Spectacle Q2 2019

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contents top performers ...................................... 3


new additions ........................................ 4 workaversaries ...................................... 5 GDUH WR EH GL΍HUHQW .............................. 6 chris’ corner ........................................... 8 welcome to the family .......................... 9 advancing with support .....................10 LPSURYLQJ ȴUVW LPSUHVVLRQV ...............12 preparing for progress .......................13 reaching your unique goals ...............14 the horizontal possibilities.................15 investing in your team........................16 the pet page.........................................17 out & about..........................................18 aboc challenge ....................................19

join the evolution! Advancements are everywhere around you – in optometric tests, frames and lenses, and even co-workers’ careers. We at Visionary Eye Partners are dedicated to being at the IRUHIURQW RI DGYDQFHPHQWV VR WKDW ZH PD\ R΍HU RXU SDWLHQWV WKH YHU\ EHVW LQ YLVLRQ FDUH and our employees opportunities to grow in knowledge, strengths, and determination. 7KLV 6SHFWDFOH LVVXH LV ȴOOHG ZLWK WLSV DQG WULFNV WR LPSURYH ERWK LQGLYLGXDOO\ DQG collectively. The question is, are you ready to join in the Visionary evolution?



top performers q1, 2019 (January - March) Comparing Sales Q1 2019 to Q1 2018 Practice Wilson Eye Center AAE – 23 Mason City AAE – 21 Waterloo AAE – 12 Peoria AAE – 06 Mattoon AAE – 24 Machesney Park AAE – 08 Moline AAE – 15 Edwardsville AAE – 05 Quincy AAE – 17 Burlington AAE – 03 Peru AAE – 02 Champaign $$( 6SULQJȴHOG Palisades Optometrics AAE – 09 Collinsville AAE – 10 Rockford AAE – 04 Forsyth AAE – 22 Danville AAE – 19 O'Fallon AAE – 07 Belleville AAE – 01 Bloomington AAE – 17 Burlington Eye to Eye Care AAE – 25 Cedar Rapids Look – 44th AAE – 14 DeKalb AAE – 11 Sterling Look – Parker Look – University Look – Chambers Look – 88th Kips Bay Optical 2019 Q2 - SPRING EDITION

Ţ 27% 18% 15% 11% 11% 10% 9% 7% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% -2% -3% -3% -3% -6% -7% -7% -9% -9% -10% -10% -11% -12% -15% -17% -20% -22% -32% –

Social Site Reviews - Google, Yelp, etc. Practice Wilson Eye Center AAE – 06 Mattoon AAE – 01 Bloomington AAE – 09 Collinsville AAE – 02 Champaign AAE – 04 Forsyth AAE – 22 Danville $$( Ȃ 6SULQJȴHOG AAE – 03 Peru AAE – 12 Peoria AAE – 21 Waterloo AAE – 15 Edwardsville Look Optical – Parker AAE – 19 O’Fallon AAE – 25 Cedar Rapids AAE – 07 Belleville AAE – 10 Rockford Look – Chambers AAE – 05 Quincy AAE – 14 DeKalb AAE – 23 Mason City Look – University Look – 44 AAE – 08 Moline AAE – 17 Burlington AAE – 24 Machesney AAE – 11 Sterling Look – 88 Eye to Eye Care Kips Bay Optical Palisades Optometrics

# Reviews 172 64 55 48 35 33 28 25 25 24 20 15 14 13 13 11 10 10 9 9 7 7 6 4 4 4 4 4 2 0 0

Avg Score 5.0 5.0 4.6 5.0 4.5 4.7 4.7 5.0 4.5 5.0 4.8 5.0 3.6 5.0 4.8 4.7 4.3 4.2 5.0 4.7 4.9 2.7 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.0 4.5 -


new additions Gramercy Park Optical is a retail optometric dispensary located in Manhattan providing optometric exams, traditional and specialty lenses, frames and contact lenses. Purchased in 1981 by Dr Warren Zimmerman, Gramercy Park Optical is centrally located and shares space ZLWK D GHQWDO RÉ?FH 7KH SUDFWLFH LV SRSXODU LQ WKH QHLJKERUKRRG RÎ?HULQJ WKH KLJK HQG IUDPH brands locals love.

Ippolito Eye Care is a private optometric practice, and located in Stirling, NJ on the second ȾRRU RI D FRPPHUFLDO EXLOGLQJ DERYH D WR\ VWRUH Dr. John Ippolito is the solo optometrist of the SUDFWLFH 7KH\ UHFHQWO\ UHPRGHOHG WKHLU SUDFWLFH and it now boasts a modern and trendy design. Ippolito’s focus is on optimizing eye health and has patients coming back for all their vision care needs.


Peeper’s Optical is a frame boutique optical practice located in Denver, CO providing comprehensive eye exams, traditional lenses, IUDPHV DQG FRQWDFWV 3HHSHUV 2SWLFDO ȴUVW opened in 1989 and was purchased by Dr. 5D\PRQG 0F&OHHU\ DQG KLV ZLIH LQ 7KHLU focus on unique patient experiences makes them a hit among the Denver natives.

