Equicurean 2012

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Skidmore to Recognize Marylou Whitney and John Hendrickson for Community Service Scribner Medal to be awarded at Palamountain Scholarship Benefit, July 31


kidmore College will honor wellknown Saratoga couple Marylou Whitney and John Hendrickson with the awarding of the college’s Lucy Skidmore Scribner Medal. Named for the college’s founder, the medal recognizes a selfless dedication to others, a capacity to imagine creative solutions to social problems and a deep commitment to the community. Skidmore will present the medal at its 33rd annual Palamountain Scholarship Benefit, “Polo by Twilight,” on Tuesday, July 31, at the Saratoga Polo Field. All funds raised at the event go to the Joseph C. and Anne T. Palamountain Scholarship

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Fund, created to honor the college's fourth president and his wife for their 22 years of leadership. Anne Palamountain launched the benefit in 1979 to boost financial aid at the college, and she continues to preside over the event. “From early on, Marylou Whitney has been a staunch supporter of our cause, and she has been a constant presence at the Palamounatin Benefits over the years,” said Mrs. Palamountain. “She and John are truly our loyal and caring friends.” Said Skidmore President Philip A. Glotzbach, “In naming this award for the college’s founder, Lucy Skidmore Scribner, we are paying tribute to the qualities of commu-

nity engagement and lasting commitment. Mrs. Scribner established the forerunner of Skidmore College in 1903 to educate women for improved employment opportunities and cultural enrichment. She devoted her life and resources to this endeavor, overseeing its transition to a four-year college in 1922. At every stage, she worked tirelessly to help others.” The past recipients of the Scribner Medal are Anne Palamountain, the Dake family and the Wait family. For more information on the Palamountain Scholarship Benefit, go to www.skidmore.edu/palamountainbenefit or call (518) 580-5671.


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