Lower School Curriculum

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EAGLE ESSENTIALS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IN SFC LOWER SCHOOL AT SFC’S LOWER SCHOOL, we are dedicated to nurturing the values that lay the foundation for your child’s success. The Eagle Essentials of respect, responsibility, and resourcefulness are firmly grounded in the core principle of reverence for God. Our mission is to foster Christian leaders who, in pursuit of God’s truths, learn to become empathetic people who are also positive contributors to our community. We emphasize the importance of reverence. God is holy and always present, and we want to have reverence for Him in all places, including our classes, extra-curricular activities, interactions with friends and in unseen places. We want to ensure students understand that true wisdom only comes through reverence for God. In order to practice these skills, the Lower School students are organized into small heterogeneous pods (small groups) led by our dedicated staff members. Each child will remain in the same pod throughout their Lower School journey, fostering relationships and mentorship opportunities at various developmental levels. At the completion of Lower School, students will be prepared to move into the next stage of practice and advisory in the Middle School.


KINDERGARTEN KINDERGARTEN AT SFC offers an environment in which children are encouraged to explore and discover the world God has created. The kindergarten program is designed to cultivate strong reading skills in young learners, offering a structured approach that covers phonemic awareness, systematic phonics instruction, vocabulary development, comprehension strategies, and early writing skills. In small groups, the students work with our Literacy Specialist as part of their weekly rotations. Our kindergarten program aims to integrate early writing, reading, oral communication, and language usage skills into all areas of instruction. The emotional growth of the child, including interactions with peers and adults, is central to the curriculum design. With class sizes of 20 students, the program fosters the recognition of the contributions of each child, the varied cognitive development level of each student and their spiritual growth as a child of God.

EAGLE ESSENTIALS With reverence, we are RESPECTFUL: • We are kind • We are good listeners With reverence, we are RESPONSIBLE: • We wait for our turn • We raise our hands • We walk at school With reverence, we are RESOURCEFUL: • We ask questions • We don’t give up



TEXTBOOK • Math in Focus, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt


ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS TEXTBOOKS • Heggerty Phonemic Awareness • Beginning to Read, Write and Listen, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill • Explode the Code

HISTORY TEXTBOOK • Studies Weekly MAIN TOPICS • American Holidays and National Symbols • Civics

SCIENCE TEXTBOOKS • Science Weekly MAIN TOPICS • Forces/Interactions, Sunlight/Weather, Animals/Plants, Habitats • Engineering/Coding – Sequence Coding, Design Process SCIENCE LAB • Experiential, hands-on extension of science curriculum. Example – Dissection of a pickle

BIBLE & CHAPEL TEXTBOOK • DeepRoots Bible • New City Catechism, Crossway Publishing MAIN TOPICS • Survey of the Old and New Testaments • Weekly memory verse • Weekly K-5 Chapel

• Vocal and instrumental music – Basics of rhythm and note reading through the use of unpitched percussion instruments and pretuned ukuleles • Music history and appreciation PERFORMANCES • K-5 Christmas program and Spring Sing

PHYSICAL EDUCATION MAIN TOPICS • Focus on spatial and directional awareness, locomotor skills, throwing and catching skills, as well as ball-handling skills, agility, kicking, punting, striking, and rhythm skills • Organized sports during lunchtime

SPANISH MAIN TOPICS • Linguistic and cultural study of Spanish • Interactive play-based activities, children’s stories, songs, and role-play • Hispanic and Latino culture through music, literature, and special celebrations

FINE ART MAIN TOPICS • Elements of art and color theory • Art History • Art Expression – Use of tools and various mediums; learn to create using different techniques • Cross-curricular projects • K-5 Art Show


FIRST GRADE FIRST GRADE IS FILLED WITH opportunities for students to appreciate and develop the many different talents God has given them. Working with three classes of approximately 20 students each, SFC’s experienced team of teachers and literacy specialists guides every child through the reading process at a pace that is both developmentally and academically appropriate. The school’s mathematics program focuses on understanding the “how,” “when,” and “why” of mathematical applications as new concepts are presented. SFC’s reading program includes phonemic awareness, phonics/decoding, morphology, vocabulary, spelling, fluency, and comprehension. Students also learn about the community outside of SFC through various service projects and local field trips. The teachers use this focus on community to instill in students an understanding of who God is and how to live out His teachings by loving our neighbors and sharing with them the Good News.

