SA Golf Trader - July/August 2017

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Le SA ’ Se o F adi s n l rv f R g ic Pro E es d E M uc ag t s az & in e G

Vol. 82 • JULY | AUGUST 2017 •

Special Features: • • • •

Golf course and club management Celebrity golfer profile – Kurt Darren Sun City – The Lost City Golf Course Media consumption - Social: integral to the media mix




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On the Cover:

Our magnificent cover picture is of the Fairmont Zimbali Resort on the KZN North coast. We have a feature on the Lost City Golf Course at Sun City, Kurt Darren chats to us, Henk Buitendach has written an insightful piece on golf course maintenance & we delve into how golf is followed on social media.

SA Golf Trader published bi-monthly by SA Golf Trader cc. Reg. No. 2004/063586/23 66 Hoylake Drive, Durban North, 4051 For all enquiries please contact: Office 086 101 9005 Louis Naude 083 293 0220 Neville Bellairs 082 705 8764 Fax 086 694 2185 Email

SP E C IA L F E AT U R E S Golf course and club management


Celebrity golfer profile – Kurt Darren


Sun City – The Lost City Golf Course


Media consumption Social: integral to the media mix




Letter to the Editor


Golfing Gals


Trivia quiz


News from the PGA




Balderstone on golf


Know your rules








• The PGA of South Africa



• The Golf School of Excellence



• David Doubell



• Henk Buitendach



We wish to thank the following for their invaluable contributions;


SA’s Leading FREE Golf Products & Services Magazine




SA Golf Trader directory


Laugh out loud


July | August 2017


LETTER TO THE EDITOR Send us your letters, giving us your views, opinions or articles of interest (max 500 words). The most interesting letter will be published in the next edition of SA golf Trader.

WINNING LETTER To the Editor Golf is a game built on honour and fair play. A golfer is expected to put their ball back exactly where they marked it, or lifted it off the green, or to penalise themselves if they ground their club in the dirt on a practice swing. But what if, to the naked eye, a golfer appears to be playing fairly, but a video close-up reveals they replaced their ball a few millimetres too close or kicked up a few grains of sand from a bunker? This is the dilemma professional golf is in during the age of instant replay and armchair referees, equipped with television remotes that can rewind and zoom in. Lexi Thompson lost the first LPGA major of this year after a viewer contacted the tour, charging her with moving the ball, and Dustin Johnson nearly lost the US Open in June after he was found to have bumped his ball forward just the smallest bit. In her first interview since the incident, Thompson was emphatic that she didn’t intentionally put her ball back down in the wrong spot before she sunk the putt. Where does this leave us, what is the way forward? Regards Belinda Newport


Dear Belinda

Thank you for writing in. The USGA & R&A have introduced two new rules since the Lexi Thompson incident which should prevent a repeat of such an occurrence. Under the new rules, If it is concluded by the committee that an error could not reasonably have been seen with the naked eye at the time and the player was not otherwise aware of the potential breach, the player will be deemed not to have breached the rules, even when video technology shows otherwise. The second rule comes into play when a player determines a spot, point, position, line, area, distance or other location in applying the rules, and recognizes that a player should not be held to the degree of precision that can sometimes be provided by video technology. A press release issued by the USGA and R&A says “So long as the player does what can reasonably be expected under the circumstances to make an accurate determination, the player’s reasonable judgment will be accepted, even if later shown to be inaccurate by the use of video evidence,” Regards

July | August 2017




40th anniversary of “The Duel in the Sun”

017 marks 40 years since Tom Watson and Jack Nicklaus contested The Open 1977 in what would come to be known as ‘The Duel in the Sun’. Both players played masterfully over the course of that sunny week in Turnberry, displaying the same skill that enabled them to win a total of 26 Major titles between them.

showcased his incredible sportsmanship, throwing his arm around the newly-crowned champion’s shoulder as they walked towards the scorer’s tent, talking and laughing.

The first three rounds saw Watson and Nicklaus achieve identical under-par scores, relentless in their desire to win. In the fourth round, Watson ultimately scored one shot better than Nicklaus, to reach what was then a record score of 268 (12-under-par). Following this hard-fought contest, Nicklaus

July | August 2017



Golfing Gals

Vote for your favourite Golfing Gal and she can win a host of exciting prizes. If you would like to see Chanté win then Email: SAGT JULY / AUGUST to Terms and Conditions apply.

1. Name: Chanté Boonstra 2 . Where were you born? Ermelo, Mpumalanga 3. Where is your current residence? Ermelo, Mpumalanga 4. What has been your career highlights? My first Club Champs that I won, the first time I played SA Nomads Girls in Orkney and my first Eagel at Ermelo GC on Hole 12 (Par 5). 5. Tell us 5 things about yourself that most people don’t know? I am scared of needles, I hate hospital’s, I hate unfairness, I am scared of the dark and I am a mommy’s girl. 6. What is currently on your bucket list? To go bungee jumping, scuba diving, parachute jumping, anything to do with adrenaline. 7. Do you set yourself goals? Yes a lot and sometimes I set them too high. 8. Who are your role models? My grandfather that sadly passed away and my mom. 9. What are your strengths and weaknesses of your game ? My strength is my driving ability, and my weakness is my mental game. 10. What are your best and worst travel experiences? Best: Going to Scotland and playing golf in the SA Kids Tournament. 6

July | August 2017

HEALTH & LIFEST YLE Worst: My grandma getting a small heart attack on the plane on our way back from Scotland. 11. What tournament or Major would you most like to win? Tournament: The SA Amateur Match Play Major: US Women’s Open 12 .What song would you play for yourself before going to the first tee? Hall of Fame ft The Script. 13. What is you favorite home-cooked meal? Lasagna (My mother’s) 14. What would be your three must have items if you were stranded on an Island? A blanket, a knife and something to make fire with. 15. Describe yourself in one word? Loyal. 16.What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? Duck in Scotland. 17. What would you ask if you were granted three wishes? To be a Pro Golfer, be successful and make lots of money and to have my grandfather for one more year. 18. Two things you are Really good at besides golf ? Playing Darts, making friends and making peace. 19. Who would be in your ideal fourball? Jason Day , Michelle Wie, Henrik Stenson, Myself 20. Which actress would you pick to play you in a movie about your life? Jennifer Aniston. 21. What is your biggest fear? Needles. 22. What advice would you give to youngsters just starting playing golf? Never give up on your dreams no matter what and don’t play other people play the course and most important ENJOY the game you playing. July | August 2017

Season Eight If you would like to be considered as a SA Golf Trader “Golfing Gal” please submit three colour photo’s of yourself on the golf course and three photos of your choice to One girl per edition will be chosen by us (the editors decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into). The winner will be the girl who receives the most emails. The competition will be over six editions and closes on 31/08/2017. If you are selected by us you will have to answer the questions that SA Golf Trader puts to you.





Congratulations to Konrad Botha our winner of the Trivia Quiz May/June edition, he receives two bottles of KWV 12 year old brandy.

1. How many courses are in the current Open Championship rota? a. Seven b. Eight c. Nine d. Eleventy-seven

7. Who has the most PGA Tour wins without ever winning a major? a. Gene Sarazen b. Colin Montgomery c. Lee Westwood d. Harry Cooper

2. What former English cricket international is currently playing on the South African Big Easy professional Golf tour ? a. Johathen Trott b. Matt Prior c. Craig Kieswetter d. Kevin Pieterson

8. What winner of all 3 American majors, once managed a all female rock band called “The Ladybirds” ? a. Jack Nicklaus b. Lee Trevino c. Raymond Floyd d. Curtis Strange

3. What did John Daly claim helped power his 1995 Open victory at the Old Course? a. Marlboros and Jim Beam b. Chocolate chip muffins and Wilson Pickett CDs c. The ghost of Old Tom Morris and jammy dodgers d. The Smurfs and Mrs. Peel

9. Once asked what she thought about golf, what Royal Lady said: “I prefer to take the dog out” ? a. Princess Diana b. Queen Elizabeth c. Duchess of Kent d. Princess Anne of Great Britain

4. True or False: The origin of the word “golf ” comes from the acronym “Gentlemen only, ladies forbidden.” a. True b. False

10. When Tiger Woods won the last Open at Royal Liverpool in 2006, challenger Sergio Garcia wore an all-canary yellow outfit in the final round but shot 73 and fell back to fifth. Which of the following headlines appeared in one of the British tabloid newspapers the next day? a. The bane from Spain falls mainly from his plane b. Rare Spanish yellow-bellied sap-sucker spotted at Hoylake c. Sergio tawt he taw a puddy tatt--he did, he did, a gwate big puddy tat! Proudly sponsored by: d. Sergio, You’ll Never Be Top Banana

5. Prior to 2016, when was the last time golf was in the olympics? a. 1808 b. 1904 c. 1924 d. 1992 6. Complete this old Scottish saying: “Nae wind, nae rain, ___ _____.” a. Nae golf b. Nae way c. Na Kevin d. Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, hey-hey, goodbye.

The winner of the trivia quiz will receive two bottles of KWV 12 year old brandy!

1. The first correct entry drawn will be declared the winner. The draw will take place on the 19th of August 2017. 2. The Editor’s decision is final and no correspondence either in terms of the questions, answers or winner will be entered into. 3. The answers to the questions and the name of the winner will be published on the quiz page in the following issue. 4. Results and answers will be published in the next edition of SA Golf Trader. Instructions: 1. Choose one of the answers for each question. 2. Send the 10 letters of your chosen answers in sequence via email to or Fax your chosen answer letters to 086 694 2185.

ANSWERS TO THE May/Jun EDITION 1.A 2.A 3.TRUE 4.B 5.A 6.TRUE 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C 8

July | August 2017



PGA of SA golf coaches

also making their mark at Majors


The recent US Open showcased not only the strength of South African golf inside the ropes but also outside as three of the country’s top golf coaches were working with their players at Erin Hills. PGA of South Africa coaches Peter Berman, Llewellyn van Leeuwen and Jamie Gough were all in attendance at the second Major of 2017. Berman was there as the official coach of Branden Grace; while Van Leeuwen worked with Brandon Stone, George Coetzee and Oliver Bekker; and Gough was keeping an eye on the swing of Chinese star Li Haotong and several other European Tour professionals. Gough’s work on tour has long been praised, and even more so after Haotong made history as the first Chinese professional to make the cut in a US Open. Van Leeuwen also had reason to celebrate as Stone finished tied 35th in his first US Open. And Grace finished tied 50th in a Major Berman believes the South African is perfectly suited for, with two top five finishes in his last three US Opens.

the three of us there as part of quite a strong South African showing that week.” South Africa has long been highly regarded for the quality of players it produces, but the intense efforts being put in by the PGA of South Africa to introduce cutting-edge education programmes for its members is leading to a boom in coaching depth in this country. “The PGA of South Africa coaching professionals are improving all the time,” says Berman. “We have exceptional coaches in this country, and not just those who coach out on Tour. We have an array of wonderful coaches who are growing the game through juniors and beginner golfers and in turn producing really good players. “If the coaches continue to upskill and learn from each other then South Africa will continue to produce really good players at every level. And there is no doubt in my mind that if young and aspiring golfers can get to their local PGA professional and get the basics in place early on it will make a big difference in their games and their overall enjoyment of golf.”

