Lion Life, April 2023

Page 28

Endless Possibilities

Take me on a Magic Carpet Ride! What comes to mind when you read this? Well, when I said this to our administrative team, their smiles were wide, wondering what I was up to again. Well, in true style, Mr. Roe made sure to have the first voice to explain what he thought our Magic Carpet Ride would entail. Mr. Roe exclaimed, “If I know you well enough, which I do, you want us to think about endless possibilities.”

A journey of endless possibilities is precisely at the core of A Magic Carpet Ride. It is an opportunity for our team to reflect on the year and define the future without thinking about limitations. The beauty of Sagmont Prep is having the ability to define and evolve programming that works best for the success of all students.

The ability to change, evolve, discover, create, extend, and mobilize is essential to developing an innovative environment. We often talk about providing students with space and time to be innovative. This entails having fresh, creative insights that are valuable in shaping their future. Well, this rings true for our faculty and staff, which is why taking a journey together recently was so important. I am excited to take you on a portion of our journey looking ahead and our continuous evolution on our recent Magic Carpet Ride.

In athletics, Coach Marcey is delighted to share with you that he will spearhead Sagemont Prep's first golf tournament in October. More importantly, Coach Marcey has begun to evaluate all programs and has already started preparation to expand our girls’ athletic programming at the Lower Campus. Be on the lookout for an upcoming survey to share your voice on what you value and want to see expanded.

Our campus leaders are already working on our new Innovation Hubs. Next year you will see an expansion in our VEX Robotics ecosystem, virtual reality, and artificial reality immersive learning programs.

Our dream has been to have a dedicated curriculum voice between both campuses and guess what? Next year Ms. Yasmin, our English Instructional Team Leader and Advanced Placement faculty member, will make a transition from the classroom full-time to the role of an instructional coach. We are thrilled to enhance the curriculum alignment.

There is so much to share from our Magic Carpet Ride, so attend our end-of-year closing meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 1st.

Reflection, exploration, action, and focusing on endless opportunities for our continuous evolution are key to growth for us all. Thank you for being on this journey with us, along with faculty and staff, as we empower our students to innovate for tomorrow.

Sincerely yours in transformative educational excellence,

SageX Rocketry Team

Sagemont Preparatory Upper School

Felicia Myers, Upper School Principal

Innovative classroom practices and programs can be seen daily when walking through the halls at Sagemont Prep. From a lesson on empirical formulas and chemical compounds transformed into a crime scene investigation in Chemistry class, to a cross-curricular bottle design and launch in Middle School studio art, where students composed letters, studied ocean currents and designed bottles to launch.

During teacher workshops in August, professional development was targeted on how innovative instructional practices could be enhanced to incorporate more physical movement in the classroom, increase project-based learning opportunities and focus on student reflection. Faculty were encouraged to take ownership of their programs to create and grow engaging and rigorous learning environments that foster creativity and analytical thinking. As April draws to a close, it is evident that Sagemont Prep’s talented faculty has flourished in this initiative.

During 2022-23 academic year, we have seen the creation of the Astronaut Challenge and Rocketry Challenge, the development of the Morning Roar, a daily morning television broadcast in a newly built-out film studio, the establishment of an Innovation Hub to host drone competitions, 3-D printer studio and robotic competition fields, and the complete re-invigoration of the theatre program to host interactive productions to include 4-course dining courtesy of the Culinary Club.

Beyond programmatic shifts, daily classroom instructional practices and assessments have been enhanced. In College Algebra class, students were challenged to design a project that incorporated music as the foundation of showcasing a mathematical concept. Thomas Balding, an 11th-grade student, was inspired by this assignment to create a computer program that transformed trigonometric functions into musical notes in order to assist visually impaired students to recognize the patterns by sound since they cannot visualize the graphs. The project had a powerful impact on the class, as students not only better understood the math functions, but empathetically discovered the challenges faced by visually impaired students.

As we look forward to May, one of our Sagemont Prep Signature Programs, Week Without Walls, is making a dramatic and innovative return. To better align with our mission and educational pillars, it was essential to re-imagine the educational possibilities of taking students outside the confines of the classroom, where real-world connections could be made. From distance trips to the National Parks and the Galapagos Islands, with a focus on history and environmental science, to local trips where students will have a behind-the-scenes look at FBI investigative tools or conduct physics experiments and learn to “fly” in a wind tunnel, these hands-on learning experiences will create memories to last a lifetime.

Click here!

Prep Lower School

Sagemont Prep students are presented with innovative lessons encompassing various topics and projects that increase student engagement, creativity, and collaboration. Students continuously acquire knowledge regarding diverse fields and concepts. For Sagemont Prep, innovation means creating a learning space that helps students effectively engage with their teachers and showcase their uniqueness. Our faculty members are passionate about the subject areas, leading to the desire for students to think outside the box. Open-ended questions and discussions are encouraged and facilitated throughout the instruction. Students showcase their originality and creativity in core academics and across their special areas: Spanish, Art, Innovation Lab, Physical Education, Performing Arts, and Science. Extending learning beyond the classroom walls is an essential piece of our time together. Through our partnership with Code Ninja, we hosted our 1st Annual Night of Innovation for students and families on April 4th.

