SaTH Improvement Information Brochure

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SaTH Improvement Information Brochure

SaTH Improvement Hub


The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust is an organisation that strives to provide high quality, safe care for our patients in an environment which our staff are proud to work in. We consistently work to improve our performance, as we know the services that we provide are making a real difference to the lives of the people living in our community.

The aim of the Improvement Hub is to empower colleagues at all levels to have the confidence, capability, passion and knowledge, to test changes and make improvements at SaTH and the communities we serve. SaTH’s Improvement offer reaffirms our commitment as a Trust to building a culture of continuous improvement that is shared and demonstrated by all our colleagues.

This booklet sets out how we can use a structured method to plan change, work with teams to test new ideas, measure the impact of things we have tested and then act accordingly.

Importantly, this booklet has been developed with the understanding that our past success has been achieved by our great colleagues that deliver our services and in a culture that supports them to participate in improvement processes.

Meet the Improvement Hub Team

James Owen Deputy Director of Education & Improvement

Mobile: 07595 464015


Richard Stephens

Service Improvement

Business Partner

Tel: 01743 261000 Ext 3104

Mobile: 07730 028973


Gemma Styles Service Improvement

Business Partner

Tel: 01743 261000 Ext 2400


Dr Ed Rysdale Consultant for Emergency Medicine


Rebekah Tudor Service Improvement

Business Partner

Tel: 01743 261000 Ext 3039

Mobile: 07395 799943


Shelbey Fenton-Cook Service Improvement Business Partner

Tel: 01743 261000 Ext 1479

Mobile: 07355 924905


Deb Stephens Improvement Hub Administrator

Tel: 01743 261000 Ext 3104


Rachel Hanmer Service Improvement Co-ordinator

Tel: 01743 261000 Ext 2278




01743 261000 Ext. 3104



From the Intranet homepage, scroll down to the ‘Our Services & Departments’ box. Then click on the Improvement Hub link. This will take you to the main Improvement Hub page. From there, you can look through resources, find links to training videos & read the latest news from us.

Project Support Flowchart

The Project Support Flow Chart, is designed to help all colleagues decide which team would be best to support them in their work. It can be used by any of the five teams to direct colleagues who come to them to the right support, or by individual colleagues to decide who to initially approach for support.

Project Support Flow

It is important to remember that colleagues can be supported by multiple teams for their projects as often they will cross over, for example following an audit, someone may want to do a piece of improvement work before they re-audit. In this case they could be supported by the Audit team and the improvement team.

Don’t forget, more than one team might be involved in your project!

Are you implementing a mandated solution or working on a Transformational Project?

Are you asssessing the standard of care?

Ask for advice from any service

Ask advice from Research, Audit, Improvement Hub or Organisational Development

Improvement Tools

Model for Improvement

Foundational tool that should be used for every improvement project by answering the three questions and using PDSA to test out your ideas.

What are we trying to accomplish?

How will we know that our change is an improvement?

What changes can we make that will result in the improvement we seek?

Waste Wheel

Taiichi Ohno’s 7 Wastes

Tool to support colleagues identify areas of concern that would benefit from improvement.

Modelfor Improvement BITESIZE VIDEO

Processing Time

Unnecessary processes Waiting


Produced at wrong time or wrong amounts

Excessive supplies or information

Transportation Inventory

Transferring/ moving



Unnecessary movement


Linked to Model for Improvement, a SMART aim ensures rigour to any improvement work by ensuring you have considered a specific, measurable, achievable, realistic goal that can be delivered in the time you have available.







SPECIFIC - have you been specific about what you want to improve?

MEASURABLE - have you included a numerical target?

ACHIEVABLE - is it achievable?

RELEVANT - does it relate to patient outcomes? Can you link it to the strategic aims of your organisation?

TIME-BOUND - have you included a timeframe for the project?

Include the scope, don’t try to eat the elephant in one go

Involve stakeholders

Link to strategic objectives

Be prepared to modify the aim

What’s your elevator pitch?

Don’t include solutions, focus on underlying problems

Stakeholder Analysis Template

A tool used to consider all colleagues that will be affected by the change and how to effectively communicate with them during your project.

A tool that is used for many improvement activities which results in a safe and organised working environment.

