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JENNI ALVARADO Objeto ritual 2021.07.20 – 2021.09.19 Sala Rekalde presents a new solo exhibition by JENNI ALVARADO. This is the first show in the barriek 2021 season, which will include a selection of work from beneficiaries of the Provincial Government of Bizkaia’s scholarships for the plastic and visual arts. The exhibition features a number of the artist’s works from the last year: largeformat paintings and drawings on paper together with other drawings, sculptures and audio-visual work showing the evolution of the artist’s exploration of the object and its totemic qualities. The title of the exhibition Objeto ritual is a reference to the project Alvarado has been working on for the last few years, involving a transformation from the sculptural to the audiovisual and from the visual to the pictorial, starting from a selection of stills from her videos. Alvarado produces the compositions by collecting images and audiovisual material revolving around the idea of ritual. Using the notion of the false totem, she reflects on the qualities we bestow on objects through their use and the special bond that unites us to certain elements.

Retratos en el Castro de Malmasín, 2021. Acrylic on paper. 180 x 240 cm

RITUAL OBJECT Painting is a way of piercing everything that surrounds us in an elemental fashion, without the need to possess it or the duty to take a position, merely though the sensitivity of pure perception. In my process, duty is related to searching, be it in an appreciation of the sensible object or in the transformation of object into matter. “Every being has a secret name as well as a manifest name, and the essence of things is stored in that name. Magic is not the knowledge of secret names, but the gesture whereby every being or thing once more becomes unexpressed. That is why a child is never so happy as when he invents a secret language, and our sorrow comes not so much from our ignorance of magic names as from our difficulty in getting rid of those that have been imposed on us”. Agamben, G. 2005, Profanaciones (p. 24). As for the internal workings of my process of experimentation, the impulse begins with the construction of a series of sculptural artifacts that generate an inventive drive in me, transporting me from the real world to the world of art. It is an interpretation that arises out of the three-dimensional object, with certain totemic qualities that I attribute to these artifacts, transforming them into hybrids between sculpture, painting and video. In external terms, chance is an indispensable component of my work. I file away elements and images that I happen across and edit together small fragments of video from this material. And so, at some point in the procedure the internal and the external meet. In collaboration with the Fundación BilbaoArte Fundazioa.

THE ARTIST Jenni Alvarado (Durango, 1981). Graduated in art from the University of the Basque Country (2006), since then her art projects have centred on drawing and painting. In the last few years, however, she’s brought the audiovisual format into the creative process. In addition, whereas she had previously used sculpture as a pictorial resource, it is now increasingly becoming a major feature in the artistic configuration of her work.



Objeto ritual

In 2010 she was selected to take part in the Ertibil Bizkaia group exhibition and in 2011 she worked on Clone Magazine’s special issue on the theme of illustration. In 2015 she was awarded the Basque Government’s visual and plastic arts 2021.07.20 - 2021.09.19 production scholarship for the project Simbología para un trayecto pictórico. Between 2018 and 2019 she completed an MA in painting at the University of the Basque Country and shortly afterwards she was awarded a scholarship for the visual and plastic arts from the Provincial Government of Bizkaia for the project Objeto ritual (2019/2020). In 2020 she continued working on Falso Totem (through PRÓXIMA EXPOSICIÓN the BilbaoArte quarterly art production scholarship).

JENNI ALVARADO Objeto ritual barriek 2021

This year 2021, she is working on a project in the area of installation, entitled Rotoscópica, which arises from and is based on the drift of the creative process JAVIER RODRÍGUEZ PÉREZ-CURIEL itself. 20 julio 19 septiembre 2021 2021 21 – septiembre – 21 noviembre

rekalde Alameda Recalde, 30 | 48009 Bilbao

Sala Rekalde presenta la exposición de JENNI ALVARADO con la Tel. +34 94 406 85 32 que inicia el ciclo de exposiciones de barriek 2021, el programa que muestra una selección de los-las artistas que han disfrutado de lasOrdutegia becas de artes plásticas y visuales de la Diputación Foral de Asteartetik larunbatera: 10 - 14 eta 17 - 20:30 Bizkaia. Igande eta jai egunetan: 10 - 14 Astelehenetan itxita‰

La exposición reúne los trabajos creados por la artista en el último Horario año: pinturas y dibujos de gran formato realizados sobre papel Martes a sábado: 10 - 14 y 17 - 20:30 h junto Domigos a dibujos, esculturas y proyecciones audiovisuales que rey festivos: 10 - 14 h Lunes cerrado presentan la evolución del proceso en torno al objeto y a sus cualidades totémicas. Opening hours Tuesday to Saturday: 10 - 14 and 17 - 20:30 h El título de and la exposición Objeto ritual se refiere al proyecto deSundays holidays: 10 - 14 h Monday por closedJenni Alvarado durante varios años y que trata sarrollado sobresarrera la transformación lo escultórico a lo audiovisual y de lo doan | entrada libre | de admission free visual a lo pictórico, a partir de la selección de algunos fotogramas de los videos realizados.

Alvarado produce las composiciones a través de la recogida de imágenes y materiales audiovisuales en torno a la idea de ritual. Igualmente la idea de falso tótem contribuye a generar una reflexión sobre las cualidades que otorgamos a los objetos a partir de su uso y el vínculo especial que nos une a determinados elementos.

Alda. Recalde, 30 - 48009 Bilbao - Tfno. +34 94 4068532 -

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