A Night of Innovation was a fun-filled and educational evening featuring over a dozen STEM stations, each with innovative tech and a Code Ninjas Sensei ready to leverage the equipment engagingly. The Code Spark station taught PK-2nd graders how to create interactive stories and games using blockbased coding. The little ones also enjoyed the Osmo station, where students used an iPad to learn coding and other skills through tactile games. The Cubelets station allowed little hands to build robots using magnetic blocks that snap together. The Vex 123 station featured a robotics kit that enabled students to build and program robots using simple commands. At the Sphero station, students of all ages learned the basics of how to program and control a ball-shaped robot while racing with their friends. The Makey Makey Kayak game was a particular hit with 3rd to 5th graders, as they paddled on inflatable kayaks while playing a video game that responded to their movements. While building structures in a virtual world, students learned about computer programming, physics, and logic at the Minecraft station. Similarly, the Scratch station had students creating interactive stories, animations, and games, while the Meowbits station allowed them to upload the games they built on a handheld gaming device!

Another crowd favorite was the Lego Robotics Rubik's Cube solver station, which dazzled children

Monica Vigna, Lower School Principal Sagemont

and parents alike as it solved a Rubik’s Cube no matter how many twists and turns they tried to stump it with! The showstopper had to be the swarm of 10 drones flying in sync with Star Wars theme music. Not only was it an impressive sight, but students also learned about the physics of flight, the technology behind drones, and how coding allowed them to communicate with each other. Overall, our 1st Annual Night of Innovation was a great success, providing parents with a glimpse into how our Code Ninjas-led Innovation Labs engage children in a fun and interactive way to foster a love for science and technology. A love that will undoubtedly develop into a valuable skill set that will serve them well in the future.

At Sagemont Prep, innovative lessons and opportunities are carefully planned to develop eco-friendly students and staff. These environmental lessons are embedded within the curriculum and special areas. Carefully crafted learning opportunities help our students learn why our environment is important and how to live sustainably. Nature is brought into the school for our students to learn, as well as outdoor field trip experiences. Empowering our students to connect with the community and nature is key.

In science, our 5th-grade students have been actively learning about living systems and how animals adapt to their environments, specifically how they use less water in areas with little fresh water. The students expanded their learning to discuss and brainstorm how humans can adapt to limited water resources on Earth. Our 5th graders provided suggestions on how the Sagemont Prep community could more effectively conserve water on campus and proposed methods for how the community of Weston could conserve water. Students researched, collaborated, and problem solved. Our 5th-grade Innovators then proceeded to present their proposals to the Environmental Club to spark ideas for a new community service project. The Environmental Club members volunteered to represent their grade level at the next club meeting to present their ideas. We are so proud of their ingenuity, research, and problem-solving skills. These young innovators firmly understood Sagemont Prep’s educational pillars and mission statement! They connected existing knowledge to unique ideas absorbed from beyond the classroom to explore imaginative ideas for change. True active agents of change!

Our Early Childhood and Kindergarten classes took the initiative to create an outdoor learning space and garden. They correlated this initiative to their Signature Projects, which relate to flowers, butterflies, bees, and their marketplace. At Sagemont Prep, parental involvement is key! The project began with families painting and personalizing their bricks at home. The beauty of this assignment was to show the uniqueness and creativity of each child. Students then placed their bricks on the designated path in their garden. The Early Childhood Team discussed the environment and brainstormed with the students about what could be added to their outdoor learning space. They added herbs, buddy benches, a picnic table, flowers, and stones. It has become an original and unique learning space for the students.

In April, Sagemont Prep's tradition allows the entire school to celebrate Earth Day through an annual Earth Day Planting Party. This eco-friendly annual family event includes our students, staff, and parents. Students bring in a variety of herbs, vegetables, and fruit plants that they will plant with their parents in a designated area at the school. This area is adopted and cared for by that specific grade level. The students will learn how to sustain a flourishing garden and observe growth. They also will engage in discussions based on problems that impact the environment and our planet. In addition, students from our Upper Campus Environmental Club will volunteer, helping to guide younger students and their parents with the planting. Once grown, the plants will be utilized for a culinary learning experience.

Nature provides countless opportunities for discovery, exploration, creativity, problem-solving, and interactions with the environment. In prekindergarten, students took an outdoor walk to think, inquire, engage, and make predictions about the size, weight, measurement, and characteristics of items such as leaves, stones, flowers, branches, twigs, caterpillars, and even an inchworm. They utilized their magnifying glasses, math counters, and metric belts. Through this hands-on experiential learning, educators touched upon numerous content standards, specifically in Math, Science, and Literacy. The students then read the book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." The students were able to make the connection between the caterpillar they saw in their nature walk and the one in the book. The students were highly motivated and engaged to participate in a scavenger hunt while doing their nature walk. While they collected items, the educators also discussed the potential items that can harm the environment, such as trash.

College Counseling

Tera Sweeting Upper School College Counselor

We look forward to the celebration of the Class of 2023 graduates as they select their right fit college.

As we gear up for the end of the school year, it is always the right time to prepare our Sagemont Prep students for their summer and fall plans. While planning and preparing, Ms. Sweeting had the pleasure of hosting the Freshmen and Sophomore Lunch and Learn College Prep sessions. The students uncovered their needs for the future, created a college pathways plan, and scheduled their individual meetings with Ms. Sweeting. In addition, they were able to work towards generating a robust summer plan to include academic offerings and community service opportunities. Sophomores created a pathway plan for Pre-College summer programs and internships. This is an excellent option for both grades seeking to stand out for their applications and beyond.

