Ablution And Modern Science Wudhu Qari Safdar

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Ablution And Modern Science Wudhu Qari Safdar qarisafdar.com/ablution-and-modern-science-wudhu-qari-safdar July 14, 2020

Ablution And Modern Science Wudhu Qari Safdar

Introduction Friends, today I will tell you about ablution and modern science wudhu What modern science says about ablution Because there was a time when scientists and something Wasteful people think they are well-educated They used to say that Islam is a very old religion Our science is advanced and this is Molvi They want to take us back to the Stone Age therefore Today’s article is a slap in the face Who used to talk nonsense about Islam 1/17

If there is even a little bit of pride left in the people who have science They considered their father as their God They used to believe in them, but today they will hide their faces And in today’s article they will be humiliated When their own science will curse their face And it will tell you that you are ignorant Modern science takes years to discover this theory The same ideology was stated by Islam fourteen hundred years ago Very shameless people are those who consider science as their father But then when science withdraws its theory So the poor still consider this science as their god So let’s fix the minds of those who believe in science

Ablution And Modern Science Wudhu Azan, it is commanded, now leave all the means of filth that are yours Outward and inward has become ugly Azan is a command to leave the causes of diseases from which you are spiritual and physical Have become sick Then come to the mosque if you want to come to us So cleaning inside and out is important. Try to clean the outside We will cleanse you inside. Ablution is one such act of Islamic discrimination Which is not found in any religion A process that cleans the parts of the body through which diseases enter the body And these are the means by which diseases spread and flourish And again, these would mean that you have to spend for these processes so,These routes must be protected Ablution compared to ablution and modern science wudhu So you are the protector of the paths through which health The enemy enters the body Maybe someone will find such a protector Is Islam the name of progress or degradation? the future of Islam bright or dark? Are Islamic injunctions health or disease? 2/17

Islam is the path to health and wellness If you understand then understand otherwise Then read the golden pages of this article with an emphasis on common sense And then think about what Islam gives and what science wants and what fashion has given

Ablution And Modern Science Hand Washing

Hands are washed first during ablutions Because after the hands have to rinse So if the hands are not clean and contaminated with germs So these same germs will cause various diseases in the body through the mouth In the present age of mechanization, man has become very busy Therefore, it is necessary to work for such a busy person Now sometimes these are the hands that get the chemicals, if that’s the case Chemicals can be very harmful if left on the hands for a while So,This is exactly the situation with such businessmen Whose hands are always stuck and full of something Then if this condition remains from morning to evening Then the hands get sick very quickly If the hands are not washed during ablution under the pretext of prayers 3/17

So there are strong risks of spreading the following diseases 1 Skin color and its diseases 2 heat grains 3 Inflammation of the body 4 Fungal Diseases Short story when we wash our hands for ablution So the rays emanating from the tips of the fingers form such a circle As a result, the electrical system circulating inside us Accelerates and the electric current that comes to a certain extent in the hand This process makes the hands beautiful in the right way Ablution creates such flexibility in the fingers Transferring creativity within a person to the kainoos ‘S secret abilities are awakened

Benefits Of Ablution And Modern Science Wudhu

Miswak is mentioned before rinsing which has been mentioned The rinsing is actually the name of the water we are using They are not harmful to health because hands touch water And rinsing identifies color, smell, and taste Because when we eat, food particles get stuck in our teeth And then those food particles stink and take on a special shape 4/17

Then they continue to reach the stomach through saliva Then the same foul-smelling substance continues to damage teeth and gums But if you rinse and brush your teeth, you will avoid both diseases We can’t see the germs of many deadly diseases in the air But germs go through the air in our mouths And stick to saliva, but not if they are cleaned So they cause the following diseases

Oral Diseases And Islamic Ablution 1 Early symptoms of AIDS include dry mouth 2: Explosion of the edges of the mouth 3 Diseases of the lips and mouth 4: Fungal diseases of the mouth (blisters, etc.) Purpose Rinsing is a process by which a person develops such diseases Survives the disease in which man lives neither of religion nor of the world In addition, there is a gargle with the throat, which causes tonsils and sore throat Survives numerous diseases even Repeated watering of the throat protects a person from throat cancer

Benefits Of Wudhu Putting water in the nose

The nose is the only way to breathe and the air we breathe Numerous diseases flourish in it 5/17

