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Principal’s Address

V.O. A.

Life Curves Made by Me

Choi, Myung-ja Principal

Hello, everyone! Let s think about the above table. The word time has many meanings. The past times we value always include different things according to where we put the emphasis. We meet many people in our lives. These meetings become our personal history and we draw the life curves including it. However, God gave us choice privileges. The world-wide philosopher, Socrates said that the most precious time is now, the most important place is here, and the most valuable person is you. He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. Your life curves will be different because of the different choices and people who you get along with. Why don t you make a friend like the words below suggest? - I am you. You are me. - If we are sitting next to each other - we grow into one - Because we are truthful to each other - we share the same ideas gratifyingly


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