First Year Experience Resources for First Year Students

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For First Year Students


The first year experience office is here to support you in navigating the college experience. Below you will find a number of resources designed to help you become more successful during your first year. Want to attend a workshop to enhance your skills? Check out the Student Success Series and mark your calendar to attend one of the workshops. Not really a "group session kinda-person?” Stop by the first year experience (FYE) office in North Dining Commons, Room 101A, or call us at 978.542.2618, to schedule a one-on-one appointment with a staff member for some individual success coaching.


What is academic dishonesty? Salem State University expects each enrolled student to adhere to the institutional standards regarding academic integrity. The university defines academic integrity as a student’s willingness to bear individual responsibility for their work. Therefore, materials (written or otherwise) submitted to fulfill academic requirements must represent a student’s own efforts and skill. Meanwhile, academic dishonesty serves as an umbrella term that covers various types of violations which include cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, collusion, or any other technique used to compromise academic integrity.

Violations of academic integrity Any violation Salem State University’s Academic Integrity Regulations will result in disciplinary action from the department of academic affairs.

This may include: •

Warning: written notice to the student that continued or repeated violations of specified policies or regulations may be cause for further disciplinary action

Suspension: students will lose their status for a specified term or terms

Dismissal: students will be expelled and may not return to Salem State University

Other Sanctions: students may receive other sanctions deemed appropriate by the hearing committee

For more information please see the college catalog.

What is plagiarism? In college courses, we are continually engaging with other people’s ideas: we read them in texts, hear them in lectures, discuss them in class, and incorporate them into our own writing. It is very important that we give credit where it is due. Plagiarism is using others’ ideas and words without clearly acknowledging the source of that information.

To avoid plagiarizing, you must give credit whenever you: •

Use another person’s idea, opinion or theory

Include any facts, statistics, graphs drawings, and pieces of information that are not common knowledge

Quote another person’s actual spoken or written words

Paraphrase of another person’s spoken or written words


Strategies for avoiding plagiarism •

Put in quotations everything that comes directly from the text, especially when taking notes.

Paraphrase, but be sure you are not just rearranging or replacing a few words.

Instead, read over what you want to paraphrase carefully; then cover up the text with your hand, or close the text so you can’t see any of it (and so aren’t tempted to use the text as a “guide”), and write out the idea in your own words without peeking. Check your paraphrase against the original text to be sure you have not accidentally used the same phrases or words, and that the information is accurate. *If you are not sure or unclear on how to cite properly consult your professor.

What is cheating? Cheating is defined as the intentional use or attempted use of deceit, trickery, artifice, fraud, and/or violation of rules, and/or misrepresentation of one’s academic work in any academic exercise, regardless of the delivery method of the course. Examples Include: •

Copying from others during an examination.

Sharing answers for a take-home examination.

Using notes or other resources not authorized by the instructor.

Taking an examination for another student.

What is collusion? Collusion refers to the agreement or cooperation between students to commit an act of academic dishonesty. This is important to know that any student who knowingly or intentionally helps another student to perform any act of cheating or plagiarism is subject to discipline for academic dishonesty. There is no distinction between those who cheat and plagiarize and those who willingly allow it to occur. Therefore, you are considered in violation if you knowingly allow any type of violation to occur. Examples Include: •

Taking an examination for another person.

Asking or allowing another person to take an examination for you.

Allowing another person to copy one’s own work or exam.

What is fabrication? Fabrication is the intentional and unauthorized falsification and/or invention of any information or citation in any academic exercise. Examples Include: •

Falsifying data or results from research or fieldwork.

Selectively omitting or altering data that do not support one’s conclusions.


Important terms •

Common Knowledge: facts that can be found in numerous places and are likely to be known by a lot of people.

Quotation: using someone else’s words. When you quote, place the passage you are using in quotation marks, and document the source according to a standard documentation style.

Paraphrase: using someone else’s ideas, but putting them in your own words. This is probably the skill you will use most when incorporating sources into your writing. Although you use your own words to paraphrase, you must still acknowledge the source of the information.

Resources For more information on the Academic Integrity Policy at Salem State University, please refer to the academic policies section of the university catalog. The Salem State University Writing Center First Floor, Berry Library and Learning Commons 978.542.6491 Make an appointment with trained writing staff that will help you in the writing process! Utilize the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) If you have questions, stop by the first year experience office in North Dining Commons, Room 101A. *Taken from the academic affairs brochure on academic integrity at Salem State University. All text and research adapted from Writing Tutorial Services, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.