“Branden really thrives on pressure situations and tough golf courses and US Opens definitely suit him. This US Open probably didn’t play into his hands because of the rain that softened the golf course. But it’s also so competitive that anybody in the top 50 in the world can win a Major now. I wouldn’t be surprised if the current streak of first-time Major winners continues. “But overall, from a South African perspective it was a fantastic experience. We obviously had a few South African golfers in the field and then a few South African caddies there as well. So it was great to have

July | August 2017

Photo: Peter Berman, coach of Branden Grace, was one of three PGA of South Africa coaches working at the US Open this year along with Llewellyn van Leeuwen and Jamie Gough. Credit: Supplied.


tuition & instruction

Shoulder range:

How much is enough? Esmiralda Swart The Golf School of Excellence, Balderstone Sports Institute


he shoulder is a unique joint in that it can move in any direction and is the most flexible joint in the human body. But what happens when you don’t have enough range? And what happens when you have too much range? For the shoulder joint to be effective in the golf swing you need two things: enough range (mobility) and good stability. If you lack in any of these areas, certain compensatory patterns can be observed in the swing. These compensatory patterns are usually in the form of a chicken wing, a flying elbow and a loss of posture. These patterns all appear as a result of the body trying to find a way to set the club at the top of the backswing and generate a decent amount of speed. These limitations also put you at a greater risk for injury. The shoulder joint is considered the third most common area of injury for a golfer. The tests illustrated below can help you determine whether you have any of these limitations and they will help you classify your limitation (mobility or stability). These tests are based on the Titleist Performance Institute assessments.


1. The 90/90 Test assesses the amount of range you have in your shoulder in the golf stance. To pass this test you should be able to rotate the forearm past 90° without arching the back to achieve the range. Excessive range would be greater than 120°. 2. The Reach, Roll and Lift Test assesses the stability and control of the shoulder blades (scapula) and the muscles surrounding the shoulder blades. To pass this test you need to lift the arm above the ear whilst keeping the arm straight and the palm rotated upwards. All is not lost if you did not pass these tests. Here are some corrective exercises for each of these limitations.

July | August 2017

tuition & instruction •

Improving the range in the shoulder joint (external rotation):

In a standing position, grab the club head and let the club hang on the backside of the forearm with the arm bent at 90°. Grab the bottom of the club with the opposite hand and gently pull it forward until a stretch in the shoulder is felt. Hold this position for 30 seconds, repeat this three times on both sides. • •

perform twelve slow and controlled pulses with the other. After twelve repetitions, move the same arm out to the side. Perform twelve pulses in this position with the opposite arm still held at shoulder height. Lastly, bend the pulsing arm into a 90° angle and perform twelve external rotations while the other arm is still held at shoulder height. Repeat on the other side. Shoulder stability: Shoulder taps

In a push-up position, place the arms directly under the shoulders. The width of the legs will depend on how stable you Limiting excessive range in the shoulder: are. Start off with a wide stance and work your way Shoulder strength complex to feet together. Start by lifting one hand off the ground and tap the opposite shoulder. This movement should be extremely slow and controlled. Perform three sets of ten repetitions per side. It’s important to remember that no swing change can take place if the limitation is physical and not technical. For an efficient swing, the body needs to be able to move in an efficient manner. To book a golf fitness assessment contact Esmiralda Swart: E-mail:

In a standing position, grab a light dumbbell in both hands and lift them straight out in front of you. While holding one arm at shoulder level,

July | August 2017




011 485 1067/8

Esmiralda Swart is the Strength and Conditioning specialist at The Golf School of Excellence Johannesburg campus. She has an Honours Degree in Sport Science and is a TPI Certified Level 2 Fitness Professional.


tuition & instruction


July | August 2017

A F F O R D A B L E G O L F - G AU T E N G

July | August 2017


A F F O R D A B L E G O L F - G AU T E N G


July | August 2017

A F F O R D A B L E G O L F - G AU T E N G

July | August 2017


A F F O R D A B L E G O L F - G AU T E N G


July | August 2017

A F F O R D A B L E G O L F - G AU T E N G

July | August 2017


S pecial F eature – G olf course & club management

Golf course Maintenance? What does it really entail and who is responsible? by Henk Buitendach, Thatchfield Golf Club


he day in and day out responsibilities of a Golf Course Superintendent, and the tasks that he is responsible for, are what we can attribute to a well-maintained golf course. The course superintendent plays such a pivotal role in maintaining and sustaining the multi-million-dollar facility, yet, it must be despondent for those with this highly intense job profile, as they often get overlooked in the industry. When I asked members at various clubs if they knew what a golf course superintendent does, the answer was usually vague or unknown? So, what does it entail exactly? Before I divulge that bit of information, let me take you back in time. Around 1457, a recording was made by King James the second where he stated that golf was banned from the streets so that archery could be practiced. On the streets? One can only think that war was always an imminent force waiting to happen and games, such as golf, was simply out of the question when more important skill sets were required. The game has most certainly developed over the centuries and has become refined to what it is today. So, if I jump a few centuries, to the 18th century, I can begin to explain the origin of golf course maintenance. The exact date is still under dispute by many organisations, but the first recordings of men


getting paid for their duties and responsibilities, as far as maintenance was concerned, was noticed in the late 18th century. During this period, one can see a vast change in how the game was played, as well as how the course was established and maintained.

This picture illustrates how rough the course was in 1945.

Can you imagine the quality of golf then, compared to now? Greenkeeping only became defined as a separate profession in 1903. It started getting noticed and respected as the famous Tom Morris got appointed as St Andrews “keeper of the green” in 1865. Hence greenkeeping became a known profession. Prior to that there were many keepers of the green, so it doesn’t technically make him the first ever greenkeeper, although it was his appointment that helped to shape and form certain techniques used to maintain a course. With only a barrow, spade, shovel and rake he maintained the old course

July | August 2017

S pecial F eature – G olf course & club management at St Andrews with his assistant David Honeyman. Together they established the name of a Greenkeeper and formed the job title that we are all familiar with today. It was Tom Morris’s approach to maintaining a golf course that earned the respective title. It is interesting to note, that many of these techniques are still being used today- like continually topdressing with sand on tee boxes/ greens to create an even surface. Obviously taking into consideration that technology has advanced, the techniques have been altered and made more efficient over the years. Duties and responsibilities of the greenkeeper or keeper of the green in the early 18 centuries, were simply moving tees, cutting holes and fixing damaged areas where animals where grazing. Grazing animals, you should wonder? Well yes, lawnmowers only started appearing in the 1830`s and as you can imagine grass and fields had to be cut and maintained for the surface to be playable. Animals like sheep from the neighbouring farms, where allowed to graze on the course whilst herding and moving them around as needed. Cutting grass was as simple as as a moo or a meeh and viola, the lawn was cut. OK well, maybe not that simple, but the responsibilities as mentioned above was narrowed down to only a few sectors, that no doubt kept them busy the entire day. While sheep grazed on the course, they obviously caused a lot of damage. Droppings of the animals on the course had to be cleaned up and the damage to the surface repaired. All this formed part of their maintenance duties.

What looks like snow is, in fact, linen laid out to dry on the links

The old course at St Andrews’ growing medium, or also known

of soil which was sand. Fierce winds then blew out most of

as sub-soil, consist mainly out of

the sand and widened these holes even more- until they

sand. So, as the animals grazed

were big enough to accommodate shelter for the next

on the course and lay down to

passing sheep. The next sheep would then go lie in this

rest, they would damage the grass

bigger hole for shelter and the cycle continued. This kept

when getting up to move on to

on until a big enough hole was created on the playing

greener pastures. This created

surface to become known as what we today call a bunker.

small holes on and in the surface

I can only imagine the frustration of the greenkeepers in

of the grass exposing the top layer

continually trying to discourage the sheep from resting in

July | August 2017


S pecial F eature – G olf course & club management There is now an importance to what is man-

Pesticide, fungicide and herbicide specialist

aged daily, a highly intense working environment, which is managed by a force that is

Qualified pest control officer

technically out of your control. In upcoming

Fleet expert in machinery

Irrigation Specialist

Golf course construction specialist

When comparing the maintenance of the

Plant and turf specialist

course 100-200 years ago, compared to today,

Chemical and fertilization expert

the level of maintenance on a course has

Environmental conscious approach to

articles, I will explain the difficulties associated with this specialised job.

risen dramatically. What is expected from a “greenkeeper”, in this new day and age, is

sustaining and maintaining •

undoubtedly out of a greenkeepers educational reach. Therefore, a new job title had to be created, taking into consideration all these new and advanced responsibilities. Thus, a new profession was developed- known as A Golf Course Superintendent.

Managing staff complement of around 20-30

Detail and Manicuring

One can notice the vast change of knowledge and experience that is needed in the 20th century, compared to what Mr Morris incorporated in the 18th century. It’s come

A golf course superintendent is a more

a long way thanks to certain green asso-

knowledgeable individual, with some form

ciations, universities and businesses for

of educational experience in soil science or

investing billions of dollars to help enhance

agronomy. Maybe you are still under the

the performance of turf quality as the need

impression that the man in charge of the

arose. With new discoveries, inventions and

course is called a green keeper? I suppose it

improvements in each section of the course,

has become a common layman’s term to refer

greenkeeping has evolved and defined itself

to the golf course superintendent. However,

over time. In my next article, I will begin to

don’t use the term greenkeeper to misjudge

explore the finer details of greenkeeping

the individual running your course. He is no

and what it entails in today’s world.

doubt a highly educated individual. Since humanity is never satisfied, we will Here are just a few of his skills and knowledge set: • •


continue to see a marked increase in the education and specialisation required for

Biological expert of the current environ-

an effective golf course superintendent to

ment and turf

perform his job. Now that progression I am

Scientific approach to managing turf

personally certainly looking forward to.

