The Spectacle Q4 2018

Page 19

13 Mental Tricks To Get Yourself Out Of Your Comfort Zone

1. Study Your Physical Manifestations Of Fear Take one small step. It’s natural to oppose change. Try taking small steps into unfamiliar territory. It will trick your brain into action by breaking your goal down into small steps, allowing you to focus on one step at a time until you reach your destination. ΖW ZRXOG EH HDVLHU WR SDVV R΍ XSVHW SDWLHQWV to those who have a little more experience. Don’t let those opportunities pass by; they are a learning experience. Take it step-by-step with each patient, and if you ever feel yourself getting lost feel free to ask for help with your steps.

Act as if you’re comfortable and just do it. It’s never easy to leave your comfort zone. You have to act like you jump into the unknown all the time and just do it. Once you’ve left your safe space, it gets easier to keep doing it. Talking to people I’m not familiar with intimidates me, so manager pairings get me out of my comfort zone. I have to talk to others I have never met for an entire month, but by the end I have overcome my fear, become familiar with someone else in the company, and learned valuable lessons. Push yourself to do things you aren’t comfortable with; it will get easier. Are you holding back and staying in your FRPIRUW ]RQH" 0DNH WKH H΍RUW WRGD\ WR SXVK through the safety of your comfort zone and plunge into the unknown. You may like what you ȴQG RQ WKH RWKHU VLGH

2. Tell Yourself, “I Am Fearless” 3. Recognize Your Reactive Thoughts & Tack A New, Positive Attitude Onto Them 4. Look Up & Around You 5. Revisit Your Greatest Accomplishments 6. Find A Compelling Reason 7. Physically Embody The Change 8. Make It A Habit To Try Something New 9. Reframe What It Means To Be Comfortable 10. Rationalize The Fear 11. Take One Small Step 12. Compare The Worst & Best Possible Outcomes 13. Act As If You’re Comfortable & Just Do It

One giant leap for mankind. – Neil Armstrong



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