SELF DISCIPLINE Maintain standards

SORT Unnecessary from the necessary

A strategy that helps to keep our workplace safe and organised Reduces time spent looking for items that should be readily available


SIMPLIFY Make places for necessary items

Idea Sorting Priority Matrix

When generating a lot of ideas, this tool helps to prioritise which to test out based on level of difficulty versus the impact the change will have, rather than implement every idea that may not achieve your aim.

7 Ways

SaTH Improvement Topics

These bitesize videos are helpful as a reminder of key topics to SaTH’s Improvement Method. Use your phone to scan the ‘QR codes’ to gain access to the videos. If you need any help with your improvement projects, please contact the Improvement Hub

SaTH Improvement Fundamental QR Codes

FUNDAMENTALS: These videos detail the content we cover on our SaTH Improvement Fundamentals course. They will help you when you are starting out on your improvement journey.

These bitesize videos are helpful as a reminder of key topics to SaTH’s Improvement Method. Use your phone to scan the ‘QR codes’ to gain access to the videos. If you need any help with your improvement projects, please contact the Improvement Hub (

Starting Out – Key topics to consider at the start of the project’s planning phase Plan: Use the below videos to help you understand your current state, ensure the team is ready for change and use a Project Brief to plan your interventions

Topics to help with change, or to help you ‘Do’ your change Do: Use the below videos to help you understand how your team feel about change, and use creative techniques to generate new ideas

Topics to help ‘Study’ the impact of your change Study: Write up the results of the intervention and use the video to help you with ensuring you have used effective measures to prove your hypothesis

Topics to help ‘Act’ after you have tested a change Act: Write up conclusions and next steps and use the video to help you understand how to make your improvement sustainable


SaTH Improvement Practitioner QR Codes

These bitesize videos are helpful as a reminder of key topics to SaTH’s Improvement Method. Use your phone to scan the ‘QR codes’ to gain access to the videos. If you need any help with your improvement projects, please contact the Improvement Hub (

PRACTITIONER: These videos detail the more advanced aspects of our SaTH improvement methodology which we teach in our SaTH Improvement Practitioner course. These concepts can help you when leading an improvement project.

Starting Out – Key topics to consider at the start of the project’s planning phase Plan: Use these videos to help you understand your current state and ensure the team is ready for change

Topics to help with change, or to help you ‘Do’ your change Do: Use the below videos to help you gain peer support with your projects and use further creativity tools to help you gain the buy-in for your ideas, as well as use tools to future proof your improvements

Topics to help ‘Study’ the impact of your change Study: Understand how Daily Management can support you to ensure you keep on track with your improvements, communicate them with your team and achieve your goals

Topics to help ‘Act’ after you have tested a change Act: To support you to sustain your projects consider incorporating the tools below into your daily routine

Genba Walks

SaTH Improvement Training

SaTH Improvement Training

SaTH Improvement Training is aligned with the Trust’s leadership training offer and is a cornerstone of the cultural work being undertaken at the Trust.

The aim of the programme is to build capacity and capability across the organisation that results in colleagues being involved in supporting and leading the improvements needed to achieve our goal of “Getting to Good”

SaTH Improvement training consists of the following:

• Introduction to SaTH Improvement (15 minute video)

• Fundamentals of SaTH Improvement (1-day face to face training)

• SaTH Improvement Practitioner (6 month course consisting of 5 sessions)

To learn more about our training offer, please watch the following short videos, and follow the LMS link below to book your place:

Introduction to SaTH Improvement

The ‘Introduction to SaTH Improvement’ is aimed at all colleagues within SaTH to gain a basic understanding of the philosophy of continuous improvement, with a focus on the key tool that we use, the ‘Model for Improvement’.

The session is designed to provide an awareness of our improvement method at SaTH and how everyone is encouraged to get involved in making the changes necessary to achieve our vision.

Who Should Attend?

The Introduction session is designed for all colleagues.


• Have an awareness of SaTH’s Improvement methodology and how you can be engaged in improvement.

• Understand how colleagues feel about improvement.

• Have an awareness of the Model for Improvement and PDSA.

• Be aware of the need for measurement.

• Have an awareness of training available & ongoing support.

Programme Delivery:

A video has been made that is recommended to be watched by all new colleagues as part of your induction. All colleagues currently employed by SaTH will be encouraged to watch the video within the next 6 months.

