Campaign for the 150th Anniversary - Prospectus

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Ca mpa i gnf ort he 1 50t hAnni v e r s a r y Pr os pe c t us

SFAIi st hankf ul f ort hemanygener ouss uppor t er swhomak eourpr ogr amsposs i bl e.OurExhi bi t i onsandPubl i cPr ogr amsar es pons or edi npar t bygr ant sf r om t heHar k erFundofTheSanFr anci s coFoundat i on,t heAndyWar hol Foundat i onf ort heVi s ual Ar t s ,Gr ant sf ort heAr t s ,t heNat i onal Endowmentf ort heAr t s ,t heKor etFoundat i on,andt heE.RhodesandLeonaB.Car pent erFoundat i on.Maj ors uppor tf orar angeofaddi t i onal pr ogr amsatSFAIi spr ov i dedbyt heU. S.Depar t mentofEducat i on,t heBer nar dOs herFoundat i on,t heFor dFoundat i on,t heCounci lonLi br ar y andI nf or mat i onSer v i ces ;t heI ns t i t ut eofMus eum andLi br ar ySer v i ces ;aFeder alSav eAmer i ca’ sT r eas ur esgr antadmi ni s t er edbyt heI ns t i t ut e ofMus eum andLi br ar ySer v i ces ;t heHenr yMay oNewhal lFoundat i on;t heMar yA.Cr ock erT r us t ;t heMent alI ns i ghtFoundat i on;andcount l ess gener ousi ndi v i dual s .


SF AIHi s t or ya nd F ut ur e

Foundedi n1 871byar t i st sandcommuni t yl eader swi t hacul t ur alvi si onf or t heWest ,t heSanFr anci scoAr tI nst i t ut e—fir stasacul t ur al cent erandt hen afinear t scol l ege—haspr oducedgener at i onsofcr eat i v el eader swhohav e chal l enged conv ent i onand shaped t hecul t ur all i f eoft heBayAr ea,t he Uni t edSt at es,andt hewor l d. Ar t i st s at SFAIhav e spear headed ar t mov ement si ncl udi ng fine ar t phot ogr aphy ,t he Beatmov ement ,Abst r actExpr essi oni sm,Bay Ar ea Fi gur at i on,Funk ar t ,av ant gar de fil m,Concept ual i sm,and vi deo and per f or mancear t ,andt heycont i nuet ohel pdefinecont empor ar yar tandt he r ol eofar t i st si nt oday’ sgl obalsoci et y . Not abl ef acul t yandal umni i ncl ude:Ansel Adams,Az i z+Cucher ,Ki m Anno, Bi l lBer kson,Kat hr ynBi gel ow,El merBi schoff,St anBr akhage,I onaRoz eal Br own, Joan Br own, Nao Bust amant e, Enr i que Chagoy a, Whi t ney Chadwi ck,Li ndaConnor ,DeweyCr umpl er ,I mogenCunni ngham,Angel a Davi s,JayDeFeo,Ri char d Di ebenkor n,Kot aEz awa,Kar enFi nl ey ,Mar i a El ena Gonz ál ez ,Doug Hal l ,Ed Har dy ,Mi ke Hender son,Davi dI r el and, Har l an Jackson,Davi d Johnson,Sar gentJohnson,T oba Khedoor i ,Paul Kos,Geor geKuchar ,T onyLabat ,Anni eLei bovi t z ,ShaunLeonar do,Shar on Lockhar t , Cr i st óbal Mar t í nez , Una McCann, Al i ci a McCar t hy , Paul McCar t hy ,Bar r yMcGee,ManuelNer i ,RubyNer i ,Cat har i neOpi e,Davi d Par k,I r ene Pi j oan,Jason Rhoades,Ri go 23,Debor ah Rober t s,Mar k Rot hko,Kat r í n Si gur dar dót t i r ,Cl yffor d St i l l ,Lar r y Sul t an,Joseph T ang, Car l osVi l l a,Mi norWhi t e,Kehi ndeWi l ey ,Wi l l i am T .Wi l ey ,andPamel aZ.


