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Enemas What does it do? An enema is a very ancient technique in the world of healing and is an extremely powerful tool for bringing about swift change in both mind and body. The colon presents a very efficient route through which to bring therapeutic substances into the body because there is a direct connection between it and the liver. Barbara Wren – Cellular Awakening Equipment needed: A gravity feed enema bag or bucket A 1 litre or 2 pint jug The fluid to be used for the enema A pillow A towel or sheet to protect the floor in case of spillages Lubrication – preferably castor oil A hook or handle on which to hang the enema bag A clock for timing your enema

To do an enema You can lubricate the nozzle of the enema kit and your anus with some castor oil or Vaseline for easy insertion. Hang the enema bag about 2-3 feet from the ground – a door handle is an ideal height. Make sure the enema bag tap is closed, and then fill the enema bag with your chosen enema liquid. Once the liquid is in the bag, turn on the tap and run the liquid back into your jug until all the air bubbles out of the tube. Once all the air bubbles are out then turn off the tap again and pour the liquid from the jug back into the enema bag. Lie on your right side with knees towards your chest, and press the lubricated tip of the rectal nozzle into the rectum until it is firmly in place. Turn the release tap and let the liquid begin to flow into the rectum. You can control the flow with the tube tap if it begins to get uncomfortable. If the water hits a block of impacted faeces, you can stop the flow and massage the area, and then continue once the pressure eases off again. Once you are full of the liquid you can remove the nozzle. Try to keep the enema liquid held in for at least 15 minutes, longer if possible. Half an hour is ample time. If you find that you can only manage to keep it in a short time, try reducing the strength and volume of the solution in the water and you can slowly build up to the optimum amount. As the bowel condition improves, it will be easier and easier to retain all the liquid with minimum discomfort. Often, when a strong urge to release comes, it usually only last for a minute or so, and if you breath quickly and try massaging your abdomen you will find the urge passes and you can carry on.On completion, move to the toilet to evacuate your enema.

Enema schedule Enemas can be done several times a week, even daily if you feel the need, when on a detoxification programme. I would recommend scheduling in an enema after castor oil packing. The bowels continue to operate independently even when taking enemas regularly and start functioning easily on their own after the enema is discontinued. If you are using supportive therapies such as MLD (manual lymph drainage massage) then the enema is recommended after a lymph massage to cleanse the colon of the lymph, which has drained into the bowel.



Tel: 07786 687444

Cleaning your enema kit Keeping your enema kit clean is a really important part of maintaining your health. Getting in the habit of doing this after your enema will save you from mouldy kits that need renewing regularly. If bacteria or mould are left to grow in the kits then this can inadvertently enter back into the rectum. Step 1- Take your enema kit apart as soon as you have finished your enema. Wipe any visible matter away using toilet paper. Step 2 - Wash each part of the disassembled kit with soap and hot water (Dr Bronner’s organic Castile soap is good for this). Then reassemble the kit and rinse well with hot water. Step 3 - This step is optional but is strongly advised if you think you may have parasites. Making sure the tap is turned to the off, position the kit somewhere you can leave it for a couple of hours, over the bath is ideal. Now pour 2 cups of undiluted 3% hydrogen peroxide into the enema bag. Hydrogen peroxide is a great natural bleach that will remove any bacteria or parasites. Leave the peroxide for at least 2 hours (overnight if you wish) before emptying. Rinse the bag really well and the tubing with hot water if you are doing this step. Step 4 - Air-dry your enema kit. Do not store before it is thoroughly dry or mould may form. You could use a hairdryer on a low setting to speed up the drying process if you need to.



Tel: 07786 687444

Types of enema Water enema If you have never experienced an enema before, a water enema is the best place to start. Water alone introduced to the colon will help it to release stored faeces. The water is also absorbed into the body quickly helping the body hydrate. Preparing a water enema Prepare 1 litre of filtered water at body temperature. If it is too warm it will sedate the bowel and if it is too cold it will stimulate it.

Coffee enema Coffee has a very different function in an enema and does not impact on the body in the same way your daily cappuccino does! When coffee is used as part of an enema, the coffee stimulates the liver to release bile by absorption of the coffee into the haemorrhoidal vein and the portal vein. In effect, you are giving two of your main organs of detoxification – your liver and your colon – a helping hand. Preparing a coffee enema Boil 3 dessert spoons of Organic ground coffee in approx. one pint of filtered or bottled water for 3 minutes. Then simmer on a very low heat for 20 minutes. Filter the coffee water through a strainer into a measuring jug and make up to approx. 1litre of body temperature liquid.

Herbal enema Herbal enemas help the liver and bowel in the detox process but are milder in their effect than the coffee enemas. The liver enema herbs are also ideal for those on homeopathic remedies when coffee may be contra-indicated. Preparing a herbal enema Place 4 teaspoons of enema herbs in a measuring jug. Add half a litre of boiling water and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Strain, and make up to approx. 1litre / 2 pints of body temperature liquid. Remember always to use filtered water for enemas.

Garlic enema Garlic can also be used in an enema and is profoundly purifying. It is an excellent treatment for people who have candida, yeast infections or other parasites, including worms. It also helps to ward off an impending cold. Preparing a garlic enema Liquidise 1 clove of garlic in 1 pint of purified or distilled water and strain. Make up to 1 litre / 2 pints of body temperature liquid. Please note that enemas are an optional extra to the home Detox regime and although we feel they have great value, they are not essential.

Choline bitartrate enema Choline Bitartrate, ( a B vitamin), increases the efficiency of the liver. It is great for helping with nausea both orally and in an enema. For people who are very dehydrated and cannot do a coffee enema, this enema is a good alternative. It is much gentler on the kidneys and adrenals than a coffee enema. Preparing a choline bitartrate enema Dissolve between one and two teaspoons of choline Bitartrate in 1 litre of water.

Magnesium enema Magnesium is a muscle relaxant and has a generally soothing effect upon the body and mind. This makes it ideal for treating aches and pains and migraines. Preparing a Magnesium enema Break 1 to 3 capsules of magnesium citrate in the water and stir well. Dissolving is not possible so there will be some residue on top of the water.



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