January 2023 Newsletter

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No Joining Fee: All January long!

SAW Tut oring: Free K- 12 online and in person t ut oring available! Go t o bit .ly/sawt ut oring t o regist er a new st udent See page 18

We're Hiring:

We're hiring for mult iple posit ions Visit saymca org/job- opport unit ies/

Team Expresso:

Let 's keep it up wit h weekly and mont hly Expresso Bike challenges! See below.


We are entering 2023 with 57 consecutive ROTWwins! After a full year of championship, we are going for another 52 ROTWcourses are posted to our social media weekly. They are also available at https://expresso.com/Challenge.

For Ride of t he Week updat es, check our Weekly News updat e at saymca org or our social media pages.

Teen Center Director Eddie Santiago receiving a donation fromTom McMillen (not pictured) at International Mapping Technologies, sponsor of the 2022 Christmas Extravaganza

The 2022 Christmas Extravaganza was a success! Thank you to all who made it possible to provide our programyouth with a memorable Christmas experience.



My oldest son looked at a picture from 10 years ago and said, ?Wow! Dad, you had hair ?It was true Time has not been kind to my hairline.

Yet, that statement got me thinking about the fact that everyone has 86,400 seconds each day to use or abuse. Time is a statue with hair in the front, but bald in the back ? you can? t grab it once it is gone.

Many of us just spent the past few weeks celebrating with family and friends, opening gifts, and spending time together. But what happens now as the calendar changes to 2023 and your New Year?s resolutions are put into place?

My guess: many of you will feel like there is not enough time in the day to accomplish everything you need to That you are feeling extra stressed and tired with the amount of work you need to do?

Can I challenge you to think differently? Time management is not about having everything done on your checklist; it?s about having enough time for what matters most to you

My concept of time changed 22 years ago. I received a call in the middle of the night from one of my best friends It would be the last time I would talk to him, as I left him with the words, ?We are getting breakfast together in the morning, we can talk about it then.?

My friend died by suicide before breakfast came. There are very few days that go by that I don? t think about the importance of

being there for others, no matter the time

In 2023, don? t forget how you spend your time speaks volumes about your priorities

Consider implementing the following in your 2023 plans:

1 Schedule Open Space in your Calendar. We can? t create more time, but we can schedule open space in our calendars to check in on those in need or handle something that may come up.

2 Self- Care Taking good care of yourself is paramount to your success. Intentionally schedule time each week to ensure you are caring for yourself

3 Connect wit h Ot hers Spending time with positive, loving people you care about and trust can ease stress, help your mood, and improve the way you feel overall

4. Reach Out for Support . If you or someone you know need additional support, please reach out to one of the many resources available Call 540-886-7181 or visit https://mha-augusta.org/resources/.

In case of a ment al healt h crisis call 988.

In 2023, I hope you achieve all of your New Year's resolutions and consider the importance of time and how you use it.



Eric Nolley is often seen lending a hand Although he only joined the STAUNTON-AUGUSTA FAMILY YMCA Wellness Center staff in March of 2022, Nolley has been a part of the Y community since it was located on Tams Street His involvement in the Augusta County community runs just as deep

"I started going to the Y when I finished high school and went to work," Nolley said. "I got involved with lifting" Nolley wasn't always involved in athletics growing up as his passion lied elsewhere as a child and teenager.

"The sports I enjoyed began to fall during hunting season," Nolley explained "Ultimately, I prioritized being outdoors."

The Augusta County native was ushered into a fitness regimen alongside friends at what is now Mary Baldwin University's Physical Activities Center; the former Y location closed in 1988 With the Y's seven-year hiatus before opening in today's North Coalter location in 1995, Nolley needed a place to maintain his routine The Staunton Athletic Club, owned by another long-time member, Joe McCue, was his answer It was also where he began working in the fitness arena with a role similar to his current position at the Y "Eventually, the Staunton Athletic Club closed," Nolley said. He recalls his struggle with the closure and having limited options: working out with home equipment or the occasional visit to the high school.

"I just always enjoyed an atmosphere with other people present," Nolley explained


He found his way to the North Coalter location when it was still the Staunton Racquet Club and did not hesitate joining the Y when it opened. Nolley has been a thread in the fabric of the Y ever since, and can recall what the building looked like before its renovations and current state.

"My friends moved on to other places, and wanted me to join them, but I couldn't leave the Y," Nolley said. "The Y isn't just a place to work out, it has a purpose I've always liked that "

Nolley retired in January of 2022, which meant at the time that he would soon join the SAYMCA staff.

