Testing one, two, three.

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MJ VISUAL ARTS CONTEST 7 - 14 May 2020 Vol 26 Issue 19


Quarantine getting you down? Enter our visual arts contest and win prizes, details p. 30

Buying Real Estate in a Pandemic On the front lines of virus-free home viewing with Riskin Partners Estate Group, p. 12


Village Beat

County health officials announce the re-opening of “low risk” retail stores, for curbside pickup only, for now, p. 10



Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Treat the moms in your life to something special and support local businesses at the same time, p. 40

Free Home Delivery kindly brought to you by Suzanne Perkins



7 – 14 May 2020





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805 565/2208 7 – 14 May 2020

• The Voice of the Village •





Thank D.A.R.P.A. for the Internet, and limerick contest winners

Montecito Miscellany

Dean Wilson launches new TV show, SB Symphony’s Kevin Marvin heads back to Colorado, Rescue Mission faces challenges, and more


Letters to the Editor

A collection of communication from readers Bob Ludwick, Myrna Fleishman, Michael Edwards, Jean Von Wittenburg, and Cheryl Trosky

Laughing Matters 10 Village Beat

Randall Road debris basin update and how lower risk retailers plan to reopen

12 On the Record

Touring a home during a pandemic, SB Beekeepers Guild hosts contest, and MSD tests feces

14 Look Ma No Coronavirus!

Innovative UCSB virology team may have created the COVID test the world’s been waiting for

16 Back to Business

Spring awakening at the Harbor as multiple businesses reopen and reboot

Stay in shape using just your bodyweight


Dream. Design. Build. Live.

21 Summerland Buzz

How two Summerland residents are spending their time during the pandemic

A first-person account of COVID

Part three of Rinaldo Brutoco’s series, A New Federalism

California sets up task force to navigate reopening economy

22 Voices

26 Perspectives 412 E. Haley St. #3, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805.965.9555 | frontdesk@beckercon.com| www.beckerstudiosinc.com @beckerstudios

The Optimist Daily

27 Brilliant Thoughts

The author asks God for help with the big questions and quandaries of life – including the concept of God

28 In Passing

Thank You to our Local Heroes!

Remembering Chuck Arnold

31 Your Westmont

A food drive benefits the Foodbank, staffer bakes 12,000 cookies for COVID-19 smiles, end of semester activities go online, and athletics claims eighth straight conference award

34 On Entertainment

Claudia Hoag McGarry uses quarantine to harness creativity

35 Spirituality Matters

The AHA! youth empowerment group provides teens, parents, and educators with support and special strategies during the COVID pandemic

37 Fitness Front

Tips for shifting your energy to stay calm in quarantine

What will this next month bring?

38 A Good Sign

40 Mother’s Day Gift Guide 46 Classified Advertising

Our own “Craigslist” of classified ads, in which sellers offer everything from summer rentals to estate sales

47 Local Business Directory

Smart business owners place business cards here so readers know where to look when they need what those businesses offer



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7 – 14 May 2020

Editorial by Gwyn Lurie

Many Things Can Be True at Once


he coronavirus and the related deaths of seventy thousand Americans and nearly two hundred thousand more people around the world, would seem to be a shared enemy that could bring people together – even people in a country as divided as ours. Instead, this pandemic has handed us new beliefs over which to divide. Stay at home to save lives vs. reopen to save liberties – the liberty to roam free, to work and to support our families, to not end up homeless, to keep from going crazy, etc. Both positions are valid and reasonable. And complicated. And important. Both are hard choices that involve sacrifice and risk. And faith.

Who am I to Judge? Celebrating my motherin-law’s 87th birthday, as best we can


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I’ve not left my home for two months – with the exception of a few journeys to the market or to stand masked outside the fence of my in-laws’ senior living home to hold up a Happy Birthday sign and balloons so that my mother-in-law, who spent her 87th birthday in quarantine, could glimpse her cherished family from afar. Not exactly how she planned to spend her golden years. So, I’ve been following the rules pretty religiously. Does that make me a saint? I’ve been able to work from home, I’m lucky. I can put out a paper and a newsletter, and even help launch a virtual cash mob, from the comfort of a home in one of the most beautiful places on earth. So, who am I to judge? This is a difficult, mind-bogglingly complicated and undeniably sad time. And there is not necessarily a “correct” perspective because the fact is, as I often have to remind myself, many things can be true at once. We want our families to be safe, but we also want them to be fed, with a roof over their heads. We are sick of being home, but we’re scared to go out. We enjoy being alone with our loved ones, to an extent. We want businesses to open, but are we ready to go out and shop and dine? I hope so, but I fear not. As governors around the country, ours included, suggest that businesses will begin reopening as soon as this Friday, my guess is that opening the doors and getting people to go in is a different thing. I suspect people will be tentative. For months and for good reason (in my opinion) we’ve been encouraged to be cautious and to stay home. When I go into a store to buy necessities, I find that there’s little contact of any kind with other humans – not eye contact, not physical contact, not human contact. Sometimes it’s even hard to recognize masked friends. People want to get in and out quickly making sure to touch as little as possible – things or people. I never thought I’d say this, as the mother of two screenagers, but…

Thank God, or Better Yet Thank D.A.R.P.A., for the Internet!

It’s poignant to take a moment and reflect that the internet was initiated by our military way back in 1976 (by D.A.R.P.A., the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) for precisely the sort of situation we find ourselves in today: the need for nimble and flexible communications when our normal communication lines are otherwise failing. It’s thanks to the foresight of D.A.R.P.A. that we have much of the contact we do have today, from Zooms to internet posts to binge watching, to our entire vir-

EDITORIAL Page 304 7 – 14 May 2020

• The Voice of the Village •



Monte ito Miscellany by Richard Mineards

Richard covered the Royal Family for Britain’s Daily Mirror and Daily Mail, and was an editor on New York Magazine. He was also a national anchor on CBS, a commentator on ABC Network News, gossip on The Joan Rivers Show and Geraldo Rivera, host on E! TV, a correspondent on the syndicated show Extra, a commentator on the KTLA Morning News and Entertainment Tonight. He moved to Montecito 13 years ago.

Santa Barbara Has a New TV Show!


ood Life TV with Dean Wilson, executive director of the Turner Foundation, which provides accommodation for the elderly and economically challenged, is taped in the garden at his Montecito home near the Rosewood Miramar and is dedicated to bringing “real stories from real people.” “We invite people from all walks of life to share their raw, unedited stories of how they’ve come to be who they are today,” says Dean. “You’ll hear stories filled with laughter, hope, sorrow and triumphs – all with the sole purpose of bringing the world a little closer together.” Interviews vary from 30 minutes to an hour and the 14 episodes shot so far have included Key Class founder John Daly, New House honcho

The shows can be accessed at www. goodlifetelevision.org and episodes have also been airing locally on TVSB channels 17 and 71 for the past few weeks. “Good life isn’t fame, fortune, follows, or feelings,” adds Dean. “Good life is love, friendship, laughter, forgiveness, redemption, family, hope, adventure, service, joy, kindness, making noble plans, and dreaming great dreams. So wherever you are, raise a glass to the good life.” Heading Home

the twin disasters of the Thomas Fire and the devastating mudslides. Kevin also presented the symphony’s successful 65th anniversary gala fundraiser. “We wish him success in his future endeavors,” says board president Janet Garufis. Veteran arts leader Kathryn R. Martin, who has a 30-year career leading arts and cultural organizations during times of change and transition, has been appointed interim CEO. A national search for a permanent replacement will take place in the fall. Trying Times

Dean Wilson hosts new Good Life TV

Gordon Guy, Gina Carbajal of the Special Olympics, and UCLA-UCSB basketball coach Gary Cunningham. Last week the site had 448,000 views on Facebook and in the first month got 10,000 views, including 50 states and 22 countries.

SB Symphony CEO Kevin Marvin says goodbye

Kevin Marvin, CEO of the Santa Barbara Symphony, is leaving our Eden by the Beach and returning to Colorado for personal and family reasons. Kevin, who previously headed the now defunct Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra, has led the orchestral organization, under maestro Nir Kabaretti, for three seasons. He was responsible for organizing the benefit concert Music for Healing and Community at the Granada after

Rolf Geyling, Rescue Mission president (photo by Dale Weber)

Santa Barbara’s 55-year-old Rescue Mission is another local nonprofit impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. “It is uniquely challenging to keep essential emergency services intact with appropriate safety measures in place for some of the neediest people in our community,” says president Rolf Geyling.


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“Mother is the heartbeat in the home; and without her, there seems to be no heartthrob.” – Leroy Brownlow

7 – 14 May 2020




9:58 AM

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Basket for Two $75* | Basket for Four $135* To order, please call 805.252.3985 or order online at www.bit.ly/MiramarMothersDay *Prices are exclusive of tax and gratuity, and are subject to change based on delivery location.

Follow us on Instagram @RosewoodMiramarBeach to find out how to nominate a special mom to receive a complimentary basket!

7 – 14 May 2020

• The Voice of the Village •





If you have something you think Montecito should know about, or wish to respond to something you read in the Journal, we want to hear from you. Please send all such correspondence to: Montecito Journal, Letters to the Editor, 1206 Coast Village Circle, Suite H, Montecito, CA. 93108. You can also FAX such mail to: (805) 969-6654, or E-mail to letters@montecitojournal.net

May Day Twas the weekend of May Day And all through the house Many heroes went shopping By using a mouse The shops were all quiet Their doors were all locked Covid 19 had closed them Though the shelves remained stocked The ca-ching of their registers Silent had grown Their customers, clients and friends Had stayed home

To devise, analyze and design such a din That community wallets would open and spill Comfort, encouragement, cash in the Till Of businesses scattered around Montecito Providing what many now call necessito

But then with a zoom-bred idea in their eyes A team of wild locals Did a rescue devise

And so the wild locals they set it in motion An event with no tent just emphatic emotion To save our sweet village of shops, near and nearer Skill, time and vision… what could be more sincerer?

The cash mob! “Reprise it,” one of them hollered And so the wild locals agreed to be bothered To zoom and to zoom and to zoom once again

So as the web master reported success Cash mobsters did this quaint hamlet bless With hope, heart and cash for our villages spun To push back the gloom, to undo what

was done

Losing the Quiet

So out of this May Day event we declare: That community rises to help and to care “We’re in this together” the pundits averred But our zip code has shown there is cash in that word

Here on my patio life has returned to normal, sadly so. Ten minutes ago, I was sitting peacefully, meditating, the song birds singing more beautifully without competition from the environment, and the sounds of nature filling me up. Suddenly I am brought back to the sound of a leaf blower across the mountain. So, I go back, attempting to incorporate the irritating sound, somehow. Just as I was managing, an airplane flies by, a jet I imagine. Ok, that’s just a moment. All of a sudden I began to hear the sounds of the freeway, a noise I never really associated with my patio sitting. I am so so sad to lose the quiet. I had no idea how much it was affecting me. Perhaps if I had not been outside the moment it switched, I would not have noticed tomorrow morning when I come out to give the birds their water. BUT NOW I DO KNOW WHAT THE QUIET MEANS AND I CAN’T UNKNOW IT. I wonder how many friends, family, clients, will have the experience of losing some new way of being, or thinking, or appreciating something about their lives as they experience normalcy return. Normalcy will not return, in the way we know it. People hidden behind masks, no one

Tangible help, not mere words, mostly empties Our hood stepped right up by the 5’s, 10’s and 20’s And as the night fades, as the weekend gives way You can hear the streets echo, you can hear the street say On Buckley, on Blitzer on Herrick & Copus On Lurie, Stahl, Byrne, DelaBarre and Rock-us There’s gratitude ample to spread all around But especially to those with tired feet on the ground To pull off this weekend, these seventy hours To love our community To love deeply what’s ours. Bob Ludwick Montecito

LETTERS Page 274











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7 – 14 May 2020

7 – 14 May 2020

• The Voice of the Village •



Village Beat

A new community-based COVID-19 testing site has opened in Santa Maria, with sites in Lompoc and Santa Barbara (at Earl Warren Showgrounds) to follow later this week. Appointments are required.

by Kelly Mahan Herrick

Kelly has been editor at large for the Journal since 2007, reporting on news in Montecito and beyond. She is also a licensed realtor with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, and is a member of Montecito and Santa Barbara’s top real estate team, Calcagno & Hamilton.

Latest on Randall Road Debris Basin


n Tuesday, May 5, the Montecito Association Land Use Committee met virtually via Zoom, with special guests Tom Fayram and Jon Frye from Santa Barbara County Flood Control. The Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Randall Road Debris Basin project was released earlier this week, and is available to view online. The 45-day comment period is open now. The design plans for the project are about 30% complete, including the form of the basin and its footprint. The proposed project includes building a new off-channel debris basin on San Ysidro Creek at Randall Road and East Valley Road, an area that was heavily impacted during the 1/9 debris flow. The basin would be approximately eight acres, and San Ysidro Creek would maintain natural sediment transport and fish passage within the range of flows suitable for migration, complying with the Endangered Species Act. The Creek would be slightly re-aligned as part of the debris basin construction but would remain equivalent in channel length. Channel width is proposed to be widened in some parts where steep banks would be re-graded to a lower slope, effectively widening the jurisdictional portion of the creek. The County also seeks to provide trail access, parking, and add native plantings, as part of the project. “The idea of this is to stop as much debris as possible. We want material and boulders to drop out in the basin, and not pile up at the road,” Fayram said as he went through the specifics of the project. The project is proposed on eight parcels, seven of which are owned by private property owners; the County has already acquired one of the parcels. Further acquisition cannot take place until the EIR is certified, which is expected later this summer following the public comment period. The project also requires CEQA and NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) approval before acquisition can take place. Funding of the $21 million project is reliant on voluntary acquisition of the parcels; Fayram said the County has been in talks with all of the affected property owners. All but one of the properties was completely destroyed during the debris flow, causing loss of life on Randall Road as well as below the area, on Glen Oaks.


The best case scenario as far as timing for the project is to begin construction in April 2021, but many things need to fall into place to make that happen, Fayram said. “All of the elements we can control will be in place so we can go out to bid,” Fayram said. “And I believe we are going to get there.” The County is seeking public comment until June 19. A Zoom conference call is scheduled for May 20 at 4:30 pm, for the public to ask questions regarding the EIR. To participate in the call, email Andrew Raaf at asraaf@cosbpw.net for link and password. The EIR can be found at www.coun tyofsb.org/pwd/water.sbc.

Lower Risk Retailers to Reopen

On Monday, May 4, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced the state would be moving into “Stage 2” of its reopening plan following over six weeks of stringent stay-athome orders. On Tuesday, local public health officials including Public Health Director Dr. Van Do-Reynoso were in front of the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors, outlining how the County would interpret the state’s orders. This Friday, a handful of retailers will be permitted to reopen, with certain regulations including curbside pickup, in most instances. These retailers include furniture stores, bookstores, clothing and shoe stores, florists, sporting goods stores, and toy stores. Admittedly, many of these types of stores have been conducting quiet business throughout the shutdown, already offering creative ways to shop and pick-up orders. What is not included in this stage of reopening are business offices, seated dining at restaurants, and the reopening of shopping malls. Governor Newsom reported that certain counties in the state can move quickly through this stage of reopening, provided they meet certain requirements including creating and submitting a readiness plan for reopening and containment of future outbreaks of COVID-19. “If we meet the State’s readiness criteria, we can move quickly to other lower risk businesses in Stage 2,” said Dr. Do-Reynoso. In order to accelerate the reopening, the County will need to show

several “readiness indicators,” which include a declining prevalence of disease over the last 14 days; testing capacity which includes 1 test per 1,000 population and close-by testing sites; contract tracing capacity; ability of local hospitals to accommodate case surge; and testing availability and monitoring capacity for vulnerable populations. According to Dr. Do-Reynoso, the County is meeting or exceeding the readiness indicators, with the number of active cases in the County steadily declining over the last 14 days. As of this week, the County has the capacity to test 2 people per 1,000 population, with help from a State-sponsored community testing program that will add 17,160 tests in the County. The sites are at Earl Warren Showgrounds in Santa Barbara, as well as sites in Santa Maria and Lompoc (call 888634-1123 for an appointment for a test). The County has also assembled a team of contract tracers to meet the demand, and additional nurses, investigators, and tracers are being secured. The County’s hospital system is also well equipped for a surge, with 699

beds available throughout the County. As of press time, the County has 526 cases of COVID-19, with eight deaths. After select retailers reopen on Friday (for curbside pickup), other “low risk” businesses are expected to be reopened in the coming weeks, including business offices, schools (summer programs), and childcare facilities. Next will be “higher risk” workplaces, which include personal care facilities like hair and nail salons and gyms; entertainment venues including movie theaters and sports without live audiences; and in-person religious services including churches and weddings. Governor Newsom is expected to release further guidelines for these businesses later this week. “Our data puts us in a ready state; we are in a good spot,” said Dr. Do-Reynoso. Retailers who are planning to reopen on Friday are encouraged to read the local Health Officer Order 2020-8, which outlines requirements including social distancing protocols. That order can be found at www.pub lichealthsbc.org, under the tab: Health Officer Orders. •MJ

The best little paper in America (Covering the best little community anywhere!) Executive Editor/CEO Gwyn Lurie • Publisher/COO Timothy Lennon Buckley Editor At Large Kelly Mahan Herrick • News and Feature Editor Nicholas Schou Associate Editor Bob Hazard • Copy Editor Lily Buckley Harbin Arts and Entertainment Editor Steven Libowitz

Contributors Scott Craig, Julia Rodgers, Ashleigh Brilliant, Sigrid Toye, Zach Rosen, Kim Crail Gossip Richard Mineards • History Hattie Beresford • Humor Ernie Witham Our Town Joanne A. Calitri Society Lynda Millner • Travel Jerry Dunn • Sportsman Dr. John Burk • Trail Talk Lynn P. Kirst Account Managers Sue Brooks, Tanis Nelson, Casey Champion Bookkeeping Diane Davidson, Christine Merrick • Proofreading Helen Buckley Design/Production Trent Watanabe Published by Montecito Journal Media Group, LLC PRINTED BY NPCP INC., SANTA BARBARA, CA Montecito Journal is compiled, compounded, calibrated, cogitated over, and coughed up every Wednesday by an exacting agglomeration of excitable (and often exemplary) expert edifiers at 1206 Coast Village Circle, Suite H, Montecito, CA 93108. How to reach us: Editorial: (805) 565-1860; Sue Brooks: ext. 4; Christine Merrick: ext. 3; Classified: ext. 3; FAX: (805) 969-6654; Letters to Editor: Montecito Journal, 1206 Coast Village Circle, Suite H, Montecito, CA 93108; E-MAIL: tim@montecitojournal.net

“Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding the family together.” – Susan Gale

7 – 14 May 2020

San Ysidro Pharmacy is OPEN for business!