1 50Y e a rAnni v e r s a r y

For1 49y ear s,SFAIhasbeencul t i v at i ngt her adi cal i magi nat i onandt hevi t al r ol e ofar ti nshapi ngandenr i chi ngsoci et yandt hei ndi vi dual .Asweappr oachour 1 50t hanni v er sar y ,ami dstt i mesofgl obal uncer t ai nt yandsei smi ccul t ur al shi f t s, SFAIi sl i st eni ngandr espondi ng.Wear epoi sedt oev ol v e,adapt ,andr ecl ai m our hi st or y . Our t r adi t i on of bol d exper i ment at i on i s key t o har nessi ng t he t r ansf or mat i v epowerofar ti nnew andi nnov at i v eways,set t i ngupt henext1 50 y ear sofr esi l i enceandpossi bi l i t y . Wei nvi t ey out oj oi nus.Wear ecommi t t edt odoi ngj ust i cet ot hi smomentand weneedy ourpar t i ci pat i on.Pl easehav eal ookatsomeofourpr ogr amsont he f ol l owi ngpages,andf ur t herdi r ect i onsabouthowt osuppor tandbeapar tofour next1 50y ear s.

JoannaRuckmanGal l egos ,Hai rSt or i esLi s t eni ngSal on,201 9. Mul t i medi aHai rPor t r ai t sonpaper ,andpor t abl es oundbonnet s .

Gr aduat i ngs t udent spr epar i ngf or201 9 Commencementcer emony .


Re i ma gi ni ngSF AI I nMar ch2020,whenSanFr anci scoandmuchoft hewor l dshutdowni nr esponse t ot he COVI D1 9 pandemi c,SFAI ’ sf ut ur e was uncer t ai n.Fi nanci alpr essur es f or cedust osuspendourdegr eepr ogr ams,dr ast i cal l yr educef acul t yandst aff, and r api dl yr est r uct ur e.Si ncet hen,anout pour i ngofsuppor tf r om oural umni , donor s,andext endedcommuni t yhasenabl edSFAIt or ev er secour seandsecur e acor egr oupoff acul t yt ot eachcour sesf ort heupcomi ngacademi cy eart oa smal lcohor tofst udent s. T ohel pensur eourl ongevi t y ,we’ v eputi npl acet heCommi t t eet oRei magi neSFAI , an aut onomous,communi t y wi de t askf or ce ofboar d member s,f acul t y ,st aff, al umni ,andst udent s,whi chi sev al uat i ngSFAI ’ sfinanci al sust ai nabi l i t yandt aki ng accountofi t shi st or i cmaj or sanddegr eepr ogr ams.Wear eexpl or i ngmodel sof ar teducat i ont hataddr essr aci sm,cl i mat echange,gov er nance,andot herur gent i ssuesoft hecur r entmoment .Weembr acet hi soppor t uni t yf orsel f r eflect i on, expandi ngourmi ssi ont ot eachandexhi bi tar ti nachangi ngl andscape. Att hei nvi t at i onofSFAI ’ sBoar dofTr ust ees,t heCommi t t eei scochai r edbyt hr ee SFAIal umni :T om Laughl i n( MFA 201 3) ,Kar en T opaki an ( MFA 1 987) ,and Chr i st opherWi l l i ams( BFA201 7 ,MFA2020) .


1 50t hAnni v e r s a r y E v e nt s+ Pr ogr a mmi ng

Our1 50t h Anni v er sar yi sa momentofr esi l i ence and t r ansf or mat i on,f eat ur i ng pr ogr ammi ng and ev ent st hatbr i ng ourhi st or yal i v easwebui l d anew f ut ur e t oget her .Bui l di ngupt oSFAI ’ s1 50t hbi r t hdayonMar ch21 ,2021 ,pr ogr ammi ngi s al r eadyunder wayandwi l lcont i nuet hr oughoutt hef ol l owi ngy ear .Theschedul e i ncl udes :

Se p t e mb e r2 0 2 0

-Fr om t heT ower :Tr ansmi ssi on Cur at edbyT onyLabat -Or bi t sofKnownandUnknownObj ect s: SFAIHi st or i es/MATRI X277

