Saint Joseph Academy Update - Fall 2009

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Sharing a Tradition of Excellence with Alumnae, Parents and Friends • • FALL 2009

NASA Engineer Therese Dever Griebel ’84 Visits SJA Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE


Letter from the President Dear Alumnae, Parents and Friends of Saint Joseph Academy,

3430 Rocky River Drive • Cleveland, Ohio 44111 216-251-6788

Update is published by Saint Joseph Academy for alumnae, parents and friends. Contributions to this issue of UPDATE included: Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis ’71, Mary Ann Fischer ’66, Emily Hanson ’99, Jennie Amodio, Betty Hjort, Audrey Menard, Maria Mueller, Ron Perger, Jenn Reeder, Kathy Robinson, Gina Sullivan and Brandon Vulpitta. Photography courtesy of Adam Kollin, Marianne Mangan, John Mulgrew, Ron Perger, Thomas & Thomas Photography, and Woodard Photography.

For more information or questions, please contact Ron Perger, Director of Communications & Public Relations at 216.619.1937 or

M i ss i o n Saint Joseph Academy, rooted in the spirituality of the Congregation of St. Joseph, promotes academic excellence, fosters love and unity with God, one another, and all creation, and educates young women for compassionate leadership and service in a global society.

Cover Photo: NASA engineer Therese Dever Greibel ’84 with her neice Maddie Tippie ’13 and Sam Schulte ’10, explaining the Ares 1-X rocket.

The school year started out on a high note, thanks to the visit of best selling author Greg Mortenson. If we could have captured the excitement of that day, we would have an amazing new source of renewable energy! Last summer, the entire SJA community read Mr. Mortenson’s true account of his work building schools in war-ravaged Afghanistan and Pakistan in the book Three Cups of Tea. It was his visit to the Academy that brought his story to life. Sharing the visit with our sister school in Baton Rouge made the occasion even more special! (See complete story inside.) To me, it was a day I will long remember. His message touches on so many points that perfectly align with our values at Saint Joseph Academy. First of all, he believes in the education of young women. So do we. Saint Joseph Academy has been devoted to the education of young women for 120 years. His quote of an African proverb rang true: “When you educate a boy, you educate an individual. When you educate a girl, you educate a community.” He shared the stories of young women from remote villages who have received medical educations and returned to their villages to save lives. We have similar stories of our graduates who have gone on to make their positive mark in our community, our Church and our world. Secondly, Mr. Mortenson is practicing the charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph as he cares for the “dear neighbor.” His life’s work of building schools in these impoverished regions is an act of great love. He is serving every kind of neighbor, without distinction. His work stresses the importance of relationships, another very CSJ trait. We hope our students will practice giving service. Having a global perspective is his third message that resonates so well at Saint Joseph Academy. When we say in our mission statement that we “educate young women for compassionate leadership and service in a global society,” we mean it. The students of Saint Joseph Academy are now more aware of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Islam faith. We live in a multi-cultural, international, interdependent world. We are preparing our students for this reality. The fourth value that Mr. Mortenson embodies is the fact that one person can make a difference. At Saint Joseph Academy, we encourage each girl to be the best she can be. We celebrate their individual gifts and talents, and stretch them to grow. Mr. Mortenson’s life work of the past 16 years is building schools in rural Pakistan and Afghanistan, schools where young women can be educated and peace promoted. He is one person who has made a positive impact on thousands of lives. We teach our students that they, too, can be that person who makes a difference. Educating young women. Serving the “dear neighbor.” Having a global perspective. One person can make a difference. I couldn’t agree more. Mr. Greg Mortenson touched the hearts and minds of the entire Saint Joseph Academy community with his visit, especially mine. Sursum corda! Lift up your hearts!

Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis’71 President 2

Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE

Academy At the

Irish Literature Class Stirs the Soul

Ms. Maria Sabistina in her classroom. Above left: Students learn about Irish literature, history and politics.


ith the surname Sabistina, it may sound odd teaching a class on Irish Literature. However, after visiting Ireland in 2001 while studying abroad through John Carroll University at the University College in Cork, Ms. Maria Sabistina fell in love with the country, its history and its literature. After graduating from John Carroll, she returned to Ireland and began a dual Masters program in Irish literature and history at the National University of Ireland in Galway, graduating in 2004. Remaining in Ireland, she completed her research masters in Irish and American literature from the National University of Ireland in Maynooth. Ms. Sabistina moved back to the States in 2008 to accept her current position at Saint Joseph Academy. This year Ms. Sabistina is teaching two

Irish Literature classes, one in each semester. The class will study Irish Literature and history from 1789 to the present. Writers like Edmund Burke, W.B. Yeats, Oscar Wilde, James Joyce and Seamus Heaney will be read and discussed in the context of Irish history. According to Ms. Sabistina, “My ultimate goal for this class is for students to understand what it means to be something. In this case, what does it mean to be ‘Irish’?” The class will examine the political, religious, social and cultural connotation of being ‘Irish’. “These are the questions the writers we are studying have asked throughout history, constantly re-defining and re-inventing what it means to be ‘Irish’.” “I am not sure of the exact number of Irish students at the Academy, but my classes are filled with students with Irish surnames, many who have relatives

both here and in Ireland,” remarked Ms. Sabistina. She continued, “Our hope is to have more elective classes like African American Literature, Latin Literature and other cultures as well.” Celine Mangan ’12, one of the students taking Irish Literature, said, “This course is challenging. It opens my eyes to the Ireland of my ancestors. Through the history and writing, I see why so many left Ireland and why so many of my generation are drawn back.” This course is just one example of the many electives offered at the Academy. The goal of these classes is to provide students with interesting and challenging course offerings outside those required for graduation that engage students and educate them about different cultures from a global perspective. Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE


Three Cups of Tea Author Visits and Inspires SJA! he would come back to Pakistan and build them a school. Nearly 16 years later, he has built over 100 schools and continues to raise money and build awareness for literacy and education in Pakistan and Afghanistan. It has become his passion. Mr. Mortenson spoke to a packed house of students, faculty, staff, parents and friends of the Academy. Over 1,500 students from SJA in Cleveland and our sister school St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge, who joined us via a web-based live feed, listened as Mr. Mortenson told story after story of

children who once wrote with sticks in the dirt and now know how to read and write. In a place where only 4% of the people can read and write, he was determined to make a difference. “Educate a boy, and you educate an individual. Educate a girl, you educate the community,” said Mr. Mortenson. He believes that girls will pass on their knowledge to their mothers and their families and can teach them how to be advocates for peace. He spent the day answering questions, signing books, visiting classrooms and having lunch with our young women. “He had

Author Greg Mortenson


he school year at Saint Joseph Academy began with excitement! Greg Mortenson, best-selling author of Three Cups of Tea, came to the Academy to share a story of great determination, dedication and spirit. Mr. Mortenson’s book was one of two selected for the summer reading program for all SJA students. Three Cups of Tea is a true story that has changed the lives of millions around the world, and as Ellie Wallenhorst ’10 remarked, “You read this great book and then the author is here at Saint Joe’s. How great is that?” She continued, “He was so inspiring, his talk made you want to be a part of his mission to educate girls.” After attempting to climb K2 in Pakistan, the second highest mountain in the world, Mortenson became separated from his climbing entourage and wandered into a near by village. Sick and disoriented, the villagers cared for him and nursed him back to health. During his stay, he witnessed that children had no formal school to attend, teachers to teach or tools for learning. He promised that

Above: Greg Mortenson discusses the importance of educating women with students.

Above: Greg Mortenson (center) poses with a group of students and staff.


Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE

Left: Alex Ehrett ’12 speaks with Greg Mortenson’s daughter, Amira, about getting ready for high school.

such a presence and peace in his voice,” said Amanda Drapac-Novotny ’10. “He engaged the audience and got everyone in the room involved. He showed pictures of life in Pakistan and Afghanistan, had statistics and maps to prove his point, and inspired us all to be aware of our blessings and to share our wealth and ourselves.” Academy President Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis ’71 said, “What a wonderful day for our students and guests. Having Mr. Mortenson at the Academy, with our young women, opened their eyes to the world. It was just great!” Sister Adele Lambert CSJ, President of

With Greg Mortenson (center) from SJA in Baton Rouge, Louisana, L-R: Jackie Zeller, Linda Harvison, Sister Adele Lambert CSJ, John Richardson and Sheri Gillio.

St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge who was in attendance, commented, “This was an exciting and humbling experience. He has the charism of the Sisters and the Academies. We have been transformed by his presence and his mission to build schools and educate women in the world.” The girls at Saint Joseph Academy have promised to raise $5,000 and become an active part of Mortenson’s Pennies for Peace program, which began as a way for children to raise money for more schools by just giving their spare change. Over 4,000 schools actively contribute to the cause and that number

continues to grow. For more information, go to Academy Principal Audrey Menard stated, “What an amazing way to kick off a new school year! Mr. Mortenson’s story was inspirational-his passion-infectious. As we continue to push through every day at school, he taught us today that learning is a gift.” Mortenson urged students to never lose hope that they can make a difference. “Open doors and build relationships,” he said. “Look to role models to learn how to put your desires to change the world into action. Take risks, have no fear of failure and work very hard.”

