Discover Germany, Issue 102, February 2023

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Issue 102 | February 2023




If you're looking to embark on an adventurous road trip in 2023, you should consider which route is best for outdoor activities. To make this selection easier for you, we introduce some of the best routes there are.



What makes an event truly perfect? Well, the perfect location is a great start, of course. Luckily, Switzerland has many different event locations on offer that can cater for all needs and demands.


Managing an event is a major task that needs plenty of planning. To make your life easier and to get a better outcome at your event, why not seek some help from some professionals in the field? We introduce some of the industry’s top companies in this special theme.


Discover Germany, Austria & Switzerland speaks to MIMI about why she decided to give up acting, her path out of addiction, and more.


Faschingsdienstag is not an ordinary Tuesday, writes travel writer Stuart Forster.


“Years of cross country skiing should prepare a reasonably fit person for a half-day on downhill terrain. So I thought, anyway. Actually, the steep slopes of Austria’s Hintertux Glacier daunted me and my prior Alpine experience seemed a distant and unhelpful memory. And to be honest, the slopes weren’t even all that steep,” writes Matt Johanson on his Tyrolean adventures.



Trendy interior items and unique fashion pieces at our Design section.


Our Wine & Dine section features some great restaurants and top wineries.


A round-up of the best of what’s worth checking out this month.


Stunning hotels, top winter getaways and innovative co-working spaces –check out the Travel section.


Our Business section is filled with innovative companies and much more besides.


Iris Ellmann is the managing director of The WineBarn. This month, she introduces some fine sparkling wines for Valentine's Day.


Discover Germany, Austria & Switzerland’s Culture Calendar is your perfect guide to what not to miss in February


This month, our columnist Barbara Geier talks about Germany’s fifth season, the carnival season.

February 2023 | Issue 102 | 3 44 16
Winter journey. Photo: Gornergratbahn Photo: Katrin Lorenz -

Dear Reader,

February can be pretty long, dark and cold. But don’t despair! Why not use this month to really prepare for the warmer months ahead and plan some muchneeded holidays and weekends away? To get you inspired for this, we take a look at the best road trips in Germany. After all, every year, more than 25 million Germans go on a road trip and use their vacation time to explore their own country, or other destinations that are easily accessible by car. And with adventure tourism being a growing travel trend, why not combine the two in 2023 and go on a road trip with family or friends? It is a great way to get close to nature and discover the many cycling, hiking and running routes along the way.

If you are looking for something to do in February, why not head to Germany for a traditional ‘Karneval’? The tradition of Carnival in

Cologne, for example, is almost as old as the city itself and is an event that needs to be experienced to be believed. Travel writer Stuart Forster explores the tradition for us in this issue.

Other topics covered in our February issue are an interview with MIMI, a focus on Austria’s gorgeous Tyrol region, top event locations in Switzerland, a round-up of the companies behind some of the best meetings, incentives, and events going on, some gorgeous hotels, top design items, and much much more.

Sit back, relax and thanks for reading.

4 | Issue 102 | February 2023
Discover Germany | Editor’s Note
Kronach's old town. Photo: Frankenwald Tourismus & Marco Felgenhauer

zai – the world‘s finest ski manufacturer

Fashion Finds

While spring is not quite here yet, and winter is slowly coming to an end, let’s celebrate this time of year with our favourite winter-warmer outfits. Think luxurious materials, stylish accessories and colourful jackets that will keep you cosy. Here are our top picks.

Fashionable and sustainable, this winter quilted jacket from Betty Barclay in a light A-shape is made from recycled materials and the warming wadding is made from recycled PET bottles. £176.

6 | Issue 102 | February 2023
Discover Germany | Design | Fashion Finds

A staple for layering in the winter months or worn as a delicate cover up during the summer seasons. Sporting a delicate flower design, this scarf is a great all-rounder. £36.

If you prefer more muted colours, this quilted coat by Betty Barclay might be your best bet. The sporty jacket with twoway zip is comfortable to wear and will last for years to come. £308.

A lighter jacket with a punchy colour for these slightly warmer days that we are all looking forward to. £POA.

Colourful trainers, anyone? This pair is sure to be an eye-catcher all year around. And being from the luxurious brand BOGNER, we can expect them to be super comfortable too. £POA.

Dedicated to Design

It's official – Pantone have announced that their pick for the Colour of the Year 2023 is ‘Viva Magenta’. This vivid colour is described as being both powerful and empowering, as a new animated hue. We absolutely adore this shade, and to help you get inspired, we've gathered a selection of design items to help you embrace this electrifying statement colour in the new year.


1.An easy way to bring Pantone’s Colour of the Year into your home is to embrace this gorgeous velvet sofa or the cosy armchair. Both from the ‘Jack’ series. Sofa from £1,199, armchair from £599.

2. The HARLEQUIN carpet underlines every furnishing style and lets your individual taste come into its own. The luxurious, hand-tufted carpet was produced in cooperation with Brink & Campman. £580.

3.This sturdy basket by RICE Denmark is suitable both as a wastepaper basket and for storing all sorts of things. £31.

4.Colour up your kitchen with the KitchenAid in beetroot – a lush, satin-rich magenta that is an attention-grabbing, luxuriant shade. £599.

5.To bring the Pantone Colour of the Year straight onto your walls, we chose YesColours’ ‘Loving Pink’ shade, a deep burgundy that wraps you in warmth and comfort, almost like cashmere. £21 per pot.

6.Looking for an eye-catching lampshade? Look no further than the Pooky Aurora lamp. £95.

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8 | Issue 102 | February 2023
Discover Germany | Design | Dedicated to Design


Wer kennt sie nicht, die legendäre Fernsehshow Wetten, dass…?. Als fester Teil deutscher TV-Geschichte, gab es 2021 einen fantastischen, neuen Look für die Show – konzipiert von der talentierten Set Designerin Isabella Reicheneder.

Die Auseinandersetzung mit Kunst und Kultur war schon immer von großem Interesse für Isabella Reicheneder. Die Münchnerin folgte zunächst ihrer Leidenschaft für die Gestaltung von räumlichen Konzepten und studierte Innenarchitektur, bevor sie sich durch ihr Zweitstudium in ‚Szenographie‘ auf Set Design spezialisierte.

Heute ist sie in diesem Feld für TVSendungen und in Sachen Creative Production für Musikshows fest in der Branche etabliert. Ihr Portfolio ist dabei breit gefächert, denn die Unterhaltungs- und Musikshows haben sehr verschiedene Inhalte und Anforderungen. So bleibt es spannend.

„Für mich gilt es immer eine gelungene Designlösung zu finden, welche die Aufgabenstellung bzw. den Anspruch an Ästhetik, Funktion und Emotion erfüllt“, erklärt Isabella Reicheneder. Bei ihr dreht sich alles um das kreative Konzept – unabhängig von Ausführungsgröße und Budget.

Besonders stolz ist sie auf das Redesign der berühmten ZDF-Sendung Wetten dass…? Auf die Frage, was das Beste an dieser Herausforderung war, antwortet sie: „Das ikonische Design nochmals in eine neue zeitgemäße Formensprache zu übersetzen und natürlich Teil des Teams für diese große und großartige Show zu sein.“

Intelligente räumliche Konstruktionen und Situationen mit optimaler Materialauswahl und -beschaffenheit zu kreieren und so Authentizität und Atmosphäre zu erzeugen –dafür ist Isabella Reicheneder bekannt.

Isabella Reicheneder | Design | Discover Germany
TEXT: MARILENA STRACKE I FOTOS: ISABELLA REICHENEDER Instagram: @cosytimesceramics.kerteminde


SLIDERSTRAW has received seven international awards for best design and production quality.

Siebenfach international für beste Design und Produktionsqualität ausgezeichnet.


According to WWF, up to 12.7 million tonnes of plastic waste ends up in our oceans every year. That is the equivalent of roughly one truckload per minute. Plastic straws are among the most frequently found items littering the sea. There is no time to spare – if we don’t act now, soon there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.

What are the alternatives to drinking straws made of plastic? We spoke to Arman Emami, designer and inventor of Sliderstraw, who explains that the alternatives can be categorised into two main camps: single-use and reusable straws.

“The alternative single-use straws made from paper, apple leftovers or so-called ‘bio plastic’ are, indeed, biodegradable to a certain extent, but due to their poor ecological balance they pollute the environment and also end up in the bin as you cannot recycle them,” Emami explains. “Paper straws are particularly problematic.”

Paper straws need to be heavily treated with chemicals during production, so they don’t simply dissolve in liquid. As Emami points out, this leads to a worse environmental footprint but it also means the body can absorb these chemicals while drinking, especially when consuming hot or alcoholic beverages.

“Independent studies by the University of Florida and by ‘Stiftung Warentest’ have shown that paper straws are often produced with chemicals suspected to cause cancer, thyroid disease, impaired immune functions and more,” the designer adds.

Compared to single-use straws, the environmental footprint of reusable straws is significantly better. As they are also part of a recycling economy, they are the smarter option. So, what is the problem with reusable straws? Common reusable straws can only be properly cleaned by hand and with a small brush. A tedious task.

This problem is exactly what Berlin-based design agency Emami Design set out to solve. Their genius invention has already won many awards, such as the Red Dot Award. After it has been used, the Sliderstraw can be easily divided into two halves and cleaned residue-free by hand or in the dishwasher – just as hygienic as cleaning cutlery.

Protecting the environment and enjoying your drinks via the use of a straw? No longer a problem – thanks to Sliderstraw.

You can purchase the smart drinking straws here

Design by

Laut WWF gelangen jährlich bis zu 12,7 Millionen Tonnen Plastikmüll in die Ozeane. Das entspricht etwa einer LKWLadung pro Minute. Strohhalme gehören unter anderem zu dem am häufigsten gefundenen Meeresmüll. Höchste Zeit zu handeln: Denn, wenn nicht jetzt etwas geschieht, schwimmen bald mehr Plastikteile im Meer als Fische.

Welche Alternativen gibt es zu Plastik-Strohhalmen? Im Gespräch mit Arman Emami, Designer und Erfinder von Sliderstraw, wird schnell klar, dass sich die Alternativen in zwei Haupt-Gruppen einteilen lassen: Einweg und Mehrweg.

„Alternative Einweg-Strohhalme aus Papier, Apfelresten und angeblichem ‚Bioplastik‘ sind zwar bedingt biologisch abbaubar, belasten allerdings aufgrund ihrer schlechten Ökobilanz die Umwelt, landen ebenfalls im Müll und sind nicht recyclebar“, erläutert Emami. „Besonders problematisch sind hier die Papierhalme.“

Denn damit die Papierstrohhalme sich nicht sofort in Flüssigkeit auflösen, müssen sie aufwändig verarbeitet und chemisch behandelt werden. Das führt einerseits zu einer schlechteren Ökobilanz, anderseits gelangen die eingesetzten Chemikalien insbesondere bei heißen oder alkoholischen Getränken in die Flüssigkeit und werden mitgetrunken, wie Emami ausführt.

„Die unabhängigen Untersuchungen der University of Florida sowie der Stiftung Warentest zeigen, dass den Papierstrohhalmen oft giftige Chemikalien zugesetzt werden, die in Verdacht stehen, Krebs, Schilddrüsenerkrankungen, Beeinträchtigungen der Immunfunktion und ähnliches zu verursachen“, fügt der Designer hinzu.

Mehrwegstrohhalme haben im Gegensatz zu den Einwegtrinkhalmen eine viel bessere Ökobilanz und sind als Teil einer Kreislaufwirtschaft die smartere Alternative. Das Problem? Bei herkömmlichen Mehrwegstrohhalmen ist eine rückstandslose Reinigung nur manuell und mühselig mit einer kleinen Bürste möglich.

Genau hier hat das Berliner Designbüro Emami Design angesetzt und eine simple, aber geniale Lösung gefunden, die mittlerweile schon viele Preise wie den Red Dot Award abgeräumt hat: Nach dem Trinken lässt sich der Sliderstraw Strohhalm einfach in zwei Hälften teilen und kann unkompliziert per Hand oder in einem Geschirrspüler rückstandslos gereinigt werden - genauso hygienisch wie Besteck.