"I told Wendy [Shutty] and Krystal [Clark] that once I retired, I could picture this as something I would enjoy doing part-time," Nolley said "It was probably a week after I retired that Krystal came to me and said 'You ready to come to work?' So that's how I got here; I said I would enjoy it and they remembered!"

It was easy for Clark to be excited about Nolley joining her staff.

"He's trustworthy, very sincere, and honest. He has a heart of gold," Clark shared

Outside of the Y, Nolley was dedicated to serving the community through his church and their youth group alongside his wife, Suzi, (who has been a Neuro-Wellness volunteer with the Ysince 2019)

The two worlds would intersect annually on New Year's Eve (into New Year's Day) when the youth group would come to the Y to celebrate the new year with one another.

"We'd be right out there," Nolley said, pointing to the space the pool table now occupies. "We'd watch the ball drop after swimming, basketball, and games, and then from here we'd go to the bowling alley It was almost an all-night thing" Nolley enthusiastically discussed the impact that helping others had on them.

"We were with youth at the church for 25 or 26 years doing mission work," Nolley said "Suzi would go on the long trips, but we would do short trips together and we learned a lot by helping with the church youth It not only helped them grow, but it helped us grow. We grew with them; watching them inspired us to be better people"

BIBLE STUDY: In 1844, 22-year-old George Williams founded the first Young Men?s Christian Association (YMCA), a refuge of Bible study and prayer for young men seeking escape fromthe hazards of life on the streets of London

The Staunton-Augusta Family YMCA carries on the tradition of non-denominational Bible study Bring your Bible and a friend This hour-long study is led by YMCA Chaplain Carol Byrd.

Dat e and Time: Mondays, 11 am in the Multi-Purpose Room

Fees: Free


Y NOT SING? SINGERS: Do you enjoy singing, ad-libbing, and having a good time? Come join us on Thursday evenings from6?8 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. We will be choosing music, practicing, and then taking our program out to local nursing homes, senior centers and retirement communities If you have questions, please contact Carol Byrd.

Fees: Free

3 6

fromour St aff 2023 Resolut ions

"Have a healt hier mindset , all- around."

Windsor Vaughn, ProgramDirector

"Lose 50 pounds."

- David Redman, Wellness Center Staff

"Cook somet hing new each week."

- SamBreeden, Afterschool Adventure Club Clymore Site Director

"Level up my basket ball t eam, St aunt on Impact "

"Hit t he gym t hree t imes per week."

- Elizabeth Hilty, Assistant Aquatics Director

"Be more conscious of how I spend money."

- Emmie Brady, Front Desk Staff

"Have a more posit ive out look."

- Eddie Santiago, Teen Center Director

- Danny Williams, Maintenance Director

"Deep clean and organize my art room."

- Angeline Profitt, Youth Development Staff

"Priorit ize my ment al healt h by knowing when t o say 'Yes!' and when t o say 'No.'"

- Andrea Ryder, Child Care ProgramDirector



YMember Walking Again Following Diagnoses

Each day, Scottie Bell makes it a point to move his body.

The Y member grew up an athlete, but his world changed when he woke up one day with no feeling in his foot.

"I was leaving for vacation and figured I had slept on it wrong," Bell explained "But, it stayed numb through the whole trip, so about a week. I could walk, I just couldn't feel my foot on the ground or anything"

Bell had been struggling with mysterious pains in his legs for about a year prior to the incident. "Every time I went to the doctor, I told them my legs hurt to the touch I was always just told I needed to lose weight," Bell said.

Prior to this, Bell had gotten sick and was taking a medication that had complications. He struggled with diabetes and weight gain while on the medication

After returning from his vacation, Bell was admitted to the E.R. and diagnosed with myelitis, which causes inflammation in the spine and affects the central nervous system.

"After I was diagnosed with myelitis, I was told that something was wrong in my brain," Bell said An M RI revealed swollen lymph nodes in Bell's brain, spine, and lungs. "I also had something called neurosarcoidosis," Bell explained.

"I was using crutches to move around. Then, basically, I woke up one day and couldn't move my legs," Bell said.



Bell spent 40 days in a nursing home unable to walk.