Rye Eye Care is an upscale boutique optical practice located in the heart of Rye, NY, approximately 45 minutes north of New York City. Dr. Steven Bloom is the main optometrist DQG KLV ZLIH 6XH PDQDJHV WKH RÉ?FH DQG LV LQ charge of frame buying and optical sales. Beau, their golden retriever, is also a large part of the RÉ?FH DQG LV LQ FKDUJH RI SXEOLF UHODWLRQV 7KHLU ODUJH VHOHFWLRQ RI GHVLJQHU IUDPHV ranges from classic shapes to ecclectic styling and keeps patients on top of their fashion game.


workaversaries q1, 2019 AAE 05 Quincy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 years AAE 09 Collinsville . . . . . . . . . .4/15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 years


Dr. Steven Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . 4/1 . . . . . 39 years Arlene Schlesigner. . . . . . . . . . Gramercy . . . . . . . . . 5/1 . . . . . 38 years Ivy Zimmerman . . . . . . . . . . . . Gramercy . . . . . . . . . 5/1 . . . . . 38 years Warren Zimmerman . . . . . . . . Gramercy . . . . . . . . . 5/1 . . . . . 38 years Stephen Tanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilson . . . . . . . . . . 6/10 . . . . 15 years Adam Rosengren . . . . . . . . . . . . Support . . . . . . . . . . 4/5 . . . . . 14 years Michele Rizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . 5/9 . . . . . 14 years Dr. Doug Devore. . . . . . . . . AAE Bloomington . . . . . 5/21 . . . . 12 years


David Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilson . . . . . . . . . . 5/21 . . . . 12 years Richard Zavoda . . . . . . . . . . Eye To Eye Care . . . . . . 5/18 . . . . 11 years Fatema Pousti . . . . . . . . . . .Look University . . . . . . 6/1 . . . . . 11 years Teekeela Aranda . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . 4/6 . . . . . 10 years Julie Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAE Mattoon . . . . . . . 4/13 . . . . 10 years Farahnaz Talyai . . . . . . . . . . Eye To Eye Care . . . . . . . 6/1 . . . . . 10 years Megan Sawchuk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAE . . . . . . . . . . . 5/24 . . . . . 9 years Karin Egan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eye To Eye Care . . . . . . 4/29 . . . . . 8 years Mayra Tiscareno . . . . . . . . . . Look Parker . . . . . . . 5/16 . . . . . 8 years Peter Kimerling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOL . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/2 . . . . . . 7 years Chelsea Greenwood . . . . . . . .AAE Moline . . . . . . . 6/28 . . . . . 7 years Sherry Delk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . 4/8 . . . . . . 6 years Cassandra Jennings . . . . . . . . . . . Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . 5/6 . . . . . . 6 years Marquise Cody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Support . . . . . . . . . 6/10 . . . . . 6 years Chris Shawback . . . . . . . . . . . . . Support . . . . . . . . . . 4/7 . . . . . . 5 years



dare to be different Written by Dr. Diana Miranda, All About Eyes I’m not going to bore you with statistics and percentages about screen time. Let’s just say that most everyone spends enough time staring at screens that associated eye strain is a problem, and it’s a global one. OK, enough nerd talk. What are we going to GR DERXW LW" :H QHHG WR UHGXFH WKH HÎ?HFW WKDW eye strain and damaging blue light has on our patients’ eyes. Because of advancements in optical technology, we already have the tools in our toolbox. We just need to be comfortable DQG FRQČ´GHQW XVLQJ WKHP ZLWK RXU SDWLHQWV We need to educate on the discomfort and GDPDJLQJ HÎ?HFWV RI H[WHQGHG VFUHHQ WLPH :H QHHG WR EH GLÎ?HUHQW WKDQ RXU FRPSHWLWRUV Č‚ RQ the cutting edge of technology and ahead of WKH FXUYH Č‚ LQ RUGHU WR DWWUDFW DQG UHWDLQ RXU patients long term. If we don’t, our patients will go to the optical down the street. Here are some examples of educating our patients about how to make their screen time more comfortable and safer for them.

BluTechŽ Lenses 7KHVH KHOS WR EORFN EOXH OLJKW WR UHOLHYH GLJLWDO eye strain, protect the macula, and improve sleep patterns. Ask every patient about their daily number of hours of screen time. I also try to be relatable. I share with patients that my husband and I are PS4 gamers at the end of the GD\ 2QFH Ζ VWDUWHG ZHDULQJ P\ %OX7HFK OHQVHV for gaming, I experienced less eye strain and better sleep. Now I can’t game without them. For older patients, I share that my mom is addicted WR <RX7XEH $UH KHU UHDGLQJ JODVVHV %OX7HFK" You betcha. Now she can watch as many husky videos as she would like without her eyes getting so tired.


