Eu cooking book with recipes and remedies of all partners 1

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EU COOKING Memory Book with a Collection of


Grannie´s Best Recipes and Remedies In several languages

Collected for the European project “Memory Boxes: a Garden of Reminiscence” by: Shumenski universitet "Episkop Konstantin Preslavski"/ Shumen/Bulgaria

Kedainiu rajono besimokanciuju suaugusiuju iniciatyva "Tezauras"/Kedainiai/Lithuania

Ingrian Cultural Association - Inkerin kulttuuriseura/ Helsinki/Finland

The Kven institute (Kainun institutti - Kvensk institutt)/ Pyssyjoki – Børselv/Norway

Volkshochschule Olching e.V. – Adult Education Centre/ Deinde sp. z o.o./Lublin/Poland Olching/Germany ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners Layout: VHS Olching e.V. PROMETEO - Reggio di Calabria/Italy LLP Project-Nr.: 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1

This project was funded with support from the European Commission. The content reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

One of the goals of the European project “Memory Boxes” was to collect remembrances related to human senses. For “taste” learners automatically remembered dishes, cakes, …, all the savours of former time, of homemade treats. When asking our learners in Olching/Germany to reflect upon old recipes and remedies, we did not expect to receive so much information. Learners brought old cooking books – some very old and hand written - and told us about remedies. It is the reason why we decided to make a book with some of the collected recipes. Later we reflected that it would be much more interesting for readers to have also the recipes and remedies collected by our partners and to create a fascinating European cooking book. We all agreed to add part of that material in different languages so that our book really reflects our partnership. Hélène Sajons / Volkshochschuke Olching e.V. (VHS OLching) Index 1. Recipes

Sheets Numbers


Main Courses and more in German

3 to 18


Sweets and Desserts in German

19 to 29


Main Courses and more in French

30 to 32


Sweets and Desserts in French

33 to 38


Main Courses, desserts and more in Portuguese

39 to 40


Main Courses and more in English

41 to 53


Sweet and Desserts in English

54 to 68


Recipes from Bulgaria

69 to 71


Recipes in Kven language

72 to 73


Recipes in Lithuanian

74 to 78 + 94


Recipes in Ingrian

79 to 81 + 96


Recipes in Polish

82 to 84

In English and more

85 to 99

List of members of the partnership “Memory Boxes”


2. Remedies 2.1. 3. Partners

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Soup/Suppe Not very difficult/nicht sehr schwierig 1 hour 1/2

3 M A I N D I S H E S & M O R E

Heidi Rogalski / VHS OLching

ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Soup/Suppe Easy/einfach 1 hour Leberspätzle Suppe

Traditionsreich in Bayern und Österreich

Ingredients/Zutaten 150 g Rinderleber und 50 g Milz, ca. 300 g Mehl, 1 Ei, Salz, Pfeffer, etwas Majoran, evtl. etwas Milch, 1 bis 11/2 l Fleischbrühe, Schnittlauch Preparation/Vorbereitung Leber und Milz sehr fein schaben, mit Salz , Pfeffer, Majoran und dem Ei vermischen. Nach und nach das Mehl zugeben und einen glatten, zähen Teig rühren. Falls der Teig zu dick ist, wenig Milch dazugeben. Fleischbrühe erhitzen und, wenn sie kocht, Spätzle durch ein Sieb hineinrühren oder mit einem Messer vom Brett schaben. Umrühren, damit die Spätzle nicht zusammenkleben. Wenn sie schwimmen, sind sie fertig. Suppe mit Schnittlauch bestreut servieren. Guten Appetit

Gerda Happel / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Soups/Suppen Easy/einfach ¾ of an hour

Alte deutsche Suppenrezepte Aus dem „Koch- und Haushaltungsbuch“ bei Emma Quenzer 1952 – S. 47 Helga Renkewitz


©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

46. Weiße oder helle Grundsuppe (Gibt 4 Teller) 40-50 g Butter, 60 g Mehl, 1 ½ l Gemüsewasser oder Fleischbrühe, Prise Salz, Muskat. Nach Belieben eine kleine halbe Zwiebel. Zu der zerlassenen Butter wird die fein gewiegte oder geriebene Zwiebeln gedämpft, bis sie glasig aussieht, dann das Mehl mitgedämpft, bis sich reichlich Bläschen bilden. Nun löscht man mit heißer Brühe ab und rührt die Suppe glatt. Man gibt Salz dazu und lässt sie 15-20 Min. kochen. Dann schmeckt man die Suppe mit Salz und Muskat ab. 47. Eiergerstensuppe 50 g Butter, 60 g Mehl, 1 Ei, Salz, Muskat Die Butter lässt man zergehen, dämpft darin das Mehl und löscht mit dem mit etwas Wasser oder Milch verrührten Ei langsam ab, füllt mit Wasser oder Brühe nach und lässt die Suppe 15-20 Min. kochen. Sie wird mit Salz, Muskat und nach Belieben Maggi abgeschmeckt. 48. Baumwollsuppe 50 g Butter, 60 g Mehl, 2 Eier, 1/8 l Milch, Muskat, 1 ½ l Brühe Die Butter wird schaumig gerührt, abwechselnd Mehl und Milch, dann das Ei dazu gerührt. Man lässt die Masse langsam unter beständigem Rühren in die kochende Brühe einlaufen und auskochen und würzt sie nach Geschmack. 49. Grießsuppe 4-6 Essl. Grieß, 1 ½ l kräftige Brühe, Salz, Muskat oder Schnittlauch Man streut den verlesenen Grieß unter Rühren in die kochende Brühe, lässt ihn 10-15 Min. langsam kochen und würzt die Suppe nach Geschmack. Bei Anrichten kann man sie mit Ei abziehen. 50. Gerösstete Griesssuppe (Wassergriesssuppe) In Ermangelung einer kräftigen Brühe röstet man den Grieß in 1 Essl. Fett schön gelb, löscht ihn mit warmem Wasser ab, lässt die Suppe gut durchkochen und würzt sie mit Salz, Suppenwürze und Muskat. Sie kann mit Ei abgerührt werden. Helga Renkewitz / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German / Deutsch Vegetables / Gemüse Easy / einfach 2 hours Oma Siglindes Rotkohl

Oma Siglinde kocht schon immer diesen leckeren Rotkohl. Sie hat das Rezept von ihrer eigenen Oma übernommen. Das Schmalz macht aus einem einfachen Rotkohl eine wahre Delikatesse!

Zutaten 100 g Schweine- oder Gänseschmalz, 1 mittelgroße Zwiebel, 1 Kopf Rotkohl, 4 Gewürznelken, 1 Lorbeerblatt, 2 mittelgroße Äpfel (Boskop), 250 ml Wasser, 150 ml Essig und etwas Zucker. Zubereitung Rotkohl fein hacken. Schmalz in einen großen Topf geben und zergehen lassen. Die Zwiebel in Würfel schneiden und im Schmalz anschwitzen. Den fein gehackten Rotkohl hinzufügen und mit Salz, Pfeffer, dem Lorbeer und den Nelken würzen. Den Essig und ¼ l Wasser hinzugießen. Äpfel würfeln und ebenfalls in den Topf geben. Auf kleiner Hitze köcheln lassen (ca. 2 Stunden), dabei immer wieder durchrühren. Vor dem Servieren noch einmal abschmecken.

Janice Latorre-Casas / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Main dish/Hauptspeise Easy/einfach ½ hour

Out of Marlies´mother´s cooking book


Ingredients/Zutaten: 2 Pf. Gekochten Kartoffeln 1 Ei 40 gr Fett ½ Esslöffel Salz 100-150 gr Mehl 10 gr Fett und 1 Semmel zum Rösten Preparation/Zubereitung: Die am Tage zuvor gekochten kartoffeln schälen und reiben, mit dem vverquirlten Ei, dem salz, dem zerlassenen Fett und dem Mehl verkneten. Den Teig zu Klößen formen, die mit gerösteten Semmelbröckchen gefüllt werden. Die Köße in kochendes Salzwasser legen und 10-15 Min. ziehen lassen.

Marlies Feneberg / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Main course/Hauptgericht Easy/Einfach 2 days for the marinade/2 hours for cooking 2 Tg. zum Marinieren/ 2 St. zum Vorbereiten

Gebeizte Henne als Auerhahn Wie meine Großmutter die Henne kochte! Ein altes Rezept aus dem Kochbuch meiner Großmutter von ca. 1890.

Man braucht: - 1 Henne - Essig, Rotwein, Wasser, Zwiebel, 1 gelbe Rübe, 1 Petersilienwurzel, 1 Stückchen Sellerie, - Salz, Pfeffer, Wachholderbeeren, Tannendadeln, Lorbeerblatt, Thymian, Pfefferkörner, Zitronenschale - Saurer Rahm

Preparation/Zubereitung: Eine alte Henne reibt man innen und außen mit Wachholderbeeren, Tannennadeln und Salz ein und lässt sie zugedeckt 2 Tage liegen. Dann kocht man 1 Teil Essig, 1 Teil Rotwein und 1 Teil Wasser mit einer Zwiebel, 1 kleinen gelben Rübe, 1 Petersilienwurzel, 1 Stückchen Sellerie, alles fein geschnitten, 1 Lorbeerblatt, Thymian, einigen Pfefferkörnern und etwas Zitronenschale, übergießt damit die Henne und lässt sie nochmals 2 Tage stehen. Dann spickt man die Brust und die Schenkel und lässt sie mit der Beize dünsten, bis sie halb weich ist, gibt sie dann in die Bratröhre und begießt sie so lange mit saurem Rahm bis sie eine schöne Farbe hat und weich ist.

Heidi Finger / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Main course/Hauptgericht Easy/einfach 1- 2 hour

Nudelauflauf mit Spinat

Ingredients/Zutaten 250 g Bandnudeln, 500 g Spinat, 1/8 l Sahne, 50 g Butter, 200 g Schinken, Salz, Pfeffer, ½ Brühwürfel, 30 g geriebenen Käse , 1 Ei, 1 EL Semmelbrösel

Preparation/Zubereitung Spinat in ganz wenig Wasser kurz weich kochen und grob hacken. Feingeschnittene Zwiebel in 30 g Butter glasig anlaufen lassen, Spinat, Gewürze und eine halbe Tasse Spinatwasser oder Brühe darangeben, mit einem EL Semmelbrösel andicken, abschmecken, kurz durchkochen und mit Sahne verfeinern. Nudeln in Salzwasser weich kochen und auf ein Sieb zum Abtropfen geben. In eine gut gebutterte Auflaufform schichtweise Nudel, in grobe Streifen geschnittenen Schinken und Spinat füllen. Mit Nudeln enden, Butterflocken draufsetzen, Käse drüberstreuen und mit verquirlten Ei übergießen. Im Ofen überbacken. Guten Appetit

Gerda Happel / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Main Course/Hauptgericht Easy/eiinfach 3-4 hours Grünkohl mit Pinkel (Norddeutsches Wintergericht für 4 Personen)

Ingredients/Zutaten 1kg Grünkohl (nach dem ersten Frost), Salzwasser, 0,25l Milch, 250g geräucherter Speck, 30g Mehl, 2 EL Schmalz, 4 EL fein gehackte Zwiebeln, 1 TL Salz, 1 TL Pfeffer, 1 Prise Zucker, 1 EL Hafergrütze, 0,25l Bratensoße oder Fleischbrühe, 4 Pinkel- oder Bregenwürste, 4 Kochwürste; Salzkartoffeln

11 Preparation/Zubereitung Grünkohl waschen, vom Stiel abstreifen und in Salzwasser offen weichkochen, dann durch den Fleischwolf drehen oder grob hacken. Zwiebeln in heißem Schmalz andünsten, Grünkohl mit Hafergrütze, Gewürze sowie Mehl, Milch und Bratensoße dazugeben. 10 Minuten durchkochen, dann mit Speck 2 – 3 Stunden zugedeckt schmoren lassen. 1 Stunde vor Ende die Bregen- und Kochwürste dazugeben. Servieren mit Salzkartoffeln.

Wolfgang Dressel / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Main course/Hauptgericht Not very difficult/nicht sehr schwierig 5-6 hours for the cooking

Fünf Stunden-Lamm (Lamm zum Löffeln)

Ingredients o

Lammkeule mit Knochen (2-2,5 kg für 5-7 Personen) (sehr gut ist Neuseeland-Lamm frisch oder gefroren/aufgetaut)

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

5 große Knoblauchzehen in Stifte geschnitten, 1 Bund Suppengrün( Möhre, Sellerie, Lauch) klein gewürfelt, 2 große Zwiebeln halbiert, 4 EL Pflanzenöl, Salz und schwarzer Pfeffer, 1 Flasche roter Burgunder oder Bordeaux, 1 Zweig Rosmarin, 8 Salbei-Blättchen, 10 getrocknete Aprikosen, 2 Becher Schmand oder saure Sahne, 2 Becher Joghurt, 125 g geriebene Nüsse (Hasel- und Walnüsse gemischt) 1 Prise Cayennepfeffer, 2 TL Honig Fleischextrakt Sojasauce

Preparation o

o o o



Dicke Fettschichten von der Keule entfernen, mit einem spitzen Messer etwa 2 cm tief von allen Seiten einstechen und in jedes Loch einen Knoblauchstift tief eindrücken. Das Fleisch mit 2 EL Öl beträufeln und mit dem Handballen einmassieren. gewürfeltes Suppengrün und Zwiebeln in einer Pfanne mit wenig Öl andünsten. Für die Keule passenden Bräter mit dem restlichen Öl auf dem Herd stark erhitzen, Keule einlegen und von allen Seiten scharf anbraten, bis die Oberfläche bräunt. Dann salzen und pfeffern. Das Fleisch mit ¼ l Rotwein ablöschen. Angeröstetes Suppengrün und Zwiebeln, Rosmarin, Salbei und Aprikosen zugeben. Vom Herd nehmen und fest zugedeckt in den auf 100 Grad vorgeheizten Backofen stellen. Die Lammkeule jede Stunde wenden und dabei mit 2 EL Schmand übergießen und Rotwein nachfüllen.

