Sandhills Naturally • February 2015

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Yo u r G u i d e to H e a lt hy L i v i n g i n t h e S a n d h i l l s A r e a • F E B RUARY 2 0 1 5

Love • Yoga • Sandhills Farm to Table • Cape Fear River Trail

table of contents

february 2015

Yoga Demystified, page 4

nutrition Salt: Shaking Off a Bad Reputation............6 Hearts Beet to a Different Drummer...........8

wellness Yoga Demystified.......................................4 Doctor, My Eyes Feel Dry!........................10 The Most Important Life Long Romance...11 Drops of Love: Essential Oils for Romance.13

Salt: Shaking off a Bad Reputation, part two, page 6

Tips to Protect Your Heart this Winter......15


Sandhills Farm to Table Co-op, pg 20

Five Tips for Achieving Tech-Life Balance.. 16 The Clean 15 & The Dirty Dozen..............17

d.i.y A Recipe for Kissable Lips .......................19

explore Sandhills Farm to Table Co-op...................20 Explore the Cape Fear River Trail..............22 Resource Guide.......................................24 Calendar of Events..................................26 Brain Games............................................27

Exploring the Cape Fear River Trail, pg 22

“What I love about the trail is all the different people that use it and how accessible it really is for bikers, walkers, runners.” — Nigel Barnes of East Coast Greenway Alliance, on the Cape Fear River Trail

Cover image: © Kydriashka | - I Love Yoga!


Februar y 2015

from the publisher

all you need is love Your Guide to Healthy Living in the Sandhills

Editor & Publisher Joy Godwin Crowe Associate Editor Karen Gilchrist Contributing Writers Kelli Edwards Seuson Vess Melissa Aguire Marketing & Advertising Joy G. Crowe Mike Cole (Lee Co.) Erin Davidson (Cumberland Co.) Published by Main Street Media 213 Skyland Plaza, Ste 1370-163 Spring Lake, NC 28390 For more information or to become an advertiser, please call 910.551.2883

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Copyright ©2015 by Main Street Media and Sandhills Naturally. All rights reserved. No part of this issue may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Main Street Media is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork or other material. Information in this publication is not meant to diagnose, treat or prescribe for medical conditions. The opinions expressed by contributing writers are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors and publisher.

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It's February already, and love is in the air. It's only fitting that this month we have articles about self love, romance and a few things that I love — including yoga and Sandhills Farm to Table! I was first exposed to yoga as a young girl when my older sister and mom attended a yoga class at the church. It seemed mystical, almost magical — and complicated. When I rediscovered yoga several years ago, it was at a dark point in my life. My friend and I would practice in her living room, and it was a welcome chance to focus my mind on something else — it was therapeutic. I would also stand by the lake in The beauty of love, and the Sandhills area, in Western the early morning and practice Harnett County. Photo by Amber Mabus of Sanford. my tree pose. It was amazing how that one pose could foster balance, determination, focus, strength and peace. Now, I'm practicing more regularly, several times a week, and continuously learning. In this issue, we take a peek at the different styles of yoga to erase some of the mystery that still enshrouds this ancient practice. Eating healthy, organic (when possible) and locally grown food is another thing that I love. Sandhills Farm to Table is connecting the area's farmers with consumers, one box at a time, and bringing communities together through their "gathering sites." Learn all about this huge undertaking and how you can be a part of the local food movement. And then there's the Cape Fear River. It connects my hometown of Fayetteville and my current home county of Harnett, and winds its way to the coast, emptying at Fort Fisher, another of my favorite places and where I married the one that I love. Like many interesting places and things along the Cape Fear, the Cape Fear River Trail begs to be explored, and we oblige in this issue. We hope you'll explore it, too, and you just may find something new that you love! February is also American Heart Month, and you'll find heart health tips in this issue. My dad had his first heart attack in his 40s and died from a heart attack in his 70s. This family history has helped fuel my desire to try to live a healthier lifestyle and to strive to keep my family well as naturally as possible. Be sure to like us on Facebook (sandhillsnaturallync), and check out our digital edition online. If you would like to help support Sandhills Naturally by being a sponsor or a distribution location, please let me know. Thanks for reading Sandhills Naturally, and Happy Valentine's Day!

Februar y 2015

Joy Godwin Crowe, Publisher



yoga demystified By Karen Gilchrist One often hears the comment that yoga is for everybody, and if survey numbers accurately reflect the data, more and more people are coming to the mat. According to a 2012 survey by Yoga Journal, over 20.4 million or 8.7% of adults in the U.S. practice yoga, an increase of 29% since an earlier survey in 2008. Of this number, 82.2% are women, and 62.8% are between 18-44. Cited as the top five reasons for starting yoga are flexibility, general conditioning, stress relief, improving overall health and physical fitness. But someone seeking to practice yoga for the first time to help achieve these admirable goals may feel a bit overwhelmed at the variety and choices of yoga available, some more traditional in approach and others fairly recent adaptations.

physical aspect of yoga.

Disclaimer: What is frequently referred to as yoga – the

• Hatha (Hah ta) – Often a basic and classical approach to

class focused on the physical postures or asanas – is in reality

breathing and postures, hatha is one of the six original branches

just one aspect or one of the eight “limbs” of yoga, and a

of yoga; the other branches include bhakti (yoga of devotion),

life-long process aimed at self-realization, which includes

jnana (yoga of the mind), karma (yoga of selfless service), raja

practice of the yamas (restraints), niyamas (observances), asana

(yoga of self-control) and tantra (yoga of rituals). Originally

(meditative and physical postures), pranayama (the breath),

practiced to prepare the body for meditation, hatha is calming

pratyahara (withdrawl of the senses), dharana (concentration),

and de-stressing and available to most people.

dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (enlightenment). This article

• Iyengar – Founded by B.K.S. Iyengar, this yoga focuses

seeks to offer a very brief overview (and is by no means

on precise alignment and specific sequencing and uses blocks,

comprehensive) of a selection of the more popular or familiar

harnesses, incline boards and straps to assist students in finding

approaches to yoga, and some are more focused on the

a pose. Iyengar provides a great foundation for other yoga styles, works every part of the body and is appropriate for most anyone. • Anusara – Anusara yoga, created by John Friend, offers a positive, heartfelt and accepting approach to yoga with an emphasis on proper alignment to prevent injuries. • Ashtanga – Sri K. Pattabhi Jois brought this style of yoga originating in Mysore, India, to the U.S. in 1975. It consists of six challenging and established pose sequences that move quickly, flowing from one pose to the next with each breath in and out (vinyasa or flow). • Bikram – Named after its inventor Bikram Choudhury, Bikram is a stationary hot


Februar y 2015

yoga where students complete 26 poses, each two times, in a room heated to 105 degrees and 40% humidity. • Jivamukti – Created by Sharon Gannon and David Life and translated as “liberation while living,” jivamukti incorporates a very physical practice with traditional spirituality and often includes philosophy and chanting. • Kripalu – Kripalu offers a three-part practice focused on self-empowerment and covers mechanics, breath work and the spiritual side of yoga. • Kundalini – Kundalini yoga involves constantly moving and invigorating poses in a fluid practice intended to release the kundalini (serpent) energy in the body. • Power – Made popular by Beryl Bender Birch and Bryan Kest, students of Pattabhi Jois, power yoga is an athletic adaptation of ashtanga yoga that may or may not take place in a heated class. Unlike an ashtanga practice, the sequence of poses may vary each time.

• Yin – Yin yoga is a passive, meditative practice, where

• Restorative – Restorative yoga uses props to support the body in modified poses for up to 20 minutes, allowing complete relaxation, particularly effective for relieving stress and recovering from injury.

students relax into certain poses and hold them for an extended time to lengthen connective tissues. In addition to the above “types” of yoga, other approaches address the specific needs and abilities of particular populations,

• Sivananda – Based on the same 12 poses or asanas,

such as pre/post-natal yoga, family yoga, kids yoga, yoga for

each Sivananda class begins and ends with chanting and

PTSD or autism, chair yoga and therapeutic yoga, to name just

meditation. Sivananda believes proper breathing, diet, exercise,

a few. In essence, yoga is for everybody and every body, and

positive thinking and relaxation work together to form a

knowing what to expect and matching one’s needs and abilities

healthy yogic lifestyle.

to a class will help to ensure a positive experience — and

• Viniyoga – Viniyoga uses the principles of warming up a muscle and contracting it before stretching it in order to

perhaps a greater overall sense of wellbeing. Karen Gilchrist is a writer, yoga instructor and longtime

decrease one’s chance of injury. A highly individualized practice

resident of Southern Pines. You can reach her at karen@

allows students to adapt poses to their own level.