The Class of 2024 was able to participate in the annual Junior Jumpstart Prep Workshop. This is a workshop for rising seniors to research colleges, develop their resumes, register for the ACT/SAT, and begin their first draft of the college essay. This was a fantastic time delving deeper into their college search and creating their summer checklist.

There is something very special about planning for the future; whether researching colleges, scheduling classes, exploring internship opportunities, or planning one's summer, finding the right fit college takes time, and reaching May 1st comes with dedicated preparation. With this in mind, we consistently encourage students to explore their interests, develop new skills, gain hands-on experience, get a taste of college life, and try out college classes. Preparation is critical to a successful future and career, and it is never too early.

Parents, I encourage you to explore summer opportunities if you still need to do so to aid in this process. Click here for a list of options. The possibilities are endless, and together with your child, explore, as summer is a wonderful time to extend learning. If you still need to do so, please contact Ms. Sweeting to schedule your College Prep 101 meeting.


Sagemont Prep Seniors have diligently been applying for their dream universities worldwide throughout the year. In addition, seniors are continuously achieving scholastic goals beyond the classroom setting. Below is a list of colleges that our students have been accepted to. As they are rolling admissions, this list will continue to increase.

Alcorn State University

AMDA College of Performing Arts

Barry University

Beacon College

Boston College

Boston University

Binghamton University

Bryant University

Clemson University College of the Holy Cross

Columbia College

Dean College

Drew University

Edward Waters University

Eckerd College

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Emmanuel College

Fairfield University

Fairleigh Dickinson University

Flagler College

Florida A&M University

Florida Atlantic University

Florida Gulf Coast University

Florida Memorial Aviation University

Hawaii Pacific University

Howard University

Jacksonville University

Kennesaw State University

LIM College

Loyola University Maryland

Lynn University

Marist College

Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Michigan State University

New College of Florida

New York Film Academy

Nova Southeastern University

Rider University

Ringling College of Art & Design

Rollins College

Saint John's University

Saint Mary's College

Savannah College of Art and Design

Savannah State University

Seton Hall University

Spelman College

St Thomas

Stetson University

Sullivan University

SUNY Cortland

Texas A&M University

Tennessee State Univeraity

The American University of Paris

The University of Alabama

The University of Tampa

University of Albany

University of Alabama

University of Denver

University of California Riverside

University of Central Florida

University of Chicago

University of Connecticut

University Of Delaware

University of Florida

University of Maryland

University of Miami

University of Oregon

University of Saint Andrews

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Valdosta State University

Vassar College

Verto Partnerships University

Virginia Tech


School Counseling

What comes to mind when you think of the word innovation? Is it a mobile phone, the internet, a robot, or an electric car? Innovation is essential for leaders, teams, and organizations, as well as interpersonal relationships. Even though the word innovation is a hot topic, it is not something new. Not at all. Innovation is the transformation and improvement process from one thing to another, developing new ideas that change or improve a process. It's all around us, and we have been good at developing new ideas, such as fire, the wheel, steam, electricity, solar and space travel.

Most people do not link interpersonal skills with innovation. But think about it; interpersonal skills can lead to the development of an innovative skill set. By developing these skills, you can improve your ability to think and create change in your future career and personal life.

Creativity can be one of the most essential skills for developing an innovative mindset. This skill refers to our ability to create and think of original or unique ideas. Creativity can help you view topics from multiple perspectives and consider unique problem-solving approaches.

Problem-solving is another innovative skill. Problem-solving is a foundational skill that can assist in developing other skills, such as teamwork, communication, confidence, and risk identification.

Communication is an innovative skill of vital importance related to your ability to absorb information, discuss topics with others and provide clear instructions. This is an important skill, as innovation often involves teamwork and collaboration.

Identifying risk and determining its consequences is a complementary skill for critical thinking, problem-solving, and entrepreneurship. If you can identify risks and their consequences, you can create plans and processes to lessen or remove them.

Suppose something is holding your child back from acquiring innovative skills and mindset. In that case, they may be using a limiting thought pattern, often referred to by psychologists as black-andwhite thinking. This leads people to think in absolute terms, such as good or bad, right or wrong, always or never, etc. Black-and-white thinking does not allow us to find the middle ground. Thinking less rigidly will enable us to stop using all-or-nothing statements.

Problem-solving, risk-taking, communication, and creativity are essential to prepare students to be innovators. Nurturing these skill sets in school with students and at home with your children through an innovation-friendly culture and skill-enhancing activities will create a foundation for future success.

"What is now proved was once only imagined." William Blake

School Counseling

The interplay between perseverance in Innovation is undeniable. The Character Trait Word of the Month for April is Perseverance. This is defined as "following through with a task and not giving up, even when the task is difficult." Perseverance is sticking with things. It means being hardworking and finishing what is started, despite barriers and obstacles. It gives our students the confidence to overcome complex challenges, fuel them to explore new experiences, and permits them to make and learn from mistakes. [Some ideas adapted from, A Call to Character by Greer and Kohl].

