Tough as Nails

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Supervisor Succession?

Santa Barbara’s 1st District may be in for its own ‘Roy Succession’ as Roy Lee is on the cusp of unseating Das Williams.

On the subject, Teddy Roosevelt called this morning and left a message…




It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

SERVING MONTECITO AND SOUTHERN SANTA BARBARA JOURNAL The Flow of Eau – It’s water supply and inflation rates on review at the Montecito Water District’s Special Board Meeting, P.27
Speaker of the Haass – Diplomat Richard Haass speaks civic duties and global diplomacy at the
President’s Breakfast, P.28
The Giving List
7 – 14 MAR 2024 | VOL 30 ISS 10 |
The mission of California Missions Foundation, page 11
7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 2
7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 3 RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE ULTRA-HIGH-QUALITY CONTEMPORARY Views // Privacy // 160 Acres Offered at $9,950,000 MONTECITOESTATES.COM The Premiere Estates of Montecito & Santa Barbara CAL BRE 00622258 805 565/2208 HOPE RANCH HILLTOP Views // Privacy // Acreage Offered at $18,500,000

5 A Night with NPR – David Greene, Ailsa Chang, and Odette Yousef come to town to discuss the future of democracy and the role of public media


Beings & Doings – The unimaginable journey of Alice Tran from the shores of Da Nang to running her Coast Village nail boutique

8 Montecito Miscellany – The power of pulling planes, Turner Foundation’s newest home, tales from The Beatles’ tour, and more miscellany


On Entertainment – Quips and snippets from this year’s SBIFF plus other screenings and film fests, not to mention magic and orchids in town this week

Tide Guide



The Giving List – The California Missions Foundation is helping support these historic sites and preserve their stories and structures for future generations

Our Town – Chabad Montecito hosts a talk, Assemblymember Hart gets an award, Santa Barbara’s first leap year baby, and a museum Free-for-All

16 An Independent Mind – Do you have money woes? So does the government – and here is why.

20 Food Files – Chocho is a new vegan protein source from an old world locale and it’s filling smoothies and supermarkets around town

24 Brilliant Thoughts – It’s the Birds and Bees and all the other things that physically please when it comes to attraction


Kendra Wilkinson – From The Girls Next Door through the struggles of celebrity, Kendra has reinvented herself as the next up-and-coming real estate agent


The Water Column – The Montecito Water District held a special meeting this past week to discuss water rates and supply

28 Your Westmont – President’s Breakfast speaker urges global diplomacy, athletic facilities get makeovers, and Air Force musicians fly in


Elizabeth’s Appraisals – A ceramic shard of an umbrella stand tells of salt glazes, the Aesthetic Movement, and “art for art’s sake”


Montecito Health Coach – It can be challenging to get your questions answered at doctor’s appointments – here’s how to keep your meeting on track


The Optimist Daily – The Amache National Historic Site is the Biden-Harris administration’s first National Park System designation

34 Petite Wine Traveler – Holy Rioja! Jamie travels through the charm and vineyards of Spain’s esteemed wine region.

36 Robert’s Big Questions – What systems and organizations are at play that perpetuate grievance and conflict?

44 Calendar of Events – 1st Thursday, The Wailin’ Jennys, ABBA Mania, Meow Meow and more

46 Classifieds – Our own “Craigslist” of classified ads, in which sellers offer everything from summer rentals to estate sales

47 Mini


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A Night with NPR Strengthening Democracy Through Public Media

This past Wednesday evening in Montecito, approximately 60 engaged local community members gathered for a vital conversation about the future of democracy and the role of public media. Hosted in an intellectually stimulating setting, the event aimed to explore how public media outlets like NPR contribute to our understanding of complex issues and navigate the challenging landscape of modern journalism.

The discussion, moderated by NPR journalist Ailsa Chang , delved into the pressing issue of distinguishing fact from fiction in today’s news cycle. Chang, an accomplished journalist with a background in law, brought her expertise to the table, guiding the conversation with insight and precision. Her years of reportage – ranging from covering underground asylum industries to governmental battles over healthcare – provided a rich backdrop for the evening’s discourse.

Joining Chang were esteemed journalists Odette Yousef and David Greene , both of whom emphasized the critical importance of public media in fostering trust and delivering essential information to communities across the nation. Yousef, a National Security correspondent focusing on extremism, shared her experiences uncovering the roots of radicalization and efforts to understand and counter it. Greene, formerly of NPR’s Morning Edition and co-founder of Fearless Media, brought to the discussion his wealth of experience covering international conflicts and political upheavals, offering valuable perspectives on the role of media in shaping public opinion.

Throughout the evening, the importance of trust – in both media and institutions – emerged as a central theme. Panelists highlighted NPR’s commitment to producing reliable, in-depth reporting, bringing to mind examples such as the new NPR history podcast series Landslide, which explores Gerald Ford’s efforts to rebuild public trust after Watergate.

Attendees were encouraged to actively participate by asking hard-hitting questions and sharing their own opinions on matters discussed. This engagement fostered a dynamic exchange of ideas

and perspectives, enriching the conversation and empowering individuals to contribute to the dialogue on critical issues facing society today.

In addition to discussing the challenges facing modern journalism, panelists also underscored the importance of supporting public media organizations like NPR and the BBC. They encouraged attendees to explore NPR’s ongoing efforts in identifying and reporting on disinformation, and to consider ways to contribute to this essential work.

The event wrapped up with a call to action, urging attendees to engage with NPR’s programming and support its mission of delivering critical information to communities nationwide. Attendees left with a renewed appreciation for the vital role of public media in strengthening democracy and fostering an informed citizenry. For those who missed the event, NPR offers a wealth of resources, including podcasts, articles, and radio broadcasts, that keep the listener informed and engaged with pressing issues. NPR remains a trusted source of news and analysis, providing a beacon of clarity in an increasingly complex world. Supporting NPR and public media ensures the continuation of this essential work for future generations, making All Things Considered on NPR a good place to start to find critical analysis and to bridge national issues with local voices.

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 5
LICENSE David Greene, Ailsa Chang, Odette Yousef, and Miriam Muscarolas (photo courtesy of Miriam Muscarolas)

Beings & Doings

Alice Tran: Tough as Nails

In the war’s aftermath there were hundreds of thousands of scores to settle, and the new government wasted no time getting down to business. Former army officers, religious leaders, those who had worked for or with Americans or the old government; they were all asked to register with the new authorities, who would call them back for retraining at a time to be decided. In the meantime, these thousands upon thousands of men would have eyes on them every waking moment, they and their families’ movements and lives curtailed to a standstill.

So it happened that a husband, father, and former soldier with South Vietnam’s Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), was for years hectored and harassed by the war’s victors; unified Vietnam’s new government. Even as this former soldier’s heart began to fail him and he grew weak, he refused to bow before his

country’s new masters. Finally, he and thousands of others were told to report to various locations and were summarily thrown into “re-education camps”. The gentleman spent three brutalizing years in deplorable conditions where he would “learn about the ways of the new government.” The chronic heart condition he had on entering the prison worsened considerably. When he was finally released back to his wife and two daughters, it was to a life of virtual immobility. And he was dying.

“They were still controlling,” Alice says of her father’s release. “You go anywhere, you must report to them. They would watch you, everything you do.” When her father’s heart began truly to fail he reluctantly submitted himself for a procedure. “My dad had a bypass surgery, and after that he went through a lot of pain and a lot of illness. And even then, the communist government won’t let my dad do anything.” Even as a freed man, he and his family were prisoners in their own country, tightly surveilled and restrict -

ed until daily life was little more than a peeling away of the family’s options – of their humanity. If he was deemed insufficiently grateful for his release, he could be summarily picked up and sent back to the camp.  It became clear that Alice’s father would die in the country of his birth, under the shadow of a paralyzing oppression. “And that’s when he started to talk about freedom,” Alice says earnestly. “Yes. We’re going to escape to freedom. And he would take me first.”

Escape from DaNang

Alice Tran is a familiar fixture on Coast Village Road, striding confidently around in her white fedora, managing the care of her beloved clients with a daunting efficiency. “I’m very ambitious,” Alice says matter-of-factly. “And everything I do has to be perfect.” Alice’s Nail Boutique has, in its sixteen years of Coast Village business, become Montecito’s go-to destination for manicure, pedicure, facial waxing, hand and foot massage; a generalized palatial pampering. Alice’s place is also, of course, a de facto community center – a trading post of relaxed village conversation.

But the Alice we see bustling about

her impeccable Coast Village spa and salon was – once upon a darkling time – a frightened 13 year-old fleeing the wreckage of a homeland eating itself alive with post-war violence and recrimination. There were several attempts. “I escaped with my dad so many, many times,” Alice says. “I escaped Da Nang in ’80, and in ’82. But I escaped with my dad successfully in ’84.” Because her

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 6
Beings & Doings Page 414
Alice Tran and her family (courtesy photo)


Founded in 1997, the Sphinx Virtuosi, a self-conducted chamber orchestra, is the flagship of the Sphinx Organization, dedicated to diversity in the arts. Composed primarily of Black and Latinx artists, a critical aim of the Sphinx Virtuosi is to evolve and transform the face of classical music through artistic excellence, pioneering programming, and impassioned community engagement. Its members serve as cultural and diversity ambassadors for audiences and communities around the United States during national tours, and perform annually at Carnegie Hall.



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Montecito Miscellany

Plane Fun and Fundraising

Rain certainly didn’t stop play, nor pulling, when the Alpha Resource Center hosted its third annual Plane Pull at Santa Barbara Airport, raising more than $72,000 for the popular 70-year-old nonprofit, which empowers individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities.

Teams of ten in four divisions, including schools and public safety – military,

EMTs and firefighters – were tasked with pulling a 110,000-pound Alaska Airlines E175 20 feet in the example of brute strength with a long rope. The Santa Barbara City Fire Department were the grand champions with the fastest time.

“Our goal was to have 25 to 30 teams raising $65,000, but we exceeded that even with the rainy weather,” says Jeff Henson , the center’s director of development.

The event was hosted by Santa

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Strong Foundations

Santa Barbara’s Turner Foundation, which since its founding 65 years ago has provided 3.3 million nights of accommodation for low-income individuals and families, has opened its latest outpost, Dunamis House – Greek for strength – at De La Guerra Street and Marilla Avenue.

It’s the fifth property the organization has purchased with the first in 2005, a 70-unit housing complex formerly called Casa Perdido, and in 2014 a 45-unit complex, The Lighthouse, as well as The Mission House and Thrive House.

Dunamis is owned by Bowen Lee and Dan Girdler of the 20-20 Real Estate

Alpha’s Director of Development Jeff Henson and

Group and is currently being leased with a view to purchase for $1,650,000 in due

Miscellany Page 404

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 8
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Barbara Airport, Alaska Airlines, and Atlantic Aviation. Santa Barbara Airport Director Chris Hastert (photo by Priscilla) “The Riveting Minds” team with Alpha’s Executive Director Josh Weitzman on the right (photo by Priscilla) A team pulling resources together for Alpha (photo by Priscilla)

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On Entertainment

SBIFF at the Oscars

The masterful moviemakers of 2023, at least as measured by the powers that be, have been speechifying down in L.A. at the SAG and PGA awards and across the pond for BAFTA. Many of them will likely get one last chance to orate on their opportunities and output at the Oscars, when the Academy Awards are handed out in Hollywood on March 10. But while people from around the world will be tuning in, only a select few thousand of us can say we heard them chat about their films and more in person right here in Santa Barbara just about a month ago. Thanks to the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, a huge percentage of the actors, writers, directors, producers and below-the-line personnel who are nominated for the coveted statuettes were part of SBIFF in February, setting what seems to be a new record for the festival.

Herewith, a few select quotes, quips, and quirky comments from stars and others slanted toward those who seem sure to secure a statuette on Sunday night, at least according to the Oscarologists at

actor ever nominated for an Academy Award after nearly a century: “That’s a lot of years of exclusion and misrepresentation… The honor is shared. A win for one of us means a win for all of us.”

Paul Giamatti spoke about acting in The Holdovers at SBIFF this year (photo by Rebecca Sapp)

Robert Downey Jr., at the start of his 90-minute program: “Let’s get things moving, this is not the only award I’m accepting tonight.” On his role in Oppenheimer: “It’s probably the best movie I’ve ever been a part of. Hopefully, we are communicating something that transcends.”

Lily Gladstone (The Killers of the Flower Moon), who was wearing a dress with a huge plume of feathers, on what it means to be first Native American

Paul Giamatti on his embittered schoolteacher character in The Holdovers that he drew on his own experience at a boys school to play: “A lifetime of being around people like this made him more accessible, but also a little overwhelming because so many memories and people came back to me. When I watch this movie, I see them all manifesting in front of me.”

Emma Stone, on working with her co-star Mark Ruffalo in Poor Things: “Mark has the rare ability to marry pathos and comedy, and I would do anything to be in (his) presence… His character Duncan is debaucherous, lecherous, and treacherous … and watching Mark play him was honestly the most fun I’ve ever had on a set.”

Billie Eilish, on co-writing “What Was I Made For?”, one of her two nominated songs from Barbie: “It picked me up like a little hook, lifting me out of a dark place.”

Justine Triet, Anatomy of a Fall director and co-screenwriter with life partner Arthur Harari, about the veracity of the suspenseful story: “Working with your husband can be dangerous, but I assure you my significant other is still alive.”

Cord Jefferson, on both adapting Erasure and directing the movie called American Fiction: “It felt like the book was written specifically for me… Giving it to another director would feel like… losing a child.”

The Oscars air at 5 pm on March 10. Once again, the Arlington, which hosted all those nominees in February, will show the telecast in hi-def for free.

Movie Scenes, Music and Guests, oh my!

If you find yourself still craving Academy Award-winning cinematic splendor on the big screen, the Santa

Barbara Symphony has just the ticket.

In its return to the Granada – following a forced move to the Lobero last month due to water damage at The G – the symphony builds on the Oscar buzz with its popular and family-friendly program next weekend, March 16-17. Relive the glamor and nostalgia of Hollywood’s Golden Age as iconic scenes from such movie classics as Gone with the Wind, An American in Paris, Citizen Kane and, of course, The Wizard of Oz are projected on a giant screen above the orchestra while the musicians play the score live.

The versatile Constantine Kitsopoulos, who is General Director of the New York Grand Opera and an internationally touring guest artist, steps in as conductor. Montecito-based bestselling author, actress, and award-winning documentarian Leslie Zemeckis hosts the evening. Details and tickets at (805) 899-2222 or

Further Focus on Film

UCSB’s Carsey-Wolf Center has two divergent offerings this week, starting


JOURNAL newspaper

Executive Editor/CEO | Gwyn Lurie

President/COO | Timothy Lennon Buckley

Managing Editor | Zach Rosen,

MoJo Contributing Editor | Christopher Matteo Connor

Art/Production Director | Trent Watanabe

Graphic Design/Layout | Stevie Acuña

Administration | Jessikah Fechner

Administrative Assistant | Kassidy Craner

VP, Sales & Marketing | Leanne Wood

Account Managers | Sue Brooks, Tanis Nelson, Elizabeth Scott

Contributing Editor | Kelly Mahan Herrick

Copy Editor | Lily Buckley Harbin

Proofreading | Helen Buckley

Arts and Entertainment | Steven Libowitz


Contributors | Scott Craig, Ashleigh Brilliant Kim Crail, Tom Farr, Chuck Graham, Stella Haffner, Mark Ashton Hunt, Dalina Michaels, Robert Bernstein, Christina Atchison, Leslie Zemeckis, Sigrid Toye, Jamie Knee, Elizabeth Stewart, Amélie Dieux, Houghton Hyatt, Jeff Wing

Gossip | Richard Mineards

History | Hattie Beresford

Humor | Ernie Witham

Our Town/Society | Joanne A Calitri

Travel | Jerry Dunn, Leslie Westbrook

Food & Wine | Melissa Petitto, Gabe Saglie

Published by:

Montecito Journal Media Group, LLC

Montecito Journal is compiled, compounded, calibrated, cogitated over, and coughed up every Wednesday by an exacting agglomeration of excitable (and often exemplary) expert edifiers at 1206 Coast Village Circle, Suite G, Montecito, CA 93108.

How to reach us: (805) 565-1860; FAX: (805) 969-6654; Montecito Journal, 1206 Coast Village Circle, Suite G, Montecito, CA 93108; EMAIL:

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 10 “Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein
Day Low Hgt High Hgt Low Hgt High Hgt Low Hgt Thurs, Mar 7 12:34 AM 2.1 6:44 AM 5.9 01:58 PM -1.3 08:26 PM 3.9 Fri, Mar 8 1:24 AM 1.5 7:34 AM 6.1 02:33 PM -1.4 08:53 PM 4.3 Sat, Mar 9 2:13 AM 0.9 8:22 AM 6.1 03:07 PM -1.3 09:23 PM 4.8 Sun, Mar 10 4:03 AM 0.4 10:10 AM 5.8 04:40 PM -0.9 10:55 PM 5.2 Mon, Mar 11 4:53 AM 0.1 10:59 AM 5.3 05:13 PM -0.3 11:28 PM 5.4 Tues, Mar 12 5:46 AM -0.2 11:51 AM 4.6 05:45 PM 0.3 Wed, Mar 13 12:04 AM 5.6 6:43 AM -0.2 12:50 PM 3.8 06:16 PM 1.1 Thurs, Mar 14 12:43 AM 5.5 7:48 AM -0.1 02:04 PM 3.1 06:48 PM 1.8 Fri, Mar 15 1:28 AM 5.3 9:09 AM 0.1 04:01 PM 2.7 07:21 PM 2.4
Entertainment Page 324
Justine Triet, director of Anatomy of a Fall, at this year’s SBIFF (photo by Rebecca Sapp)

The Giving List

California Missions Foundation

Most locals are probably aware of the best Santa Barbara place to visit every Memorial Day weekend for a glimpse of the chalk drawings during the I Madonnari street painting festival. They know they can spend a colorful summer evening watching music and dancing from Mexico and other indigenous Californios cultures during La Fiesta Pequeña, the official opening of Old Spanish Days Fiesta; and they know where the prettiest backdrop is for walking your dog amid fragrant flowers at the Rose Garden across Los Olivos Street.