July | August 2017

A F F O R D A B L E G O L F - G AU T E N G

July | August 2017


A F F O R D A B L E G O L F - F R E E S TAT E / W E S T E R N C A P E


July | August 2017


July | August 2017




July | August 2017


July | August 2017




July | August 2017





Shaun Norris will tee it up at the Open courtesy of his win in Japan


C Ritchie saw off Trevor Fisher Jnr. on the second play-off hole at Royal Harare GC to win the 2017 Zimbabwe Open.

Shaun Norris took the Rookie of the Year honours on the Japan Golf Tour last year, but in June the big-hitting South African took his status in Japan to a whole new level when he won the 17th JGT Championship Mori Building Cup in Ibaraki. Norris fired a final round 64 at the Shishido Hills Country Club to seal success with a four shot victory over Seungsu Han of South Korea on 13 under 271. The win – worth ¥30,000,000 (roughly R3.4 million) also netted the 35-year-


old Norris a berth in this year’s Open Championship at Royal Birkdale and a start at the World Golf Championship – Bridgestone Invitational at Firestone in early August.

July | August 2017


July | August 2017





Where were you born and where did you attend school? Pretoria, Lyttelton Primary and Lyttelton Manor.


A Blue Bull then? Absolutely.


At which age did you first start singing? Around about seven, I used to sing whilst my mom played piano.


Am I correct in saying that you started out singing in English? Do you still have a large English fan base? Yes my first few CD’s were English and I still enjoy a large English following.


You have won many awards over the years, is there a particular one that stands out? Every award is special and I’m proud of each one.

10. Is your wife musically inclined? Not really.


Many of your songs have been covered overseas, in which overseas country are you songs the most popular? That would be Holland.

11. Do you live by a specific mantra? “Passion, determination, loyalty and honesty – towards yourself and your audience – make dreams a reality.”



Who is your favourite singer of all time and who were your musical influences? Elton John.


Have you always performed solo or have you been in a band? I was part of a group called Deep Blue, four guys who all had blue eyes.


Do you play any instruments? Guitar.

July | August 2017



July | August 2017

How often do you play golf? I don’t get that much chance to play regularly, I’m going to try and change that now!

What is your handicap? 17

Where do you enjoy playing? I love playing at Wingate, Zwartkop, Sun City, Serengeti and Legends.

Do you have an overseas favourite? I have played on unbelievable courses in NZ, Australia and Europe, no real favourite as I enjoyed them all.

What would be your ideal fourball? My dream fourball would be Ernie, Charl, James K or Louis at Leopard Creek. My regular golf partner was Corrie Sanders and I really miss those rounds with him, he was such an elegant golfer.


A ffordable golf – G arden R oute


July | August 2017

A ffordable golf – G arden R oute

July | August 2017


A ffordable golf – G arden R oute


July | August 2017

A ffordable golf – E A S T E R N C A P E

July | August 2017


A ffordable golf – G arden R oute


July | August 2017

R E S U LT S & R A N K I N G S Quicken Loans National, TPC Potomac, 29 June - 2 July 2017

Sunshine Tour 1 Riekus Nortje 2 Ockie Strydom T3 Alex Haindl Oliver Bekker T5 JJ Senekal Jean Hugo T7 Vaughn Groenewald Jbe’ Kruger Rourke van der Spuy 10 Martin Rohwer

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


65-67-70-68 65-70-67-70 70-64-72-71 64-74-68- 71 72-69-68-69 66-73-68-71 73-71-70-65 70-71-71-67 72-66-71-70 71-74-67-68

270 272 277 277 278 278 279 279 279 280

(-18) (-12) (-11) (-11) (-10) (-10) (-9) (-9) (-9) (-8)

R 317,000.00 R 230,000.00 R 107,400.00 R 107,400.00 R 57,500.00 R 57,500.00 R 45,000.00 R 45,000.00 R 45,000.00 R 32,600.00

1 Kyle Stanley 2 Charles Howell III T3 Rickie Fowler Martin Laird T5 Keegan Bradley Sung Kang Marc Leishman Other South African T26 Tyrone Van Aswegen


5 5 5 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 3 4

R 648,507.00 R 350,100.00 R 315,525.00 R 312,460.00 R 252,663.00 R 251,686.00 R 207,000.00 R 191,380.00 R 163,317.00 R 162,860.00 R 162,016.00 R 161,853.67 R 157,179.33 R 137,856.00 R 131,607.00 R 111,043.00 R 109,810.00 R 107,726.00 R 107,647.00 R 95,047.00

70-70-67-66 71-69-67-66 70-72-68-65 67-72-69-67 71-68-70-67 66-69-71-70 66-72-72-66


72-66-74-68 280

273 273 275 275 276 276 276

(-15) (-15) (-13) (-13) (-12) (-12) (-12)

$ 1,278,000.00 $ 766,800.00 $ 411,800.00 $ 411,800.00 $ 216,993.75 $ 216,993.75 $ 216,993.75


$ 54,670.00

PGA tour order of merit as of 2 JULY 2017

1 Dustin Johnson 2 Hideki Matsuyama 3 Justin Thomas 4 Jordan Spieth 5 Jon Rahm Other Southern Africans 30 Louis Oosthuizen 33 Charl Schwartzel 95 Branden Grace 125 Tyrone Van Aswegen 159 Retief Goosen 180 Rory Sabbatini 201 Ernie Els 217 Brendon de Jonge

Sunshine Tour final order of Merit AS OF 2 JULY 2017

Oliver Bekker Riekus Nortje Jared Harvey JC Ritchie Ockie Strydom Peter Karmis Trevor Fisher Jnr Zack Byrd JJ Senekal Jean Hugo Alex Haindl Justin Harding Lyle Rowe Daniel van Tonder Vaughn Groenewald Adilson Da Silva Doug McGuigan Merrick Bremner Jaco Ahlers Rourke van der Spuy



12 15 18 16 16

$ 6,355,725.00 $ 5,945,990.00 $ 5,131,179.00 $ 4,948,145.00 $ 4,491,815.00


12 12 15 25 15 16 16 9

$ 2,009,697.00 $ 1,836,386.00 $ 892,241.00 $ 611,957.00 $ 315,201.00 $ 196,168.00 $ 130,926.00 $ 54,273.00 TOUR Tour order of Merit as of 2 JULY 2017

1 Stephan Jaeger 2 Andrew Putnam 3 Andrew Landry 4 Ted Potter, Jr. 5 Kyle Thompson Other South Africans 76 Jacques Blaauw 104 Dawie van der Walt 216 Thomas Aiken


12 12 12 13 11

$ 251,285.00 $ 243,499.00 $ 219,018.00 $ 197,957.00 $ 189,820.00


11 12 4

$ 40,275.00 $ 22,738.00 $ 1,476.00

PGA TOUR U.S. Open, Erin Hills, 15 - 18 June 2017

1 T2

Brooks Koepka Brian Harman Hideki Matsuyama 4 Tommy Fleetwood T5 Rickie Fowler Bill Haas Xander Schauffele Other South Africans T23 Louis Oosthuizen T35 Brandon Stone T50 Branden Grace T55 Ernie Els T58 Thomas Aiken



67-70-68-67 272 67-70-67-72 276 74-65-71-66 276 67-70-68-72 277 65-73-68-72 278 72-68-69-69 278 66-73-70-69 278

(-16) (-12) (-12) (-11) (-10) (-10) (-10)

$ 2,160,000.00 $ 1,050,012.00 $ 1,050,012.00 $ 563,642.00 $ 420,334.00 $ 420,334.00 $ 420,334.00


74-70-68-73 70-74-72-73 72-72-71-77 70-72-79-74 71-71-75-79

(-3) (+1) (+4) (+7) (+8)

$ 105,506.00 $ 58,637.00 $ 28,895.00 $ 25,631.00 $ 25,026.00

285 289 292 295 296

Travelers Championship, TPC River Highlands, 22 - 25 June 2017

1 2 T3 T5

Jordan Spieth Daniel Berger Charley Hoffman Danny Lee Paul Casey Patrick Reed

Other South Africans T60 Retief Goosen


63-69-66-70 68-67-66-67 69-67-68-66 68-67-68-67 68-68-66-69 67-66-72-66

268 268 270 270 271 271

RSA 70-69-71-70 280

July | August 2017

(-20) (-20) (-18) (-18) (-17) (-17)

$ 1,224,000.00 $ 734,400.00 $ 394,400.00 $ 394,400.00 $ 248,200.00 $ 248,200.00


$ 14,484.00

Champions Tour order of merit as of 2 JULY 2017

1 Bernhard Langer 2 Kenny Perry 3 Fred Couples 4 Scott McCarron 5 Miguel Angel Jimenez Other South Africans 32 David Frost 91 James Kingston


11 12 8 13 11

$ 1,815,666.00 $ 1,225,385.00 $ 1,103,147.00 $ 958,135.00 $ 840,587.00


13 3

$ 321,820.00 $ 33,728.00

EUROPEAN TOUR BMW International Open, Golfclub München 22 - 25 June 2017 1 T2

Andres Romero Thomas Detry Richard Bland Sergio Garcia T5 Rikard Karlberg Other South Africans T8 Hennie Otto T14 George Coetzee


67-71-68- 65 65-71-70-66 67-69-67-69 66-70-67-69 67-69-72-66

271 272 272 272 274

(-17) (-16) (-16) (-16) (-14)

€ 333,330.00 € 149,140.00 € 149,140.00 € 149,140.00 € 84,800.00


68-69- 70-69 276 (-12) € 47,400.00 69-70-70-70 279 (-9) € 27,633.00


calend A r

Sunshine Tour

DATE EVENT VENUE JULY 2017 27 - 29 AUGUST 2017 2 - 4 9 - 11 17 - 19 23 - 25 SEPTEMBER 2017 31Aug - 2 Sep 6 - 8 13 - 15 21 - 23

Vodacom Origins

Highland Gate Golf & Trout Estate

Sun City Challenge Sun Carnival City Challenge Vodacom Origins Sun Wild Coast Sun Challenge

Gary Player CC & Lost City GC Serengeti Golf & Wildlife Estate Arabella CC Wild Coast Sun CC

Vodacom Origins Sun Fish River Challenge Sun Boardwalk Challenge Vodacom Origins - St Francis

Zimbali GC Fish River Sun CC Humewood GC St Francis Links

Amateur events - Men DATE EVENT VENUE JULY 2017 1 – 2 5 – 7 5 – 7 9 11 – 13 14 – 16 19 – 20 20 – 21 22 – 23 29 – 30 AUGUST 2017 3 – 4 3 – 4 5 – 6 6