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


o o o o o

o o

Deckel nach 4 ½ Stunden abnehmen, restlichen Rotwein angiessen und den Rest des ersten Schmandbechers dazugeben. Während der Bratzeit aus Joghurt, Nüssen, Cayennepfeffer und Honig einen Dipp zubereiten. Nach 5 Stunden mit einem Esslöffel probieren, ob sich das Fleisch leicht vom Knochen lösen lässt. Bei Widerstand noch eine halbe Stunde Bratzeit zugeben. Die weiche Keule aus dem Bräter nehmen, auf 50 Grad zurückschalten und das Fleisch auf einem Blech im Ofen warm halten. Sauce zubereiten, dazu den Bräter auf dem Herd erhitzen, etwas heißes Wasser zugeben, den Bratensatz lösen und aufkochen lassen, anschließend durch ein Sieb gießen. Fett von der Sauce abschöpfen und den zweiten Becher Schmand einrühren, nochmals kurz aufkochen und mit Fleischextrakt und Sojasauce abschmecken. Lammkeule zurück in die Sauce geben und am Tisch ohne Messer mit einem großen Löffel zerlegen. Fleischstücke in die Joghurt-Nusssauce dippen. (optional) (Das Lamm schmeckt auch ohne Joghurt-Nusssauce)

Beilagen: Baguette oder Ciabatta, Wintersalat

Achtung: Man muss mit dem Kochen früh anfangen, es dauert mindestens 5-6 Stunden, wichtig ist das langsame Garen, dann wird das Fleisch butterweich.

Marianne Meskendahl-Münch / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Main course/Hauptgericht Not very difficult/nicht sehr schwierig 5-6 hours for the cooking

Out of Helga´s mother cooking book


Helga Hagemann / VHS Olching

ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Main Course/Hauptgericht Easy/einfach 1 hour

Tauben Tauben! Sie kommen nur noch selten bei uns auf den Tisch! Doch früher war es anders! Hier sind zwei Rezepte aus dem „Koch- und Haushaltungsbuch“ von Emma Quenzer. Ausgabe 1952Seite 144


©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Tauben gefüllt 2 junge Tauben, Salz, Pfeffer, 60 g Butter, Fleischbrühe oder Wasser Füllung: 1 Brötchen, 1 Ei, 1 Essl. Feingeschnittene Zwiebel und Petersilie, Salz Die Tauben werden gerupft, geflammt, der Kopf entfernt, Hals, Kropf und Gurgel ausgelöst und die Haut über der Brust vorsichtig bis zu den Schenkeln losgelöst. Dann nimmt man die Täubchen aus, wäscht sie, trocknet sie ab und reibt sie mit Salz und Pfeffer ein. Zur Fülle verwiegt man Leber, Herz und Magen fein, dämpft sie mit Zwiebel und Petersilie und dem im Milch oder Wasser befeuchteten, verzupften Brötchen, gibt Ei und Gewürze dazu und schmeckt die Fülle gut ab. Man verteilt sie in die gelöste Kropfhaut und untere Öffnung, näht die Täubchen zu und dressiert sie. Nun lässt man sie in Fleischbrühe oder kochenden Salzwasser 15 min. aufquellen, übergießt sie dann in einer Kasserolle mit heißer Butter und brät sie noch etwa 20 min. in gutem Ofen. Die Soße kann mit ½ Teel. Stärkemehl aufgekocht werden. Man rechnet, wenn Tauben die Hauptmahlzeit bilden, für jede Person 1 Taube, bei mehreren Gängen für 2 Personen 1 Taube Tauben in Specksoße 3 Tauben, 60 g Butter, 60 g Speck, Zwiebel, 2 Essl. Mehl, Fleischbrühe oder Wasser, Salz, etwas Pfeffer und Zitronenschale Die vorbereiteten gereinigten Tauben werden in vier Teile zerlegt und in der erhitzten Butter mit der Gewiegten Zwiebel und dem würflig geschnittenen Speck schön anbraten. Dann streut man Mehl über und lässt es anziehen, löscht mit Fleischbrühe ab, legt Leber, Herz und Magen hinein, gibt die Gewürze dazu und lässt alles zusammen weich schmoren. Man kann das Gericht noch mit ½ Glas Wein verfeinern. Bratzeit; ¾ bis 1 St.

Helga Renkewitz / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Main course/Hauptgericht Easy/einfach 2 hours

Hackfleisch vom Blech (für 10 Personen) My wife´s best dish!

Ingredients/Zutaten: 1 Paket (600g) tief gekühlter gehackter Spinat, 4 Brötchen, 2 große Zwiebeln, 5 Knoblauchzehen, 250g Möhren, 2 EL Butter oder Margarine, 1,5kg gemischtes Hackfleisch, 4 Eier, 4 EL Pastetengewürz, 1 EL Oregano, 1 EL Thymian, 2 EL Salz, Pfeffer, 2 EL Worcester, 3 EL Zitronensaft, 2 EL Delikateßpaprika, Cayenpfeffer, 2 Becher a 200g Creme fraiche, 250g geriebener Käse, 3 Eigelb, Öl Preparation/Vorbereitung: Spinat auftauen und in einem Tuch auspressen bis er trocken ist. Brötchen einweichen. Zwiebeln, Knoblauch und Möhren weich dünsten und anschließend in einer Schüssel mit Hackfleisch, Eier, Spinat, Brötchen (gut ausgedrückt) und den Gewürzen gründlich vermengen. Diesen Teig in einer mit Öl bestrichenen Fettpfanne verteilen, glatt streichen und im vorgeheizten Ofen bei 175 Grad eine halbe Stunde backen. Dann herausnehmen und etwa 15 Minuten abkühlen lassen. Creme fraiche, Käse und Eigelb verquirlen und auf den Teig auftragen. Pfanne erneut für eine halbe Stunde bei 160 Grad in den Ofen geben; Oberfläche sollte goldbraun werden. Portioniert servieren, Salatbeilage.

Wolfgang Dressel / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Main course/Hauptgericht Not very difficult/nicht sehr schwierig 5-6 hours for the cooking

Out of Helga´s mother cooking book


Helga Hagemann / VHS Olching

ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Cake/Torte Medium/Mittel 1 ½ hour Esterházy-Torte Eine Torte, die ich seit meiner Kindheit kenne und gerne genieße! Meine Mutter hat mir dieses Rezept weitergegeben.

6 Eiweiß 200 g Zucker

in eine Schüssel geben steifschlagen hinzufügen

100 g gemahlene Mandeln




Butter für die Form mit Backtrennpapier

Springform ausstreichen und bemehlen oder Backform auslegen Teig einfüllen



3 einzelne Tortenböden aus dem Teig backen. Dann aber die Backzeit reduzieren.


in eine Metallschüssel geben hinzufügen hinzufügen hinzufügen hinzufügen mit dem Schneebesen schaumig rühren. Auf einem Wasser- oder Dampfbad so lange weiterschlagen, bis ein luftiger zartgelber Schaum entsteht.


im vorgeheizten Backofen bei 180°C etwa 40 Min. backen Kuchen aus der Form nehmen, kurz abkühlen lassen, noch warm mit einem langen Küchenmesser vorsichtig in drei Tortenblätter schneiden

Füllung 6 Eidotter 80 g Zucker 250 ml Milch 1 Pck Vanillezucker 25 g Maisstärke

aus dem Wasser- oder Dampfbad nehmen, kaltschlagen

200 g Butter


mit der kompakten, streichfähigen Crème den ersten Tortenboden bestreichen, den zweiten darauf setzen, abermals mit Crème bestreichen, mit dem letzten Tortenboden abschließen

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Glasur 350 g Puderzucker

in eine Schüssel geben

etwas kochendes Wasser

tropfenweise hinzufügen, bis sich der Kochlöffel mit einer dicklichen Crème überzieht

1/2 Eiweiß

leicht verschlagen, hinzufügen

Saft von 1 Zitrone

etwas davon hinzufügen alles zu einer Glasur verrühren ein Drittel davon wegnehmen, in eine Schüssel geben

1 - 2 EL Kakaopulver

das Drittel mit Kakao einfärben, beiseite stellen Torte zuerst mit der weißen Glasur überziehen und, während diese noch weich ist, mit Hilfe eines Zahnstochers mit der dunklen Glasur fischgrätartige dunkle Muster hineinziehen. Torte kalt stellen und erst einige Stunden später aufschneiden

Hermann Lux / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Dessert/Nachtisch Not very difficult/nicht sehr schwierig 1 hour


Heidi Rogalski / VHS Olching

ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Dessert/Nachtisch Easy/einfach ¾ hour

Out of Helga´s mother cooking book


Bratäpfel 4 schöne Äpfel Saft ½ Zitrone 1 Schnapsgläschen Rum 4 Esslöffel Gelee 2 Esslöffel Rosinen 2 Esslöffel gehackte Nüsse 2 Esslöffel Butter 2 Esslöffel Zucker Zubereitung Die Äpfel waschen und das Kerngehäuse ausstecken. Gelee mit Rosinen vermischen und einfüllen. Mit Mandeln oder Nüssen verzieren. Die Äpfel auf eine Backbleck geben. Mit Butter und Zucker betreuen. 25 Minuten braten. Helga Hagemann / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

Deutsch Traditional Oster Kranz Medium 45 min. Das ist ein traditionales Ostern Brot, manchmal Ostern Kranz oder Osternest genannt. Man serviert das Gebäck zum Ostern Frühstück oder am Nachmittag zum Kaffee oder Tee. Das Rezept bekam ich von meiner Schwiegermutter die wiederum, von Ihrer Großmutter bekam.

Zutaten: Teig 500 g Mehl 35 g Hefe 1 Teelöffel Zucker 200 ccm Milch 100 g Butter 2 Eier ½ Teelöffel Salz 80 g Zucker Abgeriebene Schale einer halben Zitrone ½ Teelöffel Anis Arbeitszeit: 45 Minuten

Zum bestreuen: 40 g Hagelzucker Zum Bestreichen 1 Eigelb In den vorgeheizten Ofen auf die untere Schiene schieben Backzeit 20-30 Minuten. Elektroherd 220 Grad. Ergibt 16 Stück. Wenn gewünscht, kann man gekocht und gefärbt Eier in der Mitte der Kranz legen.

Zubereitung: Mehl in eine Schüssel geben. In die Mitte eine Mulde drücken. Hefe reinbröckeln. Mit einem Teelöffel Zucker, etwas Milch und etwas Mehl zum Vorteig verrühren. Mit einem Küchentuch bedeckt 15 Minuten an einem warmen Ort gehen lassen. Butter zerlassen. Restliche Milch, Eier, Salz, Zucker, Zitronenschale und Anis reinrühren. Diese Mischung zu dem Vorteig geben, die zerlassene, etwas abgekühlte Butter zugeben und alles zu einem glatten, festen Teig kneten. Teig schlagen, bis er Blasen wirft und sich vom Schüsselboden zu lösen beginnt. Zwei Drittel des Teiges werden für den unteren Zopf verwendet und ein Drittel für die obenliegende Girlande. Für den unteren Zopf wird der Teig in vier gleiche Teile geteilt. Jedes Teigstück zu einer Rolle von 50 cm Länge formen. Die vier Teigrollen zu einem Viererzopf flechten. Bezeichnen Sie dazu die stränge von Links nach Rechts mit den Nummern1,2,3 und 4. Schlingen Sie nun Strang 1 über Strang 2 und den Strang 4 unter Strang 3 und wieder über Strang 1. Fangen Sie immer wieder mit dem linken Strang an und bezeichnen Sie ihn als Nummer 1. Arbeiten Sie so fortlaufend weiter, bis Sie den Zopf geflochten haben. Von den übrigen Teig Drittel 50 g Teig abnehmen und beiseite legen. Aus dem restlichen Teig formen Sie 2 Stränge von 50 cm Länge und drehen Sie diese umeinander zu einer Girlande. Ein Backblech mit Margarine einfetten. Viererzopf als Ring auf das Blech legen. ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Enden mit verquirltem Eigelb bestreichen und aneinandersetzen. Die Oberfläche mit Eigelb bestreichen und die Girlande darauf legen. Enden mit Eigelb zusammenkleben. Den zurückgelegt Teig Rest zu einem dünnen Strang rollen. Davon 6 cm lange Stücke abteilen. Sternförmig übereinander legen und die Mitte fest andrücken. Diese „Spinne“ auf die aneinandergesetzten Kranzenden legen und etwas andrücken. Den Kranz mit einem Leinentuch zugedeckt 20 Minuten gehen lassen. Kranz mit Eigelb bestreichen und mit Hagelzucker bestreuen.

Celia Dierl / VHS Olching


©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Sweets Easy/einfach 1/2 hour

Heinerle (Schokoschnitten) Nach überliefertem Rezept, überwiegend in der Weihnachtszeit für Kinder hergestellt

Ingredients/Zutaten: 2 Eier 150 g Zartbitterschokolade 150 g Kokosfett (Palmin) 100 g Zucker 1 Päckchen (10 g) Vanillinzucker 50 g gehackte Mandeln oder Haselnüsse 3 Oblaten (12x20 cm)

Preparation/Zubereitung: Schokolade zerreiben und mit Kokosfett im Topf schmelzen, Zucker dazu geben. Etwas abkühlen lassen. Eier, Mandeln/Nüsse und Vanilinzucker unterrühren. Masse auf Oblate streichen, zweite Oblate drauf legen, nächste Schicht Masse aufbringen und mit dritter Oblate abdecken (kann auch mit einer weiteren Schicht Masse und Oblate erhöht werden). Mit einem Brett beschweren und kühl stellen bis sich die Masse verfestigt hat (10 – 12 Stunden). Zum Servieren in Würfel schneiden. Weiterhin kühl lagern.