But Mission Santa Barbara is just one shining jewel among the 21 California Missions that stretch from San Diego to Sonoma, dating back to 1769. Among them are Mission San Juan Capistrano, well known for the annual migration of cliff swallows; Mission San Diego de Alcalá – the first of the 21 California missions famously founded by Father Junipero Serra – and the two nearby missions in Santa Ynez and Ventura.

Keeping these historic buildings and their artifacts intact and thriving is the work of the nonprofit, California Missions

The Giving List Page 184

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CMF Executive Director David Bolton with a group of fourth graders on their field trip (courtesy photo)

Our Town

Chabad of Montecito in Conversation with Gavriel Friedson

The Chabad of Montecito led by Rabbi Chaim presented a talk with disaster management specialist Gavriel “Gavy” Friedson on Sunday, February 25 at the private home of Ben and Cheryl Trosky

The event program commenced with a welcome by Rabbi Chaim. He shared, “One of the most famous words in Hebrew is l’chaim – which means ‘to life.’ Because that’s the Jewish response after tragedy: we step up, add in goodness, do something extra for someone else, and bring more good energy into this world.”

Next, student senators from UCSB who are standing against anti-Semitism were honored. Some shared about their experiences with the issues.

Friedson spoke about United Hatzalah and his work as a medic in response to the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel by militant group Hamas. Subjects covered were the emergency preparedness of the United Hatzalah organization, and how its volunteers responded on the morning of 10/7, treating hundreds of people with gunshot wounds and its psycho-trauma unit responding to victims of sexual assault. He also talked about his time visiting with hostage families and wounded soldiers. Friedson expressed the importance of Judeo-Christian values and communities coming together and standing on the right side of history.

He said, “1,200+ Israelis were murdered since October 7, 14,492 wounded, 240 soldiers fallen since the start of ground invasion (total 577 killed, 2,797+ injured of which 424+ are in serious condition since October 7th), 134 held hostage by Hamas. In the South – rocket fire has all but come to a stop as we have destroyed most of their launchers and rockets. In the North – rockets and drones fired against us continue to increase the fighting intensifying by the day. Is full scale war in the North inevitable? United Hatzalah is preparing its first responders and making sure it has all the tools and is ready. United Hatzalah is a volunteer based medical emergency organization that responds to emergencies within three minutes or less. Our volunteers come from all walks of life in Israel, Jews, Christian, Muslim, Druze, which provide emergency medical response within their communities all over the country. Arriving fast and free of charge. United Hatzalah volunteers responded to more than 750,000 calls last year throughout Israel, saving lives every day.”

There was a Q&A after Friedson’s presentation. Over 100 attendees came representing many different religions and beliefs, saying they wished to learn more and show their support. Michelle Lebowski, spoke about her work as a co-sponsor of the UC Santa Barbara Associated Students 74th Senate bill condemning the militant group Hamas on November 15, 2023. The bill, titled A Resolution to Condemn Hamas, calls for Associated Students (A.S.) to “unequivocally condemn Hamas” and “mourn all civilian loss of life in Israel and Gaza as a result of the ensuing

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 12 “Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.” – Albert Einstein uebloPc Build Manage Design onstruction Excellence in Montecito & Santa Barbara SINCE 1988 | (805) 729-4813 | PUEBLOCONSTRUCTION.NET LICENSE 538295 No Job Too Big or Too Small! SPONSORED BY THE WESTMONT FOUNDATION Thursday, March 21, 5:30 p.m. Community Arts Workshop, 631 Garden St. FREE! | MORE INFO: (805) 565-6051 AGING AND MOBILITY: Fundamentals and Frontiers Conversations About Things That Matter Adam Goodworth Professor of Kinesiology/Engineering Maury Hayashida Physical Therapist
Our Town Page 374
Director of International Emergency Management and Global Ambassador at United Hatzalah of Israel Gavy Friedson (photo by Leah Shifrin) Michelle Lebowski (photo by Leah Shifrin)

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7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 14 THE FINEST MONTECITO & SANTA BARBARA HOMES ©2024 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties (BHHSCP) is a member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates LLC. BHHS and the BHHS symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. BHH Affiliates LLC and BHHSCP do not guarantee accuracy of all data including measurements, conditions, and features of property. Information is obtained from various sources and will not be verified by broker or MLS. Buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information. *Individual agent by sales volume in 2022 for Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. CRISTAL CLARKE | MONTECITO-ESTATE.COM | 805.886.9378 | CRISTAL@MONTECITO-ESTATE.COM | DRE 00968247 I LOVE WHERE I LIVE. LOVE WHAT I DO. SELL WHAT I LOVE. #1 BHHS AGENT LOCALLY AND GLOBALLY* CHARMING CAPE-COD STYLE RESIDENCE 2393 EMERSON STREET, SUMMERLAND | 3 BEDS | 2.5 BATHS | $2,950,000 BUILDABLE PARCEL WITH MOUNTAIN VIEWS 335 HOT SPRINGS ROAD, MONTECITO | 1 ACRE± | $2,475,000 MAGNIFICENT OCEAN VIEW LAND OPPORTUNITY 1385 OAK CREEK CANYON ROAD, MONTECITO | 6.27± ACRES | $4,650,000 BEAUTIFUL BEACHSIDE RETREAT IN MONTECITO 64 OLIVE MILL ROAD, MONTECITO | 3 BEDS | 2.5 BATHS | $2,995,000
7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 15 THE FINEST MONTECITO & SANTA BARBARA HOMES ©2024 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties (BHHSCP) is a member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates LLC. BHHS and the BHHS symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. BHH Affiliates LLC and BHHSCP do not guarantee accuracy of all data including measurements, conditions, and features of property. Information is obtained from various sources and will not be verified by broker or MLS. Buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information. *Individual agent by sales volume in 2022 for Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. CRISTAL CLARKE | MONTECITO-ESTATE.COM | 805.886.9378 | CRISTAL@MONTECITO-ESTATE.COM | DRE 00968247 I LOVE WHERE I LIVE. LOVE WHAT I DO. SELL WHAT I LOVE. #1 BHHS AGENT LOCALLY AND GLOBALLY* WORLD-CLASS DON NULTY MEDITERRANEAN ESTATE 1946 E VALLEY ROAD, MONTECITO | 5 BEDS | 10 BATHS | 1.03± ACRES | $11,950,000 CONTEMPORARY OCEAN VIEW HAVEN 975 MARIPOSA LANE, MONTECITO | 4 BEDS | 3.5 BATHS | $6,895,000 MAGICAL TORO CANYON ESTATE 900 TORO CANYON ROAD, MONTECITO | 3 BEDS | 2.5 BATHS | $5,295,000

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An Independent Mind

Do You Ever Stop Thinking About Money?

We think about money constantly. How to get it, how to keep it, and how to spend it. This is the human condition whether you are rich, poor, or just doing ok.

This article is about the problem of keeping your money in a world of inflation.

The Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury, the President, and 99% of Congress believe that 2% annual inflation will cause prosperity. This is the Fed’s long-term goal. The problem is that inflation destroys your savings.

Inflation is not new here. In the last 40 years (1984-2024) the Consumer Price Index (CPI), our measure of inflation, increased 300%, meaning you now need $300 to buy what $100 would buy in 1984. At the Fed’s 2% annual inflation you would need $122 in 10 years to stay even. In 2022, inflation got as high as 9%. Last month it was 3.1%.

What if long-term inflation was 3% or 4%? How can that be good for the economy?

Our recent CPI rise was caused partially by our self-induced Covid recession when the economy was practically shut down, and partially by the stimulus the government spent to deal with Covid’s impact on the economy.

I’m sure you remember the government lockdowns in March 2020 because of Covid. It severely disrupted the economy and the supply of goods, and business stalled. Prices for many things went up because production slowed and as the supply of goods declined people had to pay more for things. We all recall the scramble for toilet paper. These price rises were temporary and not true inflation. This supply-demand imbalance was easily fixed when the economy was freed up and things went back to normal. Plenty of toilet paper now.

The other reason prices went up is because the Federal Reserve increased the money supply. This is true inflation. Mostly it is a result of deficit spending by the federal government. This is why we still have inflation.

Here’s what happened:

Cartier Multistrand

Chrysoprase Bead, Gold, Coral and Diamond Necklace. Est. $15,000-20,000. Auction April 18

During the Covid pandemic the Trump and Biden administrations spent trillions on various programs to aid health care institutions, provide vaccines, fund businesses claiming need, and distribute cash to citizens. There were three main bills passed: CARES Act – $2.2Trillion; Consolidated Appropriations Act – $2.3T; American Rescue Plan Act – $1.9T; total: $6.4T. That is an unprecedented amount of stimulus.

The problem with this spending is that they didn’t have the money to pay for it so they borrowed it.

Here’s the wonky explanation of what happened when the government borrowed the money to fund the deficits:

1. The U.S. Treasury borrowed money by issuing Treasury bills, notes, and bonds.

2. Selected banks bought these bonds, etc.

3. Because the debt funding was so huge ($6+ trillion), it would have sucked so much money out of the private economy that it would have driven up interest rates which would have further slowed the economy.

4. To avoid that, the Federal Reserve bought $5 trillion of public and private debt from investors. That injected more money back into the private economy.

5. Where did the Fed get the money to buy it? – it created about $5 trillion of new money out of thin air . We call it “printing” money although they don’t actually print it, they just create an entry in the sellers’ bank accounts to cover the purchase price.

6. In a two-year period (2020-2022) our money supply, M2, increased by 41%. This is something unprecedented in our recent history and the result was inflation.

Because the supply of things had not magically increased, when you have that much new money floating around, prices rise. Eventually the new money seeps into all corners of the economy and almost all prices go up. That is true inflation. It is a monetary event. The process is much more complicated than this, but you get the basic concept.

Adding to the problem is that more deficit spending is projected over the next 10 years (Congressional Budget Office data) which will require more government borrowing, more Fed money printing, and result in more inflation. Many analysts believe the government’s funding requirements are understated. The future is

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 16 “Never memorize something that you can look up.” – Albert Einstein
Independent Mind Page 404
INFORMATION & APPOINTMENTS Emily Marchick, G.G. & Nan Summerfield, G.G.
7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 17 M

Foundation (CMF) – which is dedicated to preserving the landmark locations and the associated historical and cultural resources through funding preservation activities and facilitating educational programs, conferences, and scholarship. CMF is just a shade over 25 years old, but it has completed hundreds of projects at the missions, presidios and asistencias, working closely with the dedicated onsite staff to best meet the needs of these historic sites. The foundation has supported a variety of programs addressing buildings, their art and artifact collections, and

various necessary upgrades to keep these sites in operation for years to come.

Protecting and preserving the missions is, well, also a real mission for David Bolton, CMF’s Executive Director, who is better known around these parts for his perennial participation in Fiesta, including serving as 2023 El Presidente.

“It’s very important,” he said. “If historic buildings or monuments go down, then we lose a platform to be able to tell stories, and our missions have a lot of stories that really matter.”

Bolton, while acknowledging history can have both positive and negative effects, said that preserving these places is a priority.

“The missions changed the way of life for people in California. It’s important that we keep these historic buildings to allow the stories from our past to be told. The mission story is complex, and I believe if we really understand the truth of our past. Wiping out our past will erase these important stories. Wiping out the buildings removes the opportunity for people to understand their own history.”

Bolton’s interest in the missions began more than 30 years ago when he first came to town during a lull in his sports production career. His father suggested that he direct a documentary about the

“I did the first full hour documentary Inside the California Missions in 1993,” he recalled. “But as I researched and talked to experts, the story just fascinated me. From the people to the events that happened at all the missions – there was so much culture that came out of them and what they mean for communities from an architectural standpoint. I just got more interested, made more documentaries – even though it was just a hobby at the time – while I continued to work in sports production.”

When the opportunity at CMF became available a dozen years ago, Bolton jumped at the chance to make a switch.

“The missions now are my full-time passion and my job,” he said.

Bolton said the missions matter not just for their history but what they represent today.

“The missions play such a vital role,” he said. “Here in Santa Barbara, it’s the center of so much in the community and is probably our most iconic structure. And of course it still operates as a church. It’s a testament to the significance of these missions as a community-based location that allowed these historic buildings to continue to be strong and vibrant in our communities.”

Among its many projects, CMF funds educational field trips for fourth grade classrooms at each of its locations.

“We want the next generation to understand and appreciate California mission history because it’s really going to be up to them to dictate our history and decide what is around in the future,” Bolton said. “The kids hear all the stories from the docents who are very good at explaining the full story of the missions, and how they impacted and benefited communities. The teachers tell us that the kids come back to the classroom really motivated to learn more about everything.”

The California Missions Foundation is currently focused on finishing fundraising the $1.15 million needed for the seismic retrofit of the nearby Mission Santa Inés. The work will help preserve the National Historic Landmark in perpetuity.

“We discovered that Mission Santa Inés had never been retrofitted for earthquakes,” Bolton said. “The last push has to come locally, which is appropriate, because the mission is another one of those iconic assets that we have in our community. It’s part of what makes the valley a special place.”

There are many ways you can support the California Missions Foundation in its goal to preserve these one-of-a-kind California treasures, whether through individual, foundation or corporate donations, or simply becoming a member for as little as $29 a month. Visit https://

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 18 “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein 125 State Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805.770.5000
fun with the science of shadows – experiment with colors + size, or make your own shadow puppet. Included with museum admission. Open now through June 2024
Friday, March 15 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM HAPPY HOUR at Become a Member. Join or renew today to enjoy great perks, including early admission every Saturday. Tickets on sale now!
What’s Up at
Santa Barbara Mission.
The Giving List (Continued from 11)
David Bolton also served as Fiesta’s 2023 El Presidente (photo by Fritz Olenberger)
7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 19 All information provided is deemed reliable, but has not been verified and we do not guarantee it. We recommend that buyers make their own inquiries. Exclusive Member of HOME IS OUR FAVORITE DESTINATION
Via Del Rey | Santa Barbara | 4BD/4BA Dianne and Brianna Johnson 805.455.6570 DRE 00947199 | Offered at $5,200,000 201 Canon Dr | Santa Barbara | 3BD/3BA Kim/Wong 805.296.0662 DRE 01813897/01976444 | Offered at $3,250,000
Padaro Ln | Carpinteria | 4BD/7BA Riskin Partners Estate Group 805.565.8600 DRE 01447045 | Offered at $63,000,000 1104 Channel Dr | Montecito | 5BD/10BA Riskin Partners Estate Group 805.565.8600 DRE 01447045 | Offered at $38,500,000 595 Picacho Ln | Montecito | 7BD/11BA Riskin Partners Estate Group 805.565.8600 DRE 01447045 | Offered at $33,000,000 89 Hollister Ranch Rd | Santa Barbara | 5BD/6BA Emily Kellenberger 805.252.2773 DRE 01397913 | Offered at $28,500,000
| Santa Barbara | 6BD/10BA Riskin Partners Estate Group 805.565.8600 DRE 01447045 | Offered at $25,000,000 615 Hot Springs Rd | Santa Barbara | 5BD/6BA Bob Lamborn 805.689.6800 DRE 00445015 | Offered at $13,950,000 4508 Foothill Rd | Carpinteria | 6BD/5BA Grubb Campbell Group 805.895.6226 DRE 01236143 | Offered at $8,750,000 767 Las Palmas Dr | Santa Barbara | 5BD/6BA Gilles/Sanchez 805.895.1877 DRE 01509445/02003319 | Offered at $8,499,000 20 Camino Alto | Santa Barbara | 4BD/5BA Elizabeth Slifirski 805.222.0147 DRE 02082960 | Offered at $7,499,000 929 Canon Rd | Santa Barbara | 3BD/6BA Doré & O'Neill Real Estate Team 805.947.0608 DRE 01806890 | Offered at $6,700,000 390 Woodley Rd | Santa Barbara | 5BD/4BA Grubb Campbell Group 805.895.6226 DRE 01236143 | Offered at $4,995,000 8107 Buena Fortuna St | Carpinteria | 4BD/3BA Emily Kellenberger 805.252.2773 DRE 01397913 | Offered at $4,750,000 821 & 823 E Pedregosa St | Santa Barbara | 7BD/6BA Julie Barnes 805.895.9498 DRE 01107109 | Offered at $4,500,000 909 Chelham Way | Montecito | 3BD/4BA McKnight/Krautmann 805.637.7772 DRE 01717947/01468842 | Offered at $3,995,000 2101 Mountain Ave | Santa Barbara | 6BD/6BA Sener Jones Associates 805.969.8900 DRE 00978392 | Offered at $3,500,000 1326 Hillcrest Rd | Santa Barbara | 1.81± Acres Riskin Partners Estate Group 805.565.8600 DRE 01447045 | Offered at $5,000,000


Food Files


The Rise of a Pioneering Protein Powder

Chocho is the new name that will soon be on everyone’s lips – and in their morning smoothie. Chocho is the mysterious word behind the company Mikuna, and a product whose properties and benefits will amaze you.

is so mild and neutral that it’s perfect to use in many different varieties of recipes. From blueberry smoothies and pancakes to falafels, soups and more, you can use this protein powder to get your superfood protein and vitamins at any time.


SATURDAY, MARCH 16 th • 11:00 am - 1:00 pm


at Maravilla a community designed and curated for unique adventures, endless opportunities, and vivid experiences. 5486

In 2017, Founder and CEO of Mikuna (which means “to nourish your body through food” in Kichwa Andes dialect) Ricky Echanique created an innovative protein powder made only with chocho, a legume endemic to Ecuador.

Echanique explains how chocho’s naturally occurring characteristics make this protein powder different from all others on the market. “It is a keto, paleo, vegan, soy-free, gluten-free, and lectin-free product. Plus, it is easier to digest, very subtle on the stomach and very energizing because it contains multiple vitamins and minerals, all the nine essentials amino acids, and provides 20 grams of protein per serving.”

The three distinct products and flavors – Pure Chocho, Vanilla, and Cocoa – will provide enough choices for one’s individual taste buds, but ... “Stay tuned,” says Echanique. “We are in the process of bringing more innovative flavors to the customers.” None of Mikuna’s formulas contain more than five natural and organic ingredients and they are 90% pure chocho, keeping the product simple and healthier. “A lot of consideration and integrity goes into sourcing the right ingredients for our chocho powder,” says Echanique.