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Februar y 2015

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salt — shaking off a bad reputation REFINED VS. UNREFINED SALT — Part TWO of a two-part series By Karen Gilchrist For decades, consumers have been advised to cut back on their salt intake to lower elevated blood pressure, but Dr. David

the healthy minerals and elements have been removed. In contrast, unrefined salt like Celtic Sea Salt is the result of

Brownstein, author of “Salt Your Way to Health,” notes that

ancient gathering methods used 2,000-plus years ago, relying

while “salt levels have declined in this country over the last 50

on the wind and sun to evaporate ocean water, leaving a

years, there has been no trend toward lowered blood pressures

mineral-rich brine that crystallizes on wooden tools, ensuring no

in the population.” Brownstein recognized that certain

loss of minerals and other elements.

minerals, like magnesium and potassium, possess “a direct anti-hyperintensive effect.” And a study by the National Health

But why is salt refined in the first place? Once refined, it is essentially lifeless, but it has a long shelf life. An all-white salt

and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) revealed that “a pattern of low mineral intake, specifically magnesium, potassium and calcium were directly associated with hypertension. Repeated measurements over 20 years have confirmed the relationship between low mineral intake and elevated blood pressure.” These minerals are missing from refined salt, but unrefined sea salt contains over 80 minerals, including magnesium and potassium, and in Brownstein’s experience, has actually helped lower blood pressure in his patients. Refined salt comprises two major elements, sodium and chloride. It is the refining process that renders salt void of beneficial minerals and increases the ratio of sodium.

product certainly looks cleaner, but that white color is a result

Brine is mechanically removed from salt mines and prior to

of bleaching. The refining process does remove any toxins in the

its evaporation, often chemically treated, which can include the

salt if it is taken from a polluted area. But while iodine is added

use of sulfuric acid or chlorine, to remove minerals, considered

to refined salt to prevent goiter, it is insufficient in quantity to

impurities. Under high compression and heat, the water is

meet the body’s needs.

evaporated, which alters the molecular structure of the salt,

In contrast to refined salt, unrefined salt contains sodium

and most of the moisture in the salt is removed. Anti-caking,

and chloride, as well as all the elements necessary for life.

free-flowing or conditioning agents, like sodium ferrocyanide,

Unrefined salt has not undergone processes to remove its

ammonium citrate, and aluminum silicate, none of which is

naturally associated minerals and elements or been exposed

healthful, are added, along wth dextrose, a refined sugar. Salt

to harsh chemicals. It provides the body with the appropriate

that is 99.7-99.5 pure is about 39% sodium, 60% chloride; all

balance of sodium, chloride and over 80 trace minerals. Absent


Februar y 2015

the balancing effect of the trace minerals, refined salt supplies too much sodium to the body. Too much refined salt can also lead to mineral deficiencies, acidity and the onset of chronic disease. Some individuals, particularly those who have hypertension and are salt sensitive and those with renal failure must closely monitor their salt intake. And of course, anyone with an existing condition or concerns should always consult with their physician. But for the rest of us? Unrefined might just be fine! Karen Gilchrist is a writer, yoga instructor and longtime resident of Southern Pines. You can reach her at

Pink Himilayan Salt vs. Sea Salt Even though pink salts come from the Himilayan mountain range, they are technically sea salts as well. According to an article by Amanda Ennett on, “All salt comes from a salted body of water — namely, an ocean or salt-water lake. However, Himalayan salt is said to be the purest form of sea salt. The many hues of pink, red and white are an indication of this salt's rich and varying mineral and energy-rich iron content.” Unrefined sea salts can be found in many different colors. Gourmet chefs and savvy home cooks are now using an assortment of sea salts. SaltWorks (www. provides a gourmet salt guide as a reference tool, which defines some of the more common sea salts. Black Hawaiian sea salt contains an activated charcoal, while Alaea Sea Salt has a natural mineral called "Alae," volcanic baked red clay, added to enrich the salt with iron oxide and gives it a distinctive red color. Grey salt is typically found in the Brittany region of France's Atlantic coast. It has a light grey color which comes from the minerals absorbed from the clay lining the salt ponds. Indian Black salt, or Kala Namak, is an unrefined mineral salt that is a pinkish-gray color (despite its name).

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Februar y 2015

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hearts beet to a different drummer By Sueson Vess

It's all hearts and flowers, chocolate and candy hearts —


and cheery pink and red brightening up winter's brown and

1. Preheat oven to 400°F.

gray. Beets are red, too (and sometimes yellow, orange or

2. Toss beets, onion, carrots and bell pepper in olive oil

candy-cane striped). Beets are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant-

and spread in a single layer on a large roasting pan. Cook

rich, sweet and colorful – a wonderful complement to a meal

in preheated oven for 45 minutes or until beets and other

whether roasted, or grated raw and served on top of a salad,

vegetables are softened.

pureed and used to color red velvet cupcakes or to go into a pot for delicious roasted beet soup. There are so many delicious ways to add this beautiful and beneficial ingredient to your plate.

3. Add apple cider, chicken broth and roasted vegetables to a large stockpot and simmer for 15 minutes. 4. Add tarragon and salt and pepper, to taste. 5. Carefully puree soup in small batches in a blender or food processor. Add water or additional broth to thin to desired

Roasted Beet Soup


Valentine's Day or any other time you want to "get your RED on," enjoy this soup that is both beautiful and delicious.

Better-Than-Ever Red Velvet Cupcakes

Beets are a good source of folate, potassium and iron. They

Chocolate and beets — antioxidants and flavor meet and

derive their rich jewel-tone color in part from cancer-fighting

get married! Delicious, gluten- and dairy-free! Substitute carob

antioxidant betacyanin. High in natural sugar but low in

for cacao if needed. These rich cupcakes satisfy your sweet

calories, a beet's

tooth without too much sugar. Frosting optional.

flavor and sweetness

Makes 12 regular-sized cupcakes

are intensified when



1 cup gluten-free flour blend (add 1 teaspoon xanthan or

Serve this soup hot

guar gum if gum is not included in gluten-free flour blend)

with a dollop of sour

1/2 cup raw unsweetened cacao or cocoa powder

cream or plain yogurt.

1 teaspoon grain-free baking powder

Serves 6 to 8

1/2 teaspoon baking soda


1/4 teaspoon salt

3 pounds fresh red

3/4 cup beet puree*

beets, trimmed, peeled

3/4 cup sugar; recommend coconut sugar or Sucanet

and cut into pieces

1/2 cup sunflower or other unflavored oil

1 large onion,

1/4 cup unsweetened, canned coconut milk or other


nondairy substitute

2 carrots, chopped

1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

1 red or yellow bell

1/2 teaspoon almond extract (may substitute vanilla

pepper, chopped


2 tablespoons

2 large eggs or egg substitute Instructions

extra-virgin olive oil 2 cups apple cider, preferably organic

1. Preheat oven to 350ºF. Prepare cupcake pan: line with

2 cups chicken or vegetable broth

paper liners or generously oil.

1 teaspoon dried tarragon

2. Sift or whisk together GF flour blend, xanthan gum if

½ teaspoon each, salt and pepper, to taste

needed, cacao, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Set aside.

Optional: Puree 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt or sour cream into the soup. 8

3. Combine beet puree, sugar, oil, coconut milk, vinegar, almond extract and eggs preferably in a stand mixer bowl

Februar y 2015

nutrition with the paddle attachment and blend thoroughly, about 1 minute on medium speed. (May use hand held mixer.) Turn to low and slowly add the dry ingredients. Mix until all ingredients are

Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 375ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper for easier clean up. 2. Drizzle cut beets with olive and spread in a single layer on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. 3. Place beets in preheated oven and bake for 45 to 60 minutes or until tender. 4. Serve warm or at room temperature with additional olive oil or butter substitute; also good served with Greek vinaigrette.

incorporated; do not over-mix. 4. Evenly distribute batter into cupcake pan compartments (an

Greek Vinaigrette Makes 1½ CUPS Ingredients 1/4 cup red wine vinegar (for gluten-free avoid Malt vinegar or flavored vinegars from unknown ingredients)

ice cream-type scoop

2-3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

works well); fill about

1/2 teaspoon Dijon-style mustard


1 small shallot (or 1-2 garlic cloves), finely minced

5. Bake for 17-20 minutes or until a toothpick in the center

1 cup olive oil

of the center cupcake comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack

1/2 teaspoon dried oregano or marjoram

before frosting.