Innovation requires perseverance because the process of bringing a new idea to life can be long and difficult. There will be challenges and setbacks along the way, and it takes perseverance to keep pushing through these obstacles to make the idea a reality. When we ask the students to think about the skills and attributes that contribute to Innovation, many cite besides creativity and willingness to take risks. It involves staying focused, finding solutions to a problem, and moving beyond failure by learning from it. Innovation and perseverance are two key factors that drive progress and success in any field. These traits are especially important in young students just starting to explore their passions and interests. Innovation comes in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes, it's about new, never-been-seen-before developments that change people's lives forever. On other occasions, it involves improving on what we already know.

One example of a young innovator with perseverance is Jack Andraka, who, at the age of 15, developed an early-detection test for pancreatic, ovarian, and lung cancers. He won the top prize in the 2012 Intel Science Fair for his invention. His invention was the result of perseverance and countless hours of researching and experimenting until he found a solution. Another example is Gitanjali Rao, driven by the concern about the availability of clean water, who invented a device that detects lead in water at the age of 13. She wanted to share how we can help develop science and encourage children in "STEM."

Sagemont Prep emphasizes the skills that generate innovative ability. Last month, fourth- and fifthgrade students participated in Odyssey of the Mind. This is a creative problem-solving program where team members present their solutions at a competition to a predefined long-term problem that takes many months to complete and involves writing, design, construction, and performance. For more information, go to

On the other hand, Innovation is one of the many reasons students choose to participate in science fairs yearly and reasons for teachers to mentor science fair projects every year. For instance, the State Science & Engineering Fair of Florida (SSEF) annually occurs in Lakeland, Florida. For more information, go to We encourage students to participate. Science fairs inspire authentic learning experiences in science and engineering that will help students discover their innate ability to innovate.

A student who struggles with reading and writing might develop strategies for remembering and organizing information. For example, they might create visual aids or use technology to help them take notes or complete assignments.

A student who is passionate about art might experiment with different techniques and mediums, such as painting and drawing. They might seek feedback from their peers and teachers and use this feedback to refine their skills and develop their unique style.

A student that is interested in technology might create their own website or app, using coding languages and software tools. They might seek out guidance from mentors or online resources and persevere through setbacks until they have a working product.

This school year, Sagemont Prep Environmental Club worked together to solve a problem, reducing plastic water bottles in the school cafeteria. They researched different strategies, experimented with different approaches, and found a possible solution such as boxed water and reusable water bottles.

Innovation and perseverance are essential traits in any field of study. Students have the potential to make meaningful contributions through their creativity. By embracing failure as a learning opportunity, educators can empower young students to become the next generation of innovators.



The Sagemont Prep athletic department is always looking for innovative ways to improve the experiences for our athletes and coaching staff. One of the biggest differentiators we can offer our varsity-level programs is the opportunity to train in our fitness center with an incredibly well-known and respected strength and conditioning coach. Sagemont Prep partnered with Kenney Stuppard and Talented Tenth Athletics in 2020 and we are elated to see that relationship flourish. Coach Ken is working diligently with our department to remodel and improve our fitness center to create a more efficient workspace in order to better meet the needs of our athletes. He utilizes a cutting-edge app so that both he and our athletes can monitor their progress, sleep patterns, nutrition, and more. Coach Ken is constantly looking to challenge our athletes and shock their systems with a variety of workouts as he recently trained our women’s volleyball team on the beach.

The renovation of the fitness center is in full swing as we have targeted upgraded apparatus to give the weight room a more modernized and renewed look. Our expectations are high, and visions of great but with that comes a price. With that being said, we are very proud to announce the newly formed Sagemont Prep Athletics Booster Club! The board members have been hard at work to get the club up and running in time to host our first major fundraiser…a golf tournament in October! The funds will assist with the purchase of new equipment in the fitness center as well as other improvements to our athletic facilities. For anyone interested in joining the

The vision of a champion is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when nobody else is looking

Hamm booster club, in any capacity, please be on the lookout for Mrs. Nelson's weekly Tuesday meeting as Coach Marcey will be in attendance to provide more information and details on this incredible opportunity!

Be sure to make your way to Tequesta Trace Park on May 2 and 3 to support our men’s baseball team as they look to return to the district championship to Weston!! As always, follow us on Instagram @sagemontprepathletics for full game schedules and updates on our spring sports. GO LIONS!!!

Innovation & Technology


What is Duolingo?

Duolingo is a great tech tool for learning and incorporating new languages in the classroom. Duolingo courses offer effective and efficient lessons that teach reading, listening, and speaking skills in numerous different languages. Duolingo caters to every user with personalized learning! Lessons are tailored to help everyone learn at their correct level and own pace. Duolingo makes it easy for its users to stay motivated. They allow users to form a language learning habit with game-like features and creative challenges. Duolingo allows students to have fun while learning by incorporating technology use in their apps.

Duolingo uses a gamified approach to language learning, with lessons that incorporate translating, interactive exercises, quizzes, and stories to make learning more engaging and fun. This is a great tool for students who are new to the area and may not speak English. This will also help students who wish to learn new languages reach their goals. Duolingo is a completely free app that can benefit students in the future. Effective learning does not have to be boring! Duolingo allows students to build skills each day with engaging and innovative lessons.