Side note: we’ve discovered here that the VOLJKW WLQW RI WKH %OX7HFK OHQVHV LV DOVR JUHDW for reducing glare when driving at night. It’s a solid recommendation for patients who you’ve already recommended A/R to in the past, but they’re still having night driving issues. A/R plus %OX7HFK VHHPV WR EH WKH EHVW FRPELQDWLRQ IRU these patients.

Anti-Fatigue Lenses 7KHVH DUH ȊEDE\ȋ SURJUHVVLYHV 7KH\ȇUH DYDLODEOH in +0.50D and +0.75D ADDs and are priced similar to our basic progressive. I prefer the $'' VLQFH PRVW QRQ SUHVE\RSLF SDWLHQWV including children prefer to look through an Rx more suited for a closer viewing distance when RQ D VFUHHQ 7KLV FDQ EH FRQȴUPHG ZLWK D TXLFN plus build up and/or other focusing test (NRA/ 35$ LQ WKH H[DP URRP 7KLV H[WUD VHFRQGV RI WHVWLQJ FDQ VSDUN D VFUHHQ UHODWHG H\H VWUDLQ conversation with the patient. Not only can this small power bump relax the focusing system GXULQJ VFUHHQ WLPH EXW SDLUHG XS ZLWK %OX7HFK patients won’t want to engage in any screen time without these glasses on. Side note: the +0.75 ADD can also be used IRU ȴUVW WLPH SURJUHVVLYH ZHDUHUV WR HDVH DGDSWDWLRQ VLQFH DQWL IDWLJXH OHQVHV IHHO PRUH OLNH VLQJOH YLVLRQ OHQVHV 7KHUHȇV ZD\ OHVV peripheral haze than the basic progressive, but at a similar price point.

%LRȴQLW\ (QHUJ\V™ Contact Lenses 7KHVH DUH PRQWKO\ GLVSRVDEOH VRIW FRQWDFW lenses made by Cooper VisionŽ. AlconŽ will be coming out with a competitor lens later this \HDU -XVW OLNH WKH DQWL IDWLJXH OHQV %LRȴQLW\ (QHUJ\V KDV D ȊEDE\ȋ $'' DURXQG ' VR LW relaxes the focusing system when viewing closer objects like a screen for an extended period


RI WLPH $QG MXVW OLNH WKH DQWL IDWLJXH OHQV WKH vision feels like what you get from a single vision OHQV QRW D PXOWLIRFDO 7KHVH DUH QRW \HW DYDLODEOH ZLWK D EOXH OLJKW Č´OWHU EXW WKLV VKRXOG EH DURXQG WKH FRUQHU 7KH FRVW LV QRW PXFK KLJKHU WKDQ UHJXODU %LRČ´QLW\ OHQVHV DQG WKH UHEDWH PDNHV XS IRU D JRRG FKXQN RI WKLV GLÎ?HUHQFH VR Ζ XSJUDGH most of my patients. Who wouldn’t want less VFUHHQ UHODWHG H\H VWUDLQ DW D VLPLODU SULFH SRLQW" Side note: since this lens is highly aspheric, it ČŠFRYHUVČ‹ ORZ DPRXQWV RI F\OLQGHU YHU\ ZHOO DQG actually provides enhanced distance vision for these patients as well. Sounds to me like the best of both worlds.



It’s just a matter of being familiar with the new technology advancement products, asking patients the right simple questions about their daily amount of screen time, and making the appropriate UHFRPPHQGDWLRQ 7KLV LV RQH ZD\ WKDW ZH FDQ GLÎ?HUHQWLDWH RXUVHOYHV IURP competitors. I tell patients that their bodies won’t feel as tired at the end of the day if their eyes aren’t as tired from all the screen time. And they consistently report IHHOLQJ LPSURYHPHQWV LQ WKHLU RYHUDOO ZHOO being with these new products. Start the conversation. Educate your patients. Be relatable. Be the expert. Dare WR EH GLÎ?HUHQW <RXU SDWLHQWV ZLOO WKDQN you for it and will have no reason to go anywhere else.


chris’ corner Personal Advancements Have Positive Impacts Written by Chris Aguirre, All About Eyes As a company, we often talk about professional growth and ways to learn more about your trade. Additionally, every day gives an opportuity to grow in your personal life. Many of these steps toward personal growth lead to professional growth and advancements. Often people don’t connect the two types of growth. But it starts at home, in your own skin, before it develops into professional advancements.

way into your professional life. For example, setting goals for projects that are important to you at home, like beginning a long remodel SURMHFW RU Č´QLVKLQJ WKDW ODQGVFDSLQJ SURMHFW you started last year, will create a sense of accomplishment that you desire. You will start looking for new projects to accomplish, at home and work. Any simple task has the potential to blossom into a professional milestone.