Salt and pepper to taste

*Roast or boil beets until very tender. Puree in food processor or blender until smooth. Three (3) small or 2 mediumsized beets will make 3/4 cup puree. Cook extra beets for additional use to assure that you have 3/4 cup beet puree. Frozen precooked beets are also an option.

Instructions 1. Whisk vinegar, lemon juice, mustard and shallot together. 2. Pour olive oil in a slow stream, whisking to create an emulsion. Add herb of choice, salt and pepper. 3. Taste and adjust seasonings.

Roasted Beets Ingredients 3-4 medium beets, peeled and cut into quarters 1 tablespoon olive oil ½ teaspoon each salt and pepper

Born out of a love for deep transformation and service, Southern Pines Yoga Co. is committed to meeting you where you are and taking you forward to where and who you want to be. We value all schools of yoga and aim to offer classes and workshops accessible for people in all stages in life. Classes offered seven days a week.

169 Beverly Lane, Southern Pines, NC 28387 The Shops of Southern Pines ~ Next to The Fresh Market 910.246.0065 • Februar y 2015

Chef Sueson Vess is the author of the cookbook Special Eats, and healthy gluten-free/allergen-free living is her passion. A resident of Moore County, Chef Vess provides food coaching services to help others achieve a “good-for-your-health” lifestyle, especially for special dietary needs or during special medical situations. She can be reached at 1-800-981-5029 or


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doctor, my eyes feel dry! By Dr. Edward Kenshock

What is Dry Eye? Dry Eye is a condition where there is an insufficient amount of tears or a poor quality of the tear film. The tear film is important for nourishing the front surface of the eye and for providing clear vision. What are the symptoms of Dry Eye? People with dry eye may experience red and irritated eyes. The eyes may feel gritty and scratchy and burn. At times, the eye may actually tear in attempt to produce more tears, and this can cause blurry vision. What are the causes of Dry Eye? The most common causes of dry include age, female gender, medications, medical conditions and the environment. Some common medications that induce dry eye include antihistamines, decongestants, blood pressure medications and antidepressants. In addition, people with rheumatoid arthritis may experience dry eye. Another common cause of dry eye is the failure to blink the eyes regularly when using the computer for an extended period of time. How do I know if I have Dry Eyes? Dry eye is diagnosed with a comprehensive eye examination through a thorough history, clinical exam and special tests which evaluate both the quantity and quality of the tear film. Ok, so I have Dry Eye. What is the treatment? The treatment is usually a combination of adding artificial tears, conserving the natural tears, increasing tear production and treating any inflammation of the eyes and eyelids that may contribute to dry eye. Some of the available treatment options include topical lubricants, which consist of drops, gels and ointments; punctal occlusion to reduce the natural tears from

draining; prescription eye drops such as Restasis and topical steroids to reduce inflammation and increase tear production. In addition, in some patients with dry eye, supplements or dietary sources (such as tuna fish) of omega-3 fatty acids (especially DHA and EPA) may decrease symptoms and irritation. The use and dosage of nutritional supplements and vitamins should be discussed with your primary medical doctor. Some additional home remedies are remembering to blink your eyes regularly, increasing the humidity in your home, wearing sunglasses outdoors, drinking plenty of water and considering nutritional supplements. In conclusion, Dry Eye is a common and chronic problem that is encountered daily in our office. A comprehensive eye exam is the first step in the evaluation for Dry Eye. Your eye care provider can diagnose and establish a treatment regimen to improve your Dry eye and your overall eye health. Edward Kenshock, O.D. is an eye physician & surgeon at Cape Fear Eye Associates in Fayetteville. For more information on eye health, visit our website at, or to schedule a comprehensive eye exam, call 910.484.2284 or 800.829.2284.

Come Grow With Us.

Chiropractic Wellness Clinic Dr. David H. Fonke 910.436.3336 1570 Hwy 24/87, Cameron, NC


Do you have have sales experience, like to meet people, and have an interest in natural health and wellness and sustainable living? If so, we'd like to talk to you. For more information, call 910-551-2883 or email 10

Symptoms you are experiencing may be caused by spinal sublixations. Spinal adjustments with the Activator adjusting instrument are gentle and effective.

Call 910.436.3336 today for your free consultation.

Februar y 2015


the most important life-long romance

falling in love with yourself by Melissa Aguire So often love is defined

curriculum. It means that we

as an outward reflection of

just get to choose the course to

adoration towards someone or


something; however, when we

Self-love is a form of

return to the source of love, it

awareness. It is about giving

always leads us back within.

yourself permission to not

Falling in love with yourself is

know all the answers, but to

the most important relationship

feel how you feel. Self-love is

to embark upon in this world.

not reacting but responding

The Golden Rule, “love your

with gentleness and what you

neighbor as you love yourself”

need in that moment, even if

exemplifies that self-love is the

that means you need to remove

foundation upon which we love

yourself from the situation to

others. For we can only extend to

reading an inspiring book or

others what we have offered ourselves, so setting an intention

simply vent. Whatever it is, honor how you feel and respond

this year to reconnect with self love may be the healthiest and

to yourself with the same love and support you would for your

most productive thing you will do.

child or someone you love. Making this a habit begins to fill the

Self care is the practice of taking time to nurture your body and mind — whether it be through exercise, meditation, healthy eating or even cutting out the things in your life that are destructive. We must acknowledge that sometimes it is not easy to love ourselves because we are constantly immersed in comparing and striving towards outward accomplishments that have no relationship with who we are at our essence. These things are illusions that distract us from our ability to source abundance from within — to feel whole. We are so obsessed with searching for happiness that we forget to happily seek. Expectation is the thief of love, so by setting high expectations or planning out how you expect your life to go will only lead to disappointment and disapproval. There is something beautiful about mindfulness because it invites one to participate completely in the present moment with whatever is — not being identified by the current challenges or circumstances but by living inspired by them (especially because these things and all things are temporary) and viewing them as opportunities to be refined into the best version of yourself. Surrendering is a practice of self-love. Surrendering is the balance of keeping faith and letting go, understanding that even though we have free will, that does not mean that providence is going to be established based on our own Februar y 2015

Sherefé (pronounced "sherefay") means "Cheers!" in Turkish. Situated in an elegant building in historic downtown Fayetteville, Sherefé offers a superb dining experience for every occasion. Well known for serving healthy cuisine with a Mediterranean flair, Sherefé's beautiful interior boasts three dining rooms along with three private rooms. Our focus is on authentic, fresh, healthy, local and sustainable food. Whether a quick lunch, private event or dinner before the theater, Sherefé offers an unparalleled culinary experience.

910.630.3040 114 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301


“longing” or the “hole” that can often divert us from peace.

something that can never be destroyed; it can only be hidden. So whether it is setting aside a self-care day, starting a journal or trying a yoga class, make a commitment to yourself to let

Saying no is a form of self-love. When we over exert ourselves, our immune system depletes, making us vulnerable to illness and unable to really

go of patterns of self-betrayal and create space for your love to illuminate. Self-love can be the catalyst in letting go of unhealthy lifestyle choices and improving heart health. The local initiative for the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Campaign will be hosting many free community events and opportunities for our area to go red in advocacy for healthy

show up for life.

heart awareness from February through May. Mark your

There must always

calendars for February 2 - 7 as "Paint the Town Red" week, and

be a balance in what we give; in other words, practice giving with containment. Sleep disorders are one of the leading health problems in our nation, and 54% of US adults

be sure to wear red on February 6, National Wear Red Day. For more information about "Paint the Town Red" week and other events for Go Red for Women, visit Melissa Aguirre, ERYT 200 RYT 500 is a yoga therapist,

will experience insomnia at some point in their life, and it is

stress management specialist and energy medicine practitioner

often due to stress, anxiety and fatigue. Self-care heightens

at Living Balance Studios. She is the founder and leader of

our aptitude in combating stress and grounding to unearth

The Yoga and Mindfulness Series hosted by the Wounded

relaxation and restoration. It is okay to say no.

Warrior Project and is specialized in yoga therapy for the

The way you love yourself can set a phenomenal example for how others can love themselves because self-love is

military demographic. Learn more about Melissa at www.