Technology-Rich Classrooms

Duolingo is an app any teacher, at any grade level can incorporate into their classrooms. This can help a student who possibly just moved here. This can also be beneficial to students who wish to strengthen their languages! Mr. Riel, our 5th-grade teacher, loves the Duolingo App. " Duolingo can help bridge the gap between Spanish and English. This should primarily be done in Spanish class unless an assignment incorporates any countries/cultures that might speak a different language. This could be a fun way to introduce different languages in the classroom. Could be something similar to how we use First in Math to make math more competitive and fun!" stated Mr. Riel.

Scan/Click here to download Duolingo onto your device!

A Day in the Life

At Sagemont Preparatory School, we take pride in the various efforts, achievements, and intended career fields our students intend to pursue. This month, two upperclassmen, Wade Ventura of the junior class and graduating senior, Zach Petron, alongside 10th grader Rami Shihadeh, were carefully selected for their dedication and service through the pursuit of innovative solutions in their respective areas of interest.

Medical Field Exploration with Wade Ventura: As an aspiring medical professional in anesthesiology or cardiology, Wade has greatly emphasized his mission to pre-professional success through a chosen medical track. With daily instruction dedicated to scientific inquiry and investigation, classes such as AP Chemistry and AP Biology serve him highly specialized study to define and expand the medical pathways available. Additionally, as the summer season approaches, Wade anticipates his academic program at Nova Southeastern University through the AIM Med Program to strengthen and sharpen his knowledge and experience in various medical disciplines and specialties. Outside of the classroom and academic setting, Wade Ventura serves as president of Rho Kappa and focuses on the financial principles offered through his officer position with an income of over 1,000 dollars made in fundraising for the honor society.

Theatrical Arts with Zach Petron: Beneath the light of the Sagemont Prep Arts Department lies the fundamental enrichment of the theatrical arts. Zach Petron, an incoming freshman for Fall 2023 at Florida School of the Arts, plans to pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree as he paves the path of artistic excellence throughout his career. Serving on the officer board of Sagemont Prep's chapter of the International Thespians Honor Society, as Vice President, Zach has helped organize several fundraising events and continuous publicity and recognition for the troupe. Thanks to our school’s extensive course offerings, he has been given the opportunity to display his keen interest and gain significant achievement and dedication to both Theatre and Theatre Production on a day-to-day basis. Most recently, Zach was awarded superiors at both the district and state level competition of Thespians.

Civil Engineering with Rami Shihadeh: As a 10th-grade student dedicated to continuing studying at the honors level and beyond, Rami Shihadeh intends to major in Engineering with a significant focus on the branch of Civil Engineering. Through dual mathematical instruction, Rami is on an accelerated track, two years above his initial grade level in this respective subject area. With Sagemont Prep’s strong focus on robotics in the newly developed Innovation Hub, he has demonstrated collaboration through analytic thinking and curiosity in higher level Robotics classes and the extracurricular club offered to high school students. With summer just around the corner, Rami plans to spend his summer at New York University, specializing in Engineering, by gaining valuable experience at the college level. Currently inducted into the National Honor Society, alongside several other nationally recognized societies in the subject areas of science, social studies (where he serves as Vice President), English (as relations manager), and Spanish (holding the same leadership) academic excellence and pursuit becomes a central theme in daily intellectual exploration. As the upcoming academic year approaches, selections of Advanced Placement Seminar, the first required class in the AP Capstone Diploma Program, AP English Language and Composition, Honors Calculus, and Physics all aid in broadening the scope of academic pathways and growth as Rami approaches his junior year.

SAGEMONT PREP SAGEMONT PREP Staff Spotlight Staff Spotlight


NOVA Southeastern University

Bachelor of Arts, Early Childhood Education

Curiosity is a desire to learn, and that love of learning is what I strive to cultivate daily within my classroom. I plant that little seed that will accompany them for the rest of their school life. I accomplish this by asking open-ended questions and letting them think for themselves. This allows them the opportunity to think critically and creatively while deepening the connection to the standards being taught.

I believe that by teaching my students to be good citizens and showing compassion to their peers, they will be better equipped to lead healthy and satisfying lives beyond school. My desire is that they always show kindness and have a good heart. I strongly believe that in order for students to understand this level of love and compassion, it starts with myself as the role model in my classroom environment.

H O W D O Y O U E Q U I P Y O U R S A G E M O N T P R E P S T U D E N T S T O T A C K L E T H E R E A L W O R L D ? H O W D O Y O U I G N I T E C U R I O S I T Y A T S A G E M O N T P R E P ?

SAGEMONT PREP SAGEMONT PREP Staff Spotlight Staff Spotlight


University of Central Florida Bachelor of Science, Psychology

I believe in celebrating the unique curiosities of all students. By encouraging students to ask questions and share their insights about the world around them, we will create an environment where we will all learn and grow from one another!

Students are encouraged to continue their learning outside of the classroom and relate what is being discussed to their everyday lives. Through creative and innovative real-world projects, students will develop a true understanding of the world around them.