Eastern Province Senior Open Dimension Data Junior Open Dimension Data U15 Challenge Lowveld Mid-Amateur Open Nomads SA Boys U17 Championship Limpopo Open Sun City U13 & U15 Challenge Tshwane Junior Open Northern Cape Mid-Amateur Open Border Stroke Play

St Francis Bay GC Fancourt CC Fancourt CC Nelspruit GC Rustenburg GC Koro Creek GC Gary Player CC Pretoria CC Kimberley GC East London GC

Ernie Els SA Primary Schools Championship SA High Schools Championship Northern Cape Senior Open KwaZulu-Natal Mid-Amateur Open

Randpark GC Rustenburg GC Sishen GC Durban CC

CONTAC T DETAILS Boland Golf Union Border Golf Union Central Gauteng Golf Union Eastern Gauteng Golf Union


(021) 873 6828 (043) 740 3899 (011) 485 4251 (011) 425 5316

Freestate and Northern Cape Golf Union Gauteng North Golf Union Karoo Golf Union Sunshine Tour

(057) 899 1724 (012) 667 1087 (054) 332 3323 (021) 850 6500

July | August 2017

calend A r

events calendar july/aug/sept 2017

Amateur events - Men (continued)

DATE EVENT VENUE AUGUST 2017 12 – 13 18 – 20 19 – 20 20 24 – 26 31 Aug – 1 Sep

Sun International Africa Junior Open Southern Cape Open Mpumalanga Senior Open North West Mid-Amateur Open KZN Amateur MP KZN Senior Spring Open

Fish River Sun CC George GC Middelburg C Pecanwood G&CC Southbroom GC Durban CC

SEPTEMBER 2017 1 – 3 3 3 – 4 7 – 8 10 – 11 16 – 17 18 – 22 29 Sep - 1 Oct 30 Sep - 1 Oct

Mpumalanga Open Boland Mid-Amateur Open KZN Senior Classic Open WP Mid-Amateur Open Border Mid-Amateur Open Lowveld Senior Open SA Inter-Provincial Ekurhuleni Open North West Senior Open

Nelspruit GC Stellenbosch GC Cotswold Downs GC Steenberg GC TBA Nelspruit GC Bryanston CC Benoni CC Potchefstroom CC

Amateur events - Women DATE EVENT VENUE JULY 2017 2 - 4 Nomads SA Girls Championship Orkney GC 16 - 19 Sanlam SA Amateur Match Play Championship Stellenbosch GC AUGUST 2017 15 – 16 Gauteng Stroke Play Championships Kyalami CC 26 – 27 Southern Cape Championship Mossel Bay GC SEPTEMBER 2017 2 – 3 Northern Cape Championship Magersfontein Memorial GC 9 – 10 Ekurhuleni Open & Junior Championship TBA 16 – 17 Boland Championship Hermanus GC 18 – 19 Boland Championship - Match Play Hermanus GC 25 – 29 SA Women’s Inter Provincial Championship Mossel Bay GC

CONTAC T DETAILS KZN Golf Union Mpumalanga Golf Union Limpopo Golf Union North-West Province Golf Union

July | August 2017

(031) 202 7636 (013) 692 3002 (015) 295 4118 (044) 533 3507

Southern Cape Golf Union Eastern Cape Golf Union Western Province Golf Union Sunshine Tour (Joanne)

(044) 873 5823 (043) 735 4443 (021) 686 1668 (021) 850 6500


R E S U LT S & R A N K I N G S Dylan FRITTELLI T20 Trevor Fisher Jnr Jaco Van Zyl T31 Brandon Stone T34 Richard STERNE T59 Jaco Ahlers Ernie Els T67 Zander Lombard


72-71-66-70 69-69-71-71 70-72-67-71 72-71-66-73 71-72-67-73 67-73-73-73 71-71-71-73 74-69-71-73

279 280 280 282 283 286 286 287

(-9) (-8) (-8) (-6) (-5) (-2) (-2) (-1)

€ 27,633.00 € 22,333.00 € 22,333.00 € 16,600.00 € 13,600.00 € 5,200.00 € 5,200.00 € 3,841.00

HNA Open de France, Le Golf National, 29 Jun - 2 Jul 2017 1 Tommy Fleetwood 2 Peter Uihlein T3 Thorbjørn Olesen Mike Lorenzo-Vera Alexander Bjork Other South Africans T23 Thomas Aiken T32 Haydn Porteous T50 Richard Sterne T65 Trevor Fisher Jnr


67-68-71-66 67-67-71-68 69-69-73- 65 71-69-70-66 66-69-70-71

272 273 276 276 276

(-12) € 1,040,824.00 (-15) € 693,879.00 (-12) € 322,657.00 (-12) € 322,657.00 (-12) € 322,657.00


73-67-73-69 72-67-73-73 73-69-74-72 71-70-76-76

282 285 288 293

(-6) (-3) (0) (+5)

€ 65,884.00 € 47,774.00 € 25,604.00 € 14,363.00

European tour order of merit as of 2 July 2017

1 Tommy Fleetwood 2 Sergio Garcia 3 Jon Rahm 4 Alex Noren 5 Ross Fisher 6 Bernd Wiesberger 7 Justin Rose 8 Peter Uihlein 9 Thomas Peters 10 Francesco Molinari Other South Africans 12 Charl Schwartzel 18 Dylan Frittelli 30 Dean BURMESTER 35 Brandon Stone 44 Jaco Van Zyl 45 Branden Grace 47 George Coetzee 50 Thomas Aiken 69 Darren Fichardt 75 Richard STERNE 98 Trevor Fisher Jnr 101 Jbe Kruger 105 Haydn Porteous 112 Zander Lombard 127 Justin Walters 130 Ernie Els 16 Hennie Otto 179 Jacques Blaauw 180 Jaco Ahlers 195 Keith Horne


13 6 5 10 11 14 5 14 8 6

€ 3,521,077.00 € 2,701,628.00 € 1,634,52300 € 1,580,786.00 € 1,349,072.00 € 1,340,668.00 € 1,288,731.00 € 1,047,369.00 € 1,026,454.00 € 932,553.00


6 16 12 12 15 7 16 11 12 8 10 11 18 13 17 6 8 3 10 7

€ 890,475.00 € 684,481.00 € 527,124.00 € 473,472.00 € 414,166.00 € 400,567.00 € 367,564.00 € 350,422.00 € 261,475.00 € 227,766.00 € 159,539.00 € 157,908.00 € 150,721.00 € 143,332.00 € 115,475.00 € 113,366.00 € 66,225.00 € 46,975.00 € 45,501.00 € 35,738.00

EUROPEAN CHALLENGE TOUR European Challenge Tour Order of Merit as of 2 July 2017

1 Julian Suri USA 2 Aaron Rai ENG 3 Tapio Pulkkanen FIN 4 Julien Guerrier FRA 5 Richard Mcevoy ENG 6 Adrien Saddier FRA Other South Africans 18 Zander Lombard Rsa 38 Erik Van Rooyen Rsa 101 Jaco Ahlers Rsa 89 Jacques Kruyswijk Rsa 105 Louis De Jager Rsa 128 Christiaan Bezuidenhout Rsa


6 5 6 6 2 6

€ 103,118.00 € 77,245.00 € 59,228.00 € 52,391.00 € 49,317.00 € 44,530.00

3 6 3 4 2 5

€ 26,351.00 € 9,180.00 € 6191.00 € 7,435.00 € 5,720.00 € 3,833.00

EUROPEAN SENIORS TOUR European Seniors Tour Order of Merit as of 30 April 2017

1 Bernhard Langer 2 Vijay Singh 3 Miguel Angel Jiménez 4 Chris Williams 5 Santiago Luna No other South Africans


2 2 2 2 3

€ 482,272.00 € 285,790.00 € 154,059.00 € 61,330.00 € 55,307.00

LPGA TOUR LPGA order of merit as of 2 JULY 2017 1 So Yeon Ryu 2 Lexi Thompson 3 Ariya Jutanugarn 4 Brooke M. Henderson 5 Danielle Kang Other South Africans 67 Lee-Anne Pace 101 Ashleigh Buhai 117 Paula Reto


12 12 15 16 15

$1,260,426.00 $1,093,155.00 $ 972,731.00 $ 915,211.00 $ 806,828.00


12 12 14

$ 96,804.00 $ 49,831.00 $ 35,317.00

LADIES EUROPEAN TOUR Ladies European Tour order of merit as of 2 July 2017

1 Klara Spilkova 2 Mel Reid 3 Florentyna Parker 4 Georgia Hall 5 Suzann Pettersen Other South Africans 38 Stacy Lee Bregman 56 Nicole Garcia 105 Connie Chen

Rus Eng Eng Eng Nor

2 2 4 3 1

€ 69,885.00 € 63,644.85 € 57,752.26 € 53,295.96 € 40,500.00

Rsa Rsa Rsa

3 3 1

€ 10,287.76 € 7,177.50 € 1,350.00

Official world golf rankings as OF 2 July 2017

1 Dustin Johnson 2 Hideki Matsuyama 3 Jordan Spieth 4 Rory McIlroy 5 Sergio Garcia 6 Jason Day 7 Henrik Stenson 8 Alex Noren 9 Rickie Fowler 10 Brooks Koepka Other South Africans 18 Charl Schwartzel 23 Louis Oosthuizen 35 Branden Grace 75 Dylan Frittelli 92 Brandon Stone 109 Dean Burmester 120 Richard Sterne 131 George Coetzee 132 Jaco Van Zyl 178 Thomas Aiken 196 Jbe’ Kruger


12.41 8.02 7.60 7.57 7.27 7.07 6.73 6.32 5.85 5.53

45 51 50 40 42 40 42 40 50 51


3.98 3.72 3.18 1.50 1.57 1.38 1.32 1.24 1.24 0,95 0.86

48 48 52 52 52 50 40 52 52 52 52

July | August 2017

affordable golf - K Z N


Eight contemporary dining and entertainment between a forest reserve and the shimmering venues offer a dazzling range of appetising Indian Ocean; a tranquil, stylish retreat close options to tantalise your taste buds. With a selection of light to full course meals, local to the picturesque holiday town of Ballito and the delicacy and ethnic dishes, you can be sure to cosmopolitan city of Durban; this is where you enjoy the journey of culinary delights, specially will find the warm welcome of Fairmont Zimbali prepared for you by our talented Executive Chef, Tony Kocke, and his culinary team. Lodge and Fairmont Zimbali Resort. Within a magine a sublime coastal location nestled

spectacular gated estate, prepare to lose yourself

Whether you are looking for a calm sanctuary to enjoy an exquisite afternoon tea in Dalchini, a viscenery simply unlike anywhere else on the conti- brant day next to our sparkling pools at Ayoba!, nent. Whether you choose to spend your time un- or a formal dining experience in OSA, Fairmont winding on the pristine North Coast beaches, put- Zimbali Resort is the perfect destination to satisfy your dining preference. ting your skills to the test on our signature golf in a blend of adventure, relaxation, cuisine and

course or simply basking in the natural splendour Indulge yourself in the unique bounty of South Africa at our full-service Willow Stream Spa, of the fauna and flora unique to our protected forest, you will be spoiled for choice throughout located on our nearby sister property, Fairmont Zimbali Resort. From a detoxifying hydro-masyour stay in the heart of KwaZulu-Natal. sage bath to a stress-relieving intonga stick Every guest at Fairmont Zimbali Lodge and Fair- massage, our many tailored treatments are designed to address your specific needs; each mont Zimbali Resort gets access to Zimbali Counexperience is crafted to help you slow down and try Club, one of South Africa’s finest golf courses. find the energy you hold within — in a peaceful, Designed by PGA champion Tom Weiskopf, this authentic environment. 18-hole course features challenging terrains and At Fairmont Zimbali Lodge and Fairmont simply stunning landscaping throughout its 5,966 Zimbali Resort, our legendary hospitality and metres (6,524 yards). Ecologically sound and attention to detail create an atmosphere of pure suitable for all levels of play, you’ll be wanting to paradise—a place where you can effortlessly immerse yourself in Africa’s unforgettable charm spend time in the rough just to soak up all that and allure. this truly beautiful course has to offer.