Natl WEAR RED DAY February 6, 2015


Februar y 2015


drops of love

essential oils for romance and self-love by Kelli Edwards It's February, and the season of love is upon us! Whether you're setting the mood for the perfect, romantic Valentine’s date with your partner or single and thinking about attracting the love of your life, there are five essential oils that can help bring a little more love, beauty and sensual magic your way. The hypothalamus is the hormone control center in the body. It regulates and stimulates sex drive, energy levels and healthy production of hormones. Following is a list of essential oils and their known effects for creating desire and fostering pleasure in the bedroom. Rose: Rose is by far my favorite essential oil. It has so many benefits for the skin, but it’s also a major love potion for us ladies! It balances hormones, supports the reproductive organs and boosts feelings of sexual prowess and confidence. Patchouli: Patchouli essential oil is a well-loved aphrodisiac and another excellent oil for the skin, making it ideal for romantic, Valentine’s Day activities like massages and bubble baths. Ginger: Ginger is a deep, warm scent that creates feelings of safety and comfort and has been known to actually make lovemaking last longer and be more passionate. Jasmine: Jasmine increases energy levels and brightens the mood, reducing frigidity. Essential oil of jasmine is particularly helpful for men because it can be used quite reliably as a natural means of addressing many common performance issues. Ylang Ylang: As far as essential Februar y 2015

oils go, ylang ylang is considered to be one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs. It increases energy; reduces inhibitions thereby promoting sexual experimentation and it intensifies feelings or eroticism to help get men and women “in the mood,” so to speak. Ylang ylang is also known for increasing libido overall and promoting attraction. Cultivating self-love is perhaps the key to being truly well. It's the foundation from which loving actions arise. Self-love is a practice as well as a

feeling, and when we're struggling to shift our thoughts back from negative to positive, there are some tools from Mother Nature that can help quickly and easily. Essential oils have many healing properties, helping to restore emotional balance and induce feelings of joy, peace and love. According to Daniel MacDonald (author of Emotional Healing with Essential Oils, trained at the Institute of Healing Arts and owner of Enlighten), there are five stages of healing which take place in just about every circumstance: 1. Physical healing

2. Healing the heart 3. Releasing limiting beliefs 4. Increasing spiritual awareness and connection 5. Inspiring the fulfillment of our life's purpose As we use essential oils to heal our physical bodies and ailments, an emotional and spiritual healing can occur as well. Our bodies are being allowed to completely heal from the inside out, which differs from the medical healing that only addresses symptoms and doesn't always cure the real problem. At a presentation on emotional healing with essential oils, McDonald touched on how the following essential oils can help with emotional healing: Bergamot - helps with self-worth Cypress - supports individuals who are stuck or stagnant in life - can result in an emotional catharsis - helps emotions to flow again - helps to release the throat chakra and give voice to expression of their emotions - good to journal to support the flow of emotions - put it on the bottoms of feet - inhale cypress oil 4-5 times a day - place on the kidneys (which is responsible for the flow of water in the body), water symbolizing emotions and helping our emotions to flow again Geranium - "emotional healer" - has powerful resonance with the heart - good for infants and children - good for preparing a mother for childbirth 13

- good for individuals whose hearts have been injured - good for inner child work/regression work - place on the heart Grapefruit - supports the body - helps to reduce food cravings - helps us to listen to the subtle messages of our body and to honour our body Immortelle (DoTerra proprietary blend of frankincense, sandalwood, lavender, myrrh, helichrysum, rose)

- has the highest vibrational oils on the planet in one blend Lavender - calms fears and helps one to open the throat chakra - provides courage and strength - helps us to speak our truth - place on the throat Lemon - helps to support the left brain (i.e., the analytical brain)

- place it on the right side of the body Lemongrass - good for individuals who are angry - place over liver (the center for anger) Lime - supports the heart; cleanses issues with the heart, helps with grief - place it on the heart center Myrrh - connection with the earth and our birth mother - good oil to place on infants feet soon after they are born Marjoram - good for individuals who are aloof and closed off in the heart center and from life - helps individuals to connect more deeply with life Terrashield (DoTerra proprietary blend of 15 oils, including eucalyptus, citronella and lemongrass)

- helps to ward off pests (not just insect pests, but also individuals who are

"pests") - a protective blend and would be good for sensitive/empathetic children who find it difficult to be in public places because they absorb everything around them (On Guard is another proprietary protective blend that would be good for this purpose). Wild Orange - this "oil of abundance"supports the right brain (i.e., the creative brain); activates creativity - place it on the left side of the body Kelli Edwards, owner of Pure Phoenix Cleanse & Wellness, is a health enthusiast with a passion for helping people achieve optimum health. She helps people through yoga instruction, as a colon therapist and as an advocate and educator on essential oils. She loves taking care of her family, enjoys reading and learning about all aspects of health, creating new recipes, yoga, dancing, music and nature.

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Februar y 2015

expert tips to protect your heart this winter Heart disease and stroke remain the two top killers of Americans, according to the American Heart Association. Some research shows that heart-related deaths increase by 5 percent

vitamin D punch, like soy milk fortified with the nutrient to the grocery list. * Beta-glucan, found in oats, is a plant-based sugar known

during the holidays, no matter where you live, and more cardiac

to lower absorption of cholesterol, which may reduce the risk of

deaths occur on Christmas and New Year's day than on any

heart disease. Research shows that consuming approximately

other days of the year, according to a study by the University of

3mg per day of oat beta-glucan has a statistically significant

California, San Diego and Tufts University School of Medicine

cholesterol-lowering effect.

published in the journal Circulation. Cardiovascular-related incidents increase in winter for a number of reasons, including drops in temperature that constrict blood vessels, irregular workout routines, poor stress management and changing eating habits. "We tend to eat significantly more inflammationpromoting foods in the winter," says Dr. Michael Roizen, founder of "The combination of poor diet and other stressors can trigger plaque ruptures and cause chunks of fatty deposits lining arteries to enter the bloodstream, potentially leading to more risk for heart attack and stroke." Here are suggestions for keeping your heart Stay active

healthy this winter: Maintain a healthy diet

Regular exercise has a favorable effect on many of the

Less than 1 percent of adults meet the American Heart

established risk factors for cardiovascular disease. For example,

Association's definition for an "Ideal Healthy Diet," which

exercise promotes weight reduction and can help reduce blood

means the majority of people need to make some smarter

pressure. Take the dog on a walk or challenge your kids to a

nutrition decisions. Don't overindulge on artery-clogging dishes,

snowball fight. Make it fun, but make sure it happens.

and instead focus on foods that contain key heart health nutrients:

Keep warm If you're going outdoors in the cold, keep your mouth

* Omega-3s DHA and EPA, found in fatty fish like salmon

covered with a scarf so warm air hits your lungs first when you

and sardines, are essential fatty acids which have been shown

breathe in. For those who are traveling from a warm to a cold

to support healthy blood pressure and brain function. GOED

climate, pack warm gear because some research suggests a dip

(the Global Organization for EPA and DHA omega-3)

in temperature from what you're used to may increase your risk

recommends getting 250-500mg of EPA and DHA per day

for stroke by 7 percent and heart attack by 12 percent. Relax

through foods and supplements. * Vitamin D, found in mushrooms and added to soy and

Focus on the pleasures of life, like family time and

almond milks, has been shown to support heart health. Some

volunteering. Giving and relaxation can benefit stress levels.

research indicates that a vitamin D deficiency may be a risk

Finally, sticking to your normal sleep schedule is very important.

factor for heart attacks, congestive heart failure, peripheral

For more information about nutrition for heart health, visit

arterial disease and high blood pressure. Sunlight is the best and photo courtesy of

natural source for vitamin D, but since people spend more time

Brandpoint, BPT.

indoors during the winter, add foods that pack an added

Februar y 2015



five tips for achieving tech-life balance Is your device your vice? Americans think they are able to easily balance their technology use with their regular activities, but when the numbers are crunched, perception doesn't match up with reality.

memory and software and closing the apps you are not using are simple low-cost ways to help your technology help you. 3. Pick sleep over technology. Checking Instagram, Facebook, e-mail or LinkedIn cannot compete with the benefit

One in four Americans report they get stressed out when they're away from their email or phone for longer than 30

of a half hour more sleep each night. In many ways, your brain is a computer, too. At night this neurological PC repairs genes,

minutes, according to a survey

secretes many regulatory

conducted by GMI and commissioned

hormones (including the one that

by And 84 percent of

makes you lose weight), conjures

male respondents admitted to checking

up the necessary dreams that

a mobile device while driving, in a

keep you sane and stores

movie theater, at a funeral or at a

information you learned that day

child's play or recital.

— to note just a few of the many

Technology overuse is making

things it does to reset your body.

many Americans feel guilty about the

Given the choice between

amount of time they spend digitally

technology and sleep, opt to get

connected. Life balance expert Mary

some more shuteye.

LoVerde, author of "Stop Screaming at

4. Look up. Seriously,

the Microwave" and "I Used To Have A

every once in a while just look up

Handle On Life But It Broke," provides

and see what is going on in the

the following tips on how you can reconnect with your friends

real world all around you. Make eye contact. Smile at someone.

and family, and help balance your use of technology.