EAGLE ESSENTIALS With reverence, we are RESPECTFUL: • We use kind words • We keep our hands and feet to ourselves • We listen when others are talking • We raise our hands • We say please and thank you With reverence, we are RESPONSIBLE: • We take care of our school • We put away our supplies and jackets • We bring our binders to school • We turn in our homework/classwork on time With reverence, we are RESOURCEFUL: • We don’t give up • We learn how to problem solve • We ask questions • We make wise choices



TEXTBOOK • Math in Focus, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

TEXTBOOKS • DeepRoots Bible • New City Catechism, Crossway Publishing

ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS TEXTBOOKS • Heggerty Frog and Toucan Series • Heggerty Phonemic Awareness • Treasures, McGraw-Hill • Explode the Code • Spelling Connections • Shurley Grammar • D’Nealian Handwriting

MAIN TOPICS • Genesis to Joshua, Biblical Worldview through subject integration • Weekly memory verse • Weekly K-5 Chapel



MAIN TOPICS • Vocal and instrumental music – Basics of rhythm and note reading through the use of unpitched percussion instruments, pretuned ukeleles, and keyboards • Music history and appreciation

TEXTBOOK • Studies Weekly

PERFORMANCES • K-5 Christmas program and Spring Sing

MAIN TOPICS • American Monuments • Presidents and Leaders, Rights and Responsibilities, What is History? • Civics and Citizenship, My Community, Fact or Fiction


MAIN TOPICS • Genre-based writing program

SCIENCE TEXTBOOK • Science Weekly MAIN TOPICS • Space and Patterns, Light and Sound Travel, Plant and Animal Growth • Engineering/Coding – Introduction to binary code SCIENCE LAB • Experiential, hands-on extension of science curriculum. Example – Dissection of a grasshopper

MAIN TOPICS • Spatial/directional awareness, locomotor skills, throwing/catching skills, ball-handling skills (dribbling, shooting, etc), agility, kicking/punting, striking, and rhythm skills • Organized sports during lunchtime

SPANISH MAIN TOPICS • Linguistic and cultural study of Spanish • Interactive play-based activities, children’s stories, songs, and role-play • Hispanic and Latino culture through music, literature, and participation of celebrations • Thematic units foster contextual language acquisition

FINE ART MAIN TOPICS • Elements of art and color theory • Art History – Study of artists, such as Van Gogh, Pollock, Picasso, and others • Art Expression – Use of tools and various mediums; learn learn to create using different techniques • Cross-curricular projects • K-5 Art Show


SECOND GRADE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS grow in their independence and take responsibility for their learning through inquiry, discussion, and reflection. Students build on the literacy skills acquired in first grade in order to become fluent readers with strong comprehension skills. Students use graphic organizers to classify information and connect ideas as they develop three-part stories. Finished products at this grade level reflect an introductory emphasis on writing mechanics and conventions. Various teaching strategies are used in mathematics in order to help students move from the concrete and symbolic levels to abstract thoughts. SFC’s reading program includes phonemic awareness, phonics/decoding, morphology, vocabulary, spelling, fluency, and comprehension. Students work in small groups to meet the needs of the varied learners in the classroom. Second-grade students regularly take part in discussions and activities that focus on respect, making wise choices, relationships with others, and the importance of following God’s commands. The second-grade teachers foster an appreciation of traditions, history, and customs that will help students understand similar cross-cultural experiences that unite all of God’s people.