More information can be found here - improvementhub/Introduction_to_improvement_training.asp

Fundamentals of SaTH Improvement

The course has been designed to be accessible to colleagues at all levels, and will provide them with the philosophy, tools, and concepts that they can use within their own work areas to make small incremental improvements. The aim of the course is to enable colleagues to practice improvement. Who Should Attend?

The course is designed for all colleagues at SaTH.


of SaTHImproveme n t BITESIZE VIDEO

• Have an awareness of SaTH’s Improvement methodology and how you can be engaged in improvement.

• Have an understanding of the Model for Improvement and PDSA.

• Understand how to identify Waste within your areas.

• Have an awareness of rudimentary root cause analysis.

• Understand how colleagues feel about improvement & generate ideas.

• Knowledge of 5S principles to enable you support a 5S activity.

• Be aware of the need for measurement and types of measures used in continuous improvement.

• Have an awareness of how we document improvement.

Programme Delivery:

The fundamentals course will be delivered over one day of faceto-face learning, as well as an option to be taught via MS Teams. Additionally, bitesize videos have been developed to enable colleagues to review the content in their own time.

More information can be found here - improvementhub/Improvement_Fundamentals_training.asp

SaTH Improvement


The Practitioner course is available for all leaders and supervisors within the Trust on completion of the Fundamentals course.

The course provides an advanced understanding of our improvement tools & techniques that will enable you to follow the ‘Model for Improvement’ by ensuring you are clear on what you are trying to accomplish (Aim), you know that your change leads to a sustainable improvement (Measures), and you have been able to identify suitable changes that results in the improvement you seek (Changes).

aTHImprovementPractitione r BITESIZE VIDEO

During the course you will be provided with coaching support from a member of the Improvement Hub and will identify a project prior to commencing the course, that you will then complete progressively throughout the programme. This will culminate in a case study that you will showcase at the monthly SaTH Improvement sharing huddle.

Who Should Attend?

The course is designed for all leaders and supervisors who have completed the Fundamentals course.


• Complete a project brief for your chosen subject.

• Deepen the participant’s knowledge of SaTH’s Improvement methodology and how to engage with colleagues in improvement.

• Have a deep understanding of the Model for Improvement and PDSA.

• To practice identifying Waste within your areas.

• Conduct rudimentary root cause analysis for an identified problem in your area.

• Use Mistake Proofing techniques to reduce defects in your work area.

• To explore opportunities for using ‘set up reduction’ techniques in your area to support reducing the burden of work.

• Lead 5S interventions within your area.

• Have an awareness of facilitation tools and techniques that will support you to engage with your team to understand a process/problem.

• Practice SaTH Improvement Management tools and techniques with your team, focussing on Huddles, Production Boards, Improvement Boards, Standard work and Genba walks.

• To have the knowledge and skills to collect, display and use different types of measures in support of an improvement project.

• Write a case study in a poster format and showcase at the monthly SaTH Improvement sharing huddle.

Programme Delivery:

The course will consist of several 1-day face to face/virtual sessions over 5-6 months.

More information can be found here - improvementhub/Improvement_practitioner.asp

Test of Change Weeks

The Improvement Hub is increasingly being requested to support dedicated “Test of Change” weeks, which is a great way to rapidly test out multiple ideas against a particular problem.

To run effectively, it requires prior planning to ensure staffing levels are appropriate, colleagues are made aware and ready for the change, and the PDSAs (ideas to be tested) have been agreed with an appropriate plan.


To support this method, a bitesize video has been created, which can accessed via the QR code.

Testof ChangeWeeks

Ideas Drop-in Clinic

It is recognised that colleagues often visit the Improvement Hub to seek advice on how to progress with an idea, but there is no-one from the team to support you.


To overcome this problem, the Improvement Hub now provides dedicated “Drop-in Clinics” to ensure you have dedicated one to one time with a member of the team, who can help you “flesh out” your ideas to determine how to progress next.

Prior to your visit, we would encourage you to complete the SaTH Improvement Ideas form, which can be found on the intranet, or via the QR code.

The dates of the drop-in sessions can be found on the Improvement Hub website on the intranet and will also be communicated by various means, such as the Cascade and weekly Nursing and Midwifery meetings. If dropping in at RSH, the sessions will take place in the Improvement Hub once per month. An additional monthly session will take place on a rotational basis at PRH and SaTH offsite venues, such as Shrewsbury Business Park, Atcham and Hollinswood House Telford.

