Miswak And Modern Science Qari Safdar

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Miswak And Modern Science Qari Safdar qarisafdar.com/miswak-and-modern-science-qari-safdar June 21, 2020

Introduction Miswak And Modern Science Nature is never the opposite of man Because when a person goes astray from all sides Wandering in the luxuries of the world, back to nature When it does, it gives it the same pleasure and fun Leaving him, he ran towards the shining deception This is exactly the condition of the Miswak from beginning to end Was and will remain helpful for human health Ever since we lost this blessing Since then, people have been constantly worried Physical health even after wasting thousands of rupees Do not refer to the original beginning and center Rather, a wise man was very wise and enjoyed it Talk about Miswak When we left Dental surgeons have been around since that day 1/11

So friends, let’s see the Sunnah of Miswak According to nature? Is this the Sunnah of Miswak ours? Is there an obstacle to development? Or promising? Does this Sunnah lead us to the Stone Age? Or closer to science, the decision is in your hands Read and decide

Night Miswak And Modern Science The Holy Prophet used to get up at night and Miswak his teeth (Zadulmaad) It was the custom of the Holy Prophet to get up at night and Miswak his teeth Engineer Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi says That’s what the Washington (USA) doctor told me To sleep with a Miswak even while sleeping I said why him? He said that’s why Today’s research is that the person who eats food or If you eat something, plasma inside your mouth Rinsing does not clean He said that most of the teeth are bad They are at bedtime. I said why them? He said that the reason is that When a person swells, his mouth closes completely And when the mouth is closed, its work becomes easier Therefore, neither the mouth nor the plasma remains active Is doing its job He said that you will see during the day Sometimes the servant is speaking, sometimes the tongue is moving Eating, sometimes drinking, working during the day Due to the movement of the plazma complete its work Can’t and at night when the mouth is closed So he gets a chance to work That’s why teeth are worse at night Then he said to make toothpaste in the morning Don’t do it, but sleep at night 2/11

but Make sure you miswak your teeth

My Study Of Miswak And Modern Science Praise be to Allaah. I have read that it is the Sunnah of our Prophet That they sleep at night with ablution and without miswak He did not perform ablutions whenever a person ate He will perform ablution Then he will chew, that’s why he Will avoid damag Because the Prophet before eating They washed their hands and rinsed after eating And today people get up and leave after eating Even though they have eaten sweets in their mouths So the sweetness has effects and lasts a long time Then if someone gets in the habit of rinsing at the same time So it will be very useful and if he performs Wudhu five times a day This will keep the face clean again And this electronic system of man is clean These hands, feet, etc. are cleansed by performing Wudhu

Miswak And Modern Science Before Prayers Friends, in fact, praise to the great Lord That is why it is very important to keep your mouth clean If he has eaten food and prayed without a Miswak She has performed ablutions and offered prayers So food particles will continue to stick to the tongue And there will be a difference in the humility of prayers Because if someone has to stand in prayer so,if People will hate if bad breath comes out of their mouths And the worshipers will suffer therefore Miswak eliminates bad breath miswak creates such ripples inside the mouth From which to recite, glorify and praise Allah It’s both fun and easy Prayer in the presence of the Eternal Creator There is attendance and if the face is not clean then it belongs to Allah 3/11

Every Muslim will be very ashamed

Miswak And Swiss Doctor Dilbar Mansoor Sahib is a businessman and very sincere The men began to say to me That I am in Switzerland I met a new Muslim I gave him a Miswak He took a miswak and applied it to his eyes There were tears in his eyes Then he took a handkerchief from his pocket So it’s a tiny little less than about two inches A miswak was wrapped around him and he said, “When I became a Muslim.” So the Muslims gave me this gift so,I use it very carefully so,Now that’s the piece left So you have been kind to me. Thank you Then he told his story that I was in pain So my teeth and gums were in a disease The fact that the experts there had little treatment did not mean that Then I started using this miswak so,After some time I went to see my doctor So the doctor was surprised and asked What kind of medicine have you used? Which is why he recovered so quickly So I said just use your medicine then He said, “No, my health is not so fast.” so,Think about what medicine you have used When I thought about it, I immediately thought but I am muslim and i am using miswak And when I showed the miswak so,the doctors were very surprised And then they got into new research

Miswak And Guru Nanak Guru Nanak is known to have held a Miswak in his hand then He used to brush his teeth and say Either take this wood or get sick How deep it is to take a toothbrush to get rid of diseases Otherwise It is important to deal with disease 4/11