Breathe deeply. Pay attention to the world. There is magic out

1. Establish personal tech-life balance policies. Take a look at what you value and set some policies to help you

there that you are missing. 5. Stop taking yourself so seriously. We need to

stay connected to what's most important. For example,

understand that when we let go of some of our technology,

everyone values family time, but it is not always prioritized. You

other ideas will come into clearer focus. We have to believe that

might make a family policy that limits technology at the dinner

Chicken Little's sky will not fall if we log off for an hour. If we

table, after 9 p.m. or while your children complete their

miss a selfie, a posting or a call, the planets will remain in orbit,

homework. Maybe you and your partner agree to shut off

and in the meantime, if we are lucky, we will have reconnected

technology for an hour before bed to give attention to each

with our humanness in a meaningful way.


Content and photo courtesy of Brandpoint, BPT.

You no doubt value your safety and the safety of those around you. So make a strict policy that texting and driving is an unacceptable practice, and then stick to it. Announce to others out loud what your policies are. A clear and public declaration can lead to peer pressure, which can help ensure that you stay true to your promises. 2. Maximize your devices' efficiency. Waiting for programs to load can be a frustrating time-waster so make your devices as user-friendly as possible. The speed and amount of memory you've got installed helps determine how fast applications are able to operate. Upgrading your system's


Februar y 2015


the clean 15 and the dirty dozen Organic produce shopping: guide for selecting pesticide-free produce The use of pesticides has become a standard practice in

list may fluctuate yearly, but some types of produce

farming. They are used to repel damaging pests and prevent

appear regularly. Certain vegetables and fruits, like

them from destroying whole crops. Unfortunately, pesticides

pineapple, for example, naturally have a protective layer that

can leave residue on fruits and vegetables that may eventually

stands as a defense against pesticides. As of 2014, the EWG

cause health problems in people who regularly consume them.

Clean 15 list includes avocados, pineapple, cabbage, sweet

Although some harmful

corn, sweet peas

chemicals are no longer

(frozen), asparagus,

used on food since the

mangoes, onions,

passing of the Food

papayas, eggplant, kiwi,

Quality Protection Act

grapefruit, cauliflower,

of 1996, there are still

cantaloupe and sweet

concerns surrounding

potatoes. When eating

the amount of pesticides

these food items, the

that are currently being

pesticide levels are so

put to use. To alert

low or non-existent that

consumers about the

purchasing organic may

amounts of pesticides

not always be necessary.

that are in their food, the

With 99 percent of

Environmental Working

its samples clean of

Group (EWG) created

pesticide residue,

two important lists. The

avocados hold the honor

first of these lists the foods that are considered the cleanest due

of being the cleanest item tested. Although their percentage

to the low amounts of pesticides. The second lists foods that

rate of samples with no residue wasn’t as high as the avocado,

are the worst of the offenders and that have the highest levels

pineapples, mango, kiwi, and papayas were impressively clean,

of pesticides. These EWG lists are called the “Clean 15 and the

with between 89 percent to 80 percent of samples showing no

“Dirty Dozen.”

pesticide residue traces.

The Clean 15

The Dirty Dozen

The clean 15 is a list of fruits and vegetables that the EWG

According to the latest report by the EWG, 65 percent of

has found to have the least amount of pesticide residue based

the foods that are tested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

on tests conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This

come up positive for residue from pesticides. The 12 produce

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Februar y 2015

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items that the EWG has found to have the highest pesticide

provide the agent with a description of their operation, what

concentrations make up a list known as the dirty dozen. This list

substances they’ve applied to the soil over a three-year period

includes apples, strawberries, celery, spinach, grapes, peaches,

and the products that they grow. In addition, they must also

imported nectarines,

provide an Organic System

cherry tomatoes, sweet

Plan. This written plan

bell peppers, potatoes,

must outline what their

cucumbers and snap

practices are, including any

peas. The report notes

substances that are or will

that pesticide residue was

be used. The certification

found on 100 percent

is received after the

of the nectarines tested.

certification agent has

Apples were a close

reviewed the information

competitor, with 99

and conducted an on-site

percent of the samples

inspection to verify that

testing positive. Despite their size, grapes are one of the largest

the practices meet organic standards. The organic standards,

pesticide offenders, as 15 different pesticides could be found on

or requirements, for crops involve not using or allowing the use

just one grape.

of not only synthetic fertilizers but also irradiation, genetically

Guidelines for Fruits and Vegetables to Receive an Organic Stamp Organic foods are items that have been grown free of synthetic pesticides and other chemicals. Because of the

modified organisms, sewage sludge and prohibited pesticides. Reprinted courtesy of Planet Natural. has been providing products for a healthy home, lawn and garden since 1991.

increased desire for healthy foods that are free of potentially dangerous chemicals, there has been a rise in the number of products that are labeled as organic in markets. Consumers must exercise caution, however, when purchasing these items, as food labels can be misleading. People can be confident that an item is organic when it has been certified by a certifying agent that is accredited by the USDA. This accreditation allows them to market their product as organic using the USDA organic seal. Produce that has not been certified cannot legally use an organic label from the USDA. Farmers and growers of raw products such as fruits and vegetables can become certified by applying to a USDA-accredited certifying agent. They must

1995-2015 Celebrating our Commitment to Fitness Join today and see the medical fitness difference. Our experts are ready to help. Pinehurst • Southern Pines • Rockingham Troy • Raeford

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Februar y 2015


a recipe for kissable lips by Joy Crowe

Cold winter weather outside paired with dry indoor heat

Note: If you want a harder lip balm, add an additional 1/2

can leave your lips feeling, well, less than kissable. Lips don’t

ounce of beeswax. For an even softer lip balm, add an

contain oil glands like other parts of the skin, so the lips are

additional 1/2 ounce of coconut oil.

more susceptible to drying out and becoming chapped. Chapped lips are also a sign of dehydration. Dry, cracked lips

Note: This recipe makes 3 oz. of lip balm. Make sure you have enough containers to hold all of it. This recipe will make

are no fun, and a good lip balm is a

approximately 20 lip balm tubes, 12

great way to keep lips soft and

small containers or 3 large ones. You

healthy. Unfortunately, many

can always reduce the batch size by

commercial lip balms contain

cutting the recipe in half.

chemicals and petroleum products,


artificial fragrances, alcohol and

1. Line up empty containers on

salicylic acid that can actually irritate

counter. If you are using a lip balm

lips and cause dryness.

stick, make sure it is twisted down to

Your lips deserve a natural

the bottom of the tube. (Tip: Turn an

remedy to keep them feeling soft and

egg carton upside down and cut an x

looking healthy and kissable! This easy

in the bottom of each to hold your

DIY lip balm recipe from DoTERRA is

tubes upright.)

super moisturizing and healthy for

2. Measure all butters and oils in

your llips. Coconut oil, shea butter and

the glass jar until you have the right

cocoa butter have a natural SPF factor


as well. You can add essential oils for

3. Fill a large skillet/saucepan with

flavor (but don't lick your lips!), aroma

1-1.5 inches of water. Bring to a boil.

and healing properties. (Some citrus

Once boiling, add the glass jar to the

oils are photosensitive and make you

center of the saucepan to melt and

more sensitive to the sun, so try to

combine ingredients.

avoid those.)

4. Stir every few minutes until the


ingredients are melted and combined

What you need:

(10-15 minutes).

1 ounce beeswax (around 3 tablespoons)

Tip: Use a Popsicle stick to stir for easy cleanup.

1 ounce coconut oil (around 2 tablespoons)

5. Once all wax is melted, remove from heat and let sit for

1/2 ounce shea butter (around 1 tablespoon)

3 minutes. After the 3 minutes, add essential oils.

1/2 ounce cocoa butter (around 1 tablespoon)

6. Pour mixture into lip balm containers. It’s okay if you

20 drops Peppermint essential oil (optional)

spill, wax easily comes off plastic and countertops. Let the

10 drops Lavender essential oil (optional)

mixture cool, and you’re done!

Large skillet/saucepan with water

Note: If you would like to make tinted lip balm, save some

Glass jar

of the mixture and move to step 7.


7. Add a pinch of colored mineral makeup until you get

Lip balm containers (lip bam tubes, reusable tins, etc. Optional: To add a tint of color to your lip balm, add a pinch of colored mineral makeup, beet root powder or mica powder.