TEXTBOOK • Math in Focus, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

TEXTBOOKS • DeepRoots Bible • New City Catechism, Crossway Publishing

ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS TEXTBOOKS • Treasures, McGraw-Hill • Heggerty Phonemic Awareness • Shurley Grammar • D’Nealian Handwriting • Spelling Connections MAIN TOPICS • Genre-based writing program NOVEL STUDIES • Examples – Mr. Poppers Penguin, Flat Stanley, Lilly and Miss Liberty

With reverence, we are RESPECTFUL: • We use kind words • We keep our hands and feet to ourselves • We listen when others are talking • We raise our hands • We say please and thank you With reverence, we are RESPONSIBLE: • We take care of our school • We put away our supplies and jackets • We bring our binders to school • We turn in our homework/classwork on time With reverence, we are RESOURCEFUL: • We don’t give up • We learn how to problem solve • We ask questions • We make wise choices

MUSIC MAIN TOPICS • Vocal and instrumental music – Basics of rhythm and note-reading through the use of unpitched percussion instruments, pretuned ukeleles, and keyboards • Music history and appreciation


PERFORMANCES • K-5 Christmas program and Spring Sing

TEXTBOOK • Studies Weekly


MAIN TOPICS • Timeline, Cause and Effect, Rules and Consequences, Map Skills • Primary and Secondary Sources, Important Documents • Explorers and Early America, Geography, Economics


MAIN TOPICS • Properties of Matter, Ecosystems, Earth formation • Weekly memory verse • Weekly K-5 Chapel

TEXTBOOK • Science Weekly MAIN TOPICS • Properties of Matter, Ecosystems, Earth formation Engineering/Coding – Design balloon float using Dash robot SCIENCE LAB • Experiential, hands-on extension of science curriculum. Example – Dissection of a squid

MAIN TOPICS • Spatial/directional awareness, locomotor skills, throwing/catching skills, ball-handling skills (dribbling, shooting, etc), agility, kicking/punting, striking, and rhythm skills • Organized sports during lunchtime

SPANISH MAIN TOPICS • Linguistic and cultural study of Spanish • Interactive play-based activities, children’s stories, songs, and role-play • Hispanic and Latino culture through music, literature, and participation in celebrations • Thematic units foster contextual language acquisition

FINE ART MAIN TOPICS • Elements of art and color theory • Art History – Study of artists such as Van Gogh, Pollock, Picasso, and others • Art Expression – Use of tools and various mediums; learn to create using different techniques • Cross-curricular projects • K-5 Art Show




THIRD GRADE IS THE ENTRANCE YEAR to the intermediate grades at SFC. This program is grounded in a firm understanding of the academic, social, and spiritual developmental needs of eight to nine-year-old children. Students continue to work on comprehension skills through the reading program, which includes novel studies. Skillful teachers emphasize critical thinking through indepth literary character analysis, group discussions that focus on problem-solving, and open-ended questions that require a deep understanding of the text. Students develop both narrative and expository writing skills through a variety of formal and informal writing assignments, as well as oral presentations. All subjects are taught explicitly through a biblical lens, and opportunities to share out their personal faith are provided in the classroom.

TEXTBOOK • Math in Focus, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

EAGLE ESSENTIALS With reverence, we are RESPECTFUL: • We greet one another and welcome visitors • We are kind • We say ‘yes, please’ and ‘no, thank you’ • We obey the first time we are told • We congratulate others • We make eye contact • We don’t make disrespectful gestures or noises With reverence, we are RESPONSIBLE: • We come to class prepared • We always tell the truth • We take care of our things • We hold the door open for others • We clean up after ourselves and others • We welcome others to sit and play with us With reverence, we are RESOURCEFUL: • We ask questions • We try new things • We don’t give up • We actively participate • We finish what we start

ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS TEXTBOOKS • Shurley Grammar • D’Nealian Handwriting • Spelling Connections • Wordly Wise MAIN TOPICS • Genre-based writing program NOVEL STUDIES • Examples – Freckle Juice, Charlotte’s Web, Stone Fox, The Wild Robot, The One and Only Ivan

HISTORY TEXTBOOK • Studies Weekly MAIN TOPICS • Laws and Rules, Government, Citizenship, Rights and Responsibilities • CA Native Americans • Geography – CA Regions, Landforms, Bodies of Water

SCIENCE TEXTBOOK • Science Weekly MAIN TOPICS • Interdependence in Ecosystems, Life Cycles and Traits, Forces and Interactions, Weather and Climate • Engineering/Coding – Block coding, Dash Robot, Sphero Bolts

MAIN TOPICS • The Nation of Israel, Biblical Worldview through subject integration • Weekly memory verse • Weekly K-5 Chapel