H O W D O Y O U E Q U I P Y O U R S A G E M O N T P R E P S T U D E N T S T O T A C K L E T H E R E A L W O R L D ? H O W D O Y O U I G N I T E C U R I O S I T Y A T S A G E M O N T P R E P ?
L O W E R S C H O O L 2 N D G R A D E T E A C H E R

SAGEMONT PREP SAGEMONT PREP Staff Spotlight Staff Spotlight



Jose Maria Vargas University

Atlantic University, Colombia

Bachelor of Arts, Architecture

I am fostering curiosity in our children‘s lives by incorporating many hands-on activities to help develop all skills at this young age. I encourage my students daily to participate in class discussions about any topic by asking open-ended questions. This way, they can express their thoughts and learn from each other, day by day, and become better problem solvers and great critical thinkers!

We are immersed in real-world learning activities daily within my classroom. Students are encouraged to learn about themselves and their surroundings through various play roles and jobs. My students have been beekeepers, cashiers, store customers, managers, gardeners, and more! We also have learned how to be responsible and understand how to take care of a pet. Bringing home our stuffed dog Remi, every weekend has helped the kids how to be more responsible and better citizens in our community. The children have done many activities at school and at home to gain skills for the real world.

Ms. Teran has taught at Sagemont Prep for nine years!

H O W D O Y O U E Q U I P Y O U R S A G E M O N T P R E P S T U D E N T S T O T A C K L E T H E R E A L W O R L D ? H O W D O Y O U I G N I T E C U R I O S I T Y A T S A G E M O N T P R E P ?

SAGEMONT PREP SAGEMONT PREP Staff Spotlight Staff Spotlight



Florida International University

Bachelor of Social Work

Minor in Psychology

Florida International University

Master of Social Work

I believe igniting curiosity is one of the primary goals of a teacher. When igniting curiosity, I like to start with an open-ended question like "why." My classroom culture is set from the beginning to encourage wonder. All types of unstructured questions and answers are embraced. Curiosity can elicit all kinds of wild wonder! As well, it is so important to model the excitement of curiosity. My level of enthusiasm and engagement about a topic can truly make or break the entire trajectory of a unit. That being said, I also make sure to allow time for calm, quiet reflection.

To prepare students for the real world, I intentionally support students to connect with their own lives. When students can understand how the content relates back to their own experiences, they can generalize new skills to other areas of their lives. I also allow opportunities to infuse technology into my assignments and projects to help prepare them for the advanced technological world they are entering. I also intentionally hyperfocus on each student's potential. If students are given opportunities to visualize their own potential, they will build the confidence to reach their goals. As parents and teachers, we should focus on potential and support children to build from there. Fixating on deficits will consistently thwart growth. But the most important skills I try to impart onto my students to prepare them for the real world are persistence, grit, and flexibility. Our modern times are changing at warp speed, and students need to have the growth mindset to pivot and muscle through each new challenge. Failure is nothing more than an experience we learn from. I tell students to be proud of their failures!

H O W D O Y O U E Q U I P Y O U R S A G E M O N T P R E P S T U D E N T S T O T A C K L E T H E R E A L W O R L D ? H O W D O Y O U I G N I T E C U R I O S I T Y A T S A G E M O N T P R E P ?

SAGEMONT PREP SAGEMONT PREP Staff Spotlight Staff Spotlight



Florida International University

Bachelors of Fine Arts

Lorenzo Medici School of Fine Arts

Florence, Italy

I ignite curiosity in my classroom by introducing students to a variety of artists, art techniques, and styles. They use this knowledge as inspiration while creating their own artwork and are encouraged to explore their own creativity.

In the Art room, not only do I teach them the principles of art, but students also get to practice and fine-tune their fine motor skills. In my classroom, students practice many of life’s essential skills, including focus, patience, responsibility, determination, and collaboration. There are countless benefits of art in child development, and art continues to provide opportunities for brain development, mastery, self-esteem, and creativity at the elementary school level and beyond.

Mrs. Prieto Sanchez has participated in various exhibitions, including a juried City-Wide Art Show in Florance, Italy. Ms. Prieto Sanchez has also worked as a Technical Illustrator for five years producing reference drawings of footwear and accessories.

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Enrique José Varona. Havana, Cuba Bachelor in Fine Arts

Curiosity has always been present in my personality. It is my goal to keep my students motivated, studying, learning, and creating their own works of art. One of the most rewarding things for me as an educator is seeing them grow as future artists and being able to help them prepare to dive into the art career. I thank the Sagemont Preparatory family for their constant support so these young men and woman can fulfill their dreams one day.

We study the art of different artists from the past and compare their aesthetic and philosophical concepts with contemporary artists. This is the best way to prepare them for a future in the arts. Talent is something that is carried within; my job is just to help them develop and capture it. The arts help us grow as better human beings. It makes us more sensitive, more social, and also forges our character and our personality and gives us more confidence and security in ourselves. My role as an educator is to continue to instill best practices in all of my students so they can develop these lifelong values.

Mr Banasco’ s work can be found in private collections in Cuba, Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Belgium, Holland, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, England, the United States, and Canada

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Stony Brook University

Bachelor of Science, Marine Vertebrate Biology

Science National Honor Society Sponsor, Middle School Science Club Sponser Scuba Club Sponser, Soccer Coach

In my classroom, everyone is a scientist! I encourage my students to observe the world around them, ask questions about what they experience, and open their minds to ways they can find those answers. I ask them to look at the world with a new perspective, one that is geared towards applying known information to discovering the unknown. My students are reminded daily that every famous scientist started as a young student in a classroom just like them, curious enough to ask themself, "Why?"

