Bryo ergostasio garden

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Student A K M Saleh Ahmed Anik History and Theory Tutor Emmanouil Zaroukas The Bartle School of Architecture, UCL MArch Urban Design 2019-2020 Post natural ci es I RC16

Bartle School of Architecture l UCL


This design thesis report is submi ed in par al fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture in Urban Design from University College London. I, A K M SALEH AHMED ANIK confirm that the work presented in this thesis report is my own. Where informa on has been derived from other sources, I confirm that this has been indicated in the thesis.

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................................................................................................................... 06 ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................................................................................07 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................................................................08 CHAPTER 01: WHAT EARTH CAN BE?.............................................................................................................................................10 - Earth as a garden...........................................................................................................................................................................10 - Human as a gardener.................................................................................................................................................................... 10 - Gardening is an act of play........................................................................................................................................................... 11 - Gardening is a trade rela onship................................................................................................................................................. 13 - Ergostasio Garden......................................................................................................................................................................... 18 CHAPTER 02: PRECEDENTS.............................................................................................................................................................22 - Garden city movement .................................................................................................................................................................22 - The Physarum Machine and Synthesis.........................................................................................................................................24 CHAPTER 03: BRYO-ERGOSTASIO GARDEN................................................................................................................................... 27 - Hypothesis.....................................................................................................................................................................................27 - Bryophyta...................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 - Bio-apparatus................................................................................................................................................................................ 31 - Rules of gardening.........................................................................................................................................................................33 CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................................................................................41 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................................................................42 FIGURE LIST .....................................................................................................................................................................................44

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Bartle School of Architecture l UCL


This design thesis report is a product of great eorts and hard work of the last ten months. It wouldn't be possible without the direc on and kind support of my history and theory tutor Emmanouil Zaroukas. I would like to thank each and every organisa on who have given their wonderful insights into this research. I express my special gra tude and thanks to my design cluster tutors Claudia Pasquero and Filippo Nasse

for their guidance and supervisions as well as for providing necessary feedback on the

research and helping me to complete the design research. My parents' support and mo va on pushed me to propel ahead in hard mes, I would like to express my love and respect towards them. I am grateful to Filippo Nasse

and Michael Brewster for the so skill workshop. I would like to extend my apprecia on towards

the B-made sta for their great a en on and me in the workshop. My thanks and apprecia on to all the colleagues, seniors, friends in developing the research and to the people who have willingly helped me with their abili es. I would like to thank AKM Tousif Tanjim Ahmed and Sousan Suha Amin for their assistance to develop this research project. Finally, I would like to thank Senju Shonima Nadi, a very special person in my life for her constant support and encouragement during these unprecedented mes.

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Our planet is going through a period of extreme techno-scien ďŹ c changes. It is disrup ng the metabolic processes of the earth. This ri in the metabolic process is causing massive ecological disequilibrium in the biosphere. If no cure is found, this evergrowing disequilibrium will be the ul mate threat for the con nua on of both human and non-human life on earth. Humans have been deluding themselves about these phenomena by their discriminatory percep on of the natural environment. The reorienta on of this view may guide the species of our planet to an alterna ve future, where all the en

es of the world can


The concept of 'Garden' is a reoriented view of the world. It starts from by rejec ng discriminatory view of the world and gradually inspires people to explore their innate op mism and helps them to imagine other alterna ve possibili es of the world. This research paper aims to expand the meaning of 'Garden' by a series of relevant literature reviews and historical and contemporary case studies. Finally, by taking the precedents and the literature review as a testbed to analyse and evaluate the signiďŹ cance of 'Garden' in the contemporary era, this research paper will explore how this 'Garden' can be a new way of bo omup design method, by examining materiality, architecture and urban system.

Keywords: Ecology, biosphere, discriminatory, Garden, non-human.

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"Man, through his egoism, unable to perceive his own interests, through his inclina on to enjoy everything at his disposal, in a word, through his lack of concern for the future and for his fellow beings, seems to be striving toward the annihila on of his means of conserva on and the very destruc on of his own species. By everywhere destroying the great mass of vegeta on that protected the soil, in return for objects that sa sfy his momentary greed, he is rapidly increasing the sterility of the very soil he inhabits, causing the springs to dry up, driving away the animals that found their subsistence there, with the result that large parts of the globe, previously very fer le and highly populated in all respects, are now arid, sterile, uninhabitable and abandoned . . . One might say that man is des ned to exterminate himself having made the globe uninhabitable." (Lamarck 1820, cited in Clement, p.111)

Through a series of extreme techno-scien ďŹ c changes, the metabolic processes of the earth are disrup ng. This metabolic ri is changing the balance of the environment. This shi in the ecology has generated global phenomena like climate change, destruc on of the ecosystem (Gua ari 2000). If it con nues like this, it will be the ul mate annihila on of both human and other species on the planet (Gua ari 2000).

But what exactly is causing this problem? According to Gua ari (2000), it is the Integrated World Capitalism (IWC) that has brought us to the edge of a huge ecological disaster. Capitalism sees the world's natural environment through a narrow view. Japanese philosopher, farmer Masanobu Fukuoka (1978) named narrow view as the discriminatory knowledge. He (1978) further added that this knowledge cuts the world environment into pieces and does not seek for the interrela onship between the pieces. This knowledge only cares about what is proďŹ table for humans, separa ng man from the nature (Fukuoka 1978). Through this discriminatory knowledge of the world, humans live in the delusion that they completely know everything about the natural environment whereas the natural environment works in a non-discriminatory way (Fukuoka 1978). As a result, this delusion of discriminatory knowledge is causing the disequilibrium of the natural environment, and it will take many genera ons to recover from this (Fukuoka 1978; Gua ari 2000).