Wolfgang Dressel / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Dessert/Nachtisch Not very difficult/nicht sehr schwierig 1 hour


Heidi Rogalski / VHS Olching

ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Marmelade Easy/einfach 1 1/2 hour


Holunder – Apfel – Marmelade 400 gr Holunderbeeren und 400 gr. Säuerliche Äpfel geschält, entkernt und in kleine Stücke geschnitten Mit Zitronensaft und Gelierzucker nach Packungsanweisungen zubereiten. In Gläser randvoll füllen, verschließen. Umgedreht 5 Minuten auf den Deckel stehen lassen. Dann wieder wenden

Helga Hagemann / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

German/Deutsch Dessert/Nachtisch Not very difficult/nicht sehr schwierig 1 ½ hour

Out of Helga´s mother cooking book


Apfeltorte Ingredients/Zutaten 250 gr Mehl 1 gestrichener Teelöffel Backpulver 1 Prise Salz, 1 Ei, das abgeriebene ½ Zitrone 150 gr Zucker 4 Esslöffel kaltes Wasser 150 gr Margarine oder Butterflöckchen ! Esslöffel zerlassener Butter Füllung: 1 kg Äpfel Saft einer ½ Zitrone Evtl. 1 Gläschen Rum 125 gr Rosinen 1 Beutel Mandelstifte 2 Esslöffel Zucker und 1 Teelöffel Zimt

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


In eine Schussel Mehl und Backpulver sieben, in die Mitte eine Mulde drücken, Salz, Ei, Zitronenschale, Zucker und Wasser hineingeben und miteinander verrühren. Auf den Mehlkranz die Margarine oder die Butterflöckchen setzen und alles zu einem Teig verkneten. Eine Kugel formen und diese mindestens ½ St. Kalt stellen. Nun die geschälten Äpfel in dünne Scheiben schneiden. Mit Zitronensaft und Rum beträufeln und mit Rosinen, gehackten Mandelstiften, Zimt und Zucker vermischen. Dann den Teig in zwei Hälfte teilen und die eine Hälfte in die ausgefettete Springform legen. Die Füllung hineinschichten. Aus dem restlichen Teig den Teigdeckel ausrollen, daraufsetzen und mit dem unteren Teig Rand zusammendrücken. Mit zerlassener Butter bepinseln und in die Mitte des Deckels zwei Schnitte kreuzförmig einschneiden, damit der Dampf entweichen kann. Bei mittlerer Hitze goldbraun backen.

Helga Hagemann / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Belgian/French recipes Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

Français Ingrédient très utile, qui se conserve bien très facile 45 minutes

Bouquet garni salé

Ingrédients 250 g de carottes 250 g de poireaux 250 g de persil : racines et feuilles 250 g de céleri : tubercule et feuilles 200 g de sel (peut contenir de l’iode ou du fluor)

Préparation Lavez bien les légumes et les feuilles sous l'eau courante et laissez les égoutter. Coupez les légumes en morceaux, de sorte que vous pouvez les verser dans un hachoir de viande. Hachez tous les légumes à l'aide du hachoir. A la fin ajoutez le sel aux légumes hachés et mêlez bien tout cela. Versez les légumes salés dans un pot de grès, que vous couvrez d´ un papier sulfurisé. Fixez le papier avec un élastique et gardez le pot au frais, par exemple dans la cave, pas nécessairement au frigo.

Conseils Utilisez le bouquet garni salé pour préparer des bouillons, des légumes, des soupes de légumes, de la purée de pommes de terre, pour bouillir du riz (à la place du sel) etc. Le bouquet garni salé se conserve un an. Après un certain temps, vous voyez peut-être des cristaux de sel sur la surface des légumes salés, ce qui ne réduit pas la qualité du produit.

Emil Hoidem / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


M A I N D I S H E S & M O R E F R E N C H

Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

French/Français Soup/Soupe Very easy/très facile 45 minutes

Soupe de pain (panade) aux oignons frits

Ingrédients 1 pain gris (500 g) ou également des restes de pain gris 2l d´eau 2 cuillères du bouquet garni salé (voir recette) 1 petite cuillère de marjolaine sèche 250 g de saindoux 1 oignon cube de bouillon Préparation Faites chauffer l'eau et coupez le pain en tranches minces. Mettez le pain dans l'eau et ajoutez le bouquet garni salé. Faites mijoter la soupe pour une demi-heure. Mélangez la soupe de temps en temps et ajoutez encore de l'eau, si nécessaire, pour obtenir une consistance crémeuse. Entre-temps faites chauffer le saindoux dans une petite casserole. Coupez l'oignon en deux moitiés et puis en tranches minces. Faites frire l'oignon coupé doucement. Réduisez le feu quand les oignons commencent à brunir. Assaisonnez la soupe avec la marjolaine et le cube de bouillon. Mettez les oignons frits et un peu du saindoux liquide sur la soupe pour la servir. Conseils A la place d´eau, vous pouvez également utiliser du bouillon. En ce cas, réduisez la quantité du bouquet garni salé. Gardez le saindoux pour frire un oignon la prochaine fois. Vous pouvez servir la soupe de pain avec des pommes de terre cuites.

Emil Hoidem /VHS Olching ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

French/Français Main dish/plat principal Easy/ facile 2 1/2 hour (avec cuisson)

Roulade de bœuf Pour des jours de fêtes Du cahier de ma grand-tante (1910)


Préparation Vous coupez la viande en tranches minces assez grandes et aussi larges que possible. Vous les étalez sur la table ou sur la planche à hacher. Vous mettez dans chaque roulade gros comme un œuf de viande de porc finement hachée et assaisonnée de poivre, sel, muscade, petite échalote hachée menu. Vous roulez parfaitement et vous ficelez solidement surtout aux deux bouts. Lorsque les roulades sont bien préparées, vous faites fondre du beurre et vous les y tourner en les laissant roussir des 2 côtés. Vous ajoutez un peu d´eau bouillante, du lard en petits morceaux, des échalotes coupées, des feuilles de laurier, poivre, sel, clous de girofle. Les roulades doivent constamment mijoter pendant 2 heures au moins, on peut aussi au lieu de porc haché, y mettre de minces tranches de lard ou des morceaux de saucisse. A servir avec une purée de pommes de terre et du chou rouge. Hélène Sajons-Gilman / VHS Olching ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

French/français Afternoon Snack/goûter Easy/Facile 15 minutes

Les pains perdus ou pains dorés Aujourd’hui, je suis grand-mère et je poursuis la tradition de faire des pains perdus pour le goûter. Et lorsque mes petitsenfants en réclament, je souris, tout comme ma maman le faisait, comme ma grand-tante le faisait et vraisemblablement d´autres de nos ancêtres. Les pains perdus ou pains dorés, c´est vite fait et délicieux !

Recette écrite en 1911 par ma grand-tante, Marie Gilman 33

Ingrédients : Pour 6 pains perdus - 2 oeufs - ¼ l. de lait - 6 tranches de pain rassis ou des biscottes - Du beurre pour la poele - Du sucre , ev. de la cannelle Préparation: Préparez une assiette profonde avec du lait et une autre avec les œufs battus. Passez les tranches de pain rassis ou les biscottes une après l´autre dans le lait pour les ramollir puis ensuite dans les œufs battus (éventuellement avec une pincée de cannelle). En à côté, faites chauffer un morceau de beurre dans une poêle. Posez-y délicatement les tranches de pain rassis ou les biscottes devenues molles. Laissez dorer un côté puis l´autre et servez chaud après avoir parsemé les pains perdus de sucre fin.

Hélène Sajons-Gilman /VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

S W E E T S & D E S S E R T S


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

French/Français Christmas Cake/Gâteau de fête Not very easy/ Pas trop facile 1 1/2 hour

Bûche de Noël La bûche est traditionnellement servie comme dessert après un bon repas de fête ou au goûter du lendemain. En Belgique, dans la recette classique, on utilise une crème au beurre enrichie d´extrait de café. A la maison, nous utilisions toujours 2 crèmes, l´une au beurre et sucre, l´autre au beurre, extrait de café et sucre. Pour la garniture : du chocolat bien entendu ! C´est délicieux !

Ingrédients: Pour le gâteau roulé : Pour 8 personnes : Gâteau : 100 g de sucre 100 g de farine 1 demi-cuillère à café de fécule en poudre 5 œufs 1 sachet de sucre vanillé Crème au beurre: 2 jaunes d'œufs 250 g de sucre 250 g de beurre doux en pommade (mou) 1/2 tasse à café de lait (si nécessaire) Crème au beurre au café: 2 ml d’extrait de café Un petit verre de cognac ou de Grand Marnier (facultatif) Préparation: 90 mn Cuisson: 10 mn Préparation: Le gâteau à rouler: Séparer le blanc du jaune des œufs et battre les blancs en neige. Mélanger les jaunes d'œufs et le sucre jusqu'à ce que le mélange devienne presque blanc. Ajouter la farine et la fécule tamisées (si nécessaire, ajouter 1 cuillère de lait). Incorporer les blancs battus en neige en soulevant avec précaution. Mettre un papier beurré sur une plaque du four et étaler la préparation. ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Cuire à four chaud environ 10 mn. Renverser sur un torchon mouillé et/ou saupoudré de sucre. Enlever le papier beurré et rouler le gâteau dans le torchon. La crème au beurre : Battez le beurre à l'aide d'une cuillère en bois ou avec un fouet mécanique jusqu'à ce qu'il soit mousseux. Mélanger le sucre et les jaunes d´œufs. Versez peu à peu ce mélange sur le beurre pour obtenir une crème lisse. Pour obtenir une crème plus liquide, il suffit d'ajouter un peu de lait. Rafraîchir au réfrigérateur. Crème au beurre au café: Ajouter 2 ml d’extrait de café Et, éventuellement, un petit verre de cognac ou de Grand Marnier (facultatif) Partager la crème au beurre et ajouter l´extrait de café à une des portions. Dérouler la pâte et étaler la crème au beurre. Rouler de nouveau la pâte. Garnir le rouleau de crème au beurre au café. Faire des rainures avec une fourchette pour imiter le bois. Décorer avec des morceaux de chocolat râpé en rouleaux.

Hélène Sajons-Gilman /VHS Olching 35

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Quelques conseils pratiques et quelquefois désuets choisis dans le cahier de classe (1910-1911) de Marie Gilman/Fontin/Belgique A propos du beurre


A propos de l´eau

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

A propos de la bière et du vin

A propos de l´air


A propos des prix et du coût d´un repas

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Au total : 2 francs 2 centimes divisÊs par 6 = 0 frs 24 par personne !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A propos des règles de politesse

ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Portuguese recipe Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

Portuguese dessert easy ½ hour

Queijadinhas de queijo

Esta receita remonta ao século XIII e foi criada pela primeira vez em Portugal, em Sintra em um convento de freiras. Como nesse tempo não havia açúcar, usavam mel. Nesta versão moderna as quantidades foram convertidas pois as unidades originais de medição não são mais usadas.


1. Massa:

2. Recheio:

- 400g de farinha de trigo - 150g de água

- 0,5Kg de queijo fresco, sem sal - 4 gemas de ovos - 300g de açúcar - 40g de farinha de trigo - 1g de canela em pó Preparo: O recheio

Preparo: A massa Numa tijela, junte a água à farinha e amasse imediatamente; se for preciso pode junte mais um pouco de água (muito pouca). Deve ser amassada só com o minimo de água possivel. A massa deve ficar bem ligada, mas o mais fina e consistente possível e capaz de ser estendida com o rolo.

Numa tijela, amasse muito bem o queijo até ficar desfeito ou passe-o por uma peneira. Junte-lhe o açúcar e as gemas, amasse e bata mito bem e, depois, junte-lhes a farinha e a canela e misture bem.

Estenda-a com o rolo até ficar com 1 milímetro de espessura. Corte rodelas da massa de 8 a 10 cm de diâmetro, aproximadamente.

Leve a assar por 25-30 mins en forno médio. Depois de assadas, deixe-as esfriar; elas desenformam-se com facilidade.

Coloque a massa nas forminhas. Forradas as formas, coloque-as num tabuleiro e deixe a massa secar umas horas.

Deite o recheio às colheradas nas formas, não as enchendo demais.

Se necessário, prolongar um pouco o tempo no forno para dourar melhor.

Celia Dierl / VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

39 S W E E T S & D E S S E R T S P O R T U G U E S E

Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

Português Coroa ou ninho de Páscoa fácil 45 minutos Receita tradicional que pode ser levada à mesa no dominngo de Páscoa no café da manhã ou à tarde. É costume também colocar ovos em cores diversas no centro formando um ninho.

