2012 Santa Barbara Beautiful Annual Awards

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Rhapsody in Bloom

Barely Tethered to the Earth / Shifting into Light by Pamela Benham. Oil on Canvas, 48" x 24"

H ahn

T he F ort y -E ighth A nnual A wards P resentation S unday , S eptember 30, 2012 H all , M usic A cademy of the W est • S anta B arbara , CA


Santa Barbara Beautiful and all the award recipients! We appreciate your contribution to the beauty and the history of our Santa Barbara Community.


21 East Victoria Street, Suite 200 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Phone (805) 962-2121 Fax (805) 568-1412


A Message From The President


ince our non-profit organization Santa Barbara; Downtown Organization; Legal Aid was formed in 1965, Santa Barbara Foundation of Santa Barbara County; City Parks and Beautiful has celebrated and promoted exceptional Recreation; and Casa del Herrero. beautification efforts throughout the city with a We are dedicated to fostering community commitment to recognizing the people, the talent, engagement and, as President, I have witnessed the and the energy behind them. Our community’s extraordinary efforts of our Board of Directors, our unique natural and built environment, including Officers and Past Presidents, and our various handsits rich cultural heritage, makes Santa Barbara an on committees. I continue to marvel at the energy of outstanding place to live and visit. our team of property judges who volunteered many Over the past whirlwind year of activity, our Robert F. Adams hours, and their talents, to choose and write about Board of Directors has continued this tradition with the property award winners. I further acknowledge all support of ongoing programs and community beautification the people and entities that make this award ceremony possible projects. including our event sponsors - the generous businesses that We celebrated Arbor Day in April with tree-planting have continued to make this community celebration possible. A ceremonies and readings of Dr. Seuss’s “The Lorax” at many special thanks goes out to the Awards Committee, especially this local schools. We participated in the kick-off year for “National year's chair, Kerry Methner, along with our hosts at the Music Public Gardens Day” in May, and then organized our chalk Academy of the West, and the fabulous voices of our media talent supplies to sponsor a colorful entry for the I Madonnari Street that stepped up as volunteers to narrate our video presentations. Painting Festival. We provided key funding for Herbert Bayer's This year, our award recipients are simply outstanding; they “Chromatic Gate” restoration in June - even amidst the economic inspire all of us and reflect the vibrancy of our place in the world. recovery. We initiated a SBCC Scholarship for Environmental Speaking on behalf of our Board of Directors, we welcome Horticulture students, and have continued our long-standing you tonight to the Music Academy of the West and ask you to commitment to preserve and protect the urban forest with continue to support Santa Barbara Beautiful. funds for the City of Santa Barbara Street Tree Program. Our commitment to local public art includes funding the update for the Santa Barbara County Arts Commission's documentary about local public art, “In Plain Sight.” We are pleased to have developed several long-term — Robert F. Adams partnerships with organizations and agencies such as Santa President, Santa Barbara Beautiful Barbara Botanic Garden; Ganna Walska Lotusland; Santa Barbara County Arts Commission; Architectural Foundation of

COVER IMAGE: Santa Barbara Beautiful would like to acknowledge and thank local artist Pamela Benham for contributing the beautiful artwork for the 2012 annual awards invitation and program book. See more on page 41


Our path.

A beautiful city, outstanding people. We are proud to support Santa Barbara Beautiful as it honors the outstanding achievements of private residences and commercial businesses that help make Santa Barbara beautiful at its 48th Annual Awards event — Rhapsody in Bloom. Community commitment — one of the many Paths to prosperity® you’ll find at Montecito Bank & Trust. What’s your path?

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The 2012 Awards Program

Paula Lopez, Mistress of Ceremonies Introduction of Honored Guests Welcoming Remarks Award Presentations 

Inaugural Griswold Award For Philanthropy — Giving a Gift that Transforms an Organization: Suzanne and Duncan Mellichamp Presented by UCSB Executive Vice Chancellor Gene Lucas

Architectural Feature

Hugh Petersen Award For Art In Public Places

Multi-Family Residence  Jacaranda Award for Community Service: Donald G. Sharpe, Architect Presented by Susette Naylor, AIA, Thompson Naylor Architects, Inc. 

Commercial Building

Historic Revitalization

Playa de Santa Barbara Award for Environmental Stewardship: Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary - Advisory Board Presented by SB County 1st District Supervisor Salud Carbajal

Commercial Sign

Public Open Space

City of Santa Barbara Arts Advisory Committee’s Business in Art Award: lynda.com Presented by Ginny Brush, Executive Director, SB County Arts Commission

Single Family Home

Single Family Estate

President’s Award: Cottage Hospital of Santa Barbara Presented by Robert F. Adams, President, Santa Barbara Beautiful

Champagne Toast

Front Courtyard, Hahn Hall


Chancellor Henry T. Yang and the Trustees of the UC Santa Barbara Foundation are proud to salute

Suzanne and Duncan Mellichamp Recipients of the Inaugural Griswold Award For Philanthropy We are honored to join with our community in expressing our deep appreciation for your philanthropic leadership. You inspire us all with your vision, generosity, and heart. The 48th Annual Santa Barbara Beautiful Awards September 30, 2012 noT PAId FoR wITH STATe FUndS


The Inaugural Griswold Award for Philanthropy

Suzanne and Duncan Mellichamp

serving on the boards of directors of Santa Barbara Beautiful and the Wildling Art Museum in Los Olivos, she was a longtime docent for the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Giving a gift that changes an organization... UCSB faculty member for 45 years, Duncan Mellichamp is a ibrant, curious, interested, and thoughtful... 1966 founding member of the Chemical Engineering Department, lifetime educators, one originally from Iowa and one from the recently ranked #2 in the U.S. by the National Research Council. Georgia countryside, Suzanne and Duncan Mellichamp have been Well known in the field of process control, he is author or co-author selected as the inaugural recipients of the of over 100 research papers, monographs, Griswold Award for Philanthropy. This and books. He served as elected head award recognizes that their well-planned gifts of the UCSB Academic Senate (90of time, thought, effort, and money have 92); as head of the UC-wide Academic been instrumental in powerfully impacting Senate and faculty representative on the organizations. UC Board of Regents (95-97); as the Suzanne and Duncan Mellichamp have Chancellor’s special assistant for longbeen long time supporters of Santa Barbara range planning (97-03); and as Trustee of Beautiful, with Suzanne serving as a board the UCSB Foundation for the past dozen member for 20 years. Together they have years. contributed substantial gifts to the SB Suzanne and Duncan contribute community as well as served as a warm and to many arts, music, and support friendly bridge between UCSB and the city organizations in the community. They of Santa Barbara. were awarded the Santa Barbara medal, At the heart of their giving is a love UCSB’s highest award, in 2006. for education and concern with long-term Along the way, a supporting and programs. “Education has been our lifelong positive town-and-gown relationship commitment, as it has been with both our Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp became important to the Mellichamps, families. Educating young people to become who celebrated 51 years together this month. Duncan, who did responsible citizens—who care for our environment, the arts, and the extensive work with the Chancellor on long range planning, both community—is key. Santa Barbara has been our special community for UC Santa Barbara and earlier for the entire UC system, was the for 46 years,” Suzanne related. University person who initiated the effort to “redevelop” Isla Vista, Suzanne and Prof. Emeritus Duncan Mellichamp were innovative in collaboration with the County and with Isla Vista Recreation and in their approach to giving with several major philanthropic gifts Parks. He was also the person who initially led University efforts to to UCSB—establishing three clusters of endowed chairs, each four create the Ellwood/Devereux Open Space Agreement. positions, for distinguished mid-career faculty. These gifts have made “It was the UCSB/County initiative in Isla Vista that started it possible for UCSB to recruit scholars and to launch major new things off. The collaborative spirit that developed among the parties interdisciplinary academic research initiatives in systems biology, there, led to the Ellwood/Devereux initiative,” Duncan explained. in globalization, and in a new academic area yet to be determined. Their efforts haven’t been limited to the University. When The The first endowed Mellichamp chair in process control, and the Granada was raising funds, they stepped up there, and Duncan has subsequent twelve Mellichamp Academic Initiative Professorships, served on the Opera SB board for nine years, including as President are important to the ongoing development of the campus. The (2009-12). “We don’t consider ourselves as somehow constrained. cluster idea is innovative UC-wide, perhaps worldwide. Beauty potentially is everywhere,” the Mellichamps shared. Duncan was introduced to Suzanne on a blind date when she “We have looked for initiatives that meet needs and are unique,” was a young teacher living in her hometown of Dubuque and he was Duncan explained. And Suzanne has chosen her activities for much a graduate student visiting from Purdue. “We started our marriage the same reason the pair made the cluster gifts to the University. She nine months and seven dates later with little more than a box of love felt they would make a difference. letters,” the couple confessed. Now, Suzanne, who always wanted The recently hired endowed professors have become well known to be a teacher and work with young people, has a 30-year teaching to the Mellichamps who make a point of following their research career to her credit. and interests. They also watch with delight and some pride as these She taught elementary classes in Iowa, Indiana, and North individuals begin to take an active role in the community and find Carolina during her early teaching years. In 1970 she earned an their own ways to contribute to local organizations. “Without M.A. from UCSB’s Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, with children of our own, except those we taught and mentored, our emphasis in studio art, and taught for nearly 20 years, including endowments and our many friends are our legacy,” explained the special education, in Santa Barbara City Schools. In addition to couple. Photo by Monie Photography