While many of your classes in high school might not have required extensive preparation in advance, in college professors expect that you will be ready to discuss material and participate. As a result, you are responsible for completing your readings and preparing to contribute, ask questions and be engaged with both the class and the material you will be discussing.

When preparing for an individual class: •

Make sure you pay close attention to the course syllabus and review what will be covered in upcoming classes allowing you to know what is expected of you. Reviewing your syllabus on a weekly basis is key.

Read everything that is assigned in advance. There is a reason why your professor has asked you to complete certain readings—they will assist you in either participating in discussions or understanding material that is presented during the class. By not reading you may be challenged in understanding what the professor is discussing or referencing.


Prepare questions for each particular class session. Going into class curious means you will be more likely to pay attention and participate in the discussion and/or the lecture.

Review your class notes from the week before. Refreshing your memory with previous information will keep you focused on the topic at hand.

Plan your time so that you arrive to class early. By arriving early, you can center yourself and focus on the class.

When preparing for classes overall: •

Construct a layout of your schedule which includes not only your classes, but also your work schedule, co-curricular activities, personal commitments, and anything else that will take up time. Build-in commuting/travel time as well as chunks of time to devote to studying. This will help you plan your week and keep you on track.

Get organized! Purchase a planner or set up a virtual calendar to track everything that you have to do. Whatever method you use, keep space available to include assignment deadlines. If you’re writing in a planner, use pencil so you can easily erase things. If you’re using an online calendar, make sure that you can always access it wherever you are or print a copy each week to keep on your person. Nothing is worse than having no internet access when you need to know a deadline for something.

Explore CANVAS, the online e-learning system. Many of your faculty will utilize this resource to post materials, hold class discussions, collect assignments, and track grades. While not everyone will utilize CANVAS, it will be important for you to feel comfortable with the system so that you’re prepared to use it.

Once you receive the syllabus for your course, read through and figure out what the grading criteria will be so that you know what is expected of you at the start of the semester. For example, if 15 percent of your grade is based on class participation you will need to prepare yourself to participate on a regular basis. Trying to play catch up on your participation during the last three class sessions won’t help you succeed, instead you will need to participate right from the start.

If you’d like to get more information about preparing for class, stop by the first year experience office in North Dining Commons, Room 101A. 6

Some of the most successful people in our society are people who set goals. Think about highachieving athletes, musicians, business persons, or scholars—those people who get the most out of their day, week, month, and year are people who set clear goals for their time. Setting academic goals is your ticket to success during college; by thinking through your goals, you are giving yourself focus, direction and motivation to excel.

Here are a few things to know about academic goal-setting: Set short-term and long-term academic goals: Thinking through your overall college goals is crucial to setting your semester goals. If you want an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher in college, your semester grades need to be B’s or better. Your long-term goals will inform your short-term goals and vice-versa. You may consider implementing a short-term goal focused on studying or landing on the dean’s list during your first semester. A great long-term goal to consider might be securing an internship your junior year or striving to complete a research project with a faculty member as an upperclassmen.

Make your goals challenging but also attainable: Sometimes people are tempted to set goals that are way outside of their capacity. Think hard about goals that will challenge you but not be so hard to achieve that you ignore them. If you are not sure your goals are challenging and attainable, ask the opinion of someone who knows you really well.

Academic goals should be remembered, revisited and reworked: Write your goals down and post them someplace you will see them everyday. Revisit your goals mid-way through each semester or at the beginning of each year. It is okay if you think the goals need to be reworked because of something that has changed. Your academic goals should be fresh and current. When you write your goals, make sure you include how you will achieve the goal. It is easy to list all the things you want to achieve in college but it is a lot harder to really think through the step to get there. Think about how you will complete the goal as well as when you will complete it.

Your goals should motivate and inspire you: When you write your goals, use language that is positive and upbeat—something that encourages you when you read it or think about it. Remember that these goals only need to inspire you. They should not be the goals that your friends, family, teachers, or mentors have for you, they should be your own goals. If you’d like to get more information about goal setting, or pick up copies of a goal setting sheet, stop by the first year experience office in North Dining Commons, Room 101A. 7

Your success in the classroom depends on a number of different factors.