Oc t o b e r2 0 2 0

-TheLeonar dPel t i erSt at uebyRi go23

J a n u a r y2 0 2 1

-Ar ey oul i st eni ng? Host edbyMar gar etT edescoandLei l aWeef ur

F e b r u a r y2 0 2 1

-Facul t y+Al umniAuct i on -Looki ngFor war d-Auct i onExhi bi t i on

Ma r c h2 0 2 1

-Anni v er sar yWeekendCel ebr at i on -SFAI1 50| ASpi r i tofDi sr upt i on Cur at edbyMar gar etT edescoandLei l aWeef ur

Au g u s t2 0 2 1

-Car l osVi l l as:Wor l dsi nCol l i si on Cur at edbyTr i shaLagasoGol dber gandMar k DeanJohnson -2021Har kerAwar deeBonni eOr aSher kResi dency

On g o i n g Phot ogr aphydepar t mentf acul t yJackFul t onaddr ess est hecr owdandt oas t sJayDeFeoatt he pos t Commencementchampagner ecept i on,1 982.

-Post commodi t y:ThePoi ntofFi nalCol l apse

T BD( e a r l y2 0 2 1 )

-Chr i st i e’ sNew Yor kBenefitAuct i on

T opt obot t om:Cour t y ar datSFAI ;phot obyAl exPet er s on; Pai nt i ngpr of ess orDeweyCr umpl erdur i nghi ss t udent day satSFAI .


1 50t hAnni v e r s a r y Se l e c tEx hi bi t i ons

F r o mt h eT o we r : T r a n s mi s s i o n

Cur at edbyTonyLabat SFAITower Sept ember4—Oct ober23,2020 SFAI ' st oweri st r ansf or med i nt oamonument alwr apar ound canvasf orvi deo scr eeni ngst hatexpl or eSFAI ’ shi st or yofexper i ment alar tmaki ngwi t har chi val andcont empor ar ywor ksbySFAIal umniwhosepr act i cesdev el opedundert he et hosoft heschool ' sNew Genr esDepar t ment .Pr oj ect edonal lf oursi desoft he t ower ,audi encesar ei nvi t edt owat chf r om vant agepoi nt st hr oughoutt hest r eet s and wi ndowsofNor t hBeach,ort oexper i encet hel i v est r eamed pr oj ect i ons vi r t ual l yf r om anywher ei nt hewor l d.

L e o n a r dPe l t i e rSt a t u eb yRi g o2 3 SFAIRoof t opTer r ace Oct ober9,2020—Mar ch28,2021

TheLeonar dPel t i erSt at uebyRi go23att heSanFr anci s coAr tI ns t i t ut e,2020.Phot obyAl exPet er s on.

Ri go 23’ sl ar gescal e scul pt ur e ofi mpr i soned Amer i can I ndi an Mov ement act i vi stLeonar dPel t i erbecamet hecent erofFi r stAmendmentcont r ov er syi n 201 7 ,when i twasdi smant l ed af t ert hr eat sf r om r epr esent at i v esoft he FBI , amongot her s.Atsi xbyni nef eet( t hedi mensi onsofaU. S.peni t ent i ar ycel l ) ,t he st at ue,depi ct i ngaseat edPel t i er ,chi nr est i ngt hought f ul l yonhi sfist ,r epr esent s acont i nuat i onoft hear t i st ’ sdecadesl ongcommi t mentt oadv ocat ef orpol i t i cal pr i soner st hr oughhi sar t .


1 50t hAnni v e r s a r y Se l e c tEx hi bi t i ons


1 50t hAnni v e r s a r y Se l e c tEx hi bi t i ons

Ca r l o sVi l l a : Wo r l d si nCo l l i s i o n

Cur at edbyTr i shaLagasoGol dber gandMar kDeanJohnson Wal t erandMcBeanGal l er i es —Januar August1 3,2021 y3,2022

Car l osVi l l awor ki ngi nSt udi o1 5atSFAIwhi l ea s t udent .Vi l l agr aduat edf r om SFAIi n1 961and wasaf acul t ymemberi nt hePai nt i ngdepar t ment f r om 1 969t o201 3.


