Just for Kids October 2022

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One day, Joseph dreamt that he would become an brothersimportantruler—evenimportantmorethanhis11whowouldhave to bow to him. When he told them about the dream, it didn’t make them happy. Later, some traders came by and the brothers changed their minds again. They pulled Joseph out of the well and sold him for 20 pieces of silver.


Joseph’s Dreams

The traders took Joseph to Egypt where they sold him as a slave. After that, Joseph faced even more hardship and ended up in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. But while Joseph was there in prison, God was with him. It took many years, but Joseph eventually became a great man. Throughout everything Joseph experienced, God was with him.

Genesis 37, 39-40

2 1 3 1 2 4 2 1 3 1 Hi Sometimeskids! when we’re going through tough times, when we are sad or upset, it feels like we’re all alone. It’s easy to feel like nobody understands what we’re going through. But God knows us better than anyone.understandsHe what we’re thinking and feeling even when we don’t say it out loud.Inthe Bible, Joseph felt the same way. He had difficult experiences in life and people were not always kind to him. No matter what, God stayed with him. You’ll read about Joseph’s story in this issue of Just for Kids. And like Joseph, we can hold on through anything because God is always with us. Your friend, Abby Sudoku Fill in the squares so that each row, column and 2x2 box contains each of the numbers one through four.

While Joseph was out on an errand for his dad, his brothers plotted to get rid of him once and for all. Most of them wanted to kill Joseph, but his oldest brother, Reuben, said:

Twins Find the two skateboarders.identicalSudokuPuzzleAnswer2SudokuPuzzleAnswer1 3 2 4 1 4 1 3 2 1 4 2 3 2 3 1 4 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 2 4 1 3 3 1 4 2 A B C D E F Journey to Egypt Follow Joseph to his new knewcountry.Hea shortcut Hewantedtocatch uponhissleep Becauseit overswept Becausetheir hornsdon’twork How did hairdresserthewintherace? Why was the man running around his bed? Why was the broom late? Why do cows wear bells? 39-10/01/22 Just for Kids is a Ready to Explore resource, published weekly by The Salvation Army, Canada and Bermuda, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto, ON, M4H 1P4. Phone: (416) 422-6119; fax: (416) 422-6217; email: justforkids@salvationarmy.ca. Brian Peddle, General; Commissioner Floyd Tidd, territorial commander; Geoff Moulton, editor-in-chief; Abbigail Oliver, editor; Rivonny Luchas, designer. International Headquarters, 101 Queen Victoria Street, London, England, EC4P 4EP. Subscription for one year, Canada $12 (includes GST/HST); USA $15; foreign $17. Agreement No 40064794. All Scripture references from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, unless otherwise stated. Illustrations: stock.Adobe.com and gettyimages.ca unless otherwise stated. ISSN 2368- 626X BROTHERSJOSEPHGODDREAMRULEREGYPTJAILSILVER Bible Story Word Search V N L J B R T G T D T V J X H J N X T W H I B O J A I L N S Y U M R S L I Z R G E P S P O E K Z U O D G C I E T P T L D K R Y X L F H H E L A D E P V V V E R N A Q V A T Y E Z R Q C G C H M D C R N S “So do not be afraid. I am with you. Do not be terrified. I am your God. I will make you strong and help you. I will hold you safe in My hands. I always do what is right.” —Isaiah 41:10

In the Bible, we read about a famine that took place a long time ago, which means there was a shortage of food. Joseph said that the famine would last seven years! But luckily, Joseph was smart, and he prepared lots of food to help people eat during this time. He even forgave those who wronged him and helped them, too. God had a bigger plan for Joseph all along, and like Joseph, God gave each of us a purpose.


Hi Thiskids!week is Thanksgiving, a time when many of us will join family and friends to give thanks … and to eat! My favourite dishes are turkey, mashed potatoes, brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes with mini marshmallows on top. What does your family like to eat for Thanksgiving dinner?