Ingredientes massa 500 g de farinha 35 g de fermento fresco de pão 1 colher de chá de açúcar 200 cc de leite

100 g de manteiga 2 ovos ½ colher de chá de sal 80 g de açúcar Casca ralada de meio limão ½ colher de chá de anis

Pincelar 1 gema de ovo Polvilhar 40 g de açúcar granulado Margarina para untar Tempo de trabalho: 45 minutos

Preparo Colocar a farinha em uma tigela. No centro da farinha faça um buraco. Desmanche o fermento de pão ou use um dos secos. Acrescente uma colher de chá de açúcar, um pouco de leite e um pouco de farinha à mistura. Com um guardanapo cubra a tigela por 15 minutos. Deixe a massa crescer em um lugar quente. Derreta a manteiga. Acrescente à massa o restante do leite, os ovos, o sal, o açúcar, as raspas de limão e o anís. Adicione esta mistura à massa, adicione, a manteiga derretida ligeiramente fria e sove a massa de forma que fique firme mas suave. Bata a massa até que começe a separar-se do fundo da tigela. Dois terços da massa serão utilizados para a coroa inferior e um terço para a girlanda que irá acima da coroa. Para a trança inferior, a massa será dividida em quatro partes iguais. Formar cada pedaço de massa em um rolo de 50 cm de comprimento. Trançar os quatro rolos de massa em uma trança. Trabalhe os rolos da esquerda para a direita numerando-os 1, 2,3 e 4. Agora o rolo 1 sobre o numero 2 e o 4 embaixo do nr. 3 e novamente sobre o nr. 1 Comece de novo com o rolo da esquerda e nomeie-o com o número 1. Continuar trabalhando até completer a trança de 4 rolos. Do terço restante da massa separe 50 g. Reserve. Desse pedaço restante da massa forme dois rolos de 50 centímetros de comprimento e transforme-os em uma guirlanda. Unte a assadeira com margarina. Coloque a trança de quatro rolos no prato como se fosse um anel. Pincele as extremidades com gema de ovo e pressione-as para que se juntem uma a outra. Pincele a superfície com gema de ovo e coloque a guirlanda sobre a coroa. Do restante de massa forme uma corda fina, corte-a em tiras. Com elas cubra a girlanda formando estrela ou teia de. Pincele novamente com a gema de ovo. Cubra com um guardanapo e deixe crescer por 20 minutos. Girlanda com gema de ovo e polvilhe com açúcar grosso. Asse em forno pré-aquecido no trilho inferior. Assar por 20-30 minutos. Forno elétrico 220 graus. Celia Dierl / VHS Olching ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

English Main dish Easy 2 1/2 hour (with cooking time)

Roulade de bœuf (Beef Roulade) For festive days Out of my grand-aunt´s notebook (1910)



Preparation You cut the meat into thin slices large enough and as big as possible. You spread them on the table or on the chopping board. In each beef roulade you put a quantity like an egg of pork finely chopped and seasoned with pepper, salt, nutmeg, small shallot finely chopped. You roll the roulades and you string them tightly especially at both ends. When the rolls are well prepared, you melt some butter in a casserole and turn the beef roulades on both sides. You add a little boiling water, the bacon into small pieces, cut shallots, leaves of Laurel, pepper, salt, cloves. Rolls have to simmer constantly for at least 2 hours. Instead of pork you can also put thin slices of bacon or sausage pieces. Serve with smashed potatoes and red cabbage.

Hélène Sajons-Gilman/VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

C O U R S E S & M O R E E N G L I S H

Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

English vegetables easy 2 hours

Grandma Siglinde´s red cabbage

Grandma Siglinde always cooks this delicious red cabbage. She has got the recipe from her own Granny. The lard makes a simple red cabbage a real treat!

Ingredients 100 g pork or goose fat 1 medium onion, 1 red cabbage, 4 cloves, 1 bay leaf, 2 medium apples (russet), 250 ml water, 150 ml of vinegar a little sugar. 42


Red cabbage finely chop. Give lard in a large pot and allow it to dissolve. Cut onion in cubes and fry it in lard. Add the finely chopped red cabbage and Salt, pepper, laurel and cloves spice. Add the vinegar and ¼ l of water. Cut the apples In cubes and add it to the pot. Cook in low heat (about 2 hours), while stirring constantly. Season to taste again before serving.

Janice Latorre-Casas /VHS Olching

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

English Main dish easy 45 min.

Lasagne with spinach Ingredients 250 g tagliatelle, 500 grams of spinach, 1/8 l cream, 50 g butter, 200 g ham, Salt, pepper, ½ bouillon cube, 30 grams grated cheese, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon breadcrumbs


Preparation: Cook the pasta in salted water and place it on a sieve to drain. In a well-buttered refractory form put the pasta in layers and on top of it place coarse strips of sliced ham, then fill it with spinach. Last layer will be noodles. Finally cover everything with butter flakes. Sprinkle it with cheese and pour over the cheese the whisked egg. Bake the meal in the pre-heated oven by 200 Degree for about 10 minutes. Enjoy your meal.

Gerda Happel/VHS Olching

ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Italian Recipe

Lasagna with Beef

Procedure and preparation Making the meat sauce, part. 1 Prep work and browning the meat! Roughly dice the onion, and mince as much garlic as you want. I used eight cloves. Once this is done, throw the ground beef brick into a pan over medium heat and cook until browned. If a lot of fat seeps out, drain most of it. You need only a few tablespoons of fat to cook the onion and garlic in. Once you've drained the extra fat, throw in the onions, garlic, some salt and pepper, and a good amount of crushed red pepper. Stir this around for a few minutes over medium heat until the onions become soft. Then add in a few good pinches of oregano and a tablespoon or two of tomato paste. (I'm using the concentrated kind, so not as much.) Making the Met sauce, part 2 Now, open both cans of tomatoes and dump them in. Mix it around for a moment, and bring to a light boil. Watch out for splatters! Lower the heat to a simmer and cover. Let simmer for approx. 45 minutes while you do the rest of the prep! Take some time out to smell your garlinc fingers This is very important. If you don't do this already when cooking, you should! Prepare the pasta, grate the cheese, finish the sauce Get a pot of water boiling and cook the pasta according to the lowest number on the package directions. You don't want them to be soggy! Once the pasta is done, drain them well and separate the noodles as much as you can. Otherwise they get quite sitcky! While the pasta is boiling, grate the cheese if you chose to do so yourself. I love grating cheese. Your sauce should be done at this point, so turn off the heat, check the seasonings and add anything extra that you want. I'm adding fresh basil because I love the way it tastes. If you choose to do basil, roll the leaves up and then cut them with kitchen shears over the pot, or with a small knife and then transfer to the pot.

ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Now we can start assembling! Assembling Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Make sure your cheeses, noodles and sauce are all within easy reach. Ladle just enough sauce to cover the bottom of the pan with liquid. Then place four noodles on top of the sauce, slightly overlapping. If they're broken, piece them together as much as possible. Spread 1/4 of the ricotta over the noodles, and then 1/4 of the mozzarella and 1/4 of the parmesan. Now you'll put more sauce over the cheese and then noodles, and ricotta, etc. You repeat the basic build three times. On the fourth and final level, do ricotta cheese, then the rest of the sauce, topped with the rest of the cheese. Now bake at 400 F for 40 minutes. Let rest for at least ten minutes. Finished product Serve it to a bunch of hungry friends and/or family with warm garlic bread and enjoy your hero status. Video Source: Text Source: Suggestion for lessons Discussion: • Have you ever eaten Lasagne ? Would you like to taste it? • Does your family cook something similar to Lasagna ? • If yes, what is name of that dish? How do you cook it? • It does not matter if you tried Lasagna or no, could you try to tell, what kind of taste Lasagna has? Smell? In what occasions they were eaten? Use passive voice while retelling procedures of cooking Lasagna. Ingredients: 1 pound (0.45 kilograms) sweet Italian sausage (without casing), cooked and crumbled 1 pound (0.45 kilograms) ricotta or cottage cheese 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) shredded Mozzarella cheese 1 large can sliced mushrooms Lasagna noodles Pam or other non-stick cooking spray 2 small or 1 large jar spaghetti sauce Parmesan or Romano cheese Carlo Smaldone/ Prometeo ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Italian Recipe Homemade PIZZA

Procedure and preparation Pizza is one of the most popular dishes around the world. It is generally a flat round bread which is oven-baked and covered with tomatoes or a tomato-based sauce and mozzarella cheese. Toppings are also added depending on the region, culture or personal preference. In this article, we will be learning how to make a pizza at home. The basic steps in pizza making are first preparing dough, then pizza sauce. After that, cheese and toppings are added according to taste and then the pizza is baked in an oven. This seems to be simple while reading but preparing a good mouth watering pizza at home drains in a lot of hard work. However, you will be able to make pizza at home easily using this step-by-step guide. Let's start from the scratch. Making Pizza Dough Dough making has been known to humans since ages now, but mastering the art to make perfect pizza dough can be a bit cumbersome sometimes. At home, Pizza dough is prepared by hands, no special machinery is required. However to prepare hand-made dough you will need to have a large mixing bowl, a measuring cup, measuring spoons, a large whisk or wooden mixing spoon and some kitchen film before you start. It will be better if you also keep a small hand towel ready before starting the process. Ingredients: 1 - 1/4 Oz Envelope - Active dry yeast, (or 2 1/4 Tsp) 1 1/2 Cups - Warm water (110°F - 115°F) 4 Cups - Bread flour 1 1/2 Tsp. - Salt 2 Tbsp. - Extra virgin olive oil 1 Tbsp. - Sugar Extra flour Extra olive oil

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Process Pour the warm water in a large mixing bowl, then add the sugar and dissolve it. Next, dissolve the yeast by stirring continuously after addition. Allow the mixture to settle down for 10 minutes or extra so that the yeast becomes active. Now add the yeast and olive oil, when the appearance of the mixture becomes foamy and cloudy at the surface. Dissolve it continuous stirring. Then add 3 cups of flour to the mixture one-by-one and whisk in until dissolved completely. Make sure the mixture is completely smooth. Use your hands to combine the dough until all of the dry flour has moistened into a mass. When the flour has absorbed all of the moisture and congealed into a firm mass, remove it from the bowl to a floured tabletop to knead it. Fold it in half again and push it into itself, again and again for perhaps 10 to 12 minutes or so, or about 200 cycles. It is very important that the dough is very well kneaded. After kneading is complete, when dough transforms into a silky, smoothly-textured ball, coat the dough ball with a thin layer of olive oil. After that place it in the bottom of a large mixing bowl that has also been coated on the inside with olive oil. Now comes the step on panning the prepared pizza dough. One of the most demanding of the pizza maker's many challenges is getting the raw pizza dough ball into a pizza pan. The panning of pizza can be done by various methods as per your convenience. The popular methods are Pizza dough sheeting, pizza dough pressing, hand tossing pizza dough- do it only if you don't get hazy when catching, hand pressing pizza dough, and last is pin rolling pizza dough. Making Pizza Sauce Normally at home, we recommend using tomato sauce only which is lightly herbed with oregano and basil. Some pizza lovers prefer to have even simpler sauce than this, however tomato sauce is the simplest to prepare at home. Ingredients: 3 Tbsp. - Butter 16 Oz. - Can of tomato puree 3 Tbsp. - Olive Oil 1 Tsp. - Salt 3 Cloves - Garlic, minced 1/4 Tsp. - Black Pepper 3 Large - Yellow onions, minced 1 Tsp. - Whole oregano 2 Qts. - Canned whole Italian tomatoes 1 Tsp. - Whole basil Process Melt the butter with olive oil in an oven or large skillet. Now slowly but completely sautÊ the garlic and onion. Then add the tomatoes, salt, pepper, oregano, basil and puree. Boil it. Cover the mixture and let it bubble for two hours. In between, stir it occasionally. Crush the tomatoes with the masher. Continue the process till the sauce reaches the consistency of a soup. Set the sauce aside to cool before applying it to your pizza dough, or, or refrigerate it for use in the ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


future. Pizza Topping Ladle about 7 to 8 oz. of pizza sauce into the middle, bottom of the dough shell. Spread the sauce evenly over the surface of the dough sheet. Spoon the sauce out to the edge of the dough sheet. Leave a small margin on the outer-side of the dough sheet, which allows the crust to rise and crisp more quickly than the covered dough; creating the classic, puffed up edge of the pizza. Now create a layer of the shredded cheese over the sauce. Shred about two cups of cheese. Arrange your toppings over this layer of cheese. Add toppings according to your preference. Baking the Pizza Preheat your oven up-to the temperature of 450° F for about 10 to 15 minutes. When preheating is done, place a prepped pizza in the oven at the centre. Place the pan in the oven such as there is maximum circulation of air around the pan. The baking will take about 10-15 minutes at that temperature. Signs to look for that the pizza is ready are: 1) The cheese has melted on top and is beginning to brown. 2) The crust edge has browned, from a medium to a golden brown. 3) Now carefully lift the edge of the pizza to inspect its bottom, it should be evenly brown. If these signs are evident, your pizza's done! Thus now you are ready to throw regular pizza parties of your home made pizza to your friends and family. Video Source: Text Source: Carlo Smaldone/Prometeo

ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Italian Recipe

Spaghetti Carbonara

Ingredients: • • • • • • •

400g spaghetti 1 tbsp olive oil 200g smoked pancetta cubes or streaky bacon, chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 3 eggs 75ml double cream 50g Grana padano or parmesan, finely grated, plus extra to serve

Procedure and preparation 1. Cook the spaghetti. Bring a large, deep pan of salted water to the boil. Plunge spaghetti into the water, stir well and cook, following pack instructions. Aim for 'al dente': cooked, but retaining some bite in the middle. Take a few strands out of the water with a spaghetti spoon or tongs 1-2 mins before the end of the cooking time and bite into it. Repeat until you think it is properly cooked. Fry the pancetta. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a frying pan. When hot, tip in the pancetta or streaky bacon. Fry over a medium heat until the fat in the meat has melted down into the pan and the meat has turned lightly golden. Be careful not to crisp the pancetta too much; it will be cooked a little bit more later on in the recipe. Remove from the heat and set aside. Prepare the sauce. Crack 2 of the eggs into a mixing bowl. Separate the yolk from the third egg: gently crack the side of the shell and, using both hands, slowly open it into two halves over a separate bowl - you want to keep the yolk in one of the halves. Tip the yolk from one shell half to the other and repeat until all the egg white has fallen into the bowl below, taking care not to crack the yolk on any rough shell edges. Tip the yolk in with the other eggs and beat together, along with the cream, the cheese and some seasoning. Combine the dish. Add garlic to the pancetta and return frying pan to hob. Fry over high heat for 1 min or until garlic is cooked and pancetta warmed through. Meanwhile, drain spaghetti. Tip back ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


into the hot saucepan off the heat. Pour egg mixture over pasta, followed by hot pancetta, garlic, any fat and oils. Toss quickly and thoroughly with spaghetti spoon or tongs. Mix until it has thickened to a smooth, creamy sauce. Serve with extra cheese and freshly ground pepper.