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— Suzanne and Duncan Mellichamp —


We thank Santa Barbara Beautiful for choosing us to receive this honor, and wish to credit this unique organization for its many years of leadership in beautifying our special town.

In our nearly 50 years in Santa Barbara we have often thought how we might become part of this tradition. Because the Griswold Award will be given in that spirit in future years, today we are immensely proud to be the Inaugural Recipients.


We owe many dedicated people our thanks, including those who began already more than a century ago to make a beautiful place even more special in countless ways.

But in our view the Courthouse architect was too constrained by space to tell the true, truly audacious story: How fortunate we are to live in a community with public buildings, landscapes, gardens, museums, and all aspects of visual and performing arts, along with mind opening schools, colleges, and university that many earlier citizens have provided us.


In another age, even in our own time and another part of our world, such audacity – placing artist/craftsman at the level of creator – would be cause enough to cost one one’s life.

“God gave us the country; the skill of man hath built the town.”






Anyone who visits the Santa Barbara Courthouse must come away impressed by the words carved above the tower arch. In English:






Ellwood Sunset by Ralph Waterhouse

Congratulations To all the award-winning participants who create... To make Santa Barbara even more Beautiful!

Alix & Courtney Seeple


Architectural Foundation of Santa Barbara

Kids Draw Architecture Architectural Walking Tours Built Environment Education Program High School Design Competition Scholarships Art Gallery www.afsb.org

Congratulations to all the honorees. You make Santa Barbara a place of beauty. — Anne and Michael Towbes


Jacaranda Award for Community Service

Donald G. Sharpe, Architect


any people try their hand at community And if these twenty-seven years of community service were service. They add it to their already busy schedules. not quite enough, Donald devoted another ten years to the But few make serving the community a driving and directing American Institute of Architects, Santa Barbara Chapter force in their lives. Donald G. Sharpe is such a person. and another twelve years leading the charge for the Santa In addition to practicing as a respected Barbara Conservancy, including five years as architect for residential and commercial President. A legend in his community service projects, architect Donald G. Sharpe has efforts, he has also jumped in with the Santa devoted a multitude of years of service to our Barbara City Housing Authority Board, the community, influencing the outcome of the Montecito Association Board of Directors, built environment through his longstanding the Montecito Association Architectural volunteer work on design review boards, Review Committee, and is currently a board commissions, and committees. He has also member for the Santa Barbara Trust for assisted our community and City planning Historic Preservation. In between volunteer staff with authentic interpretations of the assignments, he also honed his classical music historical architectural styles that have created skills, and has been performing for years with and sustained Santa Barbara’s legacy as a place the Santa Barbara City College Concert Band, of unique architectural character. happily ensconced as fourth tuba. Donald received an Architectural All and all, Donald G. Sharpe has devoted Donald G. Sharpe Engineering Degree from Cal Poly, San Luis himself to over sixty-one years of continuing Obispo and has been a licensed architect service and has lent a masterfully guiding hand in California since 1965. Until recently, he practiced with to our community. His unwavering dedication has helped his own architectural firm in Santa Barbara that he first make Santa Barbara a place known for design excellence, established forty-two years ago or with partners. often in very meaningful ways. He has proved to be a valued His volunteerism has been staggering - Donald spent mentor for many individuals in the design field, and through thirteen years on the City of Santa Barbara’s Architectural that process has helped to signify the importance of form and Board of Review and another fourteen years on the City’s detail. Historic Landmarks Commission upon which he is still It is with utmost respect and gratitude that Santa Barbara serves. He was Chair or Vice Chair for both groups for many Beautiful honors Donald G. Sharpe with the Jacaranda Award years. He continues to be a leader in matters architectural and for Community Service. brings vitality and common sense to the review process.














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Playa de Santa Barbara Award for Environmental Stewardship

Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary - Advisory Board here is A marine ecosystem that’s a significant and beautiful part of the Central Coast of California and the Santa Barbara area, surrounding five of the Channel Islands, also known as the "American Galapagos". It is a timeless place, a sacred space, a Chumash homeland from days of old through today and beyond. Designated by the United States Government and the United Nations (UNESCO) as a Biosphere Reserve in 1976, 1,470 square miles of ocean waters surrounding the islands, was then placed under the stewardship of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1980 as the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, the same year that the Channel Islands National Park was designated. The Sanctuary's mission is to provide long term protection of these waters so that nature can thrive, historic shipwrecks and artifacts remain respectfully in place, and careful use and enjoyment can be sustained. There is a strong focus on education and outreach, marine science, and resource protection. The professional staff of NOAA partners with members of the greater community who act as environmental stewards and are willing to get involved. This group of individuals is called the Sanctuary Advisory Council. It's a dedicated group of individuals, who generously and passionately contribute more than 1,100 hours of their time and expertise each year. They are essential to assuring that the management of our Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary is in touch with the many community uses and values relevant to this special area. The Sanctuary Advisory Council brings together civic-minded

community members volunteering their time, and a variety of partnering government agency representatives. The combination makes for a wise and influential group that has raised the community's overall awareness of and involvement with our beloved Channel Islands and surrounding marine sanctuary waters. One of the Council's most important strengths comes from the diversity of its membership. The Council consists of 21 voting members and 21 alternates that represent the general public, tourism, business, recreational fishing, commercial fishing, non-consumptive recreation, education, research, conservation, and Chumash community interests, as well as local, State and Federal government agencies. The in-depth and varied knowledge of these individuals, especially related to Sanctuary resources and values, combines to form a highly valuable collective body of expertise and experience. These remarkable 42 individuals have grappled with some of the toughest ocean management issues imaginable. They have taken on and crafted thoughtful, science-based advice on aquaculture, marine noise, ocean water quality, ocean acidification, and more. And when they speak up people far and wide listen -- they are a recognized leading voice on marine conservation. Because of their hard work, the offshore marine sanctuary is well cared for, NOAA and other government agencies are much better prepared to deal with the challenges of today and tomorrow, and our community's ocean literacy is enhanced. This makes the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council an ideal recipient of the Playa de Santa Barbara Award for Environmental Stewardship.

The Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council –

California Natural Resources Agency; Dr. Jonna Engel, California Coastal Commission; Steve Hudson, California Coastal Commission; Dianne Black, County of Santa Barbara; Susan Curtis, County of Santa Barbara; Lyn Krieger, Ventura County.

Eric Kett (Chair), Sea Zen Consulting and SB County Air Pollution Control District; Bruce Steele (Vice-Chair), urchin fisherman; Phyllis Grifman (Secretary), USC Sea Grant Program; Andrea Mills, Island Packers; Capt. Mathew Curto, Condor Cruises; Capt. Richard McKenna, Marine Exchange of So. Cal.; Michael Cohen, SB Adventure Co.; Debra Herring, Channel Islands Naturalist Corps; Capt. David Bacon, Wave Walker Charters and Hook, Line & Sinker; Merit McCrea, charter sportfishing and UCSB Marine Science Institute; Stephanie Mutz, urchin fisher; Maria Petueli, Teach at the Beach Educational Services; Amanda Allen, Ty Warner Sea Center; Dr. Robert Warner, UCSB (retired) Dept. of Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology; Dr. Mark Steele, CSU Northridge Dept. of Biology; Linda Krop, Environmental Defense Center; Greg Helms, The Ocean Conservancy; Victor Cox, journalist, science writer; Richard Block, SB Zoo; Luhui Isha Ward, Wishtoyo Foundation; Mati Waiya, Wishtoyo Foundation; Elizabeth Petras, NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources; Russell Galipeau, Channel Islands National Park; David Ashe, Channel Islands National Park; CDR Christina Davidson, U.S. Coast Guard; LCDR Brad Soule, U.S. Coast Guard; Donna Schroeder, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management; Dr. Ann Bull, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management; John Ugoretz, U.S. Navy; Walter Schobel, Vandenberg Air Force Base; Paul Hamdorf, California Dept. of Fish & Game; Kristine Barsky, California Dept. of Fish & Game; Amy Vierra,

Photo by Robert Schwemmer


Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Staff – Christopher Mobley – Superintendent; Shauna Bingham – Volunteer Program & Outreach Coordinator; Julie Bursek – Team Leader for Education and Outreach; Amy Cale-Huebner – Web and Kiosk Developer; Laura Francis – Education Coordinator; Sean Hastings – Resource Protection Coordinator; Sara Hutto – 2012 California Sea Grant Fellow; Todd Jacobs – Deputy Superintendent for Operations & Administration; Dr. Stephen Katz – Research Coordinator; LTJG Lyndsey Keen – Vessel Operations Officer; Charles Lara – Vessel Captain; Dani Lipski – Research Specialist; Rocío Lozano de Knowlton – MERITO Program Coordinator; Michael Murray – Deputy Superintendent for Programs; Robert Schwemmer – Regional Maritime Heritage Coordinator; Natalie Senyk – Physical Scientist; Terrence Shinn – Vessel Captain; Ben Waltenberger – Operations Manager; Rebecca Young – Program Support Specialist; and 2012 interns Amber McEldowney, Brandon Keedy, Christine Quigley, Kiya Gornik, and Ricky Echanique. 13


To Santa barbara beautiful and the 2012 award winnerS

Santa BarBara artS alliance Bohnett Park Mural Project


Congratulations To This Year’s Winners!

Proud Recipient Of Santa Barbara Beautiful’s President Award 2008 14

Business in Art Award

(City of Santa Barbara Arts Advisory Committee)



he City Arts Advisory significantly impacted the community with Committee established the Business in their philanthropic support and dedication to Art Award in 2005 in order to recognize, honor, online education. and celebrate “an individual or entity that In addition to the company’s multi-year conducts business in the Santa Barbara area primary lead sponsorship of the Santa Barbara and exhibits outstanding support of the arts in International Film Festival and UCSB Arts & our community.” This year, the City Arts Lectures, lynda.com has provided generous Advisory Committee and the Santa Barbara sponsorship and financial support to a wide County Arts Commission are delighted to range of Santa Barbara’s arts organizations and present the 2012 Business in Art Award to arts education providers. These include the lynda.com. Multimedia Arts & Design (MAD) Academy at Co-founders Lynda Weinman and Bruce Santa Barbara High School and the Boys & Heavin met at Art Center College of Design in Girls Clubs of Santa Barbara, where the Pasadena in the early 1990s. lynda.com was Lynda Weinman and Bruce Heavin installation of computer labs has provided initially launched in 1995 as Weinman's underserved children the opportunity to learn personal and business website to supplement her animation, photography, and design through lynda. teaching and popular web design books by New Riders com. Other organizations that have benefited from Press. When the demand for her expertise began taking lynda.com locally include Kids Helping Kids at San her away from home too often, Weinman cofounded Marcos High School; DP Engineering Academy at the Ojai Digital Arts Center with her husband Bruce in Dos Pueblos High School; Scholarship Foundation of 1998. In 2002, they launched the subscription-based Santa Barbara; Art From Scrap; Notes for Notes; online training library on lynda.com. Santa Barbara Bowl Foundation; AIGA Santa Barbara; lynda.com is an online learning company that helps NAWBO Santa Barbara and Lotusland. anyone learn software, creative, and business skills to achieve their In 2010, Ms. Weinman was named Entrepreneur of the Year by personal and professional goals. Through online subscription, the Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara, and in 2011, she members receive unlimited access to a vast library of high-quality, received the Women of Achievement Award from the Santa Barbara current, and engaging video tutorials taught by the top experts who chapter of the Association for Women in Communications. In July are also great teachers. With over one million individual, corporate, of this year, lynda.com became the largest company in Santa academic, and government members, lynda.com was named one of Barbara County to be awarded Green Business Certification, the fastest growing privately held educational company in the U.S. through a program that aims to recognize local businesses that go by Inc. magazine. beyond required measures to serve as models of sustainable business Weinman and Heavin have placed their company at the practices. forefront of arts support in the Santa Barbara community since Through its business model and philanthropic support to many relocating from Ojai to Carpinteria. Bruce and Lynda have and varied local cultural organizations, lynda.com has increased access to the tools for innovation, creativity, and self-expression.