Umweltschutz und Trinkgenuss? Das funktioniert dank Sliderstraw wunderbar.

Beziehen kann man die smarten Trinkhalme unter: Design by

February 2023 | Issue 102 | 11


By now, we all know the benefits of taking an occasional break from drinking alcohol or, indeed, switching completely to an alcohol-free lifestyle. But contrary to what many believe, this does not mean wine connoisseurs have to cut out any enjoyment for their taste buds. Far from it, in fact! German company JJ Leitz showcases what to drink when you’re not drinking.

Times have changed – together with our lifestyle. JJ Leitz, the daughter company of Weingut Leitz, recognised this early on and has become a globally recognised champion of dealcoholised wines. Pioneering work, which you can definitely taste.

The key aspect when producing excellent non-alcoholic wines is the quality of the base wines. Here, JJ Leitz benefits from being able to go right to the source and use the outstanding wines produced at the Leitz wine estate or from affiliated grape suppliers.

The other crucial element is the modern technique, gently extracting the alcohol under extremely low pressure and temperature. This ensures that the flavour and character of the wines are as close as possible to those of their alcoholic counterparts. “We use stateof-the-art facilities and don’t ever compromise on quality,” Jan Schmidt, the CEO of JJ Leitz, explains. “If it says ‘Leitz’ on the label, ‘Leitz’ is in the bottle.”

The undisputed worldwide favourite is the non-alcoholic Riesling ‘EINS-ZWEI-ZERO’, based on the famous flagship wine of Leitz winery. The modern dealcoholisation process means JJ Leitz achieves ‘real’ zero, effective 0 per cent volume. while still retaining all the natural Riesling flavours. Closely following that in terms of popularity is the ‘ZERO-POINTFIVE’ (0.5 per cent), a premium dealcoholised Pinot Noir which is not to be missed.

Made with the utmost care and attention to detail, it should come as no surprise that Leitz has already received awards, such as Gold at the 2022 VINORDIC Wine Challenge, for the EINS-ZWEI-ZERO Riesling. Leitz truly stands out in the non-alcoholic wine sector, and it can be completely understood by anyone who has sampled a drop, why it has gained such a loyal following. Fancy a glass?

12 | Issue 102 | February 2023 Discover Germany | Wine & Dine | JJ LEITZ
Meet the JJ Leitz team at Dusseldorf’s ProWein fair in March 2023. Image: JJ Leitz GmbH Stefano Motta mixing a mocktail with non-alcoholic Pinot Noir ‘ZERO-POINT-FIVE’.


75 hectares of vineyards and a heart that beats for Riesling: the Allendorf family winery is one of the largest family-run vineyards in the Rheingau. It is all about enjoying the wine here, but not only that; the winery and its surroundings have a lot to offer and are a popular destination for many types of excursions.

The winery can look back over a long tradition: the family history of the Allendorfs begins as early as 1252. Philipp Anton Allendorf later laid the foundation stone for today's winery, in 1773. In 1955, Fritz Allendorf, the grandfather of today's managing directors, took over the winery – at that time with just 1.5 hectares of

vineyards. He continued to expand the business and set the course for the future.

The Rheingau is regarded as the region of Riesling. "There is no other growing region that is so dominated by one grape variety," Max Schönleber from the Allendorf winery says. So Riesling is also the core competence for the Allendorf family. The heart of the winery is the ‘Winkeler Riesling VDP.Ortswein’, which perfectly represents the region. Originally matured in large, old wooden barrels, the wine is delicious both solo and with food. Riesling is obligatory in the Rheingau, but there is also a freestyle wine – for the Allendorf family, this is the Pinot Noir. Especially now in winter, this one is a particular delight. Also recommended: the Quercus Pinot Noir from the Allendorf winery. Quercus, the botanical term for oak, illustrates the character shaped by barrique

ageing. "Our wines should showcase their origin and at the same time bring along a lot of drinking pleasure," Schönleber says. For those who prefer white wine, the Charta is deemed the best choice. It is a symbol of Rheingau Riesling.

The Rheingau is characterised by its winegrowing. With its numerous castles, palaces and monasteries, the region is also a popular destination for excursions. Guests can enjoy a cosy meal at the Brentanohaus, for example. The regional and Mediterranean cuisine was awarded by Falstaff this year. And the house has quite some history to it: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and the Brothers Grimm have resided here! At Allendorf on the Rhine, meanwhile, you can enjoy fresh fish and excellent wine with Sansibar flair.

Those who cannot travel to the Rheingau right now, can still enjoy the wines: they are available for purchase in the online shop, and customers also have the option of renting a vine.

14 | Issue 102 | February 2023
This family is behind the Allendorf Winery.


75 Hektar Anbaufläche und ein Herz für den Riesling: Der Betrieb der Familie Allendorf ist eines der größten familiengeführten Weingüter des Rheingaus. Hier geht es um den Weingenuss, aber nicht nur: Das Weingut und seine Umgebung haben viel zu bieten und sind ein beliebtes Ausflugsziel.

‚Quercus Pinot Noir‘ vom Weingut Allendorf. ‚Quercus‘, der botanische Begriff für Eiche, verdeutlicht den durch den BarriqueAusbau geprägten Charakter. „Unsere Weine sollen ihre Herkunft präsentieren und dabei viel Trinkfreude mitbringen“, sagt Schönleber. Wer lieber Weißwein trinkt, für den ist der ‚Charta‘ die richtige Wahl. Er ist ein Sinnbild für Rheingauer Riesling.

Das Weingut blickt auf eine lange Tradition zurück: Die Familiengeschichte der Allendorfs beginnt bereits im Jahr 1252. Philipp Anton Allendorf legte dann 1773 den Grundstein für das heutige Weingut. 1955 übernahm Fritz Allendorf, der Großvater der heutigen Geschäftsführer, das Weingut – damals mit gerade einmal 1,5 Hektar Rebfläche. Er baute den Betrieb immer weiter aus und stellte so die Weichen für die Zukunft.

Der Rheingau ist die Region des Rieslings. „Es gibt kein anderes Anbaugebiet, das von

einer Rebsorte so dominiert ist“, sagt Max Schönleber vom Weingut Allendorf. So ist auch für die Familie Allendorf der Riesling die Kernkompetenz. Das Herzstück des Weinguts ist der ‚Winkeler Riesling VDP.Ortswein‘, der die Region perfekt repräsentiert. Ausgebaut ganz ursprünglich im großen, alten Holzfass, schmeckt der Wein sowohl solo als auch zum Essen. Riesling ist im Rheingau Pflicht, doch auch beim Wein gibt es eine Kür –für die Familie Allendorf ist das der Spätburgunder. Gerade jetzt im Winter ist dieser ein Genuss. Besonders zu empfehlen: Der

Der Weinanbau zeichnet den Rheingau aus. Durch zahlreiche Burgen, Schlösser und Klöster ist die Region aber auch ein beliebtes Ausflugsziel. Gemütlich einkehren können Gäste etwa im Brentanohaus. Die regionale und mediterrane Küche wurde in diesem Jahr vom Falstaff ausgezeichnet. Und das Haus hat Geschichte: Hier residierten schon Johann Wolfgang von Goethe und die Brüder Grimm. Bei Allendorf am Rhein genießt man Fisch und Wein mit Sansibar-Flair.

Und wer nicht in den Rheingau reisen kann, kann die Weine trotzdem genießen: durch einen Einkauf im Online-Shop oder eine Rebstockpacht.

February 2023 | Issue 102 | 15 Allendorf | Wine & Dine | Discover Germany
Kellermeister Max Schönleber. Der Allendorfer Weinkeller. Das Weingut Allendorf lädt Gäste zum Essen und Genießen ein. Urlaubsfeeling im Fischrestaurant mit Weinbar am Rhein.


Discover Germany, Austria & Switzerland met up with author and coach MIMI to talk about why she fell out of love with acting, her latest book release, her struggle with addiction, and more.

DISCOVER GERMANY: Why did you decide to give up acting?

MIMI: I haven't been happy with this job for a long time. I didn't like the outside judgement anymore, nor the lack of proactivity and I no longer wanted to make my life dependent on whether someone books me or not. At some point, I felt like being trapped in a marriage that ended a long time ago but I still don’t dare to file for divorce. My resentment was big, but finally my courage to change was bigger. So I publicly announced what everyone in my private circle has known for years: I am giving up acting and I’m following my true calling. Of course, like every breakup the beginning of my new path felt odd, but I made the absolute right desicion. With my partners Nadja Petranovskaja and Julia Eckl I founded my company – THE HOUSE OF LOVELIBELLE. We create beautiful things like manifestation cards, meditation audios, notebooks wrapped in vintage garments from all over the world, dresses, candles, jewellery and perfume - but we also offer beauty to the inside. In our online masterclassses, we help women to become the best version of themselves.

DISCOVER GERMANY: You were born in Croatia and have grown up in Germany. What does ‘home’ mean to you?

MIMI: My home is my family. My friends are home. Home is not a place outside, but inside. For a long time I felt homeless, but today I live in peace. I know where I belong and no longer have to search for home because I have found it: in myself.

DISCOVER GERMANY: What do you love about Croatia? And what about Germany?

MIMI: I come from Dalmatia and there is a Dalmatian word that actually describes everything. It's called ‘Dišpet’, and means ‘Now more than ever!’. I love this attitude. Doing something anyway, not giving up, not letting anyone talk you out of it. I love that we're singing all the time and that we're very sociable. Sociable and stubborn. At the same time mostly. Croatians are a bunch of oddballs with a heart of gold, always ready to attack. That's probably why we're such good friends. I would really fight for my girlfriends, anytime! What I love about Germany is this incredibly well-balanced structure, the virtue, the language. German is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. I love the reliability and punctuality of the Germans and that you can rely on a German's word. And I am head over heels in love with Bavaria. When seeing the Bavarian mountains and the Dalmatian coast, I sometimes think that God must have had a particularly good day when he created these beautiful parts of the world.

DISCOVER GERMANY: You're about to release your new book, Trinkerbelle. What is the book about?

MIMI: I've been at war with alcohol for almost 30 years and was living in hell from day to day, but couldn't tell anyone about it. I already was seriously addicted to alcohol as a teenager but, after a long and stony search for a way out, in 2018 I finally found the miracle of sobriety. I'm still addicted, addiction never goes away. But I don't have to drink anymore and I'm not

sick anymore. Alcoholic, yes, dry, yes. But no longer sick.

DISCOVER GERMANY: What do you want to achieve with your book? How do you want to help people with the same disease?

MIMI: My book is not a guide. I cannot provide anyone with a panacea because every addicted person has their own story and their own path. I'm just telling my own, a story that might show that like in my case, most alcoholics try to numb a mental pain. The bottle is often the only relief they know that helps them forget themselves. And I want to show that it is worth changing the perspective on this disease. Like Gabo Mate said: 'Ask not why the addiction, but why the pain?'

DISCOVER GERMANY: What wishes and dreams do you have for the future?

MIMI: My wish is, that when I check out of this planet, it hopefully will bleed a little less because my existence could help to heal it.

DISCOVER GERMANY: What else is planned in 2023? What can we look forward to?

MIMI: I will continue to expand THE HOUSE OF LOVELIBELLE and of course I will keep on writing. In October 2023 the first part of the children's book series Little Princess Guan will be released. I wrote it alongside my sister and I am very excited about that. And I will be continuing my work as an ambassador to help destigmatise alcoholism. It is very important for everyone to understand that alcoholics suffer from a severe disease and not from a weak personality.

February 2023 | Issue 102 | 17


Finding the right location

What makes an event truly perfect? Well, the perfect location is a great start, of course. Luckily, Switzerland has many different event locations on offer that can cater for all needs and demands. Find out more in the following special theme.