AnneBr e me r Me mor i a lL i br a r y a ndAr c hi v e s T h i n k i n g Ou tL o u d :Di g i t i z i n g8 0Y e a r so f L e c t u r e sa n dPu b l i cPr o g r a msa tSF AI Thi sdi gi t i z at i onpr oj ectwi l lmakeav ai l abl eonl i ne ar eposi t or y of audi o and vi deo r ecor di ngs, t r anscr i pt sandephemer adocument i ngpr ogr ams pr esent ed at SFAI ov er t he past 80 y ear s. Hi ghl i ght si ncl ude cr i t i cs and ar thi st or i ans i n conv er sat i on wi t h ar t i st s, and l ect ur es by Lawr enceFer l i nghet t i ,LucyLi ppar d,bel lhooks, Anni eLei bovi t z ,HansHaacke,El ai neDeKooni ng, JohnCage,Rem Kool haas,andFr ankGehr y .

Af u l l y i l l u s t r a t e dp u b l i c a t i o n ma r k i n g SF AI ’ s 1 5 0 t ha n n i v e r s a r y

TheAnneBr emerMemor i alLi br ar yci r ca1 939,phot ogr aphbyAns elAdams .

Mi ni ngt heSFAIar chi v esf ormat er i al s,hi ghl i ght s oft hi s book i ncl ude:an i nt er vi ew wi t h Angel a Davi sonhowar tcant r anscendent er t ai nmentand ser v easapol i t i calcat al yst ,and NancyFi nkon i ssuesofr aceandcl assi nt hef emi ni stmov ement .

Angel aDav i st eachi ngatSFAI .Dav i s wasaf acul t ymemberi nt heHumani t i es depar t mentf r om 1 9761 991 .

1 0

Ongoi ngPr o j e c t sa nd Pr ogr a ms

L o s tF r e s c o s

SFAIhasembar kedonamaj orpr oj ectt ouncov erandconser v easer i esofl ar ge WPAer af r escos,l ong hi dden by l ay er s ofwhi t ewash,on t he wal l s oft he Chest nutSt r eetbui l di ng.Theschoolpl ay edal eadi ngr ol ei nt hedev el opmentof t hef r escoasanar tf or mi nt heUni t edSt at esi nt he1 930s,offer i ngcour sesi n f r escopai nt i ngandt ur ni ngov ercl assr oomsandwal l st ot heexpl or at i onoft he pr act i ce.

Ci t ySt u d i o-Y o u t hAr tPr o g r a m

Si nce 2005,Ci t y St udi o has pr ovi ded f r ee ar t si nst r uct i on t o under ser v ed, economi cal l y chal l engedandat r i sky out hi nSanFr anci sco.Engagi ngupt o1 50 y oungpeopl eeachy ear ,t hepr ogr am i nt r oducespar t i ci pant sages1 1 1 8t oa wi der angeofar tf or msandpr ovi dest r ai ni ngt hatopensupcar eerpossi bi l i t i es i nt hear t sandbey ond.

1 934f r es cobySuz anneScheuernear i ngcompl et i onofr es t or at i onatChes t nutSt r eetcampus . Ci t ySt udi oexhi bi t i onatDi egoRi v er aGal l er y ,201 9. Ar t wor katcent erbyCi t ySt udi oi ns t r uct orKat eLas t er ( MFA/ MA,201 9) .

1 1

Ac a de mi cPr ogr a ms

Cr e a t i n gn e wwa y so fl o o k i n ga ta n dl i v i n gi nt h ewo r l d SFAIcont i nues a 1 50y eart r adi t i on ofusi ng r adi calmet hods f ort eachi ng and l ear ni ng. By f ost er i ng cour age and cur i osi t y i n aest het i c r esear ch and exper i ment at i on,weencour agest udent st ouset hei rar tpr act i ceasanoppor t uni t y f orcr i t i cali nqui r y ,pr obl em sol vi ng,and cr eat i v e expr essi on. Ourcour sesand di sci pl i neschal l engeconv ent i ons,embr acer i sk,and push st udent st o di scov er unchar t ed ar t i st i ct er r ai n.Degr eet r aj ect or i esar easi ndi vi dual i z ed aseachSFAI ar t i st . Thr ough cr ossdi sci pl i nar ycour sewor k,i ndependentst udi ot i me,di al ogueand col l abor at i on wi t h peer s and f acul t y ,i mmer si v e hi st or y and t heor y cour ses, exhi bi t i onsandl ect ur es,ourst udent scr eat enewwaysofl ooki ngatandl i vi ngi nt he wor l d.

