrated energy system, it requires a targeted use of digitalisation, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Because we are one of the first countries in the world to have this big a share of renewable energy, we are also one of the first countries to face the challenge of integrating and digitalising it. But if
House of Energy facts: House of Energy was founded via the merger of several regional organisations in 2016. House of Energy provides expert assistance to members applying for Horizon 2020 funding to develop new sustainable energy projects. House of Energy works with companies, researchers and government institutions within the areas of wind energy, gas, heating and integrated and efficient energy solutions. House of Energy and Nordic Energy Research will host a side event during the Nordic Clean Energy Week in Copenhagen and Malmö 21-25 May, 2018.