The other advantage to Mikuna’s chocho-based protein powder is that the taste

Not only does this product contain the right nutritional values, it’s also an incredibly beneficial plant for the land and for the people. Known as “the White Pearl,” this plant grows in the high altitudes of the Andes and is a regenerative crop – meaning it provides nourishment for healthier soil while enriching the agricultural ecosystem’s diversity by supporting other surrounding plants and crops.

Chocho is a drought resistant, low chemical input plant that’s not in need of high maintenance, thus helping the indigenous farmers sustain themselves and cultivate this extraordinary plant far more than quinoa, potatoes, and other vegetables. “At the end of the day you have a crop that is good for the farmers, good for the people and ... good for the planet,” Echanique comments.

As a former junior professional tennis player in Ecuador, and after contracting an autoimmune disease, Echanique realized he was intolerant of some protein powders on the market and that something had to change. His goal was achieved when he introduced Mikuna to the world. “We are the first to bring chocho in the United States, and we are the first global supply chain of chocho in the world.” The product can be found nationwide in Whole Foods stores and Erewhon Markets. But Echanique did

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 20 “Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.” – Albert Einstein
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Calle Real, Santa Barbara 805.319.4379 • PREMIER RETIREMENT LIVING AN SRG COMMUNITY RCFE 425801937
Food Files Page 404
Santa Barbara local Ricky Echanique is the CEO/Founder of Mikuna, a vegan protein source made from the Ecuadorian legume chocho (courtesy photo)

Enchanting Montecito Cottage


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Rugged Modernism


ALKER TEAM 805.455.6520






7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 21 SANTA BARBARA REGION BROKERAGES | SANTA BARBARA | MONTECITO | SANTA YNEZ VALLEY © 2024 Sotheby’s International Realty. All Rights Reserved. Sotheby’s International Realty® is a registered trademark and used with permission. Each Sotheby’s International Realty office is independently owned and operated, except those operated by Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. All offerings are subject to errors, omissions, changes including price or withdrawal without notice. Equal Housing Opportunity. DRE License Numbers for All Featured Agents: Sandy Stahl: 1040095 Susan Conger: 00545024 | Don Johnston: 01868263 | Dusty Baker: 01908615 | Maurie McGuire: 01061042 | Nate Alker: 01796904 | Scott McCosker: 00494253 | Robert Heckes: 01723319 | Jason Siemens: 1886104 Nothing compares to what’s next. SOTHEBYSREALTY.COM CARPINTERIA 4BD | 5BA/2PBA | $63,000,000 SANDY STAHL 805.689.1602 Posh Ocean Front Estate MONTECITO 5BD | 3BA/2PBA | $19,450,000 SUSAN CONGER 805.689.3034 CHARLIE PETERSEN 805.637.0312 Classic Mediterranean-Style Estate MONTECITO 5BD | 6BA/2PBA | $8,495,000 DON JOHNSTON 310.880.6566 DUSTY BAKER GROUP 805.220.4210 Prime Montecito Oasis HOPE RANCH 5BD | 4BA | $7,995,000 DUSTY BAKER GROUP 805.220.4210 1928 Architectural Showpiece MONTECITO
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Apr 3

Economist and Former U.S. Secretary of Labor

Robert B. Reich

What Really Happened to the American Dream? (And How Can it be Restored?)

Wed, Apr 3 / 7:30 PM / UCSB Campbell Hall

Tickets start at$20

FREE for UCSB students (registration required; limited availability)

Supporting Sponsor: Jennifer & Jonathan Blum

Apr 7

Malian Singer-songwriter

Fatoumata Diawara

Sun, Apr 7 (note new date and time) / 7 PM / UCSB Campbell Hall

Tickets start at $30 / $15 UCSB students

“The Malian artist’s music [is] luminous... she amplifies African rhythms and Wassoulou traditions of storytelling with her deep, commanding voice and unrelenting electric guitars, which rip through her songs like beautiful streaks of lightning.” The New Yorker

Apr 9

Lauren Groff in Conversation with Pico Iyer

Tue, Apr 9 / 7:30 PM / UCSB Campbell Hall

Tickets start at $20 / $10 UCSB students

“A gifted writer capable of deft pyrotechnics and well up to the challenges she sets herself.”

New York Times Book Review

Speaking with Pico Series Sponsors: Martha Gabbert, Siri & Bob Marshall, and Laura & Kevin O’Connor

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 22
(805) 893-3535 |

Just Added Events at the Arlington Theatre

Apr 18

Pop Culture Icon


The House of Hidden Meanings

Thu, Apr 18 / 7:30 PM / Arlington Theatre

Tickets start at $50 / $20 UCSB students

Includes a copy of RuPaul’s new book, The House of Hidden Meanings (pick up at event)

During this special event, international drag superstar RuPaul offers a manual for living – a personal philosophy that testifies to the value of chosen family, the importance of harnessing what makes you different and the transformational power of facing yourself fearlessly.

Apr 21

Chef, Restaurateur and Humanitarian José Andrés


the World Through the Power of Food

Sun, Apr 21 / 4:30 PM (note special time) / Arlington Theatre

Tickets start at $20 / $10 all students (with valid ID) $50 ticket includes a Chef José Andrés cookbook (pick up at event; one per household) “A tireless advocate for humanity.” Time magazine “Build longer tables, not higher walls.”

Premier Sponsor: Eva & Yoel Haller

May 19

Sun, May 19 / 7 PM / Arlington Theatre

Tickets start at $45 / $20 UCSB students

Back by popular demand, six time Grammy-winning artist Jacob Collier bookends Arts & Lectures’ 2023-2024 season with an entirely new show featuring a full band and music from his forthcoming album, Djesse Vol. 4

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 23
Granada event tickets can also be purchased at: (805) 899-2222 | (805) 893-3535 | Arlington event tickets can also be purchased at: (805) 963-4408 |
– José

Brilliant Thoughts

Please Attract Me

Much of this system called Nature is apparently based on attraction and repulsion. The repulsion serves to protect – and to keep at least certain members of a species intact – until they have time to reproduce. The attraction is also part of that reproduction process. Most plants can’t physically get together, so some have developed methods of using insects to carry pollen between them.

But first they have to attract the insects – which accounts for the bright colors, elegant structure, and sexy scents characteristic of many different flowers (in case you thought it was all just to please us).

And that brings us to people, who are also subject to this strange law. In terms of repulsion, all we have left us by evolution are some not very menacing teeth and nails, plus whatever vocal and physical – mainly facial – expressions we can make to appear threatening. To attract potential mates, so little remains of our original shapes and smells that civiliza-

tion, culture, and fashion have to keep coming up with new and different ways of bringing about the same old crude coupling, which basically never changes.

But attraction extends all around us, in the forms of what we call magnetism and gravity. Some invisible force pulls some things towards some other things. And, to make it all even more confusing, there are also invisible forces of repulsion (as if bad smells, poisonous surfaces, thorns and prickles, weren’t enough). And hunters still have to use deceptive devices to attract their prey, so that they can kill it.

Among people, however, there is also an amazing variety of preferences as to what is attractive. In some places fatness is a measure of beauty, while in other places, as you well know, it usually just means being overweight. Similar standards also apply to hairiness and body odor. And, when it comes specifically to sexual features, males and females have their own differing prejudices with regard to what does or does not attract potential mates. And it is not only a matter of visible, or even tangible, characteristics, but can extend into such realms

as how a person talks or moves. Indeed, thanks to modern technology, what we used to call courtship can now take place purely by voice and camera image over great distances. One advance, which I have long hoped to live to see, if not personally to take advantage of, will be the development of “tele-touching,” by which all kinds of physical feelings, from hugs to orgasms, will be transmissible electronically.

Meanwhile, we can marvel at the way a moth is attracted to a flame – or, for that matter, the way many different insects are attracted to many different kinds of lights. If this is somehow part of a benevolent universal plan, it really doesn’t make much sense. Neither the moth nor the flame derives any benefit from their relationship. The only ones who get anything out of it are the predators who specialize in hunting their prey in brightly lit areas. In the case of the moths, their navigation systems are based on light from the Sun or the Moon, so that other lights, such as a candle, are simply confusing.

And what attracts bears to honey? Actually, it has nothing to do with what attracts us, which is, of course, the sweetness. It’s the bees themselves that bears are interested in eating, together with other contents of their hives, especially the larvae, i.e. the baby bees.

But we know better. And we know that people in general are so fond of sugar that whole economies have been based on it,

and wars fought over it. Companies based on sweetness, like C&H (California and Hawaii) in America, and Tate & Lyle in Britain have made their stockholders rich and powerful. This, of course, is not a recent phenomenon. Not many centuries ago. Molasses was as important an element in international commerce as the slave trade. Various colonies in the Caribbean were known as the “Sugar Islands” and, on that account, were considered more important than other islands available for settlement. One sugar island was Nevis, the original home of one of America’s founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton. But attraction of the sexual kind can only too often lead to tragedy, as depicted so compellingly in Shakespeare’s drama of Romeo and Juliet. Still, we should perhaps be glad not to belong to a species in which the courtship process regularly involves one partner eating the other’s head.

Ashleigh Brilliant born England 1933, came to California in 1955, to Santa Barbara in 1973, to the Montecito Journal in 2016. Best-known for his illustrated epigrams, called “Pot-Shots,” now a series of 10,000. email: ashleigh@west. net. web: www.ash

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 24 “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” – Albert Einstein Experience LOCAL Y O U C A N T R U S T We have over 30 years of experience in providing commercial and residential property management services in Santa Barbara & Ventura County! CONTACT US TODAY! R A N E P M C O M THELEHMANTRILOGY “True blockbuster theatre that will hold you captive until the final curtain call.” VANITY FAIR ON STAGE APRIL 4-21 SANTA BARBARA’S PROFESSIONAL THEATRE COMPANY | 805.965.5400 Tickets starting @ $40! BY Stefano Massini ADAPTED BY Ben Power DIRECTED BY Oánh Nguyên
7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 25 C alcagno & Hamilton Real Estate Group MONTECITO & SANTA BARBARA’S #1 REAL ESTATE TEAM * (805)565-4000 INFO@HOMESINSANTABARBARA.COM WWW.HOMESINSANTABARBARA.COM NEW LISTING | PRISTINE & PRIVATE MONTECITO RETREAT 4 Bed, 4.5 Bath Main Residence | 1 Bed, 1 Bath Guest House | Pool Cabaña | Pool & Spa | Sprawling Lawn Lovely Gardens | Indoor-Outdoor Living | 0.77-acre | Ocean Views | Gated Entry | Montecito Union School District 1965 SAN LEANDRO LANE LISTED AT $7,995,000 © 2024 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties (BHHSCP) is a member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates LLC. BHHS and the BHHS symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. BHH Affiliates LLC and BHHSCP do not guarantee accuracy of all data including measurements, conditions, and features of property. Information is obtained from various sources and will not be verified by broker or MLS. Buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information.*#1 Medium Team in SB MLS for Number of Units Sold. Per RealTrends, Medium team comprised of 6-10 agents. DRE# 01499736 / 01129919

Kendra Wilkinson

A Journey of Resilience and Reinvention

You may know her name from her time on The Girls Next Door or perhaps from her show Kendra Sells Hollywood. But there’s much more to Kendra Wilkinson than meets the eye. Beyond the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, Kendra’s story is one of resilience, reinvention, and compassion.

As a single hands-on mother of two, Kendra has seamlessly balanced her roles as a real estate professional, devoted parent, and philanthropist, all while contributing to the vibrant community of Santa Barbara. Here, picturesque landscapes meet bustling real estate markets, and Kendra’s journey unfolds as a testament to the power of determination and the beauty of making a difference.

At the heart of Kendra’s journey lies a profound commitment to community involvement. Through her volunteering with Adam’s Angels, a local Santa Barbara organization dedicated to serving the less fortunate, Kendra has found

solace and fulfillment in acts of kindness and compassion. Yet, Kendra’s impact extends beyond her charitable endeavors; it permeates every facet of her life. As she says, “I want to use my public platform to give back.”

Most recently, she teamed up with esteemed local Real Estate Agent Adam McKaig, who sold the Johnny Cash House, and Real Estate Agent Ernie Carswell, who sold the Brady Bunch House. Their latest collaboration – a home nestled in the heart of San Roque – garnered widespread attention, with a dozen offers flooding in, and recently sold over asking price at $1,546,000. Together, the Douglas Elliman group leveraged their expertise to market this beautiful home.

For Kendra, success isn’t solely about closed deals or accolades, it’s about the meaningful connections made and lives influenced along the journey. Navigating the intricacies of both motherhood and entrepreneurship, Kendra finds strength in her values, with the support of cherished friends, and is guided by a spirit of empathy and compassion. Behind Kendra’s outward achievements lies a narrative of personal challenges and victories, a journey marked by battles with depression, struggles with self-esteem, and the pursuit of self-awareness. In candidly discussing her experiences, Kendra sheds light on the obstacles she encountered while striving to find inner peace and fulfillment. It’s a journey of self-discovery and transformation, filled with moments of despair as she confronts past demons and grapples with feelings of inadequacy, but ultimately leading to growth and contentment.

tations. Confronting this disparity between her image and reality, Kendra battled inner demons despite her achievements. “Identity plays a huge role in shaping others’ perceptions,” she reflects. Wrestling with depression and anxiety, a panic attack served as her awakening. Seeking help, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery, finding solace in therapy and self-love. Through her journey, Kendra embraces imperfections, recognizing the beauty in vulnerability. As she affirms, “If my story can help another struggling person, then I’m happy to share it.”

As her journey unfolds, fans eagerly anticipate Kendra’s next venture. With her passion for real estate and community, speculation arises about potential projects. Could a TV Show Kendra and Adam Sell Santa Barbara be on the horizon? With Kendra’s real estate skills and Adam McKaig’s local renown and expertise, it would promise to be an inspiring series. Kendra’s love for Santa Barbara is palpable. She describes it as “heaven on earth,” feeling the energy change as she drives up the coast.

Register Early:

after March 24

At the tender age of 18, Kendra found herself thrust into the spotlight as one of Hugh Hefner’s partners, gaining fame through the TV series The Girls Next Door. However, beyond the glamorous illusion of the Playboy mansion, Kendra struggled with identity and self-worth. She admits to feeling as though she lived a faÇade, constantly seeking validation from others and battling insecurity. Kendra recounts being trapped in a cycle of self-destructive behavior, using alcohol to numb her pain and struggling to find her voice amidst the chaos of fame and celebrity.

Navigating fame’s demands, Kendra felt immense pressure to conform to societal beauty standards. Despite her glamorous exterior, she grappled with self-doubt, leading a double life to meet others’ expec-

As her journey continues, Kendra remains steadfast in her commitment to positivity. “You can either live in the positive or the negative,” she says, affirming her choice to see the good. Whatever lies ahead for Kendra Wilkinson, one thing is certain, her journey of resilience and reinvention will continue to inspire and uplift others for years to come. As she navigates life’s complexities, surrounding herself with positivity and kindness, Kendra’s journey stands as a beacon of compassion, perseverance, and unwavering resolve in a world yearning for inspiration and upliftment.

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 26 “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never
Register at or scan the QR code Scholarships are available mypasb@gmail com 805-683-1326 Dr Laurie Mischley Seattle Integrative Medicine Dr Jeff Bronstein UCLA 2 0 2 4 S y m p o s i u m L i v i n g W e l l w i t h P a r k i n s o n ’ s D i s e a s e Saturday, April 6, 2024 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Elks Lodge - 150 N. Kellogg Ave. Santa Barbara, CA
tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein
per person, $40
is limited - $35
Ernie Carswell, Adam McKaig, and Kendra Wilkinson (courtesy photo) Kendra has been volunteering with Adam’s Angels (courtesy photo) Jamie Knee is a global wine communicator and travel writer, has hosted 100+ winemaker interviews, international wine judge, and holds multiple wine, sommelier, and educator certifications.

The Water Column

Montecito Water District Rate Evaluation Underway

Extraordinary inflation and opportunities to improve resiliency were key discussion points in Montecito Water District’s Special Board Meeting this week. Directors reviewed a preliminary analysis with Raftelis Financial Consultants in anticipation of adjusting water rates for customers later this year. Rates are revisited every three to five years, and are required to be based on a rigorous cost-of-service analysis.

Annual rate increases have remained steady at 2.8% since the Board last adopted a rate plan in 2020. While this was consistent with inflation figures at the time, the past three years have brought substantially greater cost increases to nearly every aspect of the business. Inflation has been particularly steep on construction costs and materials essential to the industry, such as steel and pipelines. Due to this, the District does expect to adjust rates more than 2.8% in 2024 to keep pace with rising costs of service and maintain adequate cash reserves.

“The good news is that water supply is looking secure – strategic planning, investments made over the past decade, ample rain this winter and last, and our customers’ focus on water efficiency has put us in a very good position,” says General Manager Nick Turner. “However, escalating costs surrounding essential services, such as water treatment and delivery, are very real. These combined with the need to maintain and take advantage of opportunities to improve aging infrastructure require an updated rate evaluation.”

Last week’s meeting was the first of several workshops focused on District finances and fiduciary responsibility that will take place in the coming weeks and months, with the goal of having new rates in place by August. New rates are adopted by majority vote of the Board only after there has been a publicly noticed review and input period. Customer outreach will be ongoing throughout the spring and summer, and community members are invited to attend meetings virtually or in-person. Meeting information, including past recordings, is available on the District’s web site:

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 27 Mortgage Program Interest Rate Points APR 30 Year Fixed JUMBO 7.125% 0.000 7.145% 7 Year ARM JUMBO 6.875% 0.000 7.524% 10 Year ARM JUMBO 7.000% 0.000 7.416% Interest rates were quoted as of 01-05-2024 | Rates based on $3,000,000 Loan amount, 780+ FICO, 75% LTV, Primary Residence, Max DTI 43% , Full Documentation. Rates and programs subject to change without notice. Guy Rivera Branch Manager NMLS # 57662 (805) 452-3804 Direct Mortgage Funding is a division of LeaderOne Financial Corporation. LeaderOne Financial is licensed by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act. License# 4131276. Corporate Headquarters: 7500 College Blvd 1150; Overland Park, KS 66210, NMLS ID #12007 | | Equal Housing This advertisement does not constitute a loan approval or a loan commitment. Loan approval and/or commitment is subject to final underwriting review and approval We specialize in: Self Employed Borrowers *Bank Statement Loans *DSCR Investor Loans *VA *FHA BANK STATEMENT PROGRAMS FOR THE SELF-EMPLOYED Unlocking Financing for Self-Employed Individuals. No Tax Returns Required! Guy Rivera Branch Manager NMLS# 57662 (805) 452-3804 1736 State Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Direct Mortgage Funding is a division of LeaderOne Financial Corporation. LeaderOne Financial Corporation is licensed by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act. License# 4131276. Corporate Headquarters: 7500 College Blvd Suite 1150; Overland Park, KS 66210, NMLS ID #12007 | | Equal Housing Lender. This advertisement does not constitute a loan approval or a loan commitment. Loan approval and/or loan commitment is subject to final underwriting review and approval. 12 & 24 month options 1 & 2 year 1099 available Up to $3M loan amount, max 90% LTV, min FICO 660 Call for more information! S O O N C O M I N G 1046 Coast Village Road drybar
The MWD maintains significant facilities to ensure reliable delivery of high-quality water
of Directors Infrastructure Tour at Jameson Lake
Board Laura Camp is the Public Information Officer for the Montecito Water District

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Your Westmont

Haass Promotes Civic Duties, Global Diplomacy

Richard Haass, who worked at the White House, State Department, and Pentagon under four different presidents, offered a civics lesson on global diplomacy while bringing clarity to international conflicts at the sold-out 19th annual Westmont President’s Breakfast on March 1st at the Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort. Despite the Israel-Hamas war, the Russia-Ukraine war, contentious ChinaU.S. relations, and the climate crisis, the veteran diplomat admitted that what keeps him up at night is domestic politics.