Your friend, Abby you thankful

Thanksgiving Dinner Scramble Unscramble the words for the Thanksgiving dinner. __________kuytreumpinkpipe__________palepdrice recnabrry __________cesauISSUE 40 What are

Helping the Hungry Genesis 41-45 40-10/08/22 Just for Kids is a Ready to Explore resource, published weekly by The Salvation Army, Canada and Bermuda, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto, ON, M4H 1P4. Phone: (416) 422-6119; fax: (416) 422-6217; email: justforkids@salvationarmy.ca. Brian Peddle, General; Commissioner Floyd Tidd, territorial commander; Geoff Moulton, editor-in-chief; Abbigail Oliver, editor; Rivonny Luchas, designer. International Headquarters, 101 Queen Victoria Street, London, England, EC4P 4EP. Subscription for one year, Canada $12 (includes GST/HST); USA $15; foreign $17. Agreement No 40064794. All Scripture references from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, unless otherwise stated. Illustrations: stock.Adobe.com and gettyimages.ca unless otherwise stated. ISSN 2368- 626X you find?

oseph had a gift of interpreting dreams. One day, Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, had a dream that there were 14 cows coming out of the river. Seven of them were skinny and seven of them were fat. The skinny cows were so hungry, they ate the fat cows! The dream worried Pharaoh, so he asked Joseph to tell him what it meant.

Joseph had been through, God had a greater purpose for him. Joseph would help many people in the future.

Pharaoh knew that God made Joseph to be wise and smart, so he put Joseph in charge of Egypt. And Joseph had been right about Pharaoh’s dream. For seven years, there was plenty of food and the land produced more than the people needed. So, Joseph stored all the extra food because he knew that a famine was Whencoming.thepeople of Egypt began to go hungry, they went to Joseph who gave them food that he had stored away. And when Joseph’s brothers, who had sold Joseph as a slave many years before, needed help, they went to him. Joseph forgave his brothers for what they had done to him and said, “Don’t be upset. And don’t be angry with yourselves because you sold me here. God sent me ahead of you to save many Despitelives.”what

A-maze-ingCorn How many of each item can

“The seven fat, healthy cows represent seven years when Egypt will have plenty of food. But the seven hungry cows mean that there will be seven years without enough food,” said Joseph. “Terrible hunger will destroy the land.”

I Spy


Baby Moses Exodus 1-2 ISSUE 41

Lifetop.can be like that, too. Sometimes we’re not sure what to do next—should we grab the yellow rock or the blue one? We don’t want to make a mistake and slip! But as Christians, we know that God will help us choose. We can hold on tight and trust Him to guide us. And just like the harness that rock climbers wear, God will catch us if we fall. In this issue of Just for Kids, you’ll read about Moses as a baby. In order to keep him safe, his mother took a risk and hid him in a basket in the river. But God was with her and Moses, and He brought them together again. Your friend, Abby

God’s people, the Israelites, were slaves in Egypt.

Adapted from Boring Bible: Magnificent Moses by Andy Robb. Used with permission.

Hi Havekids!you ever tried rock climbing?Whenyou rock climb, you wear a harness that protects you as you climb up a tall, flat wall of rocks. Sometimes the rocks are big and easy to hold on to, but not always. Some climbing walls have rocks that are weird shapes, or very tiny, or far apart and hard to reach. As you climb higher on the wall, holding on with only your hands and feet, you might have to think about choosing the right path, or the right rock, that will get you to the

Pharaoh’s daughter came down to the river and saw the basket. She asked her servant to see what was inside. Miriam bravely spoke to the princess.

Pharaoh, the king, was afraid they would become too powerful, so he made a wicked plan. He told the midwives (women who help deliver babies) to kill the Israelite baby boys. The midwives knew this was wrong, so they didn’t.

An Israelite woman named Jochebed had a son. She didn’t want him to die, so she hid him in a basket in the river. Jochebed had her daughter, Miriam, watch over him. Miriam ran to call her mother. Jochebed was reunited with her son, Moses, and cared for him until he was three years old. God was with them always and Jochebed trusted His plan.