Understanding learning approaches: Your approach to learning may influence how successful you are in the classroom. Learning often requires that you utilize different parts of your brain. We all process information differently, and sometimes a range of approaches or techniques will help us learn, understand, or remember information better than other approaches. Refer to this chart and your results to learn more about different approaches to learning:





Underline and highlight your notes.

Talk with others to verify the accuracy of your lecture notes.

Write and rewrite your notes.

Use all your senses in learning: sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing.

Use symbols, charts or graphs to display your notes.

Put your notes on tape and listen or tape class lectures.

Read your notes silently.

Supplement your notes with real-world examples.

Supplement your notes with real-world examples.

Read your notes out loud; ask yourself questions and speak your answers.

Organize diagrams or flowcharts into statements.

Move and gesture while you are reading or speaking your notes.

Redraw your pages from memory.

Write imaginary exam questions and respond in writing.

Taking ownership of your learning: When you recognize a mismatch between how you best learn and how you are being taught, it is important that you take control of your learning process. Don’t depend on the professor or the classroom environment to give you everything you need to maximize your learning. Employ your own preferences, talents and abilities to develop many different ways to study and retain information.

Be an active listener: Listening in class is not like listening to a TV show, listening to a friend, or even listening to a speaker at a meeting. Knowing how to listen in class can help you get more out of your professors' presentations and save time. Here are some suggestions: • 8

Listen to the message. Focus on the key concepts during the class lecture. Pay attention to information not covered in the text or readings.

Listen to the main concepts and central ideas, not just to fragmented facts and figures. Facts are important but they are better understood within the context of concepts, themes and ideas.

Listen for new ideas. Don’t assume you are an expert on the topic. Be open to what your classmates have to offer to the conversation. Even if you are listening to the lecture for a second time, you will pick up on new information. As a critical thinker, make notes of questions that arise in your mind or concepts that you need clarification on.

Repeat mentally. What you hear can go in one ear and out the other so make sure to take the time to think about what you hear and restate key ideas mentally. Repeating ideas in your own words will help you to understand the concepts.

Sort what is and is not important during the lecture. Focus your notes around what is and isn’t important. Remember you can always go back and add supporting details later.

Keep an open mind. Every class holds the promise of letting you discover new ideas and uncover different perspectives. Chances are you will be challenged with ideas and opinions you may not agree with. Professors want you to think for yourself; they don’t necessarily expect you to agree with everything they or your classmates say. Remember that if you want people to respect your values and ideas, show mutual respect by listening to what they have to say with an open mind.

Ask questions, especially when you don’t understand or need clarification. Pick up on cues from your professor and determine whether during class or after class in office hours is the best time to ask. It is best to clarify things immediately, if possible, and other students are likely to have the same questions. If you can’t hear another student’s questions or response, ask that it be repeated.

Sort, organize and categorize. When you listen, try to match what you are hearing with what you already know. Take an active role in deciding how best to recall past material and connect it to what you are learning.

Being engaged in the classroom: •

Take a seat in front of the classroom.

Keep your eyes on the instructor. This will help eliminate distractions from your classmates.

Focus on the lecture or lesson. If friends are distracting, avoid sitting near them.

Raise your hand when you don’t understand something. Avoid delaying your questions because chances are these answers are key to helping you understand content. Be careful not to overdo it, and keep on topic, too many questions can interrupt the flow of the classroom and be frustrating to both the professor and other students.

Speak up in class. Being involved in class will help you to build rapport with both peers and your professor.

Never feel bad asking a question. You always have the right to ask for clarification. In order for you to be successful, you need to know the answers.

When the professor calls on you to answer a question and you don’t have the answer, don’t bluff. If you know the answer, give it. If not, start with “I think…” or respectfully say that you don’t know. 9

If you have recently read a book or article relevant to the class, bring it in or make reference to it. Use it to either ask questions about the topic or to provide information that was not covered in class.

Note taking during class: •

Focus on recording the main ideas. Use PowerPoint or course syllabi as indicators of main objectives for lessons. Pay attention to your professors’ tone of voice and when they repeat portions of the lecture. If the professor says something more than once, chances are it is important.