Februar y 2015

your desired color. Stir until combined. Note: If the wax is too cool and begins to harden, put the glass jar back into the hot water and remelt the mixture. See more at:



Sandhills Farm to Table Neighbors feeding neighbors by Karen Gilchrist

When talking about people coming together and building community, one would be hard-pressed to find an organization more “neighborly” than Sandhills Farm to Table Cooperative (SF2T Cooperative). Co-founded by Jan Leitschuh and Fenton Wilkinson and located in Moore County, the cooperative is entering its sixth season, serving Moore and the nine contiguous counties — Chatham, Cumberland, Harnett, Hoke, Lee, Montgomery, Randolph, Richmond and Scotland. Steve Peters, General Manager, is beginning his third year leading and managing the co-op and explains what sets Sandhills Farm to Table apart from other co-ops in the area. “We are here in the Sandhills,” says Peters. “All the ownerships are the people that we answer to, of which there are three classes: producers, consumers and staff. They all are part owners of our cooperative. We are all here in the community. We feel that’s what distinguishes us (from other co-ops). We also, of course, feel that there are product differentiators, but at its core, ultimately we answer to a different ownership group than other entities, which impacts how we operate and the products we bring to market.” According to its website,,


it is “the first cooperative in the country where producers, consumers, and staff are all equal owners.” Each year, anyone who sells or buys food through the coop and all staff members become members for $20. Returning members pay $15. Members are then eligible to subscribe to a produce box of local fresh-picked fruits and vegetables and other products delivered weekly to Gathering Sites throughout the community during the growing season from April through November. Additionally, members receive a weekly newsletter highlighting local farm and food news, recipes and other tips and have the opportunity to purchase products from the online artisanal market, featuring value-added products such as baked goods, goat cheese, grass-fed beef, homemade ice cream, local honey, salsas & jams and sustainably raised pork and poultry not always available because they are primarily offered at farmstands; to order seasonal bulk produce to “put up” and to attend special classes and community events offered through the co-op. “We are about being a local cooperative,” Peters says. Not only are we providing a midtier market to our producers; we’re paying them an above-wholesale rate, and through their participation, we drive contributions back into the communities themselves.” According to the website, in 2014, • the co-op donated more than three tons of produce to neighbors in need through various food pantries and shelters in the Sandhills, • local Sandhills family farmers and artisans received almost

Februar y 2015

Blueberry Hill U-Pick is one of the many area farms that participates in the Sandhills Farm to Table co-op. $350,000, $7,000 of which went to new producers, • over $43,000 went directly to community schools, churches, small businesses and organizations as unrestricted contributions through Gathering Sites and • neighbors gathered together for more than 3300 volunteer hours. Peters acknowledges that another huge differentiation is that SF2T is a volunteer-driven organization. “Volunteer hours are such a huge component of our operating plan that we would not be happening without them. Our goal is to become sustainable as a business. We need to be able to keep ourselves around year after year and take care of our stakeholders. Over the past two years, we have been focused on operational efficiency, trying to make sure that we can access markets that we’re targeting and deliver high-quality products.” That focus has included physical infrastructure like a truck but also software, an improved website for ordering and changes to the box-packing configuration to enhance the experience for the volunteers so they will continue to want to help. “For our packing operations, we tend to have a fairly robust corp of volunteers. Sometimes the local popup sites for delivery and pickup, the Gathering Sites, are in need of additional volunteers, so if anyone is interested in helping out, they can always sign up as a gathering site volunteer. They can find out how to participate from the website.” SF2T is also interested in meeting potential new producers, particularly small producers. Sandhills Farm to Table Gathering Sites utilize volunteers to staff the co-op box pick-up sites. In turn, they receive a contribution for their organization. Februar y 2015

“We evaluate every producer and also their products one by one so we can balance our product offering,” says Peters. The co-op has just launched its preseason offer for the 2015 membership and subscription program and currently provides a variety of full-year, spring/summer and fall box options. Last year, SF2T filled over 1200 spring/summer subscriptions and over 800 fall subscriptions. Allowing for the operational enhancements of 2014, the co-op realized a 20% growth over the past two years. Mark Hunsicker, Production Manager, underscores the coop’s guiding principles of “neighbors feeding neighbors” and “we’re all in this together.” “One of the beautiful aspects of Sandhills Farm2Table is the linking of communities,” says Hunsicker, “whether it be the growing/producing community with consumers, matching volunteers with areas of interest or maybe just the linking of neighboring communities." “We believe in doing what works for us, creating an alternate market for producers, a unique product for our consumers – and we’re doing it really, really well,” Peters says. “So obviously everyone’s participation is key, and we are very appreciative that they not only love the product, but are also willing to engage and assist in changing the face of local food share in the Sandhills.” For more information on Sandhills Farm to Table Cooperative or to volunteer or become a member, visit, call 910.722.1623, or email

explore: Sandhills Farm to Table Cooperative 910.722.1623 email:


exploring the cape fear river trail NEW TRAIL HEAD DEDICATED TO "THE BICYCLE MAN" By Karen Gilchrist For over two decades until his death in 2013, Moses

Man Community Outreach Projects in 2011. How fitting, then,

Mathis, longtime resident of Fayetteville and widely known

that the latest extension of the Cape Fear River Trail, a 5.5-

across the Sandhills and beyond as “The Bicycle Man,” collected

mile paved trail that winds through the Fayetteville community

and repaired donated bikes from the community, presenting

along the Cape Fear River, perfect for biking, inline skating and

them at Christmas time to children whose families could not afford to buy a bike. His work reaching out to youth in the community yielded

walking, is dedicated to

The latest extension of the Cape Fear River Trail is dedicated to a man whose work has enabled over 27,000 kids to know the exhilaration of riding their own bike.

two awards from the

a man whose work to date has enabled over 27,000 kids to know the exhilaration of riding their own bike. Like the Dunn-Erwin

White House, and

Rail Trail, the Cape Fear

his Tiffany Pines Community Outreach organization, which

River Trail is part of the East Coast Greenway, a series of urban

expanded to six surrounding counties, became The Bicycle

trails and greenways that, when complete, will extend from Maine to Key West, Florida. The 10-foot-wide path suitable for biking, jogging, skating and walking begins at Methodist University’s Jordan Soccer Complex on Treetop Drive and, prior to the opening of the extension in December 2014, ended at J. Bayard Clark Park & Nature Center. The new 1.3-mile leg of the trail, the first of three extensions planned to extend the trail to the Cape Fear Botanical Garden in downtown Fayetteville, ends at Hoffer Drive, increasing the trail’s length by over 30%. “It’s a beautiful trail,” says Niles Barnes, South Atlantic Coordinator of the East Coast Greenway Alliance. “It goes up and down to the river at a few spots. It’s got some pretty steep inclines, but the new extension is great. It’s amazing.” The trail follows the Cape Fear River over flat as well as hilly terrain through a diverse environment of vegetation and wildlife, including over 700 species of plants and trees and 150 species of birds, as well as frogs, lizards, turtles and the occasional deer. Interpretive signs along the trail describe the plant life and wildlife of the area. Visitors travel over five wooden bridges, one of which is a covered bridge, and a 700-foot boardwalk through the marsh and wetlands near


Februar y 2015

EXPLORE Clark Park. The trail offers

the ceremony and continues

beautiful views of the river.

to carry on her late husband’s

“It’s a very nice paved

work with the assistance of

surface for hiking, running,

other volunteers.

walking and wheelchair

“What I love about the

users,” Barnes says.

trail is all the different people

“It’s maintained by the

that use it and how accessible

Fayetteville Parks and Rec

it really is for bikers, walkers,

department, and they’ve

runners,” Barnes says. “I met

installed some nice signage

a woman who lives in a

now to indicate when there

retirement community

are hills coming or curves. It’s got some steep sections, so you definately want to be careful if you’ve got little ones on a bicycle. You want

who walks the trail

Mrs. Moses Mathis cuts the ribbon at the dedication of the new trail head, dedicated in memory of Moses Mathis.

every day for exercise, which is great. It’s a free amenity and can be culturally inclusive

to make sure they know how

in terms of the fact

to use their brakes.”

that you don’t have to

The new trail head dedicated to Mathis incorporates

have anything special

a bicycle theme, complete with bicycle art and a walkway

to get up there and

to a plaque honoring “The Bicycle Man," as well as two

use it. A lot of people

benches and two circular areas on the walkway depicting

in Cumberland County

bike wheels.

know about it, but I’m sure there’s lots of folks that don't. Our

“The ceremony they had was very powerful,” says Barnes. “Mrs. Mathis, his wife, was there and other family members and lots of news media. Moses Mathis was an incredible

goal is to keep working to have the trail head south all the way to Wilmington.”