I hold my students to high standards and ask them to push themselves while providing them with a safe place to make mistakes and learn. A common theme in my classroom is that "no discovery was made by getting things right the first time." The scientific process is never complete - it fails, changes, and adapts based on new information, just like the world asks of us. While they may only remember some facts I teach them about science, they will take the skills they used to plan, assess, analyze, and problem-solve and the lessons they learned from the scientific process.

H O W D O Y O U E Q U I P Y O U R S A G E M O N T P R E P S T U D E N T S T O T A C K L E T H E R E A L W O R L D ? H O W D O Y O U I G N I T E C U R I O S I T Y A T S A G E M O N T P R E P ? U P P E R S C H O O L S C I E N C E T E A C H E R , A S S I S T A N T A T H L E T I C D I R E C T O R

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State University of NY Binghamton

Bachelor of Arts

City University of NY Queens College

Master of Education

Mathematics lends itself to a natural curiosity about the world. Often students see mathematics as just answering problems on paper and following formulas. The key to accessing that natural curiosity is to tap into prior experience with counting, fractions, and algebraic and geometric thinking. Students then realize they have really been doing mathematics their whole lives, even prior to entering school When we solve problems, we connect to real-world experiences Middle schoolers may be doing surveys to acquire data, and high schoolers may be studying graphs of viruses to understand exponential growth.

My classroom is filled with manipulatives, charts, and signs that bring math to life. In a prior lesson, middle schoolers drew circles with compasses to see the connection between a circle's radius and circumference. High schoolers had to plot the Exponential Growth of Bacteria and its corresponding Logarithmic Growth. We are always drawing images, measuring and relating concepts to real-life situations. Students must develop numeracy like they develop literacy: by applying concepts to real-life situations. How do you know how much money you will have in an account earning a specific interest rate in a specific time period? This can be answered through understanding the concept of Compound Interest. When students develop these connections through a consistent application of real-life problems, they become capable of addressing issues and tackling many situations by thinking mathematically.

Our world's history is based on a consistent development of technology that has improved the quality of life and the growth of civilization. I always incorporate these ideas into mathematics instruction. Starting with ancient civilizations, there has been a community of mathematicians that have worked to solve fundamental problems and often apply the solutions to everyday life. As students think about problems and mathematical connections, they begin to see how they can participate in the future

H O W D O Y O U I G N I T E C U R I O S I T Y A T S A G E M O N T P R E P A N D E Q U I P T H E M T O T A C K L E T H E R E A L W O R L D ?
Math Club Sponser

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Columbus State University

Bachelor of Arts

Clemson University

Master of Arts

National Honor Society Sponser, National Junior Honor Society Sponser

I ignite my students’ curiosity by applying world connections in my lesson plans. I think it is extremely important for students to be able to see the value of literature and make profound observations. Once these observations are made, they can use their critical thinking skills, which translates to their writing. I firmly believe every student has the foundation to be a great writer. In order to tap into this foundation, I also apply my students’ interest to my lessons. It is very important for students to be engaged throughout my activities.

For my students to be able to tackle the real world, I offer a variety of interactive assignments. Some of these assignments include college essays, resumes, and Socratic Seminars. All of these assignments provide real-world experiences and demonstrate higher-order thinking. I ask my students to think beyond the classroom and envision a future for themselves.

H O W D O Y O U E Q U I P Y O U R S A G E M O N T P R E P S T U D E N T S T O T A C K L E T H E R E A L W O R L D ? H O W D O Y O U I G N I T E C U R I O S I T Y A T S A G E M O N T P R E P ?

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Tufts University

Bachelor of Fine Arts

School of the Museum of Fine Arts

Studio Certification

Art Club Sponser, Chess Club Sponser, & Investment Club Sponser

My operating philosophy since I began teaching has been to 'think outside the desk". Whether it is using atypical materials, producing at a larger scale, having students collaborate, working with other teachers/subjects on cross-curricular projects, or looking for unusual display opportunities outside my classroom or the arts building by going outside to the broader school campus or the community at large. Hopefully, this approach keeps things fresh and gets the students to think unconventionally about what art is, what it can be made of, and where it can be shown.

Projects I have done, like the Toy Design Workshop and, most recently, the beverage product design, show how creativity is not only applicable to the commercial/practical world but, I would argue, essential to innovation.

Mr Hemeon has taught at Sagemont Prep for 11 years! Mr Hemeon recently had his artwork displayed in the Juried Show at ArtServe in Ft Lauderdale and was featured on our Local 10 News!

H O W D O Y O U E Q U I P Y O U R S A G E M O N T P R E P S T U D E N T S T O T A C K L E T H E R E A L W O R L D ? H O W D O Y O U I G N I T E C U R I O S I T Y A T S A G E M O N T P R E P ?

Sagemont Prep Alumni Spotlight

Nicole Perez, Class of 2020

Undergraduate: NOVA Southeastern University Bachelor of Science in Marketing

Started at Sagemont Prep in 9th grade!!

Life After Sagemont:

"Since graduating from Sagemont in 2020, I started “Seemly”, my own fashion club at Nova Southeastern University. We have over 900 members, and we have been invited to important fashion events such as “Chanel Cruise 2022/2023 Fashion Show” in Miami Beach. Currently, I’m planning on pursuing a career in fashion."