Miswak And Bad Breath One man had used high quality toothpaste for bad breath So,They had tried every trick to get rid of the stench But the stench It wasn’t going away when he consulted so,He said that yellow is a tree and use its toothpick then He also cautioned that the fibers of the miswak should be fresh daily The fibers are new, that is, they are cut daily And keep using new fibers (it is necessary) Otherwise you will be deprived of all the benefits of miswak After a while, the man recovered and the stench disappeared

Miswak And Pus In The Heart Membranes Hakim MS Iqbal writes in Jahan newspaper That I have a patient whose heart membranes were full of pus and heart was treated So he did not recover and finally had a heart operation Then pus has been removed.. After a while, the pus is full again When tired Harker came to me, I made a diagnosis So it turned out that his gums are bad and full of pus then That pus is damaging the heart This diagnosis has also been acknowledged by doctors Now that it was first treated with teeth and gums then I was told to use some medicine and a yellow toothbrush to eat So in a short time that patient recovered

Ten Thousand Dirhams And Charisma Of a Miswak A patient from an Arab country wrote that one of the teeth So far I have spent ten thousand dirhams on its treatment But he did not recover So I replied that you should use the toothbrush only But Use with a permanent ban for two months Use five times a day after each prayer and once in Tahajjud then Do not use any medicine Praise be to Allaah. The patient recovered miraculously 5/11

But friends, remember that the toothbrush should be fresh

Taste ,Miswak And Modern Science One gentleman was deprived of the pleasure of the taste of the mouth He got a lot of treatment but to no avail He told you to put lice on your tongue He bit his tongue with lice but to no avail So the poor man was still worried. What should I do now? Then when he was advised to use the brand new Miswak Pelo tree Tell me again after a month, my friends said the same patient This one rupee miswak weighs heavily on thousands of medicines And the taste in his mouth came back and he started having fun So,Friends, this is a comparative study of miswak and modern science

Miswak And Modern Science And Throat Patients with tonsillitis when the toothpaste was used regularly So the patients began to recover very quickly One man was troubled by an enlarged throat So they were made to use syrup and miswak That is, to drink mulberry syrup and miswak Freshly used and miswak pieces were made Then it was boiled in water and gargled So, the patient recovered immediately

A Strange Case And Miswak And Modern Science One patient’s tragedy was that he had pain and swelling in his neck Then there was a decrease in voice, then there was a decrease in mental memory, then there was dizziness He was suffering from all these diseases Psychiatrists and general physicians He was treated a lot but his condition did not improve But when asked to use a fresh toothbrush And externally in front of the neck, ie under the chin, the medicine was applied on the bulge So the patient recovered. In fact, his diagnosis was that the glands in his Thai ride were affected 6/11

Due to which his whole body was affected and now when he was treated he recovered

Miswak And Mouth Ulcers Some mouth ulcers are caused by heat and acidity there is a type of them in which certain types of germs are spread And put a fresh Miswak in your mouth for this Then turn the saliva of the mouth into the mouth Friends, many patients have recovered from this treatment This is the perfection of miswak and modern science

Miswak And Toothpaste Most people complain that their teeth are yellow And the white lining comes off the teeth Otherwise the new fibers of the toothbrush are useful for tooth decay

Miswak And Germs The toothbrush repels odors whenever it is used in the mouth So it kills the germs inside which saves the worshiper from many diseases Even some germs die simply because of the antiseptic content of Miswak So this is the perfection of Miswak and modern science review

Miswak And Brain Hazrat Ali (RA) says that a toothbrush sharpens the brain In fact, the toothbrush contains phosphorus, according to research Soil that is high in calcium and phosphorus So there will be more yellow tree Because the cemetery is high in calcium and phosphorus due to the melting of human bones.That is why there is a lot of yellow tree here And calcium and phosphorus are important nutrients for teeth Because these ingredients are common, especially in the root of the pelvis It has been observed in every observation that if the Miswak is chewed fresh and soft So a bitter and sharp substance comes out of it. This substance stops the growth of germs inside the toothbrush. And that’s why it protects teeth from disease Therefore, it is important that the fibers of the pelvis continue to break or cut 7/11

Because when new fibers are used and their bitter substance will be usable for health

Cucumber And Neem Tree Miswak Who doesn’t know the benefits of cactus and neem tree? But Ahqar will mention Kikir’s toothbrush here That is, there are two types of cactus, red-flowered and white-flowered Both are commonly found in parks and gardens Therefore, by informing the garden keepers, their miswak can be broken from there A man from an Arab country spent ten thousand dirhams on his dental treatment But to no avail, he was finally cured when he was given the use of Kakir and Pelo’s miswak Physicians and the author himself has been using Kakir’s miswak for pyorrhea patients for a long time. And incurable patients are recovering. Soak the miswak in a glass of water first Chew it every now and then to make it fibrous and brush your teeth from top to bottom and from bottom to top Cinnamon and cactus miswak, although slightly bitter, is very useful for dental diseases. It contains such ingredients Strong shiny teeth and an elixir for preventing deadly diseases like pyorrhea

