Transplant Support Group | Brand Guidelines

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Brand Guidelines A visual identity guide for Transplant Suppor t Group






Uniforms & Merchandise.




Colour Variations.


Digital Communication.




Incorrect Use.


Awareness Campaign.


Clear Space.










Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines


Mission Transplant Suppor t Group offers suppor t to all donors contributing their organs or tissues and to all patients who are waiting to receive an organ/ tissue or who have already undergone an organ/ tissue transplant. Being such a long and delicate procedure, the suppor t group assures that all donors and patients are in the right state of mind and provided with the proper care before and also after the transplantation. In addition to this, the suppor t group delivers talks and presentations on a regular basis in order to reach and educate more people about organ donation subsequently registering more organ donors.



Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Brand Identity



The overall brand is based on hope which this altruistic community creates for each and every donor and recipient. The icon present in the visual identity is composed of two elements symbolizing hope, these being the swallow and the iris plant.

The tagline for this brand identity is: “One Team, One Dream” and in Maltese it reads: “Komunità Waћda, Holma Waћda”. The meaning behind this tagline interpretation is short and simple. “One Team” is standing for all the stakeholders of this philanthropic community. “One Dream” is signifying the fundamental aim each and every stakeholder wishes to work towards and achieve, this aim ultimately being to aid and assist all patients whilst waiting, before and after each organ or tissue transplant.


Logos. Icon The icon design of the logo employs a flat design style which gives off a simplistic and modern look.The symbolic element of the swallow is being depicted inside the sepals of the iris plant to signify a sense of protection, care and support by the iris plant. This design composition is interpreting a unifying perception between the support group and all their patients.

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Primar y Logos

Primary Logos The logo versions present on this page, which are stacked and centred, are the default primary logos for Transplant Support Group. Use these logo versions whenever possible. Only under certain circumstances should one stray from these version, for example if content is not centre-aligned. without Tagline

with English Tagline

with Maltese Tagline 7

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Secondar y Logos

Secondary Logos The secondary Transplant Support Group logos, which are present on this page, are the horizontal versions. This lockup should only be used when there is not enough space for the primary vertical lockup or if content is left-aligned on a page. without Tagline

with English Tagline 8

with Maltese Tagline

Clear space.

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Clear space To ensure the impact and integrity of the logo, always maintain a certain amount of white space on all sides of the logo. This white space isolates the logo from competing graphic elements such as other logos, photography, background patterns and also text.


Clear space - Primar y Logos

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Clear space - Secondar y Logos

Requirements The minimal clear space for both the primary and secondary logos of Transplant Support Group is defined as the height of the "T" from the "Support" font type, weight and size present in the organisation's logo name. This minimum space should be maintained when the logo is proportionally enlarged or reduced in size.



Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Primar y Typeface

Gill Sans The primary typeface for Transplant Support Group is Gill Sans. This is a very simple, clearn and modern sans-serif typeface which expresses sincerity. Multiple weights helps establish a clear hierarchy and draw the reader's attention to important content. Each word from the entity's name is placed on a separate line as the main importance was given to "Support" since it is their primary objective. This word is given prominence by utilizing a 'SemiBold' weight from the chosen typeface is being depicting in a large font size. The other two words, "Transplant" and "Group", are making use of a smaller font size and a 'Light'er font weight. The tracking of these two words has been increased to visually match the spacing of the large font size "Support" in order to keep the consistency.


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Gill Sans Font Family

Gill Sans Light Gill Sans Light Italic Gill Sans Regular Gill Sans Italic Gill Sans SemiBold Gill Sans SemiBold Italic Gill Sans Bold Gill Sans Bold Italic Gill Sans Ultrabold 14

Primar y Typeface

Gill Sans Light abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

Gill Sans Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

Gill Sans SemiBold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Secondar y Typeface

Dancing Script OT The secondary typeface for Transplant Support Group is a script font called Dancing Script OT. This font conveys a more complex and ornate look yet still readable. It has been adopted to represent the Tagline though it is also appropriate to use this script font when a word or phrase needs to be given more prominence.