"The worst part about it was being the youngest person there," Bell said. "I don't want to be 36 and 37 in a nursing home"

The Covid-19 pandemic impacted his rehabilitation. He was quarantined at home for a majority of the time, unable to source equipment for exercise. When in a nursing home for rehabilitation, he could only see the same two people while in the building "But without the encouragement of my uncle, my rehab wouldn't have been possible," Bell added


Life following the diagnoses has been anything but easy with much of Bell's time being spent in a doctor's office. He recalls waking up in the hospital's I CU several times due to complications of his neurosarcoidosis.

"There was this one time where I fell in the bathroom, but I had no idea I had fallen," Bell explained "My condition acted up Luckily, the son of my girlfriend at the time heard me and called the ambulance for me He probably saved my life that day."

Bell has always been independent, so relying on others to help him complete tasks or carry out daily responsibilities has been a new reality to navigate.

"I can't drive," Bell explained. "I get rides through my insurance I have a truck and a license, but I don't want to hurt anybody - if my feet are numb, I can't feel the pedals It's been about three years since I've driven my own truck."

"It's hard to keep asking for a ride when I have [a truck] at home, or to wait on a ride and not have it come," Bell said. "Then I can't get my work in or go to therapy or whatever the day calls for. I would much rather do it myself, but I can't " Bell is motivated to try to do as much as he can by himself, but has helping hands when he needs them

"My aunt and uncle are busy and do enough for me

just by letting me stay with them," Bell said, "but they also help me with randomstuff if I need."

"But if I can do it, I'm going to do it. I don't care if it takes forever. It's going to get done," Bell said with confidence


Bell's conditions can't be cured, but they can be treated Bell began exercising at the Y as a way to keep his body moving and combat his physical symptoms

"If I sit at home too long, my legs get real stiff," Bell explained. "I figured if I move, I'll keep my legs mobile and help them heal up If I decide to be lazy, it's going to be on me Nobody else can move for me."

"Nobody elsecan movefor me."
- ScottieBell

Bell found joy and refuge in athletics as a child and young adult The physical and mental benefits of exercise are what keep him motivated.

"I was always active growing up," Bell shared. "I don't always feel like exercising, but I always feel a lot better when it's done; exercise takes me froma bad day to a good day"

Bell grew up playing a variety of sports, but took a liking to football. He began playing in his seventh grade year through high school, continuing in a minor league in adulthood Playing sports helped him relieve stress and "blow off steam"

"I used to live on Madison Street and I would run down Madison Street to Gypsy Hill Park, complete a lap, and run back home everyday," Bell said, explaining how he prepared for the minor league. "Even just not being able to be active and do something like that is tough"


"I had completed over 100 therapy sessions at Augusta Health and felt good enough to come to the Y on my own," Bell said. "I realized if I didn't, I would be in a nursing home for real My motivation to move everyday is remembering what happens if I don't That's why I try to push myself because I don't want to go backwards - I want to keep moving."

Day by day, Bell uses the NuStep machine to move his legs and work on muscle strength and endurance. He used to rely on a wheelchair to get fromhis car to the Wellness Center inside the Y, but made incremental distance increases with his walker over time.

"I started coming two days a week and I would roll myself into the building, then get pushed to the [Wellness Center]," Bell explained. "Then, I added a third day to work out during the week using the NuStep When I was in therapy, I could only use the NuStep for about 10 minutes. I now start at level nine for five minutes, then increase to level 10 for 30 to 40 minutes, and finish at level 11 for my last 10


His progress on the NuStep has made it possible for Bell to begin walking to and from the Wellness Center.

"I got to where I could roll myself to the door to the lobby and then walk to the [Wellness Center]," Bell said "The first time I walked to the lobby from the gym, I had asked Eric [Nolley] to get my wheelchair, but I decided just to walk to the lobby. From that day on, I have just left my wheelchair in the lobby and walk to and from the gym"

Bell brings his wheelchair in case he needs to wait for a ride as standing for a long time is still difficult

"But just last week, I walked from the gym all the way to my ride outside," Bell said with a proud smile "Eric came with me and motivated me to walk all the way out to the van without sitting down."

Bell's progress allowed him to visit the doctor recently completely without the company of his wheelchair.

"It's been at least three years since I've done that," Bell said

Bell's next goal is to try a resistance level of 12 on the NuStep. He also hopes to be driving by summertime

"I will walk one day," Bell said "Coming to the Y makes me feel like that's possible."