July | August 2017

S pecial F eature – C anon S outh A frica D isabled G olf O pen



July | August 2017


May | June 2017




SA golf star Stone named as ambassador for Sun International


ultiple European Tour winner Brandon Stone is the latest South African star to be named as a brand ambassador for Sun International and he joins countryman and Major champion Louis Oosthuizen in this role. “It’s incredible. As a South African, any time that you are given the opportunity to represent such an iconic South African brand with a global presence fills you with pride. And to be named as an ambassador alongside Louis Oosthuizen is something I hold very dearly,” said the 24-year-old Stone, a three-time winner as a professional and who in 2016 formed part of South Africa’s first Olympic golf team which was captained by Gary Player.


July | August 2017

NE WS CLIP CONTINUED It’s already been a significant year on the fairways for Stone. The young star of South African golf qualified for his first US Open this year and went on to finish tied 35th at Erin Hills. Stone’s role as a Sun International ambassador also resonates with his fond memories of the company’s flagship resort, Sun City.

the very high profile clientele that Sun International draws. “The Sun International brand is one that every South African golfer wants to be a part of and it’s a partnership I hope will continue for a very long time.”

Dan Sevel, Sun International’s Marketing Manager: Sports Marketing, said the company is delighted to have one of the rising stars “Sun City has played a major role in my own life as I was born in Rustenburg and my father of world golf representing them on global worked at Sun City for a while. So this is a very fairways. special partnership for me. “Brandon is a very patriotic South African “Sun International does an incredible amount sportsman and we are very proud to be for South African golf. The company has won- associated with him. He is a professional in everything he does, on and off the fairways. derful golf courses, of which the Gary Player He represents the professionalism we strive Country Club is one of my favourite in the world. And their Sun International Challenge for as a company while at the same time reflecting the pure pleasure of golf and the pro-am tournaments on the Sunshine Tour are a fantastic way for young up-and-coming enjoyment thereof that Sun International has always brought to the game.” South African professionals to engage with

July | August 2017



July | August 2017


July | August 2017


A ffordable golf – K Z N


July | August 2017

A ffordable golf – K Z N

July | August 2017


A ffordable golf – K Z N


July | August 2017

A ffordable golf – K Z N

July | August 2017



Brabazon Birthday for McClatchie


tatistically, June 23rd is the happiest day of the year, but 28 May will definitely be the happiest day for Kyle McClatchie for years to come. South Africa’s top ranked amateur spent the best part of his 20th birthday on the Hotchkin Course at the Woodhall Spa GC in England, but it was worth the effort when he was presented with the best gift he could hope for – the coveted Brabazon Trophy. McClatchie came under intense pressure in the final round from Scotland’s Jamie Stewart and English duo Jack Singh Brar and Jake Burnage, but birdie putt at the final hole for a two-under-par 71 helped McClatchie to close out a one shot victory over the British trio. “As birthday presents go, just a Major title could top this,” said the delighted GolfRSA National Squad player after his 10-under-par 282 triumph. McClatchie’s name will be added to those of Neville Sundelson (1974), Richard Kaplan (1986), Craig Rivett (1989) and Charl Schwartzel (2002) and he was thrilled to continue South Africa’s proud history in the



prestigious English men’s open amateur stroke play championship. “I’m over the moon to hold this trophy,” McClatchie said. “It has been a dream four days for me here in England. “I have just been in the zone and apart from a couple of bad swings, I played great all week. I think a huge turning point for me was holding on to a share of the third round lead in the brutal conditions. I wasn’t too worried, even after I had dropped a couple early on. “I just focussed on my own game and tried to make good shots to stay in the running. Jamie deserves some credit for this, because he played really well, especially down the back nine and really kept me on my toes.” Just 3 weeks before this win, the Serengeti golfer showed up a field of professionals when he romped to a seven stroke victory on the Big Easy Tour at Killarney CC. He fine run continued with a top 10 finish in the Irish Amateur Championship and joint fifth in the Internationaux de France at Chantilly GC the previous week.

July | August 2017


Germishuys captures first Junior Series title


estern Province junior Deon Germishuys secured his chance to compete for a spot in the prestigious North and South Junior in the USA next year when he won the first Under-19 A-Division title in the Bridge Fund Managers Junior Series in early July. Ranked eighth in the country, the former Nomads SA Boys U-19 Stroke Play champion came into the inaugural tournament of the 18-event junior golf development initiative between Bridge Fund Managers and GolfRSA as the pre-tournament favourite. And Germishuys lived up to his billing at Royal Cape GC when he edged out Tristan Galant from King David Mowbray GC by three shots for victory. “I knew the spotlight was on me, but I tried not to think about it once we teed off,” said the 17-year-old Strand golfer. “I just had one goal; to win the tournament. To have the chance compete for two spots in the North and South Junior at Pinehurst is a huge opportunity and I

definitely want a shot at it. “Although the national final will only be played once the series wraps up next March, it’s a relief knowing that I’ve tossed my name in the hat already. Now I can enjoy the rest of the series. I don’t have to stress about qualifying anymore.” Germishuys erased a bogey at the second with backto-back birdies at five and six and he was three under par through the turn under an eagle at the par five seventh. He birdied 11 to open up a two shot lead over Thomas Bezuidenhout from Durbanville Golf Club and countered a bogey at 17 with a birdie finish for a winning round of four-under-par 68. “This was such a fantastic way to start the rest of the season after a two-month break,” he said. “Now I’m also nicely warmed up for the start of the Sunshine Tour Junior Series. I booked my spot in the national final, got the rust off and I am taking some confidence to Fancourt for the start of the Dimension Data Junior Open

Stylish Son romps to Nomads SA Girl’s victory


auteng teenager Woo-Ju Son put an exclamation mark behind her rising star status when she strolled to a seven stroke victory in the Nomads SA Girls Championship in Orkney early July.

“I’m so, so pleased to have won,” gushed the country’s number one ranked junior. “I’ve been coming to Orkney since I started playing the junior circuit and it’s always been a goal to win the Nomads SA Girls.

Exactly 12 months since she lifted the Under-16 title, the country’s top ranked junior came full circle at Orkney GC.

Son leaves for the United States on Wednesday and the victory has given her an extra boost of confidence ahead of the IMG Junior World Championship.

Going in search of her seventh victory this season, the petite 16-year-old West Rand junior opened with a one-over-par 73 to share the first round lead with Chante van Zyl from Free State and Western Province’s Kaylah Williams. Son opened up a three shot lead over Jenefer Haw from Ekurhuleni with a second round 70 and closed with a final round 72 to triumph in wire-towire style. Son’s one-under-par 215 winning total was the lowest recorded since Connie Chen won the title with an aggregate score of 209 in 2010 and she was the only player to finish below par this year.

July | August 2017

A-Division Result (top 10) 215 222 224 226 227 228

Woo-Ju Son Chiara Contomathios Kajal Mistry Lindi Coetzee Jenefer Haw Brittney-Fay Berger Caitlyn Macnab Kaylah Williams Chante Van Zyl Danielle du Toit

73 70 72 77 76 69; 77 71 74 79 72 73 75 71 80 80 74 73; 80 71 76; 73 78 76; 73 77 77 76 77 75



KZN seizes 72-Hole Team Champs crown


ichaela Fletcher, Brittney-Fay Berger and Elsune Roode thwarted Gauteng North’s bid for a hat-trick of titles in the 72-Hole Teams Championship at Polokwane GC at the end of May. Repeating their winning performance in Mossel Bay three years ago, the KwaZulu-Natal trio caught the defending champions and secured the Swiss Team Trophy with a superb final round effort. Gauteng A set the pace with an opening 144. KwaZulu-Natal A trailed by two shots and Ekurhuleni A was a further stroke back, however, successive rounds of 144 for KwaZulu-Natal on Tuesday saw the 2014 champions overhaul Gauteng A and finish in pole position alongside Ekurhuleni A, who combined for a second round 143 and posted 144 in the


third round. “Our goal for this year’s event was to try and dethrone Gauteng, but although we talked a big game, we were not certain we could pull it off,” said Roode. “Going into the final round tied with Ekurhuleni and having a three shot cushion over Gauteng really boosted our resolve to fight for the title.” Fletcher and Berger produced a pair of 72s

July | August 2017

A M AT E U R N E W S in the final round to seal the deal for KwaZulu-Natal. The winners signed off with a total score of 578 to beat Gauteng by two strokes. “We came into the tournament as the underdogs and that label suited us just fine,” said Fletcher. “We slowly worked our way to the top by keeping things simple. Our game plan was to try to beat our opponent’s score in each round and that’s how we pushed to the finish line.” Memphis University student Fletcher also won the Governor’s Cup as the leading individual in the 72-hole championship on three-under-par 285. Gauteng’s Kaleigh Telfer, who aided Gauteng to second on 580, was second on even-par 288 and 15-year-old Caitlyn Macnab, who helped Ekurhuleni to third on 585, finished third on 291. Berger, who played some great golf to finish in a tie for fourth on 293, was over the moon to share in the team’s victory. “I played in the B-team in 2014 and it was so exciting to cheer the A-team to victory in Mossel Bay, sp I am really happy to be part of the winning team this year,” said the Kloof golfer. “Michaela and Elsune were so supportive and I loved the experience. I think seeing us beat the powerhouses will encourage the other smaller unions and inspire them to dream big and reach for the stars.” Gauteng did not go home empty-handed, though. Kelsey Nicholas, Lynette Fourie and Kaiyuree Moodley combined for rounds of 153, 147, 148 and 156 to win the Challenge Trophy. The Gauteng C threesome scored a runaway 14 stroke victory over Kiera Floyd, Jenefer Haw and Carmen Taljaard from Ekurhuleni B.