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7 – 14 May 2020

• The Voice of the Village •





Nicholas Schou

Nicholas Schou is an award-winning investigative journalist and author of several books, including Orange Sunshine and Kill the Messenger. If you have tips or stories about Montecito, please email him at newseditor@montecitojournal.net

How to Buy Real Estate During a Pandemic


ast Friday, I took a guided tour of a charming abode hidden at the end of a long and curving driveway on East Mountain Drive. Located just a block away from the San Ysidro Trailhead, the property included an historical guest cottage (believed to have once belonged to Priscilla Presley), and a home office above a two-car garage offering views of the expansive backyard. Built in 1994, the main house consists of 5,227 square feet and includes six bedrooms and seven bathrooms, one of which has a shower with windows that, for added privacy, can “fog” up at the touch of a button. Listed at $7 million, the mansion was a little bit out of my price range. Actually, it was completely out of my price range, so much so that I couldn’t come anywhere close to even qualifying to view the property in person,

much less make an offer. Although low-interest bank loans make mortgages more affordable than ever nowadays, Montecito is clearly a seller’s market. Fortunately, none of these obstacles applied to me, because my visit to 1845 East Mountain Drive was arranged by the Riskin Partners Estate Group, which invited me to play the part of a prospective buyer and write about what it’s like to buy a home during the COVID-19 crisis. Despite the ongoing health crisis, as an “essential” sector of our local economy, Montecito’s real estate industry remains very much open for business. Riskin’s website currently lists 19 properties in town ranging from $2 million to $20 million, and in the past two weeks alone, the group has been involved in four mul-


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“My Mother: She is beautiful, softened at the edges and tempered with a spine of steel. ” –Jodi Picoult

7 – 14 May 2020


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7 – 14 May 2020

• The Voice of the Village •



Look Ma No Coronavirus! by Mitchell Kriegman

Novelist Being Audrey Hepburn, Things I Can’t Explain. Creator Clarissa Explains it All and more. Writer for The New Yorker, LARB, National Lampoon, and Saturday Night Live

CREST is a CRISPR Hope in the Testing Crisis


ith the United States and the world on the verge of reopening from the global shutdown, there has never been a greater need for effective and reliable COVID-19 testing. While the current methods all have their advantages and drawbacks, they are hampered by shortages, expense, and the high-level expertise of technology required to administer these tests. Meet CREST (Cas13-based, Rugged, Equitable, Scalable Testing), a startling new COVID test based on a CRISPR gene editing technology from an interdisciplinary microbiology team at our University of California Santa Barbara. In the short timeline of one month the CREST team has created a game-changing new test that offers hope for effective scalable inexpensive testing which is immune from the shortages that all the other current tests have been facing.

Behind this breakthrough is a team of scientists who pulled together this innovation while dealing with the challenges of the stay-at-home order, including virologist Carolina Arias, and her molecular biologist husband and fellow team member Diego Acosta-Alvear. Together they have continued to teach their courses at UCSB and conducted the development of this test remotely, breaking nano-barriers that even Ant-Man would shrink from, while dealing with an even greater undertaking – tutoring two rambunctious young preschool daughters – and all while working at home. There’s nothing like having all your lives and roles collide at once. CREST is now in the early stages of verification, including a local prevalence study with Cottage Hospital Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Lynn Fitzgibbons. When fully vetted

CREST represents a mobile, highly sensitive and efficient breakthrough. The deadly litany of COVID testing missteps are well known. Having opted out of the World Health Organization protocol, the CDC’s own test was so contaminated that purified water came up positive for the coronavirus. This debacle was followed by over-hyped supplies, chronic insufficient availabilities to hospitals, and shortages of everything from swabs to reagents to processing labs. No one wants to say it out loud, but the United States is in a testing crisis, short and simple. Scientists the world over are in a race to develop new modalities of testing – from surveillance iPhone apps, smart thermometers, to community sewage testing. Meanwhile the FDA has been issuing emergency use authorizations on tests without traditional vetting, grasping at anything that can punc-

Virologist Carolina Arias and her husband Molecular Biologist Diego Acosta-Alvear and their two daughters (photo by Liz Fourie)

ture the unreality of reopening the economy without actual infection data to provide the public a sense of security as America develops a sustainable way to live with the coronavirus. In Santa Barbara, we are fortunate that social distancing seems to have helped. We also have some of the most brilliant minds in the world working right here at Cottage Hospital and at UCSB. Virologist Carolina Arias moved

LOOK MA Page 444


Groundwater Sustainability

Established in late-2018, the Montecito Groundwater Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency is charged with ensuring ongoing groundwater supply for the basin users. It is our job to prevent undesirable results such as: • Chronic lowering of groundwater levels and supply • Reduction in groundwater storage • Seawater intrusion • Water quality degradation • Land subsidence • Depletions of interconnected surface water

We’ve got a big job to do, and, with your help, we’ll be successful.

We welcome public involvement and have formed advisory committees. The Communications and Engagement Plan available on our web site explains ways to participate and stay informed.

California’s 2014 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) recognized that groundwater provides a significant portion of our state’s water supply, and those resources are most effectively managed at the local level.


Montecito Groundwater Basin supplies public and private wells with water for residential, commercial and agricultural needs—we all benefit from this important water supply. As a “medium priority” basin, compliance with SGMA is mandatory, and we need to take action. Available data suggests that groundwater levels are low following the most recent and worst drought in our region’s history.




While Montecito GSA has secured state grants and funding, it’s not enough. We’re proposing a fee for parcels overlying the basin. It will help fund the development of the plan that’s required to ensure the health of the Montecito Groundwater Basin. More information is available on our website, and in a mailed notice arriving in mailboxes in mid-May. If you have questions or would like to get involved in the process, please contact our offices through the channels listed below. info@montecitogsa.com

7 – 14 May 2020

You are i nvited t o o u r v i r t u a l c e l e b r at i o n


Friday, May 8th At 11:00 AM vna.health/luncheon

Sue Birch

Join us online to celebrate two dynamic caregiving leaders who have been a light in our community for decades: Honored Mother Sue Birch and Remembered Mother Adelle “Chris” Dyer.

Adelle “Chris” Dyer

Though physically apart, we are still connected and we unify online to support the charitable care and life enrichment programs of VNA Health, while celebrating all mothers and caregivers in our lives. Throughout the years, VNA Health has shined our light with compassion, perseverance and hope. At this moment in history, we are doing that once again. Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, VNA Health has maintained care for all of our patients, and our brave caregivers are the ones tending to patients that are sent home from the hospital to recover.

Thank You to Our Lead Sponsors

Thank You to Our Performers & Supporting Partners

Thank You to Our Video Editors

Legacy Christine & Reece Duca

Andrew Firestone, Emcee Stacie Anthes Nathan Granner Renee Hamaty Heather Levin Gary Malkin Ben McAvane State Street Ballet Anna Carens Amara Galloway Arianna Hartanov Ahna Lipchik Cecily MacDougall Noam Tsivkin Eli Teplin Quincy Jones Productions Andrew Yew

Kate Carter and LifeChronicles Michael Hess and Alacran Media

Trusted Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree Wood-Claeyssens Foundation Heart Impulse Mosher Foundation Chris Toomey Union Bank And all our Sponsors & Supporters

Caring for our community since 1908


Join the Online Raffle For a Chance to Win vna.health/raffle Raffle #1 Hawaiian Vacation Getaway Raffle #2 Santa Barbara Staycation Raffle #3 “Sky Games” painting by Tony Askew


VNA Health has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® in Home Health and Hospice Care

7 – 14 May 2020

• The Voice of the Village •



Back to Business

by Megan Waldrep

Boat Launch and Businesses Open at SB Marina


t’s time to don your mask, dust off the sails, and fuel up. As of April 25, two public launch ramps on the west side of the Santa Barbara Harbor have opened, though to ensure safe social distancing practices, a list of guidelines apply: – There is no side-by-side launching. Some launch bays remain closed to ensure social distancing. – Groups must still observe social distancing guidelines on land – It is requested that groups not congregate while waiting to launch – There is a vehicle limit of five people or less – Masks are requested at launch ramp – Wash stations are closed According to Harbor Patrol Officer Eli Brower, the boat launch will stay open based on how users adhere to social distancing practices – all guidelines are subject to change. For more information, contact the Santa Barbara Harbor Patrol at (805) 564-5530. Though some favorite haunts remain closed, such as Brophy Bros.

Harbor Market & Deli is one of several harbor businesses currently open

Seafood Restaurant and Clam Bar, On The Alley, and Chuck’s Waterfront Grill, there is still life in the Marina. Sushi GoGo offers take out, Harbor Market & Deli is open, and the Santa Barbara Fish Market has curbside pick-up and encourages patrons to call from their car or holler through the backdoor. (Public restrooms are also available.) Paddle Sports Center can be reached through text to set up an appointment and West Marine is open for any maritime needs. The moral of the story? If we continue to practice social distancing, we can support harbor businesses and squeeze out a little summertime fun, to boot. Sushi GoGo: (805) 962-6568 Santa Barbara Fish Market: (805) 965-9564 Harbor Market: (805) 966-2115 Paddle Sports Center: (805) 774-1792 West Marine: (805) 564-1334

This customer is stoked to buy fresh, locally caught fish from the Santa Barbara Fish Market



April 24 marked the first day the Santa Barbara boat launch has opened since mid-March


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• Available for urgent care. • Infection control protocol followed, with all areas sanitized including wait area and exam room. 1483 E. Valley Road, Suite M | 805.969.6090


“Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.” _ William Makepeace Thackeray

7 – 14 May 2020

L O C A L LY O W N E D . G L O B A L LY C O N N E C T E D .


811 Camino Viejo Rd | Santa Barbara | 5BD/7BA DRE 00914713/01335689 | Offered at $7,495,000 Walsh/Clyne 805.259.8808

210 Miramar Ave | Montecito | 2BD/4BA DRE 01815307 | Offered at $6,900,000 Riskin Partners Estate Group 805.565.8600


Prestigious Park Ln | Montecito | 6BD/10BA DRE 01815307 | Offered at $28,000,000 Riskin Partners Estate Group 805.565.8600


956 Mariposa Ln | Montecito | 5BD/7BA DRE 01815307/00837659 | Offered at $11,450,000 Riskin/Griffin 805.565.8600


1845 E Mountain Dr | Montecito | 6BD/7BA DRE 01815307 | Offered at $6,850,000 Riskin Partners Estate Group 805.565.8600


734 Sea Ranch Dr | Santa Barbara | 3BD/3BA DRE 01005773 | Offered at $4,550,000 Gregg Leach 805.886.9000

900 Knollwood Dr | Montecito | 6BD/12BA DRE 01815307 | Offered at $17,750,000 Riskin Partners Estate Group 805.565.8600


4558 Via Esperanza | Santa Barbara | 5BD/6BA DRE 01005773 | Offered at $9,975,000 Gregg Leach 805.886.9000


640 El Bosque Rd | Montecito | 4BD/4BA DRE 01497110 | Offered at $5,250,000 Amy J Baird 805.478.9318


499 Crocker Sperry Dr | Santa Barbara | 3BD/5BA DRE 00852118 | Offered at $4,495,000 Jeff Oien 805.895.2944


1475 E Mountain Dr | Santa Barbara | 6BD/7BA DRE 01815307 | Offered at $13,900,000 Riskin Partners Estate Group 805.565.8600


1147 Hill Rd | Santa Barbara | 4BD/5BA DRE 01236143/01410304 | Offered at $11,500,000 Grubb Campbell Group 805.895.6226


2662 Sycamore Canyon Rd | Montecito | 5BD/6BA DRE 00978392 | Offered at $9,875,000 John A Sener 805.331.7402


5162 Foothill Rd | Carpinteria | 2BD/4BA DRE 01005773 | Offered at $4,950,000 Gregg Leach 805.886.9000


4002 Cuervo Ave | Santa Barbara | 5BD/4BA DRE 00852118 | Offered at $4,250,000 Jeff Oien 805.895.2944

610 Cima Vista Ln | Montecito | 6BD/8BA DRE 01815307 | Offered at $8,995,000 Riskin Partners Estate Group 805.565.8600


618 Hot Springs Rd | Montecito | 5BD/8BA DRE 01010817 | Offered at $4,750,000 Crawford Speier Group 805.683.7335


1389 Plaza Pacifica | Montecito | 2BD/3BA DRE 01790838 | Offered at $3,795,000 Michelle Bischoff 805.570.4361

Now more than ever, our team will be available to provide any assistance you may need. Please give us a call if you have any questions. We thank you for your continued trust and understanding and we look forward to assisting you! LEARN MORE AT VILLAGESITE.COM All information provided is deemed reliable, but has not been verified and we do not guarantee it. We recommend that buyers make their own inquiries.

7 – 14 May 2020

• The Voice of the Village •



Montecito Moms

by Dalina Michaels

Dalina Michaels worked as an award-winning television news producer for KEYT NewsChannel 3. She also served as a reporter for several years with “Inside Santa Barbara,” the city newsmagazine show. She now freelances for various websites and journalistic outlets. She is a native of Montecito and is grateful to be raising her own children here. If you are a Mama-Cito mama (or know someone!) who would like to be featured, please email: tim@montecitojournal.com

Susan Crosby: Personal Trainer & Fitness Expert


ontecito mom Susan Crosby has been offering work out sessions and personal training for years, but now with everyone staying home, she has found a new way to connect with her clients. The Crosby family first moved to Montecito in 2003, thinking (like everyone else!) it would be a great place to raise a family and pursue an active lifestyle. Says Crosby, “My daughter, Calleigh (11), is into aerial dance and son, Cash (14), loves tennis and volleyball, so Montecito has been a perfect fit for us.” When both her children were young, she knew she wanted to get back to work and she had always been interested in personal training so she got her certifications. “I originally got certified through the American Council on Exercise

According to Susan, planks are the single best exercise you can do

Susan Crosby is offering personal training sessions over Zoom while the shelter-in-place order is in effect


(ACE) as a personal trainer and a fitness nutrition specialist. Now I am working on my Youth Training Certification.” It helps that healthy lifestyles run in the family – husband Geoff started California Juice Company (www.cali juiceco.com) creating all organic coldpressed juices and wellness shots sold to companies and hotels. The featured “focus shot” right now is made with orange, ginger, Hawaiian turmeric, habanero, and lemon. The drinks are normally sold to retailers and hotels all over, however, for right now juices can be purchased and picked up directly from Geoff at gcrosby@caljuiceco.com. To stay in shape when we are all staying indoors, Susan offers a mix of exercises and activities that you can do with her in online classes or in personal sessions. She explains, “I use body weight and minimal equipment so I can train clients just about anywhere there is

now online! www . raoultextiless tore

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“The phrase ’working mother’ is redundant.” – Jane Sellman

internet. My clients have always been able to come to me, or I can go to them. Now I am offering classes over Zoom. I offer private and small group classes, usually three to five people, so that allows for a lot of personal attention.” Before the quarantine, Crosby would teach at private homes and could even meet with clients in the local parks and beaches. But she is hopeful when the restrictions are lifted, she will be able to get back outside with her clients. “While doing classes online is a great option for right now, I look forward to seeing my clients in person and working with them face-to-face. Right now, I am able to do a lot with online videos and I can see how my clients are working out and correct them even if I’m not there in person by their side.” She offers a few ideas if you are looking to stay in shape from the comfort of your home: “My favorite exercise is the plank. There are so many variations if you need more of a challenge. I love it because it works the whole body and you can do it anywhere and with no equipment. For a basic plank you will want to lie on your stomach with your forearms on the ground – shoulders and elbows in line. Pull in the stomach to support the lower back and lift the body into a plank. Hold the position for 20-45 seconds.” Crosby has for now set up shop in her garage and is able to video her classes for clients who want to participate online. She also keeps her schedule with private clients and offers monthly packages for those who want to get out of their quarantine rut and might need that extra motivation. If you’re looking for a class for yourself, or have a few friends who might want to join, Crosby is willing to create a workout that is specific for your needs and vision. To check out a class or see some workouts, go to: scrosbycpt@gmail.com or her instagram @hawkcrosby. •MJ 7 – 14 May 2020


It goes without saying that the last several weeks have been a tumultuous time for everyone, and the global pandemic and associated social distancing and quarantines have had far reaching consequences for nearly every type of trade or commerce. The local real estate market in Santa Barbara and Montecito is no exception, and we as agents are keeping tabs on the rapidly changing situation. While several listings have been withdrawn from the market, there are still buyers seeking to find their new home, thanks in part to record low interest rates. Working within the new mandates from the California Association of Realtors, we are still actively working for our clients, helping them reach their real estate goals. Please contact us for the very latest on market conditions; we’re here to help. 1255 Coast Village Rd, Suite 102B DRE 01499736/01129919

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©2020 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties (BHHSCP) is a member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates LLC. BHH Affiliates LLC and BHHSCP do not guarantee accuracy of all data including measurements, conditions, and features of property. Information is obtained from various sources and will not be verified by broker or MLS. Buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information.