Don’t try to write everything down. Leave spaces so you can fill in details as the lecture progresses. Review and complete your notes (using the text or assigned readings) after class.

Don’t be thrown by a disorganized lecturer. Organize what was said into general or specific frameworks. After class consult with your professor or your classmates to fill in any gaps.

Keep your notes and supplementary materials for each course in a separate three-ring binder. If the binders are too bulky to lug to class, create a separate folder to bring for each class. Download any notes, outlines, or diagrams, charts, graphs, and other visuals from online and bring them with you on the day of the assigned lecture. This way you won’t waste time rewriting charts and diagrams that already exist; you can simply add notes.

Organize your notes chronologically in your binder. Create separate tabs for homework, lab assignments, returned assignments, and other materials. If handouts are distributed in class, label them and place them in your binder near the notes for that day. Try to stay organized and do not let loose papers accumulate in your folder.

(Adapted from Your College Experience: Strategies for Success, Chapter 6 by John Gardner and Betsy O. Barefoot) For more tips and strategies for note taking stop by the first year experience office in North Dining Commons, Room 101A.

How to prepare for an exam or test Tests and exams are a very important part of your academic experience and contribute to how your professor will calculate your final grade for each of your courses. Follow these helpful steps and you definitely will be prepared to ace your next test! 10

Understanding the exam type and content: Review your syllabus regularly so you know what to expect each week. You should begin mentally preparing a few weeks before a scheduled test or exam. The syllabus will most likely include a grading rubric detailing the percentage of the exam score in your final grade. As a general rule, dedicate even more time preparing for exams that have a greater weight in your final grade as they are likely to include more content. Regardless of the percentage, it is essential that you dedicate both time and energy into preparing for all of your tests and exams throughout each course. If it is not clear from the syllabus what is being covered in the exam, ask your professor what you can anticipate. Take time to understand the type of exam you will be taking (multiple choice, essay, short answer, etc.). Objective tests include true-false, multiple choice, fill-in-the blank, etc. These tests typically test you on facts and include responses that would be either right or wrong. Therefore, it is important for you to understand the material in and out. Subjective tests include short answer, essay format and oral exams. These types of tests require you to understand and apply concepts. Most exams are likely to include a combination of both testing techniques.

Leading up to the exam: Performing well on exams does not just come as a direct result of studying. You must be an active and engaged student throughout the course to perform at your best. Ideally you should begin studying two weeks before the exam, especially for larger exams such as finals. To do well on tests you must first learn the material, and then review it before the test. Optimal learning comes when you: •

Take good notes during class and on assigned readings

Review your notes before and after class to refresh memory

Review your notes while preparing to do assignments, complete homework, participate in discussions, etc.

Recognize the difference between reviewing notes and relying on your notes

Begin your review one to two weeks prior to an upcoming exam: Step One: Establish a timeline and strategy for studying and set realistic study goals based upon your existing commitments and schedule. Estimate the amount of time you will need to review all of the material. Of course, overestimating in this case is best. It is important to reevaluate your timeline and strategy as you continue through the next steps. Step Two: Create a list of material you anticipate will be covered in the exam. Utilize study guides, review guides or sample questions in your textbook, handouts and previous exams. Your professor may explicitly state, emphasize or give hints during class on what may or may not be on the exam, so pay attention and take good notes. You also might find it helpful to talk to classmates about what they expect to see on the exam. 11

Step Three: Get organized. Pull together previous exams that you have taken in the class, completed assignments and your notes. If a study guide was not provided, create one. Generate a list of possible questions for each of the sections (or chapters) on the test. Step Four: Create a detailed schedule. Plan out when and where you will study specific material. Be realistic about where you study best. Try to stick to this as best you can. Again, allow more than enough time just in case you are having trouble with certain concepts or something comes up! Anticipate breaks and give yourself time for meals. Plan to be completely done with your studying a day before the exam to give yourself a mental break. Step Five: Study, study, study! As planned, review your notes carefully. Test yourself using note cards, possible questions and prompts. Use previous test questions and examples from your textbook. Be honest with yourself about when you have mastered the concepts. Entering an exam unprepared and lacking confidence will stifle your achievement. Utilize your time effectively and bring your note cards on the bus with you—looking out the window is nice, but glancing at your cards will help you immerse yourself in the information.