It is high me that the humans should start exploring alterna ve outlooks and prac ces for a be er future. This paper aims to inves gate one of the alterna ve views regarding the planet by expanding the meaning of the word 'Garden'. Furthermore, this paper intends to examine how by using tools, humans have been inuencing this 'Garden', and how infusing contemporary technology into the 'Garden' system will make it into an 'Ergostasio', and how 'Garden' can be a new theory of urban design.

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Now, taking all of these into account, this design thesis report is organised into three chapters. In the first chapter, this report will discuss three important topics by reviewing relevant literature studies. These are: How 'Garden' relates to the non-discriminatory view of the world, how it has been prac sed by different en

es around the world, and how the combina on of machine, human

and non-human make 'Garden' a factory for the crea on of new hybrid en

es. The second chapter, this research paper will

inves gate how non-discrimina ve prac ces have been influencing urban design by analysing several historical and contemporary case studies. Finally, by taking the case studies and the literature review as the testbed to analyse and evaluate the significance of non-discriminatory design in the contemporary era, this design research will look into how the introduc on of a bio-apparatus into the 'Garden' system will convert it into a 'Bryo-ergostasio Garden'.

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Earth as a garden:

“If the planet func ons as a single living en ty, limited by the confines of the biosphere, then we do indeed find ourselves in the condi ons of a garden: an autonomous and fragile enclosure where every factor interacts with the whole and the whole with each of the creatures present. All that remains is to find the gardeners.” (Clement 2015, p. 36)

The word 'garden' derives from the German word 'Garten', which means `bounded' or `enclosed space' (Clement 2015). Whenever the word `garden' is discussed, people promptly visualize a planned enclosure which is used for display, cul va on or enjoyment (Clement 2015). But with the advancements of ecology, we realize that this bounded space, which we think is in our control, is actually an illusion (Clement 2015). Winds, seeds, insects, birds, even people- everything and everyone communicate with each other in the planet (Clement 2015). If someone pours down a small amount of oil in the washbasin, it goes into the sea. Most of the people know this, but what they don't realize is that the lives of the sea depend on it. It is quite surprising as this proves to us that the limit of our landscape is not on the horizon and every one of our ac ons has some kind of impact on some corner of the world (Clement 2015). But, what is restric ng human about this realiza on?

Masanobu Fukuoka (1978, p. 124) answered this ques on by saying, "People generally believe that unmistaken recogni on of the world is possible through discrimina on alone. Therefore, the word “nature” as it is generally spoken, denotes nature as it is perceived by discrimina ng intellect. I deny the empty image of nature as created by the human intellect, and clearly dis nguish it from nature itself as experienced by non-discrimina ng understanding. If we eradicate the false concep on of nature, I believe the root of the world's disorder will disappear." If we now just reorient our views and see the world in a non-discriminated way, we will find that our new garden is the planet where every ma er or en ty connect with one another (Clement 2015; Fukuoka 1978).We shall once again find ourselves in an enclosed space. But, this me, instead of a small space, the limit of this garden is now the biosphere (Clement 2015).

Human as a Gardener:

Humans are everywhere on this planet. They can live anywhere and adapt to any kind of situa ons. Whereas, the other creatures cannot do so. They inhabit only those places that can fulfil their needs. These habitats are known as biotopes (Clement 2015). Each major clima c zone of the planet defines a biome and each biome is composed of different types of biotopes (Clement 2015). The more the number of biomes and biotopes, the greater the biodiversity of species. This process is called endemism (Clement 2015).

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But the earth was not the same from its beginning. During the me of the supercon nent (Clement 2015), there were less clima c zones. The diversity of life could not thrive at that me. It took millions of years to break apart from the supercon nent and form different biomes (Clement 2015). Biodiversity started to flourish when different types of biomes started to form (Clement 2015). Except for the humans, all the other species have a specific biome or biotopes (Clement 2015). But if every species remained only within its biotopes, then evolu on would not have happened. So, nature has wind, currents, other animals such as pollinators, migratory birds etc which bring one species from one biome to another (Clement 2015). In that different clima c zone, those species transform, evolve and eventually new species are created. This process is known as Intermingling and this is nature's own way of gardening within a single biosphere (Clement 2015). Humans have the same gi too. If a human think that a plant or an animal will be useful to him/her, he/she will take it with him/her from one biome to another. Humans can also gene cally modify the species to fit them into the new biome system. In that sense, humans are also gardeners (Clement 2015). Although, there is one problem. According to Gilles Clement (2015, p.30), "humans assembled according to their criteria for maximum profit, in the other nature assembled with the aim of deploying maximum diversity." Can humans reorient their way of gardening? Which will be profit as well as help the biodiversity of the planet to flourish?

Gardening is an act of play:

Does any other species garden? Yes, there are many who do so; such as the leafcu er ants. These ants have been gardening for 60 million years whereas humans have been doing it for only 12,000 years (Deep Look 2015). These ants collect the leaves of the trees, then carry and bring those leaves to their colony. There they clean the leaves, cut them into ny pieces, crush them, arrange them into stacks, compost the leaves and finally spread spores around the stacks, like seeding. Over me, a fungus grows from the stacks (figure 01). This highly nutri ous fungus is the food that the ants eat. They feed it to the colonies, other ants and offspring. The leafcu er ant spends its en re life by performing this gardening (Deep Look 2015). There is no dis nc on between work and life for these ants. Only human makes this kind of dis nc on between work, life and other acts:

"I do not par cularly like the word 'work'. Human beings are the only animals who have to work, and I think this is the most ridiculous thing in the world. Other animals make their livings by living, but people work like crazy, thinking that they have to in order to stay alive. The bigger the job, the greater the challenge, the more wonderful they think it is. It would be good to give up that way of thinking and live an easy, comfortable life with plenty of free me, I think what the way animals live in the tropics, stepping outside in the morning and evening to see if there is something to eat, and taking a long nap in the a ernoon, must be a wonderful life. For human beings, a life of such simplicity would be possible if one worked to produce directly his daily necessi es. In such a life, work is not work as people generally think of it, but simply doing what needs to be done." (Fukuoka 1978, p. 100)