We all have tools at our disposal that we sometimes overlook, and several of them are ULJKW DW RXU ȴQJHUWLSV 2QH ZD\ WR LPSURYH LV following the example our supervisors set. What is he/she doing in their personal time that is leading to professional advancements? Some of the personal attributes and habits of the most successful people mirror each other pretty closely. Many of the most successful people often get a good night’s sleep and wake up early. 7KH\ KDYH EHHQ XS DQG H[HUFLVLQJ ERWK PLQG and body, long before they step through the front door at work. Living a healthy lifestyle can LPSURYH PRWLYDWLRQ DQG VHOI HVWHHP WKHUHE\ improving home and work life.

Each week pick one thing that you would really like to begin to change about yourself or your routine. Create a plan, set an attainable goal, DQG ȴQG D ZD\ WR PHDVXUH \RXU SURJUHVV 2QFH you have completed this goal, don’t stop there! Pick something new to work on and continue to grow in your personal lives each day. Once you create these healthy habits at home, you ZLOO ȴQG WKDW WKH\ KDYH FKDQJHG WKH ZD\ \RX conduct your professional life as well.

Another often overlooked tool is the book club RQ RXU HPSOR\HH ZHEVLWHV 7KHVH ERRNV FDQ RÎ?HU D QHZ RXWORRN RQ KRZ ZH WKLQN VSHDN DQG UHDFW WR GLÎ?HUHQW VLWXDWLRQV 7KH\ FDQ KHOS you learn new skills or discover ways to polish current ones leading to a more positive and professional attitude and thought process. Personal growth leads to professional growth Č‚ QRW WKH RWKHU ZD\ DURXQG :KHQ \RX GHYHORS good habits at home, they will soon work their



welcome to the family

Callie Marie Rodriguez Daughter of Alex Rodriguez, Visionary Eye Partners Support Born: April 2, 2019 6:42pm :HLJKW OEV R] /HQJWK È‹

William Philip Leitner Son of Jessica Parr, $OO $ERXW (\HV 3HRULD Born: February 13, 2019 :HLJKW OEV R] /HQJWK È‹



advancing with support Written by Fallyn Stieglitz, Visionary Eye Partners We get it. Having your practice acquired by DQRWKHU FRPSDQ\ LV GLÉ?FXOW ΖW PD\ IHHO OLNH everything around you is changing as frames DUH EHLQJ VZDSSHG RXW GLÎ?HUHQW FRPSXWHU systems are being introduced, and there are all these new people to connect with. It’s not easy. However, we at Visionary Eye Partners are here to help your practice advance and have a ORQJ ODVWLQJ OHJDF\ WKURXJK LQFUHDVHG SDWLHQW VDWLVIDFWLRQ 7KH RQO\ WKLQJ LV ZH QHHG \RXU KHOS to do so. Visionary Eye Partners has a solid track record for promoting practices and developing plans based on individual’s needs and patient base. 7KLV LV DOO WKDQNV WR RXU GHGLFDWHG OHDGHUV DQG specialized departments. You may know a few already but departments you may interact with include integrations, insurance, accounting, inventory, and marketing. Yes, that’s a lot of people, but each department is here to help you grow and answer any questions you may have.

Insurance Don’t you just hate sitting on hold to verify EHQHȴWV ZKLOH D SDWLHQW LV ZDLWLQJ" 7KDWȇV ZK\ ZH KDYH DQ ΖQVXUDQFH GHSDUWPHQW 7KHVH insurance investigators will work directly with all RI WKH YLVLRQ FDUH SODQ SURYLGHUV WR ȴOH FODLPV UHTXHVW UHIXQG FKHFNV DQG YHULI\ EHQHȴWV $OVR if your doctor isn’t approved by a provider, this department can take care of all that paperwork. Insurance even works with contact lens orders and tracking to make sure patients receive the correct lenses on time, while keeping you updated on shipping details. Did I mention they will work out safety frame orders too? No wonder they’re part of Support.


7KH LQWHJUDWLRQV JURXS LV PRVW OLNHO\ WKH ȴUVW people you’ve met since joining the Visionary IDPLO\ 7KH\ DUH WKH WUDQVLWLRQ H[SHUWV DQG ZLOO KHOS \RX ȴQG \RXU IRRWLQJ ZLWKLQ WKH 9LVLRQDU\ family. Integrations will show you the ropes for DQ\ QHZ SURJUDPV DQG SURFHGXUHV 7KH\ ZLOO also introduce you to the rest of the Visionary Support team. If you have any questions about the transition or what Support can do for you, these are the people to reach out to.