Drawing from his latest book, The Bill of Obligations: The Ten Habits of Good Citizens, Haass stressed the importance of all Americans, including politicians, putting country before party or person.

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“And what we’re seeing all too often is when left with their own devices, they won’t,” he said. “This (Westmont) is an institution built in so many ways on integrity. You’re inculcating your students with these values. While I look at places like Washington, such values are often in short supply.”

to realize their legitimate political ambitions. We need to satisfy what we see as the legitimate political ambitions for Palestinians, but also making sure that Israel is a two-tiered state accepted in the region.”

He urged the more than 600 attendees to not rely on a miracle to change the state of politics in our country. “If we’re going to be delivered from this, it’s going to come from people like you all in this room insisting that those with special power in the political world put country before party or person,” he said. “Our ability to make those connections will depend on ourselves first becoming informed on the principal issues of the day, and then getting involved. And this is the year to do it.”

He deftly expounded on global conflicts without mention of names or raising political ire.

On the Israel-Hamas war: “What seems to me to be missing from the Israeli response is a political dimension that gives people the view that there is an alternative use of force

On the Russia-Ukraine war: “For the last two years, Europe and the United States have done a good job with Ukraine doing the bulk of the work itself. The question now is whether we’re going to continue to do that. Whether we’re going to continue to stand by the victim of aggression. And the fact that I have to even raise the question, I find somewhere in between shocking and disheartening.”

On China-U.S. relations: “Can the United States and China come up with a formula where we limit our competition? Where our differences, particularly over Taiwan, will not spill over into conflict? And can we find limited areas of cooperation whether it comes to climate, or challenges in the Middle East or North Korea? I think it will be the ultimate test of diplomacy.”

On climate change: “It’s not going to be

Your Westmont Page 334

Start the conversation with one of our expert Senior Living Advisors today. Our service comes at no cost to your family. Connect with us at 866.333.4907.

President Gayle D. Beebe and Haass share a laugh at a VIP event at Birnam Wood
7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 28 “A
1498 East Valley Road, Montecito, CA 93108 Monday-Friday 9-6pm • Saturday 9-3pm
question that
sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?”
Albert Einstein
Richard Haass dissects the geopolitical landscape

Elizabeth’s Appraisals

Ceramic Umbrella Stand

Years ago, RR inherited a tall pottery umbrella stand which was shattered in a recent wildfire; she had discovered two shards that, when put together like pieces of a puzzle, read RN 288102 and RN 284106. A trace of a word is above these marks, “Melbou-” possibly for Melbourne, more than likely the pattern name. With just these two shards and RR’s sketch, she asked if I could estimate the value.

The ‘RN’ (Registered Number) refers to the British practice of registering ceramics from the mid-19th to early 20th century; you will often find these marks inside a cryptic diamond with letters and numbers in all four corners. In the very late 19th century, the diamond shape was retired, and the registration number was a single line or two. (Two if both the design and shape were registered separately.)

British pottery was registered from 1839 – 1964 and entered into massive books; those unwieldy volumes contained the number, the owner of the design, and the quantity made; they are held at the National Archives at Kew, Richmond, Surrey. If you know the number, you know the date.

The number on RR’s vessel indicates its date of creation as 1896 - 1897. This date is a clue to its style, along with RR’s sketch of the shape of the vessel, which is a tapered trumpet shape with a flared rim – a style associated with Japanese porcelain. A tiny portion of the remaining shards show a design of blue: blue and white ceramics were prevalent in late 19th century England.

The vessel, in a shape reminiscent of Japanese porcelain, was likely designed in the style of the late 19th century Aesthetic Movement. The Aesthetic Movement was an era of design colored by Japanese shapes, patterns, and symbols, imitating Japanese forms of porcelain, and painting those forms with sunflowers, prunus blossoms, chrysanthemums, magnolias, hawthorn buds, and exotic birds, such as the peacock.

Japan had been “opened” after 200 years of isolation by the American Commodore Perry in 1853. Perry had sailed his four steel ships into the harbor at Tokyo Bay, seeking to reinvigorate trade between Japan and the Western world. By 1870, Japanese woodcuts had entered the drawing rooms of many fashionable collectors, as had significant Japanese porcelain and furniture. Thus, British designers co-opted Japanese shapes and designs into traditional British ceramic objects, such as RR’s umbrella stand.

Both Britain and the U.S. produced Aesthetic Movement design, rooted in Asian aesthetics in the late 19th century, as Japan experienced the West’s colonization, expansionism, capitalism, and nationalism.

1890s to Queen Victoria’s death in 1901. Her death ushered in a new generation of designers, who moved away from the Aesthetic tradition.

The Aesthetic Movement spanned decorative art and literature as an elitist movement of “art for art’s sake” from the 1870s to 1901. Two giants of the style, one in art, and one in literature, were the pre-Raphaelite painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and Oscar Wilde, whose trial for alleged homosexual acts in 1895 marked the beginning of the end of the Aesthetic Movement. It was Wilde who said, “I find it hard to live up to my blue and white porcelain.’’ He found it difficult to live a life dedicated to beauty in such as world as ours. Aesthetes like Wilde were of the educated monied upper class, believing that objects seen daily should be beautiful – and they need not have a utilitarian purpose.

The assumptions I am making about RR’s umbrella stand are as follows: that it was created from 1896-7, that it was salt glazed stoneware, that it was designed in the Doulton factory in conjunction with the Lamberth School of Art. If those assumptions are correct, the value of the piece was $800-$1,200.

The shards indicate the type of ceramic medium; a salt glazed stoneware with a thick glaze. That distinctive glaze is produced by vaporizing common salt in the fire of the kiln, so the sodium reacts with the silicates of the stoneware to produce a non-porous glaze. The earliest examples of salt glazed stoneware date to 14th century Germany.

The most popular of all salt glazed stoneware in the Aesthetic Movement taste was created by Doulton and Co. together with the Lambert School of Art, a liaison begun in 1863. Together, the students and designers were acclaimed for their ceramics at major International Exhibitions such as The Philadelphia World’s Fair of 1886 and the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893. So popular was Doulton’s Lambeth and Burslem wares that the Doulton factory employed 370 shapers and designers, from the late

Elizabeth Stewart, PhD is a veteran appraiser of fine art, furniture, glass, and other collectibles, and a cert. member of the AAA and an accr. member of the ASA. Please send any objects to be appraised to Elizabethappraisals@

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 29 BEAUTIFUL Skjn STARTS HERE. Body Contouring Emsculpt Neo Fillers Neuromodulators Laser Hair Reduction IV Therapy Hydrafacial Chemical Peel RF Microneedling Facial Rejuvenation Aquagold Laser Facial SkinPen Microneedling Skinny Shot Radiesse PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Upneeq skin products and more! (805) 450-6262 MONTECITOMEDSPA.COM Call to schedule today. FASHION BOUTIQUE SCAN FOR WEBSITE LIVEJAZZ SUNDAYs 2-5PM 805-770-7715 3845 state street (former Sears lower level) THE LARGEST pre-loved HOME inventory IN THE TRI-COUNTIES open 11am-5pm estate sales consignments auctions closed tuesday CLEARING HOUSES QUICKLY
The shard showing the RN and fractured “Melbou-“

Montecito Health Coach

Medical Self-Advocacy: Why it Is More Important Than Ever

Afew months ago, I had a diagnostic test for some G.I. issues. Just to clarify, that was not referencing a broken romance with a soldier on leave, but gastrointestinal issues. A little less sexy.

I was introduced to my doctor about ten minutes before the procedure. As I always have a million questions, I was happy to finally get to meet her; why I hadn’t met her prior to this is a story for another day. After exchanging a few words, it became clear that she wasn’t interested in answering my questions. She wanted to chat with her colleague, anesthetize me (not an uncommon response upon meeting me, from what I understand) and do her 15-minute gig. Just before I went under, I asked her what she thought about two seemingly unrelated symptoms I had been having. She looked at me with the most

neutral expression I had ever seen and uttered a phrase not commonly used in her profession, “I don’t know.” Now, on the one hand, I applauded her for her honesty. But my real concern was that it wasn’t followed up by any intellectual curiosity. “I can check into it.” Or, “It doesn’t sound like it, but I can do some research and get back to you.” I wasn’t asking if a cell tower in Dubai might be the reason my manicure doesn’t last as long as it used to. It was a valid and somewhat insightful (if I do say so myself) observation. As I waited for her follow up response, the drugs kicked in and I fell asleep with quippy and acerbic responses in limbo on my fuzzy tongue. After speaking with some friends, I began to see a pattern emerging in the interactions with medical experts. Each one felt a little like going to battle. We would leave home with notes and files filled with details of every procedure and diagnostic test we had ever done.

Armed with information and determination. Yet no matter how prepared anyone was, each found themselves leaving the appointment with unanswered questions.

This got me thinking. If it happens to me, a research fanatic/Health Coach whose middle name is Advocacy, how many others are experiencing the very same thing?

I have quite a few friends and family members who are doctors and understand the pressure they are under to see everyone in a day and greatly appreciate the work they do, so this isn’t an attack on the medical profession. This is a call to advocacy. Self-advocacy.

When I was in my health coaching program, I remember hearing a statistic that most Western practitioners spend an average of three minutes listening to a patient before offering a diagnosis and a treatment plan. While I don’t know if this is accurate, I will say that it can be challenging to be heard. Really heard.

Many people get anxious at even the idea of going to the doctor, so much so that it can alter their vital signs (a.k.a. The White Coat Syndrome), while some get intimidated by authority figures and others are just fatigued and overwhelmed.

With this in mind, I have come up with a simple plan to try and prevent this from happening in the future.

1. Go in with a list of written questions. The most important ones first in case you do run out of time. Do not move on to the next one until you are comfortable with the answer from the last.

2. You guide the appointment. This is YOUR time. You can do it in a kind and respectful way, but be clear as to what your needs are. For example, this is mine, “I have quite a few questions and want to be clear on each point before we move onto the next.” If they get tetchy with me, I pretend I am Olivia Pope from

Scandal about to tell them why they are going to do it my way and why they will regret it if they don’t.

3. Take notes. You might think you are as clear as day on what is being said, but depending on the nature and seriousness of your visit, there is a good chance you will forget something.

4. If possible, bring someone with you. Two people hear information better than one. Especially if this is a stressful time or you are suffering from a serious illness. The human mind can only take so much in at once.

5. This is a big one. Before the doctor leaves the room, tell them you want to go over your list again (at your own pace) to make sure you got all your questions answered. Doing this can give you a chance to take a breath and may uncover a few more questions. Don’t feel bad about asking them. Remember this is YOUR time, and it is just as valuable as theirs. You are not a bother, a nuisance, or an inconvenience. This is the reason they come to work each day. To help us.

Health practitioners can be the most knowledgeable in their field, but until they remember (or learn) how to really see and hear their patients, they will never be true healers. Through self-advocacy, we may be able to change that. I recently came across one of my favorite quotes by the late Vietnamese peace activist, Thich Nhat Hanh and it never seemed more powerful than it does now. “The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention.”

Trained at Duke Integrative Medicine, Deann has a broad range of clients working on everything from weight loss to improving their ultra-marathon pace. She also has a Masters in Clinical Psychology and has been a resident of Montecito since 2006.

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 30 “Blind belief in authority
is the greatest enemy of truth.” – Albert Einstein
7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 31 CECILY FIRESTEIN 91% of a Century: An Artistic Retrospective Opening Reception March 7th 5-8 pm Reg Hours: Thursday - Sunday 12 pm - 6 pm Or By Appointment 116 Santa Barbara Street 207.475.5588 |

Former Japanese American Detention Site

Becomes National Park

The Amache National Historic Site in southeastern Colorado has been officially recognized as one of America’s national parks. Amache, founded during World War II, was one of the locations where thousands of Japanese Americans were incarcerated and imprisoned. It is now transitioning from a dark chapter in history to a conserved national park.

The Town of Granada, located barely one mile from Amache, played an important part in the national park’s development. By acquiring and providing the appropriate land, Granada helped to ensure that the place received the recognition that it deserved.

In March 2022, President Joe Biden signed the Amache National Historic Site Act, which was the Biden-Harris administration’s first National Park System designation. The official national park status aims to ensure that the painful history of Japanese American incarceration during World War II remains etched in the collective memory of the nation.

Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland stressed the importance of acknowledging historical wrongs, saying, “As a nation, we must face the wrongs of our past in order to build a more just and equitable future.”

The news coincides with the annual Day of Remembrance of Japanese Incarceration During WWII on February 19. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the difficulties faced by Japanese Americans during a turbulent period in American history.

Survivors, families, and various groups have spent decades preserving Amache’s old building foundations, roads, and infrastructure. The site contains a monument, a historic cemetery, a network of roads, and numerous restored World War II-era structures, which contributed to its recognition as a National Historic Landmark in 2006 and inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places in 1994.

The National Park Service’s Japanese American Confinement Sites Grant Program has been instrumental in preserving vital places and stories. Since 2009, more than $41 million has been provided to fund 302 initiatives across the country, building partnerships and increasing public knowledge and scholarship about these historical locations.

With the official formation of the Amache National Historic Site, efforts to raise public awareness and promote scholarship will continue. Collaborations with the National Park Service, educational institutions, and other groups are intended to ensure that future generations learn and appreciate this significant and terrible chapter in American history.

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with a screening of 1988’s Who Framed Roger Rabbit , the multiple award-winning film that was a pioneer in blending animation and live action, as well as a suspense-filled detective story with cartoon capers. Associate producer Steve Starkey and co-screenwriter Peter S. Seaman are the focus of the post-screening discussion on March 7 at the Pollock Theater. Things turn more serious on March 12 for And, Towards Happy Alleys , Indian filmmaker Sreemoyee Singh ’s documentary that displays how resistance has become a daily act of survival in contemporary Iranian society. Created through interviews conducted over six years, the film is both a passionate homage to Iranian cinema and poetry, and a stirring testament to those on the front lines of the protest movements currently rocking the country. Singh shares additional insights following the screening. Info at (805) 893-5903 or

Illuminate Ideas and Imagination Through Movies

The area’s newest film festival, and one with a decidedly different focus, gets going next month. The ILLUMINATE Film Festival, an annual celebration of short and fulllength evolutionary cinematic endeavors that aspire to elevate humanity’s sense of self, purpose and possibility, is actually celebrating its 10th anniversary, but relocated from Sedona, Arizona last year. With a mission is to elevate human consciousness and inspire lasting transformation through cinema. ILLUMINATE is a hybrid event, opening with a weekend of live screenings at the Lobero and Fiesta 5 theaters and post-screening discus -

sions. There will be filmmaker Q&A’s, workshops, receptions and parties on April 5-7, continuing online from April 8-14. There’s even a hub for filmmakers and passholders at the new Community Environmental Council space on State Street.

Schedule highlights include Love Over Money , the story of John Robbins , the heir to the BaskinRobbins fortune who took a different path, penning the game-changing Diet for a New America , and Source , a doc about Dr. Joe Dispenza ’s work, followed by an interactive session with the local healer. What the Bleep Do We Know!?, the ground-breaking film that bends fact and fiction in a whimsical Alice in Wonderland adventure into the quantum field, marks its 20th anniversary with a post-screening discussion with the film’s co-director, Will Arntz , who lives in Montecito. Visit https://2024. for more information and passes.

Milt Is Gone, but Magic Marches on

If Juliana Chen hadn’t broken her knee as a foot juggling teenager, we might be seeing the native of the Hunan Province of the People’s Republic of China performing in town with the famous Guangzhou Acrobatic Troupe or another Chinese extravaganza. Instead, Chen chose magic as the best way to channel her dexterity and dreams of a career on stage.

It seems to have worked out.

After just a few years, Chen won the All-China Best Magician competition in 1986, and within a couple of years had emigrated to Canada to study English to be able to bring her magic to the rest of the world. Still working

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 32 “Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.” – Albert Einstein Fabulous Desserts! Scratch made Cakes & Pastries. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Exquisite Wines, Champagne, European Beer. High Tea daily from 2pm. Happy Hour daily 2:30-6pm. 1106 State Street 805-962-5085
Enjoy Santa Barbara
On Entertainment (Continued from 10)
Entertainment Page 394

(solved) through what the world agrees to do, or the sum total of what nation states do, because 2023 was the hottest year on record and we’re on track for 2024 to be the hottest on record. The real question will be whether technologies get invented and then scaled up and made available soon enough to deal with this. I’m actually pretty optimistic on this. It will take public-private partnerships to make that happen and some very creative foreign policies.”

Donors Equip Warriors for NCAA DII Success

This spring, several of Westmont’s athletic facilities have seen dramatic upgrades to accompany the Warriors’ move to National Collegiate Athletic Association

Division II in hopes of attracting exceptional student-athletes who will thrive with a rigorous Christian liberal arts education. The Westmont community and supporters have stepped up to provide vital resources for the challenge.