Video Source: &index=4 Text Source: Carlo Smaldone/Prometeo


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Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

English Main dish easy 45 min.

Lithuanian recipe

Bulbonai – a Lithuanian speciality

Iniciatyva “Tezauras” – Renata Sedliorienė Prehistory: Bulbonai – it’s XVIII century Lithuanian highlanders rustic kitchen appeared fluffy, soft cooked balls. Their soft, silky consistency, perfectly balanced taste of potatoes, flour and curd perfectly suits with the rustic sour cream. These balls had spread in whole Lithuania, just in other lands housewives prepared balls without potatoes only with curd. Women from the Highlands of Lithuania like to put bulbonai in the chicken broth and present it with stew meat or poultry dishes. Ingredients: 150 g. curd 1 egg 5 g salt 300 g. boiled potatoes 200 g. wheat flour 2 spoons of milk Directions: Mix curd with one whipped egg and salt. 300g. boiled potatoes grind with meat grinder, then mix with sifted wheat flour and with prepared curd do not forget put two spoons milk in it. After it, roll out dough in the same size as your finger is and cut it in the stick shape. Then take each stick one by one and rub it in to the grater's other side to get nice shape of your sticks. You need to boil water with salt and after it put all bulbonai in boiled water and wait for a moment when it will start boil again and after it wait for more 10 minutes on medium heat. For 1kg bulbonai you will need 1,5L water. While serving you should put on bulbonai and near to it a sour cream. Table etiquette requires that bulbonai be eaten with a fork only, without a knife. Villagers in ancient times bulbonai ate with a spoon. Source: ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

English Main dish easy 40 min.

Kven recipe

Cod roeballs 0,5 kg cod roe 1 ts sugar Salt Pepper 1, 5 dl cream or milk 100 gr breadcrumbs with sugar Wholemeal flour Flour Sheep suet (fat) or bacon Wisk together the roe and sugar until well-combined Add the cream or milk Add a pinch of salt and pepper and the rest of the dry ingredients Add so much flour until the paste is smooth and thick Cut the sheep suet or bacon into pieces and add them to the paste Make rounded balls Cook the roeballs in the broth for about 20 min Serve the roeballs with cooked lamb meat, potatoes, butter and broth Enjoy the meal!

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Polish Recipe

Kaczka z jabłkami Ingredients

1 whole duck, cleaned, dried 6 granny smith apples, peeled, cut into wedges 1 small onion, peeled ½ orange butter 2 tsp sugar 1 bunch fresh marjoram Cranberry sauce Prick the skin of the duck (this will let the fat melt into the meat and will make the skin nice and crispy). Cover the duck with the salt and marjoram leaves and let it rest for 2 hours before roasting. Stuff the duck with 2 of the apples, the whole onion and the orange. Bake the duck in an oven at 220ºC for 20 mins, then lower heat to 170ºC and bake for a further 40 minutes. During baking, baste the duck with its own juices. Remove the duck from the oven and set aside to rest for 10 minutes. Carve into portions. Fry the remaining apple wedges in butter and sugar. Once caramelized, add the marjoram. Arrange the apples in the middle of a plate, top with duck and decorate with fresh marjoram. Serve with cranberry sauce. Ewelina Wojcik / Deinde;_ylt=A9mSs2sUYSBUY10ADpEzCQx.;_ylu=X3oD MTB1dGFnaGUzBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2lyMgR2dGlkA01TWURFMDdfMQ-?_adv_prop=image&fr=mcafee&va=duck+picture

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Portuguese recipe Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

English dessert easy 45 min.

Small fresh Cheese cake


This recipe dates back to the XIII Century and it was first baked in Portugal in Sintra town in a nun Convent. To that time as they had no sugar, honey was used instead. In this modern version the quantities have been converted as the original units of measurement are no longer used.

2. filling:

1. The dough: - 400g of flour - 150g of water

- 0.5 kg of fresh cheese without salt - 4 egg yolks - 300g Sugar - 40g flour - 1g cinnamon

Preparation: The dough In a bowl, add the water to the flour and knead immediately, if necessary add a little water (very little). It should be mixed only with minimal water. The dough should be very smooth, but thinner and consistent as possible and able to be extended with the roller. Extend it with the roller until you have 1mm thick. Cut slices of dough of about 8-10 cm of diameter, approximately. Place the dough in pans, line them on a tray and let the dough dry for a few hours.


The filling: In a bowl, knead well until the cheese gets smooth. Add the sugar and egg yolks, mash and beat everything and then add them to the flour and cinnamon and mix well. Pour the filling spoon by spoon on the shapes, not filling them too much. Bake 25-30 mins in medium oven. Once cooked, let them cool down. If necessary let it a few minutes longer in the oven.

Celia Dierl/VHS Olching

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S W E E T S & D E S S E R T S E N G L I S H

Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

English Afternoon Snack Easy 15 minutes

« Lost Bread/Golden Bread » Now that I am myself a grandma, I continue the tradition of preparing « Golden Bread » at teatime. And when my grandchildren ask for more, I smile as my mother did, as my grand aunt did, and as probably still more generations of women did. Lost or Golden Bread are quickly done and absolutely delicious! It is a Belgian speciality.

Ingredients : For 6 Golden Bread - 2 eggs - ¼ l. milk - 6 slices of old bread or Brussels biscuits - Butter for the pan - Caster sugar

Preparation: Prepare one soup plate with milk and another one with the scrambled eggs. First soak the slices of bread/Brussels biscuits one by one in milk then put them in the scrambled eggs. Besides heat the butter in a pan. Place the soft slices of bread/Brussels biscuits carefully into the pan. Fry them of both sides so that they achieve a golden colour. Serve them warm with caster sugar.

Hélène Sajons-Gilman / VHS Olching

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Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

English Sweets Not too easy 1 1/2 hour

Bûche de Noel I hesitated to translate our family recipe from French into English but finally I found a good recipe, similar to ours in the web and decided to write it down. The “Bûche de Noel” is a Christmas cake with an old tradition in Europe.

Ingredients 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 4 eggs, separated 3/4 cup sugar, divided 1/3 cup water 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 tablespoon powdered sugar Garnish: fresh mint and fresh cranberries Chocolate Frosting: 3 3/4 cups sifted powdered sugar 1/2 cup baking cocoa 6 tablespoons milk 6 tablespoons butter, softened Preparation Combine flour, baking powder and salt; set aside. Beat egg whites with an electric mixer at high speed until foamy. Gradually add 1/4 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, beating until stiff peaks form and sugar dissolves, about 2 to 4 minutes; set aside. Beat egg yolks in a large mixing bowl with an electrix mixer at high speed, gradually adding 1/2 cup sugar; beat 5 minutes, or until thick and pale. Add water and vanilla extract; beat well. Add flour mixture; beat just until blended. Fold in about 1/3 of egg white mixture. Gently fold in remaining egg white mixture. Grease bottom and sides of a 15"x10" jelly-roll pan. Line with wax paper; grease and flour. Spread batter evenly into pan. Bake at 375° for 10 minutes, or until springs back when lightly touched. Sift powdered sugar in a 15"x10" rectangle on a cloth. When cake is done, immediately loosen from ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


sides of pan; turn out onto cloth. Peel off wax paper. Starting at narrow end, roll up cake and cloth together; cool completely on a wire rack, seam side down. Unroll cake and remove towel. Spread half Chocolate Frosting onto cake; carefully reroll. Cut a 1inch-thick diagonal slice from one end of cake roll. Place cake roll on a serving plate, seam side down. Position slice against side of cake roll to assemble knot; use frosting to "glue" in place. Spread remaining frosting over cake and knot. If frosting is soft, chill cake before serving. Garnish with fresh mint and fresh cranberries. Chocolate Frosting: In a large bowl, combine powdered sugar and cocoa. Add milk and butter to sugar mixture; beat with an electric mixer at medium speed until smooth. Hélène Sajons / VHS Olching


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Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

English Traditional Eastern Bread Medium 45 min. This is a traditional Easter Bread, that sometimes is also called Easter Nest or Easter Wreath. It can be eaten in the morning at breakfast or in the afternoon to coffee or tea. I got the recipe from y mother –in-law that got the recipe from her grandmother.

Ingredients: Dough

For sprinkling: 40 g of granulated sugar

500 g of backing flour 35 g of yeast 1 teaspoon of sugar 200 cc of milk 100 g of butter 2 eggs ½ teaspoon of salt 80 g of sugar Grated peel of half a lemon ½ teaspoon anise

For brushing: 1 egg yolk Bake on the bottom rail of the preheated oven. Baking time 20-30 minutes. Electric oven 220 degrees. You´ll get about 16 pieces. If wished, you can arrange cooked coloured eggs in the middle of the wreath.

Preparation: Put the pastry flour in a bowl. Make a hollow in the middle of it. Crumble Yeast in the hollow and mix it with a teaspoon of sugar, a little milk and a little flour. With a kitchen towel cover the bowl and let it rise in a warm place for 15 minutes. Melt the butter. Stir the remaining milk, eggs, salt, sugar, lemon zest and anise. Add this mixture to the batter, add the melted, slightly cooled butter and knead to smooth, firm dough. Beat dough until it bubbles and begins to detach from the bottom of the bowl. Two-thirds of the dough can be used for the lower pigtail and one third for the overhead garland. For the lower pigtail (two-third), the dough is divided into four equal parts. Form each piece of dough into a roll of 50 cm length. Weave the four rolls of dough into a pigtail. Designate strands from left to right with the Number 1, 2,3 and 4. Loop now strand 1 over strand 2 and strand 4 under strands 3 and again on strand 1. Start over again with the left strand and name it as number 1. Continue working until you have braided the ponytail so continuously. ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Remove 50 g of dough from the remaining third of dough. Form two strands of 50 cm length and turn it around each other into a garland. Grease a baking sheet with margarine. Put the big pigtail as a ring on the plate. Brush its endings with beaten egg yolk and press it together. Brush the surface of the pigtail with egg yolk and place the garland on it. Stuck endings together with egg yolk. Roll the remaining dough rest into a thin rope. Divide it in pieces of 6 cm. Form it as a star and put the „spiderweb“ on top of the woven wreath and press it down slightly. Cover the wreath with a linen cloth and let rise for 20 minutes. Brush wreath with egg yolk and sprinkle with coarse sugar.

Celia Dierl/VHS Olching



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Language Kind of dish Level

English sweet easy

Lithuanian recipe

Apple cheese

It is not only delicious but also healthy. Doctors recommend eating apple cheese after chemotherapy, since the heat-treated pectin in apples helps to connect and quickly remove toxins from the body. Ingredients: 7 kg apples (sour), 1,5 kg sugar Directions: Wash apples, dry and take out seeds of it. Cut into thin slices (8-12 according size of apple). Apple must to be cut in clean, well-washed slices. Put apple slices in the enamel bowl and put sugar on it. Mix everything till sugar goes everywhere in equal parts. Close it with a clean gauze and leave it in the room temperature for 12 hours or even more. Next day take out the juice, which came out of the apples in to the bowl (preferably an enamel bowl) in which you will cook cheese and boil it for a 15-20 minutes till some of water disappear. Then put apple slices in to the boiling liquid (one-third of apple slides put away) and cook it on high heat and mix it with a wooden spoon. When the mass solidifies, it is necessary to mix intensively to not get burnt it. Boiling endpoint will be then, when mass is thick. Then put all apples, which left (you can put instead of apples nuts, cinnamon or dried fruits) and boil for more 2-5 minutes. It is important that apple or fruits, which you putted in it to not lose its shape then cheese will look like a mosaic. Put hot mass with leaving air spaces in to the bags of cheese, which has inside cellophane (cut cellophane at the same size and shape as your bag of cheese is and put in it ). While putting mass in to the bags, one person should hold corners of cellophane. Later on, take bag corners, squeeze it strong and band it. After apple cheese gets cool it is necessary to compress it very well. Put the cheese for 5-6 days into the dry place, till top of cheese gets dry. Apple cheese you can keep into the bags or only in to the cellophane (cellophane should be close to the cheese) in dry and cold place. Put apple cheese close Sedliorienė to each just to not put it on each other. Iniciatyva “Tezauras” – Renata If the mass of apples cooked not enough, firm cheese can be got after drying it (2-3 weeks in a dry room with hanging in to the bag).