Inventory will probably be your practice’s IDYRULWH WHDP WR WDON WR 7KLV IXQ ORYLQJ department is there to make sure you get all the frames and supplies you need. While your boards may change, they will be supplying you with topquality frames, and maybe even some you wished you carried before. If you are ever in need of any random supplies like highlighters, rulers, or screwdrivers, just put it on the weekly VXSSO\ RUGHU 7KLV WHDP LV KHUH WR PDNH VXUH you are fully stocked and ready for any patient RU DQ\ RÉ?FH VLWXDWLRQ WKDW PD\ DULVH



Accounting is another department you will be LQWURGXFHG WR DW WKH EHJLQQLQJ 7KH\ ZLOO KDQGOH bills, reimbursements, payroll, and Care Credit. 7KH VLJQDWXUH RQ \RXU SD\FKHFN PD\ FKDQJH

7KHQ RI FRXUVH WKHUH LV WKH HYHU ORYHO\ marketing department (I’m not biased, I promise). We are here to make your practice look good! We can create something as simple



EXW LWȇV VWLOO JRRG 7KLV GHSDUWPHQW LV KHUH WR WDNH WKH IRFXV RÎ? WKH QXPEHUV LQ WKH EDQN JRLQJ out, so you can focus on the numbers of faces coming in!


want to help support? as business cards, to something as intricate DV D ZHEVLWH RU VRFLDO PHGLD FDPSDLJQ 7KH marketing team will work with you to create new and inspiring materials that increase new patients and sales. We also keep track of sales and reset your employee website password if you get locked out. We will bring them in, and it’s up to you to wow them. 1RZ WKDW \RX NQRZ ZKDW 6XSSRUW RÎ?HUV EH VXUH to reach out to us! Just like you want to know about a patient’s lifestyle in order to give them the best vision care options, we want to know about your practice in order to give you the best service and support! If it’s a question, complaint, suggestion, or praise we would love to have open communication with all practices. Our RÉ?FHV DUH RSHQ 0RQGD\ WKURXJK )ULGD\ DP WR SP &67 )HHO IUHH WR UHDFK RXW WR XV YLD email, phone, or slack channel, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We look forward to getting to know you and your practice.


Respond To Emails.

Even if it’s just to say you received an email.

Report Inaccurate Shipments.

Let us know if you didn’t receive an item or if you were sent something you didn’t order.

Like And Share Your Practice’s Social Media.

If you don’t like your practice online why should your patients?

Turn In Items On Time.

It saves both of us time and energy in the long run.

Provide As Much Detail As Possible.


Report Anything Suspicious.

Weird phone calls or emails? Send them our way so we can verify authenticity.

question, complaint, suggestion, or praise? 2É?FH +RXUV



Call 309.808.3112 and we will direct you to the correct person.


All are located in the Support Directory.

Slack Channel




KORTQXKPI ƓTUV KORTGUUKQPU Written by Rebecca Brown, All About Eyes First impressions are so important in our industry because we only have one chance, and there are no do-overs. It’s easy to get complacent at work, but we have to remember every time the phone rings or a patient walks in WKH GRRU WKH ȴUVW LPSUHVVLRQ VHWV WKH WRQH IRU their whole experience. When the phone rings there is no way to know who is on the other end. Each call needs to be answered quickly and happily. Letting the SKRQH ULQJ IRU DQ H[FHVVLYH DPRXQW RI WLPH sends a message that we are either too busy or uninterested. Once you answer, be sure to put a smile in your voice. Be ready and willing to help with whatever the patient needs, whether they need to make an appointment or a job status, DQG PDNH VXUH WR DQVZHU DOO RI WKHLU TXHVWLRQV :KHQ D SDWLHQW VWRSV LQ IRU WKH ȴUVW WLPH WKHLU ȴUVW LPSUHVVLRQ LV PDGH E\ WKH DVVRFLDWH WKDW greets them. We only have 60 seconds to make D SRVLWLYH LPSUHVVLRQ RI RXU SUDFWLFH DQG D IHZ VLPSOH WULFNV FDQ KHOS DGG WKH ZRZ IDFWRU These can include a timely greeting, authenticity, product knowledge, and appearance.

Was the patient greeted in a timely manner? Similar to answering the phone promptly, we need to immediately greet people entering the store. Continuing to work and ignoring the patient gives the impression we don’t have time to help and what we’re doing is more important. $ JHQHUDO UXOH LV LI \RX FDQ VHH WKHP HQWHU \RXU practice, acknowledge them in some way.



When you greet a patient, are you genuinely happy to help? 7KHUH LV VRPH PHULW WR WKH ȊIDNH LW XQWLO \RX make it� mantra. However, it is best to be genuine with your patients and truly want to help them. All it takes is a little positivity and YLVXDO DFNQRZOHGJHPHQW RI WKHLU FLUFXPVWDQFHV to make an authentic connection with a patient.

Are you capable of helping the patient to the best of your abilities? %H FRQČ´GHQW LQ \RXU DELOLWLHV (É?FLHQWO\ KHOSLQJ the patient with whatever they need will assure WKHP WKH\ KDYH FRPH WR WKH ULJKW SODFH (YHQ LI \RX DUH XQDEOH WR KHOS D SDWLHQW ZLWK D VSHFLČ´F problem, don’t leave them stranded! Direct the patient to the best person to help with their needs and be sure to introduce them.