Across: 5. God’s people were called by this name 6. Moses’ sister, ________, bravely spoke to the princess 7. What did the princess see floating in the river? Down: 1. _______ was Moses’ mother’s name 2. God’s people were in Egypt 3. Whose daughter went down to the river? 4. These women help deliver babies Answers:Across:5.Israelites;6.Miriam;7.basket. Down:1.Jochebed;2.slaves;3.Pharaoh;4.midwives Climb the Wall! Which rocks will take you to the top? Starting at the bottom, draw a line between the rocks to climb up the puzzle. Note: you can only climb up rocks of the same colour that are next to each other. 41-10/15/22 Just for Kids is a Ready to Explore resource, published weekly by The Salvation Army, Canada and Bermuda, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto, ON, M4H 1P4. Phone: (416) 422-6119; fax: (416) 422-6217; email: justforkids@salvationarmy.ca. Brian Peddle, General; Commissioner Floyd Tidd, territorial commander; Geoff Moulton, editor-in-chief; Abbigail Oliver, editor; Rivonny Luchas, designer. International Headquarters, 101 Queen Victoria Street, London, England, EC4P 4EP. Subscription for one year, Canada $12 (includes GST/HST); USA $15; foreign $17. Agreement No 40064794. All Scripture references from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, unless otherwise stated. Illustrations: stock.Adobe.com and gettyimages.ca unless otherwise stated. ISSN 2368- 626X Rockmusic!Itscrambledup! How did the egg get up mountain?the What kind of music dolistenmountainsto? Help the climber to the top of the mountain. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Exodus 14 ISSUE42

L ong ago, God’s people, the Israelites, lived as slaves in Egypt. They were treated cruelly and prayed that God would rescue them. God answered their prayers, sending a man named Moses to lead them to safety. The journey to their new home was long and dangerous. Once, the Egyptian king decided he would bring the Israelites back as slaves. With the Egyptian army behind them and the Red Sea in front, the Israelites were trapped. God told Moses to hold his walking stick over the water. Moses did as God instructed. The Red Sea was divided in two, leaving a path for the Israelites to walk across. Once they were safely on the other side, God closed the sea, making sure the Egyptians could not get across, too. The Israelites continued their journey until they came to the land God had promised them. For many years they lived in safety and freedom.

Hi Whenkids!we hear the word “gift,” we usually think of presents, such as the kind we receive at Christmas or on our birthdays, in colourful gift bags or wrapped with a ribbon. But not all giftswrapped.comeGodgave each person their very own unique gifts. Some people are great singers. Others are good at painting, telling stories or making people laugh. Some people, like Salvation Army officers, have the gift of preaching and telling people about Jesus. In the Bible, Moses had a special connection with God. When the people of Israel were in trouble, God used Moses to help save them. Like Moses, God puts each of us on earth to use our gifts for good. Think about how you can use your own gifts to make a difference this week.


Fish Sudoku Fill in the squares so that every row, column and 2x2 box contains each of these four items:

Your friend, Abby

SLAVESSAFETYRESCUEREDMOSESKINGJOURNEYISRAELITESGODEGYPTSEA theSearchSea X W T Q D R K U S S M R Y T E F A S E L X M E D P G L T S A G R S S N Y I C O V K E J I C L G R M E A G K I E U K E L S S E L A Y M E G O D Z O R I G H M U L F N S T Y Y S D Y W N I J O U R N E Y D W Oceans Apart Which path takes the crab back to his home? Moses Leads the Israelites Copy the Crab After God saved them from the Egyptians, Moses and Miriam sang a song of praise (see Exodus 15). Unscramble the words to find out what they said (Exodus 15:2). The D R O L I E G V S me and_____________________GNSRTEHT__________________me.TOREPSCT Answer:TheLordgivesmestrengthandprotectsme. The Song of Moses and Miriam “God’s gifts of grace come in many forms. Each of you has received a gift in order to serve others. You should use it faithfully.” —1 Peter 4:10 42-10/22/22 KidsforJust SalvationThebyweeklypublishedresource,ExploretoReadyais 1P4.M4HON,Toronto,Blvd,Overlea2Bermuda,andCanadaArmy, justforkids@salvationarmy.ca.email:422-6217;(416)fax:422-6119;(416)Phone: Tidd,FloydCommissionerGeneral;Peddle,Brianterritorialcommander; editor;Oliver,Abbigaileditor-in-chief;Moulton,GeoffRivonnyLuchas, London,Street,VictoriaQueen101Headquarters,Internationaldesigner. (includes$12CanadaforSubscription4EP.EC4PEngland,oneyear, NoAgreement$17.foreign$15;USAGST/HST);40064794.AllScripture Version,Reader’sInternationalNewBible,Holythefromreferences andstock.Adobe.comIllustrations:stated.otherwiseunless 626X2368-ISSNstated.otherwiseunlessgettyimages.ca