The Cape Fear River Trail is open all year from 10 a.m.

individual, and what he did for the community and for the

to dusk. Restroom facilities are available at the Jordan Soccer

children is really inspiring.” Mrs. Mathis cut the ribbon during

Complex and at the Clark Park Nature Center when the park is open, and portalets, water access, benches, tables and security call boxes are located along the trail. Pets are welcome but must be leashed. For more information, visit aspx or call 910.433.1579. Karen Gilchrist is a writer, yoga instructor and longtime resident of Southern Pines. You can reach her at karen@

explore: The Cape Fear River Trail J. Bayard Clark Park & Nature Center 631 Sherman Dr., Fayetteville 910.433.1579

Februar y 2015



resource guide ANIMAL HEALTH & WELLNESS Spay Neuter Veterinary Clinic Offering affordable spay and neuter for the Sandhills area. Call for an appointment, 910.692.3499 (FIXX), 5071 US Hwy 31, Vass. Donate at Artwork/glasswork Lionheart Glassworks is your source for locally handblown and sculpted glass. Fayetteville's master glass artist Shannon Davis makes each piece of art by hand with love. Find us at the Fayetteville City Market and on Etsy and Facebook. or email CHILDREN & EDUCATION The Griffin Academy: A Montessori Learning Experience, 488-B Commerce Dr., Sanford. 919.499.1032, Chiropractic Care Chiropractic Wellness Center Dr. David Fonke 1570 HWY 87, Cameron. 910.436.3336, Coffee Rude Awakening coffee house, 227 Hay St., Fayetteville. 910.223.7833, Colon hydrotherapy Pure Phoenix Cleanse & Wellness Center, offering Colon Hydrotherapy and Ionic Foot Detox. 305 Owen Dr., Fayetteville. 910.849.8891, purephoenixcleanse@ ELECTRICITY Central Electric Membership Corporation, Your Friends, Your Neighbors, Your Cooperative.128 Wilson Rd., Sanford. 919.774.4900,


ESSENTIAL OILS Joy Crowe, Wellness Advocate for dōTERRA Essential Oils. IPC# 1318413. 910.551.2883,

Corinne Henderson, Independent Representative for Advocare, offering energy, weight-loss, nutrition and sports performance products. 508.954.6415,

Kelli Edwards, Wellness Advocate for dōTERRA Essential Oils. IPC#446470. 910.644.2307, detoxdiva

Living Balance Studios, Offering Yoga, Pilates, PiYo, Yoga Therapy and Thai Yoga Massage. 201 S. McPherson Church Rd., Ste. 225, Fayetteville. 434.409.6415,,,

Environmentally friendly household goods Green Goods - Recycled, Repurposed and Organic Goods 220 NW Broad St., Southern Pines. 910.692.5211, FINANCIAL SERVICES Lisa Whalen, CLTC, Thrivent Financial Associate. Connecting faith and finances for good. Named one of the "World's Most Ethical Companies" by Ethisphere Institute. 919.708.5031, EVENT PLANNING Indigo Earth Events, LLC - Party Sustainably! Offering "green" event styling, custom decor, rentals for weddings/social/corporate events. By appointment, 910.638-8322, www. EYE HEALTH Cape Fear Eye Associates offers complete eye and vision care — from children’s eye exams and pediatric eye muscle surgery to cataract surgery, glaucoma treatment and LASIK. 1726 Metro Medical Drive, Fayetteville. 910.484.2284 or 800.829.2284, Health & Fitness First Health Fitness, 170 Memorial Dr., Pinehurst. 910.715.1800,

Health & WELLNESS Guiding Wellness, Inc., Wellness Consulting~Holistic Life Coaching and Therapy. "A holistic-centered therapeutic environment committed to the discovery, recovery and maintenance of living in balance." 3710 Morganton Rd., Ste. 110, Fayetteville. 910.864.6257, Lotus Holistic Health, Alicia Agard, Ph.D, DN, CCN. Digestive disorders, fibromyalgia, female conditions total body detox, nutrition, difficult-toresolve conditions. 2504 Raeford Rd., Fayetteville. 919.426.7787, Massage Therapists Michael Edwards, Intuitive Energetic Healer at Deeproots Bodywork, 5004 Spruce Dr., Fayetteville. 910.644.5181 ReNewU Wellness Spa, Gina Allen, L.M.T. # 6737, Specializing in Russian Medical & Deep Tissue Massage. Check our facebook page for menu of services and specials. 100B Wicker St., Sanford. 910.964.3194, ReNewYouWellnessSpaSalon Sandhills Therapeutic Effects, Amie O'Connor, LMBT. 237 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Southern Pines.

Februar y 2015

resource guide 919.478.5647, www.facebook. com/sandhillstherapeuticeffects, Natural Foods Nature's Own Natural Foods Market offers a wide selection of natural, organic and herbal food products, teas and remedies, hard-to-find herbs, roots and spices, supplements & more. The Kitchen lunch counter and Juice Bar. 195 Bell Ave., Southern Pines. 910.692.3811, Natural PARENTING Sugar Plums Mom, Cloth diapers, nursing supplies, slings and wraps, toys & more. 910.684.8016, 222 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Southern Pines. Prana Doula, Ashley Keith, RPYT, CD, LCCE, Lamaze-certified birth doula, childbirth education & pregnancy yoga. 222 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Southern Pines. 910.585.4084, Natural skincare The Fresh Factory. Handmade, all natural, probiotic deodorant that is impressively effective at naturally keeping you smelling fresh and reducing perspiration. Local Fayetteville pickup available. 910.920.7867,, PRODUCE DELIVERY Sandhills Farm to Table. Eat fresh, locally grown produce. Now taking subscriptions for spring co-op boxes. 910.722.1623,, RESTAURANTS Sherefe, serving healthy cuisine with a Mediterranean flair, focusing on authentic, fresh, local and sustainable

Februar y 2015

continued food. 114 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville. 910.630.3040, . SPIRITUALITY Center for Spiritual Living Fayetteville Teaching Chapter, offering spiritual enrichment and development classes, workshops, Wisdom Wednesday services and more. Fayetteville. 910.644.6608,

This Resource Guide is a directory of local natural health and wellness practitioners and supporters of green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in our Resource Guide, call Joy at 910-551-2883 or email joy@

sustainable living Sustainable Sandhills is a nonprofit on a mission to preserve the environment of the Sandhills through education, demonstration, and collaboration through four core program areas: Clean Air, Clean Water, Green Schools, Green Business. 351 Wagoner Drive, 2nd Floor, Suite 332-334, Fayetteville, NC 28303. 910.484.9098, info@sustainablesandhills. org, Vitamins & Supplements Whole-food based nutrition, through Juice Plus+, including juice powder concentrates from 25 different fruits, vegetables and grains. And grow your own good health with the Tower Garden! and Yoga StudioS Embrace Yoga Studio, 145 Franklin St., Fayetteville. 910.705.8020, Southern Pines Yoga Company, 169 Beverly Lane, Southern Pines. 910.246-0054, 639.1089, 910. WRITING & EDITING SERVICES Plays with Words: Writing, editing and proofreading. Over 25 years' experience. Karen Gilchrist, 910.638.6397,

Come Grow With Us. Thank you for reading our publication! Do you have a local business that could benefit from reaching 20,000 people each month — those that share your interest in natural health and wellness and sustainable living? If so, we'd like to help you. For more information, call 910-551-2883.


calendar of events • february


FRIDAY Marvelous Mammals for Wee Ones! Learn about mammals that live in the Sandhills. Read a book, play games and make a craft. Ages 3-5 and meant for parents to do with their child. 10 a.m. Weymouth Woods-Sandhills Nature Preserve, 1024 Ft. Bragg Rd., Southern Pines. 910.692.2167


SATURDAY Backyard Birds, 1 p.m. The Great Backyard Bird Count is Feb. 13-16, and you can learn how to participate in this fun event and to identify by sight and sound, the birds in your own backyard. Guest birders will help with identifying birds. Bring your binoculars if you have them. Short hike will also be involved so dress accordingly. All ages welcome, but children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Raven Rock State Park, 3009 Raven Rock Rd., Lillington NC 27546. 910.893.4888


THURSDAY Chocolate and Health, 5:30 p.m.. Learn about the potential health benefits associated with chocolate and healthy ways to incorporate chocolate into your diet. Taste-test a variety of chocolates and sample recipes. Registration is $10 and due by Feb. 11. Center for Health and FitnessPinehurst, 170 Memorial Drive, Pinehurst. 910.715.1800,


THURSDAY Lunch and Learn with the Lillington Chamber of Commerce. Joy Crowe with Sandhills Naturally will discuss "Healthy Living in the Sandhills."12 noon. Call the Lillington Chamber for details and to register. 910.893.3751 Sustainable Sandhills membership appreciation event and film screening, 26

5:30-8 p.m. Sustainable Sandhills will be hosting a panel of Bee Experts and Farmers along with a free screening of Vanishing of the Bees. Brian Smith from Marquis Market will create enticing cocktails with Covington Vodka and local honey. Marquis Market, 116 Person St, Fayetteville.