Cu r r e n tPr o g r a ms : Ar t ,Pl ace+Publ i cSt udi es Ar t+Technol ogy Exhi bi t i on+Museum St udi es Fi l m Hi st or y+Theor yofCont empor ar yAr t Pr i nt maki ng New Genr es Phot ogr aphy Pai nt i ng Scul pt ur e Br et tRei chman,SFAIPr of ess or ofPai nt i ng,atSFAI ’ s201 8Pai nt i ng Sy mpos i um wi t hJennySav i l l e

Pos t commodi t y :ThePoi ntofFi nalCol l aps e .Onv i ew andaudi bl e f r om t heSFAIT owerunt i lt heMi l l eni um T oweri sfix edorcomes down.Pos t commodi t yi sani ndi genousar tcol l ect i v ecompos ed ofSFAIAr t+T echnol ogyChai rCr i s t óbalMar t í nezandKadeL. T wi s t .

1 2

Boa r dofT r us t e e s , CoL e a de r s ,a nd F a c ul t y 20202021

T r u s t e e s

Pam Ror keLevy( Chai r ) Lonni eGr aham DougHal l Mi keHender son Chr i sLi m Bonni eLevi nson JohnMar x AnnaSi dana Jer emySt one Chr i st opherWi l l i ams( Tr ust eeEl ect )

T r u s t e e s At L a r g e DonEdHar dy Anni eLei bovi t z Bar r yMcGee Br entSi kkema

T r u s t e e sE me r i t i

Char l esHobson Howar dOr i nger PaulSack JohnSanger JackSchaf er Rosel yneC.Swi g Chr i sT el l i s

F a c u l t yT r u s t e e s

J.JohnPr i ol a Mar i aEl enaGonz ál ez

Co L e a d e r s

Mar kKushner ,Chi efOper at i onsOfficer Jenni f erRi ssl er ,Chi efAcademi cOfficer

F a c u l t y

Robi nBal l i ger ,Li ber alAr t sChai r Or i tBenShi t r i t ,Fi l m Chai r Ti m Ber r y ,Pr i nt maki ngChai r I r eneCar v aj al ,Pr i nt maki ngChai r Li ndaConnor Chr i st opherCoppol a DeweyCr umpl er Cl ai r eDai gl e,MADi r ect or Mar i aEl enaGonz ál ez ,Scul pt ur e/ Cer ami csChai r T onyLabat ,MFADi r ect or Jenni f erLocke,New Genr esChai r ReaganLoui e MadsLynner up,New Genr esChai r Cr i st óbalMar t í nez ,Ar t+T echnol ogyChai r Jer emyMor gan,Pai nt i ngChai r J.JohnPr i ol a,LowResi dencyMFADi r ect or Br et tRei chman Mer edi t hTr ombl e Li ndseyWhi t e,Phot ogr aphyChai r

1 3

Ho wt oSuppo r tt he Ca mpa i gnf o rt he 1 50t hAnni v e r s a r y

T h eL e g a c yCo n t i n u e sWi t hY o u rSu p p o r t Howev ery ouchoos et os uppor tSFAI —andatwhat ev erl ev el —y ourgener os i t yi s es s ent i al anddeepl yappr eci at ed. Joi n usi n ourcel ebr at i on of1 50 y ear sofpar amountar t seducat i on and t he communi t yofal umni ,ar t i s t s ,s chol ar s ,andf r i endsofpas t ,pr es ent ,andf ut ur e. Yours uppor tf uel st hear t si nt heSanFr anci s coBayAr eaandbey ond.

Wa y st oGi v e :

Endowmentandnami ngoppor t uni t i es Cor por at emat chi ngpr ogr ams Gi f t sf ors peci ficpr ogr ams Pl annedgi v i ng Schol ar s hi ps Recur r i nggi f t s Gi f t si nt r i but e

ByMa i l :

Pl eas es endacheckt o: SanFr anci s coAr tI ns t i t ut e 800Ches t nutSt r eet SanFr anci s co,CA94 1 33

ByPh o n e : 4 1 5. 7 49. 45 1 6 On l i n e : www. s f ai . edu/ gi v e Formor ei nf or mat i onont hes eandot her opt i ons ,pl eas econt actSFAI ’ sOfficeof Adv ancementat :adv ancement @s f ai . edu

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