Urtzi Urkixo SALA REKALDE [english]

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URTZI URKIXO Erinnerung-I Remember

2021.11.23 - 2022.01.23 Sala Rekalde presents an exhibition of work by URTZI URKIXO, entitled ErinnerungI Remember. The exhibition forms part of the barriek 2021 programme, which showcases a selection of work from beneficiaries of the Provincial Government of Bizkaia’s grants for the plastic and visual arts.

New Era #1 & #2, 2020. 3 colour serigraphy, 60 x 50 cm

This show features a series of works Urkixo around a common theme: photographs screen-printed by hand on paper. All the pieces have been made since early 2020, and given the timing, many might be seen as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The pictures were made in Berlin (in Urkixo’s own workshop and the Künstlerhaus Bethanien screen printing workshop) and in Bilbao (at the Fundación BilbaoArte’s screen printing workshop). Starting with a variety of creative contexts, the works offer an alternative vision of a single root — analogue black-and-white photography. Urtzi Urkixo’s work has a major processual component, in which the initial material he finds in one of his ‘drifting’ exercises is gradually abstracted to the point of becoming a series of abstract memories.

Extracts of things happened a while ago, 2021. Serigraphy, 140 x 100 cm

Erinnerung-I Remember I live in a city and therefore I am a citizen. I share time and space with vast numbers of other citizens, but that space is often private and thus its value and identity is often imposed. Just as Emiliano Zapata argued that “The land belongs to those who work it”, I believe that the space belongs to those who inhabit it, not only physically but also metaphorically.

T.A.Z. #1 - #5, 2020. 3 colour serigraphy, 35 x 25 cm

We, the citizens, are responsible for imbuing all those streets, squares, and common areas with meaning and finding a use for them that is in keeping with our lifestyle. The map is closed, but the autonomous zone is open. Metaphorically it unfolds within the fractal dimensions invisible to the cartography of Control. (...) We are looking for “spaces” (geographic, social, cultural, imaginal) with potential to flower as autonomous zones — and we are looking for times in which these spaces are relatively open. Hakim Bey. T.A.Z.: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, 1985. My work attempts to transform these spaces from the physical into my own imaginary. I start with a black and white photograph that I see as depicting the reality of a given moment. As I intervene in that photograph, its information is transgressed to the point of becoming an abstract memory. Urtzi Urkixo URTZI URKIXO (Bilbao, 1993) holds a degree in Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country (2017). Since 2015, he has been based in Berlin, where he combines his art with his work editing screen-printed graphic work.


Urtzi Urkixo in his studio, Berlin

His first initiation into the world of printmaking came in 2015, in an internship with Gloria Alonso, the studio head at the Künstlerhaus Bethanien Berlin. In 2017 he specialized in silkscreen printing, taking a module at the International Centre of Contemporary Printmaking in Betanzos, A Coruña. Since then he has worked in 2021.07.20 - 2021.09.19 numerous creative spaces and artistic residencies, including Alfara Gráfica (Salamanca, 2017), the BilbaoArte Foundation (2015-2021) and the workshop of the Berlin art collective Czentrifuga. As well as exhibiting his work at Sala Rekalde, Bilbao, Urkixo will also be represented at the International Print Fair by the La Taller gallery. PRÓXIMA EXPOSICIÓN He is currently continuing his work as a graphic artist, producing a series of pieces for an exhibition at the White Grid Gallery in Berlin, with which he has been working barriek for the last year. 2021


Objeto ritual

JENNI ALVARADO Objeto ritual

JAVIER RODRÍGUEZ PÉREZ-CURIEL 20 julio 19 septiembre 2021 2021 21 – septiembre – 21 noviembre

rekalde Alameda Recalde, 30 | 48009 Bilbao

Sala Rekalde presenta la exposición de JENNI ALVARADO con la Tel. +34 94 406 85 32 que inicia el ciclo de exposiciones de barriek 2021, el programa www.salarekalde.bizkaia.eus que muestra una selección de los-las artistas que han disfrutado de lasOrdutegia becas de artes plásticas y visuales de la Diputación Foral de Asteartetik larunbatera: 10 - 14 eta 17 - 20:30 Bizkaia. Igande eta jai egunetan: 10 - 14 Astelehenetan itxita

La exposición reúne los trabajos creados por la artista en el último Horario año: pinturas y dibujos de gran formato realizados sobre papel Martes a sábado: 10 - 14 y 17 - 20:30 h junto Domingos a dibujos, esculturas y festivos: 10 - 14 h y proyecciones audiovisuales que reLunes cerrado presentan la evolución del proceso en torno al objeto y a sus cualidades totémicas. Opening hours Tuesday to Saturday: 10 - 14 and 17 - 20:30 h El título de and la exposición Objeto ritual se refiere al proyecto deSundays holidays: 10 - 14 h Monday por closedJenni Alvarado durante varios años y que trata sarrollado sobresarrera la transformación lo escultórico a lo audiovisual y de lo doan | entrada libre | de admission free visual a lo pictórico, a partir de la selección de algunos fotogramas de los videos realizados.

Alvarado produce las composiciones a través de la recogida de imágenes y materiales audiovisuales en torno a la idea de ritual. Igualmente la idea de falso tótem contribuye a generar una reflexión sobre las cualidades que otorgamos a los objetos a partir de su uso y el vínculo especial que nos une a determinados elementos.

Alda. Recalde, 30 - 48009 Bilbao - Tfno. +34 94 4068532 - www.salarekalde.bizkaia.eus

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