Dancing Script OT Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABC DE F G HIJ KLMNOP QRST U V W XYZ 0123456789


Colour. This brand identity consists of three main solid and significant colours, these being green, a darker shade of green and yellow. The yellow colour reflects positivity, hope and optimism - three things which this organisation lives by. The green colour, apart from being an implicit representation of Tissue/Organ Donation and Transplantation, is associated with life, safety and hope.

The logo icon portrays the swallow (in yellow) inside the iris plant (the front sepal in green and the back sepal in the darker shade of green, to indicate that it is appearing behind the swallow) to imply a sense of protection and support by the iris plant. Furthermore, the iris plant is representing the actual Transplant Support organisation, whereas the swallow is depicting all patients and their families.

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Colour Palette

RGB R53 G175 B166

RGB R0 G145 B134

RGB R253 G189 B16

HEX # 35AFA6

HEX # 009186


CMYK C68 M0 Y36 K0

CMYK C90 M0 Y47 K21

CMYK C0 M27 Y100 K0

Pantone P 127-13 U

Pantone P 128-7 U

Pantone P 10-8 U


Colour Variations. The Transplant Support Group Logo should be reproduced in full colour whenever possible. White is the most effective background on which to reproduce the colour logo because it provides a clean, crisp contrast for the logo's colour an elements. If colour reproduction is not available or is not a viable option, the logo should be reproduced in solid green (C68 M0 Y36 K0 / R53 G175 B166 / Pantone P 127-13 U) on a white background or as a full reverse - Monotone version.

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Colour Variations - CMYK

Primar y Logos

Secondar y Logos 19

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Primar y Logos

Secondar y Logos 20

Colour Variations - RGB

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Colour Variations - Pantone

Primar y Logos

Secondar y Logos 21

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Primar y Logos

Secondar y Logos 22

Colour Variations - Grayscale

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Colour Variations - Monotone - Primar y Logos


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines


Colour Variations - Monotone - Secondar y Logos

Incorrect Use. The Transplant Support Group logo has been specially designed as a unifying composition and to maintain consistency throughout the visual identity it is essential that the logo is never altered in any way. The following pages are a few examples of what NOT TO DO. The same rules shown here apply to all other logos versions and variations.

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

DO NOT place a stroke around any logo.

DO NOT use nonapproved colours on any logo. 26

Incorrect Use

DO NOT use a dropshadow on any logo.

DO NOT flip any logo icon horizontally or ver tically.

DO NOT change the propor tions of any logo.

DO NOT change any position of any font text from any logo.

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Incorrect Use

DO NOT place any full colour logo on a background hue from the colour palette.

DO NOT place a monotone version of any logo on the yellow from the colour palette.

DO NOT place a monotone version of any logo on the dark green from the colour palette.

DO NOT only scale the logo icon down or up however you please.

DO NOT inver t the icon colours from fill to stroke.

DO NOT increase or decrease the space between each text line or logo icon. 27

Stationery. The design of each piece of stationery, except for the A5 Notepad, produced for Transplant Support Group is significantly consistent and vibrant to look at. The back side of each piece of stationery consists of a blown up design of the logo icon which works well as a decorative element.The content present on the front side is all following a left-aligned sequence making the composition appear very well spaced, organised and balanced.

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Stationer y


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines


Stationeer y - A5 Notepads

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Stationer y - Envelopes


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines


Stationer y - Business Cards

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Stationer y - Business Cards


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines


Stationer y - A4 Folders

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Stationer y - Donor Cards


Signage. The design of each signage is a bit more plain than the stationery's design for the simple reason that the primary logo needed to be used in order to attract people's attention with the full colour logo version rather than the monotone logo version. In this way it would start to become easily recognisable which entity the signage belongs to. Therefore to follow the brand guidelines, a white background needed to be kept behind the primary logo. The decorative blown up element is slghtly visible only on the Roll-Up Banners.