Are you dressed to impress? ΖW GRHVQȇW UHTXLUH D ORW RI PRQH\ RU HÎ?RUW WR ORRN SURIHVVLRQDO IRU ZRUN $OO LW WDNHV LV SODQQLQJ and thought. Think about your position and who you interact with daily. Take into consideration WKLQJV OLNH FRORU DQG Č´W %ULJKW FRORUV SURPRWH excitement, light colors are calming, and dark FRORUV VKRZ DXWKRULW\ DQG FRQČ´GHQFH $OVR EH DZDUH RI VFHQW DQG MHZHOU\ ΖQ PRVW FDVHV LW LV D good idea to be modest in these areas. Personal K\JLHQH LV DOVR D PXVW :H RIWHQ JHW YHU\ FORVH to employees or patients and don’t want to PDNH WKHP XQFRPIRUWDEOH :H ZRUN LQ RXU RÉ?FHV HYHU\ GD\ VR LW FDQ EH KDUG WR EH REMHFWLYH DERXW Č´UVW LPSUHVVLRQV Ζ challenge you the next time you go to a business FRPSDUDEOH WR RXUV ORRN DURXQG ΖV WKH VWDÎ? GRLQJ DQ\WKLQJ RI PHULW" $Q\WKLQJ XQDFFHSWDEOH" :LVK \RX RU \RXU WHDP ZRXOG GR" 7DNH QRWH and be the change you want to see so we can FUHDWH WKH EHVW Č´UVW LPSUHVVLRQ HYHU\ WLPH


preparing for progress Written by Stephen Tanner, Wilson Eye Center Let me set the scene for you: 250 patients have exams, frame selections, dispenses, and repairs. You are rushing around to assist patients and FR ZRUNHUV ZKLOH GHVSHUDWHO\ ZLVKLQJ IRU D VHFRQG VHW RI DUPV 7KLV LV WKH FXUUHQW VFHQH DW Wilson Eye Center. As our practice continues to grow, we need to hire new team members. Over the years, I have learned that even in the busy times, it is crucial to slow down and invest in new team members. Finding enough time to train new team members is challenging, but it is extremely important. At Wilson Eye Center, we have a training program in place for times just like these to help prepare our new team members for when the going gets tough. During periods of growth, there can be many new potential team members going through the hiring process. We would all love to hire someone with years of experience, knowledge, and an aura that allows them to hit the ground running, but often that is not the case. In our practice, each new team member completes an RULHQWDWLRQ GXULQJ WKHLU Č´UVW FRXSOH RI ZHHNV With this orientation, we get the new associate XS WR VSHHG ZLWK KRZ WKH RÉ?FH ČľRZV DV ZHOO DV our policies and procedures. 2QH RI WKH Č´UVW DQG PRVW LPSRUWDQW WDVNV ZH teach new members is answering the phone. 7KH SKRQH LV WKH OLIH OLQH IRU FRQWLQXHG SUDFWLFH growth. We have found that having the new team member help with appointment reminder calls is one of the best ways to familiarize them with the phone system and operating software. Having that extra help with the phone also alleviates stress during peak hours as the team can continue to focus on the current patients.

GHSDUWPHQW 7KLV GHSDUWPHQW RYHUYLHZ ZLOO EH KHOSIXO GXULQJ WKH ȴQDO VWDJHV RI WUDLQLQJ ZKHQ the new member is paired with a senior team member in their designated department. We ZDQW WKH ȴQDO VWDJH WR EH IRFXVHG VROHO\ RQ WKH new member’s primary job. During this period, ZH DOVR VLW GRZQ RQH RQ RQH ZLWK WKH QHZ WHDP PHPEHU WR WDON DERXW WKHLU WUDLQLQJ DQG ȴQG RXW where they feel their strengths and weaknesses are. We can then use this information to modify and tailor the program in a way that sets them up for success and ready to begin working solo DIWHU ZHHNV Another training technique that we use is to be 6 : ( ( 7 6R :H ([FHHG ([SHFWDWLRQV 7RGD\ We want to make sure that new team members focus on customer service and becoming a team SOD\HU 7R GR WKLV ZH VWUHVV WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI following through with our patients. When trying to give a patient an experience that will keep WKHP FRPLQJ EDFN LW LV DOZD\V HDVLHU WR ȊXQGHU SURPLVH DQG RYHU GHOLYHU ȋ :H ZDQW RXU SDWLHQW experiences to be a stark contrast to any other customer service experiences they may have had in the past. At Wilson Eye Center, we realize WKDW FUHDWLQJ D 6 : ( ( 7 FXVWRPHU H[SHULHQFH for every patient translates to positive reviews, which increases practice growth. It’s better to put a new hire training program in place before you need it. Have your training program in place before you need it. Use the WLPH EHIRUH JURZWK WR WZHDN DQG ȴQH WXQH \RXU training practices so that you are ready for it when it happens.