And then nasal passages pass easily through the human body Then if the germs are dust, dust, which is in our nose all the time It continues to reach through the breath, from morning to evening Then the risk of spreading dangerous diseases increases very quickly Even for patients with chronic colds and nasal congestion Nasal washing is very useful and experienced. So,Now we clean our noses five times a day with the blessing of ablution That is why it is not possible for any kind of germ to grow in the nose Because the nose is a very important and noticeable organ in the human body The great ability of the nose is to create depth and beauty in the voice You try to talk by pressing your nostrils with your fingers So,You will notice the difference in the beauty of the sound inside the nose Play a special role in providing light to the head Cleaning plays a major role in the special functions of the nose Makes air clean, moist, warm and suitable for the lungs About 500 cubic feet of air enters each person daily through the nose That’s why on a frozen and dry day in the snowy season you cover the snow Start skiing in the field but with dry air in your lungs Not interested and unwilling to accept any of this They still need air that is found in warm humid air That is, the air contains 80% moisture and the same temperature Beyond 90 degrees Fahrenheit

Power Of Wudhu Medically Benefits Of Wudhu Then the lungs are disinfected, cleared of smoke or dust and contaminants. so,Ordinary air conditioners that provide such air are required Equivalent to a small trunk, but inside the nose is Allah It is so short and concise that it is only a few inches wide The nose produces about a quarter of a gallon of moisture daily to moisturize the air Cleaning and other hard work is done by the hair of the nostrils Inside the nose is a microscopic broom. Inside this broom Because There are invisible hairs that are harmful to the air through the stomach 6/17

Kill the germs. Catch the germs in your mechanical way In addition, these invisible hairs have another defense system The nose is called the Lysozium in English Protects the eyes from dangerous diseases That is why he who puts water in his nose while performing ablutions So you can’t see the electric crystals working under water Strengthens hair performance As a result, he is protected from many complex diseases

Ayah Of Wudhu Face Washing

A patient’s face is always warm. All kinds of cold medicines Used anti-allergy drugs but the patient did not recover But then he was urged to offer prayers and perform new ablutions after each prayer And after reciting Durood Sharif, he was asked to blow on his hands and cover his face So the patient recovered miraculously Washing the face protects against many diseases which are as follows Wash your face with chemicals In the current nuclear age, nuclear explosions are taking place everywhere Experts are repeatedly warning to plant as many trees as possible And pollution should be reduced by washing the face and exposed limbs, otherwise 7/17

These chemicals that wash the face in the form of dust and dirt The only cure for them is ablution Which, if persistent or persistent for some time, can lead to physical ailments and allergies.

Ablution Removes Acne And Pimples Washing the face does not cause rashes on the face or reduces the rate of their appearance because Beauty experts agree that all creams, lotions and lotions on the face Stains are left. For beauty and beauty, it is very important to wash the face many times Lady Becher, a leading member of the American Council for Beauty, said: Revealed that he says that Muslims There is no need for any kind of chemical lotion from their Islamic ablution The face is bathed and the face is saved from many diseases

Benefits Of Wudhu Patients with facial allergies should wash their face thoroughly during ablution So the damage of allergies is reduced Environmentalists agree that allergies To avoid this, the face should be washed frequently and this is possible only through ablution

Ablution And Health Ruling on washing the face three times when we wash our face for ablution Given in the state when the worshiper washes his face So he massages the face with his hands and the blood flows to the face The more it flows, the more it accumulates The more it flows, the more it accumulates Which enhances the beauty of the face The wisdom of washing the face three times is that 8/17

First soften the dirt by pouring water on the face Then its mail will come down from the other water And then wash your face with the third water and it will be clear and transparent

Ablution And Modern Science Wudhu scientific benefits After performing Wudhu, the frying eyebrows become wet with water According to medical principles, if there is moisture in the eyebrows So man escapes from such a dangerous eye disease In which the moisture inside the eye decreases or disappears And then the patient gradually loses sight

The Power Of Ablution Wudhu In Hadith A blind man was brought to the servant for treatment And a few months had passed since his blindness So the patient said that my eyesight has gradually decreased Then the doctors say that the moisture and moisture in the eyes has decreased When the nerves are stretched to perform ablution It was said that he got well because the water in the eyebrows gets wet