Technology Unites Sister Schools! Saint Joseph Academy students had a unique opportunity to join forces with our sister school St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge, LA as modern technology allowed us to have students in Louisiana connect with us via a web-based live feed during Greg Mortenson’s visit. Academy President Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis ’71 was thrilled with the connection. She said, “The world keeps getting smaller. Businesses use this technology, so why not schools? This opens up so many doors for collaboration with other schools and organizations that can educate our students from all over the world.” The following day, student council officers from both Baton Rouge and Cleveland were able to link together, again via Skype, to discuss the upcoming school year and a list of agenda items. Student Council President Gabby Kreuz said, “It was great to collaborate with our sisters from Baton Rouge and see just how much we have in common.” Saint Joseph Academy is looking forward to having further discussions with Baton Rouge and other organizations within the Congregation of St. Joseph, expanding our wealth of knowledge and building stronger relationships.

Above: Student council members and administrators from Saint Joseph Academy and St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge share ideas during a Skype conference. Right: Students from our sister school SJA in Baton Rouge, Louisana.

Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE


Third Annual Women’s Leadership Symposium Exploring the Possibilities


ver 30 accomplished women came to Saint Joseph Academy, volunteering their time, to help our students explore possibilities. The women represented many different fields, from university president to interior designer. The third annual Women’s Leadership Symposium was a day dedicated to the achievements of women in the world – and even out of this world! As Academy President Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis ’71 began her remarks, she asked the students if they saw the recent launch of the Ares 1-X rocket. “Did you know,” she asked, “that the Manufacturing Division Chief of the NASA Ares 1-X rocket

Above L-R: Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis ’71 with Case Western Reserve University President Barbara Snyder and Student Council President Gabby Kreuz ’10. Left L-R Seated: Mary Lou Tannis, Debra Albert, and Claire Zangerle. Standing L-R: Morgan Rahman ’11, Leah Giallourakis ’11 and Emily Rosepal ’11.

Women’s Leadership Symposium attendees Debra Albert, RN, BSN, MSN, MBA, NEA-BC, Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Office, Fairview Hospital, a Cleveland Clinic Hospital Mary Assumpta, SHSp, Religious Sister, Sisters of the Holy Spirit and Mary Immaculate Sherri Bates, CPA, Senior Manager, Maloney & Novotny, LLC Sarah Gabel Branam, Esq., ’99, Attorney, Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Amy Brooks, ’92, Professional Sales Representative, Purdue Pharma, LP Debra Butterfield, LISW, Social Worker, Louis B. Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center


Kathleen Demas Hanigosky, ’75, Pharmacist, Giant Eagle

Terease Neff, Magistrate, Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court

Ka-Pi Hoh, Ph.D., Department Head, The Lubrizol Corporation

Betsy O’Dougherty, Physical Therapist, The Cleveland Clinic

Donna Marie Kaminsky, Grief Counselor, Louis B. Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center,

Therese O’Toole, President and Chief Executive Officer, Therese O’Toole Interiors, Inc.

Thelma Gerhart, CSJ, Religious Sister, Congregation of St. Joseph

Karen Lisowski, PE, N’74, Consulting Engineer, City of Cleveland, Division of Water

Kathleen Gibbons, CRNA, ’76, Nurse Anesthetist, North Coast Anesthesia Partners, Inc.

Josalyn Murray, ’00, Financial Advisor, The Crowley-Murray Group, Merrill Lynch

Barbara Reese Prakup, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, ’75, Assistant Professor, Speech and Hearing Program, Cleveland State University

Frankie Goldberg, Esq., Assistant Prosecuting Attorney and Director of the Ohio Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office

Susan Schultz Nagorney, N’72, Assistant Professor, Mathematics Department, Cuyahoga Community College

Mary Dellorso, RN, BSN, MSN, ANP-BC, Nurse Practitioner, Louis B. Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center Barbara Anne Ferris, Founder and President, International Women’s Democracy Center Patricia Flauto, Owner, Patty Flauto Art & Design

Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE

Alison Rerko, RN, SANE-A, SANE-P, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Coordinator, Fairview Hospital, a Cleveland Clinic Hospital

that was launched into space last week is a Saint Joseph Academy grad? That’s right! Therese Dever Griebel from the class of 1984.” Griebel is responsible for all of the Glenn Research Center’s manufacturing in support of space exploration, space science and aeronautics. “How cool is that? Imagine: Therese was sitting here 25 years ago as an SJA student and now she is making space exploration history. Who knows what great things you will accomplish in the future?” The keynote was delivered by Case Western Reserve University President Barbara Snyder who reminded the students that “it wasn’t too many years ago that the only career choice women had were teaching, nursing, or secretarial. But today, your career possibilities are limitless.” She added,”Be open to possibilities; don’t be afraid to fail and listen to advice from a mentor who may know you better than yourself.” President Snyder shared her career path from law student to university president. Asked how she balances her family and career responsibilities, Snyder responded, “Family always comes first!” There was also a panel discussion on healthcare careers and issues of the day with Claire Zangerle, Chief Executive Officer of the Visiting Nurse Association, Mary Sue Tanis, Founder and Executive Director of Youth Challenge, and Debra Albert, Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer, Fairview Hospital. The group fielded questions from students ranging from the H1N1 virus to healthcare legislation. Additionally, Patricia Rossman Skrha ’84, Director of Undergraduate Admission at Baldwin-Wallace College, spoke with the senior class about transitions from high school to college. Cynthia V. Schulz, Director of Public Affairs and Strategy of the Cleveland Foundation, spoke to the junior class about professional etiquette in preparation for their professional shadow experience in the spring. Whatever a student’s interest might be, the Symposium had a professional woman to connect with the student or a group with special interests. “That’s what makes this day an exploration. Whether a student is interested in math, science, engineering, healthcare, law, art or business, we have a woman with experience in that field who can help her along the way,” remarked Mrs. Corrigan-Davis.

Dawn Heipp Robinson, RN, LNHA, CPhT, ’86, Assistant Nurse Manager, Louis B. Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center

Mary Sue Tanis, Founder and Executive Director, Youth Challenge, Sports and Recreation for Children with Physical Disabilities

Megan Salvatore, DPT, Physical Therapist, Louis B. Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center

Alda Visnauskas, RN, BSN, CWOCN, Wound Care Coordinator, Louis B. Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center

Cynthia Schulz, Director of Public Affairs and Strategy, The Cleveland Foundation Patricia Rossman Skrha, ’84, Director of Undergraduate Admission, Baldwin-Wallace College Barbara Snyder, J.D., President, Case Western Reserve University

Stephanie Wagner, ’99, Owner and Chief Executive Officer, Stephanie Wagner, Inc. Claire Zangerle, RN, MSN, MBA, President and Chief Executive Officer, Visiting Nurse Association of Ohio

Chinese program flourishes!

Above: Students in Mrs. Liu’s Chinese 3 class display their family tree written in Mandarin. Left: Mrs. Xuan Liu


ime certainly does fly. Can you believe it has been three school years since Saint Joseph Academy welcomed Mrs. Xinming Tong to Cleveland to teach Mandarin Chinese as a World Language to our students? “When we started the process we were so excited being the first school on the West Side of Cleveland to offer Chinese to our students,” remarked school principal Audrey Menard. “We are inspired by the success of the program with over 100 students currently involved. We are now offering four levels of Mandarin Chinese and all the classes are full,” said Mrs. Menard. After receiving a grant from the United States State Department for Teachers of Critical Languages for the past two years, and welcoming two teachers from China for the duration of those school years, the school administration decided to hire a permanent teacher. This fall Mrs. Xuan Liu became our new Mandarin Chinese language teacher. Mrs. Liu grew up in China and received her undergraduate degree from Xiao Zhuang Normal University in Nanging. She recently graduated with her Master in Curriculum and Instruction Design from Cleveland State University. “I enjoy being here at the Academy. The students are very fine young women and are dedicated to learning the Chinese language,” said Mrs. Liu.

Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE


The “Catholic School Effect”

Catholic schools make a significant difference in the lives of all students. By: Audrey C. Menard, Principal