MUSIC MAIN TOPICS • Vocal and instrumental music – Learn to play ukulele, recorder, xylophone, and other pitched and unpitched percussion instruments and keyboard • Music history and appreciation – Study various forms of music (classical, jazz, folk, gospel, etc.) PERFORMANCES • K-5 Christmas program and Spring Sing

PHYSICAL EDUCATION MAIN TOPICS • Fundamentals of sports skills and improvement of muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility • Games and activities to encourage an active lifestyle while responding with a godly character • Acceptance of teammates at all skill levels and adherence to Biblical principles for sportsmanship • Organized sports during lunchtime

SPANISH MAIN TOPICS • Speaking and active listening skills in authentic contexts are emphasized with a secondary focus on reading and writing • Interactive play-based activities, children’s stories, songs, role-play, and reader’s theater • Making connections and comparisons among cultures • Thematic units which foster contextual language acquisition

SCIENCE LAB • Experiential, hands-on extension of science curriculum. Example – Dissection of a cow eye



• Elements of art and color theory • Art History – Study of artists such as Katsushika Hokusai, Jon Klassen, Henri Matisse, Andy Warhol, and others • Art Expression – Use of various mediums and techniques, such as acrylic paint, oil paint, sculpture, printmaking, weaving, and drawing • Cross-curricular projects • K-5 Art Show

TEXTBOOKS • DeepRoots Bible • New City Catechism, Crossway Publishing





FOURTH GRADE BROADENS students’ views of the world through a year-long exploration of California history. The school year culminates with a trip to Sacramento, our state capitol. During fourth grade, students improve oral and written expression through activities that focus on vocabulary development in addition to improvement of grammar skills. They expand previously learned writing skills to include the development of expository reports. In math, students solve multi-stepped story problems as well as apply computation skills for accuracy. Students are encouraged to explore, discuss, question, and verify mathematical concepts. Emphasis is placed on problem solving, development of numerical reasoning and communication, and practical application of skills.

TEXTBOOK • Math in Focus, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

EAGLE ESSENTIALS With reverence, we are RESPECTFUL: • We greet one another and welcome visitors • We are kind • We say ‘yes, please’ and ‘no, thank you’ • We obey the first time we are told • We congratulate others • We make eye contact • We don’t make disrespectful gestures With reverence, we are RESPONSIBLE: • We come to class prepared • We always tell the truth • We take care of our things • We hold the door open for others • We clean up after ourselves and others • We welcome others to sit and play with us With reverence, we are RESOURCEFUL: • We ask questions • We try new things • We don’t give up • We actively participate • We finish what we start

ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS TEXTBOOKS • Shurley Grammar • Spelling Connections • Wordly Wise MAIN TOPICS • Genre-based writing program NOVEL STUDIES • Examples – The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, Best Christmas Pageant Ever, By the Great Horn Spoon, The War with Grandpa, Esperanza Rising

MAIN TOPICS • Acts and the Early Church, Biblical Worldview through subject integration, Biblical Timeline • Weekly memory verse • Weekly K-5 Chapel

MUSIC MAIN TOPICS • Vocal and instrumental music – Learn to play ukulele, recorder, xylophone, and other pitched and unpitched percussion instruments and keyboard • Music history and appreciation – Study various forms of music (classical, jazz, folk, gospel, etc.) PERFORMANCES • K-5 Christmas program and Spring Sing



TEXTBOOK • Studies Weekly

MAIN TOPICS • Fundamentals of sports skills and improvement of muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility • Games and activities to encourage an active lifestyle while responding with a godly character • Acceptance of teammates at all skill levels and adherence to Biblical principles for sportsmanship • Organized sports during lunchtime

MAIN TOPICS • California Becomes a State, Geography, Map Skills, Natural Resources, Gold Rush, MexicanAmerican War, Transcontinental Railroad • Civics and Government • Field trip to state capitol in Sacramento

SCIENCE TEXTBOOKS • Science Weekly • Mystery Science MAIN TOPICS • Types of Energy, Electrical Circuits, Rocks and Minerals, Animal Adaptation • Engineering/Coding – Scratch, 3D Printing SCIENCE LAB • Experiential, hands-on extension of science curriculum. Example – Dissection of a fish