Westmont baseball dedicated new stadium seating and the Eldred Family Press Box on Feb. 10 at Russell Carr Field, the same day the team celebrated last year’s NAIA World Series Championship with players receiving championship rings.

More than 200 people filled grandstands that alumni Wayne and Sharol Siemens made possible, and another 175 attendees added to the enthusiastic crowd. Wayne, a legendary Westmont first baseman, still holds hitting records.

Jason and Holly Eldred, Dr. Dave


Eldred (’63) and Bette Eldred, and Roger and Tracie Erickson donated the funding for a two-story press box. The much-needed facility provides an excellent view and permanent location for broadcasting games, including audio and video internet streaming previously set up and taken down for each game.

Steady rainfall could not dampen the spirits at the dedication of the Tom and Meg Names Aquatics Center on March 1st. Erin Names Shagren and Monica NamesKing honored their parents, Tom and Meg, who passed away in 2016, by supporting Westmont’s women’s swim team. A grant from the Tom and Meg Names Family Foundation in 2018 allowed Westmont to launch the swim team, hire a head coach, and improve the facilities. “We both agreed that funding the swimming program was a great opportunity and something my parents would be excited about,” Erin says. She and her husband, Mark, are the parents of Megan Shagren (’18). Their investment is yielding a great return: The six-woman team finished eighth in the nation this year and were all named Academic All-Americans.

Wind Beneath Their Wings

The only active-duty Air Force band west of the Rockies energized audiences at two free performances on Feb. 27 at Westmont and Montecito Covenant Church.

The United States Air Force Band of the Golden West Winds woodwind dectet performed several patriotic and classical pieces, including one song that featured kazoos to the delight of the Westmont crowd.

Prior to the performance, Air Force members held a masterclass with student musicians.

The band, under the command conductor Lieutenant Colonel Cristina Moore Urrutia, stayed after its performance to answer questions from dozens of Westmont’s student-musicians. With a motto of Honor Inspire Connect, bandmates encouraged students to pursue a career as an active-duty military musician stationed at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield. The band is constantly on the move, logging more than 250 free performances a year throughout the Western U.S.

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 33
Your Westmont (Continued from 28)
All Wet: The college dedicates the Tom and Meg Names Aquatics Center The new Eldred Family Press Box has already been a hit Technical Sergeant Daniel Shifren, Katherine Tikkanen, Tasha Loh, and Staff Sergeant Jay “Jack” Sutey at the masterclass (photo by Paul Mori) Scott Craig is manager of media relations at Westmont College

Petite Wine Traveler

Uncorking Rioja: A Wine Journey Like No Other

As I set foot into the legendary Rioja wine region, I knew I was about to embark on a journey like no other. After enduring countless delays, my long-awaited adventure – to Rioja, Spain, for the prestigious Rioja Wine Educator Certification Course – felt like a triumphant victory. Nestled in the heart of Spain, Rioja beckoned with its rich tapestry of vine-clad landscapes and centuries-old winemaking traditions. It was more than just a certification course; it was an opportunity to uncover the hidden gems of Rioja’s terroir and immerse myself in its vibrant wine culture. This journey promised to be a sensory feast for the soul, an exploration that would captivate the senses and leave an indelible mark on my wine-loving heart.

Rioja extends across the autonomous regions of La Rioja and Navarre, alongside the Basque province of Álava. This geographical diversity contributes to Rioja’s renowned terroir, characterized by a mosaic of soils, elevations, and microclimates. The region’s climate varies from Atlantic influences in the north to a more Mediterranean influence in the south, fostering ideal conditions for vine cultivation. These diverse environmental factors play a pivotal role in shaping the flavor profile and quality of Rioja wines, making it a cornerstone of Spain’s winemaking heritage.

The Ebro River, meandering through the heart of Rioja, serves as more than just a picturesque backdrop. Its presence is integral to the region’s viticulture, providing fertile soils and a temperate climate ideal for grape cultivation. As the lifeblood of Rioja, the Ebro River nurtures the vineyards that blanket its banks, shaping the terroir and flavor profile of the wines that emerge from this storied land. Just over the Ebro River from the Basque Country lies Haro, the wine capital of Rioja, renowned for producing Spain’s most beloved wines. The Station District (Barrio de la Estación) nestled in Haro boasts the highest concentration of centuries-old wineries in the world, all centered around a pivotal point, the railway station. It’s no wonder it’s dubbed the golden mile of Rioja wine.

Rioja wines hold a special place in many wine lovers’ hearts, often likened to Bordeaux in France. Like its French counterpart, Rioja produces both red and white wines, with its reds gaining international acclaim. Rioja’s winemak-

ing journey intertwines with Bordeaux’s narrative, particularly during the late 19th century when phylloxera – a tiny yellow louse brought to the continent unknowingly by Victorian-era botanists through American native vines – ravaged European vineyards. Drawn by the promise of fertile soils and a hospitable climate reminiscent of their homeland, French winemakers sought refuge and opportunity in Rioja, bringing with them centuries-old winemaking techniques.

During my visit, I delved deep into Rioja’s terroir, exploring vineyards nestled in open plains, terraces, and hillsides. The region’s diverse soils contribute to the unique character of Rioja wines, infusing them with minerality, structure, and finesse.

The wines of Rioja are made primarily from tempranillo and grenache, known as garnacha in Spain. Rioja reds offer a symphony of flavors, ranging from the soft, warm taste of tempranillo with notes of baked strawberries to the luscious, spicy allure of garnacha, reminiscent of mulberries and black pudding. As I explored the charming streets of Logroño, the capital of La Rioja, I stumbled upon a culinary treasure called pinchos that perfectly complemented Rioja’s exquisite wines. These delightful small snacks, often served on skewers or toothpicks, showcased the region’s rich culinary heritage. From succulent meats and cheeses to fresh seafood

Petite Wine Traveler Page 384
Amongst the barrels at Bodegas Baigorri
7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 35

Robert’s Big Questions

Grievance Industry?

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) gained attention recently, due to some of its employees participating in the atrocities of October 7, including kidnappings and murders.

It was not the first time U.N. workers were accused of atrocities. U.N. workers caused a cholera outbreak in Haiti. They committed sexual abuses in Congo. I have written about the importance of international governance and these horrors don’t help.

But that is not the most interesting problem with UNRWA. UNRWA provides essential services for Palestinians: food, housing, education, health care. Isn’t that a good thing? Yes. For refugees. And in the war with Hamas, there really are a lot of Palestinian refugees. Now.

But why were there so many Palestinian refugees before October 7? The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) works to resettle about 108 million refugees in the world today. But only the Palestinians have their own branch of the U.N. In the words of a recent New York Times editorial:

“It’s that UNRWA may be the only agency in the U.N. system whose central purpose is to perpetuate grievance and conflict. It should be abolished.” It goes on:

“The changing borders and independence movements of the post-war era produced millions of refugees: Germans, Indians, Pakistanis, Palestinians and Jews, including some 800,000 Jews who were kicked out of Arab countries that had been their homes for centuries. Nearly all found new lives in new countries – except for Palestinians.”

It concludes: “The Israeli-Palestinian conflict […] can’t be solved so long as millions of Palestinians have been turned into the world’s only permanent refugees. By doing that, UNRWA makes itself an obstacle to peace – reason enough for it to finally go away.”

One of my former lady friends was from a Hindu family from the Sindh region of India; until it was given to Pakistan to become a Muslim state. They traveled from one country to another until they settled, ironically, in Muslim Indonesia. They never received compensation. The U.N. doesn’t have an agency promising that one day they will return to a re-unified India. They got on with their lives and some (who we visited) are now “crazy rich Asians” in Singapore.

The far right has their own grievance industry. “Jews/you will not replace us” were chants at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA. They keep waiting for an imagined future where all of the “non-whites” magically disappear from the U.S. and their grievances are resolved.

In case I haven’t angered everyone yet, I will add that there is a “woke” grievance industry as well. As I recently wrote, Black Americans don’t just live with a legacy of slavery. Slavery continues to this day for many, not just Blacks.

But I also wrote about “woke cancel culture” being in direct opposition to the traditional goals of the Left: Universality, equality, free speech, and justice. Educational organization “Embrace Race” says, “We are racial beings.” Really? I thought we are human beings. They recommend children notice racial differences as if they are very important. They even dare to claim support from “science” despite all evidence to the contrary. Should we now accentuate hair or eye color differences? Freud called this “The Narcissism of Minor Differences.”

The DEI industry is $8 billion/year in the U.S. They create “educational” materials on race, bullying, sexual harassment, and anger management. I recently did one of these “trainings” for my own education for this article. I learned that if a co-worker calls you “honey” or asks for a date, it is not enough for them to accept your “no” for an answer. You are mandated to report the “incident.” Even certain consensual activities outside the office must be reported. Job security for the grievance industry. They are literally asking people to become thought police. In the words of linguist John McWhorter in his book Woke Racism, this policing “infantilizes” people who used to be able to express their concerns to each other as adults.

What started with the best of intentions is now an industry that profits from conflict and grievance. This must end. We need real justice, not manufactured conflict.

Robert Bernstein holds degrees from Physics departments of MIT and UCSB. His passion is to understand the Big Questions of life, the universe and to be a good citizen of the planet. Visit facebook. com/questionbig

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA (“COUNTY”) intends to enter into a Real Property Acquisition Agreement, (“Agreement”) and accept the Temporary Construction Easement (“TCE”) and Permanent Easements for the purpose of facilitating the construction of the Emergency Storm Damage Repairs on E. Mountain Site No. 23STM1-1J41 (“PROJECT”) from Barbara Blau and Robert Kealhofer, Jr., wife and husband as community property with right of survivorship, owners of the property located at 271 E. Mountain Drive Santa Barbara, California, also identified as 013-050-026

The Agreement and Certificate of Acceptance for the TCE will be executed on behalf of the County by Scott D. McGolpin, Director of the Public Works Department, pursuant to Santa Barbara County Code Section 12A-11.1. The Agreement and Certificate of Acceptance will be executed at the Office of the Director of the Public Works Department, located at 123 E. Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101.

Responses to this notice will be accepted at the Office of the Manager of the Transportation Division, at the following address:

Public Works Department

Transportation Division

Attn: Transportation Division Manager 123 E. Anapamu Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101


Montecito Journal


NAME STATEMENT: The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Pooch Parlor, 1194 Mustang Drive, Santa Ynez, CA 93460. Natalie Taylor, PO Box 978, Santa Ynez, CA 93460. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 27, 2024. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL).

FBN No. 2024-0000503. Published March 6, 13, 20, 27, 2024


NAME STATEMENT: The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Casa Dorinda, 300 Hot Springs Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. Montecito Retirement Association, 300 Hot Springs Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 23, 2024. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL).

FBN No. 2024-0000469. Published March 6, 13, 20, 27, 2024


NAME STATEMENT: The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Stay Montecito, 412 East Haley Street, Studio 3, Santa Barbara, CA 93101.

2070 East Valley Road, LLC, 412 East Haley Street, Studio 3, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on February 14, 2024. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office.

Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN No. 20240000398. Published February 21, 28, March 6, 13, 2024


NAME STATEMENT: The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Stillpoint Santa Barbara Corp, 212 Cottage Grove Ave, STE B, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. Stillpoint Santa Barbara, 212 Cottage Grove Ave, STE B, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on January 30, 2024. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office.

Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN No. 20240000244. Published February 14, 21, 28, March 6, 2024


NAME STATEMENT: The following person(s) is/are doing business as: River Road Properties, 3993 Foothill Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110. Mark A Corliss, 3993 Foothill Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110. This statement was filed with the

County Clerk of Santa Barbara County on January 30, 2024. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN No. 2024-0000240. Published February 7, 14, 21, 28, 2024

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME: CASE No. 24CV00410. To all interested parties: Petitioner Rafael Altair Romero by Ivy Wang filed a petition with Superior Court of California, County of Santa Barbara, for a decree changing name to Lance Joseph Wang. The Court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Filed February 2, 2024 by Terri Chavez. Hearing date: April 3, 2024 at 10 am in Dept. 3, 1100 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. Published February 14, 21, 28, March 6, 2024

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 36 “I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be.” –


war,” as well as “denounce any celebration of the October 7th pogrom as vehemently antisemitic, anti-humanist, and morally despicable.”

After the presentations, the Rabbi led the attendees in giving thanks to the Troskys for hosting and read Psalm 121. The event was sponsored by an anonymous donor who wishes to bring community together and support Israel.

Friedson is currently on a speaking tour across the USA and will be in Boston next week. United Hatzalah is getting ready to host its annual gala on March 20th in Los Angeles featuring Gal Gadot and honoring Michael Milken

Assemblymember Gregg Hart Awarded Legislator of the Year

The California Special District Association (CSDA) awarded Assemblymember Gregg Hart, California State Assembly, District 37, as the Legislator of the Year.

The award ceremony took place at the Montecito Fire Department on Friday, March 1st.

Hart was honored for his support of local service specialists responsible for providing water, sanitation, healthcare, fire protection, parks, open space, resource conservation, mosquito abatement, and other essential services and infrastructure to communities throughout California.

Of interest to the CA Special District Association is Hart’s work on AB 557, which allows local agencies to continue meeting remotely during a declared state of emergency when it is unsafe to meet in-person. During the pandemic, the State Legislature approved remote meetings in recognition of safety, but the ability to meet remotely was set to terminate on January 1, 2024. AB 557 was signed into law and allows remote meetings to continue, provided they are accompanied by a formal state of emergency declaration made by the Governor.

CSDA Board President Elaine Magner stated, “Assemblymember Gregg Hart has been a real champion for special districts. We are so fortunate Assemblymember Hart authored AB 557 that allows special district boards to continue operating safely during a state of emergency. He understands that special districts provide crucial services for millions of Californians that cannot be interrupted due to emergencies.”

In accepting his award, Hart’s statement was most poignant, “I am very grateful to be recognized as the California Special District Association’s Legislator of the Year. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to our local special district professionals. From firefighters and engineers to water technicians and park stewards, I am grateful for the folks who serve our communities every day. Our local special districts have taken on difficult challenges, including keeping our water running during extreme shortages, responding to wildfires and other disasters, and providing new services to historically underserved communities.”

Additional comments were made by Montecito Fire Protection District Fire

Chief David Neels, who stated, “On behalf of our Board of Directors, we are happy to host this event today with CSDA as we honor Assemblymember Hart. His invaluable support for special districts has ensured our board members can continue to serve their constituents in a safe manner, even during a state of emergency. We are fortunate to have an Assemblymember that is willing to partner with special districts as we continue to provide for the safety of our communities.”

Fire Chief Neels was followed by Tom Fayram , the retired County Flood Control Director who now serves as president of the Los Olivos Community Services District. Fayram described the partnership in supporting the recovery efforts in the years following the 1/9 debris flow and responding to other emergencies, saying “While technically I worked for the County Board of Supervisors, I always felt like I worked with Supervisor Hart. We all benefit now from his service as our Assemblymember.”

The event was attended by many local public safety officials including SB County Fire Chief Mark Hartwig , SB City Fire Chief Chris Mailes, and CHP Commander Michael Logie . Also present were representatives from the Montecito Water District, Montecito Sanitary District, and the Montecito Association’s Houghton Hyatt


The First Leap Year Baby at SB Cottage Hospital

Santa Barbara Cottage Health announced its first Leap Year Baby birth!

Our town’s newest resident is Ezra Kai Avila, born on February 29, 2024, at 2:19 am, weighing 6 pounds, 7 ounces, and measuring 19.5 inches in length.

Ezra’s birth is unique as this date only occurs every four years.

Proud parents, Veronica Ortega and Miguel Angel Avila of Goleta were overjoyed by his arrival. As first-time parents, they found Ezra’s Leap Day birth exciting and unique.

Babies born on this rare day are affectionately recognized as “leaplings” or “leapers.” Less than one percent of the global population are born on this day.

The Montecito Journal joins SB Cottage Health in extending warm congratulations to the proud parents and their families on the arrival of their Ezra!

In 2023, nearly 2,000 babies were born at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital. From the Birth Center to the Mother Infant Unit, to Cottage Children’s Medical Center

Our Town Page 384

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 37
Our Town (Continued from 12)
Executive Director of Chabad of Montecito Rabbi Chaim Loschak (photo by Leah Shifrin) Assemblymember Gregg Hart (photo by Ethan Bertrand) Celebrating Assemblymember Gregg Hart at the Montecito Fire Protection District (photo by Ethan Bertrand) Ezra Kai Avila is a Leap Year Baby, born February 29 at SB Cottage Hospital (photo courtesy SB Cottage Health)

and Grotenhuis Pediatric Clinics, the Cottage Health staff is honored to offer care and compassion to children in all stages of their lives.


Southern California Museums’ 19th Annual Free-for-All Day Event

The SoCal Museums organization is holding its 19th Annual Museums Free All Day event on Saturday, March 23.

This free ticket covers all ages for general admission at over 30 museums from Santa Barbara County through Los Angeles County. The museums participating cover the arts, cultural heritage, natural history, and science. And the free day comes around Spring Break week for some schools as well, so it’s a great day to get out with the entire family.

Local participating museums are the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History and the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Their marketing departments for the event are collaborating with the Museum of Ventura County.

In Los Angeles, it’s the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, Autry Museum of the West, The Broad, California Botanical Center, California Science Center, Columbia Memorial Space Center, The Getty Center and The Getty Villa, the Grammy Museum, the Japanese American National Museum and the Zimmerman Automobile Driving Museum to name a few!

Alexa Nishimoto, the SoCal President and also Marketing Associate of the Japanese American National Museum, shared in her press release, “We are thrilled, once again, to invite visitors from across Southern California to see the remarkable range of art, cultural heritage, natural history, film, and science that our museums and cultural organizations have to offer. The Museums Free-for-All has always been an opportunity for people to see something new or to revisit a treasured spot. The Free-for-All also serves as a reminder that many museums here in Southern California are always free and others offer these types of opportunities year-round.”

Some museums still ask to make reservations, as they expect a large attendance that day and need to plan for it. It does not apply to specially ticketed exhibitions. Regular parking fees apply at each museum. Consult individual museum websites for hours, directions, and other visitor information.