Hi Thiskids!week, you may see some unusual creatures at school or in your neighbourhood. Maybe you will be one of them! On October 31, many people will celebrate Halloween. Some may dress up in costumes, go trick-or-treating and eat candy. But Halloween can also be scary. What do you do when you feel scared? In this issue of Just for Kids, you will read a story about Moses. God asked Moses to do something that made him feel scared, but God said to Moses, “I will be with Whenyou.” you are afraid, you can always talk to God. He is always with you, and He knows what you’re going through. Your friend, Abby ISSUE43 Across 4. A scary creature 6. A sugary treat 7. Play one at a party 8. Trick or _ _ _ _ _ Down 1. An orange plant 2. Wear one on your face 3. A get-together with friends 5. A tasty brown treatAnswers:Across: 4.monster;6.candy; 7.game;8.treat. Down:1.pumpkin; 2.mask;3.party; 5.chocolate NeverHalloweenCrossWordFear… 41 65 7 8 2 3 Match the pictures and words to read Psalm 18:2. is place The rock of safety my my Lord Answer:andTheLordismyrockandmyplaceofsafety Trick or Treat!

But Moses was scared. “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh?” he said. “Who am I that I should bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” God said, “I will be with you. I will help you.”

What does a skeleton say before dinner? “Boneappetit!” What do you call a fat pumpkin? Aplumpkin What dessert should youserve at a Halloween party? Iscream Find 7

“I will help you speak,” God answered. “I will teach you what to say. And I’m sending your brother, Aaron, with you. I know he can speak well. I will help both of you.”

Find the words, then write the 20 remaining letters on the blanks below to read the hidden message.

Differences Moses and the Burning Bush M oses was taking care of some sheep when an angel appeared to him from inside a burning bush. Even though the bush was on fire, it didn’t burn up. Moses went over to see what was happening and heard God speak to him from inside the bush. Moses turned his face away. He was afraid to look at God. “Moses!” God said. “I have seen how My people, the Israelites, are suffering in Egypt. The Egyptians treat them so badly. That’s why I’m sending you to Pharaoh, the ruler of the Egyptians. I want you to bring the Israelites out of Egypt.”

“But Lord, I’m not a good speaker. No one will listen to me!” Moses protested.

BULLIES CLOWNS DARK DENTIST HEIGHTS MONSTERS NEEDLES NIGHTMARES SNAKES SPIDERS STRANGERS THUNDER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hiddenmessage:Godwilltakecareofyou S N E E D L E S G S E C L O W N S S T O R D S P I D E R S H A D W I L K A E E E M A E L A N T T I I T R A N G K E S L G H K S E T C A N L H G R R E O I F O U T I S Y O U F S M B S N R E D N U H T D O Exodus 3-4 43-10/29/22 Just for Kids is a Ready to Explore resource, published weekly by The Salvation Army, Canada and Bermuda, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto, ON, M4H 1P4. Phone: (416) 422-6119; fax: (416) 422-6217; email: justforkids@salvationarmy.ca. Brian Peddle, General; Commissioner Floyd Tidd, territorial commander; Geoff Moulton, editor-in-chief; Abbigail Oliver, editor; Rivonny Luchas, designer. International Headquarters, 101 Queen Victoria Street, London, England, EC4P 4EP. Subscription for one year, Canada $12 (includes GST/HST); USA $15; foreign $17. Agreement No 40064794. All Scripture references from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, unless otherwise stated. Illustrations: stock.Adobe.com and gettyimages.ca unless otherwise stated. ISSN 2368- 626X

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