This year's Business in Art Award art piece was created by Myopia Design + Photography. Established on New Year’s Day of 2004 in Santa Barbara, CA, Myopia Design + Photography is a partnership of artists / designers James Van Arsdale and Kimberly Hahn. Creating a variety of web and graphic design projects in addition to stock photography and fine art pursuits, Myopia brings a high level of creativity, expertise and originality to all of the work they do. James Van Arsdale holds an MFA from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, and a BFA from The University of Texas at Austin, TX. His solo exhibitions include Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum, CA; Brookhaven College Art Gallery, Dallas, TX; and Cactus Bra Space, Blue Star Art Complex, San Antonio, TX. He most recently recorded and performed with ambient-indie-rock band The Coral Sea and is co-founder of The Can(n) on Art Studios complex in Goleta, CA, where he works. He lives in Santa Barbara, CA. Kimberly Hahn was raised in California and Texas, and now resides in Santa Barbara, California where she is actively involved in the local art community. She studied at Central St. Martins College of Art and Design, London, England and the University of Texas, Austin, TX where she received a BFA. Hahn has been in numerous exhibitions including: Eating Apples in Paradise, Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum, Santa Barbara, CA; Communion of Saints: Santa Barbara & San Antonio, David Shelton Gallery, San Antonio, TX; Double Trouble, Santa Barbara, CA; California Visual Artists, Second City Art Council Gallery, Long Beach, CA; and Revisiting Beauty, Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Ana, CA.


Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital is honored to receive the 2012 President’s Award from Santa Barbara Beautiful. We share this recognition with hundreds of individuals and organizations who contributed to the planning, design, financing, construction, and ongoing maintenance of our extraordinary new hospital. Thank you.

WWW.COTTAGEHEALTHSYSTEM.ORG Cottage is a not-for-profit, community organization dedicated to providing medical excellence close to home.


President’s Award

Cottage Hospital of Santa Barbara ottage Health System's newly-minted healing environment features natural light, increased green space, fountains, artworks, both outdoor friendly and within, culled from regional artists, water features and fountains, undulating multi-level gardens, and environmentally sensitive elements. The architectural design references the Spanish Colonial style for which our community is noted and the facility itself has been built to be both patient, staff, and visitor-friendly. There are also contemporary and other old-world traditional elements within the design that become wonderful surprises. These multiple architectural and landscape highlights include an entry fountain at the drop off area, welcoming visitors into the structure and a cloistered garden creating a meditative area for a peaceful and tranquil experience. Cottage Health Systems has also designed and built a daycare complex that takes a whimsical approach to a variety of architectural styles between buildings with a central shared play area. Within the main hospital building, state of the art facilities include an expanded acute care area, a pediatric clinic nestled among roof gardens, high tech operating suites, and sophisticated patient rooms, which even allow family visitors to stay with patients. These are few of the many stellar interior features developed for the facility. A river of life water feature runs between the buildings that allow views to green space from multiple perspectives. The gardens are impeccably maintained, showing off the fauna and flora that thrives in our Mediterranean climate. Drip irrigation, using reclaimed water, helps to conserve precious water resources. An unparalleled regional art program has been developed where sculptures within gardens and art on the walls echoes the Santa Barbara experience. Collected from locally based artists, the work incorporates themes based on the Central Coast experience. A public park area has also been included to the delight of the neighborhood. A true community resource, the revitalized Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital has been many years in the making, funded by in a large part by the Campaign for Cottage Health Systems. That illustrious group was spearheaded by some of our previous honorees, Lady Lesley Ridley-Tree and Michael Towbes, among others. All these elements have come together to convey a place of extraordinary healing for local residents and the patients Cottage serves from a wide region. This extensive project is a superlative community resource that is a deserving recipient of the Santa Barbara Beautiful President's Award.

Photos provided by Cottage Health Systems


The President's Award Cottage Hospital of Santa Barbara 400 West Pueblo St

Property Owner Ron Werft, President & CEO of Cottage Health Systems Project Architect Erich Burkhart, AIA of LBL Architects Ken Liu, AIA, ACHA, LEED AP of LBL Architects Project Landscape Architect Bob Cunningham, ASLA of Arcadia Studio Project Builder- General Contractor Mike Gritters, McCarthy Builders Project Civil Engineer Harry Fowler, Penfield & Smith Peter Silva, Penfield & Smith Project Landscape Contractor ValleyCrest Landscape Development Landscape Maintenance J. Michael Cicileo, Cicileo Landscapes Arts Program Annette Ridenour, President of Aesthetics, Inc. Roger Hill, Director of Architectural Services of Aesthetics, Inc. Water Feature KHS & S Conceptual Design Architect Brian Cearnal,Cearnal Andrulaitis Architecture + Interior Design 17

Thank You Santa Barbara Beautiful! Winner: Architectural Or Natural Feature MeMory Wall ~ Serenity HouSe Serenity House is a place so unique and inspiring, even the most difficult times can bring about meaningful memories to cherish forever. 222 East Canon Perdido St. Santa Barbara, California 93101 (805) 965-5555 • www.vnhcsb.org 18

The 2012 Property Awards

Architectural Feature “Memory Wall” at Serenity House 930 Miramonte Drive

Property Owner Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care of Santa Barbara Project Architect Kristin Story, PMSM Architects Project Landscape Architect Martha Degasis, Arcadia Studio Project Builder-General Contractor Frank Schipper, Frank Schipper Construction Project Landscape Contractor Doug Wasson, Plowboy Landscapes Project Landscape Maintenance Kitson Landscape Management Memorial Wall Lead Designer Dave Snider, Presentation Design Group Memorial Wall Leaf Designer Naomi Nussbaum, Presentation Design Group

Hugh Petersen Award – Art in Public Places Westside Community Center Seascape Park Murals 423 West Victoria Street

Property Owner City of Santa Barbara Artist-Mural Coordinator Carlos Cuellar, Santa Barbara Arts Alliance Youth Artist Participants (Santa Barbara Arts Alliance) Juan Cuellar, Edward Deaquinos, Dolores Gonzales, Efrain Guadarrama, Andrew Lopez, Alex Mora, Travis Palma, Alexandra Real, Christian Rodriguez, Miguel Rodriguez, Dana Salinas, Lucero Zepeda, and Thomas Zepeda


We would like to commend Don Sharpe for his exemplary dedication to community service, as well as all of this year’s award recipients for their part in making Santa Barbara a vision of beauty.

– Julianna Friedman and Tom Dain Las Villas de Los Jardines

Thomas Dain ConsTruCTion, inC. 1187 Coast Village Road, Suite #1-138 Santa Barbara, CA 93108

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Building the Finest Commercial Projects Throughout Santa Barbara

Proud General Contractor for the Serenity House info@schipperconstruction.com • 805.963.4359 • www.schipperconstruction.com 20

The 2012 Property Awards

Multi-Family Residence Las Villas de los Jardines 1014-1016 Garden Street

Property Owner JT Kaden Project Architect Gil Garcia AIA and Elissa Garcia, Garcia Architects Project Architect Everett Woody, Angeli-de-Covolo Landscape Architect Derrick Eichelberger, Arcadia Studio Photo by Scott Gibson

Project Builder-General Contractor Thomas Dain, Thomas Dain General Contractor Project Landscape Contractor & Maintenance Adan Vanegas, Blue Agave Landscapes

Commercial Building 1100 Santa Barbara Street

Property Owners Kip Bradley and Sep Wolf, Daketta Pacific Project Architect Michael Holliday AIA LEED AP, JM Holliday Associates Landscape Architect Laurie Romano, Arcadia Studio Project Builder-General Contractor Ted Bowman, Bowman Construction Project Landscape Contractor & Maintenance Jason Downs, Terra Cotta Landscapes, Inc. Structural Engineer Truitt Vance, Ashley & Vance Engineering, Inc.