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Ingrian Recipe / English

Karelian Pasties


Inkerin kulttuuriseura/Helena Miettinen

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Inkerin kulttuuriseura/Helena Miettinen

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Runeberg´s Cakes


Inkerin kulttuuriseura/Helena Miettinen

ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Italian Recipe /English Tiramisu Cake

Ingredients: • • • • • • • • •

1/2 cup (120 ml) espresso or very strong coffee, at room temperature 1/4 cup (60 ml) dry Marsala wine, divided 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 3 large egg yolks 1/4 cup (50 g) granulated sugar, divided 8 ounces (225 g) mascarpone cheese (1 1/4 cups) 3/4 cup (175 ml) heavy cream 18 to 20 Savoiardi Italian ladyfingers (from 7-ounce package) 1 ounce (30 g) bittersweet chocolate or cocoa powder for dusting (optional) Procedure and preparation Espresso soaked ladyfingers are layered with a light and airy filling made from mascarpone cheese, egg yolks and cream. One of our favorite desserts, tiramisu is quite simple to make. You just need a little time. What You Need to Know: This recipe calls for the use of egg yolks, which are cooked over a doubleboiler and heavy cream. Instead of using the cream, some recipes call for egg whites which are left uncooked and whipped. In the notes section below, we have shared directions for using egg whites instead of the cream. There is little difference in flavor. If anything, tiramisu made with egg whites will be a little lighter than with whipped cream. Special Equipment: 9-inch (23 cm) square dish, bowls, handheld electric mixer or whisk. Created By: Joanne and Adam Gallagher Yield: One 9-inch square dish, 6 servings Directions Prepare Coffee Combine espresso (or coffee), 2 tablespoons Marsala wine, vanilla extract and a tablespoon of sugar in a wide, small bowl. Prepare Filling Beat egg yolks, 2 tablespoons of Marsala, and 3 tablespoons of sugar in a bowl set over a saucepan of barely simmering water until tripled in volume, 5 to 8 minutes. Use a whisk or, to make things easier, a handheld electric mixer at medium speed. (Do not stop beating until removed from the heat). Remove bowl from heat then beat in mascarpone cheese until just combined. Whip cream in a bowl until it holds stiff peaks. Once the yolk-mascarpone mixture has cooled a little, gently fold in half of the whipped cream into the yolk-mascarpone mixture, then the remaining half just until fully incorporated (the whipped cream will deflate a little). Assemble Tiramisu Dip half of the ladyfingers very quickly into the coffee, and line the bottom of a 9-inch (23 cm) ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


square dish. (You might find that you need to break a few into pieces to fit them in the dish). Spoon half of the mascarpone filling over the lady fingers and spread into an even layer. Grate half of the bittersweet chocolate over filling (optional). Then dip the remaining ladyfingers very quickly into the coffee and arrange a second layer over filling. Spoon remaining mascarpone mixture over ladyfingers. Grate more chocolate on top or dust with cocoa powder. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 6 hours. When ready to serve, dust with extra grated chocolate or cocoa powder. Leave out at room temperature about 20 minutes before serving. (Tiramisu can be chilled up to 2 days, but no longer or else the ladyfingers will break down too much). Notes and Tips Egg Whites Instead of Cream: Simply replace heavy cream with 3 egg whites. Beat the egg whites until they hold stiff peaks then gently fold in half of the beaten egg whites into the yolkmascarpone mixture, then the remaining half just until fully incorporated. Assemble tiramisu as stated above. If you have concerns about raw egg whites, be sure to use the freshest (and highest quality) eggs possible. Look for clean grade A or AA eggs with intact shells. Marsala Wine: We love Marsala in tiramisu -- it lifts the creaminess of the filling. For something a little different, try substituting dark rum, brandy or other liqueur. Since Marsala is less potent than something like rum, we suggest using about half the amount. For a non-alcoholic version, leave the Marsala out of the recipe all together or use rum extract. Read more: Video Source: &index=7 Text Source: Carlo Smaldone/Prometeo;_ylt=A9mSs23TWh9U0U4AI2kzCQx.;_ylu=X3oD MTB1dGFnaGUzBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2lyMgR2dGlkA01TWURFMDdfMQ-?_adv_prop=image&fr=mcafee&sz=all&va=kuchen+free+stimages_type_logo ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Recipe of the Kven/English

Coffee cheese / kaffijuusto

4 l milk 1 l sour milk or butter milk 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Heat the milk until it starts to move, but do not let it boil. Pour the sour milk until the cheese paste has accumulated. Sift the cheese paste through a kitchen towel. Put the cheese paste overnight under pressure. Put the cheese somewhere to get dry. Find out yourself how dry you prefer it. Cut the cheese into small pieces and put them into a warm cup of coffee. Let the pieces of the cheese get warm and eat them with a teaspoon.

Delicious! 66

Kainun institutti – Kvensk institutt Kaisa Maliniemi, Mervi Haavisto, Pirjo Paavalniemi and Karin Larsen

ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Polish Recipe

Pączki (doughnuts) Ingredients for about 40 pieces: 1 kg of wheat flour 100 g of fresh yeast (or 50 g dry yeast) * 100 - 150 g sugar 500 ml of milk 6 egg yolks 1 whole egg 5 - 6 tablespoons of oil or 100 g of butter half a vanilla stick (or a small package of vanilla sugar) 40 ml of spirit juice and zest of 1 lemon rubbed half a teaspoon of salt Moreover: wiki/Polish_cuisine • frying fat • jam for stuffing • powdered sugar for sprinkling or icing (1 cup powdered sugar spread with 2 - 3 tablespoons of hot water, the proportions can be increased) Sift flour, mix with dry yeast (with fresh first do solution ). • • • • • • • • • • •

To prepare the solution: • 25 g of fresh yeast • 1 tablespoon of sugar • 1/4 cup lukewarm milk • 3 tablespoons of flour In a small pot crush yeast, add sugar. Pour over the summer milk (not hot! Too high temperature will kill the yeast). Stir to dissolve the yeast. Add flour, stir to no lumps. Cover with a dishrag and leave in a warm place to rise for about 20 - 30 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and mix at the end by adding the dissolved fat. Knead a few minutes, until the dough is smooth and soft. (you can also use a mixer knead with the dough hook or a bread machine). The kneaded dough formed into a ball, put into a lightly floured bowl, cover and set aside in a warm place until it double in volume (about 1.5 hours). After this time, shortly develop. Portions of dough take with the spoon, form a small circle in your hand, put half a teaspoon of the filling, stick together, forming donuts, put floured pastry board. Cover the napkin and leave to rise in a warm place. You can also do it another way - Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 1 cm, strongly dusting with flour so that the dough is not sticky. Cut circles with a glass, put the cut circles to the pastry board to rise. It is also possible to stuff donuts after frying so that the jam not leak during frying (with a long sleeve for stuffing). Fry in deep fat (at 175 º C) on both sides until golden brown. Remove, drain on a paper towel, sprinkle with powdered sugar or decorate with icing. Ewelina Wojcik / Deinde

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Polish Recipe

Chrust (literally translated from Polish it means brushwood) Typically eaten on Fat Thursday or period before Lent. 30 ounces of flour 5 egg yolks 2 tablespoons cream 1 tablespoon of spirits A bit of salt Lemon juice To the sifted flour, add the fat, chop with a knife, add the egg yolks and remaining ingredients. Knead to a smooth dough. The dough teaches at the pastry board lightly sprinkled and start rolling, syntax and re-rolling the dough. Repeat the action several times. We try to aerate the dough, so that during frying on the surface Chrust’s bubbles appear and it will become crispy and delicate in texture. The second school says about hitting the dough roller on each side. Thinly roll out, punching mold strips, each strip in the middle of doing a hole, through which translate the cake as pictured next. Fry in hot fat. Put down on the paper. When it is cold, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Ewelina Wojcik / Deinde

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Bulgarian Recipes /English

Bulgarian Lyutenitsa

You tube video on making traditional Bulgarian lyutenitsa - a homemade vegetable spread Ingredients: Tomatoes - 5 kg Aubergine - 2,5 kg Peppers - 5 kg Salt - 60 g Sugar - 60 g Oil - 375 ml Shumen University/Rumyana Todorova Another way: see Directions Skin the tomatoes by dropping them in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then fish them out. Make an X with a sharp knife on the stem end and peel with your fingers and/or a paring knife. The skin should pretty much slip off. In a large saucepan, heat the oil until hot. Cook the onion, garlic, and peppers until soft and until the onions are translucent. Stir in the tomatoes and cinnamon, then bring it to a simmer. Allow it to slowly simmer forever, or at least overnight. Traditionally, this stuff would simmer all day and night, in huge cauldrons, thickening and breaking down until it's nice and thick and rich. To mimic this you have to be around, watching the uncovered pan simmer and thicken. A slow cooker tends to hold in a lot of the moisture, so going that route might mean putting on the stove for the last hour to reduce a bit. Doable, but extra steps. ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Salt to taste. Vinegar to taste. Just a bit at a time and taste as you go. I started with one tsp at a time, finally settling on 3 tsp in the end. Serve hot, warm, or cold. Serve as a dip, a sauce for meat, or as a side dish.

Bulgarian Rakia

Rakia recipes are centuries old and each part of Bulgaria has its own variety and secret ingredients. You can find rakia recipes that contain anise, herbs, honey, walnuts, mint, sour cherries, etc. Sometimes rakia is mixed with herbs, honey, sour cherries (then it becomes vishnovka) or walnuts after distillation and it takes on a dark color. Needless to say, every time the result is exquisite and the experience is unique. Rakia is Bulgaria's national drink. It is part and parcel of everyday life here, and somehow Bulgaria wouldn't be the same without it. The process of making rakia is relatively simple. Half of the joy and experience of rakia comes from the rakia making process. It is an old tradition which is still closely followed by Bulgarians, pretty much as all other Bulgarian traditions. The first step in the rakia making process is picking up the fruit. In our example, we will use plums as our fruit of choice. Plums are best picked up when they are over ripe, late in the summer, and about to drop from the tree on their own. Let’s not forget that making rakia is a process that one should enjoy and what is more likely to kill the joy than physical labor. For this, Bulgarians do not pick the fruits from the trees - rather they place a large sheet under the tree and then violently shake the branches. Needless to say, the results are as expected – the fruit which is ripe enough to make rakia ends up on the sheet. The plums are then taken to the location where the rakia will be distilled. The distillation process starts with filling up a large barrel (65 gallons or more) with the fruit. The barrel is filled up to 1/3 with plums with the rest 2/3 filled with sugary water solution (3 lbs of sugar to 1 gallon of water ratio). The mixture is then mashed and stirred at least twice a day for the next three weeks, with the fermentation starting almost immediately in the warm August weather. Once the mixture is no longer bubbling (at which point it is actually wine with very bad taste), it is ready for distilling the rakia. Every town and village in Bulgaria has one or more distilleries that cater to the community. The demand for these distilleries is so big in the months of August through November, that many of them require customers to book an appointment prior to coming over and distilling their rakia. The day on which people get to distill their rakia, needless to say, is eagerly anticipated as eating, partying and drinking from the still is all part of the experience. On the day of the distillation, the customers bring the large barrel of mash to the distillery on their own. Although today many distilleries offer everything that is needed to produce the rakia from the fermented mash, in the old days there were plenty of other things that people had to bring along on the day of the distillation. Wood, for example, was one of those things. In the past wood was loaded on the truck ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


and around the barrel jamming it against the sides of the cart to stop it from toppling over during the bumpy ride to the distillery. Then there was flour, which was used to seal any openings or crevices of the copper stills. Flour was transported separately to minimize risk of getting it moist if the mash spills during transportation. When all ingredients are at the distillery, the actual distillation can start. The still is primed with coriander, oils, extracts and other "family secret" ingredients. The mash is then poured into the still. If the still has any openings or crevices, a dough is prepared from the flour and it is then molded around the still and pipes to seal them and make them air tight. The fire under the still is then lit and distillation begins. It takes about an hour before the first alcohol-containing vapors begin to separate from the mash. The steam is then forced through the sealed pipes into a cooling condenser. The condenser help cool down the vapor which runs into a separate container and is the actual rakia. The clear liquid initially has a very high alcohol content and is usually discarded. The alcohol content is measured often and only rakia with lower alcohol content (between 50-70%) is kept although this entirely depends on the maker’s preference. The longer the distillation continues the lower the percentage of alcohol drops. When the rakia gets below 30%, the liquid is preserved only to be added to the next batch of mash and be distilled again. Of course in the meantime, for the sake of the genuine experience, the rakia makers are cooking food using the same fire that heats up the mash. So while the rakia is boiling the rakia makers are having a feast with some beer and wine they had brought along while also tasting the freshly made produce occasionally. When the process is over, the customer takes the fresh rakia back home to continue the maturation process. Depending on preferences, people add apple pieces, spices, wood, and other ingredients into the rakia. This changes its color from clear to distinctively colored. The rakia then could be closed in barrels to mature for years or could be consumed within weeks, also depending on its owner drinking habits and average number of guests for the season. Shumenski universitet "Episkop Konstantin Preslavski�;_ylt=A9mSs26tWx9UdSgAOaUzCQx.;_ylu=X3oD MTB1dGFnaGUzBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2lyMgR2dGlkA01TWURFMDdfMQ-?_adv_prop=image&fr=mcafee&sz=all&va=rakia+free+stimages_type_logo

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Language Kind of dish Level

Kven For coffee brake easy


4 litterii maittoo 1 litteri piimää

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Lämmitä maiđon siksi siksi ko se alkkaa liikumhaan, ei piđä kiehuut. Kaađa piimän maithoon, siksi ko juustoainetta ei ennää lähđe maiđosta. Siivitte juustoainheen pois liinakankhaan läpi. Pane juustoainheen painon alle yön yli. Pane se sitten kuivahaan. Löyđä itte kuinka kuivaa juuston pittää olla. Leikkaa juuston pikku palasiksi, ja pane net lämpimhään kaffiin. Anna juuston lämppiit hyvin kaffissa, ja syö sen sitten teelusikalla.

Se maistuu!


72 R E C I P E S I N K V E N L A N G U A G E

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Language Kind of dish Level Time needed

Kven Main dish easy 45 min.