Since its foundation in 1962, the Swiss family company Läderach has been world-renowned for its outstanding chocolates and pralines. Since November 2020, visitors have been able to experience this expertise in the House of Läderach in Bilten, at the foot of the Glarner Alps.

Today, Läderach is synonymous with freshness, craftsmanship and Swiss quality, because the company monitors the entire production process and is one of the few premium suppliers to guarantee the sustainable quality of its cocoa beans. On 1,700 square metres, the 'House of Läderach' world of experience offers an impressive look behind the scenes of chocolate production.

On the tours, you will learn how the popular chocolate is made while preserving the exceptional freshness and quality. In the live production hall, visitors can gain fascinating insights into the work of a chocolatier and find out how Läderach creations are made. They can then nibble diligently at the chocolate fountain and try their hand at the art of chocolate making in the factory store's walk-in studio by appointment.

The factory store in the House of Läderach has the longest fresh chocolate bar in the world. There are 20 types of chocolate and a wide range of pralines, truffles, airy mini-mousses and other sweet temptations to be found. The experience is rounded off by a café that offers in-house patisseries, an exceptional cocoa drink and many other delicacies. A rich breakfast can be enjoyed here at the weekend.

Seit Gründung 1962 ist das Schweizer Familienunternehmen Läderach weltbekannt für seine herausragenden Schokoladen und Pralinen. Diese Expertise können Besucher seit November 2020 im House of Läderach in Bilten am Fuß der Glarner Alpen live erleben.

Läderach ist heute ein Synonym für Frische, Handwerk und Schweizer Qualität, denn das Unternehmen überwacht den gesamten Produktionsprozess von der Kakaobohne bis zur Ladentheke und garantiert dabei als einer von wenigen Premiumanbietern eine nachhaltige Qualität von Kakaobohnen. Auf 1.700 Quadratmetern bietet die Läderach Erlebniswelt ‚House of Läderach‘ einen eindrucksvollen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Schokoladenproduktion.

Auf den Touren erfährt man, wie aus der Kakaobohne die beliebte Schokolade entsteht und dabei die aussergewöhnliche Frische und Qualität bewahrt wird. In der Live-Produktion gewinnen die Besucher faszinierende Einblicke in die Arbeit eines Chocolatiers. Mit dem Blick über die Schultern der Profis, erfahren Besucher, auf welche Weise Läderach-Kreationen entstehen. Am Schokoladenbrunnen können sie dann fleißig naschen, um sich anschließend nach Voranmeldung im Walk-in Atelier des Factory Stores selbst in der Kunst der Schokoladenherstellung zu versuchen.


Profitieren Sie von 10% Rabatt bei Ihrem nächsten Online-Einkauf auf

Gutscheincode für Bestellungen in der Schweiz: DISC23CH

Der Factory Store im House of Läderach hat die längste FrischSchoggi Theke der Welt. Hier gibt es 20 Sorten Schokolade und ein großes Sortiment an Pralinés, Truffes, luftigen Mini-Mousses und anderen süßen Verlockungen. Das Erlebnis wird durch ein Café abgerundet, as mit hauseigenen Pâtisserien, einem aussergewöhnlichen Kakao-Getränk und vielen anderen Köstlichkeiten aufwartet. Am Wochenende kann hier ein reichhaltiges Frühstück genossen werden.

Top Event Locations in Switzerland In 2023 | Special Theme | Discover Germany
February 2023 | Issue 102 | 19
Ivory, Mixed Media on Chapiteau 2022. Clown in the Arena, Mixed Media on canvas. Tiger family, Mixed Media on Chapiteau.


Painter, artist and actor Rolf Knie, born 1949, belongs to the Swiss circus dynasty in its sixth generation. He has known the arena since he was five years old – and this strong affinity to the world of the circus has influenced his creative ambitions ever since.

In the late ‘70s, the first pieces were created, still strongly characterised by drawing techniques. After several successful small exhibitions, Rolf Knie parted with the arena and started his career as an actor and painter. As of 1990, painting became his full-time occupation. Knie’s art becomes more and more pictorial, with a brighter palette and a larger range of colours dominating the graphic element. Since 1980, he has also been creating a large graphic oeuvre with lithographs and serigraphs. Rolf Knie furthermore works as a sculptor, creating small bronze sculptures as well as monumental iron sculptures, weighing up to 16 tonnes.

Many exhibitions on both a national and international level (e.g. in Germany, Miami, Paris, London, Madrid, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Singapore, Uruguay and Cuba) document the strong popularity of the renowned Swiss artist. Every piece makes his strong emotional bond to the circus world palpable. The major body of his work is created on Chapiteaus – authentic, long-used tent fabrics. With his artistic work, Rolf Knie also makes an important contribution to the preservation and recognition of a culturally important art genre, threatened by the entertainment media.

To make use of the energy provided by one’s life and to let others partake in successful endeavors can be desirable to anyone. Rolf Knie makes this philosophy both visible and tangible. His open-mindedness and respect for the


Der Maler, Artist und Schauspieler Rolf Knie 1949 geboren, gehört zur 6. Generation der Schweizer Zirkusdynastie. Bereits als 5-jähriger steht er in der Manege – und diese innige Verbindung zur Zirkuswelt wird in der Folge sein ganzes künstlerisches Schaffen beeinflussen.

In den späten 70ger-Jahren entstehen erste Bilder, die noch stark zeichnerisch geprägt sind. Nach Erfolgen mit kleinen Ausstellungen trennt sich Rolf Knie vom Zirkus und beginnt eine Karriere als Schauspieler und Maler, ab 1990 widmet er sich ganz der Malerei. Knies Kunst wird zunehmend malerischer, die Palette hellt sich auf, die Farbigkeit seiner Bilder dominiert das zeichnerische Element. Seit 1980 entsteht auch ein grosses graphisches Werk mit Lithografien und Serigraphien. Daneben betätigt sich Rolf Knie als Bildhauer, er gestaltet Bronze- Kleinplastiken ebenso wie monumentale Eisen-Skulpturen bis zu 16 Tonnen schwer.

Viele Ausstellungen im In- und Ausland (u.a. Deutschland, Miami, Paris, London, Madrid, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Singapur, Uruguay oder Cuba) dokumentieren die grosse Beliebtheit des bekannten Schweizer Künstlers. Aus all seinen Werken spürt man starke emotionale Verbundenheit mit der Zirkuswelt. Der Grossteil seiner Originale sind auf Chapiteau gemalt, auf echte, jahrelang gebrauchte Zeltstoffe. Mit seinem künstlerischen Werk leistet Rolf Knie auch einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erhaltung und Beachtung einer durch die Unterhaltungsmedien bedrohten, kulturell aber sehr tragenden Kunstgattung.

Die eigene Energie zu nutzen die das Leben bietet und andere an den errungenen Erfolgen teilhaben zu lassen, das ist für jeden Menschen erstrebenswert. Bei Rolf Knie wird diese Philosophie sichtbar und greifbar. Gute Voraussetzung für das Gelingen

February 2023 | Issue 102 | 21
Top Event Locations in Switzerland In 2023 | Special Theme | Discover Germany
Rolf Knie at work on the elephant sculpture.

achievements of fellow artists, as well as his long-trained artistic discipline in tandem with the ability to approach things with lighthearted joy, form something of a prerequisite for his projects. The work of a unique artist, walking his path with much vigour and charm.

Permanent Rolf Knie Art Gallery in Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland: We look forward to welcoming you to our art event gallery and the LA BELLE EPOQUE café.

dieser Projekte ist seine Weltoffenheit, Respekt für die Leistungen anderer Künstler und – bei aller artistischen Disziplin, die er sich bei der täglichen Arbeit bewahrt hat – die Fähigkeit, unbeschwert und mit Freude an die Dinge heranzutreten. Das Schaffen eines einzigartigen Künstlers, der mit viel Tatkraft und Charme seinen Weg geht.

Permanente Rolf Knie Kunstgalerie in Rapperswil-Jona Schweiz: Wir freuen uns Sie in der musealen Kunstgalerie und im Café -LA BELLE EPOQUE- begrüssen zu dürfen.

22 | Issue 102 | February 2023 Discover Germany | Special Theme | Top Event Locations in Switzerland In 2023
Potrait Rolf Knie. THE BOSS, Mixed Media on Chapiteau. Contorsion, charcoal on handmade paper 2017. Poster Jazz Festival Montreux 1995.

Swiss Edelweiss by Gexist®

Jewellery for lovers of the Swiss Alps

The Swiss Edelweiss by Gexist® collection is a tribute to the Swiss mountains. The jewels have a real identity that cannot be found anywhere else and a unique know-how...à la suisse!

Swiss Design jewellery in 925 sterling silver and 18 carat gold.
Photos: Thierry Pradervand


Bern’s legendary Bierhübeli is buzzing with life. The new team, led by managing directors Dave Naef and Nando Hepp, took over the cultural landmark in 2016, and since then things have certainly been put in motion. The Bierhübeli magic is alive –and a promising future lies ahead.

The Bierhübeli in the Swiss capital is not just a club, but an institution – which it has been for 35 years. The stellar cultural moments celebrated by the audience and the artists within these famous walls are countless. In 2016, the new managing directors and co-owners embarked on a mission to lead the Bierhübeli into an exciting future. The current number of visitors prove that the new concepts are working brilliantly: over 120 concerts as well as around 70 parties and 120 corporate events are taking place each year. In 2022, close to 120,000 visitors rocked, listened to

rich sounds and readings, indulged in culinary delights, eagerly networked or simply partied to their heart’s content.


Throughout Switzerland, the Bierhübeli has always had a unique reputation. It’s one of the most important cultural and concert venues in the country. The passionate leadership team is dedicated to reflecting Bern’s bigger cultural picture. That’s why they expanded the programme’s scope. In addition to international and national top acts, the organisers

also showcase local up-and-coming artists, comedy acts, theatre and cabaret gems, readings and various party concepts.

Top acts such as Skunk Anansie, Amy Macdonald, Jamie Cullum, Jimmy Cliff and James Morrison have already played here. However, the programme’s focus is also on Bern’s and Switzerland’s music scene –with headliners such as Patent Ochsner and Hecht. The wide-ranging programme appeals to a diverse target audience: from the 16-year-old youngster to the over 60-yearold ’silverback’, every culture fan can find at least one good reason to visit the Bierhübeli.

In 2023, visitors can look forward to highlights such as Joss Stone, blues shooting star of the moment Marcus King and Archive.

24 | Issue 102 | February 2023
Joss Stone. Photo: Til Jentzsch


Im altehrwürdigen Berner Bierhübeli vibriert neues Leben. Seit die neue Crew rund um die beiden Geschäftsführer Dave Naef und Nando Hepp 2016 das Kulturlokal übernommen hat, ist einiges in Bewegung gekommen. Die Bierhübeli-Magie lebt –und streckt ihre Fühler in eine vielversprechende Zukunft aus.

In der Schweizer Hauptstadt ist das Bierhübeli nicht einfach nur ein Club, sondern eine Institution – und dies seit nunmehr 35 Jahren. Die Sternstunden, welche das Publikum und die Künstler:innen darin gefeiert haben, sind unzählbar. Die neuen Geschäftsführer und Mitinhaber sind 2016 angetreten, um das Bierhübeli in eine aufregende Zukunft zu führen. Dass sich die neuen Konzepte bewähren, belegen die aktuellen Besucherzahlen: So finden jährlich mehr als 120 Konzerte sowie rund 70 Partys und 120 Firmenevents statt. Knapp 120.000 Besucher:innen haben 2022 abgerockt, feinen Klängen und Lesungen gelauscht, kulinarischen Genüssen gefrönt, eifrig genetzwerkt oder ganz einfach ausgiebig gefeiert.