In my doctoral work at Vanderbilt University, I have had the opportunity to study Catholic School education in depth. One theory I have researched in detail is called “The Catholic School Effect.” This un-refuted theory shows that students in Catholic schools, especially underrepresented students and students of lower socioeconomic status (SES) groups, score significantly higher on national achievement tests. Students in Catholic schools are also more likely to go on to college and graduate. This article outlines the development and significance of this theory. Educational History and Significance Research has shown that personal background characteristics strongly predict educational achievement. As a result, much work has been done in the focus on achieving equality in outcomes. One study examined the differences among three major school sectors: public, Catholic, and other private. The results showed that both Catholic schools and other private schools produced both higher achievement and greater sophomore-to-senior growth than public schools in vocabulary and mathematics, estimating this growth to be on the order of about one grade level. To account for these differences, the researchers delved into the data to report on coursework, homework, behaviors and discipline, beginning a strand of analysis that would persist throughout the school sector debate. Around the same time, another researcher analyzed the same data, focusing specifically on minority achievement. He demonstrated that the greater achievement by minorities in Catholic schools, when compared with those in public schools, was even more pronounced at the extremes so that the most disadvantaged in terms of family background were most advantaged by Catholic schools. From these studies, researchers in general began to promote what they termed the “common school effect,” the notion that Catholic schools better approximate the ideals of the common school, dating back to Horace Mann, that education should be a leveling factor, reducing differences in race and socio-economic class. In the decades to follow, these findings would be repeatedly challenged and re-examined through independent and federal

longitudinal studies. Despite the many challenges, the initial claim of benefit for minority students of disadvantaged backgrounds has not been refuted. Thus, this phenomenon of minority and low SES background students achieving higher-than-expected academic outcomes when enrolled in Catholic schools has become known as the “Catholic school effect.” Further studies have pointed to similarities among Catholic schools in organization and climate that were conducive to student achievement, including a strong academic emphasis, rigorous course taking, instructionally effective teachers, and an environment characterized by safety, discipline, order, a feeling of community, and a regular focus on morals and values. Additionally, minority and lower SES students were found to spend more time doing homework than their peers in public schools. Finally, the case studies of have also noted in Catholic schools the process of looking out for at-risk students and providing them with necessary support. These qualities seem to shed light on the significant achievement of lower-SES students and minorities in Catholic schools. The “Catholic School Effect” at Saint Joseph Academy At Saint Joseph Academy, almost 100 percent of our students go onto college. We have much socioeconomic diversity and 20 percent of our students are minorities. (In a public school setting with similar demographics, typically less than 45% of students go onto college and only about half of those will actually graduate in six years.) Our students are very successful in college. We hold all students to high expectations and convey the message to them that they can and will be successful beyond our school. We offer help, tutoring and other support for those who may struggle, not allowing them to slip through the cracks. Students are known and cared for. Given that roughly 60 percent of our students will be first generation college students, SJA’s faculty and staff are witnessing miracles on a yearly basis. Saint Joseph Academy positively impacts the lives of the students. The “Catholic school effect” seems alive and well at SJA.

Resources: Bryk, A.S., Lee, V.E & Holland, P.B. (1993) Catholic schools and the common good. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Coleman, J. S., Hoffer, T., & Kilgore, S. (1982). Cognitive outcomes in public and private schools. Sociology of Education, 55(2/3), 65-76. Convey, John. J. (1992). Catholic schools still make a difference. Washington, DC: National Catholic Education Association. Figlio, D. N., & Stone, J. A. (1997). School choice and school performance: Are private schools really better? (Discussion Paper No. 1141-97). Madison, WI: Institute for Research on Poverty. Fusco, J. S. (2005). Exploring Values in Catholic Schools. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 9(1), 80-96.


Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE

Gamoran, A. (1996). Student achievement in public magnet, public comprehensive, and private city high schools. Educational Evaluation’and Policy Analysis, 18, 1-18. Goldhaber, D. D. (1996). Public and private high schools: Is school choice an answer to the productivity problem? Economics of Education Review, 15, 93-109. Grogger, J., & Neal, D. (2000). Further evidence on the effects of Catholic secondary schooling. In W. G. Gale & J. R. Pack (Eds.), Brookings-Wharton papers on urban affairs, 2000 (pp. 151-202). Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.

Hoffer, T., Greeley, A, & Coleman, J. S. (1985). Achievement growth in public and catholic schools. Sociology of Education, 58(2), 74-97. Lee, V. E., Chow-Hoy, T. K., Burkam, D. T., Geverdt, D., & Smerdon, B. A. (1998). Sector Differences in High School Course Taking: A Private School or Catholic School Effect? Sociology of Education, 71(4), 314-335. Morgan, S. L. (2001). Counterfactuals, Causal Effect Heterogeneity, and the Catholic School Effect on Learning. Sociology of Education, 74(4), 341-374. Sander, W. (2000). Catholic High Schools and Homework. Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 22(3), 299-311.

Thirty-Seven Seniors are Commissioned as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic

SJA Students help Marching Band Score Superior Rating In early November, the St. Edward High School Marching Eagles with the assistance of 22 Saint Joseph Academy students in the marching band, scored a Superior rating, a “1”, at the Ohio Music Educators Association (OMEA) State Marching Band Competition in Columbus. The OMEA defines a Superior rating as “an outstanding performance with very few technical errors and exemplifying a truly musical expression. This should be reserved for the truly outstanding performance.”

In September, thirty-seven students from the Class of 2010 were commissioned as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic at Saint Joseph Academy at the Commissioning Mass attended by the student body and family members. Prior to their commissioning, the students participated in several training sessions through the Diocesan Office for Worship. The Eucharistic ministers will help to distribute the Eucharist at school Masses throughout the school year. The young women are: Front row L - R; Katie Peplin, Amanda Drapac-Novotny, Mo Martin, Julie Gill, Taylor Whisler, Eileen Adler, Kristin Wasil, Julie DeLong, Mary Maline, Kara Kuykendall, Nikki Ward, Joni Gill, Maddie Gonnella, and Emily Frost. Center Row L-R; Ashley Kasper, Bri Eucker, Hannah Flanagan, Bethany Davis, Marie McNamara, Angela Neff, Hannah Sandavol, Mary Jo Morgan, Bride Sweeney, Tina Brzoska, and Katie Lambert. Top Row L-R; Helen Reinhold, Sam Schulte, Katherine Colborn, Molly Butler, Maggie Deitrick, Amy Scelza, Gabby Kreuz, Ellie Wallenhorst, Kathe Pocker, Fay Hafner, Emilee Petrus, and Rachel Sedlak.

Four Seniors Receive National Merit Honors

This has been an outstanding year for the marching band. In October, the band also received a Superior rating at the Brunswick Sound Spectacular and the Clayment Competition. In addition, the percussion section won “Best Overall Percussion” at the Brunswick and Nordonia competitions. Congratulations to the young men from St. Edward and our SJA students. Great job!


aint Joseph Academy seniors Amanda Drapac-Novotny, Erin Jones, Emily Polk and Theresa Slivka were recently named National Merit Commended Students through the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Academy Principal Audrey Menard remarked, “We are proud of these outstanding young women. In addition to this honor, their accomplishments in the classroom and in their other activities show that they are working toward a future of success.” National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) is a benchmark for college testing. Of the approximately 1.5 million students who test each year, only some 50,000 with the highest PSAT/NMSQT® Selection Index scores (critical reading + mathematics + writing skills scores) qualify for recognition in the National Merit® Scholarship Program. Congratulations, Amanda, Erin, Emily and Theresa! We are proud of you all. National Merit Commended Students L-R: Seniors Erin Jones, Emily Polk, Theresa Slivka, and Amanda Drapac-Novotny.

Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE


EdWorks Grant Bring a Personal Touch to the Classroom Foundation and the Fund for Our Economic Future, are a group of passionate leaders who continue to strategize on how to transform education and prepare students for the 21st century. We live in a fast paced, multi-activity environment, which can often lead to an impersonal lifestyle at work, and in the classroom. An achievable goal for 21st century educators is to use technology to create a more personal approach to education. EdWorks Study Group: L-R: Marie Ciolek, Mel Kupchik, Holly Ushiroda, Barbara Kilker, Megan Dellorso and SJA Principal, The team of six has been Audrey Menard. working to come up with innovations on how to engage both students ongratulations to the team of six and teachers in relationship building. One SJA staff members who received a grant for a research project regarding facet to the project is creating a NING. A NING is an invitation only, non-searchable, personalizing education. Principal Audrey non-public social networking site that allows Menard, Associate Principal Barbara Kilker, students and teachers to share information. Spanish teacher Holly Ushiroda, English The belief is that communicating with teachers Meghan Delaroso and Marion Kupstudents in a format that appeals to them chick and Science teacher Marie Ciolek have been working on this special assignment since will help students and teachers get to know each other on a different level, thus opening early this year. Principal Menard served on up lines of communication and creating a the steering committee of EdWorks and was friendlier atmosphere. Creating a NING instrumental in researching the idea behind the grant project. She was a key player in SJA will allow students to chat, blog, post pictures and videos in a very safe and secure receiving the funding to participate. manner. Principal Menard commented, The grant project is facilitated by “My hope is by the end of the project we EdWorks, a Northeast Ohio, nonprofit orgahave developed a better way to connect nization that is dedicated to helping educators improve the quality of learning. The four students with teachers, therefore allowing everyone to be more engaged in learning.” foundations that make up EdWorks, The Cleveland Foundation, The George Gund The project will wrap up in May 2010. Foundation, The Martha Holden Jennings


Maggie Berry ’10 Signs with Walsh University

Maggie Berry ’10 with her parents

SJA basketball player Maggie Berry ’10 signed a letter of intent to play at Walsh University, a Division II school. Maggie led the team in scoring last season with an average of 14.3 points per game and had an impressive 5.3 rebounds per game. Maggie also received an Honorable Mention from the Great Lakes District. Walsh women’s basketball coach, Laurel Wartluft congratulated Maggie and told her, “It was your character and actions off the court in addition to your talent on the court that led me to offer you a scholarship.” Maggie is the daughter of Michael and Charlene Rolf Berry ’79 of Cleveland. Maggie plans on majoring in Physical Therapy. She will join her sister Katie Berry ‘07 who is a junior at Walsh University and also plays basketball.

Seussical Charmed us all

Seussical, SJA’s fall fine arts production, was a smashing success with sold out crowds from beginning to end! Under the talented direction of Kevin Joseph Kelly, the cast and crew of Seussical entertained guests of all ages with skits and songs based on famous children’s author, Dr. Seuss. Junior cast member Sara Masterson said, “I remember hearing all of these stories growing up so to have the opportunity to act them out on stage was a dream come true!” From the Cat in the Hat to Green Eggs and Ham, the Seussical cast and crew were warm, funny and compelling. They made us smile, laugh and brought us back to story times of our youth. Bravo to all who participated in this delightful performance!


Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE


Sports Golf –Senior Co-Captain and four-year letterman Maddie Keefe was low medalist in all the matches for Saint Joseph Academy. Her 9-hole average of 43.4 and 18-hole average of 86.4 lead the team. Her low 9-hole score this year came at Manakiki Golf Course shooting a 2-over par 38. Maddie shot a 86 in the Sectional Tournament to advance to Districts where she shot another round of 86, and just missed advancing for a return trip to the State Tournament in Columbus. Maddie also received 2nd Team Honors in the NEOISGGL and was selected to the All-District Tournament Team. The other Senior Co-Captain and three-year letterman Kayte Tuleta had a 9-hole average of 47.8 and an 18-hole average of 99.1. Kayte’s low round this year came at Mallard Creek where she fired an 8-over par 44. Varsity Volleyball –The Volleyball team under the coaching direction of Mike Mileti has shown a great deal of improvement throughout the 2009 season. Finishing with a record of 8-14, the team showed a lot of tenacity and never gave up. Mr. Mileti said, “We had a lot of talented go-getters and while we had a positive season, we’re always looking for ways to improve.” SJA faced 22 opponents this season which included seven teams finishing in the final state rankings for their division. Maple Heights stood out as one of our toughest competitors with a ranking of 14th in the state of Ohio, yet SJA beat them! Many of the younger players made huge improvements, and are predictors of a bright future for the Saint Joseph Academy Volleyball team. Lastly, SJA will truly miss our talented Seniors, Samantha Schulte, Grainne Mangan and Katie Sosoka. Good luck! JV Volleyball – 15-7 Freshman Volleyball –12-9 Varsity Soccer – The Junior Varsity Gold, Junior Varsity Purple and Varsity soccer teams consisted of forty-nine student-athletes. The Varsity team, under second year coach, David Leigh, finished the regular season with a school record of 9-4-3. The team fielded three seniors, nine juniors, six sophomores and one freshman. The offense was led by Freshman Nicole Mikolcic who broke the school record with twenty-three goals and five assists. Junior Captain Jackie Bova netted seven goals and nine assists for the year. Rounding out the offensive leaders was Junior Farrell O’Malley, who tallied up five goals and eight assists. Senior Captain Mary Maline and Junior Katelyn Seroka anchored the defense. Our Junior Goalie and Captain, Sam Zogheib, recorded six shutouts and was named a Sun News All-Star. Graduating Seniors Mary Maline, Helen Reinhold, and Sam Trexler will graduate having left the team in good hands. JV Soccer Purple-7-4-0 JV Soccer Gold-5-5-0 Varsity Tennis – The varsity tennis team finished the season with a record of 4-12. First year Head Coach Andy Redd said, “Tennis is a very individual sport but these girls had a great season together and were very supportive of each other.” Notable wins included three wins over Lakewood High School, and two wins over Olmsted Falls. The Varsity team placed 4th in the Lakewood Doubles Tournament. Emily Frost had a strong season at first singles, which was highlighted with wins against Strongsville High School, Magnificat High School, and Beaumont High School. Elizabeth Wagner, Amanda Drapac-Novtony, Claire Violand, Sarah Dalton, Alicia Edwards, Healey Pembridge, and Moria McGlynn all showed continuous improvement throughout the year. Lastly, all seven student-athletes won their first match in the Sectional Tournament. JV Tennis – 8-8 Cross Country – The Cross Country team enjoyed another successful year with some excellent finishes this season. Long time Head Coach Fred Kieser said, “There were some fantastic runs this season. We have to continue to work hard and see what happens next fall.” Among the highlights were: 3rd place finishes at the Berkshire Early Bird and McDonough Invitational, a 4th place finish at the Ashland Invitational, and another berth to the Regional competition. The JV team contributed with some first place team finishes as well as participating as the varsity squad in some meets. Senior Gabby Kreuz was honored as a Sun News All-Star. Lastly, the team enjoyed perfecting their skills at some off-site camp programs. They traveled to numerous locations, grew closer, and improved as a family and as a team. Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE 11

Spirituality New Ministry Continues Relationships Between Saint Joseph Academy and Sisters Sisters participate in Founders Day Mass.


aint Joseph Academy and the Sisters of the Congregation of St. Joseph who live in Cleveland have a long and intertwined history with their next-door neighbors. The Academy was founded by the sisters in 1890, and is currently one of three Catholic high schools currently sponsored by the Congregation. Throughout almost 120 years of the Academy’s existence, sisters have served as principals, teachers, staff, and on the Board (currently four sisters serve on the SJA Board). However at this point there are no sisters on the faculty or staff at the Academy. This fact was not lost on Academy President Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis ’71 and Sister Joyce Joecken N’61, CSJ, who decided not to let the valuable connection between the sisters and school be lost. Sister Joyce, who serves as the Chairperson of the Mission Effectiveness Committee of the SJA Board, and Mary Zavoda, St. Joseph Hall Service Coordinator for the sisters living in Cleveland, had an idea that would bring sisters together with SJA students, parents, faculty and staff. They met with SJA President Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis and Principal Audrey Menard to discuss “Prayer and Presence,” a new cooperative ministry between the Saint Joseph Academy and the sisters. “We saw that we needed a new way of connecting sisters with everyone at Saint Joseph Academy,” said Sister Joyce. “Without the presence of the Sisters, those relationships are diminished and are too valuable to let slip away.” The Saint Joseph Academy community is also excited about the new program and the opportunities it offers for interaction with sisters. “Being an Academy graduate, I know firsthand the value of

being with the sisters during these formative high school years,” said Academy President Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis. “Bringing the sisters and students together in everyday situations will help both groups cherish each other in new ways.” To get the program started, Sister Joyce and Mary enlisted the help of 14 sisters, whom they are calling “Sister Friends, all who have SJA connections.” They are Sisters Pat Burke ’48, Antoinette Campanella ’44, Kathleen Carey ’49, Virginia Coldren ’44, Theresine Cregan ’48, Pat Finn (former assistant principal), Marion Hauck, Madeline Lammermeier ’44, Karen Lyons ’59 (former principal) , Judy McGuire ’57, Jane Ockuly ’57, Alice Rooney ’51, Juanita Shealey, and Agnes Schreiber ’49. The sisters are paired with class moderators from each grade level and with students parents, and the SJA faculty and staff. “The program’s focus is on providing opportunities for shared experiences between sisters and the SJA community,” said Sister Joyce. “This could mean inviting sisters to speak to a class or group, or to other events at the Academy such as school open houses, retreats, liturgies or prayer services. It could also be something much more basic such as sharing a meal together, trading greeting cards and emails, or just praying for one another.” In addition to the program’s fourteen Sister Friends, Sister Thelma Gerhart, CSJ, is also on the SJA campus each week and is available to talk with students, faculty and staff. She recently spoke to students at their annual Career Day on November 4 about religious life as a possibility, and how sisters respond, as they always have, to the unmet needs of the world today.


In the summer issue of UPDATE we accidently omitted two alumnae who were celebrating 50th anniversary jubilees as Sisters of the Congregation of St. Joseph. We apologize for any inconvenience and congratulate them on this milestone! Sister June Hansen, CSJ ’58 (formerly Sister Clare) Sister June entered religious life on August 31, 1958 from St. Joseph Parish in Strongsville. She taught elementary school at many schools throughout the Diocese including St. Anthony of Padua in Parma, St. Rose in Cleveland, St. Thomas Aquinas in Cleveland, St. Clement in Lakewood, Saint Joseph Academy in Cleveland and Holy Name Elementary in Cleveland. She also served as Principal at St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Peter in Akron. Currently, Sister June serves as the Archivist for the Congregation of St. Joseph at St. Joseph Center in Cleveland, where she also resides.


Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE

Sister Priscilla Saxton, CSJ ’58 (formerly Sister Andre) Sister Priscilla entered religious life on August 31, 1958 from St. Joseph Parish in Strongsville. She taught elementary school at many schools throughout the Diocese including St. Clement in Lakewood, St. Rose in Cleveland, St. Mary in Berea, and St. Peter in Akron. After teaching, Sister Priscilla went into nursing and worked at St. Joseph Center Infirmary (then called the Motherhouse Infirmary) for 12 years. She then worked as a nurse at Euclid Manor and Baldwin Manor, both nursing homes, for a combined 23 years. Currently, Sister Priscilla works as a nurse at St. Augustine Manor, a nursing home in Cleveland.

Lisa Hagan Berry ’81 Endowed Memorial Scholarship established When Lisa Hagan Berry ’81 died in 1994 of non-hodgkins lymphoma, she was a loving wife,

2009-2010 Annual Fund

a mother of two small children,

Count me in! T

he distinctive combination of faith, academics, leadership and service is the spirit of Saint Joseph Academy. With your support of the Annual Fund this year, we will continue our tradition of excellence. All gifts enable us to meet our greatest operating needs for each student, as well as provide tuition assistance to deserving young women. You may have received a letter in the mail requesting your participation, or have seen the video posted on our website. We follow up with those who have not yet made a contribution, but don’t wait! The sooner you make your gift, the sooner it will start working for Saint Joseph Academy and our students. For more information about this year’s Annual Fund or to make a gift online, please visit our website at and click Support SJA. We need as many people as possible to participate in Saint Joseph Academy’s largest annual fundraising program. There is no gift too big or too small. All gifts make a difference when we come together. Be counted!