There is no need to book, simply drop in to the advertised session and you will be seen by a member of the team who has been scheduled to support you. This is additional support and colleagues are still encouraged to call into the Improvement Hub on the “off chance” outside of these dedicated sessions. The Improvement Hub will always do its utmost to support you where possible.

Improvement Champions

SaTH Improvement champions are volunteers across the Trust who support and encourage colleagues to use the SaTH Improvement method that helps to promote a culture of Continuous Improvement.

Anyone can volunteer to be an engagement champion and you are encouraged to contact the Improvement Hub if you want to join the team.

The champions initially undertake the oneday Fundamentals course and are then supported by the Improvement Hub to keep abreast of improvement activity in their area, so they can encourage their colleagues to use the philosophy, tools, and techniques of improvement, which leads to measurable and sustainable changes for the benefit of our Patients and Staff.

They meet regularly to share the improvement that is taking place in their areas, receive ongoing CPD and promote shared learning and better communication.

Action Learning Sets

Action learning sets are a mechanism for bringing colleagues together in a non-judgemental, friendly group that uses powerful questions in a coaching environment to help colleagues overcome problems they might be facing.

If you and your team would like support from the Improvement Hub to support and facilitate an Action Learning Set, please contact the improvement Hub:


Phone: 01743 261000 Ext. 3104

Improvement Champions

SaTH Improvement Hub

Improving Training

Back in March 2022 Ward 10’s statutory and mandatory training had been 76%. The team have found it a challenge in the last few months to complete their mandatory training. In August, their compliance increased to 87.19% but decreased ever since. The decreased in compliance appeared to coincide with the introduction of the Learning Made Simple (LMS) Platform. The plan was to conduct root cause analysis to understand if the introduction of LMS or other factors had caused the compliance decrease. The plan was to test various solutions to increase compliance.


A meeting was arranged with the Ward 10 Manager Gary Francis to discuss the statutory and mandatory training compliance. During the meeting we discussed the blockers to staff completing their statutory and mandatory training modules.

It was felt that the introduction of the Learning Made Simple platform and the reduction in completion of paper-based workbooks and a fear of the new LMS system had led to the decline in overall training. It was felt that the reintroduction of the workbooks would help increase the training compliance percentage.

We would tackle a few subjects a month starting from February 2023. We also talked about education and information regarding computer IT skills and in turn increasing confidence and morale amongst the staff around using technology to raise their training compliance.

A training report would be produced each month until the department has reached the Trust target of 90 % aiming for 8th May’s 2023 report. Workbooks and assessments would be printed out and sent to Ward 10 to be completed by staff and Jo Fothergill would mark the workbooks and send declarations electronically to the Education Team to input completions onto to the LMS system.

The training report would be manipulated each month to show all outstanding statutory training for staff. Named Workbooks and assessments would be printed out and sent over to ward 10, completed by staffand the manager would mark the workbooks.

The completed workbooks will then be added to the LMS by the Education Team. We plan to supply this breakdown of data each month following each report run until 90% compliance is reached.

The manager can also print out workbooks in the department if required to save time. Emails were sent out to individuals and a poster was also created for the Ward’s noticeboard to advertise assisted eLearning sessions and computer IT skills in order to improve staff’s confidence in the using the LMS system for future training.

The poster included some LMS tips and information regarding the language used which contributed to the fear of the system and also a congratulations on the 91.3% compliance achievement.

Training Compliance

Ward 10 PRH - Core Training Compliance Percentage

Kathryn McCormick

June 2023


To increase training compliance for the CSTF modules to 90% (Trust Target) for the Ward 10 at PRH by 8th May 2023.


Breaking the report data down in this way and providing it in a manner that was clear, concise and colour coded has ensured that managers/supervisors and staff know exactly what training needs to be completed. It takes about half an hour to produce but saves a lot of time for the teams when they are trying to manipulate it. The team have needed no support in marking the workbooks, so this has all been down to their hard work. This system is working well and has been well received Ward 10 have had an 8.2 % increase in training compliance since January 2023. Training compliance now stands at 93.68%

The percentages was also translated into the number of staff outstanding per subject in order to reach 100%, as the percentage can sometimes appear worse than it really is, all dependant on how many staff are in the department and who must complete each subject; for example, a subject may be showing as 80%, but only means that 2 staff members need to complete to get 100%. This can give a totally different outlook and help maintain morale and motivation. In the three-month period since the support started and the workbooks were introduced, the compliance has gone up over the 90% target as per SPC chart below:

Training Compliance SPC Chart

In conclusion this support has been well received and adopted we will be carrying out the same support following each report run until 95% compliance is met.