7 – 14 May 2020

• The Voice of the Village •



ON THE RECORD (Continued from page 12)

The entrance to 1845 East Mountain Drive

Riskin Realtor Sarah Hanacek

Bird’s eye view of the mansion

tiple-offer sales. According to Sarah Hanacek, the Riskin realtor who met me last Friday, most prospective buyers are people who live in more dense urban areas such as Los Angeles or San Francisco and who are looking to either relocate or purchase a second home here. “We had one family that literally brought their kids with them the day they took ownership,” Hanacek says. “They immediately put them in the backyard with some toys so they could play outside for the first time in a long time.” Aside from the hefty price tag, there are many crucial factors that must be navigated by prospective buyers. First, Riskin Partners insists that, before being considered for an in-person viewing, you must obtain a bank statement indicating your ability to qualify for an appropriately-sized loan. You must also sign a form indicating that you’ve viewed the extensive online virtual tour of the property, and that you don’t have a fever or any recent cold symptoms. When I arrived at the property,


The living room impresses

The author at work

Hanacek, who was wearing a mask, was waiting to greet me on the porch. Because of health concerns, she said only two people are allowed inside at the same time. Since I was alone, this wasn’t a problem. Neither were the required mask (I brought my own), or the gloves, and medi-

cal booties (Hanacek had those waiting for me). Next, I carefully read and signed a California Association of Realtors “Coronavirus Property Entry Advisory and Declaration” or PEAD form, warning of the dangers of COVID-19 and stating that while each property is disinfected before and after each viewing, I was responsible for any risk to my own health and safety. After instructing me not to touch anything inside the house and to continue practicing social distanc-

“The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.” – James E. Faust

ing, Hanacek took me through the extensive property, room by room (by room). The house was in immaculate condition and with all new appliances and even that ineffable new-house smell, was ready for immediate occupancy. Gone are the days when Hanacek would gladly allow guests at the nearby San Ysidro Ranch to tour a house on a whim without any proof of genuine interest. That said, Riskin Partners

ON THE RECORD Page 324 7 – 14 May 2020

Summerland Buzz

town and Summerland Elementary was (and still is) a wonderful school. Families would get together at The Nugget and at the beach. Cafe Luna was a hub, but unfortunately it closed. As a single, active woman, I adore the Summerland scenery – the beach, homes, and surrounding nature trails and vistas. And without the traffic, there’s one less complaint in our lives! Without the draw to Santa Barbara, many of us are much more content.

by Leslie A. Westbrook A third-generation Californian, Leslie, currently resides in Carpinteria but called Summerland home for 30 years. The award-winning writer assists clients sell fine art, antiques and collectibles at auction houses around the globe. She can be reached at LeslieAWestbrook@gmail.com or www.auctionliaison.com

Kara Richard: Summerland Salon & Spa


. With COVID-19 changing the way we interact as a community, how are you making it work through this difficult time and do you have any tips to share? A. Here at the Summerland Salon & Spa, we’ve worked together as a team to think of innovative ways to stay in touch with our clients. One of those ideas was to create Virtual Salon & Spa experiences. Through consultations, facial and hair care kits, and coaching sessions, we are able to take care of our clients by video chat. This has been so much fun for all of us, and we love being able to still serve our community!

What is your favorite memory of living in Summerland? Summerland has always been a hidden gem to me. I love how peaceful it is, and I feel so grateful to be able to live in and co-own a business in this little town. My favorite memory of Summerland was when we had our first Summerland Block Party two years ago. It was incredible to see all our local businesses come together to create such a fun day. It was also the salon’s one-year anniversary, so it was definitely a special day for us.

Kara Richard of the Summerland Salon & Spa

Gerri French: Clinical Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Educator

How is the coronavirus impacting your life? The global pandemic is producing horrible effects with loss of lives, healthcare workers and farmers overworking, food waste, the prison and nursing home situations and economic disasters beyond imagination. April 29 was day 29 of my furlough from work from Sansum Clinic. For most of my life, I have been an individual who tended to completely fill my life with work and pre/post-raising family I was engaged in many social events, especially planning my Meetup group: Santa Barbara Food and Farm Adventures. I also attended lectures, films, music events. With all of these events gone, I am surprised how content I am. I am enjoying being more mindful, patient, and spontaneous. Time is a luxury. I am appreciating the various acts of

Gerri French, Clinical Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Educator

kindness I see in our world and my own ability to take time for others – sewing masks, cooking and sharing food (thank you farmers and people working in our food stores), exchanging jigsaw puzzles, social distance coffee dates and walks with friends. I am meditating, hiking, biking, doing yoga, and swimming in the ocean. I am also reading more than I ever have since my college years – all sorts of books I have collected. And watching a variety of films – I love many of the films Roger Durling has been recommending. I will look forward to eating out with friends, going to thrift stores, and hugging people. •MJ

Q. What special memories do you have of Summerland? A. My fondest memories of the Summerland community come from when I first became a mother. Summerland is a wonderful family

In times like these gardens provide comfort and joy Thank you for staying home and enjoying yours Chris and Lisa Cullen Montecito Landscape Filling gardens with joy for 50 years

7 – 14 May 2020

• The Voice of the Village •



Voices by Susie Kayst Susie Kayst is an Emmy Award winning journalist, writer, and events producer, who – after a bout of provable COVID-19 - has taken a fancy to the board game Ticket to Ride, while in quarantine just outside New York City. She comes to the Montecito Journal by way of its editor-in-chief, a dear friend from years of working together at ABC News

Lady Windermere to the Rescue


opened my eyes and for the first time in probably 16 days and realized I was sleeping on my side. A luxury. I could see the bottle of Tylenol, thermometer, and oximeter through the clear half drunken bottle of Glacier Freeze Gatorade on my bed stand. Was it Lady Windermere who had paid me another visit? I realize not everyone is as fortunate as I to have a best friend who is a doctor that specializes in pulmonary disease and internal medicine at New York-Presbyterian-Columbia University. Emily and I have been friends since our daughters were three and we met at the playground some Susie Kayst, before she had Covid-19, not socially 20 years ago. With perfectly coiffed distancing with a giant baby chestnut hair and a slender build, she makes the best eggplant rollatini this side of the Atlantic, and is the on-call doctor to me, my family, and our group of friends, 24/7. With all of us, it’s a wonder Emily still has time for a thriving practice to boot. My personal saga began as I plodded through Grand Central Station one mid-December morning. My cell vibrated. Even without reading, I could see the text “call when you can” was important. Funny, I’d never known Emily to be in touch before 9 am. My stomach was tight as I pressed her number. Maybe I instinctively knew, or perhaps it was my telltale cough that erupted from down under. The cough had been raging for over two weeks, but to my dismay didn’t seem to be getting any better. It was during my trip to visit my family in Minneapolis over Thanksgiving I finally gave in and felt the need to involve my fine doctor friend. Her first thought was to make sure I was equipped with the right inhaler for my allergies. After a couple of days of no improvement, Emily sent me to get a chest x-ray upon my return. I reckoned that’s what she was calling about. She got right to the point. “Susie, I just read the results from your x-ray and there’s a foggy area which looks like you have a case of walking pneumonia. I’ve called in a prescription for you. I also want you to come in for a CT scan one month from today. I’ll have my assistant call to set things up. You’re going to be okay!” Was there worry in her voice? I was trying to process – especially that last sentence. I guess my silence prompted her to say it again. “You’re going to be okay!” I knew I would – after all I was in the best of hands. But why did Dr. Emily feel the need to reassure me not once but twice? I took my meds and things improved. The holidays came and went. My chil-

Your Montecito and Santa Barbara Real Estate Agent

dren were home. The cough was put to rest. Mid-January came, along with the CT scan and another diagnosis from Emily, “You’re fine, but I can see you have a case of mild lung disease called Lady Windermere Syndrome. It’s probably why you’re always coughing. I actually specialize in that too.” So once again, from pneumonia to Lady Windermere Syndrome, I was being treated by an expert in lung disease. Named after the main character in Oscar Wilde’s 1892 play, Lady Windermere’s Fan, Lady Windermere is a Victorian socialite who accuses her husband of having an affair with a woman, who’s actually her mother – but she doesn’t know it’s her mother, because the mother has all along been presumed dead. All’s well when the mother leaves town without her daughter ever knowing the truth, and Lady Windermere ends up back with her husband. Sounds like quite the bodice ripper. Unfortunately, the plot of the disease is not as exciting, and feels more like a bodice tightening than a bodice ripper. Despite her fancy name, Lady Windermere is not a welcome guest. And her namesake syndrome is a lung condition that is part of the Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC). Note: for easy purposes, just understand that “bacterium” is involved. These bacteria can be traced, and perhaps ingested from dirt, water, or even a filthy shower head. Eew. It is not contagious. The name was inspired when bacteria were found in the lungs of several white, thin, elderly women – who akin to Lady Windermere, would probably have quelled the urge to cough up sputum. Ahem. In other words, instead of having a phlegm filled coughing attack in public, a “proper” woman would somehow hold her white gloves to her lips and quietly suppress her cough, thus not clearing the bacteria.

A Tilt-A-Whirl on Steroids

Although not quite as well-mannered as Lady Windermere, I was still happy the cough had subsided, and all was status quo. That is until the outbreak of COVID-19 hit New York in the Spring of 2020. Now a new worry set in. Let’s see, I’m 59 years old… but do I now have an underlying condition? The answer came to me like a Tilt-A-Whirl on steroids before I had the chance to discuss my concern with my physician. I’d already been home bound for nine days since last seeing my colleague who tested positive for the virus. I was feeling confident – out of the woods from the typical “common five days between transmission.” But something seriously kicked in while brushing my teeth one Saturday morning. The room was spinning so intensely, I had to hang on to the edge of the sink. I felt nauseous, clammy. My stomach was queasy, and my heart was racing. Was I having a… panic attack? I went online. At that point, only fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath were the noted symptoms of the coronavirus, so I chalked my vertigo and GI problems up to a bad bug. Nevertheless, that bug would stay with me for over three weeks to come. Fortunately, so would Emily too. Days 1 - 2 After the first eight second flash of vertigo I felt okay, just a bit off kilter – like I was driving through fog. However somehow nothing tasted or smelled the least bit appetizing. Day 3 Woke up feeling so dizzy I couldn’t bring myself to sit up. My heart was palpitating. I could hear my ears thumping, putting pressure on my sinuses – especially on the bridge of my nose. I was so nauseous I couldn’t get out of bed. My head was buzzing and my eyes were watering uncontrollably. My family was feeding me Cheerios, pasta, and – what I was craving most – black olives from the can. Salt. Day 4 I was eating laying down, wishing there was a straw that would go from my

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7 – 14 May 2020

glass to my mouth while I drank, and I was trying my hardest not to spin. I could feel the heat of the bug as it burrowed its way from my cheekbones, down my neck glands, and into my chest. Day 5 To wake panting like a dog, chest tight, and heart racing at 4 o’clock in the morning is not a pleasant way to start the day. All along I’d been falsely comforted by the fact that the two most significant symptoms I kept hearing about – fever and cough – were not part of my journey. Consequently, I couldn’t be sure it was even the virus. I managed to prop myself up and sat shivering, waiting till 7:01am to ping Emily: Hello! Woke up at 4 and am having bouts of shortness of breath… and heart palpitations… seems to come and go. No fever… no cough… but I am clammy and shaky and feel flushed… don’t know what I have but how will I know if things are taking a turn for the worse?

A FaceTime House Call

Emily FaceTimed me within a minute. She was calm and said I “looked good and had color in my cheeks.” I pointed to where I had consistent pain – like a subtle black and blue mark – around my chest area. Then minutes after our conversation came Emily’s text: Prescriptions are in. Also, you want to get an oximeter to measure your oxygen levels. Make sure it comes with a battery. If not get the battery too. It’s a small device about three inches long. I sent my gallant husband out hunting and gathering. Three drug stores and two prescriptions later he found one oximeter left at Walgreens. It was an overpriced $69.99, but it came equipped with a pulse reader and an app for relaxation techniques. An oximeter is a little device that you clamp on to the tip of your finger. It measures your blood oxygen levels and helps monitor shortness of breath. Normal range is 95-99%. At one point my blood oxygen saturation was 93%, but it never went below the critical point of 90%. This contraption served as my teddy bear throughout the rest of my ordeal. My finger could ultimately clue me in if things were going askew. The prescriptions consisted of antibiotics and an inhaler. Miraculously, after the first dose of medicine I felt significantly better. I was able to eat sitting up. Bend my knees. And never again did I experience an episode like that morning where I was left breathless for 10 minutes. Days 6 - 7 Nights were hard. I would wake spinning every time I inadvertently rolled over in my sleep. I was anxious. I hope I don’t pass this onto my family! Will my cough come back? Will I end up on a ventilator like my friend in Minnesota? Thanks to Emily I was managing at home, but under normal circumstances I’d have thought myself sick enough to warrant a trip to the ER. Days 8 - 9 I made an effort to get dressed and comb my hair each morning. The stairs were daunting, so I stayed in my sequestered room and milled around there. My exercise routine consisted of getting myself out of bed, hiking to the bathroom, and running a bath. I was sitting up more often at the makeshift desk consisting of a bistro chair and card table. I also was able to take in a lot of chicken soup. Mealtime was a relished activity. I ate by myself but kept my door open so I could listen to normal conversation coming from the kitchen below. Not even Lady Windermere would consider that eavesdropping. Days 10 - 11 Woke up to another racing heart. Thanks to the oximeter by my side, I knew my pulse was at 124. I let Emily know: Still managing symptoms ok. No cough… but pulse is a little high today… high 80s and 90s… even into low 100s. As always, Emily was quick to respond: I’m not surprised. We are seeing slight relapse around day 10 which you are probably at. It passes in a day or two. Might also have some chest tightness. Nothing to be concerned about. Just make sure you stay hydrated. Helps bring pulse down. Again, her comforting words and heads up on what to expect were pulling me through.

navirus is hard, and you have to work through it.” To date, Sandra has only sent one patient to the hospital. She too believes in walking her patients through. She also had a helpful hint. “Add one t-spoon of salt and one tablespoon of sugar to your water as Gatorade can sometimes exacerbate your diarrhea.” Day 14 Emily FaceTimed me. She was surprised, “Are you in bed still?” I was. My head was buzzing. “Susie – get out of bed! Take an allergy pill. Run laps around your house. Get some fresh air into your lungs. You need to move. You need to recondition yourself.” That was the last time Emily ever found me in bed. Days 15 I went downstairs and emptied the dishwasher. Day 16 Excited to wake up on my side for a change, I noticed I had trouble opening my crusty eyes. Just another insult to injury – conjunctivitis. It was as if my body had collected every virus I’d ever been exposed to, only to unleash them all in one fell swoop. Days 17 - 19 First time out and around the block I couldn’t walk a straight line. But things improved with each passing step till I was up to multiple walks a day. It didn’t matter the weather. It helped to be outside and just breathe. Day 20 Vacuumed the entire house. Day 21 GI tract resolved. Three weeks had come and gone. All the while I couldn’t help but wonder if I actually heard it coming. Two nights before Day 1, I told my husband I could hear the trains chugging along their tracks. He was impressed since the train station is over a mile away. Unbeknownst to me, something must have already been brewing in my ears. Recently my husband felt woozy. I panicked and insisted he get tested. I called the Westchester COVID Hotline and within 48 hours they called with an appointment at a drive-thru testing locale in New Rochelle the next day. He was given a confirmation number and told to wear a mask. My husband described the coronavirus test center as something out of a Stephen King novel. There were troops everywhere. Police cars defined the area. People in space suits shouting directions into a megaphone so you could hear through closed car windows. “Place your ID face out of your closed window. And do NOT open your window!” Things ran smoothly until he got to the front of the line. They couldn’t find his record. He left. Minutes later, as he was filling the car with gas, a call came in from North Carolina to let him know they found his confirmation after all. So back he went. I am forever grateful that his test was negative. Perhaps he’d already had it? No doubt this silent killer manifests itself differently – from a sniffle in one person to pneumonia in another. There’s a side of me that believes my 23-year-old daughter had it as early as January 3, when tests on a fever of almost 104º, chills, fatigue, and a sore throat came back negative for Strep and the flu. If things were already rampant in China and brewing in Italy, they must have been percolating in New York by then too. And a couple of days ago, I couldn’t help but ask Emily, “So do you think I had that nasty virus?” Her response was nothing short of practical. “Pretty sure. When the blood test comes out we will check.” Still, I can’t help but wonder… from dizziness to GI problems to numbing head fog to severe fatigue to chest tightening to shortness of breath to night sweats to shakiness to heart palpitations to conjunctivitis… maybe it’s only Lady Windermere who will ever know the secret to that. After all, a cough never crossed my lips. Gloves off. Wash hands! Tea anyone? •MJ

Day 12 Still no cough? Day 13 Little did I know that my good friend Sandra, a GP in Manhattan, was home from vacation and had been in quarantine the past couple of weeks. She called nonchalantly to check in. Born and raised in Brazil, I can always count on her to see things from a worldly perspective. “You know,” she warned me, “you have a couple of days left. Be patient. Americans are not patient. I see it all the time. They think they are going to get better in three days and they’re not. This coro7 – 14 May 2020

• The Voice of the Village •




7 – 14 May 2020

N E W S PA P E R & M A G A Z I N E

7 – 14 May 2020

• The Voice of the Village •



Perspectives by Rinaldo S. Brutoco Rinaldo S. Brutoco is the Founding President and CEO of the Santa Barbara-based World Business Academy and a co-founder of JUST Capital. He’s a serial entrepreneur, executive, author, radio host, and futurist who’s published on the role of business in relation to pressing moral, environmental, and social concerns for over 35 years

A New Federalism - Part III


he last installment in this series covered the rise of U.S. Federalism characterized by a strong federal government from the Great Depression to the 1970s, and the breakdown of that strong centralized role starting with Ronald Reagan and running through to the present day. Why did this happen? How did the Reagan Revolution so successfully begin the dismantling of our strong federal government at the center with “States’ Rights’” as less powerful “outriggers” for social organization? Well, you can answer that with the Confederate chant: “Forget like hell!” At the core of our current form of broken federalism is a central government so hobbled it cannot adequately protect us as a nation from the ravages of coronavirus or an insufficient supply of farm labor to pick our crops. It has also left us totally naked to the ravages of climate extremes. This breakdown traces back to the fact that the Civil War never ended. In that a Treaty of Surrender was never formally (or even informally) signed by General Lee. When General Lee showed up at the Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865 he came expecting to surrender on behalf of his Army of Northern Virginia. That didn’t happen. Instead, General Grant wrote a letter to General Lee by hand in pencil, sitting across the room, stating the terms by which hostilities could cease. The terms were the most generous of any ever offered by the victor to the vanquished. Lee immediately wrote a response to Grant’s offer and that was how the termination of hostilities occurred. Although the word “surrender” appeared one time in General Lee’s letter, President Lincoln had specifically instructed General Grant to permit the hostilities to end without any punitive surrender terms whatsoever.

Lincoln’s Magnanimous Gesture to the Confederacy

The former Confederate soldiers were allowed to keep their horses and mules, travel home for free if necessary on Union ships and railroads, receive rations (they hadn’t eaten for a couple of days), retain their sidearms and swords if they were officers, and were instantaneously fully paroled of all their offenses against the Union. In an historically magnanimous gesture, President Lincoln (murdered only days later) ordered Grant to treat the Confederates as reunited brothers rather than as defeated enemies. And, even then, the cessation of hostilities only occurred for Lee’s Army of Virginia as the rest of the Confederacy fought on in other regions. More than a year later, on August 20, 1986, President Andrew Johnson finally declared the war over (even though fighting continued in Texas and Oklahoma) so that active hostilities could cease. Even as Confederate President Jefferson Davis was captured on May 10, 1865 in Georgia whilst making plans to set up a government in exile, there was never any surrender agreement negotiated and signed. Like all other Confederates, Jefferson Davis was fully paroled and allowed the full restoration of all his worldly possessions. The critical takeaway here is the South never surrendered. That’s why statues to Confederate “war heroes” have been erected until recent times all over the South. That’s why you see Confederate flags at every rally from the founding of the Tea Party Patriots Foundation in 2010 to present day demonstrations “liberating” Michigan, Wisconsin, and Virginia from stay-at-home orders. It’s why Confederate flags have a prominent place at every Trump rally, mixed in with all those red Make America Great Again hats. The Confederacy fighting on may or may not have something to do with Michigan state senator Dale Zorn publicly wearing a confederate flag corona face mask just a scant few days ago.