How did Sagemont ignite your passions?

"My professors were always a big inspiration to me, and were always supporting me and my dreams."

Sagemont Prep Staff Inspiration:

"Yes! Ms. Yasmin inspired me to start writing.

Words of Advice:

"Create relationships with your teachers; some of them will be your biggest supporters even after graduation! Also, try to get involved in extracurriculars; sometimes doing new things will help you find what you are really passionate about."

Sagemont Prep Alumni Spotlight

Arturo Fernandez, Class of 2018

Undergraduate: University of Southern California

B.F.A., Stage Management

Arturo graduated Cum Laude in 2022 Minor in Cinematic Arts

Life After Sagemont:

"Life has been great since graduating Sagemont! I have since graduated from USC's School of Dramatic Arts Cum Laude with my BFA and Minor, where they also awarded me the James and Nony Dolittle Award based on my work while I was there. I have since successfully transitioned into Professional Stage Management, where I am currently an AGMA Stage Manager for the 4th largest opera company in the U.S., LA Opera when I am not flying around to work at other opera companies such as Opera Saratoga in New York or The Miami Classical Music Festival back in my hometown."

How did Sagemont ignite your passions?

"The great thing about Sagemont was that your individual passions were fostered both in and out of the classroom. Science, Theatre, and leadership opportunities were something I craved as a high schooler. Sagemont was a unique place in that if I was interested in exploring a passion, the school would support my endeavors in any way possible both in and out of the classroom. I took multiple AP classes in topics I specifically enjoyed learning about and participated in honor societies that advanced my love of those subjects. What I will particularly always remember is when the school supported me in the development of programs they had yet to even establish. I founded clubs and formed communities at Sagemont, such as the Gay-Straight Alliance, to support equity and diversity in the community. When I had run out of theatre courses in my senior year, they added a theatre course, directing and stage management honors, for me and one other student so we could continue pursuing a subject that interested us. They created a safe environment for me to fail, try new things, and figure out what truly interested me."

Started at Sagemont Prep in 6th grade!!

"Without a doubt, Ms. Garrard had a major impact on how I found my path, not only at Sagemont but in life. Besides the fact that she was the theatre teacher, she was someone who cared about each person and put the process of the class and the experiences of learning about theatre above the product, which still turned out fantastic because everyone was so invested in that process. I will always remember how she edited the syllabus of the middle school theatre III class so that you were required to audition in the school show. All the students in theatre III were already always a part of the show in some way, backstage and onstage, but she knew that was exactly how to get me involved too. I have been hooked ever since."

Words of Advice:

"It is difficult to say in only a few words something that will be meaningful and impactful to all students. Sagemont covers such a wide range of personalities, disciplines, and interests. I would say that you are at a point in life where you have the ability to try and fail at so many different things without repercussions. Do not squander that opportunity. There will always be someone, faculty or student, that is interested in that very thing and more than willing to explore it with you. Sagemont provides a great opportunity for you to fail in a safe environment so you can find what you enjoy."

Prep Staff Inspiration:

Conservatory of the Arts students in 6th through 12th grade will explore all aspects of the art world through intensive visual and performing arts. Through our daily Conservatory Blocks, our budding and experienced artists will select offerings that include Costume Design and Construction, Stage Make-up, Theatre Production and Design, Theatre Writers, Musical Theatre, World Drumming, Piano Ensemble, Chorus, Percussion Ensemble, Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, and Illustration. Afternoon sessions are designed to provide intensive programming in Arts Portfolio, Theatre Production, Piano Lab, Chorus, and Instrumental Ensemble. Each exciting three-week intensive will feature a showcase of visual and performing arts.

Scan to registertoday!

UPPER SCHOOL: 6TH - 12TH GRADE 2585 GLADES CIRCLE I WESTON, FL 33327 I (954) 389-2454
1570 Sagemont Way | Weston, FL33326 | | (954) 384-5454 DAY CAMPS•KINDERGARTENENRICHMENT • SPECIALTY CAMPS• EXTREME CAMPS Summer Camp at Sagemont Prep Click or scan to register!
Sagemont Preparatory Sagemont Preparatory School Resources School Resources Sagemont Prep Calendar of Events Upper School Resources Lower School Resources Stay connected! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram! @SagemontPreparatorySchool Kristin
Lion Life, Editor-in-Chief

Articles inside

Sagemont Prep Alumni Spotlight

pages 28-34

Started at Sagemont Prep in 9th grade!!

page 27


page 26


page 25


page 24


page 23


page 22


page 21


page 20


page 19


page 17

A Day in the Life

page 16

Innovation & Technology

page 15

A T H L E T I C S Athletics

page 14

School Counseling

pages 12-13

School Counseling

page 11

College Counseling

page 9

Endless Possibilities

pages 2-8

Sagemont Prep Alumni Spotlight

pages 28-34

Started at Sagemont Prep in 9th grade!!

page 27


page 26


page 25


page 24


page 23


page 22


page 21


page 20


page 19


page 17

A Day in the Life

page 16

Innovation & Technology

page 15

A T H L E T I C S Athletics

page 14

School Counseling

pages 12-13

School Counseling

page 11

College Counseling

page 9

Endless Possibilities

pages 2-8
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