Johan H. Huizinga stretched this idea of work and the life of non-human en

es further in his book 'Homo Ludens: A study of the

Play Element in Culture'. According to Huizinga (1944), this work and life of the non-humans is an act of play. Huizinga (1994) also

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added that this act is spontaneous, serious, me-bounded, area-bounded and has its own sets of rules that the players do not break. All the species in the kingdom play like this (Huzinga 1994). Human as a gardener also play :"The gardener gardens. The gardener does not do paperwork. Or at least, very li le. The gardener's hands are occupied and his mind free" (Clement 2015, pp. 141). It is man's selďŹ sh orienta on towards nature that causes the problems. But, the play is not a selďŹ sh act (Huizinga 1944). Gardening is a play between man and nature . Using Buddhist terms, Fukuoka (1978) categorized gardening (eg. he termed it as farming, both the word has the same meaning) into two types. These are, 1) Narrow farming (Hinayana), 2) Broad, transcendent farming (Mahayana). Hinayana is the tradi onal produc on-based farming that we do. But, Mahayana is a playful act. In Fukuwoka's word (1978, p. 102), "Broad, Mahayana natural farming arises of itself when unity exists between man and nature. It conforms to nature as it is, and to the mind as it is. It proceeds from the convic on that if the individual temporarily abandons human will and so allows himself to be guided by nature, nature responds by providing everything. To give a simple analogy, in transcendent natural farming the rela onship between humanity and nature can be compared with a husband and wife joined in perfect marriage. The marriage is not bestowed, not received; the perfect pair comes into existence by itself." Perhaps, this orienta on of gardening as a play between humans and nature will help the humans look beyond only proďŹ ts.

Figure 01: Leaf cu er ant colony (Deep look, 2015)

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Gardening is a trade rela onship:

"An object seen in isola on from the whole is not the real thing.� (Fukuoka 1978, p.50)

In ecology, all living en

es can be categorised into three dierent levels: decomposer, consumers and producers (Murakami

1991). To understand the ecosystem, we have to learn the interac on between these en

es. As the (ďŹ gure 02) diagram shows,

the more plants (producers) produce carbohydrates, the more animals (consumers) can thrive (Murakami 1991). The more organic ma er is provided to the soil by consumers and producers, the more microorganisms (decomposers) become ac ve and the more nutrients are provided to the producers (Murakami 1991). The number of producers increases because of this and they use more sunlight for carbohydrate produc on. This system is known as the nutrient cycle (Murakami 1991).

Figure 02: Nutrient cycle: Lessons from nature (Murakami 1991, p. 4)

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There are large numbers of cycles in the ecology which are similar to nutrient cycles. Such as nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle, mineral cycle etc. There are also intra-cycles at each level. For example: In tropical rainforests (figure 03), producer cycle is maintained by emergent layer (plant height- above 38m), canopy layer (plant height- 17m to 29 m), understory layer (plant height- 5m to 17m), forest floor (plant height- under 5m). Consumers' cycle is constructed by the first order, second order, third order and top carnivores (Murakami 1991). In each tree layers, different consumers inhabit, the main thing is on which we are focusing on. When the focus is on carbon ma er, then it is known as the carbon cycle. When it is the nutrient cycle, all living en numbers and as a result fer lity of the soil increases (Murakami 1991). Non-human en

es increase in

es interact in the nature in a complex

cycle where nothing is unnecessary or useless (Murakami 1991). It's nature's own trading system. Everything is ed together based on need, support and demand of each en ty. If any part is disrupted, the result can affect the whole system. For instance, if organic ma er is not provided to the soil, then it becomes infer le and as a result microorganisms (decomposers) will become inac ve and the plants (producers) will not produce well in the infer le soil (Murakami 1991). If the number of producers decrease, the number of animals (consumer) will also decrease as the consequence (Murakami 1991).

Figure 03: Profile of a forest (Hallé 1978, p. 441)

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The system of a forest is built through these trades and interrela ons. Then the next ques on occurs how humans can fit into this ecological system and become a part of these inter-species trading systems? How can humans inhabit the planetary garden without harming it? Gilles Clement (2015) proposed two approaches to dealing with living things without causing them harm which eventually becomes the founda on for the planetary garden.

“— observe in order to act: an analysis whereby all future ac on comes down to gardening, as we understand the term here. That means that the opera onal phase— the interven on— is not an ideological response dreamt up to manage or save the planet, but on the contrary, relates to the specific case, seen as a local ecosystem whose model is never exportable. — Work “with” whenever possible, “against” as li le as possible: a way of thinking that allows all gardening to be organized with a view to the greatest economy of means. It presupposes accep ng and some mes even developing ways of collabora ng with energies already present, principally those that nature offers in every circumstance and region of the world. It implies being sparing in the consump on of nega ve energy and if possible doing without it altogether.” (Clement 2015, p. 34)

As an example of 'Observe in order to act', Gilles Clement (2015) men oned about Francis Halle's treetop ra project over Gabon forest. Halle's proposed the ra project to u lise the tropical forest without ever harming any en

es. The grand scale form of

gardening Halle (n.d., cited in Clement 2015, p.37) invented was based on two principles: "not to abstain from the exploita on of nature's riches, and to preserve those riches in their en rety." This grand project involved a close understanding of forest ecology. The main aim of Halle's project was to explore those biological ac vi es that take place in the canopies of the forest. To study and count the species of the treetop canopies without damaging them, an airship with a suspended treetop sled was used (figure 04). This was designed by architect Gilles Ebersolt. This kind of advanced architecture and use of machines made it possible for the scien sts to explore the forest canopies, which remains one of the most unrecognized places of the earth.