Social Benefits Of Ablution Wudhu If someone in your house has eye problems, they say Sprinkle water on the eye. Water is an antidote that Every eye disease is eliminated from the dust where the face And they affect the nose as well as the eyes This is the cause of conjunctivitis That’s why if you keep washing your eyes, your eyes will be saved from many diseases 9/17

A European doctor wrote in an article entitled Eyes water and health in Islam In it, he emphasizes that he closes his eyes several times a day Keep washing with water, otherwise you will have to deal with dangerous diseases

Ablution And Modern Science Wudhu Is Islam Qibla Engineer Naqshbandi writes in his sermon The Holy Prophet used to perform Wudhu when he woke up in the morning Today the world of science says that cataracts close the eyes The main treatment for this is that the person is inside the eyes in the morning Sprinkle water Now you think That the servant who gets up for Tahajjud prayers is a must He will perform ablution and then perform ablution for Fajr prayers Then his eye disease will end Purpose Washing the face where it gives benefits to other organs So it also eliminates the disease of falling eyelids and also eliminates the inflammation of the eyelids

Through Of Beard In Ablution Wudu Since the beard is thick and dense, it is a sharee ruling Delivering water to the roots will strengthen the hair follicles The germs of common germs and minor diseases are eliminated and carried away by water If the beard is not shaved, there is a risk of lice In addition, if the water in the beard stops it will be the Thai Raid gland in the neck muscles And protects against throat diseases (Research Dr. Prof. George L. Reference Scientific World)

Washing Elbows in Wudhu And Modern Science 10/17

This part of the body is always covered if water and air do not touch this part So many mental and neurological diseases arise There are three types of large veins on the elbow that are directly related The heart is from the brain and the liver is mentioned when we wash the elbow All three limbs will be strengthened and will be protected from diseases and illnesses In addition, there is the advantage of washing hands up to the elbows In this process the man is directly exposed to the lights stored inside the chest Is formed and the crowd of lights takes the form of a flow This process makes the muscles of the hands even stronger

Wiping in Ablution Islamic Wudhu French surgeons and insane asylums Qibla is an incident from the sermon of Engineer Naqshbandi A friend of ours went to France and says that I was performing ablution there 11/17

I noticed that a man was standing and watching But I continued to perform Wudhu when I completed Wudhu He called me and asked who I was. I said I was a Muslim He said where did you come from? I said from Pakistan. So he said that there are so many insane asylums in Pakistan. It was a very strange question I said there are two or four. Anyway, I don’t know He said, “You do not know.” He said, “What have you done?” I said what is ablution? He said do it daily. I said daily I do it five times a day. He was surprised and said There are hospitals for mental illness. I am a surgeon in it I keep thinking about why people go crazy Then he said that my research is that the signal from the human brain They go all over the body and our organs work And that’s why our brains are floating inside the fluid all the time We run, we jump, we run, we walk, and nothing happens to the brain If it had been a rigid thing, it would have been broken by now Allah has placed it inside the fluid a few times thinner than this brain The veins are forming and the veins go from the back of our neck to the whole body

Amazing Effects Of Ablution Wudhu The surgeon added that he had done some research If the hair is extended and the back of the neck is kept dry So many times dryness is created inside these veins And it affects the human body many times over It also happens that the human brain stops working So the doctor thought of this place, the place of wiping I just said that it must be kept a couple of times a day You have seen that you have washed your hands and face 12/17

but here you have washed your neck You have done something in the past too, so he started saying doctor How can you guys go crazy after wiping? Fever and meningitis go away

Why Ablution Is Performed? Wudu Friends, it is a matter of thinking that a doctor’s whole life is a recommended practice Doing research is over and this practice is not an obligatory Sunnah or Nafl Islam is just a good practice to wipe the neck is not necessary This doctor spent his whole life in research And Islam said so fourteen hundred years ago You may wonder if any action is obligatory So what will be its status and their benefits cannot be written That is why we say why ablution is done and why ablution is necessary Those who think science is their own thing are really crazy And they are ignorant. Science is poorer than Islam Spiritualists have divided the human body into six parts There is a part of the vein. Allah said: I am from your vein Even closer, this vein or vein is called the jugular vein Located between the head and neck by wiping the neck The human body has a special kind of energy It is related to the spinal cord and all the physical joints inside the spine When the worshiper wipes the neck, the electric current comes out through the hands The vein is stored in the soul and the spinal cord is made a passage 13/17