The PARC Foundation congratulates City Parks & Recreation for winning three Santa Barbara Beautiful awards in 2012!

Santa Barbara Golf Club Public Open Space

Westside Community Center Seaside Park Murals Hugh Petersen Award for Art in Public Places

Carrillo Recreation Center Historic Revitalization


Parks & Recreation Community Foundation www.parcsb.org 22


City of Santa Barbara

Your Recreation Leader


The 2012 Property Awards

Historic Revitalization Carrillo Recreation Center 100 East Carrillo Street

Property Owner City of Santa Barbara Principal Project Architect Joe S. Wilcox, AIA, Kruger Bensen Ziemer Architects Project Architect Mark McFarlin, Kruger Bensen Ziemer Architects Principal Interior Designer Dawn Sophia Ziemer, Associate AIA, LEED, Kruger Bensen Ziemer Architects Principal Landscape Architect Bob Cunningham, ASLA, Arcadia Studio Landscape Architects Martha Degasis and Brian Brodersen, Arcadia Studio Project Builder-General Contractor Tasco Construction, Inc. Construction Project Management Linda Sumansky & Adam Hendel, Project Engineers, City of Santa Barbara Public Works Department


Landscape Courtyard Fencing Installation John Colbert, Acacia Erosion Central, Inc.

Lee, Burkhart, Liu Architects Architecture, Planning, Interiors

Robert F. Adams, ASLA Landscape Architect

Earthknower Studio Santa Barbara, California

www.earthknower.com P: 310.829.2249 WWW.LBLARCH.COM


M aury P lunkett t reMan 805.570.7142 Maury@land-escaPes.coM


Gallagher Property Management 805.682.8433

Keeping Santa Barbara Beautiful 24

The 2012 Property Awards

Commercial Sign Casa Blanca Restaurant 330 State Street

Property Owner Ray Hicks Business Owner Adam White Project Architect Jeff Shelton General Contractor Skye McGinnes, Skyeline Construction Sign Builder David Shelton Sign Painter Freedom Signs

Public Open Space Santa Barbara Golf Club 3500 McCaw Avenue

Property Owner City of Santa Barbara Property Manager Mark Reed, Golf Course Manager Engineer – Storm Water Management Project Craig Campbell, Wallace Group Golf Course Architect – Golf Course Safety Improvement Program Steve Timm, Cupp Design Inc. Project Manager – Reconstruction of the Greens Dave Linnegren, Landscapes Unlimited LLC Kulby Golf Course Construction Project Landscape Designer – Reconstruction of the Greens – Irrigation Design David Taylor, Bryant Taylor Gordon Golf General Contractor – Storm Water Management Project Jeff Shaw, Shaw Contracting Inc. Landscape Contractor – Storm Water Management Project Eric Bernal, Azalea Landscape

Landscape Maintenance – Storm Water Management Project Marjorie Hoffman, Owner, Acorn Landscape Management Lalo Mora, Enviroscaping, Inc.

Golf Course Maintenance Staff Rick Daniel, Enrique Alvarez, Marc Hawkins, Hipolito Aispuro, Gustavo Jimenez, George Gonzales, Marcos Mendoza, Jose Rojas, Luciano Nungaray, Rudolfo Saldana, and Charles Ayala



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Dyson Family Trust

Griswold Family Trust


his year marks the inauguration of a new Special Award at the Annual Awards Ceremony, the Griswold Award for Philanthropy that transforms an organization. As the Awards Committee and the Board considered the impact of the gift given by the Griswolds, over a decade ago, we felt there was no better way to say thank-you than to recognize the importance of their gift in transforming the organization. We decided to look around and see if there were others doing the same, and so the Griswold Award came into existence, an award recognizing the transformative nature of giving and well placed gifts. But how did the Griswold’s make their decision to invest in Santa Barbara Beautiful and thus the community and its ongoing beautification? The story began with an unsolicited phone call in the late 1990’s to the SBB Office. It was taken by then–Secretary, Patsy Brock. A caller asked questions related to SBB’s organization, its underlying mission, and activities. The

caller asked what the organization would do with a donation and how would a donation benefit the community? Pasty described the commitment and dedication of the organization to protect and preserve the beauty of the city with the street tree fund, the commemorative tree program, Arbor Day, Earth Day, outreach to schools, eradicating blight and graffiti, Monthly Awards, and the Annual Awards. She concluded with the following: “Your donation would leave a legacy of beautification for the community.” Soon after the phone call, SBB received legal documents to the effect that Mr. and Mrs. Griswold had each included Santa Barbara Beautiful in their separate wills as recipients of a bequest in their estates. Mrs. Griswold passed away first and Mr. Griswold soon followed. The two estates were joined and one bequest was established in perpetuity - without restriction - to Santa Barbara Beautiful. That bequest has helped SBB create the legacy of beautification described in that phone call. It is an ongoing, promise being kept.

Thank-You Santa Barbara Beautiful for Honoring these Citizens for their Community Efforts!



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It’s a Rhapsody in Bloom!


National Public Gardens Day: Robert F. Adams, Santa Barbara Beautiful (SBB); Jacqueline Dyson, SBB; Roz Amorteguy; Nancy Rapp; Tim Foss; Moly Barker; Gwen Stauffer; Dr. Steve Windhager; and Lois Capps

Nation Public Gardens Day


et inspired!” was the rallying cry heard from Santa Barbara’s many public gardens that collaborated to offer special tours, free admission and other activities in conjunction with National Public Gardens Day held in May. “Santa Barbara Beautiful is proud to support this collective undertaking by our community partners to celebrate the outstanding heritage of our public garden spaces,” noted SBB President Robert F. Adams. “It is truly a privilege to bring awareness to the magical realm of our parks and gardens by highlighting our local connection to the occasion of National Public Gardens Day.” Organizers included nonprofits Casa del Herrero, Ganna Walska Lotusland, Old Mission SB, SB Botanic Garden, and SB Zoological Gardens, in collaboration with the City of SB Parks & Recreation Department, and SB County Parks, with funds from SBB, the Santa Barbara Foundation, the PARC Foundation, and UC Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners of SB County. Extensive media coverage, provided by KEYT/Channel 3, the SB Independent and CASA Magazine, raised the profile of the joint efforts. Special Tours, led by noted local landscape architects Grant Castleberg (Alice Keck Park Memorial Gardens) and Billy Goodnick (SB Zoo), gave personal insight to the lush gardens and sweeping vistas. For more information, visit www.sbpublicgardens.org

Flags On State Street Photo by Priscilla@SantaBarbaraSeen.com

fter more than 48 years of working in and around the City of Santa Barbara, a year of blooming relationships has seen Santa Barbara Beautiful extending its hand in support of many community projects. Some of the projects represent the blossoming of the organization’s longstanding commitments to children and education about the natural world, such as the Arbor Day program in local schools. Some represent newly forged ties, such as the birth of a huge collaboration of non-profit agencies in the form of National Public Gardens Day. For Santa Barbara Beautiful, collaboration is a key element as the organization looks around the community for ways to offer a helping hand and give an encouraging boost to local programs with similar goals and missions. This year community collaborative grants were accepted by the Legal Aid Foundation of SB County, Architectural Foundation of Santa Barbara, The Children’s Creative Project/I Madonnari, 15 local schools, National Public Gardens Day, Restore the Chromatic Gate Campaign, and the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, among others, as well as by the City to sustain our annual commitment to help plant and maintain the urban forest.


anta Barbara Beautiful flags fluttered gracefully along State Street in late April and early May of this year in honor of Arbor Day. The chartreuse-colored flags with the Santa Barbara Beautiful leaf logo are part of the State Street Flag Program, organized by the Downtown Organization, promoting awareness of community groups and important city-centered events. The flags change throughout the year, but most would agree that the Santa Barbara Beautiful flags are some of the most colorful flags raised. 33

Arbor Day Trees Take Root at Local Schools


chool children enthusiastically hit the dirt planting trees at eight local schools this spring in celebration of National Arbor Day. Tree species ranged from Coast Live Oak, Sycamore, Magnolia, Jacaranda, Mulberry, and Western Redbud to those with edible fruits such as citrus and Fuji apple. Some celebrations were accompanied by poetry and song while others expressed their love of trees with original posters. National Arbor Day is now celebrated worldwide on the last Friday in April. In Santa Barbara celebrations occur throughout the month.