Our Civil War Never Ended

To the Confederates, who remain active and alive as an “alt” political force in our Republic, they never surrendered so the South didn’t lose the war and the battle goes on. This is the taproot cause for the raging divide between “red” states and “blue” ones. Even more importantly, it is the pedestal upon which “States’ Rights” now firmly sits and is the reason we no longer possess the ability to act as one nation even in times of dire national peril such as these. It is also the implicit justification for suppressing the votes of black, brown, and student citizens because the southern Republican controlled states do not respect the legitimacy of the central government to safeguard voting as a basic right. In order to maintain control of their territory, in certain individual states, some mostly white citizens believe that they are entitled to control the levers of


California Creating an Inclusive Economy


California has set up a task force to rebuild its economy to be more inclusive. f California were a sovereign nation, it would be the fifth-largest economy in the world, slotted in between Germany and India. So the decisions the State makes as it begins to consider how and when to reopen businesses and reboot its economy in the wake of the coronavirus crisis have major implications. To figure out how to do it, Gavin Newsom announced April 17 that he would set up an encompassing task force of 98 members, comprising authorities from business, labor, government, philanthropy, and academia to streamline economic recuperation in a way that takes into account the needs of different groups. It’s a way for Newsom to take stock before making decisions, in the short and long term. The task force is co-chaired by Newsom’s chief of staff, Ann O’Leary, and billionaire and former presidential candidate Tom Steyer, who will “ensure the recovery plan is equitable, green, and lifts up under-resourced communities hit hardest by this pandemic,” says his spokesman, Benjamin Gerdes. The members include chief executives from Californian companies such as Chipotle, Patagonia, LinkedIn, Gap, and Netflix, small business owners, labor leaders, community leaders, and members of the California state legislature. It’s also receiving advice from four former governors. Ninety-eight members is a large number – one that some have called “unwieldy,” expressing concerns about its manageability along with the reality of implementing change with so many stakeholders. The governor’s office plans to not only have meetings with the whole group but divide it into subcommittees, which will meet on a regular basis to dive into more substantive material. Ideas are already coming out of this task force. One member, Manuel Pastor, the director of the USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity, believes it’s extremely important for the task force to ensure the most vulnerable are kept secure: the recently incarcerated who’ve re-entered the labor market and must compete with other unemployed people, or children of color, who may experience setbacks in their studies due to lower rates of access to high-speed Internet. Pastor has some solutions in mind that would involve multiple elements of the task force. For remote learners, the state could implement lifeline programs that make broadband more accessible for low-income families. Pastor may also push for reentry programs for the formerly incarcerated, along with governmental assistance for parolees as they reenter the job market. We’ll have to wait and see how effective the task force will be, but for Californians, it’s encouraging to see the state being proactive in its quest to build a more inclusive economy. •MJ government in violation of the “one man, one vote” standard. Oddly enough, the refusal to treat African Americans as equal citizens under the law was a core issue underlying the Civil War. And, because there was no surrender, the South’s rebellion continues to the present day. We have often described the conflict raging in the U.S. since the ‘70s as a “cultural revolution.” That term is absolutely correct. The South was a hierarchical, plantation culture with 1-2% of the white people at the top of a very steep sided triangle with people of color on the bottom. Sound familiar? Doesn’t that sound like the hierarchy we built in the U.S. with the increasing reallocation of wealth from the bottom tiers of society to the very top? The culture war that first erupted with the Civil War has been brewing unabated since then, because that culture, of which slavery and disenfranchisement was the central pillar, was never actually defeated, i.e. never actually surrendered. In the interest of “binding up the nation’s wounds,” we never made it clear that we fought to win a more egalitarian culture of broad-based economic opportunity as well as universal suffrage. The North was an industrial culture of broad civic participation that was able to beat the South in battle because it had superior military strength and economic as well as a superior federal model. Meanwhile the plutocratic South had to rely on slavery as its economic taproot and a plantation culture which did not allow for the dynamism of a modern state. Had the South surrendered, this culture war would long ago have ended, and Confederate soldiers would not be seen as “war heroes” but as traitors to and adversaries of the Union. What sort of nation will we choose to be going forward? How we make that choice, and re-design our Federalism, remains the question. And that’s the subject of our final installment in this series. Stay tuned… •MJ

“It may be possible to gild pure gold, but who can make his mother more beautiful?” – Mahatma Gandhi

7 – 14 May 2020

Brilliant Thoughts

LETTERS (Continued from page 8)

by Ashleigh Brilliant Born London, 1933. Mother Canadian. Father a British civil servant. World War II childhood spent mostly in Toronto and Washington, D.C. Berkeley PhD. in American History, 1964. Living in Santa Barbara since 1973. No children. Best-known for his illustrated epigrams, called “Pot-Shots”, now a series of 10,000. Email ashleigh@west.net or visit www.ashleighbrilliant.com

Dear God,


o doubt you know I don’t believe in you – but that’s OK, because, for all I know, you probably don’t believe in me either. Still, out of consideration for everybody else who may be reading this, I am obliged to respect you, not take your name in vain and even, to the extent possible under the circumstances, consider you holy. So, let me first thank you for those things I am commonly supposed to be grateful to you for. I won’t attempt to list them, because most of us share the basic ones. But I do have a few special ones, such as my name – what luck to be born with one of the rare names which has so many good connotations! – also my intelligence (which I assume is a good thing) and my talent as a writer. I suppose I should also be grateful for living in a very desirable part of the world, and in a relatively peaceful time – and for the relatively long, healthy life I’ve had, relatively free of terrible events – also for the mostly good people who have helped me on my way. But now we come to the other side of the picture. And first of all, my biggest complaint is WHY? You have allowed us – at least up to now – to glimpse a vastness, both externally and internally, beyond our comprehension. We will die without understanding any of it. And, speaking of dying, this phenomenon called “life” is enough of a mystery in itself. And to me, one of its strangest and most horrific aspects is the peculiar system of life feeding on life – of living things eating each other in order to stay alive. I once read a story of which I can remember nothing but the last line. A large man, apparently facing imminent death, thumps his own body, and says, “What a feast for the worms!” At one of my colleges they used to sing a song which began “the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out,” cheerfully mocking the process of decomposition. And of course, the most famous of college songs, going back to medieval times, and usually sung in the original Latin, is the one which begins “Gaudeamus Igitur, Juvenes dum sumus” (“Let us therefore rejoice, while we are young”) but ends with the mournful refrain, “Nos habebit Humus” (The Earth will have us”). So thank you, God (I suppose) for allowing us, at least occasionally, to be so jolly about a truth so grim. But my complaints don’t stop there. 7 – 14 May 2020

Why did you have to concoct a system in which not only do we all have to eat each other, and eventually reach a point at which we ourselves get eaten – but on the way, we generally suffer more and more losses, pain, and deterioration? I can hear you saying, “Don’t forget about reproduction!” Yes, it’s true that, quite apart from the pleasures of sex, most people have children, and often grandchildren, which in itself is a form of rebirth and immortality. This forces me to get a little personal and point out that none of that applies to me. I will leave no descendants, not even any nieces or nephews – not that fecundity is any guarantee of happiness. I once (in my early twenties) wrote a poem called “The Atheist’s Prayer,” which was full of paradoxes, such as the very first lines: “God, who does not exist, Help me to deny thee.” And then there are all the other gifts you have sprinkled upon us – any number of disgusting diseases, disorders, and defects of the body and mind – enough to fill six pages of Roget. But wait! There’s more! With all of these misfortunes, one might expect that, having so much in common, would draw people together. But instead, what do we get? – War, Crime, Violence, Hatred, and a whole catalog of Deadly Sins – most of them involving people hurting each other (and in some, also hurting themselves). And ironically, as it would seem, much of the conflict in the world arises from different conceptions, God, of YOU! – different ways to imagine you, obey you, communicate with you. And to think that you are responsible for all this! I once (in my early twenties) wrote a poem called “The Atheist’s Prayer,” which was full of paradoxes, such as the very first lines: “God, who does not exist, Help me to deny thee Lord of the lordless, give me faith to have no faith, Give me the wisdom not to understand – and the power to doubt.” I’m afraid that you, God, and my readers, won’t feel that I have come very far since then. •MJ

touching no one, hugging anyone, standing no where near anyone, that will be the world we are returning to. How do we live in that world. How do we form contacts with one another devoid of touch and for the most part facial identification. Going to be a big challenge. How much energy will be spent trying to figure that out, depends upon how much we value connection. Myrna Fleishman, Ph.D

What I Miss

On St. Patrick’s Day, May 17, 2020 I went in for hip surgery at Goleta Valley Cottage Hospital. I was one of the last elective surgeries they would perform for a long time. When I was discharged, I left what felt like a ghost-hospital, with only a few patients still waiting to leave and a cleaning crew swabbing down the halls. Sadly, on the way home, I couldn’t get my post-op meds at San Ysidro Pharmacy, so my prescriptions were phoned in to another, corporate, pharmacy. After much delay, due to many anxious people stocking up prior to the stay-at-home order, I was served graciously. It was an experience I will never forget, and a foreboding of the future. After I had my medications in hand, my ride and I stopped at my dear friend Nina’s to pick up a care package of food and flowers. She was hunkering down and waved to us from a window as my ride gathered the booty from her porch. My heart swelled! I have seen so many acts of kindness, mostly over the internet of course, as these days of quarantine pass. I love the feeling of being part of a community. Our Little Village is a treasure that I hold very dear. Since that day I have been puttering around my place and doing generally just about nothing, except on days when I have to go into SB for Physical Therapy and a quick shop for food at Gelson’s where my ride prefers to shop. That is why yesterday, when I was coming home from Physical Therapy, I had my ride take me to the Upper Village in order to do some errands, it felt so good to see familiar faces, or what I could see of them as they all

had their masks on, and pick up and read the Montecito Journal and see the pictures of the MUS Parade! It is said to write about what you know and what I know is that I miss my neighbors and my Little Village. I hope we all get back to normal safely! Peace, Love and Music! Michael Edwards

Man’s Best Friend

Great and sincere article from Gretchen Lieff on Ron Brand and the loss of his dog McKenna! Dogs are always such comfort and especially at times like these… I know we certainly miss ours. Jean Von Wittenburg

Why Now?

Our politicians have made our lives miserable. Shopping at local markets for groceries or produce these past two weeks reminds me of how I feel at an airport security check line. There is absolutely no joy in the experience. It wasn’t this bad during the peak of this pandemic in March. The curve has been flattened, the hospitals are not overwhelmed and yet there is no end in sight of this oppressive lockdown. The World Health Organization states Sweden is the model on how to handle COVID-19... why are we still on lockdown? Are our government officials not paying attention to the science? Why now? Why the oppressive heavy hand in May? Our government is depriving us of living and I might add living safely. I learned this week that I cannot get my pets immunized. It is “unlawful” until the government lifts the restrictions. Seems irresponsible to me. This past week I received a threatening letter from Supervisor Das Williams warning that I must obey or he will be “forced” to close Santa Barbara beaches. Am I his subordinate that he can take away my privileges with impunity? How did our politicians gain the power to run over our rights to live as free people? Sincerely, Cheryl Trosky •MJ

Laughing Matters


patient walks in to see his doctor. The doctor asks what’s wrong. What’s wrong? Can’t you see I’ve got strawberries growing out of my head? Is that all? Don’t worry I’ve got some cream for that.

Send us your best joke, we’ll decide if it’s funny. We can only print what we can print, so don’t blame us. Please send “jokes” to letters@ montecitojournal.net

• The Voice of the Village •



In Passing

MISCELLANY (Continued from page 6)

Charles “Chuck” Arnold


e was born in Lexington, Illinois to Alma and Gayle Arnold. He spent his early years on a farm near Lexington, graduating from Lexington High School in 1940. Chuck entered the University of Illinois, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He participated in the ROTC program and was called to active duty in July of 1943 and entered into the Army Engineer Corps. While on temporary duty at the U of I in late 1943 Chuck met Viola McCord, who was a student. They married in 1944 and were together for 66 years until her death in 2011. His time in service was mostly spent in the Pacific Theatre with Chuck’s final commission at MacArthur’s Headquarters in Tokyo. Chuck returned to the U of I in 1945 to finish his Engineering Degree in 1947. He and Viola migrated to California in 1948 where he joined the Schlumberger Well Surveying Corp. Chuck Arnold, beloved war veteran and sports car as a field engineer. Chuck resigned in enthusiast 1956 to join Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co as a financial representative in the Los Angeles area. In 1960, the Arnold family moved to Santa Barbara where Chuck represented Northwestern Mutual Life in Santa Barbara until retiring in 2012. He was a charter member of several insurance and financial organizations in Santa Barbara. At various times, Chuck was a volunteer with the American Cancer Society, the Montecito YMCA, as well as other organizations. Chuck was a member of the El Montecito Presbyterian Church for 60 years and a member of the Montecito Rotary Club for 25 years. He had a love of sports cars and owned many over the years, which he enjoyed restoring, driving, and selling. Chuck is survived by his children, David, Diane, Joan, and Christopher and their spouses, his grandchildren Nicole and Zachary, as well as, from his later years, his best friend Joy. At his request, there will be no memorial service. His ashes are at sea; send a hello, when you walk the beach. •MJ

“Shuddering awe is mankind’s noblest part” - Oswald Spengler

Juan de Arellano Basket of Flowers (ca. 1664); Museo del Prado, Madrid

Marcia A. Christoff

European Old Masters-Spain, Italy, Northern Renaissance Advisory - Curation - Scholarship www.marciachristoff.com - marcia@marciachristoff.com Hancock Park, Los Angeles - Washington D.C. - 213.500.8400


“We have seen more people coming to us for food and shelter, many of them for the first time. As this crisis continues, we need to be prepared to see more households and individuals needing assistance. “We are also aware that some of the typical means by which people come into our treatment program – criminal justice and the courts – are also impacted by the COVID crisis, so we have taken all necessary steps to keep our residential population safe and medically clear individuals so they can have access to treatment.” Grassroots Gear Judi Weisbart, Queen of Masks

Social activist Judi Weisbart, founder and president of Busy Woman Consulting, is now Santa Barbara’s Queen of Masks. The county has hired Judi as Face Covering Community Coordinator, she tells me. “The community desperately needs face coverings on every face,” she says. “There are other funds for healthcare workers PPE, but we must also help cover those on the front lines, our sheriffs, police, social workers, emergency management teams, food bank volunteers and staff, grocery store clerks, and the most vulnerable such as the elderly, homeless, and farmworkers.” Judi says the Santa Barbara County Mask Network has been formed to do everything in the power of grassroots activism to cover our faces and reduce the risk of community transmission of COVID-19. “There are hundreds of people sewing masks, others supplying fabric, distributing materials and beautiful handmade masks, and working tirelessly to take care of the health and wellbeing of our community.” The Santa Barbara Foundation has agreed to be the financial sponsor for the new network, but Judi says they still need monetary support for deliverables, materials such as cotton, interfacing, elastic, wire, and thread. “We are already purchasing 5,000 yards of elastic each week!” adds Judi. “In addition we want people to sign up to help sew, transport, and help the network grow,” she adds. If you can help, access the website https://www.sbfoundation.org/

“If evolution really works, how come mothers have only two hands?” – Milton Berle

give-now/give-to-sb-county-masknetwork/. Preparing for Polo Polo club manager David Sigman (photo by Priscilla)

Santa Barbara Polo Club, which was re-scheduled to kick off its 109th season on May 15, now plans to launch in July, according to manager David Sigman. “The health and safety of our membership, staff, and the community are of the utmost importance to us,” says David. “As we look ahead toward the possible reopening of the club for spectators when restrictions are lifted, we are creating new safety procedures for seating, dining, beverage service, and much more to ensure the safest environment for guests.” Always a highlight of the summer season. We’ll Drink to That

Paso Robles winery, PharaohMoans, donates 100 bottles to help Lucky’s staffers

Lucky’s, the achingly trendy eatery on Coast Village Road, is living up to its name. The Paso Robles winery, PharaohMoans, has donated 100 bottles of their highly acclaimed 2017 Rhone-style wine, with 100 per cent of the proceeds going directly to the restaurant to help support the staffers affected by the coronavirus lockdown. Each bottle sells for $100 with a total of $10,000 expected to be raised. Winery owner John Schwartz says Lucky’s has been a longtime supporter. “We’ve supported some notable eateries in the Napa Valley and wanted to do something for the Central Coast with our vineyard in this area. We are delighted to be able to offer some support.” 7 – 14 May 2020

Leading the Charge Billionaire Los Angeles developer Rick Caruso, 61, owner of the Rosewood Miramar and chairman of the board of trustees at USC, has joined President Donald Trump’s Great American Economic Revival Industry Group. The group of 200 leaders, which also includes Santa Barbara Polo Club patron Geoff Palmer, 69 – who lives in Beverly Hills and St. Tropez – one of L.A.’s biggest rental property developers, has been formed to combat the economic impact of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. It includes leaders in agriculture, banking, construction, defense, energy, financial services, healthcare, food and beverage hospitality, manufacturing, real estate, retail, tech, telecommunications, transportation, and sports. Seeing the Light Carpinteria actor Kevin Costner, 65, has taken to Instagram with “The Sun Will Rise Again,” an inspirational clip from his rock band Modern West, a sun with themes of light emerging from darkness, timely and relevant amid the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown. “I want to let you know that I’m doing alright,” says the Oscar winner. “And I pray and hope the same thing is happening to you.” The Dances with Wolves star-director noted he washes all his groceries and knows he has it good, and is well aware of how many people don’t. “There is a lot of noise out there that can be pretty confusing,” says Kevin. “The only thing I can hope is that maybe this song maybe mirrors how you’re feeling with the idea of how it ends -– the sun’s gonna rise again. That’s going to happen for all of us.” Music to our ears... SBCC Helps The Santa Barbara City College Foundation has sprung into action to support students facing multiple challenges resulting from the current health crisis, including loss of paid work, and homeschooling of children. “When a crisis hits, philanthroGeoff Green, CEO of the City College Foundation

7 – 14 May 2020

py has a unique role to play,” says foundation CEO Geoff Green. “Community-based organizations can immediately move resources to help bridge the gap between initial shock and the eventual arrival of public assistance and other community responses.” One-time grants of up to $1,000 have helped cover such costs as housing, food, childcare, and other essential items, including the technology and internet access necessary for students to continue their education remotely. The foundation received more than 2,300 requests last month, providing around $2 million in assistance. Sterling work... Call to Unite Former TV talk show titan Oprah Winfrey appeared via webcam at the weekend to kick off Call to Unite, a 24-hour livestream benefitting COVID-19 relief, which raised $60 million. During the 20-minute stint, Oprah, 66, reflected “on what this means to us as a family and a community” alongside the event’s organizer Timothy Shriver, brother of newscaster Maria Shriver. Actress Julia Roberts lent her presence to the occasion, along with a plethora of famous faces, including Presidents Bill Clinton and George W . Bush, cellist Yo-Yo Ma, singer Josh Groban, and medical heroes. Oprah invited the likes of author T.D. Jakes and spiritual leader Eckhart Tolle for her segment of the stream to discuss the trials and tribulations people are set to endure in the wake of the unprecedented pandemic. She urged viewers to refrain from consuming too much media relating to COVID-19 as it is easy “to be consumed by the agitation, by the hysteria, by the confusion, and the constant angst.” “I’m hoping we all come out of this more united... seeing each other as part of the whole.” Sitting on the Throne While battening down the hatches at Maison Mineards Montecito during quarantine, I’ve been reading the two volume diaries of the late Kenneth Rose, diarist of the Daily and Sunday Telegraph newspapers in London. Exceptionally well connected with frequent dinners with the late Queen Mother and Edward, Duke of Kent – grandson of King George V –, Rose, who died in 2014, records in an entry for June, 1957, that English playwright Noel Coward at social gatherings, when he wanted to go to the lavatory, would grandly announce: “I must telephone the Vatican!” Ever the wit…

Full House An eagle-eyed reader noted that last week’s column included an emperor, queen, a prince, two princesses, an archduchess and a duchess. Almost a royal flush! Eternally Grateful My eternal thanks to the Montecito Association for a pandemic kit that was left gratis outside my cottage door. The kit consists of four ounces of hand sanitizer, six KN95 and ear loop masks, and 12 Nitrile gloves. An invaluable gift in these most traumatic of times.