Teeth Brain, Miswak And Modern Science Dirty and unwashed teeth often lead to mental illness Because they include mental illnesses such as dementia and other deadly diseases One man’s wife had a mental illness and after complex tests it was found out There is pus in the lining of the brain Because the patient had been suffering from psoriasis for a long time And the same pus again became the cause of this disease Thus the effects of pus are fatal on the pituitary gland

Tooth Ear And Miswak Physician observations on some patients with edema, redness and pain in the ears So get a lot of treatment but it didn’t help at all. Research and diagnosis revealed that The patient has pus on the gums When the patient’s gums were treated 8/11

So the patient recovered completely

Teeth, Eyes and Miswak Dental diseases are closely related to vision and eye diseases Because when food particles get stuck in the pus or in the tooth cavities As a result of which the eyes get diseased, then there is weakness and blindness in the eyes. Dental negligence is one of the major causes of eye weakness today. Even if the teeth are cleaned, it is done with a brush. I will explain later whether the brush is useful for the teeth or not.

Teeth And Stomach According to all the experiments and research of experts, 80% of diseases are caused by stomach and dental defects and diseases. Because gastrointestinal diseases have become a symptom of today But when gum pus enters the stomach with or without food, saliva. So this pus then causes the disease and makes all the pure food dirty and filthy. Special attention should be paid to dental health before gastrointestinal and liver treatment Similarly, immediate and permanent treatment of gastric diseases is possible

Teeth And Our Society When a person participates in a meeting or rides with someone She also smells bad, especially when boarding a plane In the same way, if the person sitting next to him starts coughing, then the whole atmosphere becomes fragrant. When treating this disease, the first thing to do is to protect the teeth as most of the odors are caused by the teeth Otherwise the stomach should be treated. In short, the health and safety of the teeth is very important for health and well-being. Because a successful life is a healthy life and a life can never be successful without following the principles of health care

The Difference Between a Brush And a Miswak


An important question arises as to whether a brush or a Miswak is necessary for cleaning and protecting teeth We first discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the brush

Disadvantages Of The Brush After years of research by bacteriologists, it has come to fruition Once the brush is used, its use is detrimental to health and well-being When reused because it builds up germs inside Even if it is cleaned with water, germs are still present Secondly, the brush removes the shiny and white layer on the teeth This then creates a gap between the teeth and slowly leaves the tooth in place of the gums. These food particles get trapped in the cavities and cause damage to the gums and teeth.

Benefits of Miswak Every wooden miswak is suitable for teeth whose fibers are soft and do not widen the gaps between the teeth. Then do not injure the gums, but the most important of these are the three types of wooden toothbrushes 1 yellow miswak 2 kaneer miswak 3 Neem or ceeker’s miswak Miswak is a Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). In fact, it is obligatory to use it before every prayer in Islam. And it contains calcium and phosphorus In Punjab, this tree is often found in noisy and desolate and desolate areas And the modern curiosity of geologists proves that there are many other things that feed and aid the brain. There is also phosphorus and this phosphorus reaches through saliva and pores so the brain is strong and powerful.

Chronic cold and Miswak And Modern Science Patients with chronic colds whose mucus is blocked when they use toothbrushes 10/11

Then mucus is released which makes the brain lighter A pathologist says that in my experience and research it has become clear that miswak is an antidote for chronic cold. Even regular use of it greatly reduces the chances of nasal surgery and throat surgery

Teeth ,Miswak And Modern Science The essence of life’s experiences and observations Smile is no less than a blessing for the happiness of the heart But when that smile becomes the cause of hatred and disgust and becomes the antithesis of lusts and desires for man. That is, when a beautiful and well-mannered person expresses his happiness, he smiles So the teeth that become a source of pleasure for man to work for strength and power The same teeth are the clearest evidence of this man’s negligence and carelessness That is, unwashed and dirty yellow teeth are perfectly visible on a person’s lips Man from the beginning for health and longevity Looks hard and dizzy But even wise people often do not keep their teeth clean

Author’s Claim About Miswak And Modern Science It is also useful for teeth if it is a homemade toothpaste that does not contain spices. But friends, I have told you openly what are the advantages of Miswak and what are the amazing benefits But the effects found in Kanir Pelo or Neem and Kakar’s Miswak they are not found in anything else. So friends, start using the miswak today because The comparison between the miswak and modern science that I have presented to you today is my challenge but If anyone believes in science So he must use a miswak Because miswak is the cure for every disease


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