Decked out in a playful Santa hat and festive sweater, Alice Killian-Bosserman smiled gleefully during the chorus of ?Frosty the Snowman,? singing and dancing alongside her friends and colleagues against the backdrop of basketball courts at the STAUNTON-AUGUSTA FAMILYYMCA

The scene wasn? t the original holiday performance plan for the entertaining Y Not Sing? Singers, but the group?s unflappable spirit was on full display

during the annual Christmas celebration for children in the Afterschool Adventure Program on December 17. After a previously scheduled gig was canceled and a rehearsal season challenged by illnesses, travel, and a broken bone, the singers regrouped to put on a spirited show at the Y facility.

The members of the close-knit group aren? t known for being the most serious of vocalists, but their goofiness never overshadows their innate talent and love of music.

Group of Talented Staff, Members Give Audiences aReason to Sing, Dance, and Laugh


Y Not Sing? leader Carol Byrd remembers when then-new Executive Director Josh Cole approached her about the idea of forming a singing group similar to those he was familiar with at his local YMCAs

?I think he knew that I liked to sing, and he just ran with it,? said Byrd, who also serves as SAYMCA Chaplain and Active Older Adults Coordinator

?He showed me a video of people having a great time, and I saw it as a great opportunity to get out into the community and show people the spirit of the Y,?she added

Along with Byrd, a few of the original members still sing with the group eight years later, and newer members round out the ensemble They practice weekly throughout the year, and enjoy showcasing their talents in several shows annually from nursing homes to churches and other venues where Byrd has connections.

If you cast Byrd as the heart and soul of the troupe, then 80-year-old Jim Miller would have to assume the role of funny bone. It wasn? t long after Miller joined that his colorful personality started to add a special flair to their concerts.

?If you?re not laughing, you?re not living,? said Miller, who hammed it up on ?Frosty the Snowman? at the Christmas show and pulled double-duty as Santa for nearly 60 youngsters in attendance. His signature antics such as strutting in a full white suit on ?Sharp Dressed Man,? and donning an enormous cowboy hat to deliver a memorable rendition of ?Long, Tall Texan? get everyone cheering and clapping. One of Byrd?s treasured memories is of a 90-year-old at Bridgewater Retirement Community joining in on ?The Twist? with performers.

In addition to holiday favorites, the group?s repertoire primarily includes well-known songs from the 1940s through the 1980s, which is based on the preferences of their audiences Although they usually perform locally, the singers have enjoyed special trips over the years as well, such as one to a long-term care facility in

Winchester to surprise a former SAYMCA member

?I really enjoy performing Motown, melodious pieces, and those with particularly meaningful lyrics,? said member Scott Hudson, who also has musical experience in the Al Hamilton Community Choir and Shenandoah Valley Pipe Band

Hudson has been a Y Not Sing? Singer since early on, when the group included a guitar player, and sometimes a pianist and other live instrumentalists The present group uses recorded music, which provides them with more variety and ability to tailor their shows, said Byrd

?They get into it,? Byrd added ?I think everybody just forgets how old they are and has a great time?

Miss Madie joining in for a carol

S. M. A. R. T. Talk

How t o t ake t he pressure out of set t ing and reaching your New Year's resolut ions.

Have you been struggling to meet your fitness goals? Do you want to lose weight but feel discouraged by the process? Are you unsure of where to begin? I have been there before and understand how overwhelming it can be.

Finding focus and balance can be really difficult when you are beginning a new exercise program

The S. M. A. R. T. principle is a useful tool you can apply that can help Let's apply the S M A R T method to one of the most common New Year's resolutions - weight loss - and take a closer look at healthy ways to approach that goal

S is for specific.

When people say they want to lose weight I encourage themto identify a specific amount When you have defined that, then you can chart a path to meet that goal

M is for measurable

How will you know you are meeting your goal? Weighing yourself is one method of tracking your progress, but has limitations Circumference measurements can reflect changes in body composition which is an effective way to ascertain fat loss. One truly simple method is noticing how your clothes fit And that takes the pressure off focusing on numbers on a scale. My favorite method for measuring success is noticing how your overall feeling of well-being has improved

A is for at t ainable

How can you set realistic expectations for weight loss? A healthy schedule for weight loss is one pound per week. How can you accomplish this? Proper diet and a consistent exercise routine are key! I encourage my clients to focus not just on how much weight they want to lose but to consider meeting this goal through a change in lifestyle

R is for realist ic. How will implementing a new exercise routine fit into your current schedule? A typical approach is for people to start coming to the gym5-6 days a week in an effort to shed weight quickly. This usually doesn't work out as it is difficult to maintain long termand leaves people feeling frustrated. It can be helpful to set short and long-termgoals Your total weight loss goal should be considered a long-termgoal, something that you are continuously working towards A good short-termgoal is deciding how many days a week you can consistently make it to the gym, or workout elsewhere, and then stick to that routine week after week. Consistency is key.

