SAE Institute Dubai 2019 and 2020 Graduates

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Bachel orofDesi gn

“Lear nt oLov et hePr oces s .Bei ngades i gns t udentatSAE, mademecompr ehendt hemeani ngofpr obl em s ol v i ng. That cr eat i v i t yanddes i gni smuchmor et hanj us tbeaut i f ular t , and i ti ss o muchmor easi tcanbet ar get ed atcr eat i ng t r ans f or mat i onals ol ut i ons .Thr ough ourv ar i ous br andi ng pr oj ect sandmet hodi calappr oach,i tdawneduponmemy l ov ef orcr eat i v es t r at egywi t hdes i gn. Fur t her mor e,t ol ov et he ent i r e pr oces s bef or et he f i nal ” out put .

Bachel orofFi l m

“Youcanonl ybecomet r ul yaccompl i shedatsomet hi ngyou l ove.Don’ tmakemoneyyourgoal .I nst eadpur suet het hi ngs youl ovedoi ngandt hendot hem sowel lt hatpeopl ecan’ t t aket hei reyesof fofyou. ”-MayaAngel ou”


Bachel orofFi l m

“Accept ancei sl ear ni ngt hatapar tofy our s el fi sonaut opi l ot by s omet hi ng bey ond, s omet i mes - s omet hi ng di v i ne. T wopar t s ,r es i s t ance t o change, ducki ng t he pas t , cr ouchi ng t ot he cl os es tf ut ur e,di s appoi nt i ng -atf i r s t gl ance.Onet hi r ds ,s ear chi ng connect i ons wi t h hopes t o ov er come f ear ,f i nd pr os per i t y and s eek meani ngf ul conv er s at i ons .Soonerorl̀ at er ,amagi calf or get f ul nes sof memor i es–pai nf ul ,wi ders houl der sf r om ar mor sl oos ened, car r ot enr i chedv i s i ont oy ourf i r s tmemor yandaf ut ur ef r ee f r om s oci et alnar r at i v es f or m at hi ck but t er y cr us t .And f i nal l y ,l ear ni ng t hata par tofy our s el fi son aut opi l otby s omet hi ngbey ond,s omet i mess omet hi ngdi v i ne,andt her e we go - Accept ance. St i l l wor ki ng on i t , Mut hachan ( Gr andf at her ) ,t akeabr eak.ILov ey ou3000. ”

Bachel orofDesi gn

“Thi nki ngcr eat i v el yi saf ant as t i cwayt odr i v el ogi coutofi t s owncomf or tz one. ”


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