July | August 2017

Swiss Team Trophy Results

578 Kwazulu Natal A 146 Michaela Fletcher 72 144 Michaela Fletcher 72 144 Michaela Fletcher 69 144 Michaela Fletcher 72 580 Gauteng A 144 Woo-Ju Son 71 142 Woo-Ju Son 71 151 Kaleigh Telfer 74 143 Kaleigh Telfer 70 585 Ekurhuleni A 147 Casandra Hall 72 143 Caitlyn Macnab 70 144 Caitlyn Macnab 70 151 Sarah Bouch 75 594 Gauteng B 149 Symone Henriques 74 145 Symone Henriques 72 147 Symone Henriques 73 153 Eleonora Galletti 73 595 Gauteng North A 151 Lenanda van der Watt 73 151 Larissa du Preez 75 143 Larissa du Preez 70 150 Lenanda van der Watt 73

Brittney-Fay Berger 74; Brittney-Fay Berger 72; Brittney-Fay Berger 75; Brittney-Fay Berger 72 Kaleigh Telfer 73; Kaleigh Telfer 71; Woo-Ju Son 77; Kajal Mistry 73 Caitlyn Macnab 75; Casandra Hall 73; Casandra Hall 74; Caitlyn Macnab 76 Chiara Contomathios 75; Eleonora Galletti 73; Chiara Contomathios 74; Chiara Contomathios 80 Catherine Lau 78; Catherine Lau 76; Catherine Lau 73; Larissa du Preez 77

Challenge Trophy Results

604 Gauteng C 153 Kelsey Nicholas 75 147 Kelsey Nicholas 73 148 Kaiyuree Moodley 70 156 Kaiyuree Moodley 77 618 Ekurhuleni B 155 Kiera Floyd 76 154 Kiera Floyd 72 154 Kiera Floyd 75 155 Kiera Floyd 75 624 Free State 155 Gabrielle Venter 76 161 Gabrielle Venter 79 157 Zanele Mazibuko 78 151 Chante Van Zyl 75 625 Kwazulu Natal B 160 Lizzie Currie 78 154 Lizzie Currie 77 159 Lizzie Currie 77 152 Jessica Shurety 648 Western Province C 164 Jordan Rothman 158 Jordan Rothman 164 Jordan Rothman 162 Jordan Rothman

Lynette Fourie 78; Kaiyuree Moodley 74; Kelsey Nicholas 78; Kelsey Nicholas 79 Carmen Taljaard 79; Jenefer Haw 82; Jenefer Haw 79; Jenefer Haw 80 Chante Van Zyl 79; Chante Van Zyl 82; Chante Van Zyl 79; Gabrielle Venter 76 Bronwyn Rae 82; Jessica Shurety 77; Jessica Shurety 82; 74 Lizzie Currie 78 76 Jessica Green 88; 78 Odette Booysen 80; 82 Odette Booysen 82; 78 Jessica Green 84

Governor’s Cup (Individual 72-hole Result) 285 288 291 293

Michaela Fletcher Kaleigh Telfer Caitlyn Macnab Brittney-Fay Berger Woo-Ju Son

72 72 69 72 73 71 74 70 75 70 70 76 74 72 75 72; 71 71 77 74


S pecial F eature – sun city

Sun City ranks amongst the

world’s best golfing destinations We were fortunate enough to play both golf courses however we will talk more about the Gary Player Country Club in our next edition.


SA Golf Trader was recently invited to visit the newly revamped Sun City Resort in the North West Province and to play the multiple award winning Gary Player Country Club golf course and The Lost City Golf Course. Both of these championship golf courses were designed by South African golfing legend, Gary Player and both offer visitors to southern Africa’s premier destination an exciting and challenging golfing experience. Sun International’s iconic Sun City Resort continues to rank amongst the world’s top golfing destinations. The resort has received the prestigious 2017 Golf Digest Editor’s Choice Award for Best Golf Resort in the Best of South Africa category. Sun City was one of only three South African destinations, and the only inland resort, to receive an accolade in this year’s awards programme.

The Lost City Golf Course is an award winning course bordering the Pilanesberg National Park (a game-rich and malaria-free reserve where people can spot the Big Five on magnificent game drives and experience spectacular views of the area in hot air balloons) and is without a doubt one of the most unforgettable golf courses in South Africa. A layout with desert features, The Lost City Golf

The Lost City Golf Course is a favoured winter golfing destination for South Africans and international golfers alike “We are thrilled that Sun City has been rated amongst the world’s premier golfing destinations. South Africa is internationally renowned for its world class golf courses and it is indeed a significant source of pride that Sun City continues to come up trumps, specifically as it is an inland destination,” says Raul de Lima, General Manager at Sun City.


July | August 2017

S pecial F eature – S U N C I T Y

Course is a favoured winter golfing destination for South Africans and international golfers alike.

Families can also enjoy superb self-catering accommodation at the newly upgraded timeshare option, Sun Vacation Club The Par-72 18-hole course covers more than 100 hectares with various themes, from desert to mountains and parkland. It incorporates an impressive 28 000m² (about 92 000ft²) of water features, with perhaps its most famous feature being the water hazard on the 13th hole, which is home to Nile crocodiles. The course has a state-of-the-art clubhouse with a restaurant and pro shop, with a driving range and putting green completing the offering.

Its most famous feature being the water hazard on the 13th hole, which is home to Nile crocodiles Aside from its world class golf courses, Sun City boasts an array of riveting leisure experiences.

July | August 2017

Sun City’s accommodation options include the island-style Cabanas hotel, ‘always-on’ Soho hotel, the seclusion of the Cascades hotel as well as the grandeur of The Palace. Families can also enjoy superb self-catering accommodation at the newly upgraded timeshare option, Sun Vacation Club. Sun City boasts over 30 restaurants and a super choice of activities, from thrilling water rides at the Valley of Waves and water sports at Waterworld, to supervised children’s workshops, adrenalin pumping activities at Adrenalin Extreme and a host of entertainment at the newly upgraded entertainment hub, Sun Central.

For more information about Sun City and all the changes visit #NewSunCity connect with them on Facebook SunCitySA or follow them on Twitter SunCityResortSA and Instagram @SunCityResortSA.


A ffordable golf – N orth W est / L impopo


July | August 2017

A ffordable golf – N orth W est / L impopo NE WS CLIP CONTINUED

July | August 2017


A ffordable golf – L impopo


he annual Liberty Waterberg Off Road Cycle Encounter took place between Sondela and Elements over the weekend 9th to 11th June. The race attracted 188 entries including some of the top off road riders in the country.

Accommodation was provided at Elements in a luxury tented village which was well received and enjoyed by the participants. Sondela staff and students provided the catering service for the weekend and entertainment was provided by the popular group Flashback Fridays.

The three stage race started at Sondela on Friday morning and wound it’s way through some magnificent bushveld scenery ending at the Elements Golf reserve.

A brand new track was created on Elements and Waterberg farms by Melgard Meyer, the General Manager of Sondela and was ridden for the first time ever.


July | August 2017

A ffordable golf – L impopo

This second stage of the race took the riders Evening entertainment was provided from Elements through the Waterberg property by the talented and popular artist Juba. and back to Elements. Following another freezing night but with electric blankets to keep them warm, the Comment from the riders was that it ranks riders departed back to Sondela where the among the most attractive and challenging final lunch and prize giving functions were off road tracks in the country. Following the held. cycling riders took part in three golf interactions being nearest the pin from the elevated All in all a highly successful event that 9th tee box, nearest the flag on a long putt and brought recognition and appreciation to the longest drive. the Waterberg region.

July | August 2017


A ffordable golf – L impopo


A ffordable golf – L I M P O P O / M pumalanga

July | August 2017


A ffordable golf – M pumalanga


July | August 2017

A ffordable golf – M pumalanga / G reenkeeping

July | August 2017



Turning back the clock is the Golfer from the past?


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Our mystery golfer was born on 16th March 1942 and passed away on the 3rd June 2017. He was introduced to golf at Rietvlei Golf Club, where he worked as a caddie after school, and saved up for golf clubs to pursue his passion for golf. In the 1960s he started competing professionally on the Non-European Tour, where he had six wins, four second-place finishes and third place. He was barred from the Southern African Tour in his prime during the 1970s as a result of apartheid; however with assistance from Gary Player he gained entry to tournaments on the European Tour. In 1976 he won the French Open at Le Touquet while pulling his own bag. Later in 1976, he was selected in to partner Gary Player in the World Cup but refused for political reasons. He won the Nelson Mandela Invitational in both 2004 and 2005, playing with Ernie Els in the former year and with Tim Clark in the latter year. He excelled on the European Seniors Tour and won two events on the South African Tour after the country lifted its racial restrictions. His best result in a Major was a tie for 56th in the 1977 Open Championship. Answer on page 80


July | August 2017


one ch i h W ball?

t c e r r o c e is th

Answer on page 80

Where’s the ball?

1 2

3 5


Jean Hugo July | August 2017

: Gallo Photograph by




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DIFFERENCES Photo by Gallo Images


July | August 2017


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Louis De Jager Photo by Gallo Images

July | August 2017


MEDIA COMSUMPTION Of all the world’s major sports, golf is the one that most thrives on tradition – its rules and etiquette as important now as they were in 1860, when the Open Championship was first played. But seismic changes in how media is consumed and an ageing traditional fanbase mean golfing stakeholders must not only keep golf relevant to the younger generations, but continue to optimise the commercial benefits of a massive following. To do that, we all need a better understanding of who the golfing audience is.


For large amounts of the world, social media plays a central role to life. For golf organisations of various shapes and sizes, therefore, they offer not only a communications channel to engage with their fans and customers, but a whole new world to showcase what they’ve got to new audiences.


July | August 2017

ENGAGING WITH THE TWITTERATI Twitter has more than 300 million users globally, and is used by around 20 percent of the golf audience in the US and UK. However, it is also a platform that can be used to draw non-golf fans into the golfing conversation during major golf events – as long as rights-holders and broadcasters, both looking to attract new golf fans, understand how, where and by whom the platform is used.