T is for t ime.

Once you have taken the other steps into account, then you can set a deadline that is in your best interests and reflects a healthy approach. Attempting to lose 20 pounds in two months would be neither realistic nor a healthy goal. Take your current obligations into consideration when you are in the planning stage of goal setting.

Remember that life happens. We have all the best intentions when we are first getting started and are the most motivated. Learn how to be flexible when it comes to sudden shifts and changes to your routine For instance, having children is full of surprises with many circumstances beyond your control

A change in lifestyle is reflected over time Give your body time to adapt to the changes brought about by this new lifestyle Even if you don't "feel the burn" or experience soreness afterwards, your body will undergo changes and will get stronger. Healthy living can be simple if you work SMART-er and not harder.

Eleanor Rixey is a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor at the STAUNTON-AUGUSTA FAMILY YMCA. You can reachher by email at eleanorrixey1@gmail com


Oncology Yoga

The Oncology Yoga programfollows a specialized yoga methodology designed to address the physical and emotional needs of cancer patients and survivors. Participants build community and support while engaging in classes that incorporate relaxation, breathing, and restorative poses as well as gentle poses and flows performed on a mat, with yoga props, and with the use of a wall. Classes are taught by certified yoga4cancer (y4c) instructor Melissa Anderson-Morgan with knowledge and awareness of the special needs of cancer patients and survivors

The SAYMCA is excited to be offering a monthly Oncology Yoga program Email Wendy Shutty at wendy@saymcaorg if interested to be put on the list for February

Fees: $25 / Members $40 / Non-Members

Regist er before the 1st of each month.

Equipment Orient at ions

One of our fitness attendants will develop and guide you through a general fitness routine on all of the weight machines. Follow-up orientations may be scheduled after your first appointment. The follow-up orientation will review workouts and make adjustments to exercise routines as needed We recommend two appointments for beginners Appointments can be made at the front desk (ages 15+)

Fees: Free to members.



The STAUNTON-AUGUSTA FAMILY YMCA is actively hiring for Certified Group Fitness Instructors in a variety of formats including cycling, strength, low-impact, and senior populations.

Got quest ions? Contact Fitness Director Wendy Shutty at wendy@saymcaorg

Vinyasa Yoga with Marsha Boot Camp with Sarabeth Aqua Yoga with Karen Pickleball
TheSTAUNTON-AUGUSTAFAMILYYMCAis excited to beoffering amonthly Oncology Yogaprogram! This one-of-a-kind class is designed for cancer survivors and those still undergoing treatment for any formof cancer. This gentle class is being taught by Melissa Anderson-Morgan, a certified yoga4cancer instructor. Read below for a more detailed description of the methodology used in this uplifting, supportive class. Join us in the SAYMCA Mind/Body Studio with your yoga mat. Monthly Fees: Members: $25 Non-Members: $40 Class size is limited to 10 with a minimumof 6. If interested, contact SAYMCA Fitness Director Wendy Shutty at wendy@saymca.org to join the list for February. STAUNTON-AUGUSTA FAMILYYMCA 708 N COALTERST, STAUNTON, VA 24401 540 - 885 - 8089

Monthly schedules for theBasketball Court, Group Fitness, thePool, and thePlayroomare availableat saymca.org on theHomepage.



With Chris Stambaugh

Early Hit t ers

Will teach the basics of tennis for ages 5-8. Must pre-register at the front desk

January Session: Tuesdays, 5:00 - 6:00 PM January 10 - 31 OR Thursdays, 5:00 - 6:00 PM January 12 - February 2

Fees: $60 Members per session $75 Non-members per session

Pre-Teen Tennis

Will teach your pre-teen(s) intermediate tennis skills. Must pre-register at the front desk.