You can prepare yourself to be successful during your study sessions by developing study techniques and choosing your study space carefully. •

Take responsibility for yourself. Recognize that in order to succeed you need to make decisions about your priorities, your time and your resources.

Put first things first. Keep sight of your goals and remember you are here to learn. Follow up on the priorities you have set for yourself, and don't let other people or interests distract you from your educational goals.

Discover your key productivity periods and places. When do you work best; morning, afternoon or evening? Where do you work best; find spaces where you can be focused and productive. Prioritize these for your most difficult study challenges.

Recognize your limitations to studying. You may have to multitask and be creative about your study time. Make every effort to dedicate the appropriate amount of time to your coursework. You know what is working and what is not.

The ideal study space: •

Has minimal distractions

Is similar to the environment you’ll be taking the exam

Is a bright space with natural sunlight

Has a big level surface where you can spread out and set-up


Avoid spaces that: •

Have multiple distractions, such as TVs and a lot of people.

Are too comfortable; such as your bedroom or living room. You’ll feel too relaxed and will lose the motivation to study and be productive.

On the day of the test •

Analyze how you did on a similar test in the past. Conduct a quick short review to skim the material. Review your previous tests and sample tests provided by your teacher. Each test you take prepares you for the next one!

Arrive early and come prepared. Make a list of what you need beforehand to avoid panic. Good preparation will ease your mind.

Be comfortable, but alert. When you arrive choose a comfortable location with enough space. Don't slouch; maintain good posture.

Stay relaxed and confident. Keep a good attitude and remind yourself that because you studied you are going to do your best. If you find yourself panicking, take a few deep breaths. Don't talk to other student’s right before; stress can be contagious.

Answer questions in a strategic order. Read directions carefully and take your time to avoid careless errors. Tackle easy questions first to build your confidence. Then move onto those with the most point value. On objective tests, eliminate obvious incorrect answers. On essay tests, broadly outline your answer and sequence of points.

When you’re done review if you have time. Resist the urge to leave when you complete the exam. Check that you have answered all the questions, and if you have made any errors. Make corrections as needed and remember that you may find clues about one question in a previous answer.

If you’d like to get more information about test taking, stop by the first year experience office in North Dining Commons, Room 101A.

Learning how to manage your time can be one of the greatest skills you develop, assisting you in achieving success during college and later in life. Like anything, gaining time management skills takes time and practice.

Why effectively manage your time? •

Gain more time in your day. The more you are able to manage, the more you can accomplish.

Motivate yourself. Every success you have will encourage you to do more.

Reduce avoidance. When you avoid and procrastinate, you won’t end up doing your best work. Enhancing your time management skills will help you plan things out over the long period and relieve your stress when trying to cram everything in at the last minute.


Promote review. If you complete projects and homework in a more timely fashion, you will have more time to review it before submitting. That means you’ll be more likely to catch minor mistakes, have the time to edit, and ultimately get a better grade.

Keys to successful time management: •

Know yourself and your goals. In order to manage your time successfully you need to have an awareness of what your goals are, what your strengths and challenges are, and how you operate best. Having an awareness of who you are will assist you in developing strategies that will work. For example, if you know you just aren’t going to get up at 8 am to study during breakfast, it probably is better to develop a schedule which doesn’t include early morning studying.

Develop and maintain a personal, flexible schedule. Time management provides you the opportunity to create a schedule that works for you, not what works for others. This personal attention gives you the flexibility to include things that are most important to you.

Behavior change. Time management requires that you may have to change some of your current behaviors, and that’s OK. Research finds that it takes at least 21 days to change a behavior when you practice every single day. The sooner you get started effectively managing your time, the easier it will be.

Helpful time management tips: •

Carry a schedule and record all your thoughts, conversations and activities for a week. This will help you understand how much you can get done during the course of a day and where/ how you are spending your time. This will help you differentiate how much time is wasted versus how much is productive and allow you to schedule yourself appropriately.

Any activity or conversation that's important to your success should have a time assigned to it. To-do lists get longer and longer to the point where they're unworkable. Planners/ calendars work because they force you to give timeframes to your tasks, as long as you maintain the discipline to follow the timeframes you set.

Build in time to think about, engage in conversations and participate in activities that support what you are trying to do. For example, you need to plan time to research in the library before beginning to write your paper. Researching and writing are two very different sets of time.