Das Bierhübeli hat schweizweit seit jeher ein einzigartiges Renommee. Es gehört zu den

wichtigsten Konzert- und Kulturhäusern des Landes. Der engagierten Leitungscrew ist es ein großes Anliegen, das Gesamtbild des Kulturschaffens in Bern widerzuspiegeln. Sie hat deshalb die Ausrichtung des Programms erweitert. Neben internationalen und nationalen Top-Acts präsentieren die Veranstalter auch heimische Nachwuchskünstler, Comedy Acts, Perlen aus dem Theater und der Kleinkunst, Lesungen sowie diverse Partyformate.

Auf der Bühne spielten unter anderem bereits Top-Acts wie Skunk Anansie, Amy Macdonald, Jamie Cullum, Jimmy Cliff und James Morrison. Der Fokus in der Programmgestaltung liegt aber auch auf der Berner und Schweizer Musikszene – hier sind die Headliner Bands wie Patent Ochsner oder Hecht. Das breit ausgelegte Programm spricht eine vielfältig zusammengesetzte Zielgruppe an: Vom 16-jährigen

Youngster bis zum über 60-jährigen „Silberrücken“ findet jeder Kulturinteressierte mindestens einen guten Grund, um in das Bierhübeli zu kommen.

2023 darf man sich auf Highlights wie Joss Stone, Blues Shootingstar der Stunde Marcus King oder Archive freuen.

Hinter den Kulissen arbeitet ein topmotiviertes Team, das aus 27 Festangestellten sowie rund 120 Teilzeitmitarbeitenden besteht. Auch in die Location ist einiges investiert worden: So hat das neue Management eine sorgfältige bauliche Renovierung realisiert sowie die Sound-, Licht- und übrigen technischen Systeme auf ein topmodernes Level befördert.


Veranstaltungen sind für die Bierhübeli-Crew nicht nur ein Werkstoff. Sie sind ihr Leben. Als Gastgeber aus Leidenschaft arbeiten die Leitung und die Mitarbeitenden mit viel Herzblut und großem Engagement zum Wohle ihrer Gäste und Kunden. Dies manifestiert

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Top Event Locations in Switzerland In 2023 | Special Theme | Discover Germany
Marcus King.

The incredibly motivated team of 27 permanent staff and around 120 part-time employees is busy at work behind the scenes. A lot has also been invested in the location itself: the new management carefully carried out structural renovations and turned the sound, light and other technical systems into stateof-the-art facilities.


The Bierhübeli crew doesn’t just work in events. Events are their life. As dedicated hosts, the management and staff show passion and commitment – to the great benefit of their guests and customers. This is also reflected in their new venture in the world of

gastronomy. In spring 2017, the gastro-concept of Gustavs Biergarten was realised, which combines food, art and culture into an inspiring overall experience. In the summer, the garden invites guests to linger under the cooling shade of the chestnut trees. Meanwhile, the palate is pampered with seasonal, regional and sustainably sourced delicacies.

Culture also means nurturing young talent

The Bierhübeli makes a substantial contribution to establishing Bern as a cultural city and thereby radiates a positive power across Switzerland. As an independent company, it receives no subsidies. In addition to offering a varied programme, the active nurturing of

aspiring artists is also a top priority for the organisers.


When it comes to events, the Bierhübeli accompanies its customers from concept development to successful realisation. The event portfolio includes company events from standing Apéros to sophisticated gala dinners, staff parties or team events, seminars or general assemblies, as well as grill parties in the cosy Hübeli beer garden. The Bierhübeli crew creates and executes tailor-made programmes with great attention to detail. As part of the VIP packages, guests can experience unforgettable concerts from the VIP gallery and enjoy exclusive Apéro-riches in the lounge.


Bern’s cultural hotspot has successfully entered a new era. For its journey into a bright future, it relies on tried-and-tested strengths. Know-how, craftsmanship and a lot of enthusiasm remain the most important factors to succeed. The motto for the future of the event venue is crystal-clear: a programme that is completely secondary to the finances does not offer added cultural value. Accordingly, everyone is welcome at Bierhübeli – it’s a safe space for all.

Plenty of space to create memories

–the rooms at Bierhübeli

Big hall:

Events and concerts: up to 800 people

Apéros with standing tables: up to 600

Seated events: up to 440

Gala dinner at round tables: up to 130

Gala dinner at long tables: up to 250

Grill parties from 20 to 100

Lounge & beer garden

Apéros: up to 100 people

Celebrations and private parties: up to 100

Seated apéros: up to 80

Gala dinners: up to 80

Grill parties from 20 to 100


Apéros: up to 100 people

Parties and private parties: up to 100

Seated apéros: up to 80

Gala dinners: up to 80

Grill parties from 20 to 100

26 | Issue 102 | February 2023 Discover Germany | Special Theme | Top Event Locations in Switzerland In 2023
RBBC One Cypher. Photo: Til Jentzsch

sich auch in den neuen Wegen, die sie in der Gastronomie gehen. Im Frühling 2017 wurde das Gastronomiekonzept Gustavs Biergarten realisiert, welches Gastronomie, Kunst und Kultur zu einem inspirierenden Gesamterlebnis verbindet. Im Sommer lädt der Garten unter den schattenspenden Kastanienbäumen zum Verweilen ein. Der Gaumen wird mit saisonalen, regionalen und nachhaltigen Köstlichkeiten so richtig verwöhnt.


Das Bierhübeli leistet einen substanziellen Beitrag an die Etablierung von Bern als Kulturstadt und erzeugt damit schweizweit eine positive Ausstrahlungskraft. Als unabhängiges Unternehmen bezieht es keine Subventionen. Neben der Umsetzung eines abwechslungsreichen Programms steht auch die aktive Nachwuchsförderung ganz oben auf der Prioritätenliste der Veranstalter:in.



Im Eventbereich begleitet das Bierhübeli seine Kunden von der Ideenfindung über die

Konzeption bis zur erfolgreichen Realisation. Das Angebot umfasst Firmenanlässe vom Steh-Apéro bis zum edlen Gala-Dinner, Mitarbeiterfeste oder Team-Events, Seminare oder Generalversammlungen sowie Grillfeste im lauschigen Hübeli-Biergarten. Die Bierhübeli-Crew sorgt mit viel Liebe zum Detail für das maßgeschneiderte Rahmenprogramm. Im Rahmen von VIP-Packages werden unvergessliche Konzertbesuche auf der VIPGalerie mit exklusiven Apéro-Riches in der Lounge verbunden.


Dem Berner Kultlokal ist der Start in eine neue Ära gut gelungen. Für die Reise in die Zukunft baut man auf bewährte Stärken: Know-how, Handwerk und viel Enthusiasmus sind auch weiterhin die wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren. Ihr Credo zur Zukunft des Kulturangebots ist deutlich: Ein Programm, welches sich ausschließlich den Finanzen unterordnet, bietet keinen kulturellen Mehrwert. Im Bierhübeli sind dementsprechend alle willkommen – und alle sollen sich sicher fühlen.

Viel Platz für Sternstunden: das Raumangebot im Bierhübeli

Großer Saal:

Events und Konzerte: bis 800 Personen

Apéros mit Stehtischen: bis 600

Bestuhlte Anlässe: bis 440

Gala-Dinner am runden Tischen: bis 130

Gala-Dinner an langen Tischen: bis 250

Grillfeste ab 20 bis 100

Lounge & Biergarten

Apéros: bis 100 Personen

Feste und Privatpartys: bis 100

Sitzapéros: bis 80

Gala-Dinner: bis 60

Grillfeste: ab 20 bis 100

February 2023 | Issue 102 | 27 Top Event Locations in Switzerland In 2023 | Special Theme | Discover Germany
James Gruntz. Foto: Til Jentzsch


A mass of gently swaying people occupies the Viktualienmarkt in central Munich. The long-established market is a popular place for both city residents and visitors to purchase gourmet food and drink, but Tuesday afternoons are rarely this busy: Faschingsdienstag is not an ordinary Tuesday, however.

February 2023

Around Germany, the day that’s known as Shrove Tuesday in Britain has a multitude of other names. In Cologne, Dusseldorf and the surrounding region it’s known as ‘Karneval’. Famously, there’s a popular tradition of people gathering on the streets of the Rhineland in costumes. There’s some evidence of that here too, though by no means everyone is dressed to impress.

Munich is capable of retaining a smidgeon of reserve even on days of celebration. Carnival is, of course, aligned with the Christian calendar and traditionally marks the last day of revelry before the solemnity of Lent. It’s celebrated in Munich, but not with such all-in gusto as up in the Rhineland.

Maybe an element of that is because people are saving themselves for the Starkbier, or strong beer, that is served at the Paulaner am Nockherberg and other beerhalls around the city. The Starkbierzeit, which translates as the ‘strong beer time’, is nicknamed Munich’s ‘fifth season’. That same term is used for the Carnival season elsewhere in the country.

Carnival begins on 11 November at precisely 11.11 am. By dint of history, that date has far more sombre associations in the United Kingdom and many Commonwealth Nations. In 1918, the ceasefire that marked the end of hostilities along the Western Front came into force on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month: consequently, it is commemorated as Remembrance Day or Armistice Day.

Yet, long before the alliances and mechanical warfare of the early 20th century com-

bined to unleash the brutal, attritional trench warfare that scarred a generation, Carnival had long been celebrated. Its japes helped folk get through the dark, cold days of winter and dissipate social tensions. Societal norms could be temporarily inverted while people had fun. It was accepted that jokers and fools could mock members of society normally afforded deference and respect. That’s still an element of Carnival.

In Munich, one of the highlights of the Carnival season is the series of balls held at the Deutsches Theater. The venue in Schwanthalerstrasse hosts the popular balls through January and February. The entertainment includes the crowning of the Fasching prince and princess. The couple, known as the Faschingprinzenpaar, waltz together to popular acclaim.

Their first dance takes place at the Narrhalle Soiree, one of the most anticipated events in the series of balls. Organised by a carnival society which was founded in the last decade of the 19th century, it sees attendees dress in ballgowns and evening suits. The evening also sees a prominent public figure receive an award known as the Karl Valentin Order. First presented 50 years ago, it is named after a Bavarian comedian whose life story is told at the quirky Valentin-Karlstadt Museum in the Isartor, one of Munich’s historic city gates.

Former footballer Phillip Lahm (2018), actor and filmmaker Til Schweiger (2013), plus former boxers Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko (2012), count among the recipients of the award which bears Karl Valentin’s name. A

bronze statue of the comedian wearing a bowler hat, with an umbrella draped over his right arm, adorns a fountain on the Viktualienmarkt.

A key moment in Munich’s Fasching celebrations takes place within sight of that modestly sized landmark. At 11.00 am, a group of women who work at the market perform a carefully choreographed dance.

In recent years, it’s become increasingly rare for men to wear ties as part of their business attire. Consequently, the old Carnival tradition of women snipping them off using scissors and offering up a kiss in return is in danger of dying out. Those lighthearted acts of tie-vandalism are associated with the merriment of ‘Weiberfastnacht’ festivities on the Thursday before Faschingsdienstag. They were more commonly witnessed in the Rhineland than in Bavaria’s state capital.

Munich has a Carnival parade but its scale pales in comparison to the one held in Cologne on Rose Monday. Estimates suggest that as many as 1.5 million people gather on Cologne's streets to see the floats go by and experience the party atmosphere.

Not all of the young professionals who work in Munich can get the time off to head more than 500 kilometres northwest and experience Karneval in the Rhineland. But clearly, judging from the laughter and street party around me, plenty could get at least the afternoon off to celebrate Faschingsdienstag in the city centre. Only time will tell where the party goes from here.

February 2023 | Issue 102 | 29 Munich's Tuesday Afternoon Street Party | Culture Feature | Discover Germany
Photo: Unsplash Photo: Unsplash



If you're looking to embark on an adventurous road trip in 2023, you should consider which route is best for outdoor activities. To make this selection easier for you, we introduce some of the best routes there are.

Germany is known as a stronghold of adventure tourism; a growing travel trend that combines various destinations with outdoor activities such as hiking, biking and nature walks. And with a third of Germans preferring to spend their holidays in their own country,

it’s become clear that people like to enjoy their home environment to the fullest.