Everybody Welcoming new and existing patients Swim and surf plugs available

Sightings have been suspended during the coronavirus, given the social distancing edict from California governor Gavin Newsom. They will return when the restrictions have been lifted. Pip! Pip! – and be safe. Readers with tips, sightings and amusing items for Richard’s column should e-mail him at richardmineards@verizon.net or send invitations or other correspondence to the Journal. To reach Priscilla, e-mail her at priscilla@santabarbaraseen.com or call 805-969-3301. •MJ

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YOUR BACKYARD CAN HELP FEED HUNGRY FAMILIES IN SANTA BARBARA Please HELP by Donating your extra Fruit! It’s fun and feels great to contribute. Self-curbside drop-off to the Unity Shoppe is, M-F 9:30 - 11:00 am & 1:00 - 5:00 pm Located at 110 Sola Street in S.B. OR, WE WILL PROVIDE THE PICK UP & DELIVERY To the Unity Shoppe when your produce is bagged or boxed. ARRANGE A PICK UP BY EMAILING US AT davisofficelasb@gmail.com All pickups are done outside the home, curb side preferred. No Personal contact necessary for obvious precautionary reasons. REMEMBER, You and Your ‘Giving Trees’ can provide much needed Nourishment to so many in dire need!

Let’s all make a Difference, GOD BLESS

• The Voice of the Village •



EDITORIAL (Continued from page 5)

tual lives. And, bringing it all back home, without the internet we could never have held our MAY DAY MONTECITO CASH MOB.

And Boy Did This Community Step Up!

Like everywhere else, the quarantine has been devastating to our local shops and no doubt will be for some time. This is why, this past weekend, the Montecito Journal, along with our friends at the Coast Village Association, the 93108Fund, the Montecito Association, and a whole host of individuals and business leaders, held our MAY DAY MONTECITO CASH MOB event, to support our local shops and restaurants. And boy did this community step up! Between May 1 and 3, we raised approximately $233,000! $173,000 of that was the purchase of gift cards (advanced purchase credits) that Montecitans made from local businesses. The other $66,000 (so far) was donated to the 93108Fund and will be disbursed to minimum wage workers in our community. Needless to say, we exceeded expectations. Thank you to everyone who came out to support this effort by putting their money where their mouth is. So, while many things may be true at once, it’s hard to argue that Montecito is not a very special place!

Montecito Cash Mob Extended Through Mother’s Day

Because the Montecito Cash Mob has been such a success, we’ve decided to keep Open through Mother’s Day in the hopes that you will continue to buy gift cards from businesses at which you intend to shop anyway, and to give those who have not yet gone shopping, the opportunity to do so at MontecitoCashMob.com. After all, Mother’s Day is coming up and it’s the perfect time to buy Mom that beautiful bracelet she so deserves! And believe me, she so deserves it! (Are you reading this, Honey?) If we want the charming, unique character of Montecito to survive this moment, we need to support the places that make it charming and unique. And surely one of the things that gives Montecito its character is that it’s not filled with franchise stores and “big boxes.” For certain staples I’m as guilty as anyone of 1-clicking for convenience. But the experience of going into a locally owned shop, where salespeople know you, and put things aside for you because they think you’ll like it and are honest with you when something looks horrible on you, that’s worth something. We may not always get the bargain we can get online, but we’re supporting our local shops and owners who care. And Montecito would not be Montecito without them.

Introducing the Montecito Morning Mojo

On a final note, still on the subject of supporting local business, I’d like to say a word about the importance of local journalism and our appreciation for your ongoing support. Strong local journalism is not only an important means of keeping up on local matters, but without it we have no way to influence our local leadership and policy making. Without a robust local press, we have no vehicle with which to hold local leaders’ feet to the fire on important issues. A good example of this can be seen in the attention Mitchell Kriegman’s recent stories have gotten in City Hall regarding some of Santa Barbara’s City leadership, the sorry state of State Street, and the importance of bringing together Santa Barbara’s business community around a strong vision. So I want to give a shout out to the Montecito Journal’s new twice weekly newsletter: THE MORNING MOJO. Please go to www.montecitojournal.net to check it out and subscribe (for free). I hope you enjoy it.

Limerick Contest Results

And finally, the results of the Montecito Journal’s Thom Steinbeck Creative Writing Contest: The Limerick Edition. This time around we received so many wonderful submissions that we punted to you to decide. This week over 200 readers weighed in and we have six winners: FIRST PLACE: $125 gift certificate to Mountain Air Sports Congratulations to Natalie Klan – 9 years old

There once was a city called Santa Barbara. They were going through a lot of drama. When Covid-19 struck, My playdates were out of luck, At least I didn’t have to stand six feet from my mama! SECOND PLACE: $100 gift certificate to Mountain Air Sports Congratulations to MollyAnn Leiden ‘Got 56 rolls of TP Facebook the sun and the sea A good song to sing Plus Quibi and Sling And no sign of having CV THIRD PLACE: $75 gift certificate to Mountain Air Sports Congratulations to Linda Prince There once was the land Montecito Where everyone lived in high Splendito A virus most foul Caused Oprah to howl And we all hunkered down to Finito FOURTH PLACE: $50 gift certificate to Pacific Health Foods Congratulations to Chris Stocking A surprisingly clamorous din For the anti malarial chloroquin But lo and behold Now the truth has been told You’re better off sticking with gin FIFTH PLACE: $50 gift certificate to Pacific Health Foods Congratulations to Kate Ford There once was a lady with gray, The roots her salon took away. But sheltered in place, Two-toned she embraced, And inside her home she did stay. SIXTH PLACE: $50 gift certificate to Pacific Health Foods Congratulations to Rebecca Clark There once was an artist from Santa Barbara. She fell in love with a handsome candelabra. Every night they would sit, Pour a glass and get lit, And entertain thoughts most macabre.




his time we have decided to do something a little different. We have received many photographs and other artistic reflections on the time of corona. So, this week we ask that you submit a piece of visual art that captures a moment of this moment: a photograph, a drawing, a picture or a painting, or anything else visual image fit to print. We can’t wait to see what we get.

Send your image by Sunday, May 24 to: letters@montecitojournal.net. We will publish the winning image and award the winning artist with a $125 gift certificate to a local restaurant of our choice for take-out food.


“There is no role in life that is more essential than that of motherhood.” – Elder M. Russell Ballard

7 – 14 May 2020

Your Westmont by Scott Craig (photography by Brad Elliott) Scott Craig is manager of media relations at Westmont College

Donating Food for Toilet Paper


ontecito community members are joining with Westmont to serve the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County, which has distributed 2.25 million pounds of food during the COVID-19 response. Residents can drop off food at the rear parking lot of Montecito Bank & Trust on Coast Village Road on Saturday, May 9, between 9 am and noon or ask that donated food be picked up from their homes by emailing their address to montecitofoodbankdrive@ gmail.com or texting their address to (805) 450-5971. In exchange, donors will receive wrapped rolls of toilet paper. People can also make a monetary gift online at foodbanksbc.org. In the comment field, write “TP” and an address to get TP delivered – or write “93108” to donate TP to the 93108 Fund for laid off hourly workers in Montecito. “The TP is just a gimmicky hook, but it’s a topical item these days and will, of course, be forever linked in history with the pandemic,” says Montecito resident and organizer David Taylor. “One can find TP a little easier than a month ago when our plan started forming, but ten to twenty rolls is a good addition to any household supply and also handy to share with needier neighbors.” Scott Lisea, Westmont campus pastor, says he is recruiting Westmont students to help run the touch-free, drop-off line. “We’re trying to work broadly in the Montecito community to serve the Foodbank, which is hard-pressed right now,” he says. Taylor and fellow Montecito dog-walker Edee Schulze, Westmont vice president for student life, came up with the idea for the event after witnessing the desperate needs of foodbanks across the country. The initiative also received 2,000 rolls of donated toilet paper from the local hotel industry. “Rather than just giving the TP to the Foodbank, we hope to leverage it into a much larger and more needed quantity of food,” Taylor says. The Foodbank of Santa Barbara County has served 85,000 individuals during the coronavirus pandemic, far more than during the 2019 government shutdown (51,000) and the Thomas Fire/debris flow (37,000). “It’s deep within our tradition to care for people who need help,” Lisea says. “This volunteer opportunity will help families who need food in this crisis. The Foodbank does beautiful work feeding those in need.”

gloves, masks, and hair nets, the Whitneys have taken their goodies to the emergency department and critical care units at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, AMR Ambulance Company, MarBorg Industries, and to each residence hall for the remaining students on campus and the Westmont Executive Team’s daily meetings. “For Easter, we delivered Easter baskets of baked goods to all six of Westmont’s occupied residence halls on campus as well as individual treat bags for the students at Ocean View Apartments,” Mary Pat says. She also committed to delivering cookies to anyone celebrating a birthday while sheltering at home. “Receiving homemade treats that they can enjoy with their families just makes an otherwise strange birthday a little happier,” she says. Mary Pat’s cookie craze hit an early snag when the nationwide baking boom sapped the local flour supply. However she sent out a wide-reaching email and Facebook post and the community responded. “I received lots of donations of unopened bags of flour that we went and picked up from people’s front porches,” says Mary Pat. “We bake and package items during the day and make a delivery run after dinner every night. It has been fun and has given us purpose.”

Wickham, Lecrae Perform for Graduating Seniors

Westmont College had to postpone its Commencement ceremony which was scheduled for May 2, but it celebrated its graduating seniors with a virtual concert featuring two popular Christian recording artists, Phil Wickham and Grammy award-winner Lecrae. The virtual event honored the class of 2020, while also marking the end of a very challenging semester for all Westmont students – both current and future new Warriors. In fact, this graduating class has endured evacuations due to the Thomas Fire, Montecito debris flows, and now the coronavirus. College officials have only postponed, not canceled, Commencement for the class of 2020, which it hopes to hold in October.

Spring Sing Performs Online

More than 500 people watched Emerson Hall win the 59th annual Spring Sing, “In Your Dreams,” live online April 25 for the first time in the event’s history. “Although it was challenging to come up with a format allowing students to participate while complying with social distancing guidelines, this Spring Sing showcased the creativity and resourcefulness of our community,” says Alex Cameron, Associate Director of Campus Life.

Warriors Claim Eighth Straight GSAC All-Sports Award

Taking Quarantine Treats to the Street

The Westmont men’s and women’s basketball teams celebrate after winning GSAC Regular Season Championships on February 27

Cookie Queen Mary Pat Whitney delivers her baked goods to President Gayle D. Beebe

Many Americans have taken to baking while sheltering at home. Mary Pat Whitney, Director of Public and Advancement Events at Westmont, has raised the bar, baking brownie bars and a whopping 12,000 cookies for the Westmont and Santa Barbara communities. This effort started as a way to show gratitude to local first responders and essential businesspeople and grew into a largescale operation for Mary Pat and her twin daughters, Emily and Kate. Donning 7 – 14 May 2020

For the eighth year in a row, Westmont has won the Golden State Athletic Conference All-Sports Award, given annually to the school with the best overall athletic performance. Westmont Athletic Director Dave Odell says the award reflects consistent excellence across all sports. “Prior to the suspension of spring sports and the cancellation of the national basketball tournaments, we were experiencing one of our most successful years athletically,” he says. The award is based on final regular season standings or conference championships. Schools earn 10 points for a first-place finish, nine for second, etc. Each school also receives a point for each GSAC sport the institution sponsors. Dividing the point total by the number of sports determines the score. “We had our highest overall winning percentage and grabbed at least a share of five out of seven GSAC championships, a phenomenal achievement,” Odell says. •MJ

• The Voice of the Village •



ON THE RECORD (Continued from page 20)

remains dedicated to helping families who truly need a home find the right one as quickly as possible. “People are fleeing big cities to places that are a little more remote,” Hanacek says. “Home has never been so important as now, because you are spending all your time there. We are lucky to have a little bit more elbow room to stay healthy here in Montecito, so our job is to help families who really want that to find a home.”

Samples of Montecito poop await testing at the sanitation district’s treatment plant

Santa Barbara Beekeepers Guild Hosts a Bee-Friendly Garden Contest

Ever since 2013, the Santa Barbara Beekeepers Guild, an offshoot of the Santa Barbara Beekeepers Association, has dedicated itself to educating children about bees and other important pollinators by bringing live insects to school. The guild, which has about 85 members, both bee enthusiasts and beekeepers, also provides free bee rescues to local residents, so long as the hive in question is easy to reach. “We are not paid for that, so we take donations,” says beekeeper Ann Dusenberry. “But we refer perilous work to someone else if the hive is up high in a tree or on a building.” Now, for the second year in a row, the guild is hosting a contest to see who can boast the most bee-friendly garden in Montecito. “We encourage people to plant gardens that are friendly to the bees and other pollinators,” Dusenberry says. “We introduced the honey bees to America, but there are so many other native pollinators and so many kinds of bees, you can just watch the parade go by.” Many members of the guild who

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Ten lucky winners will receive this prize

maintain bee colonies keep records on the health of their hives, Dusenberry says. People that keep a lot of bees register that information with the state and county. But bees are still pretty mysterious and hard to gather data about, she adds. “No one has the cure for the really bad diseases that have harmed bees, so we are still treating the disease rather than preventing it.” Keeping bees is no easy task, Dusenberry says. “It requires stewarding with respect. You don’t go into the hive often. You leave the nursery undisturbed as much as possible. But it is our responsibility to make sure they are healthy and that other bugs don’t take over the hive,” especially beetles and ants. Thankfully, the much-dreaded Asian giant hornet, aka “The Murder Hornet,” which recently turned up in the Pacific Northwest, has not yet arrived in Montecito. “Bees can manage quite a bit on their own, but sometimes they need support from us,” says Dusenberry. When most people think of bees, they likely imagine the common honeybee. Often overlooked is the humble bumblebee, which unlike the honeybee is a solitary insect that burrows a home underground. By virtue of its sheer size and the intensity of its buzz, the bumblebee is a much more effective pollinator than the average honeybee. “We encourage people to leave dirt patches in their garden for them to use,” Dusenberry says. “Grass is hard for bumblebees, so that’s a reason to consider a native design for your garden, since native plants do well with dirt around. Mulch is also great but if your yard is all cement or

grass, they can’t live there.” Dusenberry encourages interested participants to nominate themselves or any neighbor with a pollinator-friendly garden. “We ask them to send in photographs because we can’t go visit their gardens right now,” she says. “We review them and probably will call them to talk about the criteria: Is the garden drought-tolerant and grown without pesticides or herbicides? We would love people to plant for year-round blooms, because we have a great climate. That way, bees can stay year-round in your garden.” The guild plans to give out ten awards. Each winner will receive a beautiful plaque painted by one of the guild’s members, Raphaela Riparetti, which makes for a perfect garden ornament. To compete in this year’s contest or to become a guild member (the fee is just $20 per year to join), visit bee guildsb.org.

Montecito Sanitary District Teams with UCSB to Test Feces for COVID-19

Just how many Montecito residents have the dreaded coronavirus, aka COVID-19? Or to put it another way: Just how much COVID-19 is in Montecito’s collective supply of excreta? Thanks to an ongoing COVID-19 tracing project by Dr. Patricia Holden, a professor of environmental microbiology at UC Santa Barbara, and the Montecito Sanitary District (MSD), we may soon learn the answer. To wit: MSD is providing Dr. Holden with weekly samples of waste water as it enters our town’s treatment plant, which is located at the end of a pri

Ready for pickup by UCSB’s Dr. Holden

vate road on the beach side of the 101 Freeway. The actual waste that is tested for the virus is referred to as “influent,” meaning it is raw, untreated sewage that has just entered the plant. MSD collects two types of influent for the study, says Diane Gabriel, MSD’s executive director. “One is a ‘grab’ sample which is as it sounds, a sample taken all at once,” she explains. “The second type is a 24-hour, flow-weighted composite.” This waste is automatically collected after every 10,000 gallons of influent flows past a sensor at the plant. “These small volumes are deposited into one large container where they combine as collection proceeds.” This container is kept refrigerated throughout the process and a portion of this mixture, or aliquot, is then poured into a smaller container to be analyzed. “The two types of samples are refrigerated to preserve them and then handed off to Dr. Holden via a cooler at the MSD gate, as we are practicing serious physical distancing,” says Gabriel, who adds that MSD is not conducting any of the testing, and exactly when any data will be shared with the public remains unclear. Here’s hoping Montecito’s waste gets a (relatively) clean bill of health. •MJ 7 – 14 May 2020

We Miss Seeing You


As always, our goal is to Inspire, Delight and Serve our beloved community and friends near and far. We’re here for you. Let us know how we can help you! CALL US AT 805-969-1676


Montecito isn't just where we are, it's who we are. We share our love of this community with the incredible people who both live in and visit our little paradise. Connecting face to face with our friends and clients both old and new is why we do what we do. Words could never express how grateful we are to those on the front lines sacrificing so very much to restore our community and save lives.