Schedule time for interruptions and plan to be distracted. Studying in the library also means that people you know will walk by and say hello. If you are limited in your time, then plan to study someplace where no one knows you or can find you.

Take the first 30 minutes of every day to plan your day. Don't start your day until you complete your time plan. The most important time of your day is the time you schedule to schedule time.

Take five minutes before a task to decide what result you want to attain and determine your goal. This will help you know what success looks like before you start AND give you something to celebrate when you finish.

Put up a "Do not disturb" sign when you absolutely have to get work done in your room.


Practice not answering the phone, responding to texts or checking your Twitter. Don't instantly give people your attention unless it's absolutely important. We’re sure you have heard it before, but civilization lasted for centuries upon centuries without instant communication. It’s okay to turn off your phone for an hour.

Remember that sometimes it's impossible to get everything done, so don’t beat yourself up. Just make sure you have planned ahead so that you can maximize your effort. Also remember that odds are good that 20 percent of your thoughts, conversations and activities will produce 80 percent of your results. You just have to get started and that’s the hardest part!

Complete the hardest and/or most important tasks first. This is the GOLDEN RULE of time management. Once you’ve finished those, everything else will seem easy and move much quicker.

Create an organization system that works. Color coding, different folders, online tools; whatever fits your style, do it!

Build in breaks, fun times, silliness, and do-nothing time. You can’t keep going and going and going and expect to complete everything. Time management only works if you give yourself time away from the things you need to manage.

If you’d like to get more information about time management, stop by the first year experience office in North Dining Commons, Room 101A.

Between class, homework, jobs, leadership involvement, papers, study groups, socializing with friends, and catching up on Scandal many students find that they can get worn down and sick before they know it. Here are some ideas to help you feel and perform your best. Sleep: There is too much to do, but sleep is crucial to your wellness. Get seven to nine hours of sleep per night to improve learning, memory, performance, mood, and health. Try and keep your sleep schedule consistent; maintaining similar times each day improves the possibility of getting a good night’s sleep. Lack of sleep leads to poor time management, memory retention and "unplanned" naps. Maximize your day by sleeping at night, but also schedule some naps with start/stop times so that you don’t waste the afternoon away. If you live on campus, talk with your roommate about what times you go to bed/wake up and what each of your expectations are about lights/noise in the room while someone is sleeping. 15

Healthy Eating: It’s easy to get trapped in the dining hall with the pizza and fries calling your name! Resist the urge to make those your mainstays and instead challenge yourself to load up on fruits and veggies. Make sure that you eat breakfast and have healthy snacks available in your bag for fuel throughout the day. Limit your caffeine intake because too much can make you jittery and anxious. Yes, that means don’t visit Dunkin Donuts every couple of hours. Learn how to manage your meal portion sizes. It’s easy to pile on the food when it looks so good. Just remember that your eyes are often bigger than your stomach. You can always go back for seconds if you’re really hungry afterwards. Remember to drink a lot of water. It keeps you hydrated and improves your concentration. Exercise: With everything going on, it’s easy to forget about exercising. Salem State has an amazing fitness center and a number of really great programs and activities to keep you moving. Ongoing exercise increases energy, mood, circulation, immune levels, and self-confidence. Even if you just walk down to Forest River Park every afternoon to look at the waves, getting out and moving will help. Find some time to do simple stretches in your room before your day starts, find a friend who can make exercising fun, and take advantage of the facilities on campus—you’ve already paid for them. Stress: When you have reached all of those deadlines and your responsibilities increase, it’s easy to get stressed. Try to plan ahead to avoid the stress by creating a routine. Use a schedule and be realistic about what you can take on. Reach out and get help when you feel overwhelmed. Counseling and health services has a wonderful staff you can speak to if you are feeling the stress becoming unmanageable. Become comfortable with setting limits and saying no. It’s okay to take a Saturday afternoon to yourself to center and get back on track. Find a hobby that will take your mind off of everything for at least 30 minutes a day—maybe it’s reading a comic book, perhaps it’s learning how to knit, or it could be spending some focused time on your favorite HGTV show. Remember, the healthier you eat, the more you exercise, the better you will be able to manage some of that stress. For more information, stop by the first year experience office in North Dining Commons, Room 101A.


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