SoCal Museums (SCM) is a group of marketing and communications professionals from museums all over Southern California. The mission of the organization is to foster dialogue between marketing and communications museum professionals in Southern California in order to learn from each other, network, conceptualize and execute ways to increase visitation to and awareness of museums in Southern California, and develop collaborative opportunities between museums. 411:

Joanne A Calitri is a professional international photographer and journalist. Contact her at: artraks@

and vibrant vegetables, pinchos offered a tantalizing array of flavors and textures that danced on the palate. Pairing these delectable bites with Rioja’s signature tempranillo and garnacha wines was a match made in gastronomic heaven. The robust and fruity notes of tempranillo beautifully complemented the savory richness of the pinchos, while the bright acidity and berry flavors of garnacha provided a refreshing contrast. It was a culinary experience that heightened the senses and elevated the enjoyment of both food and wine.

However, Rioja’s allure extends beyond its wine and food; it’s a region of breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture, and unparalleled hospitality. Its terroir, shaped by diverse soils and microclimates, adds layers of complexity to its wines. From the limestone-rich soils of Rioja Alavesa to the ferrous-clay soils of Rioja Alta and the alluvial plains of Rioja Oriental, each region offers a distinct expression of Rioja’s winemaking prowess.

fall offers the spectacle of harvest season, with vineyards bustling with activity and the air filled with the aroma of ripening grapes. However, my own experience visiting in January revealed a serene beauty, with crisp morning air invigorating vineyard strolls and fewer crowds allowing for more intimate tastings and experiences.

As I bade farewell to Rioja and reflected on my journey, I couldn’t help but draw parallels between this storied Spanish wine region and our picturesque landscapes of Santa Barbara County. Both regions boast a rich tapestry of terroir and a deep-rooted winemaking tradition that captivates enthusiasts worldwide. What struck me most was the shared appreciation for grenache, which thrives in both climates, contributing to wines of exceptional quality. Just as Rioja’s garnacha lends its spicy allure and vibrant berry flavors to the region’s renowned red blends, Santa Barbara’s grenache vines, caressed by the Pacific breeze, produce wines of remarkable finesse and elegance. It’s a testament to the universal language of wine, transcending borders to unite wine lovers in appreciation of nature’s bounty and the artistry of winemaking.

My journey unveiled a blend of oldworld wineries entrenched in tradition and modern marvels boasting cutting-edge technology. From the historic charm of Bodegas Baigorri to the ultra-modern splendor of Bodegas Beronia, each offered a window into Rioja’s rich winemaking legacy. A standout moment was encountering Europe’s inaugural LEED-certified winery, Bodegas Beronia. Situated in Rioja Alta, this sustainable gem seamlessly integrates with the hillside, preserving the landscape’s natural beauty and reducing its environmental impact.

For those seeking to explore the enchanting Rioja wine region, the best time to visit largely depends on personal preferences and desired experiences. While Rioja offers its charms year-round, many travelers find the mild temperatures and vibrant colors of spring and fall particularly enticing. Spring brings the awakening of vineyards with budding grapevines and blossoming flowers, while

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 38 “Everything must be made as simple as possible. But not simpler.” – Albert Einstein CA$H ON THE SPOT CLASSIC CARS RV’S • CARS SUV • TRUCKS MOTORHOMES 702-210-7725 We come to you!
Our Town (Continued from 37)
from 34)
Petite Wine Traveler (Continued Pruning vines in Rioja Oriental The lineup at Izadi Winery

only part time as a magician, she claimed the “Stage Magician of the Year” award at the annual convention of The International Brotherhood of Magicians in 1992. Five years later, Chen won the ultra-prestigious World Championship at the World Congress of Magicians (FISM) in Dresden, Germany, known as the “Olympics” of Magic as the event is only held every three years.

“I was the first woman in history to win this title in manipulation, which is the most difficult category for magicians,” Chen recalled over the phone from her home in Las Vegas, where she’s lived for more than 20 years. “My magic is a little different from others. It’s a mix of western and eastern culture together. Because of that, and as the first lady to win the title, it’s given me a lot of work and kept me popular through today.”

Despite her decades of experience, Chen said she’s still learning more about magic, developing new tricks and practicing new routines, including one with linking rings that she just performed at the Magic Castle in Hollywood not long ago.

“I still enjoy it. I always have a deck of cards in my hand. It doesn’t matter whether I’m sitting in the car at a traffic light, or watching a show. I’m always practicing.”

When she appears at the Lobero as part of It’s Magic! on March 9, her performance will be a bit more familiar.

“I do the piece that won the world championship,” she said. “Cards, mask change, and quick changes.”

Saturday’s It’s Magic! pair of performances is the first iteration of the half-century old annual revue since co-founder and producer Milt Larsen, the magician and TV writer who also co-founded Hollywood’s famed Magic Castle, passed away last May. The ensemble of prestidigitators includes Jay Johnson, whose comedy theatrical ventriloquism performance Jay Johnson: The Two and Only has won Tony and Los Angeles Ovation Awards; comedian Dana Daniels and Luigi, the “Psychic Parrot”; Les Arnold and his daughter Dazzle’s magic-parody act featuring mind-boggling illusions in the grand style with modern twists and humor; and Jason Bishop , who covers the gamut by encompassing sleight of hand, grand illusions, and close-up magic projected onto a large screen.

“It’s a lot of good magicians working together,” said Chen, who also spends much of her time training young magicians from China and elsewhere. “We’re always happy to support this program, which is great for the whole family.”


Flower Power: Orchid Overflow at Showgrounds

Folks who aren’t fanatical about orchids may not realize it, but the Santa Barbara International Orchid Show is a very big deal. The show’s longevity is a big part of that – it’s been nearly eight decades since its first iteration in at the Montecito Grange Hall in 1945, and the SBIOS has ensconced at Earl Warren Showgrounds since the rotunda building opened in the early 1960s – when the showground’s namesake was chief justice of the Supreme Court.

The show is as prestigious as was Chief Justice Warren himself. Growers, breeders, and others travel from far and wide to marvel at the magnificent displays and gape at amazing arrangements, consult with The Orchid Doctor and gardeners about plant questions, watch demonstrations, learn more about the flowers and shop at Vendor Hall to bring home beautiful varieties.

That’s why 8,000 people came out for last year’s SBIOS, the first time it was held in three years due to the pandemic.

“It went like gangbusters,” exclaimed Lauris Rose, President of Santa Barbara International Orchid Show. “There was just so much pent-up demand for us to come back.”

Due to high-tech laboratory techniques that make possible the cloning of a wide variety of orchids at mass marketable prices – every grocery store in town now sells a variety or two – the plants’ popularity has exploded. But Rose, who is also co-owner of Cal-Orchid, Inc., on More Mesa – one of the largest and oldest orchid nurseries in the area – explained that the show offers an opportunity for everyone to see the latest hybrids, crossbreeds and more in the world of orchids, representing a larger sampling of the more than 30,000 varieties in the world, all of which fascinate both collectors and the merely curious.

“We’re always trying to grow better forms of species – as is the whole orchid community. People jump at the chance to be able to come to Santa Barbara and see something different, not just orchids with trainer wheels,” she said.

Many of her colleagues, large and small, are among the exhibitors and vendors at the show. This gives attendees access to the experts for advice and suggestions.

“You’re not dealing with salesclerks,” Rose said. “These are people who own the nurseries. They can tell you about growing conditions and give you guidance for care.”

There are many ways to experience the show over the long weekend, March 7-10, including a yoga and sound bath night on Thursday, “Orchids After Dark” on Saturday night, and more. Visit https:// for details and tickets.

Kings & Strings

Doublewide and salty, that’s how I like my music. Last summer’s “Local Vibes” concert at Elings Park paired the classic-rock conglomerate The Doublewide Kings with the Bren School-formed boundary-busting bluegrass band Salty Strings. The performance was transcendent, despite power failures and a freak five-minute thunderstorm. It’s not likely such shenanigans will repeat, and the two bands aren’t actually sharing a bill again, but they are sharing a stage at SOhO, albeit on successive nights. The Kings will concentrate on one of their favorite classic rock heroes, covering Creedence Clearwater Revival in both acoustic/dinner and electric/dance sets on March 8. Salty Strings, most of whose members have moved away so gigs are much more rare, also play both formats. They go

completely acoustic – as in unplugged and unamplified – at their favorite outdoor spot on the bluffs at Douglas Family Preserve just before sunset on March 8 – which means you can still see Doublewide at SOhO later on that evening. Salty Strings then plugs in for more at SOhO on March 9, when local bluegrass compatriots Down Yonder open the show.

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 39 Creating Beautiful Smiles Dr. Michelle Stivers, DDS 1805 State Street Santa Barbara, CA 805-569-1481 805 969-1995 Luxury Vacation Rentals Short or Long Term Interior Design Services also available Hire the best in the industry to manage your income property. Please stop in and visit us 26 years serving the Santa Barbara community Melissa M. Pierson, Owner 1211 Coast Village Road #4 Montecito, CA 93108 Coastal HideawaysInc.
(805) 963-0761 or visit www. for tickets.
On Entertainment (Continued from 32)
The Santa Barbara International Orchid Show is happening again from March 7-10 with a special Orchids After Dark event this Saturday (photo by Arthur Pinkers) Steven Libowitz has covered a plethora of topics for the Journal since 1997, and now leads our extensive arts and entertainment coverage

not forget that everything started here in Santa Barbara. “This town is a very important community to me because it’s where I decided to call home in 2009. Our company started here, in coffee shops, coworking spaces, at my house, and my garage.”

Wanting to build a relationship with the people in town, Echanique made sure that customers could find Mikuna in local stores as well, such as Lazy Acres, Pacific Health Foods in Carpinteria, and in the restaurant Backyard Bowls (where he is a

long-term customer). The next step for Echanique’s business is to expand into smoothie and juice bars and eventually into places like Sprouts. As more opportunities arise in stores, so does the potential to provide worldwide alternative choices to the current protein powders on the market. “It is our challenge, as well as our mission to bring chocho to the world.”

Being an athlete himself, Echanique is proud to have on his team three time world surfing champion Mick Fanning, and six-time X Games skateboard gold medalist Leticia Bufoni to represent his product. “Having them on the Mikuna team is a dream come true. I am very grateful, and it only validates the product, the idea and concept of chocho, and how powerful it is.”

Amélie Dieux is a French born freelance writer and world traveler – on a mission to provide information with articles that delight and inspire

Independent Mind (Continued from 16)

impossible to see, but it is more probable than not that our bout with higher inflation isn’t over.

There are consequences to deficit spending besides inflation. One is that the days of cheap interest rates are over. The immense load of present and future public and private debt will keep interest rates high. That is a problem for our government which has to pay interest on the national debt and it is a problem for private borrowers whose projects and investments were based on cheap debt.

This is why I worry about money. It’s not just me; many well-known investors, bankers, and economists are saying the same thing. Maybe artificial intelligence will lead us to untold prosperity but that is more hopium than reality. Reality is deficit spending forever, an over-leveraged economy, more inflation over time, and higher interest rates. We can’t tax ourselves out of this conundrum, but what we can and should do is curtail government spending and balance the budget.

Jeffrey Harding is a real estate investor and long-time resident of Montecito. He previously published a popular financial blog, The Daily Capitalist. He is a retired SBCC adjunct professor.


Live somewhere else? We deliver.

Code to

course, under the foundation’s “Hopeful Housing” initiative.

“Case management is onsite,” says Abby Lindros, youth program coordinator. “So we’ll be doing goal oriented and strength-based management, supporting residents in their goals like education and career building, and eventually we’ll get them independent housing with a housing navigator who will support them in building connections in the community.”

Among those turning out for the opening barbecue bash were foundation president Dean Wilson, Das Williams, John Daly, Jackie Carrera , Oscar Gutierrez, and Drew Wakefield

A ‘Seraglio’ Show

To the Arlington Theatre for the onenight only revival of the folkloric ballet Seraglio, an Eastern version of Romeo and Juliet, written, choreographed and produced by Santa Barbara’s Alexandra King

The colorful three-act, two-hour pro-

duction was first presented in 1989 in our Eden by the Beach, Ojai, Culver City, and Salt Lake City, featuring Greek and Turkish folk dances.

With elaborate sets, an energized score, and more than 40 gloriously Miscellany Page 424

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 40 “I have no
talents. I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein
Miscellany (Continued from 8) Food Files (Continued from 20)
KEYT reporter Mina Wahab and chief photographer Ryder Christ (photo by Priscilla) Turner Foundation recently opened its Dunamis House (photo by Priscilla) Santa Barbara’s Alexandra King (center) wrote, choreographed, and produced Seraglio (photo by Priscilla) The folkloric ballet Seraglio was an Eastern version of Romeo and Juliet (photo by Priscilla)
subscribe today!
Each bag of Mikuna protein powder contains only one to five ingredients (courtesy photo)

father, a former soldier for the south, was a target of the new government, he knew the chances of successfully escaping were slim. He took Alice with him. If he and Alice were able to get through, he planned to return for his wife and Alice’s two sisters when times were calmer and less dangerous. They would follow two years later.

Open Water in the South China Sea

The Vietnam war had officially “ended” with the fall of Saigon in 1975. But for the former “South Vietnamese” – America’s onetime allies in that civil war – a new epoch of misery was just beginning as collective punishment was enacted and a desperate and massive migration of refugees began. It’s estimated that between 1975 and 1995, some 800,000 Vietnamese people fled their homeland by boat and made it, in some condition, to another country. But between 200,000 and 400,000 refugees perished at sea. “I have a cousin who went with two brothers and they died in the ocean,” Alice says. The ragtag flotilla of fishing and other boats were attacked by pirates, drowned in the turbulent waves, or had their small engines quit, casting the foodless, waterless, crowded boats adrift in the trackless ocean. Countless little boats were simply swamped by the weight of the desperately crowded escapees and sank in the middle of the South China Sea.

Under cover of night, Alice and her father joined some 30 others on a small fishing boat and shoved off from coastal Da Nang. “We went to Hong Kong in a little boat on the ocean. We almost died,” Alice says. Hong Kong was an on-again off-again port of entry for the flood tide of escaping Vietnamese, and 670 nautical miles from Da Nang. “There was a lot of waves – a storm. No food, no water, and no sight of land.” When seas were calm the boat barely cleared the surface. “I think around 30 people were on the small boat. And it was very close to the water.” Alice gestures to indicate about 8 inches between the deck and the sea. Incredibly, they made landfall in Hong Kong. Alice’s dear father was rushed to a Hong Kong hospital and had his heart properly addressed, though he would be forever compromised. They lived in the Chi Ma Wan Detention Centre for two years, and in that time Alice befriended a young man. “We met each other when we lived in the camp,” she says, smiling.


Alice’s new friend would leave Chi Ma Wan Detention Centre before her,

saying his goodbyes and travelling with a contingent of other refugees to the Philippines where a sort of school had been set up to acculturate the Vietnamese who were USA-bound. Through years and miles – thousands of miles – the two would stay in touch. “But we wrote letters at that time, no phone, no nothing,” Alice says. Each would marry and begin anew in the States, Alice and her father – and in time her mom and two sisters – making a life in San Jose for 14 years. Alice would go to school, and thereafter learn the skills she has now long since mastered, becoming licensed at 17. She would marry and divorce. When one day a letter arrived, it was from the pal she’d met in Hong Kong’s Chi Ma Wan Detention Centre. He had ended up in Simi Valley, and was by then himself divorced. The spirit-breaking circumstances of Alice’s leaving Vietnam and coming to America; the story seems a bit dark to accommodate a word like “Kismet”. But when a bolt of sunlight pours into the room, call it what you will.

“He had moved up to the central coast from Simi Valley with his family,” Alice says, “because he had a sister go to UCSB. He moved here and he stayed.” And he had taken to the area. “He said he wants to live here and to die here. He doesn’t want to go anywhere else. That’s when I got back with him. And I moved here from San Jose.” Vietnam has liberalized somewhat. Google “escape Da Nang” and you’ll be assaulted by towering beachfront hotels and vacay come-ons with the theme ”Escape to Da Nang.” On a visit several years ago, Alice found her old neighborhood gone and everything otherwise changed. It is no longer the ruined place she fled, but neither is it completely free. And neither is it home anymore. Alice looks at me with a firm expression. “Here there is freedom to speak. Over there you have to watch out when you say something. Here is my home because I love this country.”

Alice and her friend had bumped into each other in another time and place under extremely trying circumstances 7,100 miles away. Today the former detainees are man and wife with three grown daughters. Alice Tran’s first job on arriving in Montecito was with Leora Gaspar at her salon Red Studio, and under Leora’s friendship Alice truly inhabited the artist she is today, opening her own boutique and falling in love with her clients, Montecito, her family, and life itself.

Her dear father, a guiding light through her darkest period, is gone. “He passed away seven or eight years. My dad...” she says, and goes momentarily

silent. “Talking with my dad, I always remember and I have a tear. I never forget when I spent time with my dad, the two of us alone in Hong Kong. A lot of memory…” Imagine, if you can, 13 year-old Alice grasping her father’s hand as they and a group of terrified strangers push carefully away from the moonlit coast of Da Nang in utter silence. Then the terrifying open sea, landfall, and her dad’s wounded heart; never completely healed, but finally whole. The story brings Alice to the impossible sweetness of Coast Village Road. What she and her father endured together is indescribable, and now he has passed through to yet another shore. The bond between a dad and his daughter is special, I offer. “Yes, yes,” Alice nods, her eyes clouding. “Very special.”


Musical HellHounds

Jeff Wing is a journalist, raconteur, autodidact, and polysyllable enthusiast. He has been writing about Montecito and environs since before some people were born. He can be reached at jeff@

The former Channel Drive estate of the late Robert Preston – he of The Music Man and late-period Blake Edwards masterpiece Victor/Victoria (with Julie Andrews and James Garner) – is hidden behind topical-looking walls of bamboo and a grand-looking gate. Standing before the imposing gate one evening I warbled the lovely Victor/Victoria tune “Crazy World” (Mancini-Bricusse) – giving it my best Julie Andrews. Open Sesame! I was smiling from ear to ear as the regal-looking gate swung slowly open with an electronic whisper – to reveal a pack of red-eyed hounds not unlike the slavering hell-mutts that chased Gregory Peck in The Omen. I did my panicked best to sing the tune in reverse and they were upon me. Next time I’ll try “Le Jazz Hot!” from the same delightful show. And I’ll bring some Scooby Snacks.

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 41
Beings & Doings (Continued from 6)

garbed cast members, the exotic show translated into a fun night.

Gavin Martinez and Zia Zografos as the two principals played their roles well, as did the rest of the talented cast.