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• The Voice of the Village •



On Entertainment by Steven Libowitz

Painting Through the Pandemic


laudia Hoag McGarry has been involved in writing and literature for decades. Her resumé includes more than a dozen screenplays, several novels and, more recently, a handful of theatrical plays as well as 30 years of serving as a Santa Barbara City College English skills teacher. Then COVID-19 arrived, shut down just about everything, and McGarry found her creativity careening in an entirely unexpected direction. “I started painting on Day 1 of the lockdown,” said McGarry, noting she’d never trained as an artist and had only sold a few paintings during her college days at UC Santa Cruz 45-plus years ago. “But something just happened when we started staying at home and I just started painting for fun. Now I can’t stop.” That’s partly because when she posted a couple of her works on her social media sites on Facebook (www. facebook.com/claudia.h.mcgarry) and Instagram (@claudiahoag) to share with friends how she’d been spending those early self-quarantine days, the paintings sold instantly. “Honestly, I am in shock. I’m painting almost every day and my living room has turned into an art studio.” The seeds for McGarry’s new obsession were planted about a year ago when she won a silent auction for art supplies in a raffle at SBCC, a bounty that included lots of paints and brushes. Then her sister gave her a bunch more art supplies for her birthday, which came at the beginning of the stay-athome order. The timing was perfect. “I had just finished a couple of writing projects so I wanted a break from that,” she explained. “It was just for fun and just for me, but when I posted them, people started asking if they were for sale, which I hadn’t even considered. Then I started getting multiple offers. I mean, it’s crazy.” McGarry is calling her series of paintings her “Quarantine Collection,” which as of the weekend had soared past 40, with more than three-quarters already spoken for. “I paint almost every day, and give each one of them a name, and then people just snap them up as soon as I post them.” McGarry, who works in a combination of watercolor and acrylic – her own technique, she said, applied to heavy-duty watercolor paper – said she “just had the idea to try it, even though I hadn’t done any art at all in decades. “I think it’s just something about being older that liberated me to try new things. So I went to town trying things out and I guess people like it.”


Steven Libowitz has reported on the arts and entertainment for more than 30 years; he has contributed to the Montecito Journal for more than 10 years.

Sheltering in Place but Pulling Inspiration From Everywhere

The ideas for the subjects come from all sorts of inspirations, McGarry said. “I watched Free Willy the other night, so I did one of a whale. Then I talked with a friend in Arizona, so I painted one of the cacti. It just comes to me, whatever I’m thinking about. Usually at night I have an idea of what I want to paint the next day, but sleep on it, and in the morning I know much more and get to work.” Friends and fans have also started asking McGarry for particular pieces, commissioning her to create works to help them through this period of isolation. “A friend in New York asked me to do one of the city because she hasn’t been out of her apartment, and another one wanted me to paint the Santa Barbara Mission for her family who just love Fiesta (Pequena).” Other times, someone asks if she has painted a subject they’re interested in right after she completes one that fits. That happened with a lighthouse, among other subjects, she said. “Someone told me I’m channeling something, which I don’t understand, but it’s been eerie the connections that are happening,” McGarry said. McGarry prices each of the paintings, which take her four to five hours to complete, at $200, a price point that, along with the vivid colors that characterize all of the works, has helped them move quickly. “It’s a nice chunk of cash that I wasn’t expecting at all. But the bills, the cleaning, everything in the house is suffering because I’m just painting all day. I got five commissions for Mother ’s Day alone, and I’m painting like crazy so I can get them in the mail in time to arrive before Sunday. My daughter told me not to get stressed doing it. But I won’t. I get up, I paint, I post it, and if it sells, great. I just want them to make people happy.” Meanwhile, McGarry’s latest screenplay, a romantic comedy co-written with Sheila Murphy

called Dying to Meet You – which she said was about two best friends who crash funerals of middle aged women like them in order to meet the widowers – “like Wedding Crashers meets Book Club” – was completed just before the coronavirus caused everything to shut down in Hollywood. “So we haven’t gotten it read by anybody yet, but we think Rob Lowe would be perfect to play the male lead.” If the pandemic fades enough to allow for audiences, her new play, Breaking the Code, is set to premiere at Center Stage Theater in mid-August. It’s also a rom-com, about a 48-yearold woman who meets a young Muslim man sitting on a park bench in New York City, and they fall in love. “People ask me if it comes from my life. I kind of have a crush on the UPS guy, but that’s about it.”

Virtual Visual Arts, Plus Chances to Actually Visit

This issue arrives on May 7, which, in normal times, would have been a time for art lovers to gather downtown on lower State Street and nearby blocks to partake in the gallery, museum, and boutique self-guided tour known as 1st Thursday. That would’ve meant huge crowds jamming the two big open spaces at Sullivan Goss, the well-known gallery on Anapamu Street, to view the latest opening and sip on glasses of wine while hobnobbing with the artistic elite. COVID-19 has clamped down on that, of course, with everyone heeding to strict lockdown rules outside of essential businesses to prevent the spread of the virus. But Sullivan Goss has announced that the gallery will open its two new exhibitions not only virtually – as has nearly every major museum and art gallery in town since mid-March – but will also welcome actual in-person visits to its downtown space. Within pandemic parameters, that is. Individuals or cohabitating fam-

“Motherhood is the exquisite inconvenience of being another person’s everything.” – Unknown

ilies can make one-hour appointments to see Angela Perko’s “Just Another Pretty Picture,” 17 paintings “stretching across time and place and exploding with abundance and allegory,” as well as UCSB MFA students’ collaborative “20/20” project, comprised of contemporary drawing, painting, and sculpture with works by Eric Beltz, Ann Diener, Cathy Ellis, Yumiko Glover, Nathan Hayden, Mary Heebner, Madeleine Eve Ignon, Elisa Ortega Montilla, R. Nelson Parrish, Tom Pazderka, and Maria Rendon. Phoebe Brunner’s exhibition “A Wild Delight” has been briefly extended in order to give potential buyers a chance to see the works on site, not just online. Appointments are available 9 am to 5 pm daily. Visit www.sullivangoss. com.

‘Field Day’ Not Far Afield

Back in the academic art world, the AD&A Museum at UCSB has launched a preview of  “Field Day,” its annual Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition. The pre-show features projects in progress and studio shots, revealing the process of creating works for the show that includes sculpture, photography, installations, video, and painting.   The exhibit itself hits the museum’s website at 5:30 pm on Friday, May 15, accompanied by a live video featuring talks with the six graduating artists: Serene Blumenthal, Kio Griffith, Megan Koth, Marshall Sharpe, Thomas  Stoeckinger, and David Wesley White. Visit www. museum.ucsb.edu.

‘Odyssey’ at the Opera

With its special streaming presentations of main stage operas on pandemic pause, Opera Santa Barbara takes a youthful turn, offering an online reprise of the culmination of last summer’s Santa Barbara Youth Opera two-week camp: a production that brings Homer’s epic tale to life via Ben Moore and Kelly Rourke’s Odyssey. The livestream of the kids’ caper takes place at 3:30 pm on Tuesday, May 12, on Facebook (https://www.facebook. com/operasantabarbara, where you can also view OSB’s weekly hosting of Corks and Composers) and YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/ OperaSantaBarbara). •MJ 7 – 14 May 2020

Spirituality Matters by Steven Libowitz “Spirituality Matters” highlights two or three Santa Barbara area spiritual gatherings. Unusual themes and events with that something extra, especially newer ones looking for a boost in attendance, receive special attention. For consideration for inclusion in this column, email slibowitz@yahoo.com.

The AHA! Moment: Coping with the Coronavirus’ Psychological Fallout


HA! has long received kudos in town for its success in equipping teenagers, parents, and educators with social and emotional intelligence and strategies to serve as an antidote to everything from apathy to despair. In addition, AHA! has had great success interrupting hate-based behaviors such as bullying. The organization’s programs have become touchpoints for transforming the community by empowering youth to be leaders in the effort to create safer, more joyful environments through AHA!’s Five Pillars: mindfulness, awareness, connection, empathy, and resilience. But tending to our youth community has become a bigger challenge in the time of COVID-19, when everything Tara Schlener, MA, AMFT moved from in-person contact to the virtual world online. In response, AHA! moved all of its groups to Zoom and started some new support groups for teens and adults on the platform, too, an effort that AHA!’s Director of Programs and parent coach Melissa Lowenstein called “an instant total pivot from full-touch with hugging” to the definitely less tactile challenge of connecting online. “We just keep trying to figure out ways that we can bring what we have to the community.” The latest offering from the AHA! team is a new series of free workshops from the organization’s therapists and coaches that are open to everyone in the community, as well as the world beyond Santa Barbara, over Zoom. Topics include self-compassion for men, body image issues, Julian Castillo, MA, AMFT couples’ relationship repair, skills for parenting-in-place, and overcoming an increase in addictions. “We have a lot of great trainees and associates, and we all have cool skills and lots of wisdom we want to share with the community, and we were exploring how to stay in touch with people in a way that doesn’t feel off-purpose or with any diminution of integrity.” Lowenstein said, explaining that the series of six events taking place during the month go far beyond the typical static webinars. “They’re workshops, not just talking heads. The format has people participating, having a voice, and sharing their wisdom, because, just like with all AHA! programs, it’s also about connection. We’re all really just hanging out talking about things with a person Rudy Ruderman, MFT Trainee 7 – 14 May 2020

who happens to have some expertise in that area.” Lowenstein referred to herself as “the odd one out” because she’s the only non-therapist or trainee who will lead one of the events. But she’s got a wealth of experience in helping parents deal with difficult children, a skill much in demand in the time of having to spend 24 hours a day with the family sheltering in place.

Tools for Managing Pandemic Pandemonium

“It’s a response to a lot of stories I’ve been hearing from parents, and been reading about on social media, that parents are losing their minds nowadays because they’re working from home and also doing some version of homeschooling.” she said. “I have some great tools that I learned as a parent coach that help smooth things, and make it easier to steer the ship around such things as power struggles and oppositional behavior, which increase when kids are stressed out.” Participants in her “Parenting in Place” workshop, slated for next Claire Blakey, MA, AMFT Thursday, May 14, will have a chance to share “how awful and hard it can be,” Lowenstein said, noting that her own kids, now teenagers, mostly operate on autopilot. “But having small children during this situation can be a nightmare. So people can show up, commiserate, tell stories and laugh. Then I’ll teach some very specific parenting tools that were huge for me and have helped lots of other people in tough situations.” The tools are based on The Nurtured Heart Approach, a parenting model and behavior management strategy that was created nearly 30 years ago by Howard Glasser, with whom Lowenstein has co-authored 11 books, she said. It is based on the concept that by recognizing a child’s strengths and focusing on positive, everyday Orian Rivers, MA, AMFT occurrences rather than energizing negativity, this process creates an environment in which children can thrive. Lowenstein, who also conducted a training for her staff at AHA!, said the approach is popular with teachers, therapists, group home, and foster care system leaders because “It’s very simple and effective. I’m wanting to give people the pearl at the center of the approach, the one piece that helped me the most.” That would be remembering the part about not giving energy to behaviors you don’t want, because energizing Melissa Lowenstein, MEd & Certified Parent Coach negative behavior only reinforces it.

Positive Rather Than Negative Reinforcement

“Most parents understand positive parenting and positive discipline, focusing your energy on what kids are doing well, with lots of praise and acknowledgement, which is very valuable. But children grok that they get more of their parents when they do something wrong. So without that piece, all the positivity in the world can get overwhelmed.” That piece is especially important during the stay-at-home era because parents are working from home, and kids who want attention aren’t going to do it by being well-behaved because that doesn’t get them much attention. “We’re so busy that we mostly feel relieved and tiptoe past their room so as not to disrupt

SPIRITUALITY Page 364 • The Voice of the Village •



SPIRITUALITY (Continued from page 35)

anything,” Lowenstein said. “A kid who needs a lot of attention will go to the mat to suck that energy out of you.” The tool she’ll teach isn’t rocket science, she said, rather a really effective way to implement it. And it works for adults, too. “The people who really learn and practice the approach eventually realize they can use it on their partner and it really improves the relationship,” Lowenstein said, adding that the technique is actually at the heart of Tara Schlener’s “Positive Mindset and Reset: Couples’ Issues in Extreme Conditions” scheduled for Tuesday, May 26. “The reset part is about when you’re sucked into the negativity, move away from what you don’t want to what you do. It’s really magic.”

Here’s the List of the Free AHA! Workshops:

Thursday, May 7 (6-7 pm): Self-Compassion for Men, with Rudy Ruderman, MFT trainee. For men, being stuck at home can be especially hard when activities that gave them purpose, self-esteem, and an outlet to blow off steam are no longer available — when there is less to “do” and we are forced more to just “be” with family, partners, children, and ourselves. Male-identified people are invited to explore self-compassion as a way to find peace and fulfillment during this crisis. Pre-register at https://tinyurl.com/ahaSelfCompassionforMen. Tuesday, May 12 (10-11 am): Overcoming Negative Body Image with Orian Rivers, MA, AMFT, and Claire Blakey, MA, AMFT. For many of us, times of great stress can bring up struggles around body image. In this Zoom gathering, the facilitators will hold space to share about body image journeys and provide helpful insight and support. Pre-register at https://tinyurl.com/ahaovercomingBodyImage. Tuesday, May 19 (10-11 am): The Weight of Body Image During Corona with Claire Blakey, MA, AMFT. The event is a hosted open conversation about the impact of the pandemic and stay-at-home orders on an already toxic mix of body shame, diet culture, and weight-gain jokes and memes. Participants are invited to share their own experiences and leave with tangible take-aways for self-love and body acceptance during this challenging time. Pre-register at https://tinyurl.com/bodyimageduringcorona. Thursday, May 14 (10-11 am): Parenting in Place: an AHA! Parent Workshop with Melissa Lowenstein, MEd. Are you feeling occasionally less than loving toward your kids in the midst of our extended period of self-isolation? You are not alone. Join other parents and AHA!’s Director of Programs and parent coach Melissa Lowenstein to share stories and support, express frustration, remember joys, and learn sanity-saving strategies for parenting during COVID-19. Preregister at https://tinyurl.com/parentinginplacewithAHA. Tuesday, May 26 (10-11 am): Positive Mindset and Reset: Couples’ Issues in Extreme Conditions with Tara Schlener, MA, AMFT. How do we communicate with our partner effectively, listen deeply, and keep the love flowing when we are under the stress of sheltering-in-place? Explore how to create a positive mindset and reset when we are triggered in a relationship. Pre-register at https://tinyurl.com/positivemindsetandreset. Thursday, May 28 (10-11 am): Managing the Urges to Indulge: Acceptance and Surrender, with Julian Castillo, MA, AMFT. Addictive behaviors are

strategies for self-soothing our most difficult emotions, which can be increased during periods of stress such as our current sheltering-in-place. Join in an honest and compassionate conversation about acceptance and surrender as a route to healthier strategies. Pre-register at https://tinyurl.com/ Managingtheurgestoindulge.

Meetups in Cyberspace

Elissa Amina’s Sufi Yoga classes are continuing through May as an opportunity to explore breathwork, yoga, and meditation while invoking the divine qualities to open the heart to expansive states, and bring healing on a cellular level. Amina teaches a combination of yogas including Kundalini, Yin, Naam and Hatha, plus Pure Heart, Pure Body, and Pure Bliss. The concept is to employ the approach of Sufi mystics ecstatically in love with God while also addressing the body’s need for flexibility and strength. The free classes take place 6-7 pm every Monday. Visit www.meetup.com/Sufi-Yoga. The Inner Engineering Meetup group expanded its offering of free meditation classes, yoga programs, and more this week to include two opportunities to learn Isha Kriya in an introductory Meditation for Beginners workshop. The one-hour guided meditation sessions offer a simple but powerful kriya practice that aligns mind, body and inner-energies to elevate conscious awareness and easily and naturally achieve a state of deep meditation. All are invited to easily learn the 12-to-18-minute Isha Kriya process in the Meetups or via other online formats that include streaming guided meditation video, the Isha Kriya meditation app (for iPhone and Android devices), and weekly webinars hosted by trained teachers who can answer questions about the practice. Intro sessions take place 9-10 am every Thursday and 1-2 pm Saturdays. The group also hosts a Yoga for Respiratory Health livestream at 9 am on Sunday, May 10, featuring a simple Yogic process to boost immunity, enhance lung capacity, and strengthen the respiratory system, particularly timely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit www.meetup.com/Inner-Engineering-SB-IshaYoga-Meditation-Classes.

Calm Conversations in the COVID Era

Gail Brenner, the longtime Santa Barbara-based clinical psychologist who held regular weekly Meetups for meditation and more, left town for an extended journey around the world shortly after publishing her book Suffering is Optional: A Spiritual Guide to Freedom from Self-Judgment and Feelings of Inadequacy in November 2018. Now back in the U.S. after a three-month visit to Asia and currently sheltering-in-place in Oakland, Brenner has begun conducting “Calm Center Online Conversations” over Zoom every Tuesday morning at 9 am. The events are an opportunity to come together “to support each other in the field of love and presence at this challenging – and sacred – time,” beginning with a guided meditation then time to reflect on the opportunities being given to slow down, turn inward, and be with our experiences. “We’ll practice welcoming whatever arises – the fears, frustrations, and gifts of this unique time. You are most welcome with your fears, doubts, questions, and insights – and simply to share sacred space together,” according to the invite. “These calls have been lovely with people sharing what’s in their hearts to express,” Brenner wrote in an email. The events are free and are recorded for later viewing on Brenner’s website. Visit https://gailbrenner.com/calm-center-online-conversations for registration to receive the Zoom link. •MJ

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“Only mothers can think of the future because they give birth to it in their children.” – Maxim Grosky

7 – 14 May 2020

Fitness Front by Michelle Ebbin Michelle Ebbin is a renowned wellness/massage expert, and the author of four books. She appears regularly in the media to discuss the benefits of natural therapies and healthy living. She lives in Montecito with her husband, Luke, and three boys. Instagram @MichelleEbbin

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes Michelle Ebbin with Janelle Christa’s latest book, Spiritual Ninja

believes that everyone needs skills to stay spiritually protected and connected, and she teaches “practical approaches to awaken your spiritual superpowers and keep your energy clean as a whistle.” In her book, which I read in one day, Janelle speaks to anyone struggling emotionally and physically, and offers guidance on how to protect yourself from draining your psychic energy. She provides simple practices, rituals, meditations and other DIY tools to help strengthen your energetic health and physical well being. Janelle writes, “We must learn how to protect ourselves with a little psychic self-defense.” Janelle offers online courses, private and group coaching sessions, retreats and a blog/vlog. She’s offering a free video, guided hypnotic meditation, and printable gratitude journal on her website: https://www.janellechrista. com/

to their capacity. It takes less than 15 seconds and just one of these satiating breaths can make a difference. If you have a minute, take three or four just like that and you’ll be amazed at the difference in both your physical and psychological state!”