$QRWKHU EHQHČ´FLDO WUDLQLQJ DFWLYLW\ ZHȇYH XVHG LQ our practice is job shadowing. We do this at the beginning of the training process to get a basic XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI WKH GLÎ?HUHQW IXQFWLRQV RI HDFK



reaching your unique goals Written by Shondra Pistone, Visionary Eye Partners What does career advancement mean to you? A promotion, complete with a new job title and pay increase? Or growing your knowledge base or skillset at your current position? Not every teammate wants the same thing from their FDUHHUV 7KH EHVW SDUW LV WKDW QR ZD\ LV EHWWHU than another. In our organization we encourage %27+ +HUH DUH VRPH WLSV IRU DGYDQFHPHQW KRZHYHU \RX GHČ´QH LW

If you want that promotion: Getting promoted is one form of advancement DQG UHFRJQLWLRQ WKDW PDQ\ VHHN 7KH TXLFNHVW way to a promotion is to be a true leader. Being a leader does not just mean you have the word ȊOHDG ȋ ȊVXSHUYLVRU ȋ RU ȊPDQDJHUȋ LQ \RXU WLWOH Managers focus on execution, while leaders focus on developing and empowering others. In your current role, whether it be as a Front Desk teammate or a Practice Manager, you can EHFRPH D OHDGHU LQ \RXU SUDFWLFH 7R GR WKLV begin inspiring your teammates to be their very best. True leaders: • Support and motivate their peers • Admit when they are wrong • Embrace change and bring forward new ideas

If you want to be the best at what you do: When you have found yourself in the perfect role for you and can’t imagine doing anything HOVH WKLQN DERXW DGYDQFHPHQW DV FRQWLQXDO VHOI improvement. Currently, we have a training program within the My Visionary Eye Partners portal. Here, you can gain valuable knowledge and skills to become $%2 FHUWLȴHG (QJDJH \RXU OHDGHUV Ȃ ZKHWKHU they be your practice manager/administrator RU \RXU ȴHOG OHDGHUV $UHD 0DQDJHUV RU 'LVWULFW 0DQDJHUV Ȃ E\ DVNLQJ LI WKH\ FDQ SURYLGH \RX ZLWK PDWHULDOV RU RQH RQ RQH WUDLQLQJ WR GHYHORS skills. You can also ask your peers to teach you VRPHWKLQJ WKDW WKH\ DUH JUHDW DW 7KHQ WKHUHȇV the educating yourself route: read books, look up articles, take a class, or attend a seminar. You can advance your knowledge and become better at what you do. No matter what type of career advancement you are seeking, your leadership team at Visionary (\H 3DUWQHUV LV KHUH WR VXSSRUW \RX 7KH ȴUVW step to any improvement is making the choice. We look forward to hearing from each of you on how we can help you to achieve your goals.

• Encourage others’ opinons and feedback Č? 7KLQN RXWVLGH RI WKH ER[ • Give credit where credit is due • Guide teams to solutions and promote actions



the horizontal possibilities Written by Megan Sawchuk, All About Eyes :HȇYH W\SLFDOO\ GHČ´QHG RXU VXSHUVWDU HPSOR\HHV DV VWDQG RXWV EHFDXVH ZH UHFRJQL]H WKHLU potential and often peg them for climbing the corporate ladder. We dangle the proverbial carrot to get them to learn more and work hard so that they can get promoted and move up in the organization. However, when we’re not moving up, we suddenly feel stuck. It’s hard to imagine growth without the change that comes with a promotion. Often, we don’t value a lateral move or a professional growth experience as highly as we GR D SURPRWLRQ 7KHUHȇV QR VKRUWDJH RI HDJHU employees ready to take the next leap upwards, but what is the value of looking before you leap? Or leaping sideways for that matter? Moving up means more responsibility. It means taking on new challenges and having to take ZKDW \RX DOUHDG\ NQRZ DQG WU\LQJ WR Č´OO LQ WKH gaps with more. If this is your path, you’re a JRRG Č´W IRU WKH MRE DQG LI \RXȇUH UHDG\ WR GR that job, then this could be your ultimate goal. If the stars aren’t aligned for that yet, sometimes Č´QGLQJ RWKHU JURZWK RSSRUWXQLWLHV ZLOO NHHS \RX from feeling stagnant. A lateral move might be switching positions to another job on the same level with a GLÎ?HUHQW VHW RI UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV RU MXVW FKDQJLQJ environments. If this is the case, it could mean giving yourself a better chance of being PRUH ZHOO URXQGHG DQG D EHWWHU Č´W IRU IXWXUH