July | August 2017




Barton Vineyards Villas. 4 night weekend getaway for 6 people - 5 Star self catering Villa. R 5 000-00 for all 4 nights. Contact 083 293 0220.

KZN, MIDLANDS & DRAKENSBURG Cathedral Peak. Weekend for two incl d/b/b R2 500. Contact 082 705 8764.

Lodge @ Atlantic Beach. 2 night stay for 2 people incl breakfast. R 2000 Contact 082 705 8764. De Zalze Lodge. 2 night stay for 2 people incl breakfast. R 2400. Contact 082 705 8764.

BAGS Luxury w/end for two to Mabula Game Lodge. (Warmbaths). In the hart of the Waterberg region. Including all meals and game drives. Total cost R 3 000-00. Contact 083 293 0220. FREE STATE Luxury w/end for two to Riviera on Vaal. (Vereneging ). Including d/b/b. Total cost R 2 000-00. Contact 083 293 0220.

Drakensberg Gardens Golf & Spa Resort - 2 night weekend getaway for two - Bed & Breakfast and golf included. R 2 000-00 all in. Contact 082 705 8764. Drakensberg Gardens Golf & Spa Resort. 4 night getaway for 6 - Self Catering and golf included. R 4 000-00 all in. Contact 082 705 8764. Monks Cowl (Near Champagne Sports Resort) - 2 night weekend getaway for two - Dinner, Bed & Breakfast and golf included. R 2 000-00 all in. Contact 082 705 8764. San Lameer Hotel. 5 night stay for 2 people incl breakfast. R 5000. Contact 082 705 8764. Selborne Hotel. 2 night stay for 2 people incl breakfast. R 2000. Contact 083 293 0220 LIMPOPO Luxury w/end for two to Monate Game Lodge (Nylstroom). In the hart of the Waterberg region. Including all meals and game drives. Total cost R 3 500-00. Contact 083 293 0220


Weekend for 8 people to Vaal de Grace Golf estate (Parys). Including 1 round of golf p/p & carts. Self catering house on the Nick Price designed golf course. Total cost R 7 000-00. Contact 082 705 8764. MPUMALANGA Luxury w/end for four to Graceland Hotel, casino & golf club. (Secunda). Including b/b & a round of golf. Total cost R 1 800-00. Contact 082 705 8764. Sabi River Bungalows. 2 night weekend getaway for two. (Hazyview) including Dinner/Bed/Breakfast. R 2 500-00 all in. Contact 083 293 0220. Luxury w/end for two to Hulala Lakeside Lodge. (White River). Including d/b/b. Total cost R 2 000-00. 083 293 0220. WESTERN CAPE 1x Luxury w/end for 8 people to Langebaan Golf Estate. 4 Bedroom Lodge. (West Coast). Self catering including a round of golf per person. Total cost R 5 500-00. Contact 082 705 8764.

Cobra imitation leather bag. Very good condition. R 400-00. Contact 082 440 9827. Taylor Made synthetic stand bag. R 600-00. Good condition. Contact 082 440 9827.


Battery operated moonbuggy for sale. 3 months old – Ideal for golfers, last up to 36 holes when fully charged. Can also be used as a mobility scooter. Reason for selling: Storage space. R 8 000-00 negotiable. Contact 082 497 2249.


Titliest 917 D3. 9.5 with fujikura fuel xstiff shaft. R5 500-00 Contact Neil Titliest Driver 910 D3 9.5 degree loft. Fijikura Rombax pro 95 stiff shaft. R2 500.00 Contact: 081 464 6612 / 081 748 8988 Cleveland Classic 290 driver for sale. It has 9.0 of loft with a 43� Stiff Miyazaki shaft. Still brand new and asking price is R1 750. Contact: | / 082 853 9022. Stiff shaft , as new. R 4 000-00. Contact 082 830 8880. Callaway Alpha driver stiff stock shaft. As new. R 4 700-00. Contact 082 805 4277. Cobra bio cell driver (black&white) plus stiff shaft. As new. R 4 000-00. Contact 082 805 4277.

July | August 2017


SLDR 430 TP driver (only one in RSA). Brand new. R 5 000-00. Contact 082 805 4277.

Mizuno JPX EZ forged, 4 to sandiron, XP105 Shaft. R 7 900-00. Contact 082 375 7757.


Titleist 714, AP1 irons (Longest Iron in Golf) 4-PW (stiff or regular flex). New Dynamic Gold XP 95 shafts KBS tour and Dynamic gold s300/x100 shaft also available for this product. R 7 99900 or R 6 900-00. Contact 082 375 7757.

Callaway 3 deep fairway wood. R 2 600-00. As new. Contact 082 805 4277. Taylor Made Burner 3 Fairway wood 15deg. Good condition. R 800-00. Contact 082 440 9827. Titleist 980F 3 Fairway wood 15deg. Good condition. R 800-00. Contact 082 440 9827. Taylor Made SLDR 15 degree, new. R 1 500-00. Contact 082 375 7757. Titleist 913 F and FD, fairway metal, new, with head cover. R 2 000-00. Contact 082 375 7757.


Taylormade M1 Irons. Buy a set of Taylormade M1 irons and receive a FREE Scotty Cameron Newport 2 putter. R 15,999.00. Contact 083 449 4243. Titleist 735CM irons. Shafts S300. R 4 000-00. Contact 082 644 9041. Mizuno MP 32 irons 3-PW, Dynamic Gold Lite R300 shafts. As new - 10 rounds played. R 2 500-00. Contact 082 440 9827. Ping Eye 2 #1 iron. Good condition. R 400-00. Contact 082 440 9827. Ben Hogan Apex PC irons. 3-SW. Good condition. R 1500-00. Contact 082 440 9827. Cleveland TT, stiff flex brand new in the box. 4-SW. Only R5 000-00. Get 3 new, Z stars balls included. Contact 082 375 7757. Cleveland 588 MB Forged Irons (3-PW) DG. R 10 500-00. Contact 082 375 7757. Cleveland 588 ALTITUDE STEEL (4SW) R 5 750-00. Contact 082 375 7757. Cleveland 588 ALTITUDE GRAPHITE (4-SW). R 6 650-00. Contact 082 375 7757.

July | August 2017

Ping G20 irons. Mint condition. R 5 400-00. Contact 082 375 7757.


Cyclops HD Golf Video camera for rental for events like Golf Days and functions. Can be rented per day for R500 inclusive. Portable and simple Plant, Point and Shoot. Contact Michael 079 443 2070 in Gauteng. Sonacaddie Golf GPS V500. Pre-loaded with SA courses, excellent condition, full working order. Easily 2 rounds without re-charging. Complete with all accessories, instructions, box. R1200 or nearest. Johannesburg. Contact 082 652 1144.


Taylor Made Spider Blade Putter with cover. R1 500.00. Contact: 081 464 6612 / 081 748 8988 Scotty Cameron putters with original grips shafts and head covers for sale. Newport 2 studio select R1800. Contact 071 855 0000. Newport 2.6 select black head 3

button centre shaft R2500 & Red X like new R1800. Pretoria. Contact 071 855 0000. Nike Method 35 inch, slim 2.0 grip. Great condition. R 750-00. Contact 082 375 7757. Nike Method mod, mallet putter. Used, immaculate condition, great putter. R 2 000-00. Contact 082 375 7757.


Plot for Sale : Nkonyeni Golf Estate (Swaziland ). Situated on 4th Green. Beautiful landscape. Close to all amenities on this magnificent Golf Course. Please contact me on E-mail should you need more info contact 071 897 1285 or email


Fujikura flywire xx green shaft new. World Number 1 long drive shaft 3 years in a row. R 2200-00. Contact 084 483 8880.


Titleist Vokey SM 5 wedge series 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62 and 64 degree wedges available. R1300-00 per wedge. Any 3 wedges R 3 750-00. Contact 082 375 7757. Cleveland Rtx Wedges. 54 & 60 degree X 100 shafts, brand new. R 2 000-00 for both or R 1 100-00 per wedge. Contact 082 375 7757. Cobra BIG trusty rusty (new) 50 degree. R 650-00. Contact 082 375 7757.

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Golf Shops

GAUTENG Golf Clubs Akasia GC Avion Park GC Benoni CC Bronkhorstspruit GC Bryanston CC CMR GC Copper Leaf GE Dainfern GC Eagle Canyon GC Ebotse GC ERPM GC Germiston GC Glendower GC Glenvista GC Hillside GC Irene CC Jackal Creek GE Johannesburg CC Kempton Park CC Killarney GC Krugersdorp GC Kyalami GC Leeuwkop GC Maccauvlei GC Meyerton GC Modderfontein GC Observatory GC Parkview GC Pebble Rock GC Pollak Park GC Pretoria CC Pretoria GC Randpark GC Randfontein GC Reading GC Riviera on Vaal CC Royal Jhb & Kensington GC Royal Oak CC Services GC Silver Lakes CC Southdowns CC Springs CC State Mines CC Wanderers GC


Waterkloof GC Wingate CC (012) 542-1309 Woodhill CC (011) 970-7000 Zwartkops CC (011) 849-5211 (013) 932-3940 Driving Ranges (011) 706-1361 Colbyn D/R (011) 472-8060 Grasslands D/R (012) 668-8900 Greenhills D/R (011) 875-0400 Jim and Jerrys’ D/R (011) 801-6611 Kimiad D/R & (011) 749-1638 Mashie Course (011) 826-2466 Observatory D/R (011) 827-7818 Panorama D/R (011) 453-1013 Sandy Bunker D/R (011) 432-3150 Six Fountains D/R (012) 546-1764 Verwey D/R (012) 667-1081 Wits D/R (011) 251-6721 Zwartkops D/R (011) 202-1620 (011) 970-1075 Golf Shops (011) 442-3880 (011) 660-4365 Second Chance (010) 594-0034 The Golfers Club (011) 466-2888 Edenvale (016) 422-1263 The Golfers Club (016) 362-0809 Fourways (011) 608-2033 The Golfers Club (011) 648-9574 West Rand (011) 646-5400 The Pro Shop (012) 808-0883 Woodmead (011) 362-6757 (012) 460-3372 (012) 386-6836 (011) 215-8600 (011) 693-5414 (011) 907-8906 (016) 430-1380 (011) 640-3021 (011) 740-0016 (012) 651-4411 (012) 809-2110 (011) 943-4448 (011) 362-5031 (011) 740-9962 (011) 447-3311