Top: Children at Franklin Elementary School help plant a tree during an Arbor Day celebration Left: Children at Adams Elementary School celebrate Arbor Day making beautiful music

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Alix and Courtney Seeple read "The Lorax" to children at Cold Spring Elementary School

“The Lorax” goes to

school with SBB Who Speaks For The Trees?


hildren at local schools were treated to a reading of Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax in May while sitting in the shade of a large leafy tree or in the cozy corner of a school library thanks to a donation of the books to 15 local schools by Santa Barbara Beautiful. Each school within the SB Unified School District, Cold Spring Elementary School, and Marymount of Santa Barbara received a copy for their eager readers to enjoy becoming an engaging part of Santa Barbara Beautiful’s education and outreach program. After the reading, when students were asked who speaks for the trees, the children exclaimed, “We do!” 2012 Book Donation at Roosevelt Elementary School


Architectural Foundation of Santa Barbara


epresentatives from the Architectural Foundation of Santa Barbara and Santa Barbara Beautiful gathered to celebrate the completion of improvements to the front entry along Garden Street that were funded with the assistance of a SBB community grant. A plaque was installed to commemorate the partnership at the historic Acheson House, located at the corner of Garden and East Victoria Streets. The improvements are part of the Acheson House and Gardens Restoration Project, a series of ongoing improvements to this community center. Founded in 1983, the Architectural Foundation is a public nonprofit charitable organization, with the goal of enhancing our community’s awareness and appreciation of architecture and the built environment. The Foundation offers and supports a diverse array of programs serving SB County, including educational opportunities for the public.

Robert F. Adams, Santa Barbara Beautiful (SBB); Suzanne FairlyGreen, SBB; Mark Whitehurst, SBB; Tom Jacobs, Architectural Foundation of SB (AFSB), Lori Kari, SBB; Kate Kurlas, SBB; Paul Longanbach; and Jacqueline Dyson, SBB. Front: Sylvia Abualy, Nancy Clare Caponi, AFSB; Cass Ensberg, AFSB; and Greg Rech, AFSB

Acheson House is a stately two-story building designed in the Victorian Italianate style in 1904 for James J. Acheson. Recognized as a “Structure of Merit,” it is prominently situated downtown near the Historic Bungalow District. Architect Pierre Claeyssens AIA donated the Acheson House through the creation of the Architectural Foundation in 1983. Today it serves as headquarters for AFSB and the local chapter of the American Institute of Architects, as well as the Junior League of SB, and The Sustainability Project.

First American Title is a proud sponsor of SANTA BARBARA BEAUTIFUL

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Legal Aid Foundation Of SB County Revitalizes Landscape With SBB Grant


pring and early summer saw many projects completed, with a sense of the bloom in collaboration charging organizations to grow throughout the summer. One such blooming moment came at a tree dedication ceremony for the recently completed landscape improvements at the Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Barbara County. It took place at the blooming Jacaranda tree in front of the Foundation offices in May. A $7,750 grant from SBB and volunteer support from local businesses helped propel the project from dream to reality. “Our beautiful new landscaping better reflects the high quality legal services that we provide to the public. It also raises employee morale because we all get to work in a more pleasing environment. Thank you Santa Barbara Beautiful,” shared Ellen Goodstein, Legal Aid Foundation of SB County Executive Director. “The Legal Aid project entailed numerous exterior improvements to the surrounding landscape, outdoor courtyard, fencing, and gate access to the offices. The improvements to this building, which is considered a

Susana Udden, Legal Aid Foundation of SB County Office Administrator; Robert F. Adams, SB Beautiful President; and Ellen Goodstein, Legal Aid Foundation of SB County Executive Director

historical resource and a “Structure of Merit” by the City of Santa Barbara, adds immeasurably to the historical ambiance of the downtown core,” shared Robert F. Adams, SBB President. The project included planting drought tolerant species, so not only is the property a more pleasant environment to visit and work, it also contributes to the health of our urban forest.

I Madonnari Italian Street Painting Festival Draws A Crowd & Raises Funds for the Childrden’s Creative Project


Artist Diane Stevenett at work during I Madonnari at the Santa Barbara Mission

large scale chalk rendering of SBB’s iconic flag lit up the Old Mission plaza in blazing color during I Madonnari Italian Street Painting Festival held over the Memorial Day Holiday. Implemented by noted local and regional artist Diane Stevenett, this artistic effort marked the fifth consecutive year SBB has joined the event as a street painting sponsor. Participation in this festival is an important link to SBB’s commitment to community beautification and educational outreach through the visual and creative arts. Finished square


Our history becomes richer as we...

Take A Stroll Down The Walk Of Fame


tradition each year, the Board of Directors of Santa Barbara Beautiful welcomes their immediate past president to SBB’s Walk of Fame with the installation of a new commemorative tree plaque along Chapala Street. This year that ceremony happened in June, honoring Ginny Brush for her service as President. “I am so happy to be in the company of other Past Presidents of Santa Barbara Beautiful,” Ginny commented. Current president Robert F. Adams added, “We owe so much to Ginny’s participation as president of Santa Barbara Beautiful. Her strategic guidance has been invaluable to the growth and reach of our organization.” The Walk of Fame recognizes SBB’s Past Presidents and Directors of Distinction along Chapala Street, from West Anapamu to West De La Guerra, on a multi-block arrangement of existing King Palms with commemorative tree plaques at the base of each street tree. Walking them offers a taste of local history. There, the names of founding members can be found, including founder Catherine Adams. Like many good stories, Santa Barbara Beautiful’s story can begin, “Once upon a time...” A meeting was held on September 1, 1965, at City Hall for the purpose of establishing Santa Barbara Beautiful as the name of the developing organization. The founder, left to right: Board Members Lori Kari; Jacqueline Dyson; Jo Ann Catherine Adams, was present, and the founding committee From Mermis; Past President Ginny Brush; Suzanne Fairly-Green; and 2012 included Mahlon Read, Chairman; Pearl Chase (City Plans President Robert F. Adams. (Not pictured and photo by: Kate Kurlas) & Planting); Peter Krupczak, Secretary (GE Tempo); Stan C. Lowry (Chamber Of Commerce); and Michael Pahos, City The story of the life of Dr. Chase (1888- 1979) is very Landscape Architect. well known, but perhaps it is not so well known that she was Thus was Santa Barbara Beautiful launched as an active, one of the founding members of Santa Barbara Beautiful. achievement-oriented civic organization. The first awards She was an active participating member of the program was carried out by the organization in Board of Directors down through the years.... 1966. That year commercial and industrial firms Her contributions were many.... She was given were recognized, as there was a need to encourage to making short, pithy statements such as “Plant improvement. The judges included architects, some thing—clean up some place.” landscape designers, and people active in garden Both Dr. Pearl Chase and Jim Hodges dearly clubs. loved trees and all growing things, and they At the annual awards banquet 1979, Mayor strongly supported the Street Tree Planting Shiffman expressed his high regard for Santa Program. Consequently, the Board of Directors Barbara Beautiful, calling the public’s attention of Santa Barbara Beautiful established a “Tree to the importance of recognizing projects of Replacement Memorial Fund” to honor these beauty in the community. He noted that the two board members. program “was done without taxation, essentially a Dr. Pearl Chase To this day, SBB continues to fund the love offering from private citizens.” replacement and planting of up to 300 street trees each year. For many years, Santa Barbara Beautiful commemorated Of those, many are replacements for the trees that are lost Dr. Pearl Chase’s birthday as a part of the program during every year due to disease, old age, weather, or vandalism. the annual awards banquets. Roses from the Mission Rose —Partially sourced from History of SBB by Rozella Jewett Garden were used to decorate every table.