opportunities. A lateral move doesn’t mean you are not in line for a promotion or need to start over. Usually, it’s just the opposite. When transitioning laterally, you become more experienced as you encounter a broader spectrum of ideas and tasks than someone who IROORZHG D VWUDLJKW SDWK ΖW DOVR KHOSV \RX ȴJXUH RXW ZKDW SDUWV RI HDFK MRE DUH D EHWWHU ȴW IRU your strengths. You can also grow personally and professionally without changing anything about your current work situation. Within your current position \RX FDQ H[SORUH \RXU UROH PRUH LQ GHSWK by quenching a thirst for knowledge. Know what’s going on in the industry and continue your growth and education. Read articles, take continuing education classes, or just quiz yourself from time to time to make sure you’re keeping yourself fresh. Another way you can challenge yourself is to make sure every time \RX VHH D QHHG \RX ȴQG D ZD\ WR ȴOO LW 3UREOHP VROYLQJ DQG EHLQJ VROXWLRQ RULHQWHG FDQ RIWHQ keep you on your toes and develop skills you didn’t even know needed to be sharpened. By being the best version of your current self, you can discover what you truly love about your job and ensure that you don’t get bored doing the same thing every day. It also shows your supervisors that you can continue to develop yourself, so when future opportunities arise, they know they can count on you to take on a QHZ FKDOOHQJH KHDG RQ




investing in your team Written by Cristina Sinclair, All About Eyes If you would have asked me six and a half years ago if I imagined myself ever managing an All About Eyes store, I would have told you probably QRW Ζ ZDV DOZD\V D GHGLFDWHG DQG KDUG ZRUNLQJ RSWLFLDQ EXW Ζ QHYHU VDZ P\VHOI DV ČŠPDQDJHU PDWHULDO Č‹ +RZHYHU P\ PHQWRUV Č‚ WKH PDQDJHUV DQG XSSHU PDQDJHPHQW DW WKH WLPH Č‚ WKRXJKW GLÎ?HUHQWO\ 7KH\ QHYHU VWRSSHG EHOLHYLQJ LQ me and continuously pushed me to my full potential. Now, as a store manager, one of my JUHDWHVW SDVVLRQV LV LQYHVWLQJ LQ P\ VWDÎ? -XVW like my mentors, I love pouring my heart and soul in being a guide to my opticians through the world of optics and sales. From the beginning, it’s essential to know each VWDÎ? PHPEHU DV DQ LQGLYLGXDO

2QFH \RXȇYH LQYHVWHG \RXU WLPH LQWR \RXU VWDÎ? and shown that you are truly dedicated to their personal growth, you’ll see your employees ZHOFRPH QHZ NQRZOHGJH WDNH RQ PRUH GLÉ?FXOW tasks, and become eager to climb their own ladder of success. With that said, not every optician is going to be comfortable with the QH[W OHYHO DQG WKDWȇV SHUIHFWO\ Č´QH +RZHYHU it’s important to spot out the opticians who are willing to invest in not only you as their manager, but the company as well. Don’t let these hungry opticians stay complacent; challenge and evolve them. Make them better than you as their mentor, so if the opportunity arises, your store will be in good hands if you’re ready to move on to your next level of success.

What is their motivator? Each optician

DQG GRFWRUȇV WHFK ZLOO UHDFW GLÎ?HUHQWO\ WR YDULRXV actions. Find out how to motivate each one and what to avoid.


Identify their strengths and weaknesses. +HOS WKHP Č´QG ZD\V WR

improve their strengths and overcome their weaknesses.

Encourage them to set bigger and better goals for themselves. When they

see they are capable of accomplishing more WKDQ WKH\ H[SHFW WKHLU FRQČ´GHQFH ZLOO VRDU DQG so will their accomplishments.

Conduct routine one-on-ones. 7KHVH

WDONV ZLWK HDFK VWDÎ? PHPEHU FDQ EH XVHG WR track their improvements. It’s a great and easy ZD\ WR Č´QG RXW PRUH DERXW \RXU VWDÎ? DQG LW FDQ help you improve as a manager too!



the pet page

Have an adorable pet to share? Email Fallyn at f.stieglitz@visionaryeyepartners.com or Heather at h.lopez@visionaryeyepartners.com to have your furry friend featured in the next edition of The Spectacle.



out & about

Have photos from your store outing? Email Fallyn at f.stieglitz@visionaryeyepartners.com or Heather at h.lopez@visionaryeyepartners.com to have your expedition featured in the next edition of The Spectacle.



aboc challenge We at Visionary Eye Partners are strong believers in continuous training for all of our team members. The advancements in ophthalmic technology and diagnosis continue to grow and we would hate to fall behind in our patient services. 2QH ZD\ \RX FDQ VWD\ RQ WRS RI \RXU RSWLFDO NQRZOHGJH LV E\ EHFRPLQJ $%2 FHUWLȴHG %HORZ DUH D IHZ VDPSOH TXHVWLRQV WR VHH LI \RX KDYH ZKDW LW WDNHV WR EH $%2& $V DQ DGGHG SHUN WKH ȴUVW people to send in all the correct answers will receive a Starbucks giftcard. Please fax your answers to 312.610.7147 before May 30. 7KH SDWLHQWȇV 5; LV [ ZLWK D add standard trifocal. What is the power through the intermediate?

If the eyewires are too far from the cheeks the adjustment to take care of this condition would be to

The problem of prismatic imbalance at the reading level is called

A lens having a minus curve on both front and back is called

What recreational activity would be best suited with yellow lenses?

The term diplopia refers to:


In the boxing system the A measurement represents:





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