Mätikakot 0,5 killoo turskan mättii 1 ruokalusikka sokkerii Suolaa Pippurii 1,5 desilitterii päälismaittoo tahi maittoo 100 grammaa sokkerikaurinkii Fiinii sekanisujauhoo Nisujauhoo Lamphaankuuta tahi baconii

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Vispaa mäđin ja sokkerin vaahđoksi Sekoita sitte päälismaiđon sinne Pane suolaa ja pippurii, maista sitte paljonko pittää olla. Lisää kaiken kuivan Pane niin paljon jauhoo ette tullee passelisti pehmee taikina Leikkaa kuun pikku palasiksi, ja sekoita sen taikinhaan Laita ympyräissii kakkoi Keitä niitä lihaliemessä suunile 20 minuttii Serveeraa keitetyn lamphaanlihan kans, kuivan tahi vereksen. Lisäksi lihaliemee, perunoi tahi sulatettuu voita

Hyvvää ruokahalluu!! Leaflet in Kven and Norwegian:

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Kalba Tema Mokiniai-lygis

Lietuvių Seni receptai Visi lygiai



Veiklos tikslas Susipažinti su Lietuvos kulinariniu paveldu. Plėsti žodyną Priešistorė:

Bulviniai kukorai su šviežių kopūstų ir virtų kiaušinių įdaru – tai išskirtinis anykštėnų valgis, labai greitai išplitęs po visą Lietuvą. Jų forma ir spalva, primenanti svogūnus, gardi, traški plutelė ir švelnus aksominis šviežių kopūstų su kiaušiniais įdaras gali stebinti net žymiausius pasaulio gastronomus, gurmė ir gurmanus. Ingredients: 2 kg virtų bulvių, 5 šaukštai krakmolo, 6 kiaušiniai 15 g. druskos 1500 g kopūstų 80 g kaimiško pieno 100 g kaimiško sviesto 1 g džiovintų peletrūnų 1 g maltų kvapiųjų pipirų ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Gaminimo procedūra:

2 kg virtų miltingų bulvių netrinti, bet sumalti mėsmale, išmaišyti jas su penkiais kupinais šaukštais krakmolo, vienu išplaktu kaimišku kiaušiniu ir 15g druskos. 1500g kopūstų smulkiai supjaustyti ir pagardinti druska. Kopūstus sudėti į prikaistuvį ar puodą, įpilti 80g kaimiško pieno, uždengti dangtį ir troškinti, kol suminkštės. Po to sudėti 100g tirpdyto kaimiško sviesto, išmaišyti ir dar 10 minučių troškinti. Atvėsinti. Kietai išvirti 5 kiaušinius ir smulkiai sukapoti. Atvėsintus kopūstus išmaišyti su kiaušiniais, 1g džiovintų peletrūnų ir 1g maltų kvapiųjų pipirų. Paskui iš bulvių minklės suploti paplotėlį, dėti įdarą, suformuoti svogūno formos bandelę ir dėti ant kepimo popieriais išklotos skardos. Bandeles aptepti kiaušinio su pienu plakiniu ir kepti 200°C 20 minučių. Iškeptas bandeles aptepti sviestu. Čia būtina pabrėžti, kad tik aukštaičiai į savo kukorus dėdavo šviežių kopūstų su kiaušinais įdarą, nes tik jie vieni mokėjo taip piene pašutinti kopūstus, kad dingdavo kai kam nemalonus kopūstų kvapas. Dzūkės, sūduvės, žemaitės dėdavo raugintų troškintų kopūstų įdarą, bet tai jau ne tas, nelieka subtilios kukorų skonio ir kvapo dermės… Kukorus galima patekti vienus arba su įvairiais pavilgais. Šaltinis: Pasiūlymai pamokoms: Diskusija: • Ar esate ragavę kukorų? Ar norėtumėte paragauti? • Ar Jūsų šeimoje gaminama kas nors panašaus. Jei taip, koks patiekalo pavadinimas? Kaip gaminate Jūs? • Nesvarbu, ragavote ar ne, pabandykite atpasakoti, koks kukorų skonis? Kvapas? Kokiomis progomis jie būdavo valgomi? Rašo darbas: pateikite receptą, kuriame būtų naudojamos bulvės, kopūstai, pienas ir kiaušiniai. Atpasakojant patiekalo gaminimo procedūras naudoti neveikiamąją rūšį. Iniciatyva “Tezauras” – Renata Sedliorienė

“Memory Boxes” Teams with Kedainiai Mayor´s Rimantas Diliunas ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Kalba Tema Mokiniai-lygis

Lietuvių Seni receptai Visi lygiai

Kaimiški bulviniai vėdarai Veiklos tikslas Supažindinti su Lietuvos kulinariniu paveldu. Plėsti žodyną Priešistorė: Kaimiški bulviniai vėdarai kilę iš Mažosios Lietuvos XVIII amžiuje. Ingredients: Švariai ir gerai išplautos žarnos 240 g. nusunktų bulvių Tarkio 24 g. pieno 10 g smulkiai supjaustytų lašinių 20 g svogūnų Druska Česnakas Juodi pipirai Žiupsnelis maltų muskato riešutų Gaminimo procedūra: Švariai ir gerai išplautas žarnas ištrinti druska su česnaku. 240g nusunktų bulvių tarkių užplikyti karštu pienu, išmaišyti su smulkiai supjaustytais lašiniais, kepintais svogūnais, žiupsneliu druskos, žiupsneliu maltų juodųjų pipirų, žiupsneliu maltų muskato riešutų ir nekietai prikimšti žarnas. Skardą patepti taukais, pripilti truputį vandens, laisvai sudėti žarnas ir kepti 15-20 min. 180 temperatūroje. Kad vėdarai kepant nesusproginėtų, žarnas prikimšti laisvai ir, svarbiausiai, dėti subadytas į labai įkaitintą orkaitę. Kepant retkarčiais palaistyti riebalais. Patiekti su spirgų su svogūnais padažu. Kai kuriuose regionuose vėdarai buvo gaminami su kruopomis (dažniausiai, perlinėmis) ir krauju. Šaltinis: Iniciatyva “Tezauras” – Renata Sedliorienė

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Kalba Tema Mokiniai-lygis

Lietuvių Seni receptai Visi lygiai

Obuolių sūris

Veiklos tikslas Susipažinti su Lietuvos kulinariniu paveldu. Plėsti žodyną. Įdomu: Tai ne tik skanu, bet ir sveika. Teigiama, kad gydytojai rekomenduoja obuolių sūrį valgyti po chemoterapijos, mat karščiu apdorotuose obuoliuose esantys pektinai sujungia ir padeda greičiau iš organizmo pašalinti toksinus. Ingredients: 7 kg obuolių (kietų ir rūgščių), 1,5 kg cukraus Gaminimo procedūra: Obuolius nuplaukite, nusausinkite ir, išpjovus sėklalizdžius, supjaustykite plonomis skiltelėmis (812 pagal obuolio dydį). Reikia žiūrėti, kad nepatektų įpuvusių ar sukirmijusių skiltelių, neliktų sėklų, lukštelių. Paruoštas obuolių skilteles sudėkite į emaliuotą indą ir užberkite cukrumi. Pamaišykite, kad cukrus vienodai pasiskirstytų, ir palikite, uždengus švaria marle, kambario temperatūroje 12 ar daugiau valandų. Kitą dieną atsiradusias sultis nupilkite į indą (geriausia į emaliuotą dubenį), kuriame virs sūris, ir 15-20 min. kaitinkite, kad išgaruotų dalis vandens. Tada į verdantį skystį suberkite obuolių skilteles (trečdalį obuoliu atidėkite į šoną) ir virkite ant stiprios ugnies maišant ilgu mediniu šaukštu ar specialiai tam tikslui iš medžio išdrožta ilga mentele. Kai masė sutirštėja, reikia maišyti intensyviau, kad neprisviltų. Virimo baigmė nustatoma perbraukus mentele per verdamos masės vidurį. Jeigu masė negreit susilieja, vadinasi, sūris gatavas. Tada subertkite likusius obuolius (vietoj jų galima pilti riešutus, cinamoną arba džiovintus vaisius) ir dar 2-5 min, pavirkite. Svarbu, kad šie vėliausiai supilti obuolių gabalėliai nesutižtų, tada ir sūris atrodys kaip mozaika. Karšta masė, nepaliekant oro tarpų, sukrečiama į sūrmaišius, išklotus celofanu (atkerpamas sūrmaišio ilgio celofano stačiakampis gabalas ir, užlenkus vieną šoną, padaroma sūrmaišio forma; smailusis galas palenkiamas ir įdedamas į sūrmaišio vidų). Krečiant masę, vienas turėtų laikyti sūrmaišio ir celofano kraštus. Paskui sūrmaišio ir celofano kraštai suimami, stipriai užspaudžiami ir užrišami.Šį obuolių sūrį, sukrėtus į sūrmaišius, reikia labai gerai suspausti, o jam atvėsus, reikėtų dar ir paslėgti, kad baigiant virti sudėtos obuolių skiltelės ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


gerai įsispaustų į masę. 5-6 dienas sūrius reikia laikyti sausoje patalpoje pakabinus ar padėjus ant ardelių, kad apdžiūtų paviršius. Toliau obuolių sūrius galima laikyti su visu sūrmaišiu ar iš jo išėmus tik su celofanu (jis turi būti glaudžiai prie sūrio priglūdęs) sausoje šaltoje patalpoje sudėjus taip, kad nesiglaustų vienas prie kito. Jeigu obuolių masė išvirė nepakankamai, stangrią sūrio konsistenciją galima gauti jį padžiovinus (23 savaites laikyti sausoje patalpoje pakabintą su sūrmaišiu).

Iniciatyva “Tezauras” – Renata Sedliorienė



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79 R E C I P E S I N I N G R I A N

Inkerin kulttuuriseura/Helena Miettinen

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Inkerin kulttuuriseura/Helena Miettinen

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Inkerin kulttuuriseura/Helena Miettinen ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Recipes in Polish Składniki na około 40 sztuk: • 1 kg mąki pszennej • 100 g drożdży świeżych (lub 50 g drożdży suchych)* • 100 - 150 g cukru • 500 ml mleka • 6 żółtek • 1 całe jajko • 5 - 6 łyżek oleju lub 100 g masła • pół laski wanilii (lub małe opakowanie cukru wanilinowego) • 40 ml spirytusu • sok i skórka otarta z 1 cytryny wiki/Polish_cuisine • pół łyżeczki soli Ponadto: • tłuszcz do smażenia • konfitura do nadziania • cukier puder do posypania lub lukier (1 szklankę cukru pudru rozprowadzić z 2 - 3 łyżkami gorącej wody, proporcje można zwiększyć) Mąkę pszenną przesiać, wymieszać z suchymi drożdżami (ze świeżymi najpierw zrobić rozczyn). By przygotować rozczyn potrzeba: • 25 g drożdży świeżych • 1 łyżka cukru • 1/4 szklanki letniego mleka • 3 łyżki mąki pszennej Do niedużego garnuszka rozkruszyć drożdże, zasypać cukrem. Zalać letnim mlekiem (nie gorącym! zbyt wysoka temperatura zabije drożdże). Wymieszać do rozpuszczenia drożdży. Dodać mąkę, wymieszać, by nie było grudek. Przykryć ściereczką i odstawić w ciepłe miejsce do wyrośnięcia, na około 20 - 30 minut. Dodać pozostałe składniki i wyrobić, pod koniec dodając rozpuszczony tłuszcz. Wyrabiać kilka minut, aż ciasto będzie gładkie i miękkie (można wyrabiać mikserem z hakiem do ciasta drożdżowego lub w maszynie do pieczenia chleba). Wyrobione ciasto uformować w kulę, włożyć do oprószonej mąką miski, przykryć i odstawić w ciepłe miejsce do podwojenia objętości (około 1,5 godziny). Po tym czasie krótko wyrobić. Porcje ciasta nabierać łyżką, uformować w ręku małe krążki, nałożyć pół łyżeczki nadzienia, zlepić, formować pączki, odłożyć na stolnicę oprószoną mąką. Nakryć serwetką i pozostawić do wyrośnięcia w ciepłym miejscu. Można również innym sposobem - ciasto rozwałkować na grubość około 1 cm, mocno podsypując mąką, by się nie kleiło. Szklanką wykrawać pączki, odłożyć na stolnicę do wyrośnięcia. Często nadziewam pączki dopiero po usmażeniu, by konfitura nie wyciekała podczas smażenia (rękawem cukierniczym z długą tylką do nadziewania). Smażyć w głębokim tłuszczu (w temperaturze 175ºC) z obu stron, na złoty kolor. Wyjąć, osączyć na papierowym ręczniczku, posypać cukrem pudrem lub udekorować lukrem. ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

82 R E C I P E S I N P O L I S H

Kaczka z jabłkami

Składniki 1 cała kaczka, oczyszczona, osuszona 6 jabłek, obranych, pokrojone w ćwiartki 1 mała cebula, obrana ½ pomarańczy masło 2 łyżeczki cukru 1 pęczek świeżego majeranku sos żurawinowy

Sposób wykonania: Nakłuć skórę kaczki (niech tłuszcz stopić do mięsa i zrobić ładne skóry i chrupiące). Pokrycie kaczkę z solą i majeranek i odstawić na 2 godziny przed pieczeniem. Nadziać kaczkę z 2 jabłkami, cebulą i całą pomarańczą. Piec kaczkę w piekarniku w temperaturze 220 º C przez 20 minut, a następnie zmniejszyć temperaturę do 170° C i piec przez kolejne 40 minut. Podczas pieczenia, podlewać kaczkę z własnym sosem. Wyjąć kaczkę z piekarnika i odstawić na 10 minut. Pokroić na porcje. Smażyć pozostałe kliny jabłka w maśle i cukrze. Kiedy jabłka się skarmelizują, dodać majeranek. Ułożyć jabłka na środku talerza, na wierzchu kaczkę i udekorować świeżym majerankiem. Podawać z sosem żurawinowym.;_ylt=A9mSs2sUYSBUY10ADpEzCQx.;_ylu=X3oD MTB1dGFnaGUzBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2lyMgR2dGlkA01TWURFMDdfMQ-?_adv_prop=image&fr=mcafee&va=duck+picture Ewelina Wojcik / Deinde

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Chrust 30 dkg mąki 5 żółtek 2 łyżki śmietany 1 łyżka spirytusu Odrobina soli Sok z cytryny Do przesianej mąki dodajemy tłuszcz, siekamy nożem, dodajemy żółtka i resztę składników. Wyrabiamy na gładkie ciasto. Następnie ciasto wykładamy na delikatnie oprószoną stolnicę i rozpoczynamy wałkowanie, składnie ciasta i ponownie wałkowanie. Czynność powtarzamy kilkakrotnie. Staramy się napowietrzyć ciasto, dzięki temu w trakcie smażenia na powierzchni chrustów pojawią się pęcherzyki, a faworki staną się chrupiące i delikatne w strukturze. Druga szkoła mówi o uderzaniu ciasta wałkiem z każdej strony.