In 2021, 12.77 million people over the age of 14 rode their bikes several times a week. According to the German Hiking Association,

hiking is also one of the most popular outdoor activities in the country. A total of 68 per cent of Germans hike the 200,000-kilometre network of hiking trails every year. Given the many opportunities for outdoor activities in Germany, this spirit of adventure is not surprising. Think, for example, about the country’s scenic hiking trails that lead past crystal-blue lakes and impressive castles, as well as the world-famous cycle paths through the breathtaking countryside of the country.

30 | Issue 102 | February 2023
Discover Germany | Cover Feature | Active Adventures – The Best Road Trips in Wintry Germany
Photo: Unsplash

Adventure tourism is a growing trend which incorporates many outdoor activities across Germany, while a road trip with family or friends is a great way to get close to nature in Germany and discover the many cycling, hiking and running routes along the way. Road trips also give you the freedom to explore the country on your own and in your own time. All you have to do is choose the start and end point and start planning your route. You can even combine your active outdoor ad-

venture with a visit to a big city like Berlin or Munich.

Every year, more than 25 million Germans go on a road trip and use their vacation time to explore their own country, or other destinations that are easily accessible by car. But can you combine these two trends and go on an adventurous and active road trip holiday? To find out and to determine the most active road trip routes, used the Out-

door Active route finder to identify all outdoor activities available along popular road-trip routes between December and February. Let’s explore some of their findings to get you excited for your next road adventure!


Between Würzburg and Füssen, the 340-kilometre-long road trip along the Romantic Road offers the most outdoor activities (a total of 1,267). The Schwarzwaldhochstrasse road trip ranks second among the activities (1,025), although it only covers 60 kilometres. Passing through the region's famous pine forests and historic towns, this route offers numerous attractive activities en route, including mountaineering, water sports and horseback riding, making it a great option for the entire family.

Cover Feature | Discover Germany
February 2023 | Issue 102 | 31
Photo: - Bernhard Huber


The Black Forest High Road offers the most hiking activities (641), making it the most attractive option for avid hikers. The highlight of this route is the Baden-Badener Panoramaweg, with a magnificent view of the natural landscape of the region. It comprises four stages, which you can divide up individually depending on your physical condition or weather conditions.

In second place, with 575 hiking activities, there are numerous scenic hiking routes that have something to offer for everyone on the road trip on the Romantic Road. Start your journey with a four-kilometre easy hike along the Steinweinpfad in Würzburg. This is a circular route that passes one of Germany's most famous vineyards and offers a unique panoramic view of Würzburg itself. In Füssen, you can then circle the nearby Alpsee or take a moderate hike to the Branderschrofen with a view of the famous Neuschwanstein Castle. In third place, is the Wine Route, with several hiking trails; such as the circular route around the wine region with the ruins of Wolfsburg.


Cycling is another popular pastime among Germans. The many routes for an exciting road trip open up numerous opportunities to

explore nature from the saddle. The road trip along the Romantic Road tops the list with 488 cycling activities. There are stretches of varying difficulty on this route, but if you're looking for a challenge, a bike ride through the Halblech Valley offers a high-energy workout against stunning natural backdrops as you traverse scenic river valleys.

The route from Stuttgart to Weil am Rhein offers 372 cycling activities and is suitable for anyone looking for a shorter route than the road trip along the Romantic Road. The

D-Route 6 is a long-distance cycle path that takes you past the Danube from Weil am Rhein to near the German-Austrian border. A bike tour through Offenburg, on the other hand, offers fun for the whole family. Finally, the King and Emperor Route offers 301 cycling activities, including trails along the Danube and the Austrian border.


If you want to stretch your legs after your time in the car, many road trip routes also offer you the opportunity to explore some

32 | Issue 102 | February 2023 Discover Germany | Cover Feature | Active Adventures – The Best Road Trips in Wintry Germany
Photo: Alpen-Caravanpark Tennsee Photo: - Thomas Linkel Photo:, Tobias Gerber

of the best running routes in Germany. The Moselle Valley road trip covers a small region that is perfect for exploring on foot. Walk through the cities of Trier or Koblenz and enjoy the view of the Moselle.

In addition to the numerous cycle paths, the road trip from Stuttgart to Weil am Rhein also

offers many running routes. Walking around Stuttgart is a great way to discover the city. Or you can explore one of the cycle paths on foot – if it offers enough space for cyclists and walkers. The road trip on the Romantic Road offers a good 50 running routes, including scenic routes around the Alpsee, along the Main, the Danube and the Wörnitz.

34 | Issue 102 | February 2023
Photo: Via Claudia Camping Photo: - Thomas Linkel Photo: Unsplash


If you are travelling in Germany as a family or with young children, you can still have an active road-trip holiday, as many routes offer family-friendly activities. In Freudenstadt on the Schwarzwaldhochstraße, you will find several beautiful nature walks, including an informative walk through the Plenterwald, or a walk along the highest rose path in Germany, which is in full bloom in June and July.

On a road trip along the Romantic Road, we recommend the gentle and scenic hike up to Neuschwanstein Castle. From the Marienbrücke, there is a breathtaking view of the castle itself. Since this route is very popular, be prepared for crowds of tourists and queues, especially in spring and summer.

Finally, the Rhine cycle and hiking trails offer both city walks and nature trails, such as B.; a four-kilometre-long circular route around the old town of Rothenberg, an award-winning cycle path through the Tauber Valley and a beginner-friendly via ferrata along the Rhine Valley.


The first point might be obvious, but first, you will need to decide on one route. While it can be tempting to just head out, a good road trip requires planning so you know where you're going. Planning ahead also allows you to choose which sights to see and activities to do.

To make your road trip worthwhile, you should also make sure to pack the right things. In addition to essentials like your driver's license, car insurance and first aid kit, some sunglasses, toiletries and comfortable clothing will also help ensure you can really enjoy your road trip. If you are planning various outdoor activities during your trip, think of everything you might need for them, such as appropriate sportswear.

Last but not least, check your car. Before you set off, be sure to check your mode of transport to make sure everything is in order. When renting a car, you should make sure at the car rental company that everything is in good condition and that the car is suitable for the intended trip.

February 2023 | Issue 102 | 35 Active Adventures – The Best Road Trips in Wintry Germany | Cover Feature | Discover Germany
Photo: - Bernhard Huber Photo: Allgäu GmbH, Simone Zehpfennig


Wer die Berge liebt und es bequem haben möchte, ist im luxuriösen 4-Sterne Superior Designhotel Ullrhaus St. Anton goldrichtig. Wohlfühlen wie zuhause, aber in atemberaubender Umgebung, mit Gourmet-Schlemmereien und bei einer überaus herzlichen Gastgeberfamilie – darauf dürfen sich die Gäste im einzigartigen Berghotel Ullrhaus freuen.

St. Anton ist eine der bekanntesten Ski- und Wintersportdestinationen in den Tiroler Alpen. Im Winter ein echtes Schnee-Paradies für Skifahrer, Snowboardern und Langläufern, bietet es aber auch im Sommer unglaublich viele Möglichkeiten. Kurz: Wer die Berge liebt, ist in St. Anton direkt an der Quelle.

Benannt nach Ullr, dem nordischen Gott des Skifahrens, bietet das Designhotel Ullrhaus direkt zwischen der Galzig- und Rendlbahn, nur wenige Meter von St. Antons malerischem Skigebiet entfernt, den perfekten

Ausgangspunkt für Aktivitäten in der herrlichen Natur.


Die Eigentümer Franziska Alber und Michael Gfall besaßen als Einheimische bereits die Galzig Bistrobar direkt gegenüber dem Hotel und waren mit ihren vier Kindern schon immer fest in St. Anton am Arlberg verwurzelt.

2015 konnten sie dann das ‚Ullr‘-Grundstück erwerben. „Die ursprünglichen Besitzer gaben uns die Möglichkeit das tolle Grundstück mitten im Herzen von St. Anton zu kaufen“,

erzählen Franziska und Michel und strahlen. „Uns war sofort klar, dass wir an dieser Stelle etwas Besonderes und ‚Neues‘ in Bezug auf Architektur und Design bauen wollen.“

Das ist perfekt gelungen, denn zu einer außergewöhnlichen Umgebung passt eben auch ein außergewöhnliches Design. „Unsere Gäste können sich auf ein ganz tolles nordisch-alpines Design freuen mit ganz

36 | Issue 102 | February 2023

viel Liebe zum Detail“, verrät Franziska. Die Atmosphäre ist modern, ohne an Gemütlichkeit zu verlieren. Das Interiordesign hat Elemente des sogenannten Japandi-Stils, der japanische und skandinavische Ästhetik kombiniert. Im Ullrhaus kommt allerdings das alpine Flair als spannender Einfluss noch mit hinzu. Eine einzigartige Mischung, die der Seele gut tut. Stephanie Thatenhorst, die Münchner Interiorarchitektin und German Design Award Gewinnerin half den Zweien bei der Umsetzung ihrer Ideen.

Ein ganz besonderer Ort ist in dieser Hinsicht die Lobby mit der offenen Feuerstelle. Als ‚schönstes Wohnzimmer am Arlberg‘ beschrieb ein Gast die Atmosphäre einmal sehr treffend. Franziska fügt hinzu: „Solche Aussagen machen uns am meisten Freude, denn das bestätigt uns, dass sich unsere Gäste wohlfühlen.“


Als klares Highlight entpuppt sich auch die kulinarische Seite. Ullrs Gourmetmenü verzaubert die Gäste jeden Abend aufs Neue, aber auch á la carte bleiben keine Wünsche offen. „Besonders erwähnenswert ist unser Gourmet-Überraschungsmenü auf Haubenniveau, wählbar in sechs oder acht Gängen mit oder ohne Getränkebegleitung“, so Michael.

Kochen tut dabei interessanterweise der Gastgeber Michael Gfall höchst persönlich. Er und sein Küchenchef Erkan Cakir beeindrucken zusammen mit ihrem höchstmotivierten Team nicht nur die Hausgäste immer

wieder neu, sondern auch externe Gäste. Das führt auch schon mal dazu, dass die Gäste von ‚einzigartigen Geschmacksexplosionen‘ schwärmen – das macht neugierig auf die servierte nordisch-alpine Cuisine mit internationalen Einflüssen. Franziska sagt: „Bei uns wird alles hausgemacht und frisch zubereitet, von den Kuchen angefangen über das Brot bis zur frischen Pasta.“


Von der Piste in die Sauna oder gleich den Tag am Pool in ruhiger Atmosphäre beginnen? Alles ist möglich. Das Ullr Spa setzt auf die Kombination aus Wärme und Wasser für Entspannung pur. Der 17 Meter lange Indoor-Pool lädt zum Schwimmen oder zum Verweilen ein.

Danach ruft entweder das Dampfbad, die finnische Sauna oder die Biosauna mit täglich wechselnden Aufgüssen, um die Muskeln

tiefgehend zu entspannen. Nicht nur perfekt zum Après-Ski, sondern auch wunderbar für das Immunsystem.


Dass Gastfreundschaft im Ullrhaus mehr als nur ein Wort ist, wird sofort klar, wenn Franziska von ihrem Hotel erzählt. Für sie und Michael Gfall ist Gastgebersein eine Berufung – nicht nur ein Job. „Wir ‚leben‘ mit unseren Familien den Arlberg und freuen uns viele Gäste bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen, die unsere Leidenschaften teilen“, sagt sie.

Ob Winter Wonderland oder Summertime auf der grünen Alm, ob wahrer Feinschmecker, Wintersportler oder Wellness-Gast –das Ullrhaus bringt sie zusammen, denn eines wissen alle zu schätzen: die herzliche Tiroler Gastfreundschaft inmitten der schönen Landschaft der Alpen.