2012 Property Awards Judging Committee

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2012 Awards Committee Kerry Methner, Chair Robert F. Adams Ginny Brush Jeanette Casillas Jacqueline Dyson Suzanne Fairly-Green Christie Gallagher Donnis Galvan David Gress Lori Kari Kate Kurlas Jo Ann Mermis Desmond O'Neill Courtney Seeple Leslee Sipress Maury Treman Mark Whitehurst Lesley Wiscomb

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Santa Barbara Beautiful Santa Barbara Beautiful Santa Beautiful A legacy ofBarbara community beautification...since 1965. A legacy of community beautification...since 1965. Photo by LynnbyHouston Photo Lynn Houston Photo by Lynn Houston


rom planting trees to supporting art,planting Santa trees Barbara Beautiful rom to supporting values our rich, diverse, and rom Santa plantingBarbara trees to supporting art, Beautiful wonderful community. SBBBeautiful is an art, Santa Barbara values our rich, diverse, and organization ofour volunteers dedicatedand to values rich, SBB diverse, wonderful community. is an beautifying Santa Barbara in a variety wonderful community. is to an organization of volunteers SBB dedicated of ways. SBBofworks independently as organization dedicated beautifying Santavolunteers Barbara in a varietyto well as cooperates with neighborhood in a variety ofbeautifying ways. SBBSanta worksBarbara independently as associations, departments, and of ways. SBB city works independently well as cooperates with neighborhoodas other agencies. SBB was formed in well as cooperates with neighborhood associations, city departments, and 1965 by concerned civic leaders and is associations, city departments, and other agencies. SBB was formed in a nonpolitical, non-profit corporation. otherbyagencies. SBB was formed 1965 concerned civic leaders and isin All contributions are tax-deductible by concerned civict leaders and is a1965 nonpolitical, non-profi corporation. and memberships begin at $35. a nonpolitical, non-profi t corporation. All contributions are tax-deductible All contributions are tax-deductible andwww.sbbeautiful.org memberships begin at $35. and memberships begin at $35.

www.sbbeautiful.org www.sbbeautiful.org

u Arbor Day tree plantings at local schools

u Book Donation (“The Lorax”) u Arbor Dayschool tree plantings to local libraries at local schools u Arbor Day tree plantings at local schools FlagsDonation on State (“The StreetLorax”) uuBook

to local school libraries u Donation (“TheStreet Lorax”) u Book I Madonnari - Italian Festival to local school libraries u Flags on State Street u Monthly Awards on State StreetStreet Festival uu I Flags Madonnari - Italian u Scholarships I Madonnari - Italian Street Festival uu Monthly Awards u Santa Barbara Beautiful Annual Awards u Monthly Awards u Scholarships Scholarships uu Santa Barbara Beautiful Annual Awards

SB Airport Public Art Program – gave a $30,000 grant

SB Airport Public Art Program – gave a $30,000 grant SB Airport Public Art Program – gave a $30,000 grant

National Public Gardens Day – gave a $3,500 grant National Public Gardens Day – gave a $3,500 grant

Commemorative Tree Plaques

$250 to dedicate a tree Commemorative Tree Plaques Commemorative TreeaPlaques $250 to dedicate tree

East Beach Volleyball Courts

gave a $15,000 grant East Beach Volleyball Courts East Volleyballgrant Courts gaveBeach a $15,000

gave a $15,000 grant

Chromatic Gate Revitalization gave a $10,000 grant

Chromatic Gate Revitalization Chromatic Gate Revitalization grant gave a $10,000

gave a $10,000 grant

Provided 12,000 Street Trees

gave a $5,000 grant

Mosaic Medallion Mosaic Medallion

$250 to dedicate a tree

u Santa Barbara Beautiful Annual Awards

SB Botanic Garden Campbell Bridge

Mosaic Medallion

National Public Gardens Day – gave a $3,500 grant

Photo by Priscilla@SantaBarbaraSeen.com Photo by Priscilla@SantaBarbaraSeen.com Photo by Priscilla@SantaBarbaraSeen.com

Photo by Priscilla@SantaBarbaraSeen.com Photo by Priscilla@SantaBarbaraSeen.com Photo by Priscilla@SantaBarbaraSeen.com

A legacy of community beautification...since 1965.

donated $250,000 (Last 10 years) to SB Parks & Recreation Department Provided 12,000 Street Trees

Legal Aid Foundation of SB County Landscaping gave a $8,250 grant

Legal Aid Foundation of SB County Landscaping SB Botanic GardenBoard Campbell Bridge Provided 12,000 Street Santa Barbara Beautiful Members: Robert F. Adams, Ginny Brush, Jeanette Casillas, Grant Castleberg, Jacqueline Randy Figgins, Randy Fritz, Christie Gallagher, $250,000 (Last Trees 10 years) Dyson, Suzanne Fairly-Green, donated Galvan, Billy Goodnick, Gress, David Jacoby, Patti Jacquemain, Lori Kari, Charles Kelly, Kate Kurlas, Duke McPherson, Suzanne Mellichamp, Jo Ann Mermis, Methner, Legal Aid Foundation of SB Kerry County Landscaping SBDonnis Botanic Garden Campbell Bridge grant gave a $8,250 to SB Parks & Recreation Department $5,000 grantDavid gave a donated $250,000 (Last 10 years) Desmond O’Neill, Courtney Seeple, Leslee Sipress, Carol Terry, Maury Treman, Bruce Van Dyke, Mark Whitehurst, Lesley Wiscomb

gave a $5,000 grant

to SB Parks & Recreation Department

gave a $8,250 grant

Santa Barbara Beautiful Board Members: Robert F. Adams, Ginny Brush, Jeanette Casillas, Grant Castleberg, Jacqueline Dyson, Suzanne Fairly-Green, Randy Figgins, Randy Fritz, Christie Gallagher, Donnis Galvan, Billy Goodnick, David Gress, David Jacoby, Patti Jacquemain, Lori Kari, Charles Kelly, Kate Kurlas, Duke McPherson, Suzanne Mellichamp, Jo Ann Mermis, Kerry Methner, Santa Barbara Beautiful Board Members: Robert F. Adams, Ginny Brush, Jeanette Casillas, Grant Castleberg, Jacqueline Dyson, Suzanne Fairly-Green, Randy Figgins, Randy Fritz, Christie Gallagher, Desmond O’Neill, Courtney Seeple, Leslee Sipress, Carol Terry, Maury Treman, Bruce Van Dyke, Mark Whitehurst, Lesley Wiscomb Donnis Galvan, Billy Goodnick, David Gress, David Jacoby, Patti Jacquemain, Lori Kari, Charles Kelly, Kate Kurlas, Duke McPherson, Suzanne Mellichamp, Jo Ann Mermis, Kerry Methner, Desmond O’Neill, Courtney Seeple, Leslee Sipress, Carol Terry, Maury Treman, Bruce Van Dyke, Mark Whitehurst, Lesley Wiscomb