SJA St. Joseph’s Academy - Baton Rouge, LA President Adele Lambert, CSJ Principal Linda Harvison Assistant Principal Sheri Gillio Faculty Members John Richardson and Jackie Zeller

explained her brother, Judge Brian Hagan. “We wanted to celebrate her life and what she loved, which was her family, Catholic education, and Saint Joseph Academy.” Recently, the Hagan family endowed a scholarship in honor of their late sister. Originally the family had set up a tuition trust at St. Mel School, where Lisa taught, that through the years awarded over $80,000 in tuition assistance. “With St. Mel’s closing, we wanted to continue

young women the opportunity for a Catholic

Joe Davis Senior Partner & Managing Director Boston Consulting Group

Mary Beth Straub Gorbett’67 & Ed Gorbett Robert Straub Friends of the Academy

Development, said, “We worked with the family

Margaret & Tom Lynch Friends of the Academy

Stephanie Douglas Gargiulo ’88 Friend of the Academy

asks the applicant to write a tribute to her mother.”

Barbara Snyder President Case Western Reserve University

Linda & Thomas Banner Friends of the Academy

Lisa was one of nine children with three brothers,

Nancy & Robert Ruggeri Friends of the Academy

Hagan Carrocia, Jerilyn Hagan Sowell, Michele

Marie Konys Karen Konys Czerniawski ’63 Friends of the Academy

’78. She married Tom Berry in 1986. In addition

Helen Malloy ’57 Friend of the Academy

who is a sophomore in college.

Peggy & Mike Cachat Friends of the Academy

Margy Judd President/Owner Executive Arrangements

we wanted to remember our sister,”

junior. We also wanted to continue to provide

Janet Fleischhacker, CSJ Executive Director CSJ Ministries

Brian Williams Vice President for Enrollment John Carroll University

sad and tragic but that’s not how

Annemarie Kahl ’85 Lisa Kahl Margaret Lynch Kahl ’58 Friends of the Academy

George Wasmer Friend of the Academy

Dan Clark Sondra Miller Cleveland Rape Crisis Center

great friend. “Her story was very

Academy where her daughter Colette is now a

Nancy Conway, CSJ ’65 Congregational Leadership Team

Neil McCarthy & Maura O’DonnellMcCarthy Friends of the Academy

school, a fun-loving sister and a

to honor our sister Lisa. She loved Saint Joseph

V i s i to r s to

Greg Mortenson Author – Three Cups of Tea

a 4th grade teacher at St. Mel’s

John Cooney & Hon. Colleen Conway Cooney Ohio 8th District Court of Appeals Therese Dever Griebel ’84 Division Chief, NASA Ares-1X Rocket Laurel Wartluft Walsh University Women’s Basketball Coach Honorable Brian Hagan Rocky River Municipal Court

Mary Ann Gardner Conway ’72 Friends of the Academy Kathy Forrestal Friend of the Academy Dolores Clerico, SSJ Motivational Speaker

education,” added older sister Cheryl Hagan O’Malley ’77. Kathy Robinson, Director of to set up a scholarship that truly reflected Lisa. In fact, the essay requirement for the scholarship

Brian, Patrick and Neil, and five sisters; Colleen Hagan Duns, Cheryl, and Kellie Hagan King to daughter Colette, they have a son Brendan

To fund the scholarship, the family recently held their 10th annual golf outing. Cheryl remarked, “Lisa was a lot of fun and a great sister! The scholarship and golf outing are great ways to honor her memory.” To learn how you can establish a scholarship contact the development office at 216.671.0166

Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE


Alumnae S po t li gh t : Therese Dever Griebel ’84

L-R: NASA engineers Jane Cochran ’74, Diane Swec Chapman N’78 and Therese Dever Griebel ’84.

More Alums working at NASA Glenn Research Center Sandra McLucas Barrow ‘80 Carolyn Holowczak Clapper N’75 Joyce Brady Dever ‘83 Lisa Kohout N’78 Melissa McGuire ‘86 Mary Joyce O’Donnell Moran ‘59 Frances Kirchendorfer Pipak ‘64 Carol Kusik Cobbs ‘74 Mary Waters Vickerman ‘79 Frances Lawas Grodek N’78 Debbie Volan Giavasis N’80 Anna Maria Pal ‘87


Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE

Therese Griebel likes to be challenged. Considering trigonometry was her favorite subject in high school, this isn’t surprising. Her desire to be challenged continued after graduation. She went off to college at Cleveland State University unsure of her major, but certain that she wanted to take the hardest curriculum she could find. Therese went on to earn a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering in 1990, and a master’s degree in business administration in 1996. For the last two and a half years, Therese has served as Chief of the Manufacturing Division at the John Glenn Research Center. She spent the first eight years of her 19year career at NASA upgrading and troubleshooting controls systems across the Center. In her current role, Therese leads the team that helps build flight hardware for the next generation of American spaceflight vehicles. “It’s very demanding, but exceptionally rewarding to contribute to the nation’s advancement in propulsion, power and space communications fields,” she says. She and her Cleveland-based team made history this year by designing and manufacturing the upper stage simulator for the Ares 1-X test rocket. This critical component simulates the weight, center of gravity and shape of the upper stage portion of the rocket. Ares 1-X launched on October 28, 2009, from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The 326-foot tall rocket was the first in a series of test launches designed to ultimately take astronauts back to the moon as well as to Mars and other destinations. (To read more about the Ares 1-X project, visit flighttests/aresIx/index.html.) While space exploration was not what Therese set out to do, she definitely learned about reaching for the stars while attending SJA. Her trigonometry teacher, the late Mr. Don Kostell, was one of her most influential instructors. “He had a way of not backing down from his expectations of his students. He made us step up. It was a profound revelation to me that I could meet those high expectations, and it gave me a new outlook on what I could achieve,” she says. Her time at SJA influenced her in other ways as well. In high school, college and for some years afterwards, she was a member of, and then the leader of, the guitar group at Our Lady of Angels. She also facilitated teen retreats for several years at her church. Therese’s niece, Madeline Tippie ’13, currently attends the school – a family tradition that Therese is happy to see continue, especially because her own mother, Rosemary O’Donnell Dever ’57 attended SJA as well. Therese currently lives in LaGrange, Ohio, with her husband of 11 years, Dwayne, and their nine year-old son Benjamin.

College Acceptances Class of 2009

It is Rocket Science! Diane Swec Chapman N’78 She calls herself a math and science nerd, but those qualities have served Diane Chapman well over her 30-year career with NASA. As the Technical Support Discipline Development Manager at the NASA Safety Center for the last two years, Diane is creating a training program for safety and mission assurance (SMA) personnel to assure the safety and enhance the success of all NASA activities. Her employment with NASA began in 1979 as part of the Cooperative Education program with Cleveland State University. Diane earned her bachelor of science in chemical engineering from CSU and went on to obtain a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from The University of Toledo. She originally wanted to pursue a position in the medical field, but didn’t think she could conquer her fear of needles. Then she discovered biomedical engineering, which is a mix of engineering and medicine (without the needles). However, after co-

oping at NASA, Diane discovered that she enjoyed engineering in general and opted to work full time there. Over the years she’s found that being an engineer at NASA has allowed her to be successful in many different technical positions. She has spent time as a researcher, studying coatings to protect surfaces on the International Space Station (ISS) and exploring ways to convert the sun’s energy into electricity for the ISS. In fact, she’s had research samples flown on two separate space shuttle missions. Diane has also served as a project manager for space exploration projects and as Intellectual Property Manager for NASA’s Fundamental Aeronautics program. When she started at NASA in 1979, Diane was the only woman engineer in her building. Although times have changed, her continued enthusiasm for the field prompts her to volunteer for several organizations – the NASA Speaker’s Bureau, the Ohio

Academy of Science Exemplar: Women in Mathematics, Science and Engineering, and Saint Joseph Academy—to speak to students, particularly girls, about careers in engineering, science and math. In fact, Diane’s own interest in engineering began during high school. Her tenth grade advanced chemistry teacher at Nazareth Academy, Ms. Marylyn Frohwerk, encouraged her students to pursue engineering as a major. As part of the last graduating class at Nazareth Academy, Diane recalls her alma mater as a place where she always felt comfortable. “We were treated very respectfully and educated well. I felt very fortunate to have gone there,” she says. Nazareth was also where she first met two of her dearest friends, Diane Koval Macuga N’78 and Lisa Kohout N’78. They met in 1974 in homeroom and remain friends to this day. Diane and her husband Jeffrey, a C.P.A., live in Brunswick.