It spreads throughout the body’s nervous system The nervous system gets energy Friends, these are the many benefits of Ablution And Modern Science Wudhu These are the scientific and medical benefits of ablution wudu The human intellect is stunned and amazed to hear this There are so many benefits to just one small ablution

Washing feet in Wudhu And Modern Science

A surgeon tells diabetics that Protect your feet as much as you protect your face Because diabetics are more prone to foot infections Now if the patient wears closed shoes and only in the morning and evening If the developed people of Europe do not open the shoe for several days On the contrary, they sleep at night with their shoes on Such people get foot diseases very quickly Our feet are contaminated with most dust and germs And the first infection that starts is between the toes 14/17

Now Islam has commanded to wash feet and toe five times a day So that no germs of any kind get stuck due to washing the feet Numerous diseases are also eliminated For example, depression, anxiety, restlessness, brain dryness and lack of sleep Friends, these are the spiritual benefits and social benefits of ablution I ask why some Muslims do not perform Wudhu And why don’t Muslims live with ablution all the time Living with Wudhu There are many benefits to living with Wudhu Whenever ablution is broken, then ablution should be performed

Wudhu And Modern Science And High Blood Pressure The sharee ruling is that when you are angry, do wudu Science says the medical method says do ablution when blood pressure is high Now combining these two commands and symbols opens up a new avenue of research Blood pressure is high in anger and when the blood pressure of a heart patient If it is high then the only cure for these two diseases is ablution

The Scientific Power Of Ablution Wudhu I have experience,� said a cardiologist Perform ablution for a patient with high blood pressure and then his blood pressure Check I claim that his blood pressure must be low This is exactly the condition of psychologist Dr. Salamat Aziz, says Dr. Sahib Ablution is a good prescription for the elimination of mental illness And Islam has already said that perform Wudhu and reap the benefits of Wudhu Friends, this is ablution and modern science wudhu


Unique Benefits Of Ablution in Science In ablution, first wash your hands, then rinse, then put water in your nose Then washing the face and then washing the other organs is such a combination And the order is that it can prevent paralysis and paralysis Because if the face had to be washed and wiped first, the body could suffer from many diseases But the first hands were put in the water, which informed the body’s nervous system And then slowly extended to the facial and cerebral veins

Residual Water Of Ablution in The Hadith It is written in the books of hadith that drinking the remaining water of ablution is healing In this regard, Dr. Farooq Ahmed has stated his research Whoever drinks the water left over from ablution has an effect on the above organs The first effect is on the bladder and the urine is more open and the urinary obstruction is reduced I have tried to eliminate illicit lust Leakage after urination is also the remaining water for ablution for this disease The source of healing is the heat and dryness of the liver, stomach and bladder

Treatment Of Diseases With Ablution Dr. Noor Ahmad Sahib says Depression is a very common disease in Western countries There are insane asylums in every neighborhood and more than a psychiatrist They are busy. In contrast, this disease is very rare among Muslims Especially those who have more to do with religion So doctors in the West tried to find out why I went to Faisalabad a few years ago in front of the Punjab Medical College 16/17

A physiotherapist opened a shop and met him. He got a diploma I got it from West Germany, he told me while studying in Germany The doctor said that he has discovered the cure for depression in other ways besides medicines So there was a seminar in West Germany that was about frustration Or what other ways can depression be treated?

My Claim About Ablution And Modern Science One doctor said he treated a few depressed patients daily He washed his face five times and after a few months his illness subsided This doctor took another group of frustrated patients with his hands Frustration patients in this group made a big difference when they washed their mouths and feet At the end of his dissertation, he concluded that the disease was less common among Muslims This is because they wash their face, hands and feet several times a day, that is, they perform ablutions Friends, therefore, I request you to recite the ayah of wudhu And learn how to do wudu and do wudu yourself It has spiritual as well as medical and scientific benefits The ablutions that have so many benefits, even if we do not do a lot It would be very unfortunate for us if we do not perform Wudhu Then we should not complain about our illnesses Because ablution does not cost any money so,Perform ablution and enjoy Friends, this was the reality of ablution and modern science Wudhu


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