Ad Copy-American Cancer Society Campaign

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You are not your “ta-tas,” your “boobies,” or your breasts. We know you love them, but we know you also love coffee and sugar cookies. You love talking to your friends and reading novels and going to work (well, maybe not always). You live for the holidays; the New Years, the Thanksgivings. You live for your children and your parents and your family. You live for warm days and trips to the beach and family vacations. You live for celebrations, and we live to celebrate you. To take you to your next birthday. And the one after that. Because you are not just parts.

You are a whole life. #morethanparts

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A pink ribbon can only take you so far. You can show your pride, you can join the community, but sometimes you need more. Sometimes your significant other can’t leave work and you need a ride to your treatment. Sometimes you need to take care of your hair situation...subtly. Sometimes you need an extra hand to get things done. We know you’re still going forward. We know you’re independent and resourceful. We’re here to help you keep moving. Toward your care, toward your family, toward your next birthday. Because you’re not just a patient.

You are a whole life. #morethanparts Visit to see how you can help or use #morethanparts to show what makes up your whole life

A wristband can only say so much. A pin can only show a logo. A body part is only a body part. You use all your parts, every day, but they are not who you are. You are the person who runs the races, who tastes the food, who wears the clothes. You are the person who loses and gains, who falls and gets up. Who buys the wristband, who wears the pin. We are the people who keep you moving, who keep you treated, who get you places. We want to get you to your next birthday. And the one after. Because you are more than an accessory.

You are a whole life. #morethanparts Visit to see how you can help or use #morethanparts to show what makes up your whole life

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