She also gets involved with research and development. “We’re always seeking ways to push the technological envelope to advance aspects of our space programs – for example, communications from space to earth,” she explains. As a student at SJA, Jane participated in many extracurricular activities. She played intramural basketball and volleyball, helped as a stage hand for theatre performances, and was active in student government, serving as a class officer and student council member. She remembers her high school years as fun ones and is appreciative of the education she received at SJA. She names Sr. Mary Brinkman—who taught typing as part of her business classes—as one of her favorite teachers. “I think of her every day when I’m

at my computer keyboard,” Jane says. Her family has a long history with the Academy. Her mother, Rosemary Haas Cochran, J’41, was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2000. And Jane’s two sisters attended SJA as well: Sally Cochran Olszewski, J’78, and Pat Cochran Harvat, J’80. Jane is still involved with the school, having served on the alumnae board for a few years and volunteering for some of the annual alumnae fundraisers. She recently attended her 35th class reunion. Jane enjoys traveling, which has taken her to 32 countries. Lately she’s been traveling through some of the national parks in the U.S. Jane currently resides in Cleveland, Ohio, and is the proud aunt of 10 nieces and nephews.

Jane Cochran ’74 Like father, like daughter. Jane Cochran followed in the footsteps of her father, an aeronautical engineer who spent 34 years with NASA and retired in 1981. Jane has been with NASA for 29 years, and with the federal government for 31 years. She earned a bachelor of arts degree in political science from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Her first job after college was buying torpedo parts for the Department of Defense, which she did for two years. In 1980 she landed a job at NASA doing the same type of work. As a Contracting Officer at John Glenn Research Center, Jane awards contracts to private companies to perform work that NASA needs to have done, such as designing and manufacturing parts for rockets and satellites.

Photo courtesy of NASA

Grand Reunion 2009


he Grand Reunion 2009 was celebrated on October 9 and October 10, a beautiful autumn weekend, by more than 250 alumnae from the SJA classes ending in “4” or “9”. This event has grown each year, and attendees thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to visit SJA and participate in some meaningful rituals reminiscent of their days at the Academy. New this year was a Friday night get-together just for the youngest alumnae who graduated five and ten years ago. These young women enjoyed a casual evening with each other and toured the school noting every new thing added since their graduation! On Saturday, alumnae who graduated fifty or more years ago enjoyed time to visit at a delightful luncheon at SJA. At the same time, alumnae from all the reunion classes toured the school at the Saturday Open House. Mass was celebrated and the reunion tree was blessed. The dinner that evening at La Centre was the final piece in the two-day celebration. Special recognition was given to the class of 1959 who were celebrating the 50 year anniversary of their graduation. It was a grand celebration as attendees reminisced about the “home of their youth and memories so dear.” Mary Lou Gallagher J’64 summed it up by commenting, “I now know that the Grand Reunion is a marvelous opportunitiy to shatter the barriers that time and distance have erected.” The SJA classes ending in a “0”or “5” should mark their calendars now for the 2010 Grand Reunion the weekend of October 9, 2010.



1944 To download class photos, go to Alumnae News and Pictures 16

Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE



1964 1989





2004 Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE


Alumnae News

Fifteenth Annual Scholarship Golf Outing Raises $16,000

Members of the Jaguar golf team, Beth Rosepal ’10, Maddie Schoenherr ’12, Emily Kuzmanovich ’10, Kayte Tuleta ’10


he Fifteenth Annual Golf Outing was held on August 1, 2009 at Mallard Creek Golf Club in Columbia Station. Over 100 golfers enjoyed a picture perfect day on a challenging course, with delicious food provided for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Golfers were challenged to an “Outdrive Coach Kieser” contest, an “Outdrive Sr. Barbara Jean Sever, OSU ’64” contest, as well as the chance to win other golf contests, raffle prizes, and door prizes. The outing was a huge success this year, raising over $16,000 which will benefit the Saint Joseph Academy Scholarship Fund. Special thanks to our Golf Outing Committee members: Rosanne Tinnirello Kelley ’76 (Committee Chairperson), Denise Tinnirello Chomoa ’78, Jane Cochran ’74, Eileen Murray Dooley T’43, Beth Durkin ’78, Michele Ehrbar ’72, Debbie Nagy Forthofer ’77, Carol Wasserbauer Milligan ’59, Mary Ellen Lanning Rogers ’77, Pat Schulte Singleton ’77, Nancy Sweeney ’48, and Dody Winkler ’75. Many thanks to the generous supporters of Saint Joseph Academy who donated prizes for our raffle and contests. Also, this year we were very fortunate to receive underwriting for the event! We sincerely thank the following people and/or companies who were underwriters, or who sponsored a hole at our outing this year: GOLF OUTING 2009 UNDERWRITERS Fairview Hospital Avalon Foodservice, Inc. The Surgery Center Ann Wilkins Kalt ’76 & Joe Kalt Roop & Co. St. John West Shore Hospital The Alpha Group Agency

Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis ’71 Lake Erie Graphics SJA Summer Staff Kolick’s Jewelers, Mary Smetana Kolick ’83 Michael S. Pap, D.D.S. SJA/NAZ/STA Alumnae Board Slife Heating & Cooling, Inc. Ebner & Rose Orthopedics Henkel Corporation GOLF OUTING 2009 HOLE SPONSORS Congressman Dennis Kucinich Judge Colleen Conway Cooney & Mr. John G. Cooney Mike Mural Building Contractors Giffen & Kaminski, LLC Nowak Tour & Travel Jeff & Anne Marie Pecon ’71 Norris Brothers Co., Inc. J & F Transportation Co. Walter Martens & Sons Funeral Home Edible Arrangements

Nazareth Luncheon 2009 Seventy alumnae from Nazareth Academy and ten former Nazareth teachers gathered at La Centre in Westlake, Ohio to enjoy a wonderful luncheon in September. There was laughter shared and friendships renewed as they shared their Nazareth connections. The alumnae from the classes of 1964, 1969, 1974, and 1979 were honored as they celebrated a special anniversary year since their graduation.

Dianne Anderson Bishop ’84, Bill Kramme, Rosanne Tinnirello Kelley ’76, Karen Lisowski N’74,

Judge John J. Donnelly Dr. Casey O’Conor-Orthodontist Gilbane Building Company Brennan’s Catering & Banquet Center Conrad’s Tire Express & Total Car Care Cleveland Indians Congregation of Saint Joseph The Durkin Family Lakewood Furnace Company Dale & Cynthia Daney Brogan ’69 Frantz Ward LLP Chambers Funeral Homes Carl A. Hjort, III Esq. Watch It! Jewelry, Watches, Coins

Kevin Durkin, Ann Durkin, Andy Schroer, Jack Schroer (in front)

Shirley Lasky Wolfe ’53, Debbie Wolfe-Korce ’76, Denise Wolfe ’86 & Victoria Korce ’12 McGraw & McGraw Co LPA, Mary Haas McGraw ’75 Daria Roebuck ’75 Councilman Martin J. Sweeney & Councilman Martin J. Keane Seeley, Savidge, Ebert & Gourash Co., LPA The Ohio Lottery-Educational Sponsor Drs. Robert, Christopher, Jill Harter, and Marilyn Boll Harter ’50, Grace Harter ’12 & Maggie Harter ’13 Cleveland Printwear Kathie’s Hole-Carey Funeral Home The Shamrock Companies Charles P. Canepa, D.D.S., M.S. Telefast Industries, Inc.

St. Therese Luncheon 2009 In late September, nineteen alumnae of St. Therese Academy gathered for a luncheon at Saint Joseph Academy. The attendees enjoyed visiting with friends and classmates, were entertained by SJA a cappella choir Cecilia’s Song, and attended Mass in the SJA chapel. Special recognition was given to the alumnae of the anniversary classes of 1939, 1944, and 1949.

Class of 1974, Seated L-R: Ruth Conti Hassing N’74, Geri Zayd Zdankiewicz N’74, Therese Russell Swisher N’74, Sharon Glaser N’74. Standing: Cynthia Graycar N’74, Kathleen Hassing Sweeny N’74, Karen Lisowski N’74

To download event photos, go to Alumnae News and Pictures


Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE

Class of 1949 Front Row L-R: Joanne Hess Schwartz T’49, Marie Grodzinski Mayton T’49, Josephine Smith Davis T’49, Standing: Eleanore Semicek Payton T’49, Anita Dixon Eppley T’49

Class of 2012 Legacy Breakfast Continue the Saint Joseph Academy Legacy

Seated on floor L-R: Rachel Schwind ’12, Jennifer Bajorek ’12, Allison Klein ’12, Gina Costanzo ’12, Victoria Korce ’12, Carissa McGinness ’12, Emma Ryan ’12, and Rachel Paponetti ’12. Seated: Florence Cregan Schwind ’56, Barbara Goldbach Lesniak ’53, Margaret McNeeley Harkness ’60, Rosina McGarrity Dial ’56, Shirley Lasky Wolfe ’53, Louise Gerbasi Seeholzer ’50, Barbara Gorbett Keefe ’46, and Colleen Chambers ’12. Standing: Judy Fisher Klein ’78, Allison Tuleta ’12, Bridget Cooney Tuleta ’82, Laura Stanek Bajorek ’79, Nancy Zavoda Schwind ’83, Raegan Dalton ’12, Carol Steigerwald Eucker ’51, Nicole Zalewski ’12, Megan Dial ’12, Theresa Malisheski Costanzo ’79, Debbie Wolfe Korce ’76, Suzanne Smith Sweeney ’85, Siobhan Sweeney ’12, Yvette Kroll-Walsh ’79, Dana Walsh ’12, Donna Steiger Leigh ’76, Abby Leigh ’12, Ashleigh Robertson ’12, Cassandra Schwartz Robertson ’84, Michelle Haas Ljubi ’80 and Mary Beth Marita Paponetti ’78.