King opened her eponymous dance school in 1981 and for four years was a lecturer with UCSB’s Department of Dramatic Arts and Dance teaching Middle Eastern dance.

A dazzling show...

On Tour with Ivor

How fitting that on the 60th anniversary of The Beatles “invasion” of America, an old friend, Ivor Davis – who toured with the Fab Four as an “embedded” correspondent for the London Daily Express, one of the world’s largest newspapers at the time with five million readers – should give a fascinating talk at the venerable Santa Barbara Club on his unique experience

Ivor, 86, who has just published an anniversary edition of The Beatles and Me On Tour, covered John, George, Paul and Ringo’s North American tour from start to finish; the only British national newspaper to do so.

“I was given incredible 24-hour access to them, crisscrossing America on their private jet and also being a passenger in limo Number Two,” says Ivor, who lives in Ventura County, and incidentally

became George Harrison’s ghost writer. The new book dishes up new riveting behind-the-scenes stories only an insider knows.

Ivor has also written for the London and New York Times, and Los Angeles Magazine, as well as being involved in a documentary on the Beatles which debuted at the Ojai Film Festival in 2021.

Meet the Neighbor

Montecito animal rights activist Gretchen Lieff didn’t have to look far

when she moved into a new estate.

The property, built in 1964 and designed by architect Carl Hillmann, was right next door to her former Arcady home!

To mark the occasion Gretchen, owner of the La Lieff vineyard and Funk Zone tasting room, hosted a socially gridlocked housewarming barbecue with Thomasine Richards, Kathryn Martin, Brendon Twigden, Lisa Osborn, Edie Caldwell , ubiquitous TV reporter John Palminteri, Cheryl Doty, Ross Anderson, Ariana Katovich, and Mary Ann Storch

O Letting Go

Former TV talk show host Oprah Winfrey is leaving the board of WeightWatchers and will donate her stake in the company “to eliminate any perceived conflict of interest around her taking weight loss medications,” according to the company, also known as WW International.

Shares in WW International fell by 27% in extended trading following the news, according to the BBC.

WeightWatchers made the announcement in a press release shared with the Securities and Exchange Commission last week, which said the longtime Montecito resident would not be standing to reelection at the May shareholders meeting.

The move ends Oprah’s nine-year tenure on the Weightwatchers board.

Her current 1.4% stake in the New York-based weight loss program, reportedly worth $12 million, will be donated to the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Oprah reveled to People she has been taking a prescription weight-loss drug as a tool to manage her diet and “not yo-yoing.”

Pulling from the Inspirational Well of Children

Prince Harry paid tribute to Britain’s inspirational seriously ill children as he issued a new video asking for nominations for 2024’s WellChild Awards.

The charity works to make it possible for children and young people with exceptional health needs to be cared for at home instead of in hospitals.

In the video appearing on Twitter, the Riven Rock resident said: “The WellChild Awards are our chance to celebrate the extraordinary strength and spirit of young people affected by complex medical conditions across the United Kingdom.

“It allows us to shine a spotlight on the resilience and positivity that they demonstrate every single day and to recognize the incredible support from families and friends and professionals around them.

“It is such a privilege to honor the immense courage and compassion of this incredible community, but to do that we need to take a moment and nominate the remarkable individuals who inspire you.”

A Firework Show to Remember

Santa Barbara singer Katy Perry has opened up about her impoverished upbringing as the daughter of Pentecostal parents, Keith and Mary Hudson, who often had to rely on food stamps and food banks to survive.

The former Dos Pueblos High student, 39, now reportedly worth $530 million, tells People: “You want to talk about food stamps? I can talk about food stamps.

“You want to talk about food banks? I can talk about food banks. You want to talk about busking in the street as a teenager hoping to make $20 to cover yourself? I can talk about that too.”

Katy’s upbringing led to her to want

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 42
“Love is a better master than duty.” – Albert Einstein
Miscellany (Continued from 40)
The snake dance had the audience slithering in their seats (photo by Priscilla) Beatles chronicler tells all at the Santa Barbara Club (courtesy photo) Some of Gretchen’s friends came by to help her warm up the new homestead (photo by Priscilla) Jan Wesemann and Gretchen Lieff at her father’s baby grand piano (photo by Priscilla) Gretchen Lieff and one of her furry friends (photo by Priscilla)

to make a serious difference in the world beyond her singing career.

She and her sister, Angela Hudson Lerche , founded the Firework Foundation in 2018 as a means to help youngsters in underserved communities have access to the arts.

“If in a hundred years nobody knows Katy Perry or the song ‘Firework,’ but they know what the Firework Foundation is, then I’ll have fulfilled my purpose,” adds Katy proudly.

Family Influences

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow credits her interest in health and wellness to her late father Bruce Paltrow’s battle with cancer.

The Oscar winner, 51, who was headlining at the MAKERS conference in Beverly Hills took to social media shortly afterwards to conduct an “Ask Me A Question” session.

The Goop founder says it “stemmed from a family tragedy.”

“I got into wellness when my father was diagnosed with cancer when I was 25 years old,” she said. “That started to catalyze my understanding of food, environmental toxins, food as medicine, and alternative stuff like acupuncture. So it started a long time ago.”

The Montecito resident also worked with the esteemed director in the 2000 movie Duets before his death of throat cancer at the age of 59.

Lord Jacob Rothschild and Iris Apfel Remembered

On a personal note, I mark the passing of Lord Jacob Rothschild, a billionaire financier who applied his energies to art and heritage, who has died in London at 87.

Given his passion for history, buildings, and collecting, he left a major mark on Britain’s national heritage.

I first met the charming peer at Spencer House, the impressive 18th century haunt of the late Princess Diana’s family, when his company bought a lease on the property overlooking Green Park in 1985 (just a tiara’s toss from the Ritz Hotel), which was a hideous jumble of offices, and restored it to its former glory.

Three years later Rothschild inherited the $130 million estate of Dollie de Rothschild, a descendant of the French branch of the banking dynasty. Her home, Waddesdon Manor, was the last of the great 19th century Rothschild houses, a full-blown chateau in the lush Buckinghamshire countryside, designed as a showcase for the magnificent collection of art, tapestries, and furniture.

It was given to Britain’s National Trust

in 1957 of which I am a life member with the Royal Oak Foundation, its U.S. arm, and Rothschild set to restoring it to its former glory at his own expense, supervising every detail himself.

An utterly charming and most philanthropic individual.

I also remember New York fixture Iris Apfel who has died at her Palm Beach, Florida, home at the age of 102.

A unique tastemaker, Apfel was known for her colorful eccentric style who found herself the focus of museum exhibitions, including one at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2005.

She also worked with nine presidential wives on design restoration at the White House using fabrics from her company, Old World Weavers.

A truly extraordinary woman and American original ...


Oscar winner Kevin Costner noshing with friends at the Boathouse at Hendry’s Beach... Meghan Markle skiing at Powder Mountain in Utah... Warbler Katy Perry sightseeing in Melbourne, Australia.

Pip! Pip!

From musings on the Royals to celebrity real estate deals, Richard Mineards is our man on the society scene and has been for more than 15 years

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 43
Iris Apfel R.I.P. (photo by MiamiFilmFestival via Wikimedia Commons)


Calendar of Events


Jenny, Jenny, Jenny – There actually never has been anybody named Jenny in the vocal trio The Wailin’ Jennys. The moniker was just a tongue-in-cheek play on country star Waylon Jennings’ name – adopted by three solo singer-songwriters from Canada who thought they were getting together for a one-time-only performance at a tiny guitar shop in Winnipeg. Now an international folk sensation, two of the Jennys’ founding members – soprano Nicky Mehta and mezzo Ruth Moody – were joined in 2007 by Maine-based alto Heather Masse, just five years after the trio’s founding, and three years after the debut album, 40 Days, claimed a Juno Award (the Canadian Grammy). Their distinct voices in varied vocal ranges combine to create what’s been called an achingly perfect vocal sound. Take a ride on their bluegrass-folk train.

WHEN: 7:30 pm

WHERE: Lobero Theatre, 33 E. Canon Perdido St.

COST: $45 & $59 ($106 VIP tickets includes premier seating and a pre-show reception with drinks and hors d’oeuvres)

INFO: (805) 963-0761 or

Atlanta at the Forefront – Despite rising awareness of and efforts to combat the gender gap, Nathalie Stutzmann, the French contralto turned conductor, became just the second woman in history to lead a major American orchestra when she officially assumed the role of Music Director of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra for the 202223 season. Now halfway through her sophomore season, Stutzmann will front the world-class ensemble that has won 27 Grammys since its founding in 1945, for the penultimate concert in CAMA’s International Season at the Granada tonight. Haochen Zhang – the Chinese pianist who was a Gold Medalist of the prestigious 13th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 2009 and has since gone on to captivate


1st Thursday – Nearly 30 galleries, shops and other locales are staying open ‘til 8 to welcome locals and visitors alike for March’s installment of the downtown art-and-culture tour. Among the highlights: Holy Water, María Rendón’s second solo exhibition at Sullivan Goss (11 E. Anapamu), has its opening reception for the artist who nearly sold out her 2021 exhibition at the gallery. Also on view are works by Whitney Brooks Abbott and the Winter Salon… Santa Barbara County Office of Arts & Culture (105 E. Anapamu) has its opening reception for New Muralism: Inclusive Visions of Self and Place, featuring work by artists from Slingshot / Alpha Art Studio, a progressive art center that supports local artists with intellectual and developmental disabilities… Work Zones (351 Paseo Nuevo, 2nd Floor) adorns their gallery-like co-working space with No Place I’d Rather Be…, Brian Woolford’s exhibition of large, meditative paintings are meant to encourage you to fill in the blank spaces and escape the day-to-day realities… Legacy Arts Listening Room (1230 State) is bringing back its sound healing/sound bath meditations and well-being practices for a free 1st Thursday immersion. Sound bowls, gongs, flute, didgeridoo and other musical instruments are employed to reduce stress and anxiety by inducing a state of relaxation, which can lead to a reduction in pain, better sleep, removal of toxins, and strengthening of immune systems.

WHEN: 5-8 pm

WHERE: Lower State Street and side streets

COST: free

INFO: (805) 962-2098 or


Gray Matters: What’s New, Pussycat? – The Australian-born actress, dancer and cabaret performer Melissa Madden Gray, who is far better known by her stage name Meow Meow, has done plenty of legitimate theater as well as opera, musicals, concerts and recordings. But the post-post-modern diva – as she’s been dubbed – is a specialist in cabaret of bygone eras that she crafts into her own slyly entertaining extravaganzas that have hypnotized, inspired, and terrified audiences worldwide. Meow Meow’s new show Sequins and Satire, Divas and Disruptors: The Wild Women of the Weimar Republic has been praised as a wildly entertaining tribute to the women of the Weimar Republic – both real and imagined. “She’s part of a neo-cabaret scene that spikes nostalgia for bygone chanteuses with the danger and urgency of performance art,” The New Yorker has raved about the show that channels the era’s urgent blend of art, entertainment, and winking social commentary. See it as part of UCSB A&L’s smart site selection of Lobero Theatre, the onetime opera house.

WHEN: 8 pm

WHERE: Lobero Theatre, 33 E. Canon Perdido St.

COST: $41 & $56

INFO: (805) 963-0761/ or (805) 893-3535

audiences worldwide with his musical sensitivity and spectacular virtuosity – serves as soloist for Beethoven’s “Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat Major Op. 73,” the popular piece known as “The Emperor.” The concert closes with another famous work, Dvořák’s “Symphony No.9 in E Minor, Op.95, B.178,” aka “From the New World”.

WHEN: 7:30 pm

WHERE: Granada Theatre, 1214 State Street

COST: $38-$136

INFO: (805) 899-2222 or


Emmanuel Can – The genre-bending Australian guitarist Tommy Emmanuel has deservedly won worldwide acclaim for his complex fingerstyle techniques applied to a wide range of music. One of the all-time greats of acoustic fingerstyle guitar, Emmanuel incorporates blues, country, rock, classical, and Spanish music in his own unique style that encompasses a multi-dimensional landscape. The guitarist also gets great acclaim for bringing a palpable sense of elation to every note he plays, spreading joy as well as awe and amazement. Emmanuel’s long-awaited 2023 album Accomplice Two more than lives up to its name, featuring collaborations with scores of musical legends ranging from Michael McDonald to Billy Strings. For tonight’s Campbell Hall concert, Emmanuel is accompanied by special guests Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley

WHEN: 8 pm

WHERE: Campbell Hall

COST: $45-$65

INFO: (805) 893-3535 or



Take a Chance on … MANIA – Agnetha Fältskog, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson, and Anni-Frid Lyngstad – better known by the acronym of their first names ABBA – are marking 50 years since their debut single “Waterloo” arrived, changing pop music in Sweden and the world over. The group, comprised of two married couples, ultimately couldn’t handle the explosive success they enjoyed over less than a decade. Their popularity, though, never waned – as indicated by the smash success of the stage musical Mamma Mia! While the iconic Swedish pop group reunited in 2021 to release Voyage, its first album in 40 years, ABBA is unlikely to make it to town; which provides the perfect opening for Mania the ABBA Tribute to make

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 44
“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” – Albert Einstein


Southern Sierra – There seems to be no shortage of Southern or at least rural born female, country or bluegrass-leaning singer-songwriters around these days. But Sierra Ferrell is well worth paying attention to. The West Virginia-raised, Nashville-based Ferrell is a multi-instrumentalist who has won attention for her strong vocal presence and an ability to draw more-thanmost feeling from very few notes, especially in her live shows. Her debut album, Long Time Coming, which arrived in 2021, won Ferrell the coveted Emerging Act of the Year honor at the 2022 Americana Awards. Ferrell sings with abandon, offering a huge repertoire that spans jazz, country and cowboy music, with undertones of the blues. Backed by Nashville greats like Jerry Douglas and Chris Scruggs in the studio, Ferrell works up her own fervent fans with her fiery playing and original songs on her Shoot for the Moon tour. has verifiably fallen under her spell: “Like some sort of woodland creature captured in a folk story that’s more myth and legend than physical manifestation, Sierra Ferrell dazzles the mind and imagination, arrests you in a spell of charisma, and steals your attention until nothing else enters your thoughts except the marvelous noise she makes.”

WHEN: 7 pm

WHERE: Campbell Hall

COST: $35-$75

INFO: (805) 893-3535 or

its move. The act has successfully toured every continent in the world, more than 3,000 live concerts in over 35 countries. Mania makes use of stunning costumes and energetic choreography to go along with their musicianship in recreating ABBA’s appeal, delivering all the hits from “Dancing Queen” and “Waterloo” to “Mamma Mia” and “Take a Chance on Me” – a disco era time machine.

WHEN: 7:30 pm

WHERE: Lobero Theatre, 33 E. Canon Perdido St.

COST: $37-$67

INFO: (805) 963-0761 or


Reliving to remember – Award-winning Santa Barbara-based editor and writer Marianne Dougherty has focused mostly on beauty as a theme in her work that has appeared in both consumer and trade magazines. In 2018 and again in 2022, she was a finalist for a Golden Quill Award for journalistic excellence. Now, Dougherty has delivered her first novel, What We Remember, a decades-spanning story about four women who find comfort in friendship as young wives and mothers. Then in the aftermath of an unbearable tragedy, their lives and connection begin to unravel. The women go their separate ways: Alice embarks on a spiritual journey, Nina starts painting to work through her grief, Theresa is left to deal with the repercussions of an acrimonious divorce, and Charlotte continues to harbor a secret that could jeopardize the perfect life she has worked so hard to create. Twenty years later when Charlotte is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, she asks her daughter to find her old friends and arrange a reunion in Cape May, N.J., where the women had all once spent two weeks with their children in what turned out to be a watershed moment for all of them. Time and distance have kept them apart, but as they rekindle their friendship in light of Charlotte’s rapidly vanishing memories, they realize that they were their best selves when they were together, and find the peace that has eluded them for so long. Dougherty, who is also on the faculty of the Santa Barbara Writers Conference, discusses What We Remember at a book signing tonight.

WHEN: 6 pm

WHERE: Chaucer’s, 3321 State St. in Loreto Plaza Shopping Center

COST: free

INFO: (805) 682-6787 or

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 45 3 8 4 5 S t a t e S t , S a n t a B a r b a r a 8 0 5 . 6 85 . 4 9 9 8 | m a t t r e ssm i k e s b . c o m You shouldn’t have to choose between comfort and beauty when you can have both. Come explore our huge selection of furnishings for relaxing and a perfect night’s sleep Visit Mattress Mike’s Furniture Gallery at La Cumbre Plaza to experience comfort for yourself. Many styles in stock. It’s not just furniture. It’s pure comfort. FURNITURE GALLERY by Mattress Mike ® ®



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7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 46 “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” – Albert Einstein
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (805) 565-1860 $10 MINIMUM TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD It’s simple. Charge is $3 per line, each line with 31 characters. Minimum is $10 per issue. Photo/logo/visual is an additional $20 per issue. Email Classified Ad to or call (805) 565-1860. All ads must be finalized by Friday at 2pm the week prior to printing. We accept Visa/MasterCard/Amex (3% surcharge) JOURNAL newspaper Live somewhere else? We deliver. Scan the QR Code to subscribe today! 7 day a week 50 experience a fab salon wash and style at the ranch salon plus the champagne is free the best blowout in town san ysidro ranch 805 565 1724 Summer of 76 The Music Academy’s 76th Summer Festival 100+ activities and rundown of the first week’s events, page 34 A Problem with Food Trucks? trucks around Montecito has neighbors on both sides of the fence; here is why the subject is not so simple, page 9 8 15 JUN 2023 VOL 29 ISS 23 FREE SERVING MONTECITO AND SOUTHERN SANTA BARBARA JOURNAL Shelton Remodel – Clark’s Oyster Bar the former Cava spot on CVR gets Je Shelton facelift and the ABR likes what they see P.6 Exceptional Civilian – A Q&A after Sharon Byrne is awarded for her work with the Montecito Association and Hands Across Montecito, World Champions – Westmont’s baseball team plays and players’ feels inside P.18 Stringed Fusion in Ojai – Pipa and banjo come together with Wu Man and her upcoming collaborations at the Ojai Music Festival, The Giving List New Beginnings gets its own new beginning with the grand opening of their Collaborative Center, page 20 Montecito’s Magic Man From a family traveling act to the father of the renowned Magic Castle, the legacy and final moments of Milt Larsen’s magical life are recounted by his wife and longtime collaborator, Arlene, and the MJ’s Jim Buckley (Story starts on p. 5) Feel polished and pretty from head to toe! come get a mani-pedi at the ranch salon where the bubbly s free san ysidro ranch 805 565 724 FREE SERVING MONTECITO AND SOUTHERN SANTA BARBARA JOURNAL Temp Fire Station –around town, Montecito Fire has set up new temporary station to provide quicker response times, P.11 Market Heating Up – After a bit of a lull, the real estate market heating up just in time for summer, P.16 Growing the Roots –Festival nearly here and these are the ways help make it happen, P.18 Construction Roundup – One can get lost between the construction projects underway and those being planned; here is an overview, P.28 Village Vibe A new regular feature for you to meet the neighbors and even jump in with your own voice, page Ridley-Tree’s Tête Toppers It’s millinery mayhem at Moving Miss Daisy’s as Leslie Ridley-Tree’s mass for cause, page 8 The Giving List Take a peek at UCSB Arts & Lectures’ 2023-2024 season inside and see what’s in store for the stage, page 20 LONG HAUL HELPERS A new documentary that you can be a part of… A specialized clinic… An administrative law judge… These are the people helping remove stigmas and provide solutions for those experiencing Long Covid and other long-term illnesses (Story starts on page 5)



ByPeteMuller&FrankLongo Foreachofthefirstfiveminicrosswords,oneoftheentriesalsoservesaspartofa five-wordmetaclue.Theanswertothemetaisawordorphrase(sixlettersor


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5 EugeneorGary,e.g.