Janelle Christa:

Susan Moe:


f you’re finding it difficult to stay calm and not be completely overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty as the COVID-19 pandemic impacts every realm of your life, you are not alone, my friends. I’m right there with you and nearly everyone I know is feeling the collective anxiety and mental anguish of this challenging time. Quarantining has stagnated our physical, mental, and emotional energy, and it’s clear that self-care, the cornerstone to well-being, must be increased. If there were ever a time to try something new to radically shift your energy, this is that time. Most people are aware that regular physical exercise is a great way to improve your energy and has numerous physical and mental health benefits. But in today’s bizarre “new normal” it’s hard, often, for even the most dedicated fitness devotee to muster the energy to work out. So how do we shift our energy if we can’t find the energy to go for our normal run, hike, or walk? The answer is we must turn within and learn ways to strengthen and nurse our own spiritual energy. We have two local amazing energy coaches who can teach us how to master our internal energy systems. Eight year-Montecito resident Susan Moe is an energetic reader, teacher, and coach 7 – 14 May 2020

who’s worked with people around the world for two decades. She offers clairvoyant readings, coaching and courses on how to elevate energy, improve relationships, increase focus and productivity, develop emotional resilience, and strengthen your own intuition. Full-disclosure: pre-quarantine I had a powerful reading from Susan that blew me away. She says, “I relied on my skills heavily to cope with the aftermath of the debris flow that hit our home, and now, deal with the ramifications of the pandemic… Whether we ‘wake up’ of our own volition or a life event catapults us into questioning the point of it all, discovering your higher self can be as challenging as it is rewarding.” Susan writes a weekly newsletter with energetic guidance that provides a higher perspective on the pandemic. She’s offering a ‘Grounding and Energy Meditation’ online course and a Free Guided Meditation at www. AscendedPresence.com. Janelle Christa, who also moved to Montecito eight years ago, is a world-renowned mystic, spiritual teacher and coach, and the author of the new book Spiritual Ninja: A Guidebook to Energetic Self-Defense and Protection in the Modern World. Janelle

“The easiest and fastest thing we can do when we are feeling stressed and overwhelmed is to take long, deep breaths. Start by focusing on the exhale. Breathe out all the air in your lungs and then push out a little more. Hold your breath for a few seconds with empty lungs, and then take in a long, deep inhale filling your lungs



“I would say number one is to lean into gratitude for whatever you can. Even if it’s fresh air, a comfortable sofa, a smile from your child. Gratitude increases your dopamine and serotonin production which encourages your brain to seek more of the same. When our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, the two crucial neurotransmitters responsible for emotions, they enhance our mood immediately which makes us feel happy from the inside. When the outside world seems like it’s crumbling, it’s even more crucial to make sure we tune in to what we do have power over – which is our choice about how we are going to respond.” •MJ







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• The Voice of the Village •

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A Good Sign

by Jennifer Freed, PhD

Jennifer Freed PhD is the best-selling author of USE YOUR PLANETS WISELY and a renowned psychological astrologer and social and emotional education trainer. She is the CCO of Ahasb.org. Jennifer has spent over thirty years consulting clients and businesses worldwide on psychological, spiritual, and educational topics. She can be reached at www.jenniferfreed.com

New Paranormal


e celebrate the May birthday of Montecito resident Cristy Candler – yoga and movement specialist, sound healing facilitator, and intuitive bodyworker. She embodies joy, authenticity, and healing gifts. This month, as we change and adjust to unusual social norms, we will develop ways to address the collapse of old forms and the rapid invention of new social orders. We will not ever returning to “normal” as the underpinnings of the old systems have forever been uprooted and require a major creative overhaul. I suggest we consider what the “new paranormal” could be? As a tribute to all the musicians and other artists who can now only perform online, each of this month’s horoscopes feature song lyrics. What would life be without our songbirds? Aries Held-in is not your strong suit. Heed these words from our neighbor, Pink:
 Where there is desire, there is gonna be a flame Where there is a flame, someone’s bound to get burned But just because it burns, doesn’t mean you’re gonna die You gotta get up and try, and try, and try Gotta get up and try, and try, and try You gotta get up and try, and try, and try Taurus You are indeed changing in a cellular way – even if at a snail’s pace. Sam Cooke: There have been times that I thought I couldn’t last for long But now I think I’m able to carry on It’s been a long, a long time coming But I know a change is gonna come, oh yes it will Gemini So much is happening in the air; and yet, we are grounded, halted, stopped in place. 
Dylan offers some comfort here: How many times can a man look up Before he sees the sky? How many ears must one person have Before he can hear people cry? And how many deaths will it take ‘til he knows That too many people have died? The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind The answer is blowing in the wind Cancer At times, all of us feel like motherless children; and all of us can remember someone in our lives that makes us feel like family. We are in a time where we need to reach out to embrace each other at a distance. Tracy Bonham: Mother, mother, how’s the family? I’m just calling to say hello How’s the weather? How’s my father? Am I lonely? Heavens no Mother, mother, are you listening? Just a phone call to ease your mind Life is perfect never better Distance making the heart grow fond


Leo Never has there been a better time to deal straight from the heart. Bryan Adams has some advice for you: You say it’s easy, but who’s to say? That we’d be able to keep it this way But it’s easier Coming straight from the heart Give it to me straight from the heart Tell me we can make another start You know I’ll never go As long as I know It’s comin’ straight from the heart Virgo Sometimes it gets really hard to be so good when others are not trying as hard. Reminder: your job is to keep your life drama-free. Tom Walker: ‘Cause I believe in karma And you believe in drama You should try a little harder Or karma’s gonna come for you Libra As you reckon with all the forces of good and evil, you choose to see the beauty of it all. Sung by Celine Dion: Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever as before and ever just as sure as the sun will rise Scorpio It is time to dive deeper than you knew you could go; and time to rise and release all the darkness. Stevie Nicks: Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love? Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changing ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life? Sagittarius You will be asked to be free in a different way than you have ever known. Adventures will carry you further within. Belinda Carlisle: Ooh, baby, do you know what that’s worth? Ooh, heaven is a place on earth They say in heaven, love comes first We’ll make heaven a place on earth Capricorn You have been grinding the work out and keeping others safe and secure. It’s time to unwind and rest up for the next big epic wave of responsibility. From the Beatles: When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom: let it be And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be Let it be, let it be Whisper words of wisdom, let it be Aquarius You may want to sail away but staying in is here to stay! Still, you can fly to the sky of ideas and ground “My mother was my role model before I even knew what that word was.” – Lisa Leslie

yourself in everyday routines. Take some inspiration from Christopher Cross: It’s not far to never-never land, no reason to pretend And if the wind is right you can find the joy of innocence again Oh, the canvas can do miracles, just you wait and see Believe me Pisces You need to keep releasing all the big feelings. You have the enormous challenge to keep drinking in tons of compassion and releasing all the suffering of the world. Take a cue from Toni Braxton: And let it flow, let it flow, let it flow Everything’s gonna work out right, you know Let go, and let it flow, let it flow, let it flow Just let it go •MJ

7 – 14 May 2020


INVITATION FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received via electronic transmission on the City of Santa Barbara PlanetBids portal site until the date and time indicated below at which time they will be publicly opened and posted for: BID NO. 5839 DUE DATE & TIME: MAY 21, 2020 UNTIL 3:00 P.M. AIRPORT ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM AND VIDEO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Scope of Work: Maintain and repair existing Airport Access Control System (ACS) and Video Management System (VMS) hardware and software (Lenel OnGuard (ACS), Avigilon Control Center 7 (VMS), and Lenel OnGuard + FISC (IDMS). Bidders must be registered on the city of Santa Barbara’s PlanetBids portal in order to receive addendum notifications and to submit a bid. Go to PlanetBids for bid results and awards. It is the responsibility of the bidder to submit their bid with sufficient time to be received by PlanetBids prior to the bid opening date and time. The receiving deadline is absolute. Allow time for technical difficulties, uploading, and unexpected delays. Late or incomplete Bid will not be accepted. If further information is needed, contact Jennifer Disney Dixon, Buyer II at (805) 564-5356 or email: JDisney@SantaBarbaraCA.gov A MANDATORY pre-bid meeting will be held on Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 10:00 a.m., at the Airport Administration Conference Room, located at 601 Firestone Rd., Santa Barbara, CA, to discuss the specifications and field conditions. Please be punctual since late arrivals may be excluded from submitting a bid. Bids will not be considered from parties that did not attend the mandatory meeting. FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICE ACT Contractor agrees in accordance with Section 1735 and 1777.6 of California Labor Code, and the California Fair Employment Practice Act (Sections 1410-1433) that in the hiring of common or skilled labor for the performance of any work under this contract or any subcontract hereunder, no contractor, material supplier or vendor shall, by reason of age (over 40), ancestry, color, mental or physical disability, sex, gender identity and expression, marital status, medical condition (cancer or genetic characteristics), national origin, race, religious belief, or sexual orientation, discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the work to which such employment relates. The Contractor further agrees to be in compliance with the City of Santa Barbara’s Nondiscriminatory Employment Provisions as set forth in Chapter 9 of the Santa Barbara Municipal Code. BONDING Bidder shall furnish a Bid Guaranty Bond in the form of a money order, a cashier’s certified check, or bond payable to the order of the City, amounting to ten percent (10%) of the bid. Bonds must be signed by the bidder and a corporate surety, who is authorized to issue bonds in the State of California. Note: All bids must be accompanied by a copy of the bid security uploaded to PlanetBids. Only the original bid security of the three (3) lowest bidders must be mailed or delivered to the Purchasing Office in a sealed envelope and be received within (3) City business days of the bid due date and time for the bid to be considered. Bidders are hereby notified that a Payment Bond in the amount of 100% of the bid total will be required from the successful bidder for bids exceeding $25,000. The bond must be provided with ten (10) calendar days from notice of award and prior to the performance of any work. The bond must be signed by the bidder and a corporate surety, who is authorized to issue bonds in the State of California. Bidders are hereby notified that a separate Performance Bond in the amount of 100% of the bid total will be required from the successful bidder for bids exceeding $25,000. The bond must be provided with ten (10) calendar days from notice of award and prior to the performance of any work. The bond must be signed by the bidder and a corporate surety, who is authorized to issue bonds in the State of California. Payment and Performance bonds must be renewed for any optional annual contract renewals that are exercised. PREVAILING WAGE, APPRENTICES, PENALTIES, & CERTIFIED PAYROLL In accordance with the provisions of Labor Code § 1773.2, the Contractor is responsible for determining the correct prevailing wage rates. However, the City will provide wage information for projects subject to Federal Davis Bacon requirements. The Director of Industrial Relations has determined the general prevailing rates of wages and employer payments for health, welfare, vacation, pensions and similar purposes applicable, which is on file in the State of California Office of Industrial Relations. The contractor shall post a copy of these prevailing wage rates at the site of the project. It shall be mandatory upon the contractor to whom the contract is awarded and its subcontractors hired to pay not less than the said prevailing rates of wages to all workers employed by him in the execution of the contract (Labor Code § 1770 et seq.). Prevailing wage rates are available at http://www.dir.ca.gov/oprl/PWD/index.htm It is the duty of the contractor and subcontractors to employ registered apprentices and to comply with all aspects of Labor Code § 1777.5. There are penalties required for contractor’s/subcontractor’s failure to pay prevailing wages and for failure to employ apprentices, including forfeitures and debarment under Labor Code §§ 1775, 1776, 1777.1, 1777.7 and 1813. Under Labor Code § 1776, contractors and subcontractors are required to keep accurate payroll records. The prime contractor is responsible for submittal of their payrolls and those of their subcontractors as one package. Payroll records shall be certified and made available for inspection at all reasonable hours at the principal office of the contractor/subcontractor pursuant to Labor Code § 1776. The contractor and all subcontractors under the direct contractor shall furnish certified payroll records directly to the Labor Compliance Unit and to the department named in the Purchase Order/Contract at least monthly, and within ten (10) days of any request from any request from the City or the Labor Commissioner in accordance with Section 16461 of the California Code of Regulations. Payroll records shall be furnished in a format prescribed by section 16401 of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations, with use of the current version of DIR's “Public Works Payroll Reporting Form” (A-1-131) and “Statement of Employer Payments” (DLSE Form PW26) constituting presumptive compliance with this requirement, provided the forms are filled out accurately and completely. In lieu of paper forms, the Compliance Monitoring Unit may provide for and require the electronic submission of certified payroll reports. The provisions of Article 2 and 3, Division 2, Chapter 1 of the Labor Code, State of California, are made by this reference a part of this quotation or bid. A contractor or subcontractor shall not be qualified to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal, subject to the requirements of Section 4104 of the Public Contract Code, or engage in the performance of any contract for public work, as defined in this chapter, unless currently registered and qualified to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725.5. It is not a violation of this section for an unregistered contractor to submit a bid that is authorized by Section 7029.1 of the Business and Professions Code or by Section 10164 or 20103.5 of the Public Contract Code, provided the contractor is registered to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725.5 at the time the contract is awarded. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations. CERTIFICATIONS In accordance with California Public Contracting Code § 3300, the City requires the Contractor to possess a valid California C-7 – Low Voltage Systems or C-10 – Electrical or C-28 – Lock and Security Equipment contractor’s license at time the bids are opened and to continue to hold during the term of the contract all licenses and certifications required to perform the work specified herein. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Contractor must submit to the contracted department within ten (10) calendar days of an order, AND PRIOR TO START OF WORK, certificates of Insurance naming the City of Santa Barbara as Additional Insured in accordance with the attached Insurance Requirements. _____________________________________________ William Hornung, C.P.M. General Services Manager

7 – 14 May 2020

Published 5/6/20 Montecito Journal

• The Voice of the Village •

F I C T I T I O U S B U S I N E S S NAME STATEMENT: The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Mission Canyon Mind Body & Soul, 2600 Foothill Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105. Brigitta T Wissmann, 2600 Foothill Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on April 24, 2020. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL), filed by John Beck. FBN No. 20200001038. Published May 6, 13, 20, 27, 2020. F I C T I T I O U S B U S I N E S S NAME STATEMENT: The following person(s) is/are doing business as: The Bookstore at the Vedanta Temple, 925 Ladera Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93108. Vedanta Society of Southern California, 1946 Vedanta Place, Los Angeles, CA 90068. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on April 29, 2020. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL), filed by John Beck. FBN No. 20200001075. Published May 6, 13, 20, 27, 2020. F I C T I T I O U S B U S I N E S S NAME STATEMENT: The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Bam Playing Cards, 1914 Emerson Ave. Apt A, Santa Barbara, CA 93103. Mackenzie Fixler, 1914 Emerson Ave. Apt A, Santa Barbara, CA 93103. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on April 16, 2020. This state-

ment expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL), filed by John Beck. FBN No. 2020-0000978. Published April 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20, 2020. F I C T I T I O U S B U S I N E S S NAME STATEMENT: The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Little Alex’s, 1024 A Coast Village Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93108. Doxa Chara Inc., 1024 A Coast Village Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93108. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on April 20, 2020. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL), filed by Brenda Aguilera. FBN No. 2020-0000993. Published April 22, 29, May 6, 13, 2020. F I C T I T I O U S B U S I N E S S NAME STATEMENT: The following person(s) is/are doing business as: CinemaCamera, 3011 Paseo Del Refugio, Santa Barbara, CA 93105. Peter Fremont Mahar, 3011 Paseo Del Refugio, Santa Barbara, CA 93105. Sara Jane Mahar, 3011 Paseo Del Refugio, Santa Barbara, CA 93105. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on April 1, 2020. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL), filed by John Beck. FBN No. 2020-0000901. Published April 22, 29, May 6, 13, 2020.