Cover Image Artist: Pamela Benham


amela Benham’s insistent drive to create expressive paintings is seen throughout her artistic evolution from impressionistic landscapes to photorealistic portraits to her present works, expansive painterly abstracts. Benham studied painting in New York City at the Art Students’ League under a full Ford Foundation Scholarship, and graduated from the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. She then studied in Paris for two years at the Ecolé des Beaux-Arts with Pierre Carron. Other influential teachers were Robert Beverly Hale, Wolf Kahn, Dory Ashton, Paul Resika, Leland Bell and Stephen Posen. She has exhibited internationally in museums and galleries including the Nicholas Roerich Museum in New York City, the Musée d’Art Moderne and the Musée du Luxembourg in Paris. She has had over twenty solo exhibitions in galleries in New York including the Miller, Susan Schreiber and Jayne Baum Gallery. In Santa Barbara now, Benham paints in her newly established Studio 93.

2012 Board of Directors Santa Barbara Beautiful Robert F. Adams Ginny Brush Jeanette Casillas Grant Castleberg Jacqueline Dyson Suzanne Fairly-Green Randy Figgins Randy Fritz Christie Gallagher Donnis Galvan David Gress David Jacoby Patti Jacquemain Lori Kari Charles Kelly Kate Kurlas Duke McPherson Suzanne Mellichamp Jo Ann Mermis Kerry Methner Desmond O'Neill Courtney Seeple Leslee Sipress Carol Terry Maury Treman Bruce Van Dyke Mark Whitehurst Lesley Wiscomb

We Gratefully Acknowledge . . . Classic Party Rentals Coastline Media Partners Leslee Sipress Calligraphy Music Academy of the West Pamela Benham Heinz Trilck Paula Lopez Priscilla, Santa Barbara Seen Santa Barbara MailWorks Santa Barbara Trophy Sharon Morrow Signature Parking Suzanne Fairly-Green Todd Jared Trader Joe's Donations to Santa Barbara Beautiful in honor of Donald G. Sharpe (Jacaranda Award for Community Service) Donald and Vera Bensen Bill and Nina Mahan


2012 Property Video Script Writers

Santa Barbara Beautiful Past Presidents

Robert F. Adams Marty Blum Ginny Brush Chris Casebeer Joe Campanelli Nancy Clare Caponi Rita Ferri Donnis Galvan Kerry Methner Leon Olson Michael Porter Victor Schumacher Nathan Vonk Mark Whitehurst Barry Winick, AIA Lesley Wiscomb William Howard Wittausch, AIA

R. Peter Krupsczak John Pitman James “Bud” Bottoms Max L. Feldman David Lloyd Grant Castleberg Dunckley Murray Elizabeth H. Ramser Barbara Landis Luba Carleton Ken Taylor Walter Barrow H. George Kallusky Mary Lou Jacobsen Schmidt Orville Bond Ronald McGurer Dan Condon Richard Riffero Rosemary Reed Howard Hudson Rosalind Rea Gies Amorteguy David Gress Bruce Van Dyke Norman King, Mark Whitehurst Desmond O’Neill Courtney Seeple Kerry Methner Ginny Brush


Support Santa Barbara Beautiful’s good works in the community and honor someone special at the same time. Dedicate a commemorative street tree! Become a Patron, a Sponsor, or a Benefactor.

Sample Commemorative Plaque*

Santa Barbara Beautiful will dedicate the city street tree of your choice – complete with an inscribed plaque – in honor of a loved one or special occasion. What’s more, it’s tax deductible!

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call 965-8867 or visit www.sbbeautiful.org

* The new design offers a 4"x 6" horizontal plaque lettered on a dark background, embedded in a sandstone-colored concrete holder.


We Thank Our Advertisers

2012 Awards Sponsors

Alix & Courtney Seeple Anne & Michael Towbes Arcadia Studio Architectural Foundation of Santa Barbara Brodersen Associates City of Santa Barbara - Parks & Recreation Community West Bank Cottage Health System Duke McPherson Duncan & Suzanne Mellichamp Dyson Family Trust Ensberg Jacobs Design Inc First American Title Company Frank Schipper Construction Co. Gallagher Property Management Jeff Shelton Jo Ann Mermis & Wes St. Clair, Prudential California Realty KBZ Architects KDB 93.7 FM Kitson Landscape Management La Arcada Investment Corp. LandEscapes Landscape Design Lee, Burkhart, Liu, Inc. Legal Aid of Santa Barbara County Lorraine Lim Catering Mark Johnson Maurie McGuire, Coldwell Banker Montecito Bank & Trust NS Ceramic Opera Santa Barbara Penfield & Smith Prudential California Realty Robert F. Adams, ASLA Earthknower Studio Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Santa Barbara County Arts Commission The Granada Theatre The Jacoby Family Fund The Towbes Group, Inc. Thomas Dain, Thomas Dain Construction University of California, Santa Barbara Visiting Nurse Hospice Care

GOLD CASA Magazine Cottage Hospital of Santa Barbara La Arcada Investment Corp. Lorraine Lim Catering NS Ceramic SILVER Arcadia Studio The Jacoby Family Fund KBZ Architects MEDIA KDB 93.7 FM EVENT Four Season Resort – The Biltmore of Santa Barbara West Covina Nursery SUPPORTING Lee, Burkhart, Liu, inc. Architects

Special Thanks to Our Special Teams … TECHNICAL PRODUCER: Dana Morrow, RoadShow Media TECHNICAL CREW: Music Academy of the West EVENT PHOTOGRAPHY: Priscilla, Santa Barbara Seen CATERING: Lorraine Lim Catering GARDEN RECEPTION - RED CARPET INTERVIEWS: Interviews by Shirin Rajaee and Lyn Fairly Red Carpet Video by Tony Ruggieri, City TV 18 PROPERTY AWARDS VIDEO PRODUCTION TEAM: Produced by RoadShow Media Narrated by the Hon. George Eskin, Shirin Rajaee, Lyn Fairly, and John Palminteri


Proud Supporter of the Restoration of the

herbert bayer chromatic gate

Photo by Nell Campbell

In Beautiful Santa Barbara

Penny Haberman and David Jacoby with Ginny Brush, Executive Director of the Santa Barbara County Arts Commission and Rita Ferri, Visual Arts Coordinator/Curator of Collections for the Santa Barbara County Arts Commission holding a maquette of the Chromatic Gate from 1990

Thank You Ginny Brush, Rita Ferri, and Penny Haberman Thank You Santa Barbara Beautiful Thank You All Outstanding Contributors For Your Commitment to the Success of this Major Project

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