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Figure 04: treetop ra project (Hallé, 1986)

A more recent example of this 'Observe in order to act' can be stressed out here. John Ryan and Danelle Cline's from Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Ins tute (2018) used machine learning and tensor flow to observe the whale sounds. To collect soundwave data from the seafloor, they used MARS hydrophone (figure 05). They analysed the sounds of endangered fin and blue whales to get a deeper understanding of their ecology. By tracking and iden fying the whales' calls and changing migra on pa erns, scien sts gained a detailed insight on more widespread consequences of climate change on the sea environment, and how humans have been impac ng aqua c en

es in a nega ve way (Cline et al. 2018). The success of their experiment showed a way

to communicate and exchange informa on between humans and non-human en without harming them.

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es by using machine and ar ficial intelligence

Figure 05: The MARS hydrophone sits on the seafloor outside of Monterey Bay (MBARI, 2017)

In 2019, a group of ecologists suggested a model on how we can increase the number of pollinators (bees, hoverflies and nonsyrphid Diptera) in the urban area through be er management of the exis ng land usage This is a perfect example of how we can 'work with' in the planetary garden system. Pollinators are cri cal for crea ng and maintaining the ecosystems and habitats that many species rely on for shelter and food. Urban areas are very difficult places for pollinators to thrive. Here, the land is used in such a way that it becomes a threat to insects (Baldock et al. 2019). But a new study by a team of ecologists on four UK ci es (Bristol, Reading, Leeds, and Edinburgh) proves that increasing urbaniza on may not be the death sentence for insects if the current land incorporates their needs as well (Baldock et al. 2019).

For the experiment, the ecologists highlighted nine major types of land usage in these four ci es which are – allotments (community garden), residen al garden, natural reserves, parks, pavements, cemeteries, road verges, man-made surfaces and other green spaces (excluding roads, buildings and water as they aren't of much use to pollinators). Then, they calculated the total number of plants and pollinators in each site and recorded how many different kinds of species inhabit there.

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The ecologists (2019) found out that a greater diversity of the pollinators exist in those places where there are more numbers and varia ons of plants. They (2019) also no ced that residen al gardens accommodated the most diverse pollinators but not all types of gardens are equally appealing to the pollinators. Hydrangeas, forget-me-not and daisies were less appealing, whereas pollinators' favour brambles, dandelions, and bu ercups that humans o en pull up and mow (Baldock et al. 2019).

Next, the researchers wanted to know how the current land usage could be handled in a be er way to promote pollinators. So, they built a computer model (Bayesian network models) to test how providing more area to each different land types might make the pollinator networks more resilient to species loss. They observed that the biggest jump in the resilience came when they gave more space to allotments (Baldock et al. 2019). Even though the researchers increased the space of the allotments, those spaces contributed only 1% of the urban land. Allotments usually host vegetables, fruits as well as weeds, a mix which provide a great diversity of flowers.

The ecologists also wondered if there were other methods to increase the resilience of the pollinators. According to their network model, this could be accomplished by allowing wildflowers to thrive in road verges and other green spaces, plan ng flowers in the parks and not mowing the grass of the residen al gardens (Baldock et al. 2019). This shows a simple way of how Gilles Clement's (2015) 'Work with whenever possible, against as li le as possible' with the other en

es will be beneficial to humans in the end.

Ergostasio Garden:

“There is a principle specific to environmental ecology: it states that anything is possible- the worst disasters or the most flexible evolu ons [évolu ons en souplesse]. Natural equilibriums will be increasingly reliant upon human interven on, and a me will come when vast programmes will need to be set up in order to regulate the rela onship between oxygen, ozone and carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere...... In the future much more than the simple defence of nature will be required; we will have to launch an ini a ve if we are to repair the Amazonian 'lung', for example, or bring vegeta on back to the Sahara. The crea on of new living species animal and vegetable- looms inevitably on the horizon, and the adop on of an ecosophical ethics adapted to this terrifying and fascina ng situa on is equally as urgent as the inven on of a poli cs focussed on the des ny of humanity.” (Gua ari 2000, p. 66-67)

Humans have been welding tools for centuries. There are other species who also weld tool but it can be easily said that humans are by far the most superior at this act. The treetop ra project, MARS hydrophone and urban pollinator project proved that contemporary humans need machines to understand nature properly. Evolu on wise both humans' and non-human en


senses are restricted. How can the human and non-human surpass this evolu onary hurdle? Gilles Clement (2015) answered that to overcome this evolu onary restric on both non-human en

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es and humans have to transform:

“the Darwinian posi on— evolu on through natural selec on: nature invents, the environment sanc ons— affirm that everything is predes ned; the strongest survive, the rest perish. Those best built to endure will endure, the weakest will lead a transitory existence. Nothing can be er appeal to ambient liberalism: not to encumber ourselves with handicaps, slowness, and delays. We must move quickly, succeed. Succeed at what? The transformist posi on, on the other hand, leaves the door open to possibility. During the course of its life, the living organism, whatever it may be— whether plant, animal, human— has a chance to modify itself (either by its own voli on or through exterior pressure); it can transform itself. This transforma on, once registered, is transmi ed to subsequent genera ons. For the human being, the “conscious animal,” this provides the basis for a project, a mental territory of op mism.” (Clement 2015, p. 112).

Development of Eukaryo c cells (figure 06) can be taken as an example here. It turned out that one of the greatest inven ons and progress of life on the planet, the construc on of the Eukaryo c cells are not explainable through compe

on and selec on, but

only through a process of symbiosis and hybridiza on between two autonomous organisms that merge to make up a third (Cooper & Hausman 2007, p.10). The transformist approach is proving us that for communica on and exchange of informa on to happen between the humans and non- human en

es, both of the en

es have to transform. But, how will the transforma on

happen in the contemporary world?