T H E Y A R O S E D A N T E A L O E S M A R S H S T P C O L A W O M A N O N E N D N E S T T H A T S H E N R I X A N A X V I D E V E A B E S U P E R E G G A R A L O N E L I V E D B O S S A O C H E R W H A L E L O R E S S A K S L I S P O C T A M A R I A R E N N E W T THEYWONSIXSUPERBOWLS PATRIOTS PUZZLE #1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Across 1 Performasimpleoperation 4 Whatfair-weatherfans hate? 6 "DieHarzreise"author Heinrich 7 Notatallatfullpower 8 Methods Down 1 LittleCaesarsinDetroit, e.g. 2 Lead-intoplannerorPlanet 3 Ancestorsofbirds, informally 5 Partofthemusicalinitialism NKOTB 6 Method PUZZLE #2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Across 1 Answeringevasively, perhaps 4 ComponentofMSG 5 Esportsenthusiast,e.g. 6 Confidentwaytosolve crosswords 7 Companythatintroduced TickleMeElmo Down 1 Stand-upguy,say 2 Balancedbridgebid,inbrief 3 Prominentnamein peppermintpatties

LastWeek’sSolution: T H E Y A R O S E D A N T E A L O E S M A R S H S T P C O L A W O M A N O N E N D N E S T T H A T S H E N R I X A N A X V I D E V E A B E S U P E R E G G A R A L O N E L I V E D B O S S A O C H E R W H A L E L O R E S S A K S L I S P S O C T A L M A R I O A R E N T N E W T S THEYWONSIXSUPERBOWLS PATRIOTS PUZZLE #1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Across 1 Performasimpleoperation 4 Whatfair-weatherfans hate? 6 "DieHarzreise"author Heinrich 7 Notatallatfullpower 8 Methods Down 1 LittleCaesarsinDetroit, e.g. 2 Lead-intoplannerorPlanet 3 Ancestorsofbirds, informally 5 Partofthemusicalinitialism NKOTB 6 Method PUZZLE #2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Across 1 Answeringevasively, perhaps 4 ComponentofMSG 5 Esportsenthusiast,e.g. 6 Confidentwaytosolve crosswords 7 Companythatintroduced TickleMeElmo Down 1 Stand-upguy,say 2 Balancedbridgebid,inbrief 3 Prominentnamein peppermintpatties 4 Lead-intomoonsorthanks 5 "Amscray!" PUZZLE #3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Across 1 Groupofshoppersata half-offsale,maybe 4 Qatarjoineditin 61andleft itin 19 6 Getasmuchexposureas possible? 8 Tempur-Pediccompetitor 9 Naturalspincycles? Down 1 Cryptogaminaforest

PUZZLE #4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Across 1 1099-___(IRSformfor royalties)

"APassagetoIndia" heroinesurnamedQuested 7 Consciousawareness, figuratively 8 ValuablediscoveryinZelda videogames 9 ___d oeuvres


oneofthesquaresandsnakesthroughthegridverticallyandhorizontallyfrom there(nodiagonals!)withoutrevisitinganysquares.


Down 1


5 Partofthemusicalinitialism NKOTB

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 1099-___(IRSformfor royalties)


5 "APassagetoIndia" heroinesurnamedQuested

7 Consciousawareness, figuratively

8 ValuablediscoveryinZelda videogames

9 ___d oeuvres


1 "TheLibertyBell"or"The WashingtonPost,"e.g.

2 BirthplaceofAaronPaul andSarahPalin

3 Occasiontosay"Nextyear inJerusalem"

4 See6-Down

Across 1 Answeringevasively, perhaps

4 ComponentofMSG


5 Esportsenthusiast,e.g.

6 Confidentwaytosolve crosswords 7 Companythatintroduced TickleMeElmo


1 Stand-upguy,say 2 Balancedbridgebid,inbrief

3 Prominentnamein peppermintpatties


1 Groupofshoppersata half-offsale,maybe

4 Qatarjoineditin 61andleft itin 19

6 Getasmuchexposureas possible?

8 Tempur-Pediccompetitor

9 Naturalspincycles?


3 ManofLaMancha



4 Including

6 Et,acrosstheEnglish Channel


1 Cryptogaminaforest

Hesaid"Iftheworldwere perfect,itwouldn tbe"

2 Stoppedvacillating,say


3 Hesaid"Iftheworldwere perfect,itwouldn tbe"

5 EugeneorGary,e.g.

7 Dansestep?

4 Alloutofenergy


4 "PadrePio"titleroleplayer LaBeouf 5 Treatforfeet,forshort

6 Hufflepuffwhobrought house-elvestoHogwarts

7 Bumponalog,sotospeak

8 Redandbluedivider?

1 With2-Down,bikerwithan oxymoronicname

2 See1-Down

3 Itmaybeintimidatingwhen it sicy

4 "PadrePio"titleroleplayer LaBeouf

5 Treatforfeet,forshort

METAPUZZLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4 PartofaYahtzeeturn


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

6 Hitwiththelyric"Idon't careifyou'refull"


8 Scriptunit 9 Allotmentofstrikes

Down 1 Longnaponthefloor?

2 Bitoffacialhair


7 Donebeingdormant

6 Kindofyogaassociated withbreathcontrol

8 Localeofthetreatythat endedtheWarof1812

Across 1 Imbibeaudibly 6 Kindofyogaassociated withbreathcontrol

9 FirstnameofMr.Biv?

1 Longnaponthefloor?

2 Bitoffacialhair

3 Absolute


3 Absolute 4 Irisinthe2022animated film"MyFather sDragon," e.g.

5 Cryrightbeforereveling

8 Localeofthetreatythat endedtheWarof1812

1 Imbibeaudibly

9 FirstnameofMr.Biv?

6 Kindofyogaassociated withbreathcontrol

7 Donebeingdormant

8 Localeofthetreatythat endedtheWarof1812

9 FirstnameofMr.Biv?

1 Longnaponthefloor?

4 Irisinthe2022animated film"MyFather sDragon," e.g.

2 Bitoffacialhair

3 Absolute

4 Irisinthe2022animated film"MyFather'sDragon," e.g.

5 Cryrightbeforereveling

7 – 14 March 2024 Montecito JOURNAL 47 LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY opener*Nortel/Norstar Meridian, Avaya, Panasonic *Telephone and gate opener install/repair *Insured with 25+ years of experience *Santa Barbara and surrounding areas Business and Res. Telephone systems 805-217-8457 Professional & gate opener service telephone Professional & gate opener service telephone 15+years of experience in caring for the elderly PERSONAL CARE, DRIVER, LIGHT CLEANING, COOKING, COMPANY Available weekdays minimum of 20 hours per week i 805-280-1453 Trusted Caregiver Looking for ONE client Andrea Dominic, R.Ph. Emily McPherson, Pharm.D. Paul Yered, R.Ph. 1498 East Valley Road Montecito, CA 93108 Phone: 805-969-2284 Fax: 805-565-3174 Compounding Pharmacy & Boutique Art Deco Furniture & Paintings or FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE 661-644-0839 french vintages Professional Coaching for Women Relationships Leadership Purpose She’s Already In You GABRIELLATAYLOR.COM STEVEN BROOKS JEWELERS Estate & Insurance Appraisals Graduate Gemologist G.I.A Estate Jewelry & Custom Designs Jewelry Buyer 805-455-1070 Thomas Richter BALLROOM DANCE INSTRUCTOR Private lessons, group classes, and performances Over 20 styles of Social Dance Wedding Dance Ballroom Competition (805) 881-8370 MiniMeta ByPeteMuller&FrankLongo Foreachofthefirstfiveminicrosswords,oneoftheentriesalsoservesaspartofa five-wordmetaclue.Theanswertothemetaisawordorphrase(fivelettersor longer)hiddenwithinthesixthminicrossword.Thehiddenmetaanswerstartsin
PUZZLE # 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 Across 1 "KillBill"bodyguardwitha repetitivename 5 RousseauorMatisse 6 Itsmagnitudeoffinancial fraudwassurpassedby FTX 7 Faceonapoisonbottle 8 Nestnoise Down 1 Category 2 Onewaytoserveham 3 Category 4 Pennoise 5 CBDoilsource PUZZLE # 1 2 3 5 ByPeteMuller&FrankLongo
B E A R G R I P E L U G E D I N H D B O T N W T H E H I M A N I M A L A T E R E S S C A G E S A L A M O S E V E N A X I N G A N D P L U S B L A C K L A P S E U T U B E E S P T M W H A A R G N E I D E C EIGHTTIMESSEVENPLUSTHREE PUZZLE #1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Across 1 Lettersyoudon'twantto seeonacheck 4 Ranchrope 6 Philosopherassociatedwith arazor 7 Garçon'shandout 8 Hitbelowthebelt,inaway Down 1 Iridescentbuttonmaterial 2 Putintowords 3 Verywell-known 4 Itbeatsscissors 5 Optimisticdeclaration PUZZLE #2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Across 1 Housemates,inbrief? 4 Hadon 5 MotherofDonaldJr. 7 Shakespeare'stitle Athenian 8 Caughtsomewaves? Down 1 2022's"Tár"or"Till,"e.g. 2 2022'
PUZZLE #3 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9
Across 1 Proatpreparingschedules
1 GumDetoxifybrand 2 Beabadhunter?
3 Letoutortakeup
#4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Across 1 "Welldone!" 5 See3-Down 6 Spanishwordthat'safruity Bacardiflavor 8 Takeshome 9 Travelingcoasttocoast, maybe Down 1 Texansarepartofit,for short 2 Sydney'smotheron"Alias" 3 With5-Across,originatesin 4 Beadramaqueen,say 7 Subj.ofthebook"The PuzzlePalace" PUZZLE #5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Across 1 Mr.,inMysore 4 Screwup 5 Theyoftenhavemascots 6 Donotdisturb
5 Scriptunit 7 Souvenirshopstaple PUZZLE
Down 1 See7-Across 2 CherylLadddancediton
METAPUZZLE 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 Across 1 Biathlete
9 Startingtocry Down 1 Putbacktothedefault 2 Laughable 3 2002titlefilmroleforSalma Hayek
Personwhodoesn well 5 Hackingachievement
7 With1-Down,symbolofa freshstart
"DancingWiththeStars"in 2022 3 "ADoll'sHouse"dramatist 4 Haveahands-on
5 "IAmJazz"airer
"TheCrookedE" 7 Light-headedperson? 8 Titlecharacterofseveral OrsonScottCardnovels
LastWeek’sSolution: T H E Y A R O S E D A N T E A L O E S M A R S H S T P C O L A W O M A N O N E N D N E S T T H A T S H E N R I X A N A X V I D E V E A B E S U P E R E G G A R A L O N E L I V E D B O S S A O C H E R W H A L E L O R E S S A K S L I S P S O C T A L M A R I O A R E N T N E W T S THEYWONSIXSUPERBOWLS PATRIOTS PUZZLE #1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Across 1 Performasimpleoperation 4 Whatfair-weatherfans hate? 6 "DieHarzreise"author Heinrich 7 Notatallatfullpower 8 Methods Down 1 LittleCaesarsinDetroit, e.g. 2 Lead-intoplannerorPlanet 3 Ancestorsofbirds,
#2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 Method PUZZLE
4 Lead-intomoonsorthanks 5 "Amscray!" #3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 With4-Down,sketchything totakeinschool? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Doesn tlack
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
EugeneorGary,e.g. 7 Dansestep? PUZZLE #4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
videogames 9
1 1099-___(IRSformfor royalties) 5 "APassagetoIndia" heroinesurnamedQuested 7 Consciousawareness, figuratively 8 ValuablediscoveryinZelda
PUZZLE #5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Down 1 "TheLibertyBell"or"The WashingtonPost,"e.g. 2 BirthplaceofAaronPaul andSarahPalin 3 Occasiontosay"Nextyear inJerusalem" 4 See6-Down 6 With4-Down,sketchything totakeinschool?
Across 1 Doesn tlack 4 Alloutofenergy 6 Hufflepuffwhobrought house-elvestoHogwarts 7 Bumponalog,sotospeak 8 Redandbluedivider?
Down 1 With2-Down,bikerwithan oxymoronicname 2 See1-Down 3 Itmaybeintimidatingwhen it sicy 4 "PadrePio"titleroleplayer LaBeouf 5 Treatforfeet,forshort
7 Donebeingdormant
Lead-intomoonsorthanks 5 "Amscray!" PUZZLE #3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 Cryrightbeforereveling
longer)hiddenwithinthesixthminicrossword.Thehiddenmetaanswerstartsin oneofthesquaresandsnakesthroughthegridverticallyandhorizontallyfrom there(nodiagonals!)withoutrevisitinganysquares.
itin 19
Qatarjoineditin '61andleft
6 Getasmuchexposureas
8 Tempur-Pediccompetitor
1 Cryptogaminaforest
3 Hesaid"Iftheworldwere perfect,itwouldn'tbe"
"TheLibertyBell"or"The WashingtonPost,"e.g.
7 Dansestep?
inJerusalem" 4 See6-Down 6 With4-Down,sketchything
PUZZLE #5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Across 1 Doesn
BirthplaceofAaronPaul andSarahPalin 3 Occasiontosay"Nextyear
6 Hufflepuffwhobrought house-elvestoHogwarts
Bumponalog,sotospeak 8 Redandbluedivider?
Down 1 With2-Down,bikerwithan oxymoronicname
2 See1-Down 3 Itmaybeintimidatingwhen it sicy
1 Imbibeaudibly


Jimmy the Greek Salad with Feta

arugula, radicchio, belgian endive and sauteéd onion

Sliced Steak Salad, 6 oz

arugula, radicchio, shrimp, prosciutto, cannellini beans,

Chopped Salad

Cobb Salad

romaine, shrimp, bacon, green beans, peppers,

Lucky’s Salad




Mixed Vegetable Frittata w/


Huevos Rancheros, two eggs



Home Made Spanish Chorizo

Wild Mushroom and Gruyere

Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict

California Eggs

Eggs and Other Breakfast Dishes

LUCKY’S steaks / chops / seafood . . . and brunch join us for brunch saturday and sunday 9AM-2:30PM and for lunch fridays 11AM-2:30PM reservations via OpenTable or by phone 805-565-7540 1279 Coast Village Road, Montecito • Morning Starters and Other First Courses • Fresh Squeezed OJ or Grapefruit Juice 8/10 Bowl of Chopped Fresh Fruit w/ lime and mint �������������������� 12 Giant Shrimp Cocktail ������������������������������������������������� 36 Grilled Artichoke with choice of sauce 16 Burrata Mozzarella (Puglia), basil and ripe tomato � ��������������� 22 French Onion Soup, Gratinée 17 Matzo Ball Soup �������������������������������������������������������� 17 Lucky Chili w/ cornbread, cheddar and onions 22 • A La Carte • Brioche French Toast w/ fresh berries and maple syrup ����������� 19
w/ fresh berries, whipped cream, maple syrup ��������������� 16 Cambridge House Rope Hung Smoked Salmon, �������������������� 29 toasted bialy or bagel, cream cheese, olives, tomato & cucumber
sliced tomatoes, fruit salad
Benedict w/ julienne ham and hollandaise 26
choice of hash browns, fries,
Classic Eggs
Benedict w/ spinach, tomato, avocado ���������� 24
Omelet ������������������������������� 22
Omelet w/ avocado 22
� Steak,
two eggs any style ���������������������� 59
Filet 7 oz
two poached eggs 26
Beef Hash, and
any style ������������������������������� 22
melted cheese, avocado and warm salsa
Gruyere 22 • Sandwiches • choice of hash browns, fries, mixed greens, Caesar, fruit salad Lucky Burger, 8 oz � , ���������������������������������������������������� 28 choice of cheese Vegetarian Burger, 5 oz � ����������������������������������������������� 22 choice of cheese (burger patty is vegan) Grilled Chicken Breast Club on a Soft Bun 28 bacon, lettuce, tomato and avocado Sliced Filet Mignon Open Faced Sandwich, 6 oz � ������������������ 32 mushroom sauce, french fries
Reuben �������������������������������������������������������� 26 sauerkraut and gruyere on rye • Salads and Other Specialties • Wedge of Iceberg �������������������������������������������������������� 18
or thousand island dressing
Radicchio & Belgian Endive Salad ����������������������� 17
parmesan, balsamic vinaigrette
Salad ������������������������������������������������������������� 16 w/ grilled chicken breast ����������������������������������������� 31
Louie ������������������������������������������������������������ 47
avocado, egg, romaine, tomato, cucumber
Rare Tuna Nicoise Salad ����������������������������������� 42
shrimp, 2 oz crab,
������������������������������������������������������������ 25
���������������������������������������������������������� 25
� , ��������������������������������������������� 32
(4pcs) ������������������������������������������� 40
Pueblos Abalone

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