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Signage - Roll-Up Banners


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Backdrop with Transplant Suppor t Group's Logo and the Maltese Tagline


Signage - Backdrop

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Signage - Backdrop

Backdrop with Transplant Suppor t Group's Logo and the English Tagline


Uniforms & Merchandise. Utilizing the colour palette of the solid and vibrant colours, Transplant Support Group's merchandise consists of a wide range including multi-coloured polo shirts; one in each colour mentioned in the Colour Section and also a plain white version. All polo shirts are branded with either the complete logo or just the logo icon on. Besides attire, their merchandise also includes branded biros and yearly diaries. Their uniforms consist of a branded lanyard and staff name tag with a consistent visual style similar to the business cards design though supporting a vertical dimension.

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Merchandise - Staff Name Tags


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines


Merchandise - Lanyards


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines


Merchandise - Lanyards


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines


Merchandise - Biros


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines


Merchandise - Diaries


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines


Uniforms - Polo Shir ts


Digital Communication. Preserving the integrity and consistency of Transplant Support Group's brand presence for digital communication is essential. Whether it is communicating via Email, Facebook, Linkedin or Youtube it is vital that the brand's tone and personality besides, the visual identity, remains consistent across each and every channel.

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Email Signature


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Digital Communication - Powerpoint Presentation Template Slides


Awareness Campaign. The awareness campaign ‘Life After Drew’ attempts to engage more people by educating and encouraging them to register as organ and/or tissue donors. The concept behind this awareness campaign is based on the fundamental perspectives involving three of the most critical and immediate stakeholders in the transplantation process.These three stakeholders are: the donor, the organ recipient and persons who volunteer for Transplant Support Group. Because of the weight that transplant stories carry in raising awareness, it was

decided to showcase three individuals briefly outlining their experiences with regards to organ donation and transplantation. Helen who is the altruistic donor, Christine who volunteers for Transplant Support Group and Michael who is the grateful recipient. The slogan for this campaign is: “Life is Giving. Life is Supporting. Life is Everything”. The interpretation of this tagline defines the philanthropic gesture that Helen has done, the ongoing support that this organisation offers and Michael’s appreciation of being given that second chance at life.

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Awareness Campaign - A5 Tri-Fold Brochure


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines


Awareness Campaign - A5 Tri-Fold Brochure

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Awareness Campaign - A5 Tri-Fold Brochure


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines


Awareness Campaign - A5 Tri-Fold Brochure

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Awareness Campaign - A5 Tri-Fold Brochure


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Three Newspaper Promotional Adver ts in colour


Awareness Campaign - Newspaper Promotional Adver t

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Awareness Campaign - Newspaper Vacancy Adver t

V A C A N C Y Secretarial Position Nullam euismod por ta magna ac elementum. Suspendisse ac consequat erat, id imperdiet justo. Donec eget felis pretium quam interdum facilisis ac a tellus. Quisque feugiat ut nulla a tempor.

How to apply for the job opening: 1. 2. 3.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a ante libero. Cras blandit augue et vulputate eleifend. Mauris euismod, felis ut viverra auctor diam erat in mi. Nam vel sollicitudin purus, non convallis quam. Quisque risus lacus, pretium in ligula at, congue hendrerit justo. Praesent mollis tincidunt eros, vel tristique urna tempus vestibulum. Maecenas id ornare enim, nec tempor dui. Donec feugiat, turpis vel faucibus efficitur, arcu enim congue turpis, ut finibus est diam purus. c/o 19, Saturn House, Triq l-Imghazel, Naxxar NXR 3661 (+356) 2141 3760


One Newspaper Vacancy Adver t in grayscale


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines


Awareness Campaign - Billboards

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Three Web Banners


Awareness Campaign - Web Banners

Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Awareness Campaign - Web Banners


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

Facebook Cover Photo and Profile Picture


Awareness Campaign - Facebook Page


Transplant Suppor t Group Brand Guidelines

User-friendly and easy navigation for users of all ages. Application to register as an organ or tissue donor is visibly prominent on the website's homepage.


Awareness Campaign - Website Layout Design

Thank you.

c/o 19, Saturn House, Triq l-Imghazel, Naxxar NXR 3661 (+356) 2141 3760 transplantsuppor

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