Cienko rozwałkujemy, wykrawamy foremką paski, na środku każdego paska robimy dziurkę, przez którą przekładamy ciasto jak na zdjęciu obok. Smażymy na rozgrzanym tłuszczu. Wyjmujemy na papier, po wystygnięciu posypujemy cukrem pudrem. Ewelina Wojcik / Deinde

Picture: „Coffee time in Lublin” Hélène Sajons

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Collected for the European learning partnership „Memory Boxes: a Garden of Reminiscence“ 85

What to do and how to help

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Language Topic Learners

English Memories of remedies all

Coughs and hoarseness Traditional remedies handed over by grandparents and great-grandparents

In case of coughs and hoarseness: -

Put some onions in boiling water until they become soft and mushy Then press them through a fine-meshed sieve or a permeable cloth and collect the juice This juice has to be drunk as it is (no thin down) 86

Wolfgang Dressel/ VHS Olching


ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Earache Traditional remedies handed over by grandparents and great-grandparents

In case of Earache: -

Take olive oil and warm it up to body temperature Let 2 to 3 drops of the warm olive oil drip into the ear

Wolfgang Dressel/ VHS Olching 87


Fever Traditional remedies handed over by grandparents and great-grandparents

In case of fever: -

Put a leg compression while lying in a resting position Leg compressions consist of cloths, hand towels or bandages made from cotton which were soaked in hand warm water and then – in wet condition - winded around both lower legs In addition a second layer of dry cloths is to be winded around in order to absorb the moisture. Carry the compression for about 10 minutes and then repeat this procedure one or two times with durations of 20 to 30 minutes.

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Headaches Traditional remedies handed over by grandparents and great-grandparents

Aims and objectives of the activity

To learn language To learn traditional remedies

In case of headaches:


Make black coffee, mix it with the juice of a squeezed out lemon and drink it (take about 1 to 2 teaspoon of lemon per cup) 88


Vanilla: Even the ancient Egyptians discovered that the vanilla could relieve almost every kind of headaches, irrespectively of its intensity or duration. Although they finally did not find out WHY vanilla had such an effect, they described the pain-killing effect as at least three times stronger than that one of Kurkuma. At that time – before discovery of vanilla - the Kurkuma was a frequently prescribed and thus also reliable pain-killer. See for more information:


Wolfgang Dressel/VHS Olching

ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Sore throat Traditional remedies handed over by grandparents and great-grandparentsl

In case of sore throat: -

Wear woolen socks several hours until they have reached body temperature Take the socks off and wind them immediately around the throat (dont use new or just washed socks) Wear the socks about 1 to 2 hours


Toothaches Traditional remedies handed over by grandparents and great-grandparents

In case of toothaches: -

Chew 2 to 3 untreated cloves in the mouth and grind them between the tooths


Wolfgang Dressel / VHS Olching

ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

How to Fight Anemia

Aims and objectives of the activity •

To know old remedies before the World War II

To try to use natural medicine

To try to prepare something related with the pre chemical use of medicines

Explanation Prior to World War II eggs were seen as the ultimate health food. When an individual was suffering from anemia (or tiredness) he would be encouraged to eat a raw egg each morning. The egg would be taken fresh from the chicken coop and washed. A small hole would be made on the top of the egg with a safety pin or needle and then the sick person would "suck" out the egg. In the 1950s straws became available so they were then used to draw the raw egg out. Back then most individuals who sucked the egg out, liked the taste of the egg so eating the food was not perceived as being unpleasant or akin to drinking cod liver oil (Nothing like that!). In fact, in well-to-do households school-age children were often offered raw eggs each morning for breakfast. Most children enjoyed them, knowing that not only were the eggs good for them, but because only the rich could afford to have eggs for breakfast, they could consider themselves special. Back then few individuals suffered any ill effects from the eating of raw eggs. Nowadays, of course, the eating of raw eggs is not recommended as one can get SALMONELLA poisoning. Obviously, today's factory-produced eggs are NOT the ultimate health food. However, up to the 1950s farmers in Molise took good care of their chickens (The chickens were grain-fed and free-roaming) so their eggs were not only good-tasting but disease-free. However, many subsistent farmers (including my maternal grandparents) did not eat the eggs their chickens produced; they bartered their eggs for salt. At that time most subsistent farmers raised six or seven chickens at a time -- on a good day that would result in four or five eggs, and on a bad day, no eggs at all. Carlo Smaldone/Prometeo

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How to Reduce Pains

Explanation Prior to World War II Italians living in the countryside relied on home-based remedies to reduce various aches and pains. Nowadays, this type of healing might be called homeopathy, naturopathy, or alternative medicine. Back then it was just the way things were done (Like, what's the big deal). As few individuals back then could afford the services of "conventional" medicine, "alternatives" had to be used. Cheap alternatives at that. Strangely, or not so strangely, many of the cheap remedies that were used to heal minor aches and pains have now been scientifically proven to be of medicinal value. Garlic, once used throughout Italy, to cure everything from the common cold to constipation, is now being touted as Nature's "power" food. Harvard University-trained doctors are advocating their patients to load up on garlic, as a garlic or two a day (Forget the apple!) might just keep the doctor away (for good). Carlo Smaldone/Prometeo

Urin therapy

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Explanation Prior to World War II wounds were often treated with "urine therapy." Not only did adults use their own urine to help speed up the healing process, but children when they got cuts were told to go and pee on them. While this remedy may seem counterproductive to North Americans, there seems to be some evidence that urine does help in the healing process. Some holistic health practitioners advocate the use of urine therapy for a wide variety of conditions, including peeing on a wound to prevent infection when no medical resources are available. In any case, healthy urine is a non-toxic compound that does no harm when applied to wounds. Contributed by: Information provided by Maria Palazzo, image, courtesy of the Library of Congress #10740



Explanation When I was growing up (in the 1960s) my father would often make himself a "zabaglione" in the morning. He said that in his home town of Lanciano, Abruzzo, "zabaglione," which consisted of: Marsala wine, sugar, coffee, and raw egg yolk, was thought of as a health drink. It "energized" the one drinking it. Nowadays "zabaglione" is considered a dessert, and it is often presented as a thin custard but when my father was living in Lanciano, Abruzzo (in the 1940s) it was more of a drink or rather a "tonic" than a custard. Carlo Smaldone / Prometeo

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Medicinal herbs: Pine resin / Pötäjän pihka

How to cure eczema, skin infections and wounds

Pine resin / furu kvae / pötäjän pihka

Pine resin has been used to cure eczema, wounds, infections and other kind of skin problems. Pine resin can be applied directly over the wound, infection or rash. You can also cook resin with a cream. That liniment has been used to cure bedsores.

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


Old Lithuanian remedies In Lithuanian

Senovinės lietuviškos gydymo priemonės Sėjamoji aviža

Šis augalas Lietuvoje auginamas ir žinomas jau nuo senųjų amžių ir yra labai paplitęs visoje šalyje. Žydi birželio–liepos mėnesiais, o grūdus subrandina rugpjūčio mėnesį. Ruošti žaliavai tinkama tiek žolė, tiek grūdai. Žolė pjaunama plaukėjimo fazėje ir iškart džiovinama 40–50 laipsnių temperatūroje, vėliau susmulkinama. Paruošta žaliava sudedama į audinio ar popieriaus maišus ir laikoma sausoje tamsioje vietoje, gali būti vartojama vienerius metus. Avižų žolės arbata vartojama kankinant nemigai, puikiai tinka nervams raminti, artritui, reumatui, podagrai gydyti, skatina prakaitavimą ir šlapimo išsiskyrimą. Šiaudai naudojami vonioms nuo sąnarių uždegimų, odos, kepenų ligų, reumato. Avižų šiaudų vonia: 1–1,5 kg šviežių šiaudų užpilama 5 l karšto vandens ir virinama 30 min. ant silpnos ugnies. Nuoviras perkošiamas ir supilamas į vonioje paruoštą vandenį, kurio temperatūra turi būti 37–38 laipsniai. Procedūra trunka apie 20–25 min. Kitos senovinės gydymo priemonės: Receptas ūminiam ir lėtiniam gastritui bei skrandžio opai gydyti: šviežius plačialapio gysločio lapus supjaustyti, sumaigyti, išspausti. Gautas sultis sumaišyti lygiomis dalimis su medumi, pavirinti 20 min. Laikyti gerai uždarytame inde. Vartoti po 2–3 šaukštus ryte ir vakare prieš valgį. Svarbu atsiminti, kad sulčių vartoti negalima, jeigu rūgštingumas yra padidėjęs. Receptas nuotaikos sutrikimams (depresijos epizodams) gydyti: 1–2 šaukštelius susmulkintos jonažolės žolės užpilti 250 ml verdančio vandens, palaikyti 10–15 minučių, ataušinti ir perkošti. Gerti po 1 stiklinę iš ryto ir vakare. Svarbu atsiminti, kad preparatų vartoti galima ne ilgiau kaip mėnesį. Be to, jonažolės preparatai gali sąveikauti su kai kuriais vaistais. Receptas esant inkstų akmenligei: sumaišyti 50 g takažolės žolės, 30 g jonažolės žolės, 20 g paprastosios rykštenės žolės, 50 g petražolės lapų su šaknimis. Šaukštą mišinio užplikyti 400 ml verdančio vandens, palaikyti šiltoje vietoje 45–60 min., perkošti. Gerti po pusę stiklinės tris kartus per dieną. Šaltinis: ©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


In English Oat

Oat is grown in Lithuania and has been known since ancient age and is very common throughout the country. It blooms from June to July, while the grain matures in August. Prepare raw materials suitable for both grass and grain. The grass is cut at heading stage and immediately dried at a temperature of 40-50 degrees, then chipped. Ready to assemble raw fabric or paper bags and stored in a dry dark place, can be used for one year. Oat grass tea is used in torture of insomnia, perfectly suited to calm the nerves, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, promotes perspiration and urine output. Straw used for baths for the treatment of inflammation of the joints, skin, liver diseases, rheumatism. Oat straw bath: 1-1.5 kg fresh straw pour 5 litres of hot water and boil for 30 minutes on low heat. Percolated broth and pour into the prepared water bath, the temperature should be 3738 degrees. The procedure takes about 20-25 minutes. Other remedies: Home remedies for acute and chronic gastritis and ulcer: Fresh leaves of plantago major cut in to the small peaces, knead and squeeze it. The juice of leaves have to be mixed with the honey in equal parts and have to be boiled about 20 minutes. Store in a well-sealed container. Take 2-3 tablespoons in the morning and evening before meals. It is important to remember that the juice should not be used if there is an increased acidity. How to treat mood disorders (depression): 1-2 tablespoons of chopped herbs St. John's pour 250 ml of boiling water, keep it for 10-15 minutes, then cool and strain. Drink 1 cup in the morning and evening. It is important to remember that the products can be used for no longer than a month. In addition, St. John's wort may interact with some medicines. Kidney stone flush recipe: You will need: mixed common knotgrass 50 g, St. John's grass 30 g, 20 g Aaron's rod grass, 50 g parsley leaves to the roots. Spoon of the mixture brew 400 ml of boiling water, keep in a warm place 45-60 minutes, strain. Drink half cup three times a day. Source:

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Remedies in English and in Ingrian

96 Excerpt of « Traditional Recipes and Remedies »

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Medicinal herbs: Horsetail

Horsetail Medicinal herbs of the Kvens

Horsetail (Eguisetum arvense)/ Kjerringrokk/ Karvakortet Horsetail was earlier used to cure tuberculosis. Today it is mostly used against urinary tract infections and to strengthen weak nails and hair. The horsetail juice is good for your general health. The horsetail is considered as a weed. It grows everywhere and it is very difficult to get rid of it after you get it into your garden. We should utilize more this ’nightmare of the gardeners’.

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Bulgarian traditional herbs and healing


ŠMemory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners


All documents and more are uploaded on the project website of “Memory Boxes: a Garden of Reminiscence”.

©Memory Boxes/Grundtvig LP 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11356 1/all partners

Coordinating Institution:

Volkshochschule Olching e.V. Hauptstrasse 82 82140 Olching/Germany e-mail:

Partners: Shumen University 115 Universitetska Street 9712 Shumen/Bulgaria

Inkerin kulttuuriseura Käpylänkuja 1 00610, Helsinki

e-mail: website:

Email: website:

Associazione Prometeo via del Salvatore, 34 89128 Reggio di Calabria

Suaugusiuiu Mokymo Centras Dariaus ir Gireno g. 52 LT-57153 Kedainiai

Email: Website:

e-mail: website:

Kainun Institutti - Kvensk Institutt Kventunet 9716 Børselv

Deinde sp. z o.o. ul. Cyprysowa 21/18 20-224 Lublin

e-mail: website:

e-mail: website:

Partners in Lublin/Poland and in Taipalsaari/Finland

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