Support will still be provided if required and will involve liaising with the ward manager and business partner.

We have provided details on assisted eLearning sessions and basic computer skills to enable staff to move forward and use the LMS online training with confidence.


Following a local audit, it was identified the current trend is for 36 patients to present to RSH ED (1075) per month, which results in waiting over 12 hours in the department. Additionally, it was noted that 24 patients are over 65 years of age and 7 of the 36 present with circulation, or chest issues, some of which could be seen in SDEC. This data suggests that our patients are waiting unnecessarily in ED, due to our current processes.


Following a workshop many opportunities were identified and prioritised into a plan of work. It was agreed to run a “Test of Change” week between 27th November and 1st December with three key themes:

1. Push/Pull between ED and SDEC, including education on SDEC criteria

2. Improve process for booking and attendance at SDEC Follow-Up clinics

3. Identify opportunities for utilising “Hot Slots” in Specialty clinics for SDEC patients

To support education on the Criteria for Patients presenting into ED for SDEC, a poster was created and placed at key areas within SDEC, ED and AMA:

To improve the booking of follow-up clinics, a booking form was developed, alongside a step-by-step guide for Ward Clerks to book onto Semahelix. Part of the test was to take into account how much time patients would need, to prevent all coming at once.

As it was not possible to test out an actual “hot slot”, the team collected data on the amount of patients who would benefit from such a clinic slot

of Change Week

FLOW and Patient Experience

Richard Stephens

December 2023


The aim of the project was to ensure all patients who are end of life receive their analgesia via a T-34 Syringe pumps by the end of August 2022.

Additionally, a secondary aim was to increase the stock levels of T-34 pumps in Medical Devices by the end of August 2022.


The test of change week really helped to re-educate the criteria for patients who could/should be transferred from ED to SDEC, thereby ensuring improved flow. Feedback on the posters was very positive, helping ED colleagues to push more patients in a timely manner. Additionally, utilisation of the Nurse in Charge in SDEC and AMA has improved, resulting in patients being transferred more efficiently.

New SDEC Admissions SPC Chart

Use of a booking form, alongside education for Ward Clerks has improved the process for booking and “cashing up” of patients who require a follow-up clinic in SDEC. Additionally, the week provided an opportunity to test out utilisation of Virtual Ward, which would reduce the volume of clinics required.

Cashing up Improvement Chart

The criteria posters have been very positively received and therefore, they will remain in situ to ensure the progress made continues and sustains.

Colleagues from SDEC will continue to “Pull”, with a particular focus on the first pull at 9 am which will alleviate pressure for ED, while ensuring patients are being treated and cared for in the appropriate area.

During the week, more opportunities for improvement were identified, including utilisation of the portering transfer team, and improvements to coding. These will be progressed, alongside ensure current improvements are monitored over the next 30, 60 and 90 days.


The culture strategy was implemented in 2022, to support the overall cultural transformation for the Trust. The strategy uses four key areas of focus and is measured by the Culture Dashboard. The Culture Dashboard shows our six key themes, using data taken from the Staff Survey results each year. Both of these link back to the People Plan for the Trust.

In 2022 we started a Trust wide initiative to deliver Civility and Respect Sessions to all colleagues from ‘Board to Ward’. The feedback received on these sessions has been excellent, if you have not yet attended a session, please visit the Training Diary to book your place.

If you would like to have a bespoke session for your team, please contact Lisa Baker-Murray –


To enable SaTH to be a psychologically safe place to work and be the employer of choice within the region. Where colleagues feel a sense of belonging.

Utilise the resources in place to Discover, Develop and Deliver the strategy. To meet with the requirements of the CQC Well Led agenda.

Embed positive cultural change through the Vision, Values and Behavioural Framework, in all levels and areas of the organisation.

The SaTH Cultural Strategy Four Pillars

People Plan Winning Principles and the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy to be present in all we do.