For Mother’s Day, Give Some Love to Mom and Your Small Business Neighbors


andemic or no pandemic – there’s no excuse to skimp on mom this Mother’s Day. Shelter-in-place may have cancelled out your traditional brunch plans, but there are still ways to celebrate mom’s special day, including a breakfast delivery from her favorite restaurant. And, what better time than now to think of mom and shop local as small businesses are struggling to recover from a month of closure. Several local retailers offer curbside pick-up or local deliveries for online purchases, but you can also shop online and then purchase and pay by phone then pick up curbside. Flowers and chocolates are rarely bad ideas, but other gift ideas abound for moms with varying tastes and interests. If you’re behind on your shopping, here are some great ideas to get you started. Summer Nights

A chic and stylish tassel-edge cashmere shawl from Nepal is the perfect wrap for her summer evenings outdoors. $895 https://maisonkstyle.com

Upgrade Mom’s Floral Arrangement

Melt her heart with a one-of-a-kind artisan arrangement such as these Sarah Bernhardt Peonies, anemones, lilacs, and roses. $195 www.hoguefloral.com

All About the Flora

Help mom keep it all together with this stylish, bohemian chic floral print leather wristlet pouch made in Italy. $98 www.johnnywas.com

The Mom Cuff

Part Wonder Woman, part fashion diva, no doubt she will adore this timeless vintage gold-plaited Chanel Cuff. $1,750 www.shopmarcus.com

Blushing Beauty

Keep her blushing with an aromatic and light facial oil that nurtures and protects the skin with organic herbal botanicals and precious rose attar. $20 www.maharaniacademy.com


“A mom forgives us all our faults, not to mention one or two we don’t even have.” – Robert Brault

7 – 14 May 2020

GiftGuide Spring Affair

Indulge mom with a luxurious and pampering Peony Deluxe Bath and Body Package featuring floral notes of peony and lily of the valley with hints of apple, amber and peach. $145 www.coast2coastcollection.com

Under Cover on the Riviera

Give mom something bold and beautiful to wear, such as this Antibes stripe coverup made from soft Turkish cotton – perfect for a day at the beach, lounging poolside or anytime you want to feel stylish and comfortable. $88 https://rivieratowel.com

All That Glitters

Dazzle mom with this personal luxury gift set featuring a sleek metallic travel bag filled with precious stone earrings, fragrant body care, gold and pearl hair pins and Catherine Greenup Designs Gold Foil Enclosure Card (a $350 value). All sets will be gift-wrapped and shipped or locally delivered for free! $206 with current 30% off sale. https://www.wendyfoster.com

Flower Power

These Chanel vintage white leather earrings are in full bloom. $1,150 Peregrine Galleries (805) 969-9673

Noble Woman

Who wouldn’t love a jewelry gift from Bryant & Sons? This elegant tricolor rose, white, and yellow gold band accented with 83 diamonds at 1.02 carat is perfect for everyday wear and adds a dash of glamour to any outfit. $2,750 https://bryantandsons.com

Runaway Mummy

Meet the perfect running shoe for moms looking for a smooth ride and plush running experience. $150 www.sbrunningco.com

7 – 14 May 2020

• The Voice of the Village •



Mother’sDayGiftGuide Birds of a Feather

These artisan hand-carved Asian mango wood salad servers with feather handle detail are the perfect accent for any meal. $52 https://botanikinc.com

Sol De Riviera

Mom will love this classic petite rose one-piece suit with square neckline and delicate spaghetti straps. Made in Brazil with UPF 50+ fabric. $250 https://www.sodemel.com

Delightful Arrangement

Surprise mom with an elegant Hibiscus Glass Bud Vase, mouth blown in Tuscany, nestled in VIETRI’s signature gift box with straw reminiscent of authentic Italian packaging. $48 to $54 https://letterperfectsantabarbara.com

A Scents of Place

Gift mom the ultimate luxury blend of travel, design, and scents with Voyage Et Cie’s rose-scented Perfum W Pouf Tuilleries ($90) and the orange blossom aroma of Eau De Parfume Barcelona ($56). www.baskecalifornia.com

Quarantine Comfort

Give mom the gift of comfort with these vintage heart-print sweatpants made with supersoft cotton fabric. $157 www.whiskeyleather.com

All Frills and Comfort

Mom will absolutely adore this Celestine nightgown and negligee made in fine Swiss cotton and European lace. $560 www.shopglamourhouse.com

Fields of Joy

Grown in Santa Ynez Valley, a trio of handprinted linen lavender sachets is a wonderfully scented gift for the mother in your life. $50 www.raoultextilesstore.com


“To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power.” – Maya Angelou

7 – 14 May 2020

Pink Perfection

Add a touch of elegance to mom’s wardrobe with a pair of opal and gold dangle earrings with diamond accents. $4,500 www.silverhorn.com

Tahitian Treasure

Update her pearl collection with a Tahitian Black Pearl necklace accented with18k gold barnacles. $3,840 www.imagineartfulthings.com

Spice Girl

Treat mom to an intimate cooking class where she will discover the tantalizing flavors of Mediterranean cooking from seasoned Chef Nimita Dhirajlal. $75 per person www.nimitascuisine.com

The Reveler

Wow your special lady with a pink sapphire revel ring made with 18k royal yellow gold accented with nine bezel-set rose cut pink sapphires and white diamonds. $3,550 www.danielgibbings.com

Cacao California

Nothing says “I love and appreciate you” more than a box of organic handmade chocolates with the added flair of the California chocolatier style. $29 www.santabarbarachocolate.com

Seafaring Woman

Set mom on course (stair-master style) with this extrastable superior Hobie paddleboard. $1,799 http://www.mountainairsports.com

She’s Fresh

Mothers tired of the toilet paper shortage and yearning for an elevated sense of freshness will absolutely love Brondell’s Swash DS725 Electronic Bidet Toilet Seat. With features including a warm air dryer, custom front and rear washes, a heated seat, even a cool blue nightlight. $399 www.brondell.com

Show Me the Bubbles!

The 2016 Fesstivity Blanc de Blancs is perfect for a virtual tasting with mom. Set up a Zoom call so that you can all sip together and compare notes. $43 www.fessparkerwineshop.com

7 – 14 May 2020

• The Voice of the Village •



LOOK MA (Continued from page 14)

with her husband Diego and two daughters, three and six, to Santa Barbara in 2017 to teach at UCSB. Shortly after the pandemic was declared, her five colleagues, all professors at UCSB, met on March 14 to discuss forming a team to set up a testing platform in the UCSB Labs. Six days later, as Governor Newsom announced the shelter-in-place order for California, all the labs were subsequently closed, threatening to shut down progress on the new test concept before work had even begun. “When we closed all the labs, all of our other research stopped,” Carolina recalls, “we asked for authorization to do this project.” The UCSB administration was convinced to proceed on a minimal basis. “We were only allowed a few people, a total of six people from all four labs. Taking into consideration that our labs are normally staffed with between ten to twenty people each, we were really working with a skeleton crew.” The core team included Molecular Biologist Max Wilson who joined the faculty in 2018, neuroscientist and head of the Neurobiology Lab at UCSB Dr. Kenneth S. Kosik, Ms. Arias, and Diego. “The assay (test) was developed in about a month,” Carolina adds. “Everyone was working day and night on this. We all bring something very different to the table. The teamwork was amazing.” As Carolina and her husband Diego have sheltered at home, they both continue to teach their courses and take interdepartmental Zoom meetings while home schooling their two high energy three- and six-year-old daughters. Oh, and developing a game changing CRISPR based genome test for the coronavirus on the side. “Yeah, it’s pretty interesting,” Carolina remarks in a cascade of laughter. “Both of us are working on this COVID-19 project and having the girls here. It’s a lot of different directions that we have to pay attention to at the same time.” Daughters chime in, make requests, even while she’s being interviewed, but Carolina seems to have endless good humor, patience, and focus. “It’s madness here as you can imagine,” she says. “I was worried because here I am presenting to my big virology class, and of course, there could not be a better time to be teaching virology. Diego is teaching a grad class, and sometimes we have meetings at the same time. When our daughters come around, we’re like, okay, just go watch some Sesame Street and we’ll be back.” At the same time, it’s turned out to be a rich, educational experience for her children and they have the priceless opportunity to be close to their parents and their work in the middle of a critical project during an extremely difficult time. “I was so concerned about homeschooling,” she recalls, “I printed some coloring pages from a biochemistry coloring book for adults and gave it to my three-year-old and I was like, okay, we’re going to sit down and color something. She said, I want to color DNA. So, I asked, you know how DNA looks?” Her daughter shuffled through the pages of the coloring book and stopped. “This is DNA,” she said. Carolina was astonished. “So, you know, homeschooling methods can vary. My three-year-old knows the structure of DNA. And my older daughter learned about the pairing of DNA from The Magic School Bus. I’m happy.”

The Virus – A Replication Machine

The coronavirus and every virus, in fact, is just basically fat and protein, or put more scientifically, a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat. It doesn’t “live” except in conjunction with this terrible way it creates disease. The human body is the perfect environment for it. Its entire drive for existence is to replicate. Its reproduction in the human body sets off these things called cytokines, small proteins released by many different cells in the body including those of the immune system and that’s what gets people in trouble. Sometimes the body’s response to infection can go into overdrive. In some patients, excessive or uncontrolled levels of cytokines are released. These are called Cytokine Storms which then activate more immune cells, resulting in hyperinflammation. Cytokine storms are a common complication not only of COVID-19 and flu but of other respiratory diseases caused by coronaviruses such as SARS and MERS. They are also associated with non-infectious diseases such as multiple sclerosis and pancreatitis. In some people the inflammation causes scarring in the lungs and the patient can’t recover.

Three Stages of Pandemic

We’ve all heard that testing is important for hospitals to deal with incoming patients, but testing is equally, if not more crucial, to economic recovery. Testing doesn’t cure the coronavirus, but it’s the antidote to the shutdown and allows the country to open up safely without going back into another shutdown. It’s important to keep in mind the three simple stages of dealing with any epidemic. When a disease takes hold, the first stage in addressing it is research.


This is common sense. Is it a virus? How common is it? All this entails testing. The second stage is resourcing. Do we have what we need to fight this disease, which in this case, means our hospitals. Do our hospitals have sufficient supplies, equipment, and protection to safely deal with an epidemic? The third stage is sustainability. How will we live long term with the virus until we have a vaccine, or it goes away? Right now, in the United States, we’re looking at sustainability, the third stage, without having adequately addressed the first stage, testing. So that’s a nightmare for everybody. With the wild claims and misinformation we hear every day, it creates an unreality as we face putting our lives on the Indicators and thermocycler that helps grow the line in reopening. sample for testing

Current Testing Modes Have Significant Issues

“You cannot fight a fire blindfolded,” WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus famously said on March 16, 2020, “and we cannot stop this pandemic if we don’t know who is infected.” Currently there are two basic categories of tests marketed under different names that are in use. The first is a PCR test, also known as a swab test, which detects if a person is currently infected. The second type of test is a serology test, which is also known as an antibody test. This test is designed to detect through a blood sample if a person has already been exposed to the coronavirus, by detecting if antibodies are present or not. While both types of tests exist in the United States, there are multiple problems that complicate the situation. Firstly, many of these tests are costly and require specialists and expensive lab equipment. Another issue is the high probabilities of false negatives and positives prevalent with the existing tests. One of the very best molecular tests has a 10% probability of false positives and a 12% probability of a false negatives. The serology tests can give a false positive due to the many types of other coronaviruses in our environment, one of which is the common cold. Another crucial problem is that elements in the tests have been in short supply. One reason is worldwide demand. Another reason is that so much of our healthcare supplies have the little label “Made in China” on them. “We don’t make these things domestically. The same with all these masks. Everything was produced, of course, somewhere in Asia,” stated Dr. Henning Ansorg, the Santa Barbara County Public Health Officer.

Reagents – The Underbelly of The Testing Shortages

Both types of test require complex and pure “reagents,” and plenty of them. A reagent is a fancy word for the main ingredient of any chemical-based test. Reagents are the chemical that allows the test to be processed. Put simply, without reagents the government test kits are useless. “All the major countries in the world are wanting the same thing at the same time,” said Doris-Ann Williams, chief executive of the British In Vitro Diagnostics Association, which represents producers and distributors of the lab tests used to detect coronavirus. Despite the considerable number of viral epidemics these past two decades like SARS in 2003, MERS in 2012, 2015, 2018, Ebola in 2014-16, 2019 and Zika in 2015-16, most countries still don’t stockpile reagents. Guess who does? China. But by mid-January, China, the world’s leading maker and exporter of reagents, had also run low on supply as the outbreak spread in Hubei Province and beyond. With the two major testing modalities dependent on reagents, UC Santa Barbara’s team tackled a new way to develop a test for the virus that did not require a reagent.

CREST – A CRISPR Coronovirus Test

Based on CRISPR gene editing technology, UCSB’s CREST uses the RNA cutting Cas13 protein for the virus. For coronavirus detection, the researchers programmed a different RNA protein to recognize specific sites of the virus’s genome.

“Any mother could perform the jobs of several air-traffic controllers with ease.” – Lisa Alther

7 – 14 May 2020

Using previously available off the shelf lab technology, the RNA is programmed to give off fluorescence when it is cut after locating the Cas13 enzyme. In simple terms, if a fluorescence is detected in test readings, the virus is present. If there is no fluorescence, then there is no virus present. Without the use of reagents, with a CREST test, COVID-19 can be detected with a high degree of certainty. Still to be vetted and put through trials of course.

and quicker option. It is currently estimated that each test will cost between $5 and $7.

Testing with Dr. Lynn Fitzgibbons at Cottage Hospital

Extract Amplify Detect

Like every test before it, CREST takes a sample, a swab, from a subject and then amplifies or grows that sample so there is more of the sample to work with. Where CREST differs is in the method of detection which utilizes the Cas13 protein and fluorescence. Some of the other researchers who participated

An Eye to Economy and Adaptability

in the project seen here at the UCSB Labs include Jennifer Rauch, Eric Valois, Sabrina C. Solley, Friederike Braig-Karzig, Ryan S. Lach, and Naomi J. Baxter, all from the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology at UCSB

But this isn’t just another test. It’s also a drive to create a process that doesn’t require expensive equipment, doesn’t need highly trained personnel, and can be deployed easily worldwide and in all socio-economical environments. The recent DIY-Bio movement has made equipment affordable, Bluetooth-enabled, and field-ready. “We’re using equipment that has been used in the jungle or even on a sidewalk,” Carolina offers. Once finalized and properly trialed the test will potentially be a cheaper

While developing this test, Arias is also teaming up with top Cottage Hospital infectious disease specialist Dr. Lynn Fitzgibbons on a parallel project. The two are setting out to create a small sampling pool of 1,000 subjects from the community, partly to trial the application of their test and partly to test for prevalence in the community. The trial is using the conventional RT-PCR test as well as UCSB’s new CREST. The two hope to gather more concrete information on the actual presence of the virus in our community among both symptomatic and asymptomatic residents. “Dr. Arias is an excellent virologist, with the energy, experience, and brilliance to lead us through the most important viral public health challenge of these last thirty years,” Dr. Fitzgibbons offers. “She is also a phenomenal role model for so many women in science, representing the ultimate triple threat: a skilled and brilliant scientist, a devoted and compassionate mother, and a lovely, humble and fun person. I’m excited that my own daughter is growing up in a world with role models like Dr. Arias around.” “It appears that the UCSB team has produced what Dr. Deborah Birx asked for – a testing breakthrough,” said Joseph Incandela, UCSB Vice Chancellor for Research. “They did it while shifting to teaching remotely, taking care of kids at home, and all the other challenges. This is phenomenal, and I hope that we can now navigate the path of FDA approval quickly, for everyone’s sake.” Well that’s a potential breakthrough Dr. Birx can hang her neck scarf on. The circumstances have presented a unique opportunity to witness the best of science, and of scientists. This could be a game-changer and it was developed right here in Santa Barbara. Meanwhile who knows how Carolina’s daughters might change the world. Identifying the DNA genome at three years old, having grown up immersed in so much creativity, innovation, knowledge, and affection, what will she do next? Hopefully Carolina Arias’ curious, irrepressible girls will be part of the first Post-COVID Generation who will remember today as a long past chapter that changed the world in significant ways. So many changes we will spend our time adjusting to, they will have already absorbed. •MJ

Thank you To These businesses whose supporT helped make Crane CounTry day sChool’s VirTual Family beneFiT suCh a suCCess!

EvEry Effort has bEEn madE for accuracy; plEasE ExcusE any omissions.

7 – 14 May 2020

Ashley & Vance Engineering • BEGA North America • Blenders BMW of Santa Barbara • Bolton & Company • Bryant & Sons Jewelers Captain Jack’s Tours • Caravan Outpost Ojai • Carbon2Cobalt • Cava Restaurant Chuck’s of Hawaii • Corepower Yoga • D.D. Ford Construction Dioji K-9 Resort • Disneyland Resort • Educated Car Wash Float Luxury Spa • Giffin & Crane • Grace & Heart • Gustafson Dance Harbor View Inn • Hazelwood Allied/McCann Mini Storage • Il Fustino Island Packers • Jack’s Bistro • Jules by the Sea • Kanaloa Seafood Land and Sea Tours • Leonard Unander Associates, Inc. • Lolë Atelier Loquita Restaurant • Lure Fish House • Mesa Burger • Montecito Bank & Trust Montecito Family YMCA • Montecito Inn • Montecito Landscape Montecito Village Grocery • Occhiali Fine Eyewear • Pane e Vino • PFX Group Fitness Primary Medical • R.H.C. Construction • St. Francis Pet Clinic Santa Barbara International Film Festival • Santa Barbara Maritime Museum Santa Barbara Public Market • Santa Barbara Sailing Center • Santa Barbara Zoo Siemens Planning • Skate One • Sotheby’s, Jason Siemens • Sunnybrook Farm Suzanne Elledge Planning & Permitting • Teresa Pietsch Photography The Granada Theatre • The Upham Hotel Toma Restaurant • Tre Lune Montecito Two Trees Architects • Via Vai Trattoria • Village Properties Woodstock’s Pizza Isla Vista • Yoga Soup • The Voice of the Village •



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Ciao! Stay safe and healthy! Ciao! Staysafe safeand andhealt hea Ciao! Stay

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• The Voice of the Village •




©2020 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties (BHHSCP) is a member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates LLC. BHH Affiliates LLC and BHHSCP do not guarantee accuracy of all data including measurements, conditions, and features of property. Info is obtained from various sources and will not be verified by broker or MLS. Sellers will entertain and respond to all offers within this range. Buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information.


296 LAS ENTRADAS DR, MONTECITO UPPER 6BD/11BA • $28,500,000 Nancy Kogevinas, 805.450.6233 LIC# 01209514

945 LILAC DR, MONTECITO UPPER 5BD/7½BA • $16,995,000 Cristal Clarke, 805.886.9378 LIC# 00968247

5BD/7½BA 3±acs • $12,900,000 Nancy Kogevinas, 805.450.6233 LIC# 01209514

2049 BOUNDARY DR, MONTECITO 4BD/4½BA • $5,950,000 Cristal Clarke, 805.886.9378 LIC# 00968247

719 LILAC DR, MONTECITO 5BD/5½BA • $5,595,000 Cristal Clarke, 805.886.9378 LIC# 00968247

877 LILAC DR, MONTECITO UPPER 3BD/4½BA+Guest Apt • $4,450,000 Daniel Encell, 805.565.4896 LIC# 00976141

700 RIVEN ROCK RD, MONTECITO 2.49 ± acs • $3,975,000 Jody Neal, 805.252.9267 LIC# 01995725

117 CALLE BELLO, MONTECITO LOWER 4BD/3½BA • $3,295,000 Angela Moloney, 805.451.1553 LIC# 01221588

575 BARKER PASS RD, MONTECITO 4BD/4BA+ADU • $2,995,000 MK Group, 805.565.4014 LIC# 01426886

2942 TORITO RD, MONTECITO UPPER 3BD/3BA • $2,475,000 Joyce Enright, 805.570.1360 LIC# 00557356

1348 PLAZA PACIFICA, MONTECITO 3BD/2½BA • $2,250,000 Kathleen Winter, 805.451.4663 LIC# 01022891

134 SANTA ELENA LN, MONTECITO 4BD/3BA • $2,195,000 Mary Whitney, 805.689.0915 LIC# 01144746

715 CIRCLE DR, MONTECITO UPPER 3BD/3BA • $1,435,000 Mark Schneidman, 805.452.2428 LIC# 00976849

102 CORONADA CIR, MONTECITO 2BD/2BA • $1,249,000 Daniel Encell, 805.565.4896 LIC# 00976141



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