February 2023 | Issue 102 | 37 Ullrhaus – St. Anton | Travel | Discover Germany


Goodbye long commute, hello flexible working – with the International Workplace Group and its brands 'Spaces', 'Regus' and 'Signature' this dream comes true for many professionals. Working from home can be lonely, and it's often too loud in cafes. The perfect alternative: flexible workspaces and offices. And IWG has 53 of them in Switzerland, 13 of them with the Spaces brand.

16 locations in Zurich, 13 in Geneva and in other Swiss cities - whether Spaces, Regus or Signature, everyone will find the perfect solution for flexible working here. The locations of IWG' are more than just places to plug in your laptop. With the 'Spaces' brand, for example, IWG offers a creative work environment with a unique entrepreneurial spirit. It's not just about the work, it's also about the community. The users of 'Spaces' come together at business events, lectures and network meetings. The brand does not simply stand for simple offices, but for a second home, whether for small business owners, entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs.

The corona pandemic has made remote working even more important. IWG offers solutions for every need: whether entire offices or individual workstations. If you want to be particularly flexible, you can use IWG locations all over the world with a coworking membership.

Patrizia Statelli, CEO IWG Switzerland, says: “People and their needs are an important part of the working environment. We help companies to give their employees a better work-life balance thanks to flexible workplace solutions, reduce long commutes and at the same time do something good for our planet through more efficient use of space and reduced co2 emissions."

Auf Wiedersehen langer Arbeitsweg, hallo flexibles Arbeiten – mit der International Workplace Group und dessen Marken ‚Spaces‘, ‚Regus' und ‚Signature' wird dieser Traum vieler Berufstätiger Wirklichkeit. Doch zu Hause zu arbeiten, kann einsam sein, in Cafés ist es oft zu laut. Die perfekte Alternative: Flexible Arbeitsplätze und Büros. Und davon hat IWG gleich 53 in der Schweiz, 13 davon mit der Marke Spaces.

16 Standorte in Zürich, 13 in Genf und in weiteren Schweizer Städten –ob Spaces, Regus oder Signature, hier findet jeder die perfekte Lösung für flexibles Arbeiten. Dabei sind die Standorte von IWG‘ mehr als nur Orte, an dem man seinen Laptop einstöpselt. Mit der Marke ‚Spaces‘ z.B. bietet IWG ein kreatives Arbeitsumfeld mit einem einzigartigen Unternehmergeist. Hier geht es nicht nur um die Arbeit, sondern auch um die Gemeinschaft. Bei Business-Events, Vorträgen und Netzwerktreffen kommen die Nutzer von ‚Spaces‘ zusammen. Die Marke steht nicht einfach für simple Büros, sondern für ein zweites Zuhause, ob für Kleinunternehmer, Unternehmer oder Intrapreneure.

Durch die Corona-Pandemie ist Remote-Arbeiten noch wichtiger geworden. IWG bietet Lösungen für jeden Bedarf: ob ganze Büroräume oder einzelne Arbeitsplätze. Wer besonders flexibel sein möchte, kann mit einer Coworking-Mitgliedschaft Standorte der IWG auf der ganzen Welt nutzen.

Patrizia Statelli, CEO IWG Schweiz: “Menschen und deren Bedürfnisse sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Arbeitsumgebung. Wir helfen Firmen dabei, ihren Mitarbeitern dank flexiblen Arbeitsplatzlösungen eine bessere Work-Life-Balance zu ermöglichen, lange Arbeitswege zu reduzieren und gleichzeitig etwas gutes für unseren Planeten zu tun durch effizientere Raumnutzung und reduzierte co2 Emissionen."

38 | Issue 102 | February 2023
The newest Spaces Center in Geneva right in the heart of Cornavin train station. The lively workspaces in Geneva's Spaces Secheron Center offer an ideal link to the city's international quarter.
Discover Germany | Travel | Top Co-Working Space in Switzerland 2023
Spaces Z.One at Leutschenbachstrasse 95 in Zurich.
February 2023 | Issue 102 | 39 AUF WIEDERSEHEN LANGER ARBEITSWEG. TEIL DES IWG NETZWERKES EINLÖSEN DES ANGEBOTES HALLO FLEXIBLES ARBEITEN. *10% Rabatt bis zu einem Höchstbetrag von CHF 1’000 beim Kauf neuer Produkte in der Schweiz. Vollständige AGBs unter +41 44 551 98 20 BÜROS SITZUNGSZIMMER COWORKING SPARE BIS ZU CHF1’000*
40 | Issue 102 | February 2023
High Mountain Nature Park Zillertal Alps offers countless options for hikers, climbers, cyclists and cross country skiers.


Years of cross country skiing should prepare a reasonably fit person for a half-day on downhill terrain. So I thought, anyway. Actually, the steep slopes of Austria’s Hintertux Glacier daunted me and my prior Alpine experience seemed a distant and unhelpful memory. And to be honest, the slopes weren’t even all that steep.

More adept skiers shot by me right and left. There was no choice but to follow, or at least try. Yet the icy Alpen glacier felt far faster and less forgiving than California’s ‘Sierra cement’ which I know better. Each time I turned my skis downslope, I sped beyond my ability to control and struggled to turn. I made a number of unplanned stops, which sounds better than admitting I fell several times.

Fortunately, a young Austrian ski instructor came to my rescue. Fraulein Kathy coached me to commit my weight to my lead leg as I turned, which I should have known already. With her guidance, my technique slowly improved. By the end of our session, I nearly matched the prowess of kindergarten-aged skiers gliding easily down the mountain.


A recent visit to Austria’s Tyrol region broadened my horizons in more ways than one. Though I had passed through the mountainous area decades before, my college-age summer of backpacking between youth hos-

tels had faded in memory. I had given Tyrol virtually no thought since then, and had only a vague idea of what it had to offer.

That started to change with a hike through High Mountain Nature Park Zillertal Alps. Roughly the size of Lake Tahoe (422 square kilometres, or 104,000 acres) and with an elevation range similar to Yosemite (1,000 to 3,500 metres, or 3,300 to 11,500 feet), Zillertal offers 1,400 kilometres (870 miles) of hiking trails for all ability levels.

Wildlife enthusiasts can view interesting species including chamois and ibex. Climbers can ascend 72 peaks over 3,000 metres (9,800 feet). But everyone can enjoy the magnificent scenery and hospitality for which the Alps are known. Huts throughout the park offer both lodging and food that would make US backcountry hikers salivate.

One such refuge, called Edelhütte, attracted my group of friends while we hiked from the town of Mayrhofen. Using the gondola, we

February 2023 | Issue 102 | 41 Adventure Abounds in Austria’s Tyrol Region | Travel | Discover Germany

trekked to the hut (standing at 2,238 metres, or 7,300 feet) in about an hour as we admired the surrounding grand peaks. Awaiting us was a hearty lunch of Gröstl, an Austrian dish of fried bacon, onion and potato topped with a fried egg. A round of beers improved the atmosphere even more. Prost!

For our afternoon objective, we chose the modest summit of the nearby Filzenkogel mountain. A well-maintained trail made for a smooth ascent of 250 metres, or about 800 feet, from the trailhead. That manageable climb rewarded us with the best views of the day, including Mayrhofen, the Zillertal river valley and especially the park’s picturesque mountains. The hour-long detour paid off

handsomely, though I’d recommend climbing first and indulging at a hut later, instead of reversing those activities like we did.

The Zillertal park boasts enormous potential for those who enjoy both outdoor pursuits and creature comforts. Cyclists will find no shortage of trails, and by using gondolas, can devise countless rewarding routes with minimal uphill. Hikers’ huts make multiple overnight options possible, including the coveted Berlin High Trail. This popular weeklong outing forms a 73-kilometre / 45-mile loop and offers numerous summit opportunities. Established trails lead to the summits of peaks including Ahornspitze, Dristner and Gigalitz; technical climbers will find hundreds of other adventures.

42 | Issue 102 | February 2023
Spelunker Louise Goldsbury explores Nature Ice Palace, an ice cave within the Hintertux Glacier. A well-developed trail and modest climb gives hikers a rewarding summit experience on Zillertal’s Filzenkogel.

Back on Hintertux Glacier, a different kind of adventure awaited us at Nature Ice Palace. Only a few years ago, Austrians discovered an entrance to a spectacular ice cave just a short walk from the ski area’s highest lift station. Since then, they have developed paths, stairs and ladders, which let visitors wander through tunnels within the cavern. I have enjoyed spelunking in wild caves elsewhere, and I’ve climbed a few glaciers, but I had never explored an ice cave within a glacier before. ‘Windows’ allowed viewing of vast rooms filled with beautiful icicles. A guide capped our visit by leading us on a raft across a small subterranean pond. The remarkable experience felt like stepping into a timeless natural wonder, which it is.

One could ski from the ice cave all the way down the glacier, and maybe someday I will. But after a long day, we opted instead for an easy gondola descent on our way to another decadent meal in the village of Tux. A rich dinner of garlic soup, dumplings, käsespätzle (similar to macaroni and cheese, but far better), spare ribs and much more filled every belly, and then some. Tyroleans know how to both cook and eat, so if you visit, better plan to start the diet after your trip.

This California native has plenty to do near home, including a large portion of the Pacific Crest Trail to hike and seven more ‘14er’ mountains to climb. But on my visit to Tyrol, Austrians reminded me that one must also branch out sometimes. When I return, I’ll try downhill skiing again, but I’m packing my cross-country gear, too. Auf wiedersehen!


Speaking German is not necessary, as virtually all Austrians involved in the travel industry speak English quite well. But any effort to use the native tongue will please locals and help make friends.

Hintertux Glacier welcomes visitors 365 days a year with 544 kilometers (338 miles) of downhill slopes and 460 kilometers (286 miles) of winter hiking trails for cross-country skiers and snowshoers:

High Mountain Nature Park Zillertal Alps offers guided nature walks and services from May through October:

February 2023 | Issue 102 | 43
Adventure Abounds in Austria’s Tyrol Region | Travel | Discover Germany
Nature Ice Palace includes a small pond which visitors can raft across or even swim, if properly dressed and prepared. Hikers Matt Johanson, Laura Waters and Pavol Kurucár celebrate reaching the summit of Filzenkogel.


Ever since opening in 1898, the Gornergrat Bahn cogwheel railway has taken enchanted visitors up from the picturesque village of Zermatt to 3,089 metres above sea level.

While breathtaking panoramic views await you at the top, the halfhour train journey itself features a constant view of the Matterhorn, which is something to savour.

As the highest open-air cogwheel railway in Europe, the Gornergrat Bahn is a must for anyone visiting the area. No matter if experienced mountain lovers or total newbies, the trip is a unique experience not to be missed. Sports people and bon vivants alike enjoy the sunny panoramic terraces and the multiple skiing slopes and hiking trails for all levels at the Gornergrat. Snowshoeing and snow fun activities, along with views of unsullied nature throughout the winter and summer season, refresh both body and mind.


Once they have arrived at the top, visitors can enjoy a stunning view on no less than 29 4,000-metre-high peaks, including of course the iconic Matterhorn and the impressive Gorner and Grenz glaciers.

Come summer, the 125th anniversary of the Gornergrat Bahn will be celebrated with numerous events and surprises, making the Gornergrat experience even more enticing. Stay tuned!


Seit ihrer Eröffnung im Jahr 1898 trägt die Gornergrat Bahn begeisterte Besucher vom hübschen Dorf Zermatt auf eine Höhe von 3.089 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel.

Während am Ziel weitere atemberaubende Aussichten auf die umgebende Bergwelt warten, bietet allein die halbstündige Zugfahrt bereits einen konstanten, freien Blick auf das Matterhorn.

Als höchste im Freien gelegene Zahnradbahn Europas ist die historische Strecke ein Muss für jeden Besucher der Region. Ob erfahrene Bergliebhaber oder Neulinge – die Gornergrat Bahn bietet für alle ein einmaliges Bergerlebnis. Sportler und Erholungssuchende genießen gleichermaßen die sonnigen Panorama-Terrassen sowie vielfältige Skipisten und Wanderrouten für jedes Level, die gesamte Winter- und Sommersaison hindurch. Schneeschuhwandern durch die unberührte Winterlandschaft am Gornergrat erfrischt Geist und Seele ebenso wie aufregende Schlittenabfahrten.