BIBLE & CHAPEL TEXTBOOKS • DeepRoots Bible • New City Catechism, Crossway Publishing

SPANISH MAIN TOPICS • Speaking and active listening skills in authentic contexts are emphasized with a secondary focus on reading and writing • Interactive play-based activities, children’s stories, songs, role-play, and reader’s theater • Making connections and comparisons among cultures • Thematic units which foster contextual language acquisition

FINE ART MAIN TOPICS • Elements of art and color theory • Art History – Study of artists such as Katsushika Hokusai, Jon Klassen, Henri Matisse, and Andy Warhol, and others • Art Expression – Use of various mediums and techniques, such as acrylic paint, oil paint, sculpture, printmaking, weaving, and drawing • Cross-curricular projects • K-5 Art Show


FIFTH GRADE FIFTH GRADE MARKS THE CULMINATION of the Lower School experience for our students. In addition to independent reading, students explore five novels in class. Literature selection reflects an emphasis on academic and social development themes that provide avenues for teachers to help students wrestle with heavy themes of war and freedom. The math program extends students’ understanding of numeration, operations, applications, and problem solving in preparation for Middle School. In social studies, our fifth-grade students study United States history through 1865. Colonialism, slavery, the Westward Movement, and the Civil War are examined from various perspectives. The development of positive study habits and important study skills is firmly established in the academic program, focusing on self-management and time-management skills and strategies for making choices.

EAGLE ESSENTIALS With reverence, we are RESPECTFUL: • We turn and track the speaker • We celebrate and include others • We use accountable talk • We say please and thank you With reverence, we are RESPONSIBLE: • We are responsible with our work • We transition quickly and quietly • We leave it better than we found it • We take ownership of our attitude and actions With reverence, we are RESOURCEFUL: • We learn from our mistakes • We are leaders, not bosses

MATH TEXTBOOK • Math in Focus, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS TEXTBOOKS • Shurley Grammar • Wordly Wise MAIN TOPICS • Genre-based writing program NOVEL STUDIES • Examples – Holes, Number the Stars, The Fighting Ground, George Washington’s Socks, A Long Walk to Water, Bud Not Buddy

HISTORY TEXTBOOK • Studies Weekly MAIN TOPICS • A New Nation – US History to 1820 • Geography – Trade Routes, States • Civics, Branches of Government, Checks and Balances

SCIENCE TEXTBOOKS • Science Weekly • Mystery Science MAIN TOPICS • Physical and Chemical Change, Water System, Stars and the Solar System • Independent/dependent variables in experiments • Engineering/Coding – Scratch, 3D Printing SCIENCE LAB • Experiential, hands-on extension of science curriculum. Example – Dissection of a sheep heart

BIBLE & CHAPEL TEXTBOOKS • DeepRoots Bible • New City Catechism, Crossway Publishing

MAIN TOPICS • Acts and the Early Church, Biblical Worldview through subject integration, Biblical timeline • Weekly memory verse • Weekly K-5 Chapel

MUSIC MAIN TOPICS • Vocal and instrumental music – Learn to play ukulele, recorder, xylophone, and other pitched and unpitched percussion instruments and keyboard • Music history and appreciation – Study various forms of music (classical, jazz, folk, gospel, etc.) PERFORMANCES • K-5 Christmas program and Spring Sing

PHYSICAL EDUCATION MAIN TOPICS • Fundamentals of sports skills and improvement of muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility • Games and activities to encourage an active lifestyle while responding with a godly character • Acceptance of teammates at all skill levels and adherence to Biblical principles for sportsmanship • Organized sports during lunchtime

SPANISH MAIN TOPICS • Speaking and active listening skills in authentic contexts are emphasized with a secondary focus on reading and writing • Interactive play-based activities, children’s stories, songs, role-play, and reader’s theater • Making connections and comparisons among cultures • Thematic units which foster contextual language acquisition

FINE ART MAIN TOPICS • Elements of art and color theory • Art History – Study of artists such as Katsushika Hokusai, Jon Klassen, Henri Matisse, Andy Warhol, and others • Art Expression – Use of various mediums and techniques, such as acrylic paint, oil paint, sculpture, printmaking, weaving, and drawing • Cross-curricular projects • K-5 Art Show

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