Almond milk

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Homemade Almond Milk Equipment needed: Blender & Milk Straining Bag 1 cup or 135g almonds ½ cup or 60g pitted dates 3 cups or 720ml filtered water This recipe can be adjusted to make any quantity of milk with 1-part nuts to 3-parts water. Place rinsed almonds, dates and filtered water in blender and blend until nuts are well broken down. Drain resulting nut milk through a fine meshed sieve or nut milk bag to remove pulp. The nut pulp can be saved for making nut burgers or discarded. (Personally I leave the pulp in though my children are less keen to have bits in it). The almond milk will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for about 48 hours. Your nut milk is ready! Most raw almond milk recipes recommend 1 part nuts to 7 parts water. This makes quite a creamy consistency and is quite indulgent, you can add more water for a less creamy version. It will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for about 48hrs.

NEW ADDITION TO RECIPE: If you want to make it easier and cut out having to soak and sieve the nuts then opt for flaked almonds instead of whole almonds. Grind them to a powder (I use a low cost coffee grinder that I use solely for this purpose). Weights and measurements are still the same as above. This option is not quite as healthy as using the soaked whole almonds but is still a lot healthier than any shop bought options.

Tel: 07786 687444

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