Oben angekommen erwarten Besucher beeindruckende Aussichten auf 29 Gipfel mit einer Höhe von über 4.000 Metern, inklusive dem besten Blick auf das Matterhorn. Außerdem sieht man von hier aus den Gornergletscher und den Grenzgletscher.

Im Sommer feiert die Gornergrat Bahn ihr 125-jähriges Jubiläum. Zahllose Events und Überraschungen stehen schon jetzt auf der Agenda und werden das Gornergrat-Erlebnis noch aufregender gestalten. Stay Tuned!

44 | Issue 102 | February 2023
TEXT: CORNELIA BRELOWSKI I PHOTOS: GORNERGRATBAHN Discover Germany | Travel | Glacier Express – New Year’s Wishes 2023
Glacier panorama at the Gornergrat. Gornergrat Bahn in summer. Winter journey.


Let someone else do the planning

Managing an event is a major task that needs plenty of planning. To make your life easier and to get a better outcome at your event, why not seek some help from some professionals in the field? We introduce some of the industry’s top companies in the following special theme.


Here, there is no such thing as "sold out". The event agency Sportkultour plans and organises unforgettable moments at national and international sporting events, as well as in the lifestyle sector.

Since 2007, the tour operator Sportkultour –a member of the German Travel Association – has been offering an all-round service in the fields of sport, lifestyle, group travel and adventure travel, thanks to excellent networks in the sports sector and outstanding event management. "Our customers praise, among other things, the smooth service, the good support from our staff, the professional and polite manner of the team, as well as the trustworthiness, which is particularly close to our hearts. In addition, customers thank us

for the unforgettable experiences of all kinds that we create every day," managing director Christopher Plank says.

If you want to be part of the matches of the best Leagues, like Bundesliga, Premier League, La Liga, and more besides, and experience that extra special moment, then Sportkultour has the right offer for you, and for every football fan. Sportkultour also brings football fans to some top international events, like the World Cup, the Euros, the

Champions League and the Europa League, with either regular or VIP tickets. For those who want to experience their favourite club or national team play live, the tour operator creates bespoke offers.


One of the most renowned leagues in the world is most certainly the English Premier League. With Sportkultour, you can be there at every match, whether as a VIP or in another category of experience; the tour operator leaves nothing to be desired. Or, why not head to Spain instead? Real Madrid against FC Barcelona, ‘El Classico’, is probably the biggest and most famous game in Europe. The tour operator takes care of the planning, handling and execution of experiencing such

46 | Issue 102 | February 2023
TEXT: SAKIB HADZOVIC I PHOTOS: SPORTKULTOUR Experience the World Cup live, that's possible with Sportkultour.

an event. After all, you should be focusing on the moments and enjoying the game.

The 2022/23 UEFA Champions League season will conclude at Istanbul's Atatürk Olympic Stadium on Saturday 10 June 2023. Here too, you can watch the ball virtuosos live. A bar with beer, wine and soft drinks before, during and after the match, international buffet before and after the match at an assigned table, access to the hospitality area in the stadium; all this is planned and organised by Sportkultour.

If you like fast cars, you’ll be pleased to learn that you can attend all 21 Formula 1 races. With Sportkultour, you can plan a truly unique trip to the best racetracks in the world.

No longer just a phenomenon in the US, American football is becoming increasingly popular all over the world. The Super Bowl is now one of the world's biggest sporting events and is broadcast live in over 185 countries. One of the absolute highlights of every Super Bowl is the half-time break, during which a spectacular half-time show is presented every year. With Sportkultour, you can progress from watching this event on TV; you can be there live, experiencing this unique moment and ensuring that you will always remember it.

Other exclusive sports trips, such as those to the Grand Slam tournaments, the NBA games, the handball finals, the Ryder Cup or the Olympic ‘Summer Games’ in Paris, can also be organised individually.


For those who are less interested in sports and more in culture, there are numerous trips to concerts, musicals, carnivals, red-carpet events, beer festivals, music festivals and entertainment on offer. From schlager to hard rock, and from hip-hop to soul, there’s a genre of event out there for everyone. The tour operator gives its customers access to the most exclusive locations and offers complete concert packages, including accommodation and tickets.

Whether in Hamburg, Berlin, Paris, London or on Broadway, Sportkultour, the official advance booking partner of Derticketservice, Eventim, Reservix, as well as Ticketmaster,

takes its customers everywhere, all thanks to its extensive network of contacts.


In addition to classic table reservations, Sportkultour also offers package tours and organises transfers to famous beer festivals; for example, in Munich or Stuttgart. Classical music can be experienced at the Vienna State Opera, the Arena di Verona and many more famous locations, too. Sportkultour not only organises the tickets, but also plans the trip to each city. In this way, you can completely devote yourself to the music and the experience.

Who hasn't experienced the frustration of wanting to go to a festival and all the tick-

ets are sold out? Not with Sportkultour! The travel agency can get tickets for festivals like Glastonbury Festival or Coachella, even if they appear to be sold out already. One need never to miss a festival again.

Sportkultour not only offers sports, culture and lifestyle trips; group and adventure trips are also regularly taken up by companies and teams. "Group tours are extremely popular. Our business clients like to take advantage of our tried and tested all-in incentives, while clubs strengthen team spirit from our wide range of team trips," managing director Christopher Plank says.

Meetings, Incentives, Events | Special Theme | Discover Germany February 2023 | Issue 102 | 47
Sold out does not exist here. Celebrate concerts with Sportkultour. Experience FC Liverpool at Anfield. This is possible with Sportkultour.


EUROKONGRESS is a premium event agency known for its versatility, top-notch concepts and competent, multilingual staff. A true pioneer in its field, EUROKONGRESS was founded as Germany’s first specialist congress agency in 1964. It’s a wealth of experience that pays off.

EUROKONGRESS is the perfect choice for event management catered to anything from 200 to 5,000 attendees, on site or online. The independent owner-led agency offers fullservice packages ranging from concept development and convention marketing to online registration, speaker management, sponsoring and overall organisation to financial processing –both in Germany and Europe.

“Depending on the needs of the clients, we put together individual packages that are tailored to their specific requirements,” Katinka Kramer, managing partner at EUROKONGRESS, adds. “We are known for our customer service and team spirit. We live

for our events and enjoy working as a team, as well as with our clients, to create successful events.”

The professional congress organiser is a particularly popular choice among clients from the science sector and well-known for its special expertise needed to run medical events.

Overall, EUROKONGRESS has become a renowned partner for anyone looking to host a successful event. Whether you are planning a large conference, an exhibition or a corporate event, EUROKONGRESS has most definitely got you covered.

01. April 2023 - 31. März 2024

Anmeldefrist: 31. März 2023

48 | Issue 102 | February 2023
Fernstudium Marken- und Designreferent*in IP for IP Fernstudium Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz 01.Oktober 2023 - 30. September 2024
IP for IP GmbH Intellectual Property for Intellectual People • Tel. +49 (0) 6201 / 3 92 33 00 • • Discover Germany | Special Theme | Meetings, Incentives, Events


The Deutsche Akademie für Management (DAM) in Berlin specialises in distance learning in the field of management. Here, personal support meets the highest level of flexibility, as learning takes place entirely online. If you want to move up in management and have the convenience of deciding when and where to learn, this is an ideal option.

The Deutsche Akademie für Management has been awarded the Quality Seal by FOCUS and offers a wide range of continuing education courses online. Among these government-approved courses are business management, marketing management, human resources management and cultural management.

Students have the flexibility to learn from home, the office or any other location, at their own pace. Nevertheless, students are personally and professionally supported across the board, so that problems can be solved quickly and efficiently. This contributes to the comfortable and successful learning environment.

As all courses are modularised and scalable, they can be tailored to suit personal needs. Only a select few of the numerous modules are mandatory, so students can enjoy an extremely individual learning experience. Straight-forward processes ensure structured and transparent work.

The DAM, which is DIN ISO 21001- certified by TÜV Nord, combines theory with practice. Graduates not only stand out in the workplace thanks to their acquired knowledge, but also due to their top decision-making and problem-solving skills.


Die Deutsche Akademie für Management (DAM) in Berlin hat sich auf Fernlehrgänge rund um das Thema Management spezialisiert. Hier trifft persönliche Betreuung auf höchste Flexibilität, denn das Lernen findet zu 100% online statt. Eine exzellente Wahl für alle, die ihre Karriere im Management voranbringen möchten, aber selbst entscheiden wollen, wo und wann sie lernen.

Die mit dem FOCUS Gütesiegel ausgezeichnete Deutsche Akademie für Management bietet zahlreiche staatlich zugelassene Online-Weiterbildungskurse. Unter den Lehrgängen finden sich unter anderem Business Management, Marketingmanagement, Personalmanagement oder auch Kulturmanagement.

Lernen kann man komplett von zu Hause, vom Büro aus oder wo immer man gerade ist – so bleibt man räumlich und zeitlich unabhängig. Trotzdem werden die Lernenden rundum persönlich und fachlich versiert unterstützt, damit Probleme schnell und effektiv gelöst werden können. So entsteht ein angenehmes und erfolgreiches Lernumfeld.

Alle Lehrgänge können an die persönlichen Bedürfnisse angepasst werden, da sie modularisiert und skalierbar sind. Nur wenige der zahlreichen Module sind obligatorisch, was höchste Lern-Individualität garantiert. Klare Prozesse sorgen für eine strukturierte und transparente Arbeitsweise.

Die vom TÜV Nord nach DIN ISO 21001 zertifizierte DAM kombiniert Theorie mit Praxis, so dass Absolvent:innen nicht nur durch das erworbene Fachwissen, sondern auch durch Handlungskompetenz und Problemlösungsfähigkeit positiv in der Arbeitswelt auffallen.

Lehrgänge im Management. Personalmanagement.
Distance and Extra Occupational Learning | Business | Discover Germany February 2023 | Issue 102 | 49


One software for financial accounting, another for document management, yet another for merchandise management – that's how many companies still work today. But this does not have to be the case. Scopevisio is a one-stop shop: the company develops and markets cloud-based business software for SMEs.

The working world has become more flexible. Employees are in the office, in the home office or on the road, working on their computers or smartphones. Collaboration has to work, therefore. Scopevisio makes it possible: users can access the cloud-based software from anywhere. This improves cross-location and cross-departmental collaboration, and business processes are automated and simplified. "The software promotes the productivity of departments and every individual in the company," Alexander Kintzi, chief sales officer at Scopevisio, says.

Organisation, sales, projects, finance, personnel and procurement – Scopevisio software can be used in all these areas. Cus-

tomers can select the modules that suit them individually, and also introduce them gradually. And no one is left alone at the start: a digital e-learning platform offers the optimal introduction to the software for all users. The cloud is hosted in Germany on a monthly fee basis – so companies can increase or decrease the number of users very flexibly. And if additional, sector-specific software is still required, it can be easily connected via standardised, open interfaces.

Scopevisio enables SMEs to use powerful software that was previously reserved for major customers or corporations with large budgets. Scopevisio's software offers a 360-degree view – of your own company, of

your customers, of your suppliers; and all of this in real time, too. A special feature that users love is the scoper search function: "Scoping is googling in your own company and department data," Kintzi says.

“Simplify your daily business" – that is the motto at Scopevisio. In particular, companies are to be relieved of recurring routine tasks through automation, so that they can concentrate on their core business. This innovative approach has won awards: Scopevisio recently received the Cloud Computing Insider – Gold Award 2022 for Enterprise SaaS Solutions.

There exists exactly the right time to switch to cloud-based software: and that is now.

"Especially today in home office and crisis times, entrepreneurs should invest in digitalisation," Kintzi concludes.

50 | Issue 102 | February 2023
Scopevisio AG headquarters at Bonner Bogen.