Thomas and Sandy Bacino drove from Illinois for Grandparents Day with their granddaughter Claire Fitzgerald ’13 and paternal grandmother Margaret Fowler Fitzgerald ’55.

Grandparents Day at the Academy 153 grandparents and 85 SJA freshmen participated in a great event. Grandparents came to spend the day with their granddaughters on the Saint Joseph Academy campus. While here, they had lunch with their granddaughters, listened to Cecilia’s Song our a cappella choir, toured the school, visited the bookstore, and attended the Founder’s Day Mass. One set of grandparents came in all the way from Illinois to participate. School president Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis ’71 said, “Grandparents are very special people in our lives. It was wonderful to see the joy on all of their faces while spending the day with their granddaughters. This is the third year in a row for this event and we hope it will be a tradition for years to come.”

We need your help to keep the Saint Joseph Academy legacy thriving. We do not receive lists of potential students from elementary schools, as many may assume. We count on you to let us know if you have daughters or granddaughters in either Catholic or public grade schools. We can then add them to our database letting both you and them know about events, camps and activities and opportunities at SJA. Saint Joseph Academy is proud of the many legacy connections of our students who have one or more generations of relatives who have been educated by the CSJs at either Saint Joseph Academy, Nazareth Academy, or St. Therese Academy. We honor this connection for our current students by hosting a Legacy Breakfast for each class once each school year. Alumnae mothers and grandmothers of the students join them for breakfast and have the opportunity to meet other alums in attendance as well. Mrs. Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis ’71, Saint Joseph Academy President, appreciates the opportunity to hear stories from the alumnae who attend and to share news about current happenings at the Academy. Laura Stanek Bajorek ’79 whose grandmother, mother and oldest daughter are graduates and whose youngest is a sophomore summed up her feelings about continuing the legacy, “For us, tradition, faith and family have been joined so tightly together at Saint Joseph Academy. For four generations, our family has experienced superior educational opportunities interwoven with faith-based principles and lifelong friendships that allow women to excel in life. For us, the cost of a Saint Joseph Academy education is worth it!” Alumnae Director Mary Ann Fischer ’66 said “Saint Joseph Academy has always been proud of the many legacy connections of its students. It is wonderful for me to see a mom who was once one of my students bringing her daughter to SJA. I know the legacy will continue!” Sign up to have mailings about activities and camps sent to your daughter or granddaughter. Contact the Admissions Office at 216.251.4868 or visit our website at We look forward to hearing from you so you can continue the legacy of an SJA education. Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE


Memoriam In

Eternal rest grant unto them O, Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Mary Dienes Bender died on October 4, 2009. The former Miss Dienes taught gym to all the students who attended SJA during 1961-1974 and was also the moderator of the Girls Athletic Association (GAA) during that time. She was a much beloved teacher who is fondly remembered to this day. Many alums contacted SJA after learning of Miss Dienes’s death and commented on how she had touched their lives. Several noted that “…Miss Dienes believed in me and helped me to believe in myself.” She is survived by her husband Lawrence, and children Mary, Michael and Susan.

Please remember in your prayers the following deceased alumnae. Lucille Gedeon ’20 Margaret Zeitz Quinn ’34 Betty Brennan Hendershot T’39 Eileen Clarke T’40 Mary Eileen McDonald Scripp ’48 Maryclare McManamon Mangan ’49 Marie Grace Stewart ’54 Margaret “Peggy” O’Malley Gibbons ’58 Frances Smith Berichon ’59 Bernadette Legarth Eifel ’59 Barbara Danzey Rupp ’60 Mary Ellen Vyhnal Appa ’62 Anne Sutter Lenahan ’62 Donna Pilat Terry N’62 Carol Ann Milligan ’64 Donna Sarwinski Jarzen N’65 Ann McNeeley Sancin ’66 Mary Lou Placko Osborne ’68 Mary Jo Sopko Macy N’73 Dianne Lucas Medvetz N’75 Dasiea Cavers Huff ’79 Patricia Hvest ’79 Theresa Vertal Humphreys ’82 20

Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE

Gail Martin Dwyer ’40 on the death of her husband, Martin Dwyer.

Janet Milligan ’60 on the death of her sister, Carol Ann Milligan ’64.

Cecilia Lyons Wehrle ’40 on the death of her husband, Albert A. Wehrle.

Veronica Innocenti Simon ’60, Donna Innocenti Erb ’61, and Patricia Innocenti Winkler ’63 on the death of their mother, Barbara Innocenti.

Margaret McGinley Armstrong T’40 on the death of her husband and Jeannie Armstrong Wiggins ’72 on the death of her father, William George Armstrong. Rosemary Clarke Lenahan ’42 and Florence Clarke McFadden ’45 on the death of their sister, Eileen Clarke T’40. Ann Quinn Doran ’48 on the death of her brother, Robert J. Quinn. Lois Lang O’Brien ’48 on the death of her husband, Charles O’Brien. Josephine Smith Davis T’49 on the death of her husband, Robert Davis. Mary Stock Clark ’50 on the death of her brother, David Stock. Patricia McGinty Lowry ’51 on the death of her husband, Owen Patrick Lowry. Marilyn Hopkins Bansley ’53 on the death of her husband, John R. Bansley. Marilyn Blair Evanish ’53 on the death of her husband, Mike Evanish. Connie Filiac Kormos ’53 on the death of her brother, Bernard Filiac. Rosella Dorr Voik ’54 on the death of her mother, Anna Dorr. Judiann McDermott ’56 on the death of her son, Stephen Malames. Carol Schill Dorsey ’58 on the death of her son, Jay E. Dorsey, Jr. Kathleen Quinn Price ’59 and Jane Quinn ’61 on the death of their mother, Margaret Zeitz Quinn ’34.

Madeline Kozlowski ’62 and Melanie Kozlowski Bucheit ’67 on the death of their father, Frank Kozlowski. Janice O’Malley Kurtz ’62, Joyce O’Malley ’62, and Geraldine O’MalleyGinley ’64 on the death of their sister, Margaret “Peggy” O’Malley Gibbons ’58. Sheila McBurney McGinty N’64 on the death of her father, John McBurney. Marilyn Duffalo Buck ’65 on the death of her mother, Margaret Duffalo. Mary McNeeley Carrick ’65 on the death of her sister, Ann McNeeley Sancin ’66. Patrica Placko Hubbard ’65, Bonnie Placko Kalous ’69, and Kathy Placko Kurkul ’78 on the death of their sister, Mary Lou Placko Osborne ’68. Susan Czika Manuel ’65 and Betty Czika Liller ’66 on the death of their father, Steve Czika. Mary Ann Roman McAnerney ’65, Jean Roman Powe ’68, and Kathy Roman ’75 on the death of their mother, Elizabeth Jane Roman. Barbara Didion N’66, Susan Didion N’69, and Mary Didion Raymont N’71 on the death of their mother, Agnes Didion. Mary Jo Brennan Grossman ’68, Anne Brennan Raderstorf ’74, Maureen Brennan Miller ’78, and Colleen Brennan O’Toole ’80 on the death of their brother, Patrick J. Brennan.



Janet Sasura Montgomery ’68 and Sally Sasura ’69 on the death of their father, William Sasura.

Mary Knab ’74, Kathy Knab Burkhardt ’78, and Maureen Knab Van ’81 on the death of their mother, Anne Knab.

Carolyn Baach Chatlos N’69 on the death of her husband, Charles Chatlos.

Eileen Mangan-Stull ’74, Colleen Mangan Wallenhorst ’77, and Maura ManganWyrock ’82 on the death of their mother, Maryclare McManamon Mangan ’49.

Mary Bialek Mahoney N’69 and Patricia Bialek Leonow N’71 on the death of their father, Walter Bialek. Mary Lou Green Shivinsky N’69 on the death of her mother, Virginia Green.

Debbie Vertal Brutvan ’75, Lynda Vertal Ledvina ’78, and Patricia Vertal O’Reilly ’80 on the death of their sister, Theresa Vertal Humphreys ’82.

Theresa Hennessy Bohnlien N’70, Kathleen Hennessy Shatlock N’71, and Patricia Hennessy Zingalis N’77 on the death of their father and Coletta Hennessy, OSF T’49 on the death of her brother, Thomas Hennessy.

Kathleen Gibbons ’76 on the death of her father, Frank John Gibbons.

Gloria Ripepi Solarz N’70 on the death of her husband, Joseph M. Solarz.

Sharon Corrigan Lakatos ’76 and Donna Corrigan Ernst ’80 on the death of their father, Gerald Corrigan.

Barbara Shivinsky Wilson N’70 on the death of her mother, Anne Marie Shivinsky. Mary Birt Doubrava ’71, Eileen Birt Patton ’72, and Patricia Birt MacBride ’78 on the death of their mother, Marie Birt. Cheryl Solarz-McConnell ’71 on the death of her mother, Evelyn Solarz. Mary Scripp Walker ’71, Susan Scripp Kepner ’74, Catherine Scripp Armstrong ’80, and Patricia Scripp Stever ’84 on the death of their mother, Mary Eileen McDonald Scripp ’48. Mrs. Scripp worked in the SJA cafeteria in the early 1980s. Debra Sarwinksi Stahlberg N’72 on the death of her sister, Donna Sarwinksi Jarzen N’65. Mary Brigid Barrett Groth ’73, Mary Margaret Barrett ’77, Mary Elizabeth Barrett ’78, Mary Therese Barrett Driscoll ’79, and Mary Patricia Barrett Mangine ’82 on the death of their mother, Catherine Barrett.