January Session: Wednesdays, 5:00 - 6:00 PM January 11 - February 1

Fees: $60 Members per session $75 Non-members per session

High School Tennis

This will get your high schooler prepared for high school tennis Must pre-register at the front desk

January Session: Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:30 PM January 11 - February 1

Fees: $70 Members per session $85 Non-members per session



Tuesday/Thursday Group Lessons: January 10 - February 2

Registration for Members: Dec 10 at 5:00 PM - Jan 6

Registration for Non-members: Dec. 16 - Jan. 6 February 14 - March 9

Registration for Members: Feb 3 at 5:00 PM - Feb 10

Registration for Non-members: Feb 4 - Feb 10

Sat urday Group Lessons:

January 7 - February 11

Registration for Members: Dec. 10 - Jan. 4

Registration for Non-members: Dec. 11 - Jan 4 February 25 - April 1 Registration for Members: Feb 11 - Feb 22

Registration for Non-members: Feb. 12 - Feb. 22

Group Lesson Fees: Members: $50 Non-Members: $65

Privat e Lessons Members: $22, second child $17 Non-members: $34, second child $29 Semi- Privat e Lessons Members: $15, second child $13 Non-members: $24, second child $22

Swim Clinic

Mondays and Wednesdays 5:00 - 6:00 PM

January 9 - February 15, 2023 Member Registration: Dec 21 - Jan 5 Non-member Reg: Dec 22 - Jan 5


Session schedules are emailed to families weekly and posted to the SAW Tutoring Network Facebook Page

Cont act : SAWTutoring Coordinator Brian Ringgold at brian@saymca.org

Fees: All sessions are free New students must fill out a registration formto access sessions.

Privat e Lessons 1 HR: $49 Members / $64 Non-members 30 Min: $25 Members / $40 Non-members Semi- Privat e Lessons Per person $35 Members / $50 Non-Members *If siblings, second person receives 10%off


Come join us for fun, games, and sports at the Y Your kids will learn new skills, tackle different obstacles, and make new friends. Please wear athletic clothing and closed-toe shoes. Each week will feature a different focus (eg: yoga, fitness, and dance), so please come prepared to move!

Dat es and Times:

Ages 9-12:

January 23 - February 27

Mondays, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Ages 5-8: January 25 - March 1

Wednesdays, 10:00 - 11:30 AM

Cont act : ProgramDirector Windsor Vaughn at windsor@saymca.org

Fees: $50 Members / $65


*10%additional discount available for families enrolling multiple children


Are you tired of your children being a permanent arm?s length away from their phones or hibernating indoors glued to their TV? Do you want themto learn how to make a difference in their community while boosting their resume for college?

Youth Volunteer Corps is a network of affiliates hosted by non-profit organizations, schools or individuals that offer youth ages 11-18 the opportunity to serve their community

Registration forms are available at the Yfront desk and at Shelburne Middle School and Staunton High School Guidance Offices.

Cont act : Stephanie Mason at saymcayvc@gmail.com

Fees: FREE

Christmas Extravaganza Sillies!
are hiring Playroomstaff! If you are
children, we
morning and evening positions available
enthusiastic about
Valentine via email at dee@saymca.org
Christmas Extravaganza Sillies!

Have a happy New Year!

The Y is closed

Ride the Expresso Ride of the Week!

Try a Wellbeats class! Schedules available on our website, saymcaorg

Sign up t o t ut or in our t ut oring program and help local st udent s

Swim Clinic regist rat ion closes

Theme Day: Feel- good Friday

Youth Basketball League games

8 AM - 3 PM

Ride the Expresso Ride of the Week!

Bible Study

Swim Clinic begins!

Try Tennis! Private Lessons available

Adult Women's Intermediates begins Jan 12!

Refer friends t o join t he Y. You could win our referral prize.

Tennis: Adult Women's Intermediates 10:30 AM - 12 PM

Try out a new piece of gym equipment t oday

Youth Basketball League games

8 AM - 3 PM

Ride the Expresso Ride of the Week!

Bible Study

Second semest er SAW Tut oring sessions begin!

Volunt eer wit h YVC(ages 11- 18)!

Tennis: Adult Women's Intermediates 10:30 AM - 12 PM

Theme Day: Toget hernesst win wit h a friend

Youth Basketball League games

8 AM - 3 PM

Ride the Expresso Ride of the Week!

Bible Study

Brush up on your swimming.

PrivateSwim Lessons available

Try Pickleball on the Basketball Court, 9:00 AM12:45 PM

Tennis: Adult Women's Intermediates 10:30 AM - 12 PM

Try out a new group fit ness class

Youth Basketball League games

8 AM - 3 PM

Ride the Expresso Ride of the Week!

Pickleball Tournament !

Bible Study

Get ready for February and pick up the Group Fitness schedule at the Y.

Take a mental health screening at mha-augusta.org.

Need a break? Check out our pool, ping pong, and foosball tables.

Pick up needed materials at the front desk

SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
14 15
10 11 12 13
16 17 18 19 20 21
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JANUARY 20 23

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