SATURday Volunteer Bike Trail Work Day for the mountain bike trails from 8:30 a.m. until 12 noon. Suitable for adults and children above age 12 (with a parent present). Call 910.893.4888 or email with questions. Raven Rock State Park, 3009 Raven Rock Rd., Lillington.


SUNday "Prehistoric Weymouth" Learn about our longleaf pine forests and examine the evidence of natural processes and inhabitants which shaped Weymouth Woods before written history. 3 p.m. Weymouth Woods-Sandhills Nature Preserve, 1024 Ft. Bragg Rd., Southern Pines. 910.692.2167 or www.


FRIday 4th Friday, 
6-10 p.m., Downtown Fayetteville. 4th Friday is a true celebration of the arts and downtown Fayetteville. 910.323.1776,


SATURday "Woodpeckers in Winter" Join us at 9 a.m. to 12 noon for a walk, about a mile or so, to see red-cockaded woodpecker nest trees and search for active birds. You will learn to identify the species common in the park and a bit about habits and ecology. Bring binoculars and bird guide if you have them. Please meet in front of the park office for this event.Carvers Creek State

Park, 2505 Long Valley Road Spring Lake. 910.436.4681 • ONGOING EVENTS & EXHIBITS • Art Exhibit: Words and Pictures: Illustrated Works by Kadir Nelson, The Arts Center in downtown Fayetteville, on display through Feb. 28. 910.323.1776, Black History Month Exhibit, through Monday February 23 at Cape Fear Studios in downtown Fayetteville. Regional artist Charles Farrar is highlighted in a unique "wood turner" exhibition about history and art. Hours: Monday - Friday 11 a.m., Saturday, 10 a.m. Cape Fear River Trail Golf Cart Tours. For seniors and persons with permanent limited physical abilities, interpretive gof cart tours along the Cape Fear River Trail are available for individuals or groups of up to five people. Riders must be able to grasp and hold safety handles. Reservations are required. For more information, call 910.433.1547. Clark Park & Nature Center, 631 Sherman Dr., Fayetteville. Every Wednesday night, Kirtan Night at Breathing Space, 1404 Raeford Rd., Fayetteville. 910.977.4476, 7:30 - 9 p.m.. It's free, and it's fun. Every Wednesday night, Wisdom Wednesday Services,6:30-8 p.m., Center for Spiritual Living, Cliffdale Library, Fayetteville. 910.644.6608 Every Thursday, 9 a.m. Hike for Your Health at Raven Rock State Park. Must be able to hike 2 to 5 miles on trails that can be flat, hilly and include steps. Ages 12 and up. Please call 910.893.4888 to register.

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calendar of events • february • ONGOING EVENTS & EXHIBITS • Rockefeller House Tours: This month we will be continuing the Tours of the Rockefeller House on Sat., February 7 at 2 p.m., Sat., February 14 at 11 a.m., Sun., February 15 at 2 p.m., Sat., February 21 at 2 p.m., Sun., February 22 at 2 p.m., and Tuesday, February 24 at 2 p.m. Staff will be leading a free historical tour through Mr. Rockefeller’s winter getaway. The park staff will be leading 10 people through at a time. You must sign up in advance for the tours. If you need a ride to the Rockefeller House, you must attend the Tuesday tour. Carvers Creek State Park, 910.436.4681, 2505 Long Valley Rd., Spring Lake. Every Saturday, Noon - 4 p.m., Free Wine Tasting, Elliott's Provision Company, 905 Linden Rd., Pinehurst. 910.255.0665.

Every Sunday at 1 p.m., Free Piedmont Biofuels Tours, Lorax Lane, Pittsboro. Tours are of the biodiesel plant and begin promptly. Rain or shine.

Sanford Farmer's Market Every Saturday, 9 a.m. - Noon, Depot Park, Sanford. All products locally grown or hand crafted! 919.343.8440


Southern Pines Farmers Market, The Armory Sports Complex, Thursdays, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., year round. 604 W. Morganton Rd., Southern Pines.

Fayetteville City Market Wednesdays 2-6 p.m.; Saturdays 8 a.m. 1 p.m.; Fourth Friday 6-10 p.m. Fayetteville Transportation & Local History Museum Grounds, Fayetteville. CityMarketAtTheMuseum

Each of the following cryptograms is a clue to the identity of a renowned dancer. Using the hints J=I and L=R, decipher the clues to name the dancer.









priority. Send information for the calendar to

"YOGA" word find

Research has found that keeping the brain active seems to increase its vitality and may build its reserves of brain cells and connections.


available basis with free events given

Murchison Road Community Farmers Market, Wednesdays, 10 a.m. 2 p.m., Parking Lot at Bronco Square (across from Fayetteville State University), Fayetteville.

brain games


Calendar information runs on a space

This dancer nicknamed their partner “Feathers”:



















Answers: 1) Grace, 2) Precision, 3) Top Hat, 4) Swing Time, 5) Ginger Rogers, Fred Astaire

Februar y 2015


Celebrate the 150th

Celebrate the 150th Anniversary Anniversary theCivil CivilWar War With Ofof the withUs! us Grove Plantation OakOak Grove Plantation presents...


The Battle of

February 28-March 1, 2015 Averasborough

Tour the Civil War Home used as a hospital 150th Anniversary Battle reenactment and Living History

Presented by – Harnett Regional Theatre Presented by – Harnett Regional Theatre February 26-27-28 at 7:30pm FebruaryMarch 26-27-28 at 7:30pm 1 at 2:30pm March 1 at 2:30pm "Always…Patsy Cline" is more than a tribute to the legendary country singer

who died tragically at age 30 in a plane crash in 1963. The show is based on "Always…Patsy Cline" is more than a tribute to the a true story about Cline's friendship with a fan from Houston named Louise Seger, who country befriended thesinger star in a Texas in l961, and continued legendary whohonky-tonk died tragically at age a correspondence with Cline until her death. The musical play, complete with 30 in adown plane in 1963. The show based on home crash country humor, true emotion and even someisaudience participation, includes many of Patsy' unforgettable hits such as Crazy, I Fall a true story about Cline's friendship with a fan from to Pieces, Sweet Dreams and Walking After Midnight…27 songs in all. The War Home usedevent asis NOT a hospital. Please Note: This commemorative affiliated with Houston named Louise who befriended the show's title was inspired by Cline's Seger, letters to Seger, which were consistently the AVERASBORO BATTLEFIELD COMMISSION OR MUSEUM. signed "Love ALWAYS… Patsy Cline." This event/reenactment will starTickets in a$15Texas honky-tonk in l961, and continued each info & tickets – 910-892-3282 also be filmed and will be incorporated as "Final Episode" a correspondence with Cline until her death. The Dunn Area Tourism Authority musical play, complete with down home country in the online historical series "Rivertown." PO Box 310 103 E Cumberland Street Please note: This commemorative event is not affiliated with the Averasboro humor, true emotion and even some audience Dunn, North Carolina 28335 Battlefield Commission or Museum. participation, includes many of Patsy's unforgettable 910-892-3282 hits such as Crazy, I Fall to Pieces, Sweet Dreams Dunn Area Tourism Authority and Walking After Midnight…27 songs in all. The show's title was inspired by Cline's letters to Seger, PO Box 310 103 E Cumberland St. which were consistently signed "Love ALWAYS… Dunn, North Carolina 28335 Patsy Cline."

This event/reenactment will also be filmed, and will be incorporated, as "Final Episode", Battle Reenactment and in the ON-LINE HISTORICAL SERIES, "RIVERTOWN". Living History; Tour the Civil

February 28-March 1, 2015


Tickets $15 each info & tickets. 910-892-3282

unplug your kids. Today’s kids spend an average of 6 hours a day planted in front of an electronic screen—spending about half as much time outdoors as you did when you were a kid. No making mud pies. No catching fireflies. No swinging in trees. No wading in streams. No daydreaming while watching the clouds roll by... Unplugged isn’t just about going outside for baseball or soccer practice or recess at school. Unplugged is about giving your child a every day, unstructured time in green spaces to explore, imagine, and discover. It’s healthy and it’s FUN.

Find and share unplugged ideas for kids at


Februar y 2015

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