Figure 06: Eukaryo c cell under the microscope (The Greatest Garden, 2019)

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Recently, Marshmallow Laser Feast team developed a virtual reality headset (figure 07) to show the audience how a forest would look like through the eyes of owl, frog, dragonfly and mosquito (figure 08). To do this, they used 360-degree Lidar scan and developed a 3d map of the Grizedale Forest located England's Lake District. Then, they manipulated the raw landscape data to show based on the sensory features of those how different species would be viewing the surroundings. For example, mosquitos can see atmospheric carbon dioxide (TNW 2018).

Figure 07: Customised virtual reality head set -developed by Marshmallow Laser Feast team (Marziale, 2015)

Marshmallow Laser Feast team's customized virtual reality headset enabled the human to see the mosquito's version of carbon dioxide. For interspecies communica on to happen, human need the aid of the machine and need to produce these kinds of symbio c en

es. In Greek, the word 'Ergostasio' means 'factory'. The planetary garden now becomes an 'Ergostasio' or factory

for the crea on of new hybridize species- an 'Ergostasio Garden'.

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Figure 08: Grizedale Forest through the eyes of animals (Marziale, 2015)

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Garden city movement:

The garden city movement idea was first ini ated by Sir Ebenger Howard in his book 'Garden Ci es of To-morrow'. It is a method of urban designing in which self-contained communi es are surrounded by six circular boulevards, each 120 feet wide. His ideal city would house 32,000 people, and the area of this city would be 9,000 acres. The garden city would be self-sufficient. If a garden city reaches its full popula on, another garden city would be constructed nearby. Howard (1902) envisioned each garden city as a satellite city and all the satellite ci es would be linked to a central city via roads and rails. There are several key points which can be highlighted and stretched in the garden city concept.


The principal aim of Howard's concept was to take the major advantages of the countryside and the city while avoiding the disadvantages offered by both environments. For this reason, he proposed the three magnets theory (figure 09). Two of the magnets are the town and the country and the third one is the combina on of both. According to Howard (1902, p. 48), “Human society and the beauty of nature are meant to be enjoyed together. Two magnets must be made one. As man and woman by their varied gi s and facul es supplement each other, so should town and country. The town is the symbol of society.....And the country! The country is the symbol of God's love and care for Man. All that we are and all that we have comes from it. Our bodies are formed of it; to it they return. We are fed by it, and by it are we warmed and sheltered. On its bosom, we rest. Its beauty is the inspira on of art, of music, of poetry. Its forces propel all the wheels of industry. It is the source of all health, all wealth of industry. But its fullness of joy and wisdom has not revealed itself to man. Nor can it ever, so long as this unholy, unnatural separa on of society, and nature endures.” This town-country magnet concept can be classified as a non-discriminatory way of seeing the whole planetary environment.


In Howard's (1902) view, technology was hardly a foe to civiliza on and nature. In fact, he saw the poten ality of the machines in garden city. “What grand thing it would be if the people of England could, by an actual illustra on under their very eyes, be convinced that machinery can be so used to confer not only an ul mate na onal benefits, but a direct and immediate advantage, and not only upon those who actually own it or use it, but on others who are given work by its magic aid” (Howard 1902, p. 55). Machine, human and nature co-existed in Howard's new ideal community. He evoked a contradictory no on of 'what is natural and what is ar ficial?' in the human minds by introducing a machine-controlled Winter garden named Crystal Palace (figure 10), just beside the central park of the city. The winter garden- separa ng the central park from the built houses- is a heterotopia, a territory set aside from conven onal public life where expecta ons and rules are rejected (Howard 1902). Absence of any spa al obstacles allowed ci zens to easily transit from the unpredictable weather system of central park to the ar ficial and predictable weather system of the crystal palace (Howard 1902).

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In Howard's (1902) concept, individualism was heightened and precisely balanced with the requirements of the community. In the garden city, playing was encouraged in the individual level: " A new sense of freedom and joy is pervading the hearts of the people as their individual facul es are awakened, and they discover, in a social life which permits alike of the completest concerted ac on and of the fullest individual liberty, the long sought for means of reconcilia on between order and freedombetween the wellbeing of the individual and the society." (Howard 1902, p. 142). Howard (1902) stressed that local authori es would regulate li le over the housing. Beyond the city core, groups or individuals might construct philanthropic or charitable ins tu ons without government interference. In the greenbelt, all the farmers and their co-opera ves could try any method as they consider useful to grow crops or to raise livestock. Orchards, woods and gardens would be planted by people in the midst of their busy lives, so that they might enjoy life to the fullest (Howard 1902).

Figure 09 : Ebenger Howard's three magnet theory (Howard, 1902, pp.16).

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Figure 10: Plan of Ebenger Howard's garden city (Howard, 1902, pp.22).

The Physarum Machine and Synthesis:

The previous case study had major level of novel inten ons to imagine the world in a non-discrimina ve way. But in that instance, humans were s ll making decisions about what would be best for them as well as non-humans with the aid of the machines. That example lacks the non-human point of views or non-human intui ons about the environment. What will happen when a nonhuman takes urban decision for humans? Will it be good or bad? How will human interpret those decisions? Modern biotechnology is providing humans with new means to understand non-humans. It is allowing humans to hack into the system of non-humans and understand their behaviours and func ons (Pasquero & Pole o 2016). All the en


machine, human and non-human- are united by a global networking force, which is driven by Informa on and technology (Pasquero & Pole o 2016). This concep on has played the key role for the evolu on of the Physarum machine in Urban Morphogenesis Lab project 'Synthesis', deďŹ ned by the playful cra ed collabora on of a biological computer and a digital

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substratum of communica on. The project focused on reinvigora ng the copper mining network system and the landscape of Arizona. In this case study, the process of design itself needs to be highlighted to understand how the researchers are addressing the environment and landscape of Arizona. At first, they developed a Physarum Machine Apparatus. The word 'Physarum' is derived from 'Physarum polycephalum', which is the scien fic name for slime mould (Pasquero & Pole o 2016).