Leadership by all for all Compassionate, Inclusive, Leadership Leadership Competency Framework 1 2 3 4

Improvement Champions

Civility and Respect

Behaviours and Values

Civility Saves Lives

Psychological Safety

Our Vision and Values

The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust is an organisation that strives to provide high quality, safe care for our patients in an environment which our staff are proud to work in.

Our Vision

We believe that by adhering to our Vision and working with our Values in mind we can behave in a way which will ensure the right results for the people that matter most - our patients and their families

Our Values

Our Trust Values provide a guide for our daily lives which we are all expected to uphold, both at work and when we are representing the Trust.

Our Values were developed by staff and our patients, so they represent what is important to us within the organisation and the way we should all behave towards patients, carers, visitors, partners and each other.

You will see our Values throughout the Trust; they are not just words on a page, they represent what we are about here at SaTH. We want patients and their families to say that the care and service they receive from all of us is consistently high-quality, safe, effective and personalised, so the feelings behind the Values shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone working in the NHS.

The reason why it is important that they are clearly written down is so we all know what’s expected, and none of us are surprised if we are asked to explain any unacceptable behaviour. Ultimately, if we follow our Values, we will provide services that are better for our patients and better for each other.

Our Vision

“To provide excellent care for the communities we serve”

Our Values

Partnering Ambitious Caring Trusted

Working effectively together with patients, families, colleagues, the local health and care system, universities and other stakeholders and through our improvement alliance, with UHB and our improvement partnership with Sherwood Forest.

Setting and achieving high standards for ourselves personally, and for the care we deliver, both today and in the future.

Embracing innovation to continuously improve the quality and sustainability of our services.

Showing compassion, respect and empathy for our patients, families and each other, caring about the difference we make for our community.

Open, transparent and reliable, continuously learning, doing our best to consistently deliver excellent care for our communities.

Par tnering Ambitious Caring Trusted

Values and Behaviour Framework

Taking into account all the feedback from the second online conversation, the new behaviours framework for SaTH below.

Behaviours (Do’s)

We work collaboratively to achieve team goals & priorities.

We help each other with a ‘can do’ attitude that supports team morale and motivation.

We actively listen to make sure we understand & where possible, we make the right decisions based on what we learn from others.

We are innovative and communicate about our barriers to change and we work together as a team to make improvements.

We ensure everyone feels safe to speak up and put forward their ideas.

We set high standards and we celebrate and recognise each other’s and the team’s successes together.

Behaviours (Don’ts)

We don’t work in silo’s.

We don’t undermine other people or teams.

We don’t ignore people when they need support.

We don’t avoid tackling issues that impact patients, families and colleagues.

We don’t dismiss ideas; When ideas for improvement are put forward, we seek support, make a plan and take action to try new things.

We don’t tolerate poor standards, and we recognise that we are all responsible for upholding high standards at our Trust.

We treat all people with civility and respect, valuing each other to enhance team morale, so it has a positive impact on patient care. We are inclusive; ensuring everyone feels part of the team with shared goals to achieve together.

We are kind to each other, our patients and community.

We treat each other fairly, recognising the importance of every role within our Trust.

We are open and honest, and encourage people to speak up whilst respecting confidentiality, continuously learning. We take responsibility & are accountable for our actions and decisions.

We don’t tolerate bullying or harassment.

We don’t tolerate people being disrespectful or rude.

We don’t turn a blind eye to poor behaviour.

We don’t blame others.

We don’t over promise and under deliver.

We don’t keep making the same mistakes.

NHS Knowledge and Library Services

Taking the heavy lifting out of evidence searches

Do you need a hand with your Evidence Searches?

Contact your Knowledge and Library Service:

Telford Health Library

01952 641222 Ext: 4440

Shrewsbury Health Library 01743 492512

Library Website

Evidence Updates

• A personalised current awareness service allowing you to receive new evidence on topics tailored to your requirements.

• Covering policy documents and a range of summarised evidence, so you won’t be inundated with primary research articles.

Do you want the latest evidence tailored just for you?

Contact your Knowledge and Library Service:

Telford Health Library 01952 641222 Ext: 4440

Shrewsbury Health Library 01743 492512

Library Website

Mobilising evidence

Sharing knowledge

Improving outcomes

Notes, Thoughts and Ideas

Copyright © The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust 2024 Revision 3.1 - 10/24

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