Joy of giving week newsletter 2013

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The Evening of Joy was held as part of the week and was one of the major events in the week. Kids from Father Agnel’s orphanage visited the college campus and had a wonderful time. Activities were organized for their entertainment and learning. An origami workshop was held by Kala, the arts club on campus, for kids belonging to the 10-13 age group. They also learnt how to make different attractive shapes. Our volunteers were awestruck on seeing how quickly they grasped the technique of making various shapes. By the end of the activity, the children were coming up with their own nice little creations, which was very heartening. For kids aged between 13-15, a computer workshop was organised, teaching them the basics of Paint and Microsoft PowerPoint. Computer education is a very important requirement today, and this workshop was conducted keeping that in mind. The kids were very inquisitive and showed the urge to learn, and it was very satisfying for us, as volunteers, to teach them.

Mr Gautam Krishnan, one of the faculty of our college, took a career counselling session for the kids over 16. He interacted with the children and kept them thoroughly engaged in a discussion about various career options they can choose from when they grow up. He even talked about the great inspiring personalities that have graced our past and present times, and told the kids that they too, one day, could become someone who everybody would look up to. It was a very informative session for them, and they got an insight into the vast world of opportunities that lay ahead of them. A dance workshop was held for them as well by the Dance club of our college, and they were only too delighted to dance along and learn steps they had never attempted before, which was very evident from their excited and smiling faces. The kids had a great time on campus, and all those who volunteered to help for these events couldn't have been more satisfied to see the smiles on the faces of the children. None of the kids felt like leaving when the evening finally came to an end. None of us realised how quickly the time flew past as we enjoyed a memorable evening.


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