Discover Germany | Special Theme | Creating My Perfect Office
Fascia Training on the ROLLover system.
Relaxed daily office life
Preventing pain with a ROLLover Founded in 1965, the Mey CHAIR SYSTEMS GmbH has always been shaped by contemporary demands. That is why, in recent years, a focus was placed on the development of ergonomic and healthy chairs for workplaces or the private sphere. This focus has now led to a completely new product line, Mey ROLLover, which is making fascia training more accessible for both professional and personal use. TEXT: THOMAS SCHROERS I PHOTOS: MEY CHAIR SYSTEMS GMBH
“Everything happens for a reason, doesn’t it?”says CEO Dieter Mey, when explaining the origins of his company’s latest innovation. A few years ago, Mey, a long-time runner, had struggled with unexplainable pain in his calves. Through a coincidental meeting, he was recommended fascia training and since using a respective roll has not had any new pain. At the time, he brought the roll to his father and founder of the company, Joachim Mey, who is now in his eighties, but still part of the product developments. Mey Sr, who started his company as a welding business together with his wife Helga, used the roll and was positively surprised about the effects regarding mobility and health. 38 | Issue 46 | January 2017
“Fascia training is something that should be far more popular. In our daily routine, we do so many harmful things to our bodies. With a ROLLover you, as a business owner or private person, can prevent your employees’ or your own pain in a simple, effective way,” explains Mey. The ROLLover is a system that takes the regular training further. Rather than doing it on the floor, the developers have created a wall system with interchangeable rolls (switchROLL), angle and height adjustment and several training possibilities. Research and development, which was done with the help and professional input by the German Interest group of back therapy teachers, took about one and a half
years. Currently, Mey CHAIR SYSTEMS and its international branches are starting the world-wide launch of the ROLLover. Throughout the year, the company will be present at different trade fairs, starting with the international exhibition for sport business in Munich. Continuously looking ahead, Mey CHAIR SYSTEMS is already preparing further innovations. “At the moment, we are, next to our latest ergonomic chairs, working on an electronic solution for our system, where the roll itself is moving and the user is just leaning against it. This should be great for our older users. It’s basically the ROLLover 2.0.” Mey CHAIR SYSTEMS GmbH Merlach Nr. 16 96145 Sesslach-Merlach Germany Tel. +49 (0)9567 / 9226-0 Fax +49 (0)9567 / 9226-36