(012) 460-2542 The Pro Shop (051) 430-7313 (012) 997-1298 Bloemfontein (012) 998-0011 WESTERN CAPE (012) 654-2111

Golf Clubs (012) 342-3882 (082) 777-8912 (011) 828-9555 (011) 662-1603 (012) 997-2240 (011) 487-3898 (012) 661-0533 (073) 109-4239 (012) 809-0430 (082) 371 7323 (011) 717-9416 (012) 654-4830

(011) 440-0558 (011) 453-6352 (011) 465-9985 (011) 475-7519 (011) 602-8888

FREESTATE Golf Clubs Bethlehem GC Bloemfontein GC Clarens GE Clocolan GC Ficksburg GC Kimberly GC Kroonstad GC Ladybrand GC Oppenheimer Park Parys GE Schoeman Park GC Tempe GC Vaal de Grace

(058) 303-0940 (051) 447-0906 (058) 256-1270 (051) 943-1933 (051) 933-3711 (053) 841-0179 (056) 212-5169 (051) 924-3146 (057) 353-2131 (056) 818-1567 (051) 408-3811 (051) 402-1489 (056) 811-2013

Arabella GC (028) 284-0000 Atlantic Beach GC (021) 553-2223 Bellville GC (021) 913-3100 Bredasdorp GC (028) 424-1855 Clovelly CC (021) 784-2111 Devonvale GE (021) 865-2080 De Zalze GC (021) 880-7300 Erinvale GC (021) 847-1144 King David Mowbray GC (021) 685-3018 Kleinmond GC (028) 271-3525 Langebaan GC (022) 772-2112 Paarl GC (021) 863-1140 Parow GC (021) 930-2160 Pearl Valley GC (021) 867-8000 Rondebosch GC (021) 689-4176 Royal Cape GC (021) 761-6551 Shelley point CC (022) 742-1394 Simonstown CC (021) 786-1233 Somerset West GC (021) 852-2925 Steenberg GC (021) 715-0227 Stellenbosch GC (021) 880-0103 Strand GC (021) 853-6268 Westlake GC (021) 788-2020

Driving Ranges Riverclub

(021) 447-3757

Golf Shops The Golfers Club Century City

(021) 555-3540

THE GARDEN ROUTE Golf Clubs Fancourt - Montagu / Outeniqua Fancourt - The Links Fynbos GCE George GC Goose Valley GE Kingswood GE Knysna GC

(044) 804-0183 (044) 804-0785 (042) 285-0321 (044) 873-6116 (044) 533-5082 (0861) 727-170 (044) 384-1150

July | August 2017

SA GOLF TR ADER DIREC TORY Mossel Bay GC Oubaai GE Pezula GC Pinnacle Point GR Plettenburg Bay GC Simola GE

(044) 691-2379 (044) 851-1234 (044) 302-5300 (044) 606-5300 (044) 533-2132 (044) 302-9677

Prince’s Grant GC (032) 482-0041 Royal Durban GC (031) 309-2581 Sakabula GC (033) 330-6751 San Lameer GC (039) 313-5141 Scottburgh GC (039) 976-0041 Selborne Park GE 087 135 05589 Southbroom GC (039) 316-6051 St Cathryns GC (033) 444-1945 Golf Shops Umdoni Park GC (039) 975-1320 The Pro Shop (044) 871-0620 Umhlali CC (032) 947-1181 Bells Academy Umkomaas GC (039) 973-1330 Victoria CC (033) 347-1394 EA STERN CAPE Wild Coast CC (039) 305-2799 Windsor park GC (031) 303-1728 Golf Clubs (032) 538-1041 Bushman Sands GC (042) 231-8000 Zimbali CC East London GC (043) 735-1356 Driving Ranges Fish River Sun GC (040) 676-1101 Lynton Hall (039) 975-1502 Gonubie GC (043) 740-5645 Golf Academy Hankey GC (042) 284-0335 Mt Edgecombe D/R (031) 502-3480 Humewood Links GC (041) 583-2137 University Dbn D/R (031) 261-8062 Jeffreys Bay GC (042) 293-2532 Westville D/R (031) 265-0148 Katberg GC (040) 864-1010 Port Elizabeth GC (041) 374-3140 Golf Shops (031) 566-5292 Royal Port Alfred GC (046) 624-4796 The Golfers Club Shark River GC (041) 581-6188 Umhlanga (031) 263 0034 St Francis Bay GC (042) 294-0467 The Pro Shop St Francis Links (042) 200-4500 Durban Uitenhage GC (041) 966-1868 LIMPOPO Walmer Park GC (074) 259-1788 Walmer CC (041) 581-1877 Golf Clubs West Bank GC (043) 731-1523 Elements (082) 490-4735 Zwartenbosch GC (042) 291-0569 Private Golf Reserve Euphoria GC (014) 743-5000 Driving Ranges Hans Merensky GC (015) 781-3931 (015) 491-5563 Harbour View D/R (084) 622-7259 Kameeldoring CC (014) 495-0026 Londt Park D/R (041) 360-8707 Koro Creek GC (012) 443-6700 Walmer Woods D/R (082) 372-8252 Legend GE Naboomspruit GC (014) 743-1963 Polokwane GC (015) 295-4118 Golf Shops Swartklip GC (014) 786-0186 The Pro Shop - PE (041) 363-0470 Univ. of Limpopo GC (015) 268-2183 Zebula CC (014) 734 7700


Golf Clubs Amorello Game Lodge (035) 562-3182 Beachwood CC (031) 564-4257 Bluff National GC (031) 467-7448 Boschoek GC (033) 234-4232 Cathedral Peak GC (036) 488-1888 Cotswold Downs GC (031) 714-4432 Durban CC (031) 313-1777 Glengarry GC (033) 701-1355 Greytown CC (033) 417-2441 Kloof CC (031) 764-0555 Ladysmith CC (036) 637-3521 Margate CC (039) 317-2340 Maritzburg GC (033) 396-5755 Mt. Edgecombe CC (031) 539-5330 Port Shepstone GC (039) 695-0141

July | August 2017

NORTH WEST Golf Clubs Klerksdorp GC Leopard Park GC Magaliespark GC Mooinooi GC Orkney GC Pecanwood CC Potchefstroom GC Rustenburg GC Sandy Lane GC Seasons Eco Golf Estate

Golf Clubs Barberton CC Belfast GC Bethal GC Delmas GC Drakenzicht Mountain Links Graceland GC Kinross GC Komatipoort GC Kriel GC Kruger Park Lodge Leopard Creek GC Lydenburg GC Nelspruit GC Middelburg CC Morgenzon GC Sabie Country Club Sabi River Sun GC Standerton GC Tweefontein GC Walker Park GC Whiteriver GC Witbank CC

(013) 712-2923 (013) 253-0981 (017) 647-3265 (013) 665-5077 (083) 708-1994 (017) 620-1188 (017) 687-0122 (082) 888-0188 (017) 617-1145 (013) 737-5000 (013) 791-2406 (013) 235-3391 (013) 744-0958 (013) 282-6176 (017) 793-3074 (013) 764-2282 (013) 737-7311 (017) 719-1123 (013) 686-9660 (074) 259-1788 (013) 751-3781 (013) 656-3109

Driving Ranges Broham D/R Riverside Golf Park

(013) 755-6156 (013) 757-0960

Golf Shops The Pro Shop Nelspruit

(013) 757-1264


(00266) 223-21164


(002646) 125-8498


THE P.G.A. of (011) 485-1370 (018) 462-6696 South Africa (018) 386-3086 (012) 207-9102 To be listed in the (014) 574-4111 (018) 473-2899 SA Golf Trader directory, (012) 244-8000 please contact (018) 293-0210 (014) 597-1814 Neville on 082 705 8764 or (012) 244-3000 Louis on 083 293 0220 or (082) 804-2780

Driving Ranges Jim & Jerrys


(012) 205-1485

the office on 086 101 9005 or Email: 79


Something Funny! Blind Golf

Stevie Wonder and Jack Nicklaus are in a bar. Nicklaus turns to Wonder and says, “How is the singing career going?” Stevie Wonder says, “Not too bad, the latest album has gone into the top 10, so all in all I think it is pretty good. By the way how is the golf.” Nicklaus replies: “Not too bad, I am not winning as much as I used to but I’m still making a bit of money. I have some problems with my swing but I think I’ve got that right now.” “I always find that when my swing goes wrong I need to stop playing for a while and think about it, then the next time I play it seems to be all right,” says Stevie. “You play golf!?” asks Jack. Stevie says, “Yes, I have been playing for years.” “But I thought you were blind; how can you play golf if you are blind?” Jack asks. “ I get my caddie to stand in the middle of the fairway and he calls to me. I listen for the sound of his voice and play the ball towards him, then when I get to where the ball lands the caddie moves to the green or further down the fairway and again I play the ball towards his voice,” explains Stevie. “But how do you putt?” Nicklaus wondered. “Well,” says Stevie, “I get my caddie to lean down in front of the hole and call to me with his head on the ground and I just play the ball to the sound of his voice.” Nicklaus says, “What is your handicap?” “Well, I play off scratch,” Stevie assures Jack. Nicklaus is incredulous and says to Stevie, “We must play a game sometime.” Wonder replies, “Well, people don’t take me seriously so I only play for money, and I never play for less than $100,000 a hole.” Nicklaus thinks it over and says, “OK, I’m up for


that. When would you like to play?” “I don’t care - any night next week is OK with me.”

Perfect Caddy The golfer called one of the caddies and said, “I want a caddie who can count and keep the score. What’s 3 and 4 and 5 add up to?” “11 sir,” said the caddie. “Good, you’ll do perfectly.”

Putt The schoolteacher was taking her first golfing lesson. “Is the word spelt p-u-t or p-u-t-t?’’ she asked the instructor. “P-u-t-t is correct,’’ he replied. “Put means to place a thing where you want it. Putt means merely a vain attempt to do the same thing.”

Mulligan So there’s this guy who golfs with his buddies every weekend, and his wife keeps bugging him to take her along and teach her to play. He finally relents, and the following Sunday finds them on the first tee. She’s never played, so he tells her to go down to the ladies tees, watch him drive, and then try to do like he did. She goes down to the reds, the guy hooks his drive, and the ball hits his wife, killing her. The police come to investigate, and the coroner says, “It’s the damnest thing I ever saw. There’s an imprint on her temple, and you can read “Titlist 1.” “That was my ball,” the guy said. “What I don’t understand,” the coroner continued, “is the one on her hip that says “Titleist 3.” “Oh,” the guy replied, “that was my mulligan.”

Answers: Ball 4, Vincent Tshabalala

July | August 2017

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