Native Arts Magazine 2013 Digital Edition

Page 59

Frank Buffalo Hyde genre-creating painter Fragml!nrcd. ·n13t·s one \Vord that Frank 13uffil1o 1-Jydc t.L.<;C.~ m dc.,<ieribc modern AmericiD exi~rcnce for indigcnoLL~ !X'oplc. Bur. he explain~. iis - nor nccf...'SSarilr a bad thing ·· To his v.-ay of thinking. rhc V~rord refers co "'how Narivc JXY~plc are involved

in C\'et')' sp~;.'Ctnun of o._"lnte~npor:~ry life.·· Born in Sama Fc. wht.:re he's also now bas....'•c.:L l lydc. who is of Onondaga and Nez Perce heritage. gtew up in Upstate t-;ew York and arrend~d the 1nsrinl!c of llrnerican 1ndbn Arts (J A1A) . .. Santa Fe has been imporranr in my arrisck developmenc in rh~t 1 reillized when Tstarre-d [painting) char chc work I wanted co St.."C wasn't being rnadc here... he sars "I didn't sec :1nything that represented my contemporary experience .. l lydc created his own genre of sorts. one th3t incorporates l'\arivc ,·cfercnce.< {th~ buffalo fcan•res prominently) and nnds ''' rhc pop art s~n$ibilities and color schemes of R<'bc>rt Rau$Chcnbcrg and )im Dine "The uniwrsal mind i.s che colk.'c:rive unconscious \ve ~I share '~a popular culnu·c and \\rorld evcnrs:· l lydc says "I draw upon rhar ro conwncnt on our lives:· Ills work can be s~;.-cn :u Legends .Sarna Fe. and ar v;:~rious institutions amund the country, including rhe II'\'Cl.uois l nd1~U1 Museum in I lowes Cave. New York. and the \Vheelwrighr Must.:um of d1e American 1ndi;:m in .Santa Ft..!. l lydc~ ifhewer"Cn·r an artist '"and rrn not just an artlst.. mind )'On..

he would probably be .. a se-rial killer. or an advertising c'Xccurive:· {11e's jokingalx1ut rhc advertising thing. r1ghr?) Hur seriously. 1\'llks: 'Tm rctlly~,.-xciced ;Jbc,ur the Spaceport in So·urhen1 New M..::xico I \V~Ult ro go into space·· CT

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