The slime mould is a unique biological computer, which doesn't possess any literal brain (Pasquero & Pole o 2016). But, it has the ability to form distributed and spa al memories by leaving marks in its paths (Pasquero & Pole o 2016). These memories allow the slime mould to refine and op mise its performance and behaviour (Pasquero & Pole o 2016). Scien sts discovered that this slime mould can perform remarkably complicated tasks such as op misa on of networks. This op misa on behaviour of the slime mould is silimar to urban system's op mise behaviour (Pasquero & Pole o 2016). According Urban Morphogesenis Lab's Director Claudia Pasquero and Marco Pole o (2016, p. 14), "The mould not only represents a simple form of bo om up selforganisa on via mul ple interac ons, but also is capable of performing mul ple forms of computa on and op misa on without recurring to a centralised brain. Also, these kinds of op misa ons are recurrent in any collec ve organism and are cri cal to its survival. Urban systems also demonstrate op misa on behaviours; a er all ci es too must adjust the way they move around goods and energy, need to regulate the amounts they extract from each extrac on/ produc on site, and are always trying to predict or an cipate daily, seasonal, or epochal fluctua ons."

The Urban Morphogenesis Lab team wanted to generate an op mised path system between the copper mines of Arizona using the op misa on strategy of the slime mould. To do this, they developed a 3D-printed substrate containing morphological and topographical informa on of the site. Foods (Oates) and obstacles were then sca ered on the 3d- printed landscape. These food points on the substrata represented copper mine posi ons on the satellite image. In me, slime mould developed its op mised path system over the 3d-printed topography. Further in the research, the Urban Morphogenesis Lab explored different methods to convert this path system into drawings. For this purpose, they developed a customized swarm intelligence algorithm (Pasquero & Pole o 2016). As a result, a beau ful kind of fuzzy drawing was created (figure 11).

It is quite evident that this case study is a bo om-up approach to look into urban phenomena whereas the previous ones are topdown. The bo om-up approach allowed the designers to play with the biological and digital computa onal data and finally enabled them to create new hybrid en

es with the use of computa on. Claudia Pasquero and Marco Pole o (2016, p. 19)

claimed this as the new ways of compu ng: "From a methodological point of view biosciences are used to inves gate how we can go beyond digital as well as descrip ve simula ons and how we could start working with material to define new methods of compu ng". Another point that can be highlighted here is that these hybrid en

es are now making cri cal decisions, though it is

cra ed for the urban sphere. Pu ng aside the human-centric egoism and acknowledging the non-human en

es for their

cogni ve abili es can open up a new future for our ci es.

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Figure 11: Map generated by the algorithm (Pasquero & Pole o, 2016, pp.18 )

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According to Gilles Clement (2015, p. 77), “Ecology, since leaving the field of science, has joined the poli cal field...... today the only truly poli cal project is of an ecological nature". He (2015) further added that now the poli cian has to become more responsible and do more than the cons tu on permits him to do. This vision of Clement was realized later by New Zealand and Indian parliament when they passed a law to give the same rights as of a person to Whanganui River, Ganges and Yamuna rivers: “the status of a legal person, with all corresponding rights, du es and liabili es ... in order to preserve and conserve them” (Indian court n.d., cited in Kothari 2017).

The Ganges and Yamuna have long been considered sacred. Thousands of people depend on it, yet it has been minded, degraded and polluted to an unbelievable extent. Indigenous Iwi people and the New Zealand government have been in conflict for a century over The Whanganui and its treatment. Iwi people consider the Whanganui River and themselves as inseparable. Their common saying is “I am the river, and the river is me”(cited in Kothari 2017). Rivers are the veins and arteries of this planet. It is the lifeline for humans and millions of other non-human en

es. It is no wonder that they have been worshipped for centuries and

considered as sacred. Despite this age old tradi on, modern humans have been dishonouring these en

es in every possible way.

So, these ac ons taken by the governments have encouraged a more ethical and deeper rela onship between them. It can generate a new economy and poli cs. By giving rights, India and New Zealand recognised that rivers have physical, metaphysical and spiritual characteris cs (Kothari 2017). These significant expansions of law are based on moral principles hardly acknowledged since the industrial age (Kothari 2017). Although this is how the prehistoric and pre-industrial community in Europe had treated the non-human en

es (Pasquero & Pole o 2016). Urban Morphogenesis Lab's experiment with the

physarum machine just reconfirmed that non-human with the aid of the machine has the capability to communicate with contemporary humans and make sophis cated decisions for them.

Based on this, a hypothesis was proposed for the design research, what if a non-human is given the same legal status of a human? Will it be able to reconnect the city with nature or will it be completely different and destroy the city? How will humans interact with it? What will be morphological forma on the new society, if it starts to co-exist there with human ?

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It is predicted by the data's of Na onal Geography (2020) in next 50 years, due to the global increase in carbon dioxide, London temperature will rise and turn into a totally different climate zone- from temperate, no dry season and warm summer clima c zone to temperate, no dry season and hot summer. By the 2070s, London weather will be like today's Sovicille, Italy, in terms of precipita on pa erns and temperature and seasonality (Na onal geography 2020). This rise of global temperature will have a devasta ng effect on both human and non-human en

es. But, the climate change scenario is not bad for all the non-humans.