Eine Software für die Finanzbuchhaltung, eine andere für das Dokumentenmanagement, wieder eine andere für die Warenwirtschaft – so arbeiten heute noch viele Unternehmen. Doch das muss nicht sein. Bei Scopevisio gibt es alles aus einer Hand: Das Unternehmen entwickelt und vermarktet eine cloud-basierte Unternehmenssoftware für Mittelständler.

Die Arbeitswelt ist flexibler geworden. Die Mitarbeitenden sind im Büro, im Homeoffice oder unterwegs, arbeiten am Computer oder auf dem Smartphone. Da muss die Zusammenarbeit funktionieren. Scopevisio macht es möglich: Auf die cloud-basierte Software können Anwender von überall zugreifen. So wird die orts- und abteilungsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit verbessert, die betriebswirtschaftlichen Prozesse werden automatisiert und vereinfacht. „Die Software fördert die Produktivität von Abteilungen und jedes Einzelnen im Unternehmen“, sagt Alexander Kintzi, Chief Sales Officer bei Scopevisio.

Organisation, Vertrieb, Projekte, Finanzen, Personal und Beschaffung – in all diesen Bereichen kann die Software von Scopevisio zum Einsatz kommen. Die Kunden können

ganz individuell die für sie passenden Module auswählen und auch erst nach und nach einführen. Und beim Start wird niemand allein gelassen: Eine digitale E-Learning Plattform bietet den optimalen Einstieg in die Software für alle Anwender. Die Cloud wird in Deutschland auf Basis von monatlichen Gebühren gehostet – so können Unternehmen sehr flexibel die Anzahl der Nutzer erhöhen oder verringern. Und falls doch noch zusätzliche, branchenspezifische Software notwendig ist, lässt sich diese über standardisierte, offene Schnittstellen ganz einfach anbinden.

Scopevisio ermöglicht mittelständischen Unternehmen leistungsstarke Software, die bisher nur Großkunden oder Konzernen mit großen Budgets vorbehalten war. Die Software von Scopevisio bietet einen 360-Grad-Blick –

auf das eigene Unternehmen, auf die Kunden, auf die Lieferanten. Und das in Echtzeit. Ein besonderes Feature, das die Anwender lieben, ist die Scoper-Suchfunktion „Scopen ist das Googeln in den eigenen Unternehmensund Abteilungsdaten“, sagt Kintzi.

„Simplify your daily business“ – das ist das Motto bei Scopevisio. Den Unternehmen sollen insbesondere die wiederkehrenden Routineaufgaben durch Automatisierung abgenommen werden, sodass sie sich auf ihr Kerngeschäft konzentrieren können. Diese innovative Herangehensweise ist ausgezeichnet: Kürzlich erhielt Scopevisio den „Cloud Computing Insider – Gold Award 2022 für Enterprise SaaS-Lösungen“.

Für den Umstieg auf eine cloud-basierte Software gibt es genau den richtigen Zeitpunkt: jetzt. „Gerade heute in Home Office- und Krisenzeiten sollten Unternehmer in die Digitalisierung investieren“, sagt Kintzi abschließend.

February 2023 | Issue 102 | 51 Innovative and Efficient Software Company in the DACH Region | Business | Discover Germany
Alexander Kintzi, Chief Sales Officer. Die Widgets von Scopevisio auf der Desktop-Ansicht.

For lovers of sparkling wine on Valentine's

What better way to celebrate this Valentine’s Day than by sharing a chilled bottle of sparkling Brut with someone special? Award-winning wine merchant, The WineBarn, recommends three exciting wines from Sekthaus Solter, a sparkling-wine producer from the Rheingau region of Germany. Perfect for celebrations, Solter describe their wines as “the crowning glory of special moments” and “sparkling poetry”.

Solter | Rosé Brut

£18.65 per bottle

This Rosé Sekt has captivating flavours of raspberry and cherry, as well as a delicately fruity taste with a refreshing, modest acidity. It consists of 100 per cent Pinot Noir grapes from the 2010 and 2011 vintages.

Solter 2009 Riesling Reserve Brut

£46.40 per bottle

The grapes for this Riesling Brut were grown in the steep slopes of Rüdesheimer Berg Roseneck vineyards. The soil there is rich in quartz and slate, guaranteeing this Riesling shows fine facets of minerality. This high-quality wine has complex aromas of peach and citrus fruit, as well as a remarkable freshness.

Solter 2005 Pinot Cuvée


£46.40 per bottle

This Cuvée is made up of 50 per cent Pinot Noir, 30 per cent Pinot Blanc and 20 per cent Pinot Gris, and has been fermented in oak barrels (barrique). A lightly fizzing mousseux is the result of this Brut wine being on the yeast for years. It pairs well with with appetisers, as well as rich main courses.

To find your new favourite German wine, you can contact the awardwinning merchant The WineBarn now. Visit:

Call: 0044 (0)1962 761 215


52 | Issue 102 | February 2023
Iris Ellmann presents The WineBarn’s IWC Specialist Merchant of the Year 2022 award. Iris Ellmann is the managing director of The WineBarn, a multi-award-winning wine merchant that has been importing premium German wines to the UK for over 20 years. The WineBarn team lives, breathes and loves wine. Photo: Iris Ellmann
Discover Germany | Wine Column

9 von 10 CIO´s machen immer wieder den gleichen teuren Fehler…

Als CIO müssen Sie sich und Ihre IT-Organisation immer mehr an die Bedürfnisse der Kunden und der Unternehmensstrategie ausrichten. Es bedarf einer kunden- bzw. servicezentrierten Vorgehensweise, die nur intrinsisch erfolgen kann.

Oftmals (oder In der Regel) werden dazu klassische und namhafte IT-Beratungsfirmen beauftragt, die Ihre vorhandene Organisation umstrukturieren und sie dadurch auf direktem Wege in eine teure Abhängigkeit führen. Um das Problem jedoch im Kern zu lösen, müssen Sie selbst in der Lage sein, eine moderne IT-Organisation selbstständig zu etablieren.

Das - und nur DAS ist der einzige Weg, um langfristig unabhängig von Dritten zu werden.

Wir von GreenSocks befähigen Sie in allen Phasen, in denen Sie Ihre IT-Organisation so ausrichten, dass sie endlich die aktuellen Anforderungen des Unternehmens erfüllt, und das mit “klarer Kante”! Wir machen uns selbst überflüssig, in dem wir unser Wissen an Sie weitergeben!

Lassen Sie uns kennenlernen und über diese und andere Themen sprechen.

Mehr dazu unter

Culture Calendar

St. Moritz or Berlin? Contemporary dance, horse-racing in the snow or glamourous film festivals? February has just the right thing for everyone, and it’s certainly going to be a busy month. Are you ready to enjoy it all?

Photo: Pixabay
February 2023


The ‘Kaffeesiederball’ (Ball of the Coffeebrewers) promises to be an unforgettable night with beautiful gowns, classical music and fairytale vibes. The stunning location of the Imperial Palace is worth a visit in itself. This is a traditional Viennese-ball night not to be missed.


The White Turf is a firm favourite among horse-racing enthusiasts and certainly no small affair. Each year it’s held at the legendary ski destination of St. Moritz, featuring world-class horse-racing, gourmet food, music and much more. Think beautiful horses, lots of bubbly and the glistening frozen lake in the background.


Each year, the infamous Berlinale brings A-list filmmakers and actors to the German capital for a glamourous ten-day extravaganza. Red carpets, paparazzi and awards – this event presents some of the most exciting films the international film industry has to offer. The constantly evolving film festival is dedicated to artistic exploration and entertainment.


It’s back! Also called the ‘fifth season’, Cologne Carnival is the place to be if you like fancy dress. This massive street party marks the biggest and most joyful celebration of the year in the Rhineland. Fancy dress as far as the eye can see, traditional carnival songs and beautifully decorated parades with plenty of sweets await the guests. This year promises to be extra special as it marks the 200th anniversary of the historic event. karneval





Tanzolymp translates to ‘Dance Olympus’ and is a fitting name for this wonderful international dance festival, which brings young dancers together. The dancers’ ages range between ten and 21 years, and participants travel from all over the world to Berlin. The festival’s goal is to encourage younger generations to embrace dance as an art form, and it’s not only a hot spot for dancers, but also for those cheering them on.

February 2023 | Issue 102 | 55
Calendar | Culture | Discover Germany
Ball of the Coffeebrewers. Photo: Andi Bruckner Photo: Pixabay


Grab your partner, best friend or even your kid, and enjoy this fairly relaxed sporting event. The route leads runners across the marvellous gardens at Gärten der Welt and, at the end, some mulled wine awaits those wanting to warm up a little more.


This travel fair truly has it all. From state-ofthe-art caravans, cutting-edge bikes and kayak equipment, as well as artificial lakes and even climbing facilities, the leisure and travel fair is a must for any travel enthusiast. Each year, over 50 countries are represented in Munich.


If you are looking to celebrate at a carnival in Switzerland, Zurich is the perfect destination. During these three days, you can look forward to fancy dress and brass-band music, with good vibes all around. What’s not to like?

56 | Issue 102 | February 2023 Photo: Messe München Photo: Messe München
February 2023 | Issue 102 | 57 Calendar | Culture | Discover Germany
Photo: Pixabay

The madness returns…

Fasching, Karneval, Fastnacht – the words might be different, but the madness is the same. Each year in February, Germany, or more precisely, certain parts of Germany, get into a very special carnival spirit. With (big) parades and (long) parties, (heavy) drinking and (outrageous) dressing up, Germany is probably the European country most dedicated to carnival celebrations.

What happens in the streets and towns, mainly in the Rhineland in and around Cologne, Düsseldorf and Mainz and in southern Germany, will look strange to foreigners. A few years back, a British friend of mine happened to – innocently – arrive in Cologne by train on ‘Rose Monday’ (the Monday before Ash Wednesday), which is the day of the big carnival parade with floats making their way through the city and thousands and thousands of revellers lining the streets. His reaction: “I thought I’d ended up in a lunatic asylum,” which is, it has to be admitted, a very apt description.

Officially, the German carnival season –also called the ‘fifth season’ – starts on 11 November at 11:11 am. The actual celebrations take place in a period of about six days in February and culminate on ‘Rosenmontag’

Discover Germany

Issue 102, February 2023

Published 02.2023

ISSN 2051-7718

Published by Scan Magazine Ltd.


H2 Print

Executive Editor

Thomas Winther

Creative Director

Mads E. Petersen


Nane Steinhoff

with the aforementioned parades, mainly in cities in western and southern Germany, and parties on the following ‘Fastnachtsdienstag’, the last day of carnival, known as ‘Shrove Tuesday’ in the English-speaking world. The origins are Christian, with carnival being the ‘last hurrah’ before fasting begins on ‘Ash Wednesday’ until Easter.

I guess it’s fair to say that Germans today don’t think much about the roots of the festivities they are participating in. The tradition, however, is one that is taken very seriously and it seemed that for some die-hard ‘Karnevalisten’ (carnival revellers), the worst effect of the Covid pandemic was that it put a stop to any kind of proper carnival happenings for the past three years.

It would be wrong to think, though, that all Germans are so keen on it; quite the opposite. I’m from a carnival region myself and never cared for it, and according to a YouGov survey a few years back, I’m not alone with that sentiment. The survey found that the group of carnival fans and carnival opponents is equal in size at 28 per cent each. 41 per cent said they are indifferent. Irrespective of what those figures indicate, the German carnival hubs of Cologne, Dusseldorf & Co will definitely put on

a big party this year – and should you happen to be in one of those places at the time, you’ll know now that they have not turned into lunatic asylums, appearances notwithstanding.

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58 | Issue 102 | February 2023
Barbara Geier is a London-based freelance writer, translator and communications consultant. She is also the face behind, a German travel and tourism guide and blog that was set up together with UK travel writer Andrew Eames in 2010.
Discover Germany | Barbara Geier Column

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