Patricia Swancer Mencin N’80 on the death of her sister, Sally Osborne. Catherine Rupp Hope ’82 on the death of her mother, Barbara Danzey Rupp ’60. Maureen Joyce ’83 and Eileen Joyce O’Donnell ’84 on the death of their father, Terry Joyce. Candace D’Amour ’88 on the death of her father, Arthur D’Amour. Elizabeth Wintour ’01 on the death of her mother, Marcia Wintour.

Kathleen Jones ’76 and Colleen Jones Porter ’84 on the death of their mother, Margaret McCurtin.

Meg Hart Schraepfer ’76 on the death of her husband, John Schraepfer. Sherri Adamek Bryant ’77 and Patrice Adamek Nunnari ’81 on the death of their brother, Charles Adamek. Patricia Ginley Donofrio ’78, Kathleen Ginley Stewart ’80, and Rita Ginley Andolsen ’82 on the death of their father, William Ginley, Jr. Deborah Reed Stroh ’78 on the death of her sister, Kathleen Reed. Julie Knabe ’80 on the death of her mother, Marion Knabe. Anne Lenehan McCready ’80, Mary Lenehan ’82, Susan Lenehan Donelon ’86, Bridget Lenehan Sweeney ’93, and Margaret Lenehan Goggin ’94 on the death of their mother, Margaret “Peggy” Lenehan. Mrs. Lenehan worked in the Housekeeping Department at SJA from 1993 to 2002. Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE


Beyonds Alumnae


The SJA Class of 1959 meets the last Friday of each month at 1:00pm at West Park Station on Lorain Avenue. Please call Judy Lyall Foley-Gawronski ’59 at 440-333-7011 for more information.

Tina Haddad N’79 recently received the 2009 Women of Note Award from Crain’s Cleveland Business for her outstanding achievements as a female business leader in our area. Tina was one of twelve women honored at the awards luncheon on July 22, 2009.

Marlene Lucas ’59 recently retired after 45 years of service to the Diocese of Cleveland. Marlene taught at Saint Columbkille School for 32 years, and worked as the Director of Religious Education at Saint James Parish for 13 years. Rita Ginley Andolsen ’82 recently won a regional EMMY award in the NewscastMorning/Daytime category for her work on “Channel 3 News Today.” The EMMY awards ceremony, presented by the National Academy of Television Arts and Science, Lin Sinclair N’66, chair of Cleveland Central took place on September 12, 2009. Catholic High School’s English Department, has been voted a Central Catholic “Legend” – an honor bestowed by the school’s alumni. Lin began her 28th year at Cleveland Central Catholic High School this fall. Jennifer Schade Kindbom ’98 recently Julie Pauliukonis Jason graduated from Ashland University with N’67 is the author of an MFA in Poetry. She now teaches two the new book, The sections of Composition at Ashland. In AARP Retirement addition, Jennifer keeps busy with her Survival Guide: How to handmade custom bags business. Make Smart Financial Decisions in Good Times Lauren Henson Flagg ’99 married Aron and Bad. This is Julie’s Flagg on July 11, 2009 at The Inn at Ship Bay fifth book. She recently on Orcas Island, Washington. Lauren is a appeared on Maria registered nurse in Pediatrics at the Cleveland Bartiromo’s “Wall Street Journal Report” on Clinic Foundation. She and her husband CNBC to discuss retirement security. Julie currently reside in Fairview Park, Ohio. is a personal money manager and principal of Jackson, Grant Investment Advisors, Inc. of Stamford, Connecticut. A proponent of investor protection, Julie writes and lectures on investment topics. Caroline Kelly Kessler ’00 recently earned her Master of Science degree in Health Care Administration from the College of St. Francis in Chicago.






Sheila McManamon Struble ’72 was recently honored by the Cleveland Clinic with the Nursing Hall of Fame Award. Sheila works in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Fairview Hospital.


Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE

Erin Stojkov Harrison ’01 married Philip Harrison on September 4, 2009 at Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church. Her sisters, Ellen Stojkov ’04 and Shannon Stojkov ’06, were in her bridal party.

Rebecca Ivic ’02 is currently a PhD student in Health Communication and Technology at Purdue University. Her research as a social scientist examines a spectrum of issues such as e-health, the mediation of technology on health interventions and campaigns, processes of social support in various mediums, and persuasion. Rebecca teaches advanced undergraduate courses at Purdue while working on her doctoral degree. In addition, she works as a web and graphic designer, and as a research assistant at the Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering. Elizabeth Powers Stanley ’02 recently completed her Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing with a concentration in Fiction from Eastern Washington University in Spokane, Washington. Melissa Eucker Kulbago ’03 married Chris Kulbago on August 1, 2009. Her sister, Brianna Eucker ’10, was co-maid of honor. Rachel Wilson ’03 recently won 1st Place in knitted socks, 2nd Place in knitted scarves, and 3rd Place in knitted tops at the Cuyahoga County Fair. Allison Busser ’04 is currently an assistant volleyball coach at Saint Lawrence University in Canton, New York. She graduated from Otterbein College in 2008 with a BA in Athletic Training. Allison’s experience includes coaching a Junior Olympics Team in Columbus, helping to coach at Saint Joseph Academy, and coaching various Otterbein College camps. Jacqueline Jamison DuBroy ’04 married Matthew DuBroy on August 1, 2009. Her sister, Julie Jamison ’07, was in the bridal party.


CubClub Georgeanne Hancsak Taghizadeh ’87 & Touraj Taghizadeh a daughter, Sophia, born August 24, 2009

Michelle Ladanyi McCrea ’95 & Conor McCrea a daughter, Katherine Allena, born April 14, 2009

Betsy Clarke Hegberg ’89 & Mark Hegberg a son, John Alden, born May 1, 2009

Claudia Smyczek Raleigh ’96 & Mark Raleigh a daughter, Cecilia Maude, born September 4, 2009

Mary Bower Winchester ’89 & Brian Winchester a daughter, Molly Elizabeth, born April 27, 2009

Jennifer Thompson ’97 & Tijuan English a daughter, Sheryl Lynn, born March 6, 2009

Jill Muldoon Rendek ’93 & Louis Rendek a son, Ethan John, born March 2, 2009

Elizabeth McKenna-Cloud ’99 & Patrick Cloud a son, Amory Robert, born May 26, 2009

Marie Burtch Wilkes ’99 & Stephen Wilkes a son, Nathan Stephen, born June 28, 2009

Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE


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Parents of Alumnae: If this publication is addressed to your daughter who no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please notify the Alumnae Office at (216) 251-6788 X221, or write to us at 3430 Rocky River Drive, Cleveland, Ohio 44111. If you enjoy reading UPDATE please let us know. We’ll be glad to send a copy to her and continue sending a copy to you.

Mark your Calendars for Celebrate the Academy 2010 “The Roaring Twenties” This year’s Medaille Shield honorees are Susanne and Gerald Schroer Saturday, February 6, 2010, 6pm at La Centre in Westlake, Ohio Corporate tables available Individual tickets: $125 per person For reservations or information please contact Jeanne Fox at 216. 251.6788 x249

Ahead Looking

Spring Open House Don’t forget, spring Open House at Saint Joseph Academy, Sunday, April 25, 2010 from Noon until 2pm. For more information visit our website at or call the Admissions office at 216.251.4868

Alumnae Basketball Game 2010

Alumnae Hall of Fame

The “even” year grads will again take on the “odd” year grads at the Annual Alumnae Basketball Game on Saturday, February 13, 2010. Donations from this event help fund the Don Kostell Memorial Scholarship. Anyone can participate, no matter what your skill level, and everyone is welcome to cheer on the players. There will be a special competition for children during the half-time break. The game is followed by a light lunch of pizza and pop. Please call Mary Ann Fischer ’66 at 216-251-6788 Ext. 221, or Maryann Marek at Ext. 211, if you plan to play or attend.

The Alumnae Hall of Fame will induct new members at a ceremony on Sunday, April 18, 2010. On the evening of Saturday, April 17, SJA will host a gathering of all those previously inducted into the Alumnae Hall of Fame to mark the 20 year anniversary of the first Hall of Fame induction in 1990. On Monday, April 19, the newly inducted members will have the opportunity to meet and address the current students at an all-school assembly.

Evening of Reflection for Women

Mark your calendar for Wednesday, May 12, 2010 to attend the annual spring luncheon for alumnae and friends. This year the luncheon will be held at the new Westwood Country Club! Come enjoy a delicious luncheon and fabulous raffle with your classmates and friends and benefit a good cause – the Saint Joseph Academy Scholarship Fund. Please watch your mail in early spring for your reservation form.

Back by popular demand, the Evening of Reflection for Women will take place on Wednesday, March 10, 2010. The evening will begin with a light supper followed by a prayer and ritual. There will be the opportunity to attend two break-out sessions. Re-charge your spiritual life and plan to attend this wonderful evening! Watch for your invitation and information on how to register in the mail. 24

Saint Joseph Academy UPDATE Register On-Line

Annual Spring Luncheon 2010

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