Moss, one of the primi ve plants, will thrive when the amount of carbon dioxide is high on the atmosphere (Elbert et al. 2012). Moss plays a vital role in carbon sequestra on and nitrogen fixa on (Elbert et al. 2012). In fact, this small plant already showed its planetary effect millions of years ago.

Recently, Timothy M. Lenton, Michael Crouch, Mar n Johnson, Nuno Pires and Liam Dolan (2016) on through the experiment claimed that by bringing down the atmospheric carbon dioxide at a massive level, the predecessor of modern-day moss triggered the ice age 444 million years ago. It is quite amazing that a small scale non-human en ty like moss has the capability to garden the en re planet just like humans. Another feature of the moss is that it provides habitat for insects such as fireflies, spider, ants, worms and mites ( Burk 2018). These insects are a valuable food source for the birds, amphibians and rep les (Burk 2018). Introduc on of this plant to micro and territorial level of the urban eco-system will open up a new way of gardening the biosphere. The word 'Bryo' comes from 'Bryophyta'. The term is the taxonomic division of the moss. 'BRYO-ERGOSTASIO GARDEN' is a garden society where 'Bryophyta' or 'Moss' has the same legal status of human. In this society, humans are not the dominant power of urban sphere anymore.

Taking into account the mul -level impact capability of moss on the biosphere, the design experiment was developed into three phases: 1) Moss growth experiment, 2) Bio-apparatus 3) Applica on of the bio-apparatus in different scales. For the moss growth experiment, 'Common Feather moss' was used. A device sizes 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm, was made using acrylic sheets, stones and mud to grow the moss on top of it. Moss does not have proper roots like other plants, but they do have a thread-like structure called rhizoids which helps them to anchor to mud. They do not absorb nutrients or water from the substrate through the rhizoids. They do these func ons mainly through their leaves. To understand the behaviour property of moss, its growth was recorded for con nuous two months (figure 12). Further, an algorithm was developed to simulate this growth pa ern and covert it into drawings (figure 13).

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Experiment 01

Experiment 02

Experiment 03






Figure 12: Moss growth catalogue

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Figure 13: Moss growth algorithm

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The focus of the second phase of design research was to develop a communica on and interac on system between humans and moss. To do this, a new type of hybrid en ty (bio-apparatus) was created using sensors, autonomous machines and moss. It consists of three parts (ďŹ gure 14). Both ends of the apparatus are the spaces for the moss along with external sensors to detect air quality, humidity and temperature which maintains an op mal environment for moss growth. The central core consists of an Arduino board, ba ery and radio transceiver module. The setup consists of two feedback mechanisms. The ďŹ rst one is temperature and humidity which includes the autonomous mist dispenser. The mist dispenser is automa cally triggered when the humidity drops below 60% and increases it to 80% to 85%. The second loop involves an air quality sensor, which detects the carbon level every minute. The sensor outputs the ux in carbon in ppm. If the receiving ends of the bio-apparatus are connected to a computer a graph of carbon concentra on, humidity and temperature can be obtained by the humans easily. This data will help human to interpret the status of the interior environment of the device. This data can be used by the human for further development of the device and be er op misa on of the interior environment for moss growth. This data can be termed as a new form of digital language by which human and moss communicate in the garden society

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Figure 14: Bio-apparatus

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Rules of Gardening:

"All are temporary worlds within the ordinary world, dedicated to the performance of an act apart. Inside the play-ground an absolute and peculiar order reigns. Here we come across another, very posi ve feature of play: it creates order, is order. Into an imperfect world and into the confusion of life it brings a temporary, a limited perfec on. Play demands order absolute and supreme...... All play has its rules. They determine what `holds' in the temporary world circumscribed by play. The rules of a game are absolutely binding and allow no doubt." (Huzinga 1944, p. 10-11)

At Howard's garden city, the heterotopic crystal palace was the 'temporary world'. The rules of that world were made by humans and that heterotopic world was the playfield for humans in the midst of the permanent world. In Bryo-ergostasio garden, the whole biosphere is the temporary world. It is a playfield for humans, non-humans and machines. Here, gardening means playing, but how to set rules for this planetary playfield? What will be the founding rule of this playfield? Humans and moss are co-exis ng in Bryo-ergostasio garden. As a founding rule, gardening via dis-assemblage and assemblage was set based on both human and moss behaviour func ons.

Moss is photoposi ve, and it branches towards the light. Based on this, growth behaviour bio-apparatuses were assembled ini ally (figure 15). A er merging the human spa al func ons with the ini al growth algorithm, new kinds of three-dimensional enclosures started to emerge (figure 16). Eventually, these enclosures become the new habitat for the human and the moss (figure 17). These habitats are not permanent. Based on human and moss needs, these habitats can be constructed, deconstructed and transported. Thus, bio-apparatuses became the unitary building block of the habitats, and gardening became the new method of living in the heterotopic garden society.

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Figure 15: Distribu on of the bio-apparatus

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x and y axis extrusion under 2400 mm

x and y axis extrusion over 2400 mm

Type 01- con nuous

Type 01- con nuous, extrusion direc on opposite

Type 02- short length

Type 02- con nuous, extrusion direc on face to face

Type 03- fragmented

Type 03- fragmented

Figure 16: Category of spaces based on the need of human and moss

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Figure 17: habitat based on the rules of gardening

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At the final phase of the design research, this act of play by gardening was stretched further to the urban level. At this level, the number of players par cipa ng in the playfield has increased. The play is now among human, moss and other non-human species. A recent study conducted by BBC News (2019) shows climate change has affected a third of bird species not only in London but all over the UK. Frequent draughts are causing a declina on of the invertebrates (BBC News 2019). These invertebrates are the primary source of food for birds such as Cuckoo (BBC News 2019). Loss of the invertebrates is the loss of birds. Moss can provide shelter for invertebrates such as worms (Burk 2018). The Bio-apparatus' interior environment is maintained by mechanical means. In this climate change scenario, the bio-apparatus can be a proper heterotopic shelter for the invertebrates. So, the rules of play is now to increase biodiversity and decrease atmospheric carbon dioxide via Bio-apparatus. Two kinds of data- 1) areas where birds have declined most in East London and 2) areas where carbon concentra on is high in East London- along with solar radia on data were used to generate a moss growth pa ern over London (figure 18). Based on this pa ern, bio-apparatuses have been distributed on the urban sphere. A er the distribu on, how does the new morphology of the garden look like? Such heterotopic condi ons cannot be interpreted via conven onal human intelligence. So, the research shi ed to machine learning to visualize how the garden city would look like. Distribu on data of the bio-apparatuses were fed to the machine. As a result, a new kind of morphology was created all over the biosphere (figure 19). This morphology is fluid. Based on the demand of human, moss and non-human, gardening via dis-assemblage and assemblage is also applicable here. This 'act of play via gardening' set up an urban scale trade rela onship between humans and non-humans. Bio-apparatus has become a unitary building block for playing in the biosphere (figure 20).

In this anthropocentric era, humans should begin to think about newer possibili es of non-human and technology driven en


and their impact on society, poli cs, design and ecology. The concept of the garden allows humans to reflect upon his current ac on and take necessary ini a ve towards the planet instead of being a mere consumer.

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Figure 18: Moss growth algorithm over East London

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Figure 19: Satellite image of Bryo-ergostasio garden interpreted by the machine learning

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Figure 20: Bryo-ergostasio garden

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CONCLUSION What the concept of 'Garden' brings about, is to re-imagine our planet from a non-discriminatory point of view. It rejects the current standardiza on of human and non-human beings, and establishes an intricate and holis c interspecies rela onship between them. It brings ecology into the domain of human society and poli cs. It intends to diversify human perspec ve by acknowledging the cogni ve ability of non-human en

es and collabora ng with other kinds of intelligence which can either be

bio or ar ficial.

The specula ve design shows us what we can achieve by transforma on, symbiogenesis and inter-rela on between the en


It does not discuss which is wrong or right. Rather, it forms a hypothe cal environment for the human to think about newer possibili es instead of following the road map established by the 'real' society to look forward to a unified future.

The emergence of 'Bryo-ergostasio garden' is derived from reflec ng upon a global issue like climate change and a 'what if' scenario. It explores the possibili es in materiality, architecture, urban system, and even in the rela onship between human, non-human and machine. The project started with the research on common feather moss, designing a bio-apparatus combina on of non-human, sensors and autonomous machines, and explored new ways of interac on between a human and non-human en ty. It inves gated the applica on of the bio-apparatus on the different scale and how spaces could be gardened based on the need of both human and non-human func ons. It took further considera on of non-human intui on and how the combina on of non-intui on and machine intelligence could have a dras c impact on the way contemporary human beings understand ci es. The reposi on of human beings in 'Bryo-egosta o garden' society needs to discuss further, as they are not the predominant power in this urban sphere. Rather reviewing the ra onality of the whole process, the project aimed to develop a novel inten on to push humans to temporarily withdraw from their central power posi on and become a passive par cipant, and to reflect more on the opportuni es of society, architecture and urban system.

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FIGURE LIST Figure 01- Deep Look. (2015). Where Are the Ants Carrying All Those Leaves? Available at: h ps:// (Accessed: 19 May 2020). Figure 02- Murakami, S. (1991). Lessons from Nature- A guide to ecological agriculture in the tropics. Bangkok: Nongjok Natural Farming Center, pp. 4, illus. Figure 03- Halle, F., Oldeman, R.A.A., Tomlinson, P.B. (1978). Tropical Trees and Forests. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer, pp. 441, illus. Figure 04- Avril, A.L. (2017). Francis HallÊ and the Canopy Ra . Available at: h ps://www.reforestac (Accessed: 14 May 2020). Figure 05- MBARI. (2017). The MARS hydrophone sits on the seaoor on Smooth Ridge, just outside of Monterey Bay. It is connected to the MARS cabled ocean observatory, which supplies power and a high-speed data connec on to shore. Available at: h ps:// (Accessed: 15 May 2020). Figure 06- The Greatest Garden. (2019). Animal Cell Under Light Microscope Observa on. Available at: h ps:// on/ (Accessed: 13 May 2020). Figure 07 - Marziale, L. (2015). The Eyes of the Animal installa on. Available at: h ps:// on-marshmallow-laser-feast-abandon-normal-devices-fes val-england/ (Accessed: 13 July 2020). Figure 08- Marziale, L. (2015). The Eyes of the Animal installa on. Available at: h ps:// on-marshmallow-laser-feast-abandon-normal-devices-fes val-england/ (Accessed: 13 July 2020). Figure 09- Howard, E. (1902). Garden Ci es of To-morrow. London: Swan Sonnenschen & Co Ltd, pp. 16, illus. Figure 10- Howard, E. (1902). Garden Ci es of To-morrow. London: Swan Sonnenschen & Co Ltd, pp. 22, illus. Figure 11- Pasquero, C., Pole o, M. (2016). 'Ci es as biological computers,' Architectural Research Quarterly. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 20(1), pp. 18, illus. Figure 12- Author's work. (2020). Design studio project Figure 13- Author's work. (2020). Design studio project Figure 14- Author's work. (2020). Design studio project Figure 15- Author's work. (2020). Design studio project Figure 16- Author's work. (2020). Design studio project Figure 17- Author's work. (2020). Design studio project

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Figure 18- Author's work. (2020). Design studio project Figure 19- Author's work. (2020). Design studio